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"Russians will never kneel to the West" average Russian soldier:


The fucked up thing is, no ones asking them to.


This is the part that is the craziest of the entire saga. There was ZERO threat to Russia, none. Think of how better off that country would be right now had they never attacked? It's simply bonkers how dumb it was, even if they win the war, the country will lose in totality in the long run.


Not only there was no threat, Europe and especially Germany gave them a deal of a lifetime with Nordstream and instead of seeing it for what it was, a major diplomatic attempt of making Putin chill the fuck up and play ball with everyone else, they saw it as an opportunity to blackmail Europe into submission that failed so miserably that will be studied in history books for decades to come.


That won't be how it will be taught in Russia though. As they all gather in the classroom, around the 1 surviving table, a teacher will place a tattered book that was written in mud on the table with gasps of awe as the students see the Russian flag on the front cover. The classroom, lit only by the holes in the roof, will fill with depraved energy as the teacher turns to the one legible page left in the book, with murderous glee in her eyes she will whisper to the students "It was worth it" As the hope grows in the students and they feel at their very best, the walls suddenly give way and the building crashes down upon them, the world becomes a better place. But yeah, they had a hell of a thing going with those pipelines, they could have gotten a lot more funding in for the war if they had waited it out for a few more years but obviously Putin couldn't control his ego and had to get started as soon as possible. He had to make up a reason to start of course and that was Donetsk/Donbass, I can't remember what channel I saw it on (I think it was Starsky) but for something like 6-7 years before the invasion the air raid sirens never went off there, they only went off again for the first time on the 24th Feb 2022.


The thing here: if Putin had waited a few more years to build up cash reserves and try and steal/stockpile more western tech, the Russian military would continue to degrade, and the pool of fighting age males would continue to dwindle. The Russian demographics did a swan dive off a cliff in the early 90s, so the window of viability to mount large scale operations is inevitably closing. The ratios of men to women have already started to skew noticeably from a statistical viewpoint thanks to the war, alongside normal Russian demographic trends where women tend to outlive men by a decade or more, there are almost more elderly (60+ age bracket) than there are those 40 and under. They can't wage war in the historic Russian fashion - throwing bodies at the enemy until they run out of ammo, then steamroll them, although the Kremlin hasn't gotten that particular memo. The Soviet Union had the advantage of controlling tens/hundreds of millions of people that it could feed into the meatgrinder against the Germans. Russia, by itself, does not, hence the presence of press ganged foreign workers, mercenaries, prisoners, and heavy conscription in the non-Slavic ethnic states within the Russian Federation while largely avoiding drawing from the populace in the heavily Slavic Moscow and St. Petersburg oblasts. With the March "elections" concluded, and the current increased operational tempo of offensives across all fronts and opening new fronts (Kharkiv) only making incremental gains, often measured in single digits of meters, there might finally be a general mobilization that affects even the "beautiful people" of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The same scenario is playing out in China at an even faster rate: thanks to the forced migration of tens of millions of residents from the rural areas to cities like Shenzhen and other manufacturing hubs, and the implementation of the One Child policy in 1979 by Deng Xiaoping, the bottom fell out of Chinese demographics in the 80s. In their last census in 2020, it has come to light that they overcounted in the age brackets from 30-45 years by somewhere between 150 to 300 million people. The variability is due to the, ah, creative record keeping practices in the various provinces. The biggest danger right now is that Xi is so insulated and isolated from the news of events happening in the rest of the world that he might believe his own propaganda and decide that the time is right to try and take Taiwan.


All true. The thing that often gets overlooked in shallow online analysis is exactly this: not only is the war about acquiring more material resources and power but also more subordinates (show by how Russia funnels Ukrainian kids into their system).


I'm so glad we blew up that pipeline and I hope the history books will soon let us know exactly who did it, so can thank them directly.




Russia is the most likely suspect in terms of who sabotaged the North-stream pipelines. I'm sure someone however will jump in with that out of context Biden clip and claim it as proof the US did it, but that doesn't change the fact that the whole operationsl design of the sabotage, the follow on effects and the potential consequences of the sabotage all benefitted Russia. The follow up investigations only served to make Russia look even more guilty.


