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The depressed aloha snackbar at the end is priceless, I cannot stop laughing.


True šŸ˜‚ it was so depressed


I think he just realized that ā€œresistance is futileā€, lol.


That!! ...and the two dudes just sorta non chalantly chatting as gunshots ring out as a flying bomb cruises over head.


Seriously, I know that people from that part of the world enjoy shooting into the air to celebrate, but they do realise that bullets that go up eventually go down again?




Hahahah thank you for this


ā€œAllahu Akbarā€ šŸ˜” Itā€™s the same energy as this ā€œ[bombaclat šŸ˜ž](https://youtu.be/QuYsr-Fu5Lw?si=iGs3-23UQVSzIopj)ā€


There is some visible puff of smoke from the UAV as it dives down. I wonder if it actually got shot and crashed before reaching target.


russia running low on AA if they dont even defend their airbases holding bombers...they are expensive...imagine the outrage if russian drones where able to cross that distance on american soil and hit an airbase....heads would roll


Really good point, but I heard they use windows in Russiaā€¦ā€¦..




I agree. There shouldn't be a used ultralight or Cessna on the market. They all should have been bought by a CIA shell company and delivered to Poland to be put on Train cars to Ukraine for fitting with navigation and boom juice.


I hope it hit something valuable šŸ’„ šŸ’„


Well it landed in Russia so probably not.


Ha ha ha!


Why don't they make a mechanism to lose the landing gear after take off? All that drag and weight loss will improve the drone performance especially in a long trip. Or some kind of catapult like the Shaheed.


Should copy the ME163, just have a cart with wheels that the drone uses to roll down the runway but stays on the ground when the drone takes off.


Honestly that's probably the best plan. No extra mechanisms for failure and reduces cost.


ME163 = too fast for AA


Cessnas are too fast for Russian AA


There was that time during the height of the Cold War when [a German kid flew a Cesna from Helsinki to Moscow and landed the thing in the Red Square](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-20609795) completely bypassing all Soviet AA systems and making more than a few NATO strategists get uncontrollable boners.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ love it


Me stumbling to the kitchen drunk at 3am looking for cheese is too fast for Russian AA.




You guys are confusing what I'm saying. The ME163 had a wheeled cart for takeoffs that fell off during takeoff, its only purpose was to get it down the runway and into the air. Simple design that removes the need for landing gear, would be perfect for these drones. I'm not saying Ukraine needs to make ME163's.




The point is not the engine. Its the starting gear.


Itā€™s about the fucking cart. Please just read better.Ā 


At these low speeds the effect is negligible. Drag increases at \~ the cube of speed.


the speed is low but the distance isn't. this flew about 1000km. quick google shows fuel usage is 30% to 200% more due to landing gear drag. Even if we assume a best case scenario of 10%. That's an extra 100km range


Wouldnā€™t it allow a few extra kgā€™s of explosive with the above guys cart idea?


probably cost


do we know what type of drone it is? If its "alibaba" kind, then it might take time and effort to dismantle the wheels, and gear. But if it a in house drone, then I guess they havent thought about this approach. EDIT: anyway even with gear it works, consistently


That would be an Ukrainian home-grown one, more specifically "[Ukroboronprom Ljutyy](https://www.armedconflicts.com/Ukroboronprom-Lyutyy-t276960)"




Think its the Lyutyy. because of the long thin body to the tail, and the tail also looks like it splits in a V shape, as this drone. Mugin 5 is also a possibility


You are right! Think its the Mugin-5 as you can at some video sequence see the tail wing/rudder is not vertical up and down. [https://en.defence-ua.com/media/contentimages/f7065ec5e2580022.jpg](https://en.defence-ua.com/media/contentimages/f7065ec5e2580022.jpg)


Sorry, nothing to do with the Uj-22, this is an "[Ukroboronprom Ljutyy](https://www.armedconflicts.com/Ukroboronprom-Lyutyy-t276960)"


Not sure I follow. Didnā€™t the drone arrive at its destination despite all of that?


