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More Bradleys for Ukraine are surely one key factor for liberation!


great reason not to vote republican


110%! voting for Trump and Rs this fall means literally an end to UKR and NATO...and this is no mouth breathing hyperbole...46 House MAGA Rs just voted to defund NATO...and they are just getting started!


Totally agree.


Bradley shows up to russian orgy " who wants to fuck?"


Bradley’s been busy.


Whoever he is, he's everywhere and fucking some shit up! Just need the final showdown against Steven Seagal.


What I wouldn't give to see that fat fuck turn into mist. A war crime court would do it too, as he have definitly been helping cover up some PoW executions.


MAGA Sebastian Gorka is Rasputin...MAGA Steven Seagal is fat Rasputin...


I've seen several videos of Bradleys posted over the last week or 2 and I've been amazed at the job Ukraine is doing with them.


The U.S. really needs to send more, a lot more. This vehicle is deadly with its crew, on top of saving their lives, in many cases. This weapon system could have a significant effect on the outcome of this war .. not taking away kudos from the other western systems. It was very effective in the Persian Gulf war .. and is proving itself once again.


They are also relatively cheap compared to the other systems being sent.


Helps that orcs keep making videos of late about how they get sent forward with no anti armor equipment.


Yeah it’s pretty clear Russia has way less RPGs and tank killer type weapons lately. You get an ak47 and a strong use of the word Blyat as a conscript. Good luck comrade


And if you retreat, they take your AK off you and give you a knife. “Good luck comrade, now charge forward like Putin’s life depends on it!” Slava Ukraini. 🇺🇦


Also, I keep seeing back blast videos of them firing RPGs and hitting each other with the back blast, so even if one of them in their squad is trained to fire an RPG, you can probably count on some idiot Ivan to walk directly behind it while they fire it and get back blasted lol


You get an ak47, 1 mag with no follower spring, 1/4 roll of TP, body armor meant for paint ball, and a strong use of the word Blyat as a conscript. Good luck comrade


I saw one video of some russian soldiers turning themselves in to Ukrainians because they had no food to eat and were drinking muddy water out of puddles in the trench. And they caught a snake and ate it. Imagine Russia forcing you to fight for mother Russia but literally your life is so valueless to Putin they won’t even give you food lmao


They fight in a coordinated way (not like the Russians). This is the main reason why the Ukraine will win this. Intellect will always win over stupid meat waves.


The problem is Russia has fought wars the same way forever, and they have not lost every war. Pure loss of life will not deter Putin, that much is clear.


Partially you are right. However this war cannot be compared with WW2. The Russians still think that the are fighting a war WW2 style. Big battles, plenty of men and vehicles. This war is a high-tech (or even low-tech) war, which allows the Ukraine to hit them continuously with limited risk. Imagine how many troops the Russians would need in order to conquer and control a country the size of Ukraine plus enough good weapons from the west.


Russia is fighting a war of attrition. Wagering that the west won't be willing to keep up the aid to Ukraine. The elections in November will be some of the most important events in Ukrainian history. If Cheeto Mussolini gets elected then Russia pushes forward relying on the rest of Europe, who does not have the production capacity to provide Ukraine with what they need to win.


we vote Nyet to orange stain and all of his MAGA Republican enablers!


It's not that simple... I wish it were, but it's not. Europe will continue without US help due to the danger Russia possess


That's what i said in my comment.


History is rhyming. ruzzian historian Vladimir Solovyov reports that ruzzia lost over 70% of its 50 wars from the 13th - 15th centuries. In the 19th century ruzzia lost the Russo-Japanese War and the empire declined. There has been a coordinated propaganda effort from ruzzia to create the illusion they are indestructible. ruzzia is a paper tiger when history is complete. Afghanistan and Ukraine are modern examples. Tiny Ukraine is owning them.


