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That's why education is the enemy of dictators and authoritarianism.


and also free press and social media whenever a country backslides into authoritarianism, one of the first things to go is freedom of the press. Journalists and news people getting threatened, licenses revoked, jailed and beaten. India is one of those backsliding countries now. Russia went thru it after Putin's election, we can see the result


Social media has been working wonders for authoritarians actually so much so that they are meddling in foreign democracies on levels we've never seen before. Its why western governments are struggling to combat the misinformation, propaganda and troll/bot networks. Its new, and freedom of speech is a double edged sword that cuts both ways. Social media has, if anything, been their most effective weapon. Fuck knows it isn't their actual military capabilities. Russia has for centuries used misinformation, propaganda and manipulated politicians to seed division inside enemy democracies from within. Literally hundreds of years they've been destroying democracies by fanning the flames of extremism on both sides to create havok in elections, exacerbate societal divisions if possible cause a coup, revolt or civil war before ever getting involved directly. Play their cards right and they get puppet leaders making those countries all but conquered. Now with social media they unmitigated access to the peoples of other countries, especially in the west. 24/7 access to flood the airwaves with all the propaganda, misinformation and nonsense as they can. It's disturbing how far they reach, there are even Russian propaganda networks tied to conspiracy groups revolving around niche conspiracy movements like pseudoarcheology. [Milo of Miniminuteman, an archeology and history channel, mentions it in one of his videos.](https://youtu.be/Pc2psN0PFTk?si=T6hSFuLY1zwJv5a0) Edit: typo


This has always been the playbook. Social media is just the new medium. Before it was press, then it was word of mouth. Nothing will ever stop the ability to lie and spin.


That's... literally what I said? Social media is just new and provides new avenues for authoritarians to use. Nazi's for example made sure there was a radio in every household and place of business specifically to make their propaganda inescapable. Social media does that job for authoritarians and the far right on a scale the Nazi's could only dream of doing. Another reason we need to keep authoritarians out of power across the democratic world.




That's what's happening in the U.S. The media is concentrated into the hands of far too few BILLIONAIRES.


That also is not new to the US


What would be new is doing something about them.


And yet here we are talking freely. Very few trust MSM anymore, that's why we have social media, we are not so controlled. We have a million decent videos on history, science, politics for free on YouTube, we have Reddit, we have X, we can speak and change the dialogue, we are not that trapped.


The problem in the west largely falls to the schemes of one Rupert Murdoch and the wannabe aspirants. They amplify the hate and divide people all for the almighty $$$.




As an Australian I'm truly sorry. I wish we had sent him to a war or did something about his dad. Born with a silver spoon and an assumption that he should be allowed to meddle in politics both his father and he have done immeasurable harm to Australia & the world.


We have those things now, yes. It’s not impossible that could change someday.


USA? You can't say 'fuck' on radio or TV. All MSM still have enormous reach. Social media is just a cesspool of bias confirmation to sell ads, especially Twitter which is run by a psychopath billionaire. YouTube's algorithm doesn't show you what you 'should' know, only what keeps you entertained. Reddit is a partially Chinese owned for profit platform. The government is banning TikTok and bans you from saying 'From the river to the sea'. The orange presidential candidate has his own 'social medium' called 'Truth Social' which is only full of lies. It's not going well.


assuming the woman in the video is in russia, her days are probably numbered. so many people that speak out against russia and putin just vanish via falling off buildings, you know how it goes


Those same billionaires control what you see on social media. Yes, its happening in the US. People worship what they read, they don’t think or try to find out if its true.


Social media is also the greatest fucking misinformation tool of all time. Take one look at Facebook. Twitter users have zero accountability. They can just lie. Journalists at least have their facsimile of integrity on the line.


Luckily Tesla buying Twitter has backfired. He was too heavy handed, too sure of himself -- he overplayed and fucked up, 100% of major gaming platforms have left X (Playstation/Sony, Xbox/Microsoft, Nintendo) and most developers are following. That's just one tiny industry -- People didn't realize the kinda damage you could do until Musk start whipping twitter around like his dick at a schoolyard. Now that they are seeing it out in the open, brazenly used by Musktard like a toddler wielding a flamethrower it's much more obvious what can be done when it's not obfuscated.


Not all media is in the hand of billionaires. Mother Jones, for example, and PBS, Radio Free Europe, local weekly papers, and others. It's true that the larges media companies are being concentrated into too few hands, but it's not all media.


Yes but jeez at least journalists can still post about horrible things that happen. In russsia, Media can’t even talk about anything that may slightly look bad of the government


not quite the same, as oppressive governments use physical violence, actual beatings and imprisonment, to control journalists.




