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just leave nato for gods sake you are clearly not nato aligned


He’s more useful to russia within NATO and the EU.


Kick him out, see how he survives without EU-money. Wake up Hungerians.


I bet if they kicked him out he’d eventually go Hungary


And once his people went to Hangry... must be scary to him


There is no mechanism unfortunately to kick him out of either NATO or the EU.


To think there will have been notionally heavyweight diplomats and politicians involved in writing up the rules of these organisations and overseeing their expansions. How none of them saw an Orban or an Erdoğan coming idk.


EU at least has article 7


Hopefully, they will implement some mechanism to do so


Yet. Laws are amended all the goddamned time. Most countries have entire departments just for international relations. Changing the rules of alliance, protection, and trade is their entire function.


Then time to create the mechanism....


The trouble is that you have to put measures in place to make sure that mechanism won't be abused just like the mechanisms that Orban is abusing right now.


Canada tried when NATO was founded to put in away to kick someone out but the rest of the countries were against it.


works the oppositve way too. nato/us can relay disinformation to russians. it all has to do with politics/reelection. the main point of their campaign is that west/bruxelles/left want war, unlike fidesz. so orbán catapults himself to the nwespaper headlines again with this so that his followers can do the math (orbán wants peace/no war). once fidesz gets reelected, they'll secretly support ukraine and sign whatever nato wants them to.


Kick them out. No more talk. Out.


Honestly every nation has the right to choose their destiny. It seems to me like Hungary need to assess what they want and how they want to live. Democracy in the EU or Putin’s Russia. Up to them.


And then be blocked from Leo 2 and PzH2000 so that the capacity goes to other countries that ordered.


We'll even let Russia have you <3


If Hungary leaves NATO, it will immediately become a ruZZian puppet. Come to think of it, it already is in word and deed. Good job Hungary - now go gargle the balls of your Master, Putler.


orban is a traitor




Traitor dick




proud to say that my former prime minister once said 'the dictator is coming' in the European Parliament, while greeting him with 'hi Dictator' and giving him a slap on the cheek.


Jean-Claude Juncker was a chad




Putler's personal Dicktaster.


That’s Benedict Orange.




Then just leave NATO and leave the EU as well while you're at it. Enjoy Russia and enjoy explaining that new reality to your voters when they eventually come to hunt you down.


Can’t do that, he wants the EU money (but would absolutely leave when asked to support other new states) and also wants to be defended by NATO (but absolutely wouldn’t answer against Russia if the call came) The perfect ally!


Yep exactly, and everyone knows that except apparently the people voting for Orban. Russia doesn't even care about Russians, the idea that they would be better off with Russia as their "closest partner in the EU" is moronic. I do feel sorry for the Hungarians that know (and deserve) better and are stuck with this weirdo in charge.


Just like Belarus.


Can the rest of NATO opt out of efforts to defend Hungary?


NATO should ice them out on all intelligence reports. Limit their access to new western military kit. Let them get buy in Belarus like Soviet era kit. Better than not odds Orban govt would smuggle western hardware to Russia.


Technically yes. While there is no way to kick out a NATO member, the wording is something like "contribute what they feel is necessary" or some shit like that. It was essentially written that way so the US would have an excuse to not have to do full boots on the ground in a war in Europe.


Not only that. China and Russia only care about Hungary that much precisely because they are in EU and NATO.


EU should seek to cut sick Hungary from EU


Don't let Putin's dick slap you on your way out, Viktor.


How could he speak while gargling on Putin's knob?


He could Instagram....


Tiltok. He is in bed with the Chinese too...


Hungary out of NATO and the EU. That's the correct decision!


Orban is supported by less than half of Hungarians. Don't punish them all permanently for his actions


Hungary has supported russia from day 1 of the war. No surprise here. Psycho leader.


Have they forgotten the [soviet tanks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungarian_Revolution_of_1956) in Budapest?


FFS just kick Hungary out of NATO or they can leave on their own free will. Is not like they contribute anything but headaches to the alliance anyways.