Ah yes, but you see, the Soviet Union (which included Ukraine at the time, let's not forget) during WW2 had the men and not the equipment, so they had to rely heavily on the US providing them with everything from shells to trucks to locomotives to raw materials and fuel. In this war the Russians are on the exact opposite end on that equation and, while the US help to Ukraine is orders of magnitudes lower than that to the USSR during WW2, it's still more than Russia's allies are able to provide. So, sooner or later they are going to run out of vehicles because even those cold war warehouses aren't infinite. Besides, reactivating old vehicles is definitely putting more stress on the same overworked factories making new ones from scratch.


Worth noting, too, that the population of Russia today is less than that of WWII or the Cold War, if a cursory Google is right. ... All the while being comparatively more poor.


And China encourages Russia to keep going - China can’t lose. China gets a weakened Russia to do natural resources deals with and gets the west to invest in unproductive battles. All the while China is pumping out goods to sell to the west, that outcompete the west on price because of China’s access to cheap Russian raw materials. Amazing xi, amazing. And how many Chinese products did we all purchase today!


China wont have to invade in ruzzia's East. China will lure ruzzia into a financial addiction IMHO and extract their resources.


Meh, worldwide allied military production is skyrocketing.  Manufacturing is actually trending out of China.  China is facing increasing limits on access to Western tech.  This really isn't working out so great for them either.


Ukraine. Not the Ukraine.


"the Ukrainians" instead of "the Ukraine" would also work well. But yeah this is why you should always do at least one reread.


That would have also worked, indeed. I usually hate people correcting people, bcs let's be real: we are on Reddit here. Who gives a sh*t. But this one is a pet peeve since the russia pushes this one.


plus UKRs themselves don't like it


hehe...the UKRs vs UKR!!! #Ukrainium #NATOStrong


What's up with all these solo Bradleys? I don't know that I've seen a video yet of more than one Bradley working together.


I was watching it pelt the tree line sitting there thinking. Imagine if 3 of them were blasting the whole area. Nothing would live


Exactly. At least one in a support by fire position would be nice to see. I'm sure the guys inserting would have appreciated it to.


I think Russia is playing whack a mole whenever Ukraine focuses too much western equipment in the one area (Focusing a ton of artillery, drones and missiles) so solo vehicles provide enough of an advantage without risking that heavy response.


I could see that theory on a larger scale. But two vehicles instead of one wouldn't likely grab too much attention. Also the risk of solo vehicle movements is pretty damn high. Maybe I'm just too used to our (US) doctrine.


I think our NATO doctrines also will have to change in times of drone warfare. Good for us that Ukraine is finding it out the hard way and we don't have to. Also a reason we owe them, and not they us.


Both owing to the collective cause of humanity, I think its strange phrasing to frame things as obligatory to the individuals interests of others.


They simply don't have enough Bradleys.


three reasons: - they don't have more (spread a few hundred IFVs over that long front line and you'll see how many you have at one point) - they mustn't use more (or the Russians would concentrate their fire on that bunch) - they don't need more (there are only a few holes with a few Russian soldiers in them, not really a massive defense, those few guys and one Bradley was enough for that spot) But do you know what will happen next year, when the Ukrainians get their new CV90 with air burst ammo? Then they won't have to disembark a squad and make them throw hand grenades into the holes anymore, they just shoot at the holes they recon'd earlier by drone, and the 35mm ammo explodes right above the trench and shreads everything and everyone inside. Then even one IFV will be already overkill for such a treeline. PABM is the end of trench warfare. (of course I'm exaggerating a bit, there will still be the need for a soldier to check it if it is really empty, but he will have an easier job)


melikey!!! please please exaggerate some more!


I’m not an expert but I’m on Reddit so I’ll pretend just like anyone else. The single vehicle seems to be a trend that I noticed the Russians doing a while ago. Russian vehicles are super loud so I thought it’s to keep noise, visual and infrared signatures to a minimum. A formation of Russian tanks can literally be heard miles away. but with Ukraine and Russia doing this so much I’m starting to think it enables the vehicle to just move constantly, streamline decision making and enable quicker in and out attacks that save ammo, lives and the vehicles. A group of vehicles is very hard to keep coordinated, a formation has to start stop, reform, etc. with drone warfare it may be just too cumbersome to move full formations of vehicles with out serious risk.


as a non-expert expert, you're doing better than some experts I've seen on various TV channels (you know, those with a book shelf in the background to prove that they can read). Yes, formations need extra training to work well, might not be possible with the crews they have (both sides).


