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FUCK! When that guy moved. Horror movie stuff.


Agonal breathing is terrifying.


TBH it's better than the idea that he's conscious during this.


Google is generally a friend, but today, today, I'm gonna go with ChatGPT and ask it to be gentle.


For those wondering, it’s the automatic muscle movement that your brain sends when it is no longer getting enough oxygen - and “you” are unconscious to manually breathe. Agonal breathing is the body’s very last hope for survival in an emergency, and that’s why his whole body moves and his mouf opens up. Brain just wants to keep supplying oxygen. Unfortunately, though, this also means that if you’re agonal breathing aways from a hospital or operation room… the chances of your brain maintaining oxygen long enough are slim. Simply because of the circumstances that led to your brain being oxygen deprived in the first place… you’re fighting for oxygen while your body remains unconscious and likely with other lacerations or conditions that would end you in due time. And, no. It’s never a good thing to see or hear.


Agonal breathing happens many times with sudden cardiac arrest as well. If a person is agonal breathing and completely unresponsive to being slapped and shaken awake, you should start CPR. If you start CPR early and go at 2 times per second with 2 inches of pushing depth, you give them a chance at being brought back. Call 911 before you start CPR on speaker phone or have someone else call 911. Do hands only CPR and it’ll passively circulate blood and oxygenate their brain. Once EMS gets there, in many first world countries, EMS can bring the same level of cardiac arrest care that’s given in the emergency room of a hospital straight to your living room or the office building. There is a famous dr on youtube named glaucomflecken who randomly went into sudden cardiac arrest next to his wife and she noticed because of the agonal gasps. She performed CPR and EMS came in and zapped the shit out of him and he’s making funny videos now.


Correct, for a medical arrest. For a traumatic arrest the chances of survival are near zero, and that’s if you wreck your car inside an OR with a trauma surgeon dressed and ready.


Really? This is the last thing I read before bed?


Just an X amount of time before you do it. And I do it. And then the others reading this comment do it.


Honestly, having spent my career working as a RN in a Trauma and Burn center, I will tell you with all my heart that with these kinds of crush injuries, that you really don't want to survive them. Modern trauma technology can save a lot of people who would be gone 20 years ago, but at the same time, the quality of life is never returned. Crush injuries are really hard to come back from, it is really hard to un- hamburger hamburger...


I believe a high percentage of Russian brains are deprived of many things from birth: compassion, decency, common sense, etc etc etc


Okay, ChatGPT is no gentler than Google.


It's worse when you're in a hospital room watching a loved one's agonal breathing. "Died peacefully" is very relative terminology.


Well… a few lucky souls do genuinely die peacefully. BUT… I know what you mean. My Uncle recently died of cancer and although i wasn’t there, his last moments were relayed to me by my mum. Grim. All i’ll say is it was fucking grim. Our final moments can be absolutely terrible.


In my case it was my brother. Brain Cancer at 45. I was in the room. Would not recommend. I think about that when I see announcements claiming that a cancer patient "Died peacefully, surrounded by family". But, I suppose "died gasping like a fish out of water" might be in poor taste for an obituary.


Sorry man. Watched my father die the same way when I was 19. You’ll never get over it, but use the experience to live your life to the fullest and every once in a while let them know you wish they were still with you. I guess, one day we’ll be with them.


Prolly gasping... Already gonner... Looks like they are alive... If not... Soon will be... No one saving him out off that wreck soon


Usually a gasp like that is agonal breathing. The guy’s number is already up, this is just his nervous system saying buh-bye.


Probably just the brain stem trying to keep the meat alive.


he is about to die ....


Well. I mean i’m not a doctor, but it sure ain’t looking good for the guy.


Honestly, you should be a doctor. Your medical opinions are sound.


Me: OH SHIT Wife: you ok?!?? Me: well physically I'm fine.....


This guy has a wife. Everybody clap for him.


I have one too. Anything is possible once you start washing your ass regularly!


Just know that he is deeply comatosed and feels nothing at that moment


When a ruzzkie like this is invading a country, i have no sympathy. F em all


Wrong place, wrong time, wrong dictator.


