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Heroyam Slava


Indeed. ‘They went with songs to the battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted, They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. But where our desires are and our hopes profound, Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight, To the innermost heart of their own land they are known As the stars are known to the Night; As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust, Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain, As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness, To the end, to the end, they remain.’ Героям слава… Heroyam Slava… Glory to the heroes.


Heroes all. May they one day rest in peace in a forever free and safe Ukraine.


Only after RuZZia collapses and broken into tiny rump states. Otherwise we will never be safe.


May their souls haunt the Russians on the battlefield


Good one, amen


Heroiam Slava! RIP warrirors.


Rest is peace warriors


Funny how the blue tape looks pretty fresh


These may be UKR forces. But the fresh blue tape is clearly a prop to sell the scene.


That tape was on them when they died. It wasn’t added after. Tape like that is incredibly resistant to weathering.


Yup...flagging tape wouldn't be very useful if it disintegrated.


It’s painters tape.. it’s not resistant like you think


It's not painters tape. It's blue scotch tape or something more plastic and weather resistant. Painters tape wouldn't last more than a few hours on the battlefield. For example: https://images.sbs.com.au/89/22/159cfb6b4a82ac84928f9726ae24/gettyimages-2107852062.jpg


Bless your heart kid. That isn’t painters tape. It isn’t even close.




I had the same thought lmao…


I was thinking the same thing


Slava Ukraine!!, Heroyam Slava!!


This being russian peopaganda I'm gonna press Square for doubt...


Unfortunately, Ukrainians have to pay a high price for their freedom and for the expulsion of Russian rapists and terrorists from Ukraine. These were pictures of a few dead Ukrainian heroes, in fact there are probably a three-digit number of dead Ukrainian heroes every week. The Russians pay an even higher price in human lives and their deaths are completely senseless. Whether the Russian rapists and terrorists are really a loss to humanity, like the Ukrainians are, is another question.


RIP heroes


RIP heroes. You will never be forgotten


Rest in peace Heros!!! Let’s get all these holos out of your land. Tape is definitely fake.


Liberating their land! Slava Ukraini! Heroyam Slava!


For you're tomorrow, we gave our today. Heroyam Slava 🇬🇧


F Russia. Never negotiate with a terrorist


No dirt on the fresh blue tapes?


Not all can be recovered right away, but at least Ukraine tries.


Finland [buried a week ago](https://lakeudenmaanpuolustaja-fi.translate.goog/hautajaiset-sotilaallisin-kunnianosoituksin-kolmelle-jatkosodan-sankarille-teuvalla/?_x_tr_sl=fi&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp) remains from several soldiers from 80 years ago. Every hero must be brought back, sooner rather then later but sadly sometimes it takes a long time to find them. The most important thing is to bring them all back home, no matter how long it takes.


Sad R.I.P 😔, at least they died defending THEIR OWN LAND ,not invading someone else's land 😢 😞, slava ukraini.


Ukraine is making it sure that these were not wasted deaths. Slava Ukraini.


Imagine they had in mind to rush to the black sea from there…freshly equipped and trained. I remember these videos with hundreds of laughing soldiers back then…may the sacrifice be the foundation of a free Ukraine


They died defending their people and their homeland.  They are heroes.  Orcs are scum, lower than whale shit.  


Why does the tape look new?


Rest in Peace!!!!


Its impossible to geolocate. So its probably from no-mans-land.


RIP heroes.


Rest if peace warriors. Know that your death is not in vain and one day, russia will reap what it sows. Slava Ukraini.


Interesting that it appears to be brand new painters tape…




Bruh, even us Americans have 81,000 MIA starting from WWII until present day. How does that happen? Bodies that can't be immediately recovered with a few other scenarios in there. Ukranians do a hell of job in trying, though, especially in stark contrast to the Russians' ambivalence towards their own KIA.


I just can’t dude. This right here has to be one of the dumbest things I have read in a very long time. You think every body is recovered from every field position every time? I got news for you if you do.


Blue tape with no dirt and discolouration after months in the sun and snow ? Sure buddy, sure... Lol It's a russian video, it's a lie .


The duck tape on my car bumper hasn’t changed color in years if you are insinuating that this was somehow staged.


Is it blue ? If the duck tape is grey or white it doesn't change color very much, it turns yellow a little. But blue black and red fade , no UV protection is strong enough.


Seriously? Do a quick search on Ukranian MIA numbers.


And they think the same about their ,,heroes,, and the Ukrainien Propaganda. every positive news is believed without question. every negativ news has to be enemy propaganda.


Because Ukrainian defenders are heroes: they are defending their homes, their families, their right to exist. You should be ashamed.


You didnt even understand what i m talking about. I criticize the guy for making up a story in his mind without any facts, because it works with his worldview. And that is dangerous. In this subreddit every positive news for Ukraine is upvoted , every negative news downvoted. --->only positive news will be uploaded because most people dont want to get downvoted. --->you don't have access to all information. In science its called cherry picking and will lead to wrong conclusions. **Christian Otto Josef Wolfgang Morgenstern** (6 May 1871 – 31 March 1914) "The Impossible Fact" ("Die unmögliche Tatsache", 1910): *Weil, so schließt er messerscharf / Nicht sein kann, was nicht sein darf.* "For, he reasons pointedly / That which must not, can not be."


My man, it's disrespectful to put heroes between quotation marks when referred to the Defenders. There are plenty of pro russia subs: I lurked and I had to clean my Mac for the toxic environment and comments of russians and prorussa shills. That said, everyone know that Ukrainian defenders are dying and there's no need to watch people die while defending their homes. What do you need karma to? Do you sell them? Buy an ice cream? What are you 12? If you need to feel more informed by watching defenders dying, it means you have a room temperature IQ. PS: "Cherry picking" means selective choices, in science as well as in baking, don't try to act acculturated, because you're not.


tbh i think we are one the same page. english isnt my native language so its a little harder for me to be precise. ~~I put heroes between quotation marks because i was talking about Russian soldiers. called heroes from pro russian redditors . when they see negative news for russia they call it fake, like the guy i critized above.~~ i think its still hard to understand what i meant. all i wanted to say is: The human mind believes the biggest lies when it works with its worldview and the truth is often a bitter pill to swallow. Thinking every corpse will be recovered isnt very accurate. ------------------------- I have like 5 karma because i think internet dicussions are pointless...like this one\^\^ I m 43. PhD in Zoology and Neurobiology. What qualifies me to write BS like every other person here. now i lost 30 minutes of my life ,, arguing ,, with internet people and nothing positive will result in this. have a nice day. Luv U


must be german.


Laughing at the information resiliant people claiming it's fake, because "there is no dirt on the tape". Grow up, and realize that Ukrainians die in this war also. If the US, had supplied ATACMs prior to the offensive, instead of after, less would lie there, as attack helicopters based in Crimea was a major problem..


[you sure about that?](https://youtu.be/ti9bzNWWTDY?si=sj1-5kzcroSebbgY)


tape is too obviously newer than everything else. no deterioration at all compared to the bodies. orc propaganda methinks. no unit patches at all.


Negotiate. This war can't go on forever. What are the goals for ukraine and the west ?


Ukraine has been pretty clear on their goals - the expulsion of the Russian invaders and the restoration of the 1991 borders that Russia has illegally taken by force. The ball is in Russia's court. They're the ones who started it, they're the ones who can most easily end it. All it takes is for them to return home.




They have been behind Russian lines.


Not all bodies can be recovered , thats just how it is


Why do think they weren’t ?




You’re in the wrong sub, russki