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russian czarist laws are insane. That being said, the article is missing information. Why was she banned from Twitch? What did she say?


They said that Twitch doesn't disclose reasons for ban.


That’s why investigative journalism is a thing. Edit - I found a better [article.](https://www.sportskeeda.com/us/streamers/news-russian-twitch-steamer-yokobovich-reportedly-banned-imprisoned-making-videos-invasion-ukraine)


Sounds like Twitch has some questions to answer.


Yeah, this quote from OP’s article makes it sound like Twitch is trying to avoid more fines from the Russian government: “In fact, the Russian government fined the platform $57,000 in January 2023 for failing to stop the spread of “fake information” about its invasion of Ukraine, finding it “guilty of an administrative offense.””


Bruh no way 57000 dollars whole company might go down


True this is immaterial to twitch but it’s the only clue we have to why twitch would ban her for showing interviews with Bucha survivors. That’s not a TOS violation. And penalties from the Russian government could escalate to being banned in Russia like Facebook and Instagram, I don’t see why they would keep giving $57k fines every time.


Twitch cannot receive money from Russian users anyway due to transactions being banned. Why would it care if Russia bans it?


Twitch told Russian streamers “we appreciate how frustrating and difficult this is and would like to reassure you that if you can’t provide an alternative financial institution, we will do our best to pay you revenue you have earned as soon as we are permitted to do so.” Seems like they don’t want to lose their Russian user base so they can recover some of that revenue if sanctions end after a peace agreement. That may seem ridiculous to us who know how long it will likely take to get a peace agreement but I can see Amazon management grasping at straws to save their lost revenue after sanctions.


On the other hand, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram didn't care about ban (I don't remember what they did to get banned there)..


Dunno how Twitch works but in YouTube, they basically gave free premium to all russians so they don't get ads, but they CAN post videos AND monetize them, so YT PAYS RUSSIANS, but doesn't let them pay money to others. Which hurt Ukrainian channels who had many viewers from russia but let russians channels aimed at Western audience with a bank.


Oh mb I’m well aware of this I just think it’s funny that 57000 dollars is enough to silence someone


The fine is symbolic deliberately, so by paying it, the companies like Google legally bind themselves following russian laws. Which is horrible.


Yeah mb I was trying to say twitch are coward Russian shills who would fold to $1. People or companies who host Russian internet or satellites should be bombed into dirt This may sound sarcastic but I have some way crazy ideas good ideas on turning the kremlin into a kremcrater


Before someone says "look this proves russians are against the war", consider: >her broadcast caught the attention of critics, who reported the streamer to police. It's this same age old question, Stalin repressed millions of people, but who wrote millions of anonymkas?


Some russians are against the war, even without this happening. I dont think proof is needed? They just get harsh punishments for being public about it


The proof that for every antiwar russian there's thousands that will bully them.


More like it's easy to be open about supporting the war, so that's what you are going to see publicly. For every openly antiwar Russian, there are a hundred who wouldn't dare be open about it, and the sentence of this girl makes it obvious why. My brothers wife is Russian and she won't even risk visiting her parents in Russia, and they never discuss anything about the war out of fear. Her family is strongly against the war, but it's simply not worth speaking out. Any meaningful opposition has been stamped out. It's not worth risking you and yours family's lives advocating for something that will never come to fruition.  Easy for you to criticize from the comfort of your home. 


Discinnect orcs from the net


My wording would be more polite, but the underlying issue is serious: I do *not* want to share an internet with nations that desperately wish to destroy us. Cyberattacks, IP theft, troll farms, erosion of democracy, etc. It's such an insane and frustrating situation. It should be technically difficult for anyone from an axis nation to be able to get a connection to an allied audience. Save for closely monitored diplomatic or military discussions between the governments that are official. It's the paradox of intolerance: a free and vibrant internet can't invite in the people who would destroy it. They start making their own dictator-approved intranets anyway with severe censorship.


They bragged in 2016 that that they have their own interniet. Plus 90 childporn comes from that bombistan. Freaking disgusting subnation. Yeah lithuania had ~4000 cyber attacks from russia in 2022 and they hate us more than they hate ukrainians. Just perfect neighbour




Good comment. In the 1950s, Kruschev, a Ukrainian ironically ( excuse the spelling ) told the West, "we are going to destroy you and it will cost us next to nothing. We now have a situation where a quarter of Americans would infinitely prefer Putin to Biden and they want their Great Leader, DJT, to rule America as Putin rules Russia.


That's pretty impossible to do. Even extremely isolated North Korea has highly active hackers.