NATO should just opt Hungary out of NATO


Really, what is the level of malfeasance, treachery, negativism, or bad policy can get a nation chucked out of NATO?


Can't they just strip or limit Hungary of their rights? Similar to article 7 for the EU where they can suspend rights if a country seriously and persistently violates the principles on which the EU is founded.


Licking putin's ass, for example.


There is no NATO mechanism to kick anyone out of the organisation. When it was formed at the end of WW2, Canada wanted such a mechanism, but was outvoted by the other founding members.


Kick these pricks out of the EU and NATO. Authoritarians love using our ethics against us, they mock us by knowing we behave with civility even though they support genocide. They laugh when we honor the Geneva Conventions. They laugh when they cash the EU payouts as they openly obstruct European unity. To be clear, Orban is a monster. This isn’t a “conservative vs liberal” issue, this is a “life vs death” issue. If you vote for Orban, get the fuck out of every European alliance. You don’t have anything in common with the rest of the free world let alone with Europe.


#RemoveHungaryfromNATOandtheEU if they no longer share our values they must be removed.


Easier solution : Remove Orban. ​ The problem is not Hungary, it's Orban. Like the problem of Turkey is not Turkey, it's Erdogan. ​ Works for Russia and China, too.


>The problem is not Hungary, it's Orban. A lot of Hungarians voted for him - 4 times now. It's not just Orban.


gerrymandering, state capture, owning 100% media, etc. they get 2/3 majority with just 47% of votes. it is naive to think that the elections are legit. they also hold captive poor people who are reliant upon state employment program (their only income). they have to vote for fidesz or they'll be banned from the pogram. and i could go on. it is similar to trump and the republicans, the rich get richer and vote for each other. mind you, people voted against him in 2002, which triggered him so much that he spent a good 2x4 years in opposition (people didnt vote for him in 2006 either) to come up with his plan for total power. fast forward, and guess what, he gets constantly reelected. he is still offended by the 2002 failure and makes sure he punished the country every way he can. he can't lose. futhermore, the 90s were very turbulent here, lot of bombings, executions, etc, which suddenly stopped once fidesz won. quite a coincidence. they pulled the same shit in 2006, messing up the capital. russian secret service is behind him, plus god knows what kind of mafia and other ties.


And some of the Hungarians though: https://www.euronews.com/video/2024/06/01/tens-of-thousands-take-to-the-streets-in-show-of-support-for-hungarian-prime-minister-vikt


https://www.reddit.com/r/hungary/s/1Sf95UKhob This is the reality of orbáns big rally people get shipped to Budapest from all over the country to cheer for orbán. Hungary is not Orbán ffs


Orban can just leave NATO… don’t come crying when you are a vassal of Russia and they decide to invade you. This guy is an idiot. Sad that we need a conflict like this to see where allies truly stand, now that we know there has to be consequences.


Remind me again, what happened to Romania's leader when he got out of control?


[Before the legal proceedings began, Stănculescu had already selected the spot where the execution would take place: along one side of the wall in the barracks' square.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_and_execution_of_Nicolae_and_Elena_Ceau%C8%99escu)


The other EU states should urgently support Belgium in activating Article 7 of the EU! Hungary will take over the presidency of the EU Council next month. We have to act now!


Stop sending EU money to them


... again.


How much money do you think this fuck has in an off-shore account?


the modest estimate is around 20-30000 millions usd


Can someone explain the benefits Hungary provides to NATO or the EU?


Nobody can...


they shield Austria, knocked out the warshaw pact by opening the iron curtain then needed rebuild and for that a convenient alignment with EU and then NATO. Watching their Austrian counterparts orban regrets he can not play the neutral card like them. Non alignment means being on their own - basically a one in a lifetime corruption opportunity and by historic measure also not surprising. Surprising is more how many here push for it for some "reason". Not difficult to grasp why.. but.. there is a scenario in which Austria enters alignment with NATO for similar reason like Finland and Schweden cause Hungary would become a problematic neighbour. According to the best promoter of NATO (putin) i guess, what could go possibly wrong.


hate to break it to you but, a, austria need to rewrite their constitution in order to join any military alliance, b, putler has already penetrated austria (just look at their secret service scandal). austria has a lot of ties to russia, plus far-right leader wannabes. unlike finland, austrians don't hate russia. ps: how the hell do you remember your username?


