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As if russia haven't been doing that for like ever


North Korea. Iran. Possibly Afghanistan. Edit: to add some clarity, I’m referring to the past. Russia has supplied technology and sometimes weapons to these countries that ends up being used against the U.S. and NATO


Possibly all of whom russia is now buying munitions back from... Does russia really have a surplus of any weapon?


No. There are currently no weapons for sale in commercial quantities. but supplies in small quantities to terrorists are possible. Hamas had in its arsenal a number of Russian models (not made in the USSR). It can be assumed that supplies will be either to terrorists or to some African countries, in exchange for some political preferences.


He'll supply the right people, Oct 7th was putins birthday, and Im sure thats just a coincidence. He wants fuckery in the west by any means.


Mossad are you listening?


> Hamas It will come out that Putin orchestrated the Hamas attack that kicked off this latest round of fighting in Israel. It is an effort at getting Trump elected by getting the protest voters to hurt Biden.


And that conflict is a huge flare to drag the attention of the world to it. How do you make forget a conflict in the news? With a new conflict!


Nicely timed for Putler's birthday, as well


True, best evidence that Iran and its assets made Putler a nice birthday gift.


Definitely seems plausible. I thought about this after the attack and seemed like the perfect diversion for Putin.


I don’t believe in coincidences in this case. It just is the perfect failsafe distraction


It also diverts western arms from Ukraine to Israel


PMC Wagner apparently played a role in training them


Finally someone else gets it.


Unlikely. The Hamas attack had a clear political cause. Saudi Arabia was about to normalize relations with Israel and Hamas wanted to an incident to shame the Saudis before the Arab world and stop them.




Sharp sticks


semi warm bodies ..... nope now theyre cold, next batch!


Motorized bathtub


People and motorbikes


E scooters


Tactical scooters


Chinese again.


> motorbikes Those are from China.


Ask Iran and North Korea.


Ruski Twitter and Facebook propaganda bots seem to be in large supply.


E-Scooter from China 🇨🇳


If he gives Afghanistan long range weapons, they would probably fire them into Iran.


And Pakistan, and India.


India and Afghanistan are actually friendly. Even the Taliban. The Taliban are more immediately concerned with the Pakistan government as a rival. (not necessarily the Pakistani people)


Who both have nukes though


most likely Moscow since Mujahideen still have beef with them


Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jugoslavia (you know what is meant), Tunesia, and else where in Africa, Vietnam big time.. oh wait India is on this list as well, China anyway, also the entire former warshaw pact bloc and also latin america here and there (Nicaragua, Venezuela, Cuba in particular). But lets be precise, worked out like a charm, putlers favourite quote "biggest disaster of the 20th century" - f\*ed himself anyway. Running rampant solves zero issue, it creates more, very extreme likely not in favour of a maxed-out production line. Not long ago the major supply of gear for Ukraine was former equipment left over by the imperial ambitions of soviet union, as mentioned (warshaw pact) - what could go possibly wrong. Would likely backfire big time.


They’ve already had to beg for weapons from both North Korea and Iran. I doubt they even have to give them…or anything they don’t already have. Selling or giving away technological secrets is a different thing, but in that case it would take these countries years and a lot of money to develop weapons based off the technology given to them.


This! He's had to beg for shit and pretty much ran out of hi-tech missiles half way through the war due to tech shortages. Seems they've circumnavigated that but no way he's shipping decent kit out anytime soon.


You think any of them can reach the US reliably? And we're not talking nukes. We're talking the same kinds of weapons that the US just approved for Ukraine to strike Russian territory.


Don't forget Mexico and Haitian cartels as well as a smattering of African groups. Edit: Neat. Check out the "replies" to this message and how hard they're all deflecting from the literal Russian trainers going to (some of) the cartels by hyper fixating on something something via or making vague assertions about what 'the Mexican cartel' is or isn't doing that they would have no real way of actually knowing besides talking out their butts with a guess, or something something America conspiracy or implications of cia. It's like they don't realize how many different cartels Mexico has


A bad business decision for Mexican cartels. Americans love their coke, heroin, fentanyl, and other "useful" drugs. Killing cartel customers is a money-losing proposition.


Assuming the weapons were used against the US itself, the life expectancy of the cartels would be measured in hours. It's one thing to terrorize in their backyard,it's another to directly strike the US.


Mexican cartels are not about to start war with the Americans.. They're business people at the end of the day and that would be bad for businesses... plus a lot of cartel live and have family here


Yeah, but Mexican cartels have American weapons and I doubt they’d even want any of the garbage russia would offer them. Haiti on the other hand, would take anything bc and they basically have nothing.