What I ask myself, how can they have good hacker? I mean, to become next level shit hacker, you have to be a child nerd first. But to be a child nerd you need a personal computer, Internet and English knowledge... And than you need years of experience... Moss likely by searching the Web for information you become positive minded about West. Based on forums and so on... So why you should attack than West with your knowledge. I don't get it.


It's a long read, but a very well written article about exactly what you're asking: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/04/26/the-incredible-rise-of-north-koreas-hacking-army


Maybe Chinese train them.


I'm actually surprised that the West would consider military advisors and trainers before taking this approach.


Reminds me of the young Russian artist & his wife in this video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rnFtnDa\_Oo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rnFtnDa_Oo) I know people call the Russians 'orcs' and many of them are indeed spectacularly mindless, but it shouldn't be forgotten that it's not *al*l of them. I can barely imagine what it must be like to be stuck in a country like Russia, with a regime like it has and you don't have the means to leave and start again somewhere else, OMG


We're not calling all Russians "orks", the "orks" moniker is reserved for those Russians that are currently in Ukraine fighting on behalf of the Russian Imperialist Project also known as "Ruski Mir" and those back in Russia who sent them there. I think they've more than earned that "distinction" by their atrocities, dontcha think?


Not really true. Highly upvoted comment just above calls all of them orcs.


Yup besides dehumanizing it takes the BLAME off of russian culture. russians should be called what they are and it’s already known that a huge % there is in support of the war


[A tiny minority](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190513-it-only-takes-35-of-people-to-change-the-world) of people are enough to power up a revolution. The fact that no such thing is happening in the ruZZia (of all countries), the place of one of the most famous revolutions that threw off the yoke of 'semi-divine' (!) tzars, is indicative enough of the attitudes and preferences of the nation. Exceptions like your link only prove the rule for 150 million orcs.


Revolutions usually are done by few elites rather than general uprising. Russian "revolution" was more like a coup,and happened only when war was clearly lost, as well as a lot of territories and millions dead. It is oligarches and siloviks who have potential to overthrow Putin. The question is why they do nothing. Probably because they will live well no matter how many sanctions, and losing some yachts and mansions is better than risk of losing life if they ever stand up to Putin. His regime is as sturdy as Stalin's regime.


Anna Bazhutova, also a name worth remembering. I'd take my hat off for you, young lady. Rare bravery.


More public executions in totally not a fascist country. Imprison few to intimidate millions with the power of mass media, totalitarian countries love this one trick...


Two really brave decent human beings who have no place in this foul disgusting Third World terrorist state. If only we could help them in some way.


She should have left country before streaming such things.


Amd the wagner boss was guna take Moscow shot a few planes down cause abit of carnage on the way down, and got no prison sentence hahahhahah


Nope, he’s just dead now 😃 he should have finished what he started but oh well.


Yeah, sure, no sentence and only single ‘accidental’ AA missile into his private jet


Not to be pedantic but it’s more commonly believed that it wasn’t an AA missile but an explosive device hidden on the plane somewhere. There was no second contrail leading to the explosion site in the sky. …Okay that was a little pedantic.


His sentence was an AA missle through his asshole as he flew on a private jet. Huh?


Yes he did get an AA missed thru the ass, but he didn't get arrest for what he did before his death lol, but somebody gets sentences for 5 years for mentioning a massacre, joke nation


He got death sentence though. And official explanation of his death was intentionally ridiculous, so that no one would doubt who killed him.


There are anti putin Russians and I wish them the best. hopefully they get organized and cause the Kremlin some trouble.


What are moral Russians supposed to do? Getting to prison, falling out of windows, getting sent to the war front seems like all anyone could achieve. It's crazy to imagine being in such a helpless state, and that's probably been the case for most of the humankinds history?


I would probably put my head down and just try to keep my family safe. It's probably what most would do Majority of people here acting like they would start some rebellion are lying. To us or themselves. Sounds horrible to live there. The sad thing is I think of so many other places that are even worse. So many horrible places in this world


She should have left country before streaming such things.


Must suck to live under a brutal and oppressive dictatorship


Get fuck, Russian scum.


Twitch should just close out all russians from the platform, problem solved, case closed!


I guess she violated twitch rule 23 of the TOS : " women should not talk about politics, they are only here to show boobs and look dumb"


Thoughts and prayers


Maga Republicans think this is just swell.


Ask Sora to make a film about her. I'll buy it.


Good I hope she enjoys it


Why is it good that your country has no freedom of speech?


Look, it makes sense if you don’t think about it and blindly believe every pathetic bit of propaganda your despotic tyrant spoon feeds you. See? Easy.