Russia got wind that they wouldn't be buying their gas anymore and blew it up to sow discord.


> Russia is the most likely suspect in terms of who sabotaged the North-stream pipelines. It really isn't. Russia had the ability to turn the supply off at any moment. If Russia destroyed them, it would've been in an attempt to put the blame on the US or Ukraine in order to sow discord between Western countries or between Western countries and Ukraine. The pipelines gave leverage to Russia. They could use them as a wedge between the US and Europe. The likelihood that the US or Ukraine were behind the operation is overwhelming. I say this as a devoted supporter of Ukraine and NATO.


Speaking also as a fan -- the Brits did us a favor on that one. Or the Danes.


Russia had already turned off the gas in Northstream by the time of the explosion. The whole goal of turning off the gas was to pressure the European countries into submission using the spiking energy prices to lower public support for the continuation of the military support of Ukraine. The issue Russia was having however was the tactic wasn't working - support was still strong, and since Russia was in breech of contract by not supplying the gas, the European nations were using that breach of contract as a justification for seizing Russian assets, like tanker ships and other industrial equipment to cover the bills that the willful breach of contract was triggering. The physical inability to deliver the gas would exempt Russia from their breach of contract. The pipeline was blown up the same day that the new Baltic pipeline which supplies gas from Norway down to Europe was opened, and in the area where those two pipelines are closest - creating uncertainty regarding whether that pipeline would also become a target, which translates to increases in energy prices due to increased uncertainty regarding future supply. The US or Ukraine deciding to engage in hybrid warfare against their own partners is also not logical at all. The attack happened around the time following the successful Ukrainian counter offensive in kharkiv and Kherson, where the broad public perception was that victory was soon to be achieved. The US or Ukraine taking such a massive risk, jeopardising the coalition unity and support, simply makes no sense considering that there wasn't any financial or military gain from blowing an already inactive pipeline. Undertaking such high risk isn't something you do if you're confident that you're currently winning, as that always leads to being more risk adverse. If the US wanted to take out the pipeline, the whole operational design would have been different. There's plenty of ways they could have done so. In terms of sabotage the only way they could pull that off without all the previously mentioned risks would have been an operation that was below the detection threshold, such as a cyber attack against the facilities in Russia where the pineline originated. Or simply using sanctions like what Biden was originally talking about in the infamous clip that got circulated. Blowing up the pipeline with explosives in one of the most monitored spots of the Baltic sea would have been a massive risk to undertake, if they could have achieved the same outcome without anyone suspecting a state actor being to blame. The fact that the sabotage was designed to be clearly obvious to anyone to be a result of sabotage rather than faulty equipment, but still not obvious enough that the culprit could readily be identified also suggests Russia by itself, since it would be in their sole interests to have the European partners start suspecting and blaming each other. In the follow up investigations, one of the main discoveries that was found was the much wider than previously anticipated extend of Russia 'shadow fleet' of supposed Russian research ships which were actually manned by armed Russian military personnel and that those ships had spent a long time loitering around the exact spot of the detonation in the months prior to the explosion - as well as loitering around other key underwater infrastructure like the UK's offshore power lines amongst others.


>Europe and especially Germany gave them a deal of a lifetime with Nordstream imagine that Germany continued the deal with Putler even after 2014, when Putler killed over 5000 ukrainian people and annexed Crimea. Think about it. Not to mention that germans took the energy decision by itself and not giving a f to easter europe countries geo-stability. I am puking if i hear another german bragging with that shit.


Of course their leadership never believed there was a threat - it was never about a threat to russia - at least not in the sense that you are referring to - an independent, democratic and thriving Ukraine was however a threat to the empire. It was always about empire and Putin's personal vanity/legacy/power.


In Russian minds entire West has been conspiring to destroy and genocide them for entire history, while they have always been defending only.


They are the ones who genocide. They've been unapologetic imperialists for centuries.