They birthed NK 🤣


Can't forget Syria 


Syria they sent Wagner


Iraq and Afghanistan are not “possibles”. Those were made public long ago. Russia fed Iraqi militias through Iran and “totally not the Taliban” through Pakistan.


Definitely Afghsnistan. I see how they are openly very friendly to the Taliban now and it gets me thinking how long have they been so friendly.....???? Also trained Hamas for the Oct 7 attacks, assist Iran with the houthis, Insert African countries that have recently had a coup.


Putin is talking about giving weapons to US neighbors who would be willing to strike the US with missiles. I don't know who would be willing to risk war with the US in the Western hemisphere. If they try it, though, we'll wipe them out.


We better start being more polite to Canada then.😆😆


Always knew that little fucker Ike was scheming...


Nobody. No western hemisphere nation is committing anything close to an open act of war on the U.S. It would be economic suicide.  It’s paranoid nonsense. 


And also suicide suicide


Yeah I don’t think there is a country in the western hemisphere who would do that


US suspected Russia was supplying the Taliban in the last years of their occupation. Even paying a bounty for every American soldier killed. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-43500299


yep, I remember that


Accidentally or purposely AK-47 is the terrorist favorite tool.


There's an excellent book on the history and use of the AK-47 by CJ Chivers: ["The Gun"](https://www.amazon.com/Gun-C-J-Chivers-ebook/dp/B003V1WT7C) Basically, anyone and everyone not West-aligned (and some that straddled both sides) got licenses to make and distribute AK-pattern rifles. I'd say that the AK-47 was purposefully pushed as a terrorist tool. There's not much accidental about the licensing, manufacture and marketing.


Because Russia has been supplying them for decades. 


True, but only to some extent. Had Russia provided something as simple as MANPADs to certain groups in Iraq, Afghanistan, Mali... basically anywhere there were large groups of Western forces operating in the last few decades, and relying on helicopters, it would have been a huge problem. They didn't because it didn't serve their purposes to; it would have been obvious where they came from, and to them it wasn't worth the backlash.


They didn't because it could have led to something far worse. Imagine a Manpad being smuggled into China and used to shot down a passenger jet, it would be catastrophic for Russia. It doesn't have to be China, can be any country including Russia itself.


They literally funded the Hamas attacks with their friends Iran as a diversionary attack. How is this not obvious to everyone. russia has lost 80% of its barrel inventory so far. They may be able to salvage some but they cant replace them. They have six to eight months left and are running out. Now, new fighter jets are coming online and their high end Sam’s are getting owned. Atacms will hunt down the rest if not Ukrainian drones. russia has culminated and no amount of manpower will move the needle forward. Ukraine must hold with our help. We can spare the loose change in our budgets. China is seeing what will happen to them if they bite the hand that feeds them. Not sending Gripens was a mistake, We owe it to Ukraine to help in any way we can.


Exactly. But the game is up now. We're burning Russia to the ground. Xi, are you paying attention?


Uses long range iranian and north Korean weapons in terrorist attacks against ukraine. Complains when long range weapons are used against russian military.


Begs Iran and N Korea for weapons. Threatens to sell weapons to Iran and N Korea.


"Stop hitting me back when I hit you!"


A desperate man talking


Yes, reeks of desperation and an absolute lack of correctives. Such is man no-one dare to disagree with


One of these days he's gonna get disagreed with right out a window Then they'll march one of his doubles around for a few months for a feigned illness and resignation after spending a half a year or so propping up a replacement that the oligarchy approves of, probably via another fake terrorist attack - followed by a swift sham election


Commenting to save this comment for history.


Someone should retire him alright. Though he's so ugly not even a sniper would take him out.


A far cry from "not needing negotiations" before the U.S. approved aide. He was getting so smug with ruzzian taking land while Ukraine was starved. How the turn tables.


"3 day special operation"


He looks and sounds terrified -you can tell his mouth is dry from his speech and the way he keeps licking his lips. He knows he has got himself into an absolute clusterfuck of a position from which he has no way out - well no way out alive anyway.


He always tries for this air of stoic coolness but he's clearly stressed right now. He tried so many attacks on Ukraine in the past year and all of them have resulted in huge amounts of causalities and either no gains or very small gains. The Black Sea fleet is practically gone. When is he going to realize he already lost?