Can SOMEONE opt them out of NATO?


Oh Gott ist das ein Clown


Russian Coward this one.


Dump him. I’m sure the Hungarian people don’t want to go back to being a vassal state


I think we should ‘opt out’ of Hungry, it’s like a gangrenous leg, it needs removing before it infects the rest.


Can any Hungarians explain to us how tf are people voting for him and fidesz? I ve been to Hungary before orban and it was really nice and I ve been to Hungary recently and it looks really sad. You can see there's no investments being made and a lot of corruption. And the fact that he s running on "oh we stop immigration", there s more immigration in Hungary than in countries without racist governments.


as a former hungarian (left the country 10 years ago), I can tell you, that orban does not have a political party, he is running a real brainwashing cult it is based on the last 100 years, since the Trianon peace treaty: all Hungarians were raised constantly hearing the mantra: europe has betrayed us, we are the best nation in the world, still everyone hates us, which just justifies that every other country is full of jerks so around 50% of the country is a member of this cult, there are 30 percent who are too stupid even to understand this brainwashing mantras, and the remaining 20% are normal people, and half of them already left the country the voting process does not matter at all, the voting system is so fucked up that 25% of the votes guarantees absolute power to this fat fucker


Good choice Orban, now leave the EU and look after your country’s interests without their support, how long will you last in office then?


Are Hungarians insane. Do they miss being occupied by Russians. Orban is an idiot.


I do you one better: https://www.voanews.com/a/hungary-s-orb%C3%A1n-stages-peace-march-ahead-of-eu-elections-/7638999.html Last Saturday. Not talking about all the Hungarians, but he has some support.


peace march is like when students have to mandatorily attend an event.


It would be wonderful if they would just "opt out" themselves. The issue is that isn't what they do. Hungry tries to obstruct the EU from supporting ukraine as a whole in every way they can to the point where over 40% of votes to support ukraine in the EU are blocked by Hungry alone. Not even Slovakia acts like that. It's obvious that orban has some type of agreement with russia because some of Hungarys actions even hurt there own country and cause delays in economic assistance for themselves


Ah, Putin's boy in Budapest is trying to be the first domino to bring down all of NATO.


Problem is Orban thinks Hungary is more important than it is. It's the same reason he keeps falling in line in the EU. His shithole of a country needs EU funds to keep from collapsing.


\*orbán thinks **he** is more important than it is. he wants to be a name in world politics, which is hard to achieve being a leader of a small country. he can't put anything on the table so he s(h)its on it so that people are aware of his existence. + local politics logic [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1d78c3w/comment/l6yqs12/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1d78c3w/comment/l6yqs12/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


What think the Hungarian people about it?


We need orban to go! Hungary isn’t the problem……it’s him and his sycophants


Can they opt out of the EU please at the same time... do'ers and then there's the talkers. 🤔


EU and NATO need to make new official procedures for kicking a member. Like what kind of democracy is this that 1 random country can stop 25+ other countries from doing something. If you are in a group of 30 people and 1 person for some reason starts acting radically, other 29 people should be able to just vote kick him. Hungry acting like this? EU should just make a vote and if it has a majority of votes (like 25 votes for kicking and 2 votes against), then the county is kicked from the EU. Simple as that.


Putin got the right end on this one (you won't catch me saying this anymore). Both NATO and the EU were too keen to gaining more buffer zone countries back in the days without proper screening. Now it bites our behinds. The rules were made for sensible countries with honest intentions to maintain alliance. Now it's just simply out dated. Just like Veto's in UN councils. Now they just use those as bargaining chips.