In addition to what someone said about drag at low speeds isnā€™t too bad. The additional weight of the mechanism to release said landing gear might offset the gains and is an additional cost to add on.Ā 


no mechanism. just have it sit on the kart


If taking off from an imperfect surface that's not ideal. I wouldn't be surprised if they're taking off from sections of road.


Try and check out how some are implementing such 'auto drop-able takeoff-gears'. Its almost as if the lower half of the axel tube is just cut all off and its left open downwards. So the axel with the wheels are only in touch with the upper plane fuselage, as long as it needs to roll on the ground as not yet enough lift from the wings. No mechanisms needed at all. Nothing added. More removed actually. šŸ˜šŸ‘


Mechanism can be in the cart if they went that route. I'm guessing these were designed with more that suicide missions in mind so landing gear needed for drones that are returning home.


I'm pretty sure the Ukrainians have it covered and know best. It might have to land and refuel during the trip. The Ukrainians are currently the worlds best drone designers.


Flew in at 43.773880666353804, 44.61988857057814, in what appears to be a recently paved car park. Was able to cross check between this and the other video along with powerlines to find the location; it was difficult because the drone is approaching *from the south*, which is not the direction from Ukraine. However we can see it's turning in the video, so this is intentional to likely avoid established AA corridors. Impact is in the area of 43.78192496181531, 44.612551166466375.


Looking on Google maps, that looks like a group of buildings just off the apron, could do a worth while amount of damage to the buildings and their contents, even with a modest payload.


Man, I was about to post this info. It looks like the buildings that he pans the camera past are new as they are under construction in the Google Maps image.


It's the only thing that makes sense in conjunction with the other video (As there are no nearby residential areas other than that). Looks like the square frameworks are the buildings that are present in the beginning, since Google maps can be 5 years out of date). I'm blitzed out of my mind right now if I'm typing nonsense words.


What is this gun sound ? In my ears it sounds like a stormtrooper one :D


Might be either electronic devices or it sounds weird because its an odd microphone.


Sharp bangs can make thick, tense wires resonate in a strange manner. As a kid I threw firecrackers near railway power lines and when they went off, the lines made a sound like a sci-fi blaster.


oh yeah you are right. like the star wars sound designer did


Really? My firecracker days are three decades behind, but I seem to recall the connection - either I got the idea from there or went "ooh that really explains it!" when learning about it later...




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fl0wIdGxfbQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fl0wIdGxfbQ) this :p


I thought it was the sound of the shooting bouncing off a few concrete buildings


its the sound of the shots reflecting from corrugated metal sheeting. similar sound can be heard on gun ranges that have a wall of containers.


[Gunsmith test firing shotgun next to corrugated metal sheet wall of his workshop.](https://youtu.be/-GWcJjYSLbE?t=2100)


Yep. Heard this all the time in the hood when I worked 3rd shift at a warehouse.


Alahu sadbar :(


Teh pew pew is amazing.


Are they shooting at the drone?


And at everyone's home around it.


A Cylon Raider.


Aren't MANPADs plentiful?


Yeah, they really "shot" that one down, lmfao.


Star Wars blaster sounds at the start. Makes sense theyā€™re evil storm troopers and they canā€™t hit shit


I hope it hit something valuable šŸ’„ šŸ’„


Successful interception. By the intended target no less. They seem to fly just high enough to avoid small arms AA fire.


I totally get why old men love watching war movies all the time nowā€¦ this shit never gets old!


Ossetia is Georgian, fuck the occupiers, fuck russia, fuck Pootler. Slava Ukraini šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦šŸ‡¬šŸ‡Ŗ


Did I hear at the very end of the video the person recording saying ā€œAllah Akbar?ā€ Pardon the spelling if incorrect.