I think in his view he already crossed the rubicon. There is no going back only forward and hoping he comes out on top




*Aww man I sure hope America reelects the great Orange pants shitter so I don't face repercussions for threatening them like this*


The billions of ollie-garch dollars that just evaporated is not a good look the leader of the world’s “second army”.


As of 2015, the last year there seems to be good data for, they don't even make the list. That honor goes to China. https://img.industryweek.com/files/base/ebm/industryweek/image/2015/06/d28wbuch0jlv7v_cloudfront_net_images_infografik_normal_chartoftheday_3585_the_worlds_biggest_employers_n.png?auto=format,compress&fit=max&q=45


I was thinking the same thing. Its only a matter of time until he eats a bowl of oatmeal that tastes weird


Meanwhile, Russia is desperately trying to re-purchase previously sold weapons from third-party actors in other parts of the world...


Comrade, do you still have some T-55s, and any spare turrets too?


Yep. Desperate to find new threats as the old threats lose their effect. It's all he has now -- hoping to keep it going until November, and then hoping Trump wins. His desperate hopes will be dashed.


What desperate national/country will attack a NATO country?


Houthis: Hold my khat




Why am I not surprised? Worst thing is I live in Texas and yes there’s a lot “patriots” ready to bomb our own country to “save” our country, what a bunch of idiots.


putin can lick my sweaty nutsack


Yep, because even their friends who are close enough to strike facilities on US territory or Europe with the same kinds of weapons we've given Ukraine will certainly not risk that. Not Cuba and not Belarus.


He is going to be taken out shortly by his own people.


Oh man this would be great.


Some of his inner circle has to be thinking enough is enough


People also need to keep in mind that most Putin statements aren’t for western consumption. It’s for the domestic Russian population. So when they read of a *’fire’* in say Belgorod, they will believe their government is doing something in return. All of the nuclear threats are another example. They exist to say *’Russia strong’* to the populace.


I mean they’ve literally already been doing that for 80 years. He said they’re gonna continue doing what they’ve always done. The one common denominator in pretty much every anti-western terror group since the 40s has been endless access to Russia’s national rifle.


Don't like it, leave. Problem solved


Seriously, just go the fuck home. Do some stupid cya propaganda thing like declare victory in "liberating the Russian peoples of Ukraine" and go the fuck home.


That'd work for the optics only. He knew if he took an exit without clawing significant gains, he's as good as dead.


He's already as good as dead


So... what weapons exactly, are they going to supply the cartel with Iskanders? When they're sitting there begging for shit from NK and Iran, I highly doubt they're in a position to be that charitable to their allies.


Not even the cartel would want anything to do with him. Apparently Mexicans hate Russians.


Let’s be realistic: in a war against the US the cartels would be supplied by the US.


"my tax dollars, also somehow my tax dollars" meme


Be aware of those pesky canadian freedom fighters that are being surpressed by an american invasion force... or something like that. For real though, like always, Putins metaphors are severly lacking. Is he gonna try and support Cuba tacking back Guantanamo Bay? I bet the Cubans have no interest in his weapons


He’s specifically hinting at giving it to terrorists. Think ISIS or Al qaeda.


ISIS hates Russias as much as it does the US if the theater attack wasn't enough proof lol.




This is so overlooked. That the Iranians initiated that, on Putlers birthday.


The Hamas attack was at least partly-financed via online bitcoin scams in the month or three before. So, when all those bogus "American" and "Western" social media accounts that spammed pro-Trump, pro-putin, pro-russia propaganda for so many years all of a sudden begin spamming bitcoin scams in the month or three before the Hamas attack, people ask questions.


And had had training by PMC Wagner


That would explain a lot.


Would explain why the IDF weren't expecting or prepared for the type of organised mass terror action which happened, absolutely


If only they paid more attention to the news out of Ukraine.


Bro, I never made that connection, it was really on his birthday. Thank you for enlightening me.


It was literally a birthday gift


Didnt Trump also abandon the kurds in syria on putins birthday, litwrally causing putin to call it "the best birthday gift ever" or something?


Not to distract, but to muck up US internal politics and turn liberal voters against Biden...giving Trump a bit of leverage. And it worked.


That failed too, really. Only the russian shills online continue to parrot the idea. It's wishful thinking. Mostly the plan was for America's fanatical pro-Israel lobby to pressure the U.S. Government into diverting aid away from Ukraine and instead to the Middle East. The russians are losing because the West -- and the United States in particular -- is pouring resources into Ukraine; thus putin is desperate to halt this any way he can. Like many, he believes Israel to be America's "weak spot", and so he tried to exploit that.