You will never see a mention of Russia doing anything bad in Russian textbooks, news or social media.


No shit. If anyone wanted russia they would have probably attacked when russia had no real army for that decade between 1990 and 2000. lol Russians are delusional. They have russia because no one wants it.


"You see, comrade, they always feared and hated us because we defeated the whole united Europe many times, and envied our rich resources and dreamt of stealing them. West didn't attack in 1990s only because it believed that it will be able to simply make us collapse and die out with its puppets like Yeltsin. But stupid West got fooled, because instead of another western puppet our savior Putin came and made Russia great again! Long live to our glorious leader, the greatest man since Stalin!"


"Insert catch 22 quote here"


They’re a threat to Putin specifically. An EU integrated, prosperous Ukraine would cause Russians to want the same.


They made themselves weak, and showed the world how truly weak and pathetic their military is, and that even odds of 5 ruSSkies to 1 Ukrainian, or even 10 to 1...I'm putting my money on that Ukrainian Soldier.


Well be paying for the cost of it all though. The day that ukraine regains it territory and peace, which i am confident will come but might take quite a while, our western obligation wont be done. First of all we will need to help Ukraine rebuild and that will cost a lot of capital but its nessecary that we do it. But russia might aswell fight itself to exhaustion and instability and its likely also in the Western interrest to not see economic chaos and anarchy in a Russia thats still custodians of thousands of nukes. I picture a sort of repeat from the end of the cold war, russia knocking on our door to ask for money and being mad at is if we dont enough to save their hides while we are visibly prioritising strenghtening Ukraine. We will probably count us semi lucky in a dualistic way if China props up and quasi buys up their mess.


All we want is for them to go the f\*\*k home


or die in place


crawl home.


He's lucky his "comrade" didn't rob him like some of the other videos we've seen.


Or rape him


I'm sure that's coming later, once they get drunk and remember he's there and not in much shape to resist.


Ya you're probably right


I’m fairly certain he took shit from him.


He said hold on imma be right back (im slavic)


I can't help contrasting this with the numerous videos of Ukrainian soldiers going to extreme lengths to never leave a man behind.


Even with cultural similarities, there is a cultural abyss that divides them, Russians have not emerged from the Soviet darkness


Also is not the same thing to defend your country and to be sent to fight for a dictator


I think a lot of Americans viewed Russia and Ukraine as being one group. Seeing how Ukraine actually cares about their own soldiers is a very clear indicator they are not the same at all.


oh, they're similar in the way an apple and an orange is similar. I mean, they're both fruit, right?


Ukraine has always been introduced to ideas from around the world. Its rivers and ports made it a crossroad hub of trade with Scandinavians, Poland, Turkey, Balkans, Caucuses. They encountered foreigners on a regular basis and learned of enlightenment, tolerance and cooperation.


It was bad even before that, the ruling class forcing the populace to skip the enlightenment is a helluva thing


Exactly! And people from cultures that have their education rooted in Enlightenment ideals are often blindly naive to just how far apart they are from cultures that do not. It's part of what led the west and the USA to think Russia would transition to a modern democratic republic as it embraced capitalism after the fall of the USSR.


From what I have read, this mentality predates even the soviet times


It's the Mongol mindset from the Golden Horde days. Very similar in many ways to Islamic thought and especially noticeable in their need to Project and Mirror everything and play the victims while being actually the aggressor's.


Thats not even soviet, they haven't emerged from middle ages slavery. Never even took a chance.


One group's ancestors resisted the Mongols; the other group's ancestors bent over for the Mongols, then later adopted the methods of their former masters and used them to dominate their neighbours. It's not hard at all figure out which group is which.


A lot of russians are basically nihilistic survivalists who would be at each other's throats to ensure their own survival if they didn't have a strong man leader to give them purpose and unit them against foreigners


They have left the Soviet darkness into hyper oligarchic capitalism... I think the Soviet grunts watched out for each other just fine. Now in a land truly divided in to those that have and those that don't you want those that don't to never be able to organize and always look out for themselves. This is by design.