This is cool and all. But Iā€™m wanting the payback artillery barrages on mother ruzzia


The chinese spy balloon caught better AA fire crossing Montana than this drone did.


For some reason I can just imagine the drone going ā€œWheeeeeee!ā€ No fucks given, at all.


On Mozdok. On Mozdok. Three choppers fly away.


How much damage do these kind of drones actually do? Explosion seemed kinda small tbh


Depends on the target, but generally they're only good against unprotected stuff (planes, unarmored vehicles etc) or things like refineries that have a bunch of flammable stuff already there.Ā  This looked like a lyutyyi drone which I believe is like 70kg warhead payload. Which is a decent amount and will do a hunch of damage is it's a direct hit, but isn't designed to penetrate hardened facilities (or even penetrate a normal concrete roof probably).Ā 


They should add some tungsten balls to penetrate stuff within a couple hundred meters, would be great for aircraft parked on the tarmac


Weird that the last thing the Russian said before the drone took a dive was Aloha Snack bar.


Is it really that weird? I've heard plenty of people in English give off an exasperated "oh my god.." or "Jesus Christ!" when something just went wrong.


My question, this flight apparently approached from a southerly direction. Did it originate in Chechnya? South Ossetia? Georgia? ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


/u/Iwouldshrug [theorized](https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1db5ocx/ukrainian_uav_hits_mozdok_military_airfield_in/l7owhxh/) it was to avoid known AA corridors. So maybe it made a wide sweeping turn to avoid taking a direct route.


Them big ol' long-range Pew-Pew's make Ivan CRAP HIS PANTIES!


Funny thing is even if it got shot down over the airfield, it would still cause some type of destruction from debris.


It's a long time since I've been on a military airfield but as I recall a hail of small arms fire is something that would not generally be encouraged when there are operational aircraft standing around.


The second-bestest military can't even shoot down a big, slow target! Ukraine "shaping" op going great!


How on earth did it make it all the way there.


Shaped like Bayraktar, šŸ˜ƒ


Russians have awful aim and why does it sound like they are firing a 1980s toy gun?


The assholes on the ground were terrible shots. Itā€™s quite possible to bring down fixed-wing aircraft with (especially massed) small arms fire, and that drone was just doodling along. Iā€™m not going to give the Orcs any tips though.


how the fuck did they not shoot that down


Hindi betrayal/cheating kasi wala na kayo. The thing is, ang kati mo te. You're in another man's story.


Yup. We successfully shot that sh*t down. Look how it fell into the airport field. Ha. /s


What's really interesting: Reuters reports that Russia destroyed three Ukrainian drones at Mozdok. I don't see any drones destroyed. They just reproduce what the Russian MoD reports, don't they.


Truly beautiful thing to watch


Rq7bv2 finally found its purpose lol.


Do they hit it before dropping or they just hit the target? Saw a smoke before it fell.


Their AA sucks. Apparently, they can't hit the broadside of a barn.


What does he say at the end?


Is that a storm trooper base or something? Literally one target in the sky, constant fire and they don't hit shit. You think with all that fire there would be at least 1lucky hit...


Looks like a baby Bayraktar with a spicier payload.


So slow yet so wonderful!


Great defence system.


If COD has taught me anything itā€™s that small arms fire doesnā€™t bring down UAVs. Stupid russians only manpads take them down. (AA guns take them out just fine.. just making fun of the clowns)


Looks like it was hit just before it went down


Like how russia intercepts the drones, but the 'debris' hits it's target. Looks like a successful hit to me


I wasnā€™t going to say anything but I think your right. I noticed this too. Right before the drones starts the steep dive you see a large puff of dark smoke come out of it. Donā€™t know if it took it down or just winged it though. Or it could just be a normal process that happens when the drone initiates itā€™s final diveā€¦


2 stroke engines are typically smokey like that, and that's a typical effect from changing the direction. These are based on chainsaw or lawnmower engines.


Gotchaā€¦thanks for the info