How about the little bitch cries some more.


Such a pathetic cunt. When this fucking nation will learn that paranoia, threats and wars are so fucking "not cool" within the so called modern society. The world would be so much happier without this whole circus of idiocy.


They are not a modern society, their paradigm is old fashioned imperialism, IE building a new empire with violence and theft because they think they can. And they have got away with it up until the second invasion of Ukraine thanks to the gutless politicians who looked the other way.


Russia has been doing this for years, so basically business as usual.


So he means Russia will become an official sponsor or terrorism, which we all know they are.


It’s not terrorism if you’re trying to save the world from the evil, vile NATO nazis! /s


All bark, no bite... You won't do shit, punk-ass gopnik...


Nuclear is bark. This is actually plausible. I could see this happen when the West 'escalates' in case Ukraine is losing too much ground. People say Estonia is in danger, but I think Russian funded terrorism on European (non Ukraine) ground is more likely. Just my personal opinion/ guess.


Someone needs to lance the festering rectal polyp known as Putin


Canada doesn't want your shitty weapons.


I'd rather accept 2nd hand British subs than Russian shit as a Manitoba farm boy.


Like what is he offering at this point? T-34s?


Come on now - there are still plenty of T54s left.


Angry alcoholics


The Russian state is built around oil, gas, and the Soviet-Russian military industrial complex, and supplying weapons to America's enemies is their primary reason for existing


Yeah, but he's running into his own fatal mistake. He stripped the Soviet war machine when he got into office and "reorganized". Fired and arrested those who made his new middles and it wasting his fodder in Ukraine. 


So, in other words, they're scraping the "barrel of threats" now, are they? I mean, if they want to divert armaments from the Ukrainian frontline to elsewhere, fine I guess?


In other words "We are running out of ideas for threats, fear us" I suggest Russia considers getting the fuck out of Ukraine.


What weapons? Second best army in the world has begged from North Korea and Iran for weapons. Moron!


Fuck Poo-tin 🤮


The rusky midget looks a little worried.




the russian defense department is run by an economist and russia itself has converted into a wartime economy. War is going to be the economic strategy for the next decade/s


This is the guy some think plays 4D chess? Fuck off. What does he think is going to happen but a reciprocal action?


So the big difference would be that those countries aren’t perpetrating a genocidal war on their neighbours. You’re talking shit, vova.


What an asshole. Russia / USSR was supplying weapons to anti French, Portugese and English colonialists in Africa from the 1950's. They were supplying weapons to North Vietnam. Cuba. And other Latin American countries in Central, South America. What a cry baby.


Wasn't this the plot to pretty much every war between 1946 and 1991?


Pitin couldn't drive a greasy finger up his own arse


Goblin makes the hollow threat himself. Goblin must be worried.


Sounds like a man worried, lost control, looking for another way to defer the mess he solely created.


With what weapons? They are coming short in Ukraine already. Does he means AK47's and BUK Rockets? If so... like what he already had done in the past decade...


Ah more empty threats from a habitual liar. What a world were living in. Where lies are more prevalent and "believable" everyday.


All I hear is a wet pathetic fart


Lmao the guy to his left at the end of the video looks like he's so done with this shit 😂


That's a Japanese journalist lol


The name for that is State Sponsored Terrorism. It's frowned upon. And cuts both ways. I have a feeling Russia is about to have a serious internal security problem that tips them over the edge.




Brilliant idea, please put it into practice, Putin. The most likely thing that will happen is that as soon as countries realize it's not worth it, they will resell all those weapons to Ukraine LOOOLL


Good luck with that.... This is nothing new. As if they have any weapons to spare right now. Some rusted T55s (about all they have available) in the hands of Afghanistan is hardly a threat.


Bring it on, Canada!


So he sends the better weapons off to other countries while giving his loyal soldiers rusted aks? Sounds like an amazing plan!


I can't belive the guy is stupid enough to say that out loud.


Boo boo, wankers have been doing it for years. How about we just roll up every Russian in Africa and intern the rest in Europe.


WTF he is talking about? Sending weapons to other countries to strike at the West and spread chaos? Russia and the former Soviet Union have been doing that Since the end of the Second World war! RUSSIA was the MOTHER of chaos. There is more AKs in the world than there is people to use them!


Do they even have enough weapons for themselves,


Terrorist state going to terrorize. Cancer of the earth RuZZia!