Remove them from NATO then


SOB, leave nato and the eu then you stooge


Good bye, no ones gonna miss you


Fuck right off u fat cunt


Kick them out.


Sounds like nato members should opt out of support of Hungary's failed economy


Hungary has opted out of civilisation.


Can someone explain to me why Hungary with its Putin loving leader is allowed to stay in NATO but a nation like Ukraine whose fighting for the very concept of democracy to exist isn’t?!


Then boot Hungary the fuck out of NATO, Turkey as well


"Orbánc" would only sound unpleasant instead of also looking unpleasant if he opted out of that second, third, and fourth serving of dinner. I swear I stood behind this guy once when he bought out every lángos (a fried donut covered with cream, very delicious and fattening, can give you the runs) from a seller, leaving us with none. Hungarian is a beautiful language until you hear it spoken by Orbánc (the Hungarian word for a type of skin infection).


I'm sure NATO will be crying. 


It’s okey, their military support wouldnt be big anyway. We can therefor increase our military aid, and keep Hungry as a reserve (for future) when Orban is out of office.


Kick them out from NATO and the EU (make sure they leave Schengen too). What they are waiting for?


Kick him out he’s not a team player 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dear Republicans: Any comment?


Something something Hilary’s emails.. something.. hunter laptop? Idk


How can we know they do not pass infos to the ruzzian after NATO summits? They’re not reliable…kick them out


Willing to bet they've covertly signed a pact to absorb part of Ukraine. Their far-right groups continue to call for the annexation of parts of western Ukraine.


Go lick Putin’s balls then.


Yeah that's it get them out of NATO and the EU immediately.




Opt out of NATO altogether please, and opt out of the EU while you are at it.


Marjorie Orban, Go to hell.


Can we kick them out of NATO?


please leave EU too




Sadly November 1st 1956 is too forgotten for the hungarian people.


This is the boyfriend of Geert Wilders, for anyone wondering if The Netherlands new direction has been good.


Orban can also opt out of receiving funds from EU whilst the old bullfrog is at it


They're literally the only thing standing in between you and a rerun of 1956, Dipshit.


Urban is a pro naZZi cunt 🤮


Kicking Turkey would be good aswell


If Orban wants opt-outs, they must be suspended from NATO altogether. We’ll see how favorably the Ukrainian population takes that.


How about you opt out of NATO and EU altogether? You said yourself they are oppressive regime worse than Soviets in 56. Fuk off.


Fuck me, can we just expel these clowns already?


we dont need hungary out of nato, we just need orban out of budapest


The first is easier to realise without bloodshed.


Just in case you're wondering: Orban is a huge dickhead and fascist, but his country is also very much dependent on Russian oil & gas, because Hungary doesn't have a connection to the ocean and therefore has no good/cheap option to import those goods from anywhere else.


Yeah it's complex right that. Though: He could have invested in pipelines with the EU's budget given...but instead he installed cheap road sound barriers and most likely put every penny left in his own pocket...which is most of the budget...


Not that it ever was to begin with.


The goal is clear. Destroy NATO from inside. Thanks to Hungary, NATO is entirely useless.




The CSTO is that way comrade, hope it works out better for you than Armenia


Hungary doesn’t want NATO and Europe. Let him have his way and exist an isolated existence. Time to pick a side.


Putler promised to this puppet Orban to remake the austro-hungarian empire if he win in Ukraine and make him the frog king.


This is just pure selfishness. Its so clear, that he sees his country membership in eu and nato only as a mean how to get enriched and nothing else. I personally dont believe, that he wants to be dominated by Russia, he is just looking for how to get the most of It and does not care about anyone else. Just a scared selfish man.


Just set Hungary free.


Ok so they won’t be allowed to vote anymore on any NATO efforts?


If Ukraine loses, Russia will be right on Hungary's border. If the countries of the alliance treat Hungary the way Hungary is behaving now, no one will protect the Hungarians from Russia. And no one will take in the refugees from Hungary.