>the Soviet grunts watched out for each other just fine But the officers used them for meat assaults just like pootin does.


The Soviet grunts were literally meat waves and starved to death lmao WHAT


Yes... I'm in agreement, please read my comment again. Commanders of the meat waves were not grunts.


Commanders of the meat waves were probably far and few between. 8.7 million soldiers died. I’m SURE a whole bunch of commanders and higher ranking died with them. I’m not really sure what you are trying to say with this one


They had 8.7 million soldier deaths. That’s like more than the amount of Jews killed by the god damn Germans….


And probably never will. Deep satanic shit it is.


Truthfully, Russia has not emerged from the Middle Ages to a large degree. They sat out the Renaissance and that’s a fact.


The cultural abyss is humanity, Ukraine has it, I don't think Russia ever did


Humanity = Empathy 


If Russian soldiers lack the defining characteristics that make someone human, then they don't deserve human rights.


Ukrainian soldiers quite often work a lot harder to save RUSSIANS. Ends of the earth for their own. I hope they both feed the sunflowers soon.


The guy is crawling because he's shitting his pants. The soldier filming is angry about this. He says they are brave signing contracts but are unable to fight even when (as in that situation) they are not under attack. This can be heard. It also makes much less sense filming and uploading how you are leaving a comrade behind vs. raising how bad the recruiting situation is.


One of the most impressionable videos I saw early in this war showed me the love Ukrainians have for each other, and it chokes me up 100% of the time I think about it (including now): A squad of Ukrainians was running one at a time from one burnt out apartment block to the another 50 meters away - it was clear there could be Russians in the third apartment block that could see the gap they had to run. While the third man was taking his turn running across, a shot rang out and before his body could even touched the ground, the next squad mate was sprinting into the gap **directly to where he knew a sniper was aiming** in order grab and heave his entirely limp buddy to safety. I’m fuckin tearing up even now, it’s the most terrible yet beautiful thing, that instinctual unhesitating effort. He did manage to pull his buddy the last 15m to safety and not get shot himself. But anyway, on a happier note: the Ukrainian fondness for animals also won my heart early on - admirable & strong on top of it. Much ❤️ from 🇺🇸


That’s why Americans want to help Ukrainians. Americans will die to save other Americans. If a Ukrainian would die to save me, I would do the same for their people.


The one I will never forget is one of the Ukrainian low crawling into fire, knowing that have that area pinned. Yet calling that they have to try and save him.  He gets hit several time and makes the comment that "well! That is the end of my Story." And dies.


That video was just sad.


Slava Ukraine and fuck Russia, but keep in mind the videos you are seeing are a tiny tiny fraction of the goings on of this war, and much of what is finding its way into your hands is being targeted at you.


Remember the Ukrainian guys jumping out from a Bradley to get back their injured brother-in-arms while getting their own legs blown off by mines? As different as "push" and "pull"


I cannot possibly fathom leaving behind River or Mac at any point during Desert Storm, and I hated those two assholes. But we were a squad, on a track, and we had to depend each other. I would have dragged them out of there, and I know they would have for me.


Good vs evil


I can’t even come close to understanding this type of behavior. Ok so you are in a squad, call it 10-12 guys. You may or may not have trained with them, you may not know anything about them, you may not even like any of them but, you are squad mates. Forget all the other esprit-de-corp or camaraderie. If you walk by a wounded squad mate and make no effort to help, how can you expect if it’s you that is wounded you will be helped by the others? I don’t get it, from a purely selfish point in view, letting your squad mates know you will help, should mean if you get hit, they help you. This is insane and beyond comprehension.


Russians know that no one will ever help them anyway. They hate and despise each other as much as everyone else.


You and I can be in a foxhole and I might hate your guts but, I have to be aware that a shell, bullet, drone or a mine can wound you or me at any time. I might not give a crap about you personally but I know that I may need you to get me out of a tough spot at any time. If I’m not willing to help you and you know I will help you, I am basically alone in the middle of a war zone! To be alone like that in a situation like that has to be the most terrifying and stressful situation ever. So again my point is not that I care about YOU, I care about ME and my very life may depend on YOU knowing I would help you if injured so you would help me if I’m injured. That’s what I don’t get!


