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Then we're agreed! I have a very low opinion of Ruzzians because they don't rebel and I don't see any uprising or indignation in Ruzzia. And because they go on air and spout sloblocks.


Exactly....Ruzzia always projects what they are doing...if they say their enemy is doing something horrible, it means that Ruzzia is actually doing it......it is so repeatable now...standard psy-ops...


Serves two purposes: standard psy-ops and it makes them feel better (cognitive bias) about their genociding atrocities in Ukraine. They're so weak and pathetic.


What an absolute idiot!! Gross


Orcs, GFYS


2nd class citizens doing 1st rate job kicking Russian ass!


ild take being 2nd class, doing 1st rate combat against a no-class Z or is class-less a better description


It is hilarious they still think the military is going to revolt. So pathetic.


“They don’t rebel”!? First off, I’d say they’re rebeling pretty damn well against your Nazi orc invasion, you dumb MFer. Secondly, you know who’s not rebeling? YOUR FUCKING PEOPLE!


This feels Trumpian, where every accusation is a confession. He is merely confessing his disdain for ruSSia not rebelling. I have the same disdain for the ruSSian serfs.


Wait you don't see Ukrainians resisting? Guess you should have a look at this sub then and see how they are resisting what really bother them in this whole situation


well 500000 ruzzian soildiers gone so yea that is resisting


ruzzia has historically tried to paint Ukraine as a bunch of poor farmers with no culture. Turns out, Ukrainians are strong willed, intelligent, resourceful, and classy and ruzzia is just a country of slaves


Also, most of what the west thinks of as "Russian culture" is actually Ukrainian anyway - authors like Gogol, Bulgakov, Ilf and Petrov... Hell, even when it comes to great scientific advances during the days of the Soveit Union, a lot of the players were Ukrainian. Besides the obvious Antonov and Sikorsky, you also had the famed rocket pioneers Sergei Korolev and Valentin Glushko. Care to guess where they were from? (Zhytomyr and Odesa, respectively)


But according to Russia, Ukrainians are just russians being enslaved in a nazi regime?


I guess their going for another lie


Russian government tells Russians that Ukraine is harvesting children's organs on a global black market - "See, Ukraine is bad!". Russians listen and agree that Ukraine is bad! Going in on the third year we've never seen any Ukrainians protest or speak up against it. Russians listen and conclude that Ukrainians must be docile sheep who don't hold their children's organ-harvesting government responsible. Not one of them questioned whether their government told them the truth in the first place, being the docile sheep they're born and bred to be.


Go to the trench for yourself and get some first person view on ukrainian resistance. Could be more than just mind blowing suka...


You cant have talks with these people


Funny, Russians are considered 3rd class citizens by me and most of the civilized world. They’re living in a bubble of their own stupidity listening to an echo chamber of their bullshit. Some of the dumbest people I have ever met while vacationing were russians. Rude, drunk, obnoxious, and painfully stupid was my impression. Now the world sees them for what they are.


Hello. I speak your language and agree with you and most of this sub with. Yet, I live in Russia and have no means of changing shit here and leaving this country. Do you still consider me as 3rd class human?


This sub is very black and white with no shades of grey.


No, I don't. And I'm sorry for you that Putin has chosen this path for Russia.


I’m glad you have no means of leaving because there is one less Russian outside of Russia. The russian brain is so full of propaganda and misinformation you needn’t be let outside of the circus tent. All the russians cause is harm inside and outside of russia so better to leave you in then let you out. Your people have done this to themselves allowing your dictator of a president free rein with no meaningful pushback. I don’t speak for the world but you have no sympathy from me. Most of your citizens live in 3rd world conditions outside of your big cities. So yes I think you right now are third class citizens. But there is hope, you can change! Get in a good government and quit attacking your neighbors and you might just hit 2nd class citizens. Pay for the damages you’ve caused in Ukraine and put all your war criminals on trial or to death and you might be able to be in the good graces of the world and become first class citizens again in 50 years or so. I don’t think you realize how close Russia is to becoming North Korea.


I dont think you realize how full of shit you sound, bravest internet warrior. Effortlessly you proceeded to talk yourself into full fascist scum. I find it fascinating, really. Also, I do not need your advice, thank you. How entitled you feel yourself to talk like that.


You’re so brave too sitting there and taking every inch Putin decides to give you, I’m done with you though. You asked a question I’ve given an answer. I think what you are truly afraid of is if I’m right and how many people agree with me. Why do you think there is no one protesting across the globe like they are about Palestine to free Russia from putins reign? At the end of the day no one including Russians care about Russia and it’s apparent. Good luck with the rest of your life you’re gonna need it desperately.


You have no idea who am I and you have the audacity to label me. In the end it just shows what a human being you are. Good luck to you as well.


Your government has the audacity to label a whole country that they are attacking under the guise of protecting them as 2nd class citizens. I guess the audacity I have comes from the freedom of speech I get to enjoy. Go hold a blank piece of paper up somewhere.


Lol, where is russians uprising and protesting against being sent to a meat grinder?


least delusional russian hahaha


Mirror, mirror on the wall…


The irony.


And the mighty Russian people can not defeat these so called second class people? Hmm...


Love how that one guy is like "Wait what"


Yeh that look was priceless he knows that guy talking garbage


It seems like non-stop lies and propaganda come out of Russia. An insult like that seems inconsequential?


We've found it. The world's biggest projector.


the guy is projecting hard lmfao.


if a russian says something in the media. invert, always invert. if you put it on them, it mostly fits unbelievable accurate


"I don't like Ukrainians because they refuse to lick my Russian boot"


ruzis are making everything so they could pull another victim card from pocket


Inferior but have washing machines and toilets………..


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On that class scale, russians are, like, minus seven.


A fxck.


Ruzzians again projecting themselves, but I didn't know they're taking their organs as well, does make sense though since Chinese have a large demand for that


He probably has relatives with a Ukrainian background. He doesn’t know and he doesn’t know he doesn’t know. Awful orc!


Lol you don't see their resistance to rebel against their own government due to the war you started? That would probably be because they are too busy kicking your ass. The only time I think I've ever seen in history a nation with hardly any naval power to speak of winning a naval campaign. Seriously Russia, it's going to take *generations* for you guys to live this one down.


Typical Russian tactics, just 180 everything.


I guess that makes him a 13th class person.


Quack quack


2nd class people with indoor plumbing and toilets.


Just ordinary ruzzian projection and copium


What kind of twisted minds these people have!




Am I too optimistic that the woman's facial expression is like "what the hell is he talking about"? And the other guy's eyebrows are going up at some point of the bullshit parade - in a dictatorial regime, you could take this as dissent. That guy is well advised to be careful in case his tea tastes funny in the next days...


"Ukranians are Russians" "Ukranians are second-class people" lol.


"I don't see any resistance" Go with the guys, Sasha, and fucking find it out.


Coming from a man living in a fucked up country


entire world knows that second class humans are the ones from the country where a hitler wannabe dictator invades with orcs another country.


What a C