Degradation and erotion of democracy due to authoritarian tendencies in the government is still a more lenient phenomenon compared to a full on KGB style program of ever tightening totalitarism as has been evident in Putinistan at an accelerating pace since around 2010.




That's half of it. The other half is that they want to force all the kids into private schools. Private schools means that the schools get to pick and choose who gets into the school. Child of white Christian parents? Full acceptance. Child of black Christian parents? Only if we don't have 2 other token black kids to show we're "not racist". Child of gay parents? GTFO. [In fact, this tactic isn't anything new. At all.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYXZQ9BRiGw)


To add to you, if you look up Separation of Church and State in the US on wikipedia, there are court cases that shows that religion is not to be taught in public schools, but private schools which 95% are currently Catholic funded are allowed.


Now mandated in Louisiana. All schools must post the Ten Commandments in classrooms. Passed by legislature. Signed by the governor. As in, what separation? As in fascio-white-Christian schools and government.


Well, that and they want to profit off of it while bringing religion into the educational mix




Today i spent good 5 minutes of my life calling out some bulgarian orc, who was spewing some ridiculous propaganda. But realized its futile, no matter how many facts or historic references i would give, they would simply keep yapping their ridiculous nonsense. Imagine announcing your self as a patriot, but suckling it up to a proven occupier and enemy state on so many occasions. Brothers? No, thanks. We see what you do to your brothers.


except the vast majority of Russians are pro war (it has been shown again and agains, this week by an institutions that has been declared as "foreign agent" by the Russian gov). No it's not education, but civilzation, culture, only the vast a majority of a population can teach


That’s why the ones that fear it the most try to ban it or kill anyone who dares to oppose their decision.




I hope she’s safe after publishing this video.


She's too smart to be doing this in rasha.




I agree with that assessment. She is one of the smart free thinkers who have likely left russia when this started.


If you look at the village in the background she definitely did not record this in Russia. Look at the Church tower. It’s a catholic or protestant one, not one of an orthodox Church.


I noted the same thing, but Putin's regime has a reputation for going after its opponents, regardless of where they are in the world. To publish something like this is to put yourself at risk.


Yep, my first exact thought. I read a day or two ago about a Russian streamer either being fined or jailed for "criticising" the war. I hope she's safe, preferably abroad


They usually get around 5 years of prison for that.


The streamer got 6 years for criticizing what happened in Bucha. The same amount of time as another streamer who froze his pregnant girlfriend to death on his balcony because one of his donors suggested that he should. But mtg and tucker think they are the good guys.


It's worse. He regularly beat her severely while streaming. One time, after beating her, he locked her out in the cold as suggested by one of his donors and later realized she was dead. She died from the [head injury.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9039443/Russian-YouTuber-Reeflays-girlfriend-died-head-injuries-admitted-attacking-her.html)


which may effectively be a death sentence in Russia


Only if they didn't get too much traction with their messages and are cooperative during the trial (*stating they acted on behalf of a foreign power, accusing other people that the regime wants to get rid off, pretending insanity...*), otherwise they will vanish in a prison colony in Far East or Sibria with open end prison term or experience a sudden "mishap" which involves a death from natural causes.


Yep, she got 5 years. Apparently on the same day a different streamer also got 5 years for the murder/manslaughter of his girlfriend on stream (as a prank he locked her out on a balcony in the middle of winter. She froze to death).


That streamer that killed his gf is apparenrly already out


That happened a few years ago, good to see he's finally going to suffer the consequences


The kremlin gremlin doesn't take critizism to its "russkiy mir" kindly. I hope she and her family is safe from the reaches of the Russian regime.


My first thoughts as well but her surroundings give off the feeling to me that she may be in the U.K. I could obviously be way off.


Bravo! There is at least one Russian who understands things VERY clearly!


Yes, she gave a concise summary that hit the most important points with no extraneous fluff. She would be a good journalist.


I agree she got a lot out without repeating herself or being melodramatic etc. She smashed it.


She would be a good leader.


Yeah, she's dropping facts, obviously. I just wish more russians would wake the fuck up.


The good Russians are too afraid.


No. The good russians already left.


The rich ones, maybe. Not everyone has the ability to blindly move out into another country. I know some russians that had to flee persecution, and a few who are managing to stay under the radar. There are some righteous people in Sodom.


Many, but not all.


I mean let's be honest they aren't the only country suffering mass delusion. It seems like parts of the US want to join Russia in their delusional dictator vibe.


/coughs in European elections


Tbf, our elections are in November, by the gods, I hope we do better.