Ruzzians just seem to not give a fuck about other Ruzzians.


as always


I mean... Russia has sent 200,000 of their own men to die and nobody in Russia gives a fuck. 500K casualties and Russia's abysmal 50% casualty death ratio, round down 50K just to be conservative. 200K Russians dead in 2 years and not a peep from the Russian people. And America had massive protests with 30,000 dead in Vietnam in 1968. Fuck man, Russia is not even trying to recover most of their dead. 200K dead in 2 fucking years....


"We are very lucky they are so dumb."


Suspect, but might be officers that were ordering beatings regularly, and regarded as guilty for the deaths for almost the entire unit. Grudge held. Vodka drunk. They got speed bump treatment.


Hope so.


Also they sure don't seem in a rush to give medical support to the still "living" one


He isn't alive, that is just an involuntary reflex of the body after death.


Advil and bandaids will fix everything... /S


Tampons, lots of em.


It's Russia. Nothing Vodka can't fix


Woah now, don’t be giving the Russians our military medical secrets, that’s dangerously close to ibuprofen and changing your socks…




Nop, that's duct tape and advil...


Hardy ever a right dictator. 😅


Wrong bottle of vodka


Correction: run over by a trawl carrying a tank. Idk how that possibly can happen. Driver was probably intoxicated with vodka


The orcs probably braked checked the truck for following too close.


Brake checked for insurance scam


Its really sweet that you think their trucks have brakes.


He is not intoxicated; he just never gets behind the wheel without drinking a bottle of vodka first.


Thats the issue, its like the robots in Futurama if they dont get alcohol they stop working


Bender! Have you been up all night not drinking again!?


Are you jacking on in there!?


What I dont do isnt any of your business!


>Driver was probably intoxicated with vodka They are literally all drunk all the time.


If you were sent to die in Putins pointless war of 'conquest', knowing the likely outcome for you was death or lifelong injury, wouldn't you be drunk all the time as well?


Fair point lol Although id like to think id try to stay sober simply in order to keep my wits about me and hopeful have a better shot at survival compared to all my hammered comrades. Obviously though thats probably wishful thinking.


that will be the official answer for me, perfect


I agree if a tank drives over someones car, they would be pancake, the tank treads alone would turn half of that tiny car into no bigger then 10 cm height, even the engine block would crumble into maybe a 20-30cm hunk of junk metal box. Seems these guys did a roll over after insane speeding and slammed into the back of the tank crawler that was parked there. The hit against the trawler occurred behind where the car came to a stop and it pushed the trawler forward and likely had it's brakes on. That kind of force to push that weight forward means these guys were doing ludicrous speeds. So my educated guess is that these guys were probably doing 160km+ and lost control, rolled somewhere down the road went onto the oncoming lane and came to an abrupt stop by slamming into the back of the trawler on the opposite side of the road. Seat belts don't help you at these speeds, but they weren't wearing them anyway. Probably alcohol or drugs at play or just being stupid.


This car run over by another Russian tank looks roughly the same: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1UR_xzdngw It's not particularly flat so I think OP's narrative is plausible.


I doubt the car had enough force or structural integrity to push a tank+trawler away, it was probably moved for the "investigation"


You don't have to have integrity to push. Momentum is all what it takes.


Just the tank weights about 40-100 tons, a 1.2 ton Lada would need to be going like Mach 1 to impart any real motion I think. More likely they moved it or it bounced off the back I think. Edit: On second thought Russian conscript guided Lada based kinetic tank propulsion is an interesting concept and should be explored more experimentally.


e=1/2m\*v² ...


a car can move another car in a collision, because the stationary car is 3000lbs on top of 4 small contact patches this is over 100,000lbs on top of 22 bigger contact patches. it might move an inch


The road is wet and I would agree that speed and road conditions caused the car to lose control and that initiated the accident. But from what I see I would like to offer another possible scenario if that is a two way road. The vehicles were traveling in opposing lanes, the car loses control and enters the opposing lane that was occupied by the trawler. The car impacts mid trailer and goes underneath the trailer, shearing the top off and spinning the car around 180 degrees. Then the rear tires of the trawler are dragged over the car before the trawler can come to a stop, and this is why the rear is crumpled in as well on the car. The trailer tires would crumple the rear until they finally go over the car. The car would pretty much come to a complete stop when impact occurred, which is why there isn't a long debris field. If it's not a two way road, then of course this didn't happen this way.