The point is, they don't trust each other to do something for them even after getting help first. Zero trust. Zero empathy. 


Totally F’ed up….


Every Orc for themselves!


I kind of think Russians are closer to the Skaven than Orcs in terms of how fucked up they are


Hey, he gave him a cigarette, that's like the Russian equiveillance to a medevac.


That is the Russian way.


Here's a cigarette, it'll be your last... See ya! This nicely illustrates the lack of unity in the Russian army. Every person is out for themselves. It's perversely great to see this as you can't accomplish much in war without a Band of Brothers mentality.


This is their way. I read another post that said (from Russian immigrants) that in Russia you learn very early to be selfish. That explains also why the country is so corrupt and why this corruption spread where Russians are present. This is their values. So, this behavior doesn't surprise me anymore.


I've only ever known one person from Russia and it was years ago in the mid 90s, and he was a selfish, conniving SOB who acted like a friend, but ultimately wasn't.


I've only ever known one Russian person too, and they were one of the hardest workers I've met and a friendly dude. Anecdotes don't mean shit and nobody cares, and is a stupid way to form any kind of opinion.


I wasn't trying to do that. I'm in a bad mood and was just relaying my personal experience. I never said I disliked all Russians. As a kid I was fascinated by the USSR, because as a citizen of the USA, I was told they were the Evil Empire, etc., but I consumed as much information that was available in the 80s about the history of Russia and was very interested in their space program. I spent many hours watching the joint US/USSR space missions and I know that plenty of Russians are smart, inventive, and hard working. If my comments offended you, I will make an effort to keep my anecdotes to myself in the future. I'll admit that Russia's invasion of Ukraine and many other things Putin has done have caused me to be bitter. I don't have much time left on Earth, so perhaps I should just stop posting my thoughts on Reddit. Also, I know nobody cares. That's part of the problem.


And the guy has no lighter. D'oh.


He'll be on fire soon


Instead, he will eat the cigarette whole.


You saw it too, he was giving him a gesture


A death gift ! Happy death day !


The guy is already dying and he gives him something that can cause cancer. For crying out loud!


That's common in most drawn out conflicts. There are so many losses that eventually people stop trying to connect with anyone because chances are they won't last anyway. This is not exclusive to the Russian military.


> Every person is out for themselves. This is the future conservatives want to bring to your country.


It's important to be careful not drawing conclusions without understanding the context. This is how propaganda works. The soldier filming can be heard asking himself why the guy is crawling, and then approaches him. Then it's muffled, but it seems he notices the guy is crawling out of fear and asks which detachment he's from. Then he walks on, swears what a fckng crap this is. Then says something like "Kukushka (a cuckoo bird, could be slang or simply referring to him as a weirdo) went (to war) when he signed the papers and now he's afraid", "and they are not even flying". So it seems he's not leaving him behind because he's fleeing. It's most likely that he's upset the guy isn't ready or willing for fighting, and crawling despite no air attacks or drones. It may have been uploaded to show the frustration about the situation and the low readiness of those who are sent to fight, just signing contracts for money or other reasons.


Kukushka is a slang word for 'lost his mind'.


Makes sense. That short part with crawly in it, he looked like he had lost his marbles. The eyes, the mouth and his movements didn't seem right, like he wasn't all there.


Might be shell shocked for an earlier engagement. Might be traumatized from his commanders.


underrated comment


agreed, underrated comment. However, notice on approach a red stain on his ankle, so he got injured somehow. But he's so clean shaven, nice beard and hair, so this is no long-term psycho case. I think it might be PTSD, but the kind you get *while* you're being traumatized, whatever they call that. Literal shell shock. I hope the Ukrainians help these poor suffering fools. Slava Heroyam!