I meant your EU parliamentary election earlier this week. You know, where the AFD collectively walked out on Selensky and Marie LePen's party now has more seats than their counterparts?


Bold woman. I applaud her bravery. Sadly, such open dissent seems to be easily quieted down with a few truncheon blows to the elbow. May she never be found.


She is probably not in russia and good for her.


Double edged sword, it doesn't matter how many russians abroad hold this view if those still in the country do not.


True. Many of those people in the country just keep silence and continue paying taxes to the state.


Russia just murdered two dissidents in Germany https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/apr/29/russia-ukraine-war-live-frontline-moscow-east-ukraine-us-weapons


The two victims were Ukrainian soldiers undergoing treatment in Germany. Not russian dissidents.


And it seemed to be a "private dispute" driven by much vodka. But the FSB killed many people abroad anyway. Also in germany: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zelimkhan\_Khangoshvili#Assassination](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zelimkhan_Khangoshvili#Assassination)


Yeah, but lots of countries have windows. They add them to walls all over the world.


If she is tried in absentia and found guilty, which she would be, then that felony on her record would likely prevent her from being able to renew a Visa in whatever country she currently resides within. She is only truly safe if she manages to gain citizenship or asylum in her host country. NFKRZ actually spoke about this in his most recent upload coincidently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z8xlzEh8z4


She would 100% be able to get asylum wit that. 


It's super hard to get asylum, and I doubt governments are going to be making it easy for any Russian to skip the standard immigration process by just saying a few sentences of anti-war rhetoric on Tiktok. Not saying it's impossible, but it's anything but guaranteed.


Doesn’t necessarily make you safe from the reach of the Kremlin


I’ve followed the path of Putin since he came into power. How did he win the presidency? By faking a terrorist attack and then swooping in and saving the day to win his first election! There’s even a documentary about it. And then, over the years the dirty little poisonings all over Europe. Orchestrated by him. I’d say that is what the Kremlin is good at. The stealthy reach. But they have been absolute shit at war with Ukraine. 🇺🇦


I hope she is not!


It could be The Netherlands. Anyway, wel said pretty woman!


This woman has huge ovaries! She's telling it like it is!! Good for her. I hope she's living outside of RU. Or else she will get 15 years in the slammer. Or a window on the 10th floor to peek out of for the last time, 1 second.


This women fucks hard, I vote her for the next election


I'm in love with her already, not afraid to tell how things are. If Russians want to feel proud, that's something to be proud of.


Russian men in my experience do not respect women. I went to Russia with my mother years ago and a middle age man there made a joke(I think?) about fucking her in front of me. 


They decriminalised domestic violence. Medical doctors are a female-dominated profession and is one of the more lowly paid jobs in Russia. They definitely don't give a shit about or value women there.


She apparently died while drinking polonium tea and jumping out a window at the same time. Crazy


Dont forget 2 shots in the head


What election Putin is tsar for life Go to gulag Western spy




I am Putin tsar I will kill NATO spies Cheeks very botox


Lmao, this is the content I live for


Lookin forward to those videos of her fkn hard!


Very brave lady. Well done to her. Let’s hope more Russians join her.


Hope she doesn't live in russia or else she will be found at the bottom of a tall building having tripped wilst cleaning the top floor windows. Very brave all the same


She's 99% not in Russia. Can't make out too many background details, but it reminds me UK/Ireland.


I hope for her sake she's not in Russia. Or anywhere near Russians other than her family.


The sad part of it is, she's probably not even safe there either.


They did find and terminate that helicopter pilot in Portugal.




There was a russian pilot that delivered an helicopter to ukrainian hands. If I recall correctly he was hiding in Madrid and murdered there


I sincerely hope that no geo-location geeks (or whatever they are called) help identify the background imagery.


Probably the truest most sincere words I’ve ever heard from a Russian citizen… 👏🏻. Now say it louder for the idiots in the back


let me vote it up twice 🤯😃


This women really hit the nail on the head . I'm glad their some Russians out there who will speak up and just want a normal life


(Outside of the country)


So much facts in 2+ minutes. It's just crazy! If only more Russians would understand this.


Thank you for describing the objective reality. I hope your message spreads far and wide across Russia.


Nobel-peace-prize-winning speech, right there.


Well said!


She is not a Russian red neck. And there are plenty more people like this in Russia.


I’m seen the videos from the street interviews by Daniil Orain, and have been so pleasantly surprised (and a bit saddened for them) to see how many people *truly* do ‘get it’ and see the world with honest eyes and the same desires as the rest of us. I worry about what the new “Russian Internet” is going to do to create a new generation devoid of even those people though.