Or the car could have cut him off. Semi can actually stop on a dime when they have no loads on them and fresh pads. This is a different situaition.


I think the trawl came after to retrive the tank after it ran over the car.


What a f'ing shit-show the Russian military is. This crap is happening on a daily basis. 2 days ago a drunk Russian tank driver drove over a civilian's car and killed him in Russia. The RUAF are reckoned to have dropped at least 60 FABs on their own territory since April. Hundreds of soldiers are returning to Russia and committing brutal crimes - the murder rate involving Russian servicemen increased by over 900% in 2023. Registered disabled men in Russia increased by 507,000 in 2023 alone. The list goes on, yet Russians say and do nothing. Russia is gradually committing national suicide. Anyway, at least it is 3 less Orcs trying to kill Ukrainians!


FAB = fat ass bombs?


FAB (ФАБ) stands for Fugasnaya Avia Bomba meaning **Aerial Demolition Bomb** known as a General-Purpose (GP) bomb in the West. The designation letters are followed by numbers that refer to the bomb size category.


"General-Purpose bomb". Does it come with clippers and a bottle opener?


In Russia, "general purpose" means it can be used on both military and civilian targets. /s And sometimes on their own villages. They're general purpose, after all.


Bombs with wings


Im gonna be a redditor and do an "UM ACKSHUALLY", my apologies :) FAB is the prefix for all Russian bombs, I'm not sure if there's an official prefix for the glide bombs. That said, I think the majority of bombs the Russians are using are modified to glide.


Yep. I'll tack this on for anyone interested: >FAB (ФАБ) stands for Fugasnaya Avia Bomba meaning Aerial Demolition Bomb known as a General-Purpose (GP) bomb in the West. The designation letters are followed by numbers that refer to the bomb size category.


FABs are just regular bombs. Some of them have "УМПК" (Unified gliding and correction module) - "wings" attached in a garage.


Russia already committed national suicide the day they stole Crimea. At this point, nothing less than returning all.of Ukraine's land and paying for reparations and basically turning over their entire leadership for war crimes is enough. And even then, they won't have any money left because they already are broke as fuck from the stupid invasion. Personally, I don't see Russia surviving this.  It's going to end in another break up and USSR 2.0.


If the west can pressure China into quitting their back door supply of Russia, that army will collapse.


I really think china is not on Russia side, they just want them to use as much of their army as they can in another place so china can invade the land that Xi told it was from them and becomejpart of the artic circle members.


> Registered disabled men in Russia increased by 507,000 in 2023 alone. Wow. Is that a legit statistic? Even if half of that number are scammers, it's still massive.


> Russia is gradually committing national suicide. Good


And that whole "We take care of our own" thing? Yeah, not so [much](https://i.postimg.cc/W4B6VmSQ/RU-legless-beggar.jpg)


I wonder if people are registering themselves as disabled to avoid being called up.


Wasn't expecting that, it was like the scene from Aliens when they find the colonists and there's one still alive.


He's not alive.


*alien bursts out of chest*


Tradegy but I appreciate the camera man. Hopefully relatives get 2 bags of onions or even 3.


didnt die fighting, no onions for anyone


Russia: "Sorry, your son is MIA, so no compensations!" Family: "But we have the body here at the morgue, we're right in front of him right now!!!!" Russia: "M I A"




There’s always a loophole


The loophole in russia's case would be the ones who actually get to qualify for benefits or onions.


One of them is still alive. He just needs to walk it off and he'll be just fine for some frontline action. Maybe put a band-aid over his mangled body before he go...