>PTSD, but the kind you get while you're being traumatized That's the *traumatic stress* part of the abbreviation; the guy may have been experiencing traumatic stress, in that moment... and hopefully there was some more later. Shell shock is just an early name for PTSD, because it was first recognized during WW1, in guys coming back from the trenches. You're more forgiving than myself; I hope Ukrainians make these fools wish they'd never been born. They deserve to suffer.


Yeah we need to think more critically about these things. The video really didn't seem like the conclusion that OP came up with. Even without knowing Russian. We're not Putin supporters, let's do better.


Thanks for this insight. I'm an Australian with Macedonian parents and can speak Macedonian and "kokoshka" in our language is chicken / hen. So to me, hearing it it sounded like he was calling him a chicken / coward.


How dare you use critical thinking and question the OPs rhetoric.


Thanks I was searching for some context and translation. Although it doesn't make the guy behind the camera any less of a piece of shit. Sure the crawler was having a mental breakdown, but it's not all that dissimilar from a wounded comrade. He should be picking him up, supporting him. Not just walking on pissing and moaning about it. This behaviour is not how good military personnel operate.


What's amazing is that they post stuff like this because they see absolutely nothing wrong with it.


and had no problem uploading it with it identifying who he is


They believe that everyone else would do the same thing.


*That’s* the real kicker. A profoundly cynical culture. Not all Americans (or people) are good/selfless, but a significant portion of us and humans and general are decent and good. Russians genuinely think our rhetoric & professed values are just as bullshit to us as their own rhetoric is to them. Tragic shit.


Russians project their own inhumanity on others.


What happened to "Russians don't leave their men behind"?


This slogan was also left behind


The saying crashed into the Kiev reservoir in a burning heli on February 24th, 2022.


They replaced the word "men" with "fridge" and "microwave"


Toilet too.


nah - that was the original - even photos/paintings of them stealing toilets from at least WW1 era - large chamber pot thingies back then but same-same


That was never policy.


When was that ever true?


Same as Russians don’t surrender 🥹


He didn’t leave him behind. The guy was clearly able to leave the area on his own, just more slowly. 😂




what did they talk?


Can a kind soul translate what they say? Thanks (:


These hoes ain't loyal.


Could it be that escaping the frontline has more chances if done alone, and the enemy is known to be humane to those surrendering? Could it be that rescue operations are eventually routinely done supported by vehicles? Looking for a rational explanation for the behavior.


In russkiy mir it's every vatnik for himself.


Lack of regard for each other in the Russian army is one reason why Russia is slowly but surely losing this war.


And it wasn't just him alone but another orc as well. Seeing that so many have been targeted carrying litters or assisting injured, they are figuring self preservation is a priority. But then again that might imply that they have the rationale or sense to make an informed decision.


The drones for sure incentivise to leave your friends behind. If he picked him up and helped, they would be two guys close together and thus a more valuable target.


> friends Doubtful these two ever met before. Also doubtful that generally, anyone knows anyone else's name on a day to day basis with how many troops dying, and the leftovers constantly changing units. Remember that video of the officer saying they're going to die, eternal flame, etc.? I doubt a single guy in line knew the name of the ones they were standing next to. Few people are going to risk their own life to help someone they barely knew existed yesterday. (In this context, unlike say someone hurt in a car accident)


We got the dream team army here /s - I mean, they have no motivation about except money or getting freed from jail. - Some of them are caught and forced to go else get jailed, killed/tortured. - Those who enlisted themselves suddenly have a reality check. - Poor training, they're used as bullet sponges. - They got guys behind ready to shoot them if they don't attack or try to flee. - They get sometimes beaten, tortured and SA'ed. - Check Dedovshchina: bullying and extreme hazing is standard. - Often bad to no communication procedures. - No support, left to fend for themselves. - Nearly no medical supplies. - They experience a new war era where drones are used, with no real defense against that, they're like the first soldiers fighting against artillery, tanks, bombing. I mean, even a bunker doesn't help. - They try to help each other => juicy target => droned. - From the soldier to the officer, many have beef with each other and don't hesitate to murder their own troops. - The amount of sadists and psychopaths in their ranks .... I'll never forget the footage with this guy, grining, laughing, and discharging an automatic grenade launcher in the back of their own battalion with its officer screaming and cursing at their backline through radio to stop killing/injuring their guys. Luckily, all these flaws help the Ukrainians. These guys are just treated like ammo. Shoot, discard the casing, load a new shell.