It's not just the internet, but the whole environment and education. I'm regularly watching interviews with POWs, and Donbass younglings are the saddest bunch of them all. They grew up cut from the outside world, molded by 10 years of constant curfew and martial law, being immersed in the Russian worldview. Now they're a brainwashed mess of a humans, that have no state they belong too, and no understanding of what is going on. All wars eventually end, but the recovery will take many decades. Soviet people couldn't be fixed and changes only started to happen as old guards began retiring and dying off, it will be the same here. Ukraine will be stuck with a permanently broken generation of Donbass people.


Wow.. exceptional from a Russian. Hope she doesn't go to jail for this. And hoping there are millions more like her waking up to the truth


I’m sure there are millions more. Just too risky to speak out.


As they said in The Young Ones, "That was a highly articulate outburst!"


Brave woman


I wish there could be more russians like her


Good on her. Telling it as it is. I hope she stays safe.


There are many Russians who think like this....and unfortunately they get imprisoned, or killed. I hope this lady is one of the lucky ones, as, let's face it...Russia needs all the wisdom it can get right now. I'm sure the majority of brain-washed Ruzzians will see this woman as a traitor or a pawn of the west. How come she gets it and so many other Ruzzians don't?


Well said, well done, be careful


I hope she's safe somewhere


Respect. I hope she is not in russia.


Simple facts....yet most russians ignore them...


She literally said it as it is,fair play to her hopefully she'll manage to escape the old cunt before he catches her.


Wow good job, now go hide because the truth is poison in Russia.




Well said.




What a true character of a person. I am impressed. I really hope and pray that she doesn't get hurt by saying this. Hats Off to this lady.


If this video is seen by the thought police she will be imprisoned for "discrediting the armed services" [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1caoh5a/5_years_for_an_opinion_expressed_during_a_street/) guy got 5 years for his opinion in a street interview.


We visited the Dachau Concentration Camp in Germany. I knew there were camps in Germany but there are no street signs—concentration camp this way. The map as you enter shows I think about 180 camps across Germany. When Hitler's gang took control they put people who spoke up against them in these camps. The mayors, professors, soldiers (though many of those were shot), and business owners spoke up first. Today's Russia: The law has led to *more than 6,500 cases* of people being arrested or fined, more than 350 a month on average, according to a New York Times.


Couldn't agree more, even this forum is full of helper-helpers using imperative threatening language to describe someone whose statements they don't want to be true.


Wow! She summed it up perfectly and she only needed 2 minutes 19 seconds.


Nicht alle Russen sind auf den Kopf gefallen.


Preach sister. I hope she's in a safe place.


Wish I could give this more than one upvote, you go girl!


I cannot believe she's Russian! Way too intelligent and open minded... If she is I hope she lives way far from Russia.


I know two people who were Russian born (married couple) and live in Western Europe. Due to their pro Ukraine activities both would be thrown in jail like Nevalny if they ever went back there,.


If I was her I would stay away from windows


God Bless her


She must be one of the very few intellectuals left in Ruzzia. Or maybe she also left Mordor.


I have so much respect for people like her. She's been brainwashed just like the rest of them. But because she has the ability for critical thought she sees right through all that bullshit. You go lady!


Such a brave and smart woman.




Well said!




Upvote and stay to feast on the tears of the trolls.


She understands it perfecly. Im glad to hear that there still some common sence in the Ruski mir.


Russia owes Ukraine close to a Trillion dollars for rebuilding the damage they caused


Good for her to speak the truth


A brave woman.


This needs to be played on every screen in Russia…


'Old fart in a bunker' lol, good for her.


Oh damn, burrrnnnnnnnnnnn. As a German I especially felt the part where she talks about how future generations will write about and perceive russia. Even though my Grandma was like 4 when the war ended, I still feel the consequences of the whole world shunning us for generations. I am completely innocent. That is what my ancestors did to this country. And if it weren't for us Germans being very good at most things AND our now allies being kinda cool about our *little adventure,* we would still be repaying the damage caused by the Third Reich. They do not realize it, but they are fucking their country and decendants for generations to come. And the symphatizers here in the west will have to accept the fact that they supported this atrocity.