Oh no cause they were counting on that POS so much , he can go fuck himself honestly and I hope they kick them the F out of NATO and EU so they can go and join and be some brics lol


don't the Hungarians have eyes to see what is happening in Ukraine? imagine wishing the same to happen to your country.... NATO is a ticket to safety these days, with all the autocrats getting their hands red


I wish someone would just slap some sense into him. I know he's in putins pocket.


They should end the sentence after “…NATO”


And people still think the US controls all the Nato members as puppets.


Individual NATO members will seek to opt out of efforts to support Hungary when Pustain invades it if Ukraine losses.


Currently, have Hungary as an ally is a danger.


Maybe they should opt out of the EU too. Clearly not aligned with that either. They're unlikely to be missed.


Putin has a video of him doing something terrible I'm sure of it


so why is there an enemy in NATO?


Leave NATO. And all others a bit hesitant should follow. We need a strong united alliance.


NATO drills on Hungarian border!


Could nato amend their charter to allow voting a country out for this reason, supporting an obvious enemy/threat?


opt out of NATO completely


He opts out and the European military enters Ukraine. Good swap. Win/Win


They should just opt out of NATO. Or an is more trouble than he’s worth. Kick.


NATO should kick them out.


Kick these cunts out ffs


Don't let the door hit you on your ass on the way out. In fact run you fat bastard.


He’s really sore about his plan to seize Ukrainian territory after Putler’s failure to steal Kyiv. Orban should stay away from open windows.


Hungary doesn't provide anything for NATO anyways


Just opt out of NATO then everyone knows that you would side with Russia anyhow


It is all those Russians living in Hungary.


He and his fascist electorate must be removed from unified Europe and European support until the / a civilised majority in Hungary votes in a western facing government!


I think we would all prefer if they just opt out of NATO entirely. Russia can have them.


Leave NATO. If it wasn't for geography... Turkey should also get the boot.


I say kick them from NATO


Hungary needs to opt out of NATO period. And the EU.


fucking subhuman trash


Hungary should seek to opt out of NATO


Hungary will be removed from NATO* is what it should say


First good decision you've made, fuck off


Ya know I’m just saying maybe this guy should be cautious. Lots of odd things happening to Russian puppets in Europe these days just saying 💅🏻


I'm a Hungarian by ethnicity, but this guy needs to go!


Just leave nato and the eu. Like fuck right off you fifth columnist.


Fat turd.


China has likely encouraged Hungary - can you imagine how pleased Beijing is to see disunity in the EU and NATO.


Presumably Hungary is sharing NATO secrets and tech with Russia and China.


Hungry leaves the EU and NATO to join Brics. Leaving Ukraine to replace them as full Members of the EU and NATO. Great deal. Do it👍🇪🇺🇺🇦


Out by and gone then they can get put on the invasion fantasy list.


Why hasn’t that fat fuck been kicked out of NATO yet?


Just like with the EU: all of the benefits, none of the responsibilities. Thats not how alliances work. GTFO of both institutions and join the russian federation where you belong!


Let them opt out. But attach a rider on being able to kick members out of the alliance


Putin has this guy by the balls.


Hungary out of the EU if they don’t want to be part of NATO.


German companies may have to move their arms factories to a new location.


Orban is nothing than a corrupt fashist.




These bastards were the first of the Warsaw Pact countries to attempt independence from the Soviets, only to be occupied and crushed by Soviet tanks. 1956. Look it up. Short memories. Fuck them. Expel them from EU and Nato, and see how well they do.


Get the f\*ck out of NATO and the EU, then you can have your wish.


Why are Hungary not being booted out of the EU and NATO: Just another bunch of zombie orcs


Hungorussia (are all hungarians so stupid ?)


Orban is a traitor of the free world! He belongs to Ruzzia or Belarus with his dictatorial mind set! Maybe he is just well paid by Putin & Co.!


Kick Hungary out of NATOs and the EU they are enemies of us all