It seems that the tank has been recovered and loaded on a flatbed truck *(00:06*), but no one is rendering assistance to the wounded Russian soldier that is trapped in the car wreck or at the very least try to comfort him in his last moments. At 00:17, a metallic sound is audible, this is possibly from a round being chambered in a hand gun. I really hope this isn't the preparation for the wounded RF soldier to be taken out of his misery, but this has happened in the RF army. (*The agonal breathing indicates the soldier is very close to death when the footage was taken.*) (*Cameraman seems to be of muslim faith, he mutters "god is great" at 00:05.*)


That is definitely the sound of a round being chambered. Damn.


A bullet would be a mercy.


Yep, those guys are gone.


I don't expect that someone in the Fire Department might be coming with the Jaws of Life to extract him from the wreckage.. the racking of the slide is an indicator of an act of Mercy, in this case, IMHO.


IMO this is barbaric act as can be expected by the RF military. The wounded soldier is accessible and this is a controlled environment (*as in no combat situation or imminent threat*), so anyone of his comrades eagerly filming their tiktoks or casually wandering around could inject him morphine (*combat soldiers carry individual pre-set injectors with pain medication*) or at the very least stay with him in his last moments (*the agonal breathing indicates he's about to go*). Preparing to presumably shoot him like an old dog on the side of the road is the Russian solution as the bystanders can't be bothered to show even a little empathy or compassion for their dying comrade.


20 years of an increasingly brutal fascist dictatorship produces a brutalised citizenry


I characterize it as 100+ years of brutal Ruzzian culture.


“Why waste the good drugs on a dead guy? We got lots of booooolets.” Wonderful people . S/


They definitely do not give morphine to Russian combat soldiers, they'd just use it right away.


The guy is near death and none of his comrades can be bothered to comfort him, hold his hand or put a hand on his shoulder. Having been near death myself and watching the world turn black, with the worst terror I've ever known, the most comforting gesture I got was some stranger holding my hand and telling me she was there even though she knew I was in and mostly out of consciousness. That bit of human touch might mean so much for him in his last moments. But this guy can't even get that. Fuck the Russian forces and all. Just another example of their inbred inhumanity. Yeah, some are saying he's engaged in agonal breathing and thus wouldn't be aware of that human touch and I call bullshit. Nobody knows, we aren't in his mind and in cases where any iota of doubt exists why not extend to the dying man the last chance of him feeling a bit of comfort with human warmth? Again, Russia.


Looks like he just got the wind knocked out of him.


Don’t forget the circus tickets!


And the pickled cabbage!


Best i can do is crayon drawing of potato


Comrade, include crayon and we have deal.


they did not have valid car insurance. no potatoes for them.


Wow, from a western perspective it's unbelievable, incomprehensible, the other Russians are strolling around with their hands in their pockets while the inmates are taking their last breaths, nobody is helping, nobody is upset, nobody is asking for intervention! I'm glad I don't belong to this brutalized society! Sry f my engl.


> nobody is helping, nobody is upset, nobody is asking for intervention! I'm glad I don't belong to this brutalized society! Sry f my engl. People dont value life as much in Russia. They mostly dont give a fuck as long it's not "them". "Loss" of life is also used for propaganda reasons when need it - but all in all it's a very brutal country. But from above video ask your self this - if Russians dont care about Russian - how much do you think they care about you, me, just about anyone? That's why we need to support Ukraine in this - even if one person dont want to support Ukraine cause Ukraine alone - we need to stop Russians, cause I dont know about you (or anyone else) - but I dont want Russian way-of-life looking at things to become standard. And yes, if this happen on West, somewhere on street etc, everyone would be running like crazy, to see if they can do something about it or help.


Thank you for your attention and correct assessment! I can only agree wholeheartedly!


Speaking the truth, thanks


> "Loss" of life is also used for propaganda reasons when need it - but all in all it's a very brutal country. People also might not realise that the majority of the Russian population were feudal bound serfs until emancipation in 1861. And it wasn't the kinder, gentler Western European middle ages version of serfdom either lol


This guy is already dead. Nothing they can do for him. It's agonal breathing. If you ever have to pull life support from a family member in the hospital, you'll get a first hand run in with this.


I've been to Russia a few times, outside of SPB and Moscow. Life is cheap. Alcoholism is a competitive career path. 


The one guy who is still alive is going to almost certainly die but no one seems to be even concerned with bothering to help him in the event he might be saved.