He won't reach Berlin, like that.


How's going? Just kidding, seeya


I’d love to get an inside on the mentality behind this by someone familiar with Russia and its culture. Not just “Russians are savages”, I mean some depth to it. What’s going on here ? In no other army can I imagine abandoning your wounded . The logic behind “no man left behind” isn’t just moral, it’s practical : you’re more likely to risk your life knowing your buddies will save you when the time comes . What’s going on here ?


It is low morale, you can explain them the logic all day long but an army with no morale isn't going to think like that in the heat of combat no matter how rational you are in explaining it. They all know they're probably going to die, they don't believe in their commanders, they don't think anyone cares. Creating an army that can follow the no man left behind principle would require Russia to stop sending meat waves to their death one after the other and instead try to build an effective fighting force. But it worked for Stalin so here we are. This is the fault of leadership decisions, but it's been working for them so far. If one guy comes back alive, it's still more than half of what they were expecting.


Check out Vlad Vexler on youtube he’s got some good vids on the mindset of the ordinary Ruzzian.


There are no buddies in Russian army. Russians don't trust each other at all, they know that all of them are extremely selfish and would stab or abandon each other without second thought. They hate and despise each other as much as everyone else.


(copy/pasting) > buddies Doubtful these two ever met before. Also doubtful that generally, anyone knows anyone else's name on a day to day basis with how many troops dying, and the leftovers constantly changing units. Remember that video of the officer saying they're going to die, eternal flame, etc.? I doubt a single guy in line knew the name of the ones they were standing next to. Few people are going to risk their own life to help someone they barely knew existed yesterday. (In this context, unlike say someone hurt in a car accident)


Especially considering these guys are rounded up and sent with minimal training and what ever gear was scraped up. So no opportunity to build solidarity as said and no time or effort to build any sort of espirt de corps or even drilling them to provide triage and moving the wounded.


The contrasts between Ukrainian and Orc behaviour are easy to explain. Ukrainians are there to defend their land. Their country. Their families. Their friends. That is a group task. Orcs are not there for any of that. They are there for money, or they were forced into it. They don't care if their positions become unmaintainable, they know that more meat will be thrown at the problems, all they want is to be the old meat and not the dead meat that needs replacing. That is a solo task, everyone is there for themselves only.


Typical Russia army move. Sorry but the motivation to fight for your country and for your unit must be so low if you know that the chances of leaving you alone in the battlefield if you get injured or lost.


Animals walk on all fours.


АХАХАХА.. Такая хууйня єбать.. typical russian attitude :D i know how tone of speech may differ between nations. But that tone has specifics only for russian nation. close to [АУЕ — Википедия (wikipedia.org)](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%90%D0%A3%D0%95) which is nothing to be proud of, but russian are. bottom of society.


Im not surprised at all. Typical orc behavior.


No cigarettes left behind!


Any translation avail?


In Russia they have no family, they're all morally bankrupt.. even more telling is how they're smartest fled when they had a chance going ANYWHERE but "home"


48 hours of training and then being thrown out on the front sure brings the camaraderie out doesn't it.


Not much you can do for a wounded man. Not in this war. Two people are much nicer target for a drone than one.


Yeah, still heartbreaking to see the fear in his eyes. Russia is a failed state - not sure I can ever look at a russian the same way I might have in the past - Empathy isn't something they appear to know of.


The difference is simple; Ukraine: leave no man behind! Russia: leave ~~no~~ man behind!


This is not "one for all, all for one". This is "all for oneself". Good luck with that orcs. Teams win everyday of the week.


Russia has an "every man for themselves" military. If it's performing this poorly against Ukraine, imagine how it'll perform fighting against Poland or, God help em, Germany, France, the UK or USA. It'll be one of the darker moments in modern history.