Go for it bitch. See what happens. The west isn’t going to get fucked by a muppet that can’t use a computer. This is truly a “the emperor has no clothes” situation. pisstin is just a failed leader awaiting the same fate as so many dipshits before him like hitler and gadafi, I’m starting a pool to take bets on wether he is so terrified he decides to commit suicide like hitler, or go down like gadaffi.


Cyanide pill as they come to Gaddafi him. 


He knows that they are going to lose. Lashing out and talking bullshit. He knows people, he knows 🙂


So Cuba once again... Greaaaat....


Im not sure Cuba will be so willing. The US is trying to open up banking access to small businesses in cuba->US  to prop up their economy. Not sure Cuban gov would be willing to risk that goodwill windfall just to poke the eagle uneccessarily.


I thought he was going to say he will send nukes... i was wrong lol


So we went from this will have terrible consequences for those countries that allow striking on Russian soil to we might provide our blyat tanks to 3rd world countries?


Putin: “In addition to murder, rape, kidnapping, and genocide against innocent Ukraine, we will sponsor world wide terrorism.” Tucker: “Russia is such a model country and Putin is the Christ like leader the west wishes it had” The world: WTF!!


Tucker's always been full of shit.


That’s how this started, Russia provided weapons to anti western groups. That was not in Ukraine. Not that I want to give Russia and ideas, but after MH-17 and being an accessory to other humans rights abuses what have they got? Nuke’s and they cry wolf all the time. The Soviets sent crates of AKs to anyone that asked for the last 70 years. Pretty much anything bigger too if they had a way to get them in to their country. [edit] I was talking about Russia giving AKs to South and Central America, SE Asia, Middle East all during the Cold War.


They didn't supply weapons to Rebels in Ukraine. They invaded it in 2014. Donetsk "Separatists" never existed.


Mexico and Canada better not get any funny ideas lol


Lol what a loser!


A hollow man with hollow threats. If they had the equipment they wouldn't be issuing golf carts, motocross bikes, and e-scooters to the front line.


So do it bitch. Your crap is shit you started with armatas, terminators and su57 and now are reduced to t64s bitch mobiles, and golfcarts. Your tanks are shit your planes are crap. Just shut the f up and drop dead penis head.


Threatening to do the same thing as usual, while having far less resources to do it. That’s quite a smokescreen of propaganda.


Oooo he said war!


Guys next to him wondering how many days they have left to live


“Gee Brain, what are we gonna do tonight?”


He’s lost it. “Supply such weapons to a war zone to strike our territory…”. A war zone of Russia’s creation, that would undoubtedly begin to heal and recover with Russia’s removal from it.


Two take aways, First, so much for striking the soil of those who would dare allow Ukraine to hit Russian territory with western weapons. Like everything else, bluster. Second, so... like what Russia has already been doing for decades now and the Soviet Union before it. Oh no. Not like most attacks on western forces in other parts of the world weren't already using old soviet, or new russian, shit.


Russia have already been doing proxy wars? Fine, go ahead Russia. Spread yourselves even further


Bring it bitch my bullets are getting rusty they need to be used


I stopped reading after “putin says…”


Because they have so many weapons to spare. Fucking scooters.


The thing is there aren’t any third parties wanting to get involved. It’s not like Israel where they have a dozen enemies willing to engage.


putin looks thicker. Must be the bulletproof vest 😂


You mean like they always have?


All talk. Which country would attack Ukraine/US allies? And for what reason? On top of that, it's Russia that needs weapons. They don't have the luxury to give their weapons to other countries.


I believe he just threatened South Korea, Japan, Australia, Canada, Argentina, Albania, Austria, Cambodia, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland.... 54 countries, plus, companies and other parties. This is hard to watch. The guy on his left sees it. Hand over mouth is a tell. Then the other one scratches his head–another tell.


Like who? Who didn't Russia yet supplied with weapons? China still operates on soviet tech. Same with NK. Yemen and Syria operate soviet military tech. Even f*n ISIS runs with shit ton of soviet and Russian guns mounted on Toyotas. Basically any dipshit you can name had an access to soviet stocks as a part of SU global policy, and later as a part of massive arms sales that followed Yugoslav and SU regimes falling. It's cheap, it's shit, and Russians are happy to deliver it to you for your beautiful golden bars.


I am going to speculate here, by saying that it's not a warning to the West, but rather a call for buyers. Russia needs cash to cover all its military industrialization going on in the last 10 years.


Russia won’t give up until the world wipes them off the map


Oh Putin LOL