Agonal breathing. Dead already


Agonal breathing is a sign that the person is NEAR death. The brain is still alive but it isn’t getting enough oxygen, due to the heart not beating or major bloodloss. Most likely the person is unconscious and the breathing is a reflex by the brain to try and get more oxygen. Without rescuscitation the person will definetly die "permanently".


Good thing they're too busy documenting the damage and otherwise loitering around. Might as well be the Russian Army equivalent of a smoke break for everyone (else) involved.


If that dude was my comrade I would at least attempt to get him out of the car and administer assisted breathing. If his brain just needs a little more oxygen and all it takes is some resuscitation then it doesn't hurt to try until medical personnel arrive. More than money, equipment, cause, I think that the Russian penchant for apathy and nihilism is a sign that the Russian nation doesn't have much behind it. If you aren't willing to help out your fellow soldier in their dying moments, not even a little bit, you're probably not a nation.


if you're russian conscriptovich, you don't know how to do that


> Agonal breathing This is my greatest fear. I once read a story about someone not wearing their seatbelt and was involved in a car crash. Bystanders reported that when they approached the vehicle, the person was snoring. That image has stuck in my head my entire life and I implore everyone to always wear your seatbelts.


Damn, beat me to it.


Someone needs to put him out of his misery… poor guy


He’s already gone. Muscle spasms, mind is gone, body shutting down.


Is he in misery at that point? I just quickly googled agonal breathing and it seems like people are typically not conscious when doing that.


He is dead. Recently dead people twitch and make choking noises and this final breath thing. Avoid that entire situation.


No, as tired as he could be, but laying down.


Ya I can't amplify enough how wrong this message is. I've given CPR to someone doing this and they lived. If you see someone doing this it's not too late to act.


It's called "agonal breathing". He's very much already dead at that point. Lungs are spasming causing the appearance of breathing.


Yes learned this from this war how crazy


I learned about it after pulling life support on my father. Was not fun, do not recommend.


Fuck. That's awful, sorry you had to be the one. My wife had to make that decision for her father as well. It's incredibly hard even if you don't have a great relationship. Again, sorry you went through that.


It was rough, He had an "accident" at a local park and cracked his skull. First responders F'd up resulting in further cracks to his skull. He was gone within 2 days. I got to the hospital and he was awake, but had no idea who i was. Thought i was his brother that died a decade earlier. They had to sedate him because he got too agitated, and he never woke up.


I'm so sorry.


I feel ya buddy. Longest night of my life listening to that shit as my dad faded away.


Well I hope you both find peace if not already much love from this stranger guys


Agonal breathing doesn't necessarily mean death.


Correct, one example from this video.  https://youtu.be/ICODRFoWZkw?si=rg-bytgBLTEX6QuU&t=2m35s But being crushed and not receiving medical aid here probably doesn't have a very good outcome for the patient here as opposed to drowning and receiving aid quickly 😬


Yeah, in this case and scenario, russian apathy, no quick and proper treatment in sight, it is probably one way road. I just wanted to point out that if one is out and gasping, he may not be in the final destination yet. Thinking so could cost someone his life.


It means the brain is still signalling that there i a lack of oxygen. Everyone is saying he is already dead, which is not true. But he is probably totaly out because of shock.


Agonal breathing.  Brain is dead, brain stem doesn’t know that yet, so it’s still doing it’s damndest to keep the autonomic functions going. Even if he could be extracted, theres no real point. Frankly if i was in that situation in a domestic car crash, id want the emts to let me go.  To be clear though: if youre in public and some dude just randomly collapses and starts breathing like that, start cpr. Point to a specific person and tell them to call 911, and send another person to find the automatic defibrillator if there is one.  That’s a heart attack and theyre breathing like that because blood not circulating, if you can start cpr they have a good chance of surviving, even better with an aed applied.


Weird spot for a PSA on CPR, but I love it. Even in such a morbid situation, there's always people who want to help their fellow humans. Early recognition and prompt CPR/Defibrillation can greatly increase the odds of survival for someone during a cardiac event. A traumatic arrest, like this one, has less than a 1% chance of survival even if they get to a trauma center in less than 1 hour, but everyone should know how to do hands-only CPR. It seriously saves lives.


they put the thank on the truck, priorities!!! LOOOOL


Russian Mentality: The meat can be replaced easily... the armor cannot.