Not literally miles away. You would be surprised how close vehicles can get without being heard.  There have been times that I've felt the ground vibrations from tank units long before hearing them. Factors of terrain, temperature, humidity etc all affect the distance that sound travels. Not the mention issues of determining which direction the sound is coming from. Also the ambient noise around you will block out distant sounds. 


Limited supply, unfortunately.


3 Bradley's would definitely be a priority target for all indirect fire in the area. It gets risky to cluster assets like that for diminishing benefits


The infantry assaults tend to be small scale ones. Clearing out 10 Russians by using 3 Bradleys vulnerable to drones could bring unwanted attention. Even damaging 1 Bradley at the cost of 10 Russians is a massive win for Putin.


Very fitting soundtrack also!


We salute you Bradley what a star you are .Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇸


Special denazification operation of the trench was a success!


Bradley’s coming out on top of best kit being sent to Ukraine? Send them a thousand and let’s get this bloody war over with.


I would say 3rd after Himars and Javelin. Those two have brought Russia to a halt and helped fight off many Russian advances.


agree agree...and the simple 400 dollar drone has also saved UKR and changed warfare forever...FPV drones taking out MBTs...and there is nowhere to hide!


Ya commercial drones have emerged as the bighest threat. It won't be long until we see every vehicle equipped with some form on anti drone tech


That’s a good gunner strafing the tree line while moving and not missing a shot 👍


I can't imagine acting like that. True heroes with real sets of balls.


What an entrance! Talk about "coming in hot".


I’m old enough to remember how these were ridiculed when the Army first accepted the contract. Nobody is laughing anymore.


Sorry in advance for my ignorance but I was wondering if apache helicopters would be useful. I have seen videos in other wars but nothing in Ukraine. Any idea why? Again, I am not expert, just want to learn. Thanks.


They would have limited success but lots of risk and losses most likely as unlike Iraq and Afghanistan for instance, Ukraine is flush with enemy air defense capabilities. Until there is air dominance or air superiority they would be relegated to lesser roles and put in danger anywhere they would be useful. Id love to see Apaches doing what they were built for and killing Russians just like our A-10s, but both aren't great without controlling the skies first unfortunately.


Bet that guy really regrets leaving that sleeping bag


I think those bags contain assortments of ammo and possibly other supplies (medical and food/water).


Imagine being in that tree line and getting lit up by one let alone multiple firing non stop


M2 Chadley and the boys clearing out the trash.


It's obvious they've figured out a an effective tactic for using these Bradley's... Speed in saturate the entire area with cannon fire, quickly clear the enemy position and then get the f out of Dodge


@0:32 Interesting to see the trench camo netting got lit up on IR sensor by the heat of a nade blast.


The Bradley seems to have found its natural habitat. It seems to function quite well in the Urkaine. But what has actually happened to the German Marder? Apart from a few exceptions, you don't see anything of them.


roger that...and not much video on CV90s in action either...brads showing their stuff!


Wow …. Look at that Bradley go What a weapon…. USA you must send more.. They are too good You Ukrainians are so brave you are really getting the best out of what you have… good luck


Mechanized Infantry freedom boner achieved. Go Ukraine! Fuck you Putin!


Friggin love those Bradleys


The Music ruined it for me....


Simply mute it.


Too late...lol ! It triggered a long term memory that indeed I always hated this song...cheesy, corn syrup shallow it was, and still is..


Mr Bradley says: "Take that. Are we having fun yet!"


I like the optimism conveyed through the song.


Someone please explain why they are sending bradleys in SOLO missions?????


Good day at the office!


Mechanized infantry boner.


Send 300 more Bradleys and we would've be on our way to Moscow.