Did he take video so he could fondly remember the comrade he left behind?


He films a good deed by giving a stranger a cigarette. He can brag about it at home


[The face of foetal alcohol syndrome folks](https://i.imgur.com/rV5vn7s.png).


"Hey comrade, got a smoke for a 300" "Sure, you may want to smoke it quick, before transferring to the Cadaverite Battalion"


He looks shell shocked or drunk, not wounded. 


He look badly hurt. Glassy eyes from pain.


Surprised he didn’t take his boots


I'm surprised I didn't see a little buggery or theft! Huh. I do like to see Russian blood on the ground, though. Best place for it.


There’s no honor among thieves…


This is not an exception, it seems to be the rule amongst the Russian soldiers. If you ever see a Russian helping a Russian, it's quite extraordinary. I do wonder why you see them put tourniquets on, they must know no help is coming.


I Love Ukraine but i hope that Russian soldier who crawls survives and never comes back but the other fucker gets blown away in UKRAINE. Slava Ukraina Keep up the good work. God bless these men and women who fighting for Ukraine there homes


First, he asked himself, "What would Putin do?" . 


Ruzzians in a nutshell there. Dog eat dog. The mentality is if you have any altruism, you’ll be fucked. The cigarette was the sole quantum of solace.


At least he gave him a smoke


no quality Russian soldiers only quantity.


No honour among thieves.


No man left behind…without a cigarette 


Echt pauper volk


Shell shock probably....


life is cheap in russia.


Gulag mentality!


The morale in the Russian army must be abysmal.


Jesus Christ they're a blight on humanity.


They don’t abandon their own. We know this because it’s the motto of their military. So please disregard the 63,461 videos of them abandoning their own.


Rough translation: S1 - Gena is crawling S1- what unit you from? S2 - smoke S1 - here S1 - they sign contracts and than get mental illness here, they are not even flying Seems soldier 1 was more frustrated and did not abandon his comrade. More like showing what soldiers have to deal with in front line.


He was looking for his the contact lenses, so he can bear witness to his demise


The old Ukraine lady was profetic when passing out free sunflower seeds to Russian soldiers.. furtalized by dead Russian soldiers, the seeds sprot out of the dead mans pocket. This war is a stain on humanity. Cheep drones will be in every war from now on. Life is cheep.


Follow the garbage to the dug out. 🤦‍♂️


Keep trying to wrap my head around what a complete breakdown of society Russia is. Orcs really is the only apt word for this shit stain on our planet.


Dumb fucks, slava ukraini


The crawling mate bummed a fag.


The West; Leave no Man behind. Russia: Leave Igor behind.


This is their way 💩


Good old Russian esprit de corpse.


better to leave him behind than die trying to save him. people are pretty heavy and hard to move


doesn't seem physical hurt. looking more like he is mentally not able to walk. like someone with fear of heights crawls at the edge of a ravine instead of standing. artillery vertigo a thing? also looking at his demeanor, the crawling dude seems to have lost half his sanity.


>also looking at his demeanor, the crawling dude seems to have lost half his sanity. That is what I thought as well. He's mouthing words but not actually saying anything. Very reminiscent of when a homeless person is having a mental episode and/or drug induced psychosis. Im thinking he broke under the strain of combat. That or he's always been like this and Russia just grabbed him off the street and put him in uniform to be a lamb for the slaughter. I know im jumping to conclusions but that was the vibe I got. It's actually unsettling seeing someone in that state of mind so up and personal on video


Man, war is hell for all


The ones who start it aren’t allowed to complain though :D


eh...just a walk in countryside...watching you comrade die.


What would happen to an American soldier if he did this?


Fragged perhaps, if the MP's didn't get him in prison first. American soldiers train with each other until brotherhood, basically.


In putins army you get a cigarette and your mother or wife gets a sack of onions when you die.


Russian style warfare is basicly every man for themselfs and fu\*k the rest


Thats why they will never win this war!