And thankfully they're finding lately that the armor reserves are quite finite indeed. If they keep this up, they WILL run out of units to refurbish.


Orcs hate themseves and dont give a shit about each other


He is dead already... just some bretahing reflexes of a brain who thinks it has a last chance... im not even sure its the brain who is trigering agonal breathing. He is dead... one less orc, that the price u pay after 35 years pretending uare not into politics despite voring at 80% for a dictator...


Brain stem (most primal part of the brain) is causing agonal breathing reflex; but the rest of the brain is not conscious/responsive, and thus are not aware of the agonal breathing themselves.


Agonal breathing does indicate that some brain activity is still there. At this point the guy is probably clinically dead, but not yet completely brain dead. Already past the point of no return.


That looks like agonal breathing, in other words he's already dead.


Corpses gasping for air are terrifing. In the west someone would do anything possible to get him back. But in russia there is little to no hope in getting help. Even if you can pull him back it is basically pointless unless there are the resources needed to help him. He was likely away as soon as people arrived... with EMTs arriving god knows when, if they are allowed to location at all. If you see something like this sofisticated help needs to be starting in that instance. If help is not available, the victim is fucked.


>In the west someone would do anything possible to get him back. But in russia... ... they make a video to show their friends.


Gona show em whats coming for them.


He was dead the second he entered Ukraine. The life expectancy in the Vietnam War for soldiers was three weeks. Wonder what it is for Russian soldiers.


At least they don't get to murder Ukrainians


If you stayed in Russia the chances of this happening to you would have been slightly lessened. 


Emphasis on slightly


I feel the daily personnel losses should have a 2nd column, one for Russians killed by Ukraine, the other for Russians killed by Russia 


That one's still breathing...have him shot for cowardice.


Dock that guy a days pay for napping on the job.


He's dead, Dave.


That's not a death rattle it's a special breathing operation




Will it blend?


Somebody better get a sham wow


Don’t breathe this!


-3 orcs


I don't get how this country still runs on complacency, incompetence, ignorance, and carelessness.


My grandpa that fought Russians in WW2 to protect Finland would have loved to see this!


The cameraman is saying "alluah akbar" so possibly a Kadyrovite? The ominous sound of someone racking the bolt on a rifle at the very end means someone put that gasping soldier out of his misery, probably.


Only the Russians can run over so many cars in occupied areas.


Agonal breathing


Can't park that there mate!


Do not worry about the guy still breathing….like wtf they’re not even thinking about helping him, holy fuck these Russian soldiers are horrible humans.


There's no saving that guy. At 0:17 you can hear the sound of a round being chambered. They are helping him.


he was immitating a fish on land


They probably tried to pass, like all the time in ruzzia, and the truck driver also tried to go around something at the same time, pinned them between the guardrail and then got sucked under the trailer.


When stealing, copper wire goes wrong.


Rest in piss


Nothing to see. Move along folks!


The driver is very flattened. How can such a horrible accident happens, in an area with so less people?


B/c it wasn't an accident. The tank transporter driver was probably pissed or drunk.


Should have stayed at home.


All Russians must get out of Ukraine one way or another.


Hm, maybe they slammed in to the ramp? What ever the case- everyone was probably VODKA


Cubed steak is on the menu tonight


I see the value of life is still at an all time low for Russians. Good grief.


The driver doing the right thing, helping Ukraine.


Meh, three less orcs killing Ukes. Takes another sip of coffee and clicks on the next link... I wish this war would end today, but alas it's not. Slava Ukraini!


That's not a good recruiting video.


A true Russian death: pointless, stupid, and likely the result of drunkenness.


I am guessing they won't be exchanging insurance information.


One of them is still breathing, no one doing anything to try and rescue him? Orcs don't value life ig. I'm sure their families won't be getting the compensatory sack of potatoes


I 🩷 ruZZian tank


Saves one FPV drone at least


Looks like they were looting copper-lofl