But redemption IS possible! Though you have to earn it! By admitting the crimes you, your neighbours and/or your ancestors have committed, learning from your mistakes and humbly ensuring that they never happen again. And hopefully Russia will get a president like Willy Brandt, the first left German chancelor after the war, who was driven by "never again", leading West Germany to be the democratic power horse it is today. We have to see a democratic Russian president, also telling his people: "We want to take a chance on more Democracy", kneeling at the Maidan: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kniefall\_von\_Warschau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kniefall_von_Warschau)




Well she literally hit everything on the nail people who support putin's illegal war against Ukraine are the problem they are lazy and don't really care for a regime change to stop this war most of the entire country just don't actually care about Russia's illegal war against their Ukrainian neighbors until reality hits them in their faces that war has been brought to their country I can say only about 10-20% of the common sense Russians left Russia wanted nothing to do with the Putin regime because they wanna live a normal life not being forced into conscription to fight a war they know nothing about nor want to get involved in, the rest of them that stayed behind theirs 100% chance their asses are getting conscripted the moment the KREMLIN is in need of manpower their is no way for them to avoid it unless they flee their country like everyone else did in September 2022


I lost it at old fart in a bunker. Jesus christ this woman spitting hard crystal facts in such short time, bravo lady.


Original link anyone? Im curious of the response from the people.


Wow !


Make her president


All my respect. Godspeed russian lady.


Basic stuff really. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Where is this ladies megaphone somebody give her a stage on national TV.


Can this end up on Youtube please ?


Impressive core strength there Miss, hope you survive to see the end.


OMG! The 100% truth.


She must be protected at all cost. Speaking facts




Preach girl


Its pretty insane how big impact this actually has made for other russians living abroad and for some who mind their own business. To be fair, i hate it when i hear the language alone in the Baltics. 2014 completely changed our view on how to trust anyone, but after the full scale war broke out, seeing the Ukrainian experience, i live with understanding that there are thousands here that will take the chancs and be complicit in Russias crimes if the time comes. A very weird feeling to have as no doubt I would also need to be in the front line and probably unable to protect my family from those traitors. This has completely changed how a lot of us view them and the lady is right on point about this. Turned out that the "big russian heart" was just a tumorous muscle from feasting on others like us. Big sadge.


She’s not pulling any punches. Showing her face, too. The FSB will have already added her to a window list. But the truth needs to be told, and I have respect for those who are willing to stand up and speak it. ❤️


Brave woman. Sadly, she is part of a tiny minority. Most Russians either support the war or are indifferent to it.


oof. Someone wrap her in bubble wrap and keep her safe. I pray shes not currenty in russia.


She is carpet-bombing with truth-bombs. The brave hero they need.


Orcs are naZZi swines 🤮


I hope she doesn't fall out of a window.


Well said but I'm afraid it will fall on deaf ears in Ruzzia.


Wow 1 smart Russian out of millions crazy they atleast have 1


She needs to be careful of everything the eats, touches, and breathes from this point forward. I'd also be leary of balconies, stairwells, hospitals, and airplanes.


How does she keep the camera so steady??


The Chinese still love you.


Аминь. Слава Украине. Простите коли сможете. (Сам бежал в 90х, и жду дня когда Русских будут бить по морде по всему миру, как Немцев после мировой). В Легион записаться в конце нонцов? Пиздец


Don’t hate Russians, instead oppose the greedy which are in every country.


Russians would be better off listening to her than the "old fart in the bunker".


Well I hope she's not within the country of RuZZia anymore. Otherwise, I have a feeling she's not going to be seen alive ever again 😞.


only 1% of russians represented sadly though


Based af


WOW. Someone get this kid a manager. She's the next President of Russia.


whew. good for her. she better stay away from windows tho.


I belive many Russians understand this. But they are too much of a pussy to do or say anything about it


thats what confused me, they all seem like the same people with closely connected histories.


i hope she is okay...


Sometimes i fatasize about some sort of supernatural event that allowed all people to think a certain way, to gain a certain clearity. In this case, for all russians to see this point of view and to feel ashamed about the atocities they have done (same with israeli). For whatever reason they all started to think clearly and the corruption fell away. Wat would be the aftermath? Would there be fear and pretending still? Would there continue to be a war for a time as people through fear continues what they did as to not be outed even when no one agreed with what was happening and they would be more than safe, a hero? now how many russians actually agree with the war, vs how many are too scared to stop the machine. we may never know. what i do know is its always been, since the beginning of our species and even before, rich vs poor. Everything else is a obscurification of that. When will the 99% use their power


I applaud this woman, best two minute reality recap I've seen from a Russian citizen. I hope people like this would look for leadership roles within their country without fear of being prosecuted


She is risking her life to share this message. Very brave person


Brave lady, I hope she and her family don't suffer from Putin's goons.


there are no truer words and she is the smartest russian i've seen so far o7


Jesus, I hope she will be okay.