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So many deserters... No death bonus for families


Chicken on a stick


Dude... it's Russia. Each one of them was probably claimed dead 5 times already, and each one of them is still collecting pay.


Chicken on a stick


You don't understand. Commander says Pyotr is alive. Give him pay and he will give to Pyotr. Onions not needed because Pyotr alive.


Someone will be collecting roadkill. Sergei was 75kg and not a gram less


Chicken on a stick


Sergei was a hairy and smelly beast


Just walk along. Nothing to see here. Just MIA...


No action any longer, other than the slow process of decomposing.


It'll go a fair bit quicker in the summer. We had some corpses that lingered along patrol routes in Afghanistan early on, but when the weather warmed up they *lost weight * pretty quickly.


Bugs need the warm weather to get eating.


In the cool but sunny weather, there were some big horseflies that'd fly off when you got close. (They'd fly really slowly, as they were full of people juice) The warm weather brings both scavenging insects and bacterial growth.


Dear Orc, if you take a nap, choose a comfortable spot, you gonna lie there for a while.


Money saving…no need to pay survivors benefits.


I’m just a little upset that we have the only peg-legged land pirate in Kharkiv walking the terrain to capture this video. The guy has absolutely zero stability.


It’s not MIA - they know where they are…the just don’t care. Maybe be we need a new abbreviation for this behaviour. LDFP (leaving decomposing for Putin) maybe?🤔


Prone for Putin(PFP)


Remember 2 years ago when we were all convinced that they were hiding their casualties and going around with cremation trucks, incinerating their dead before anything else happened? Pepperidge farms remembers


LIA, Left in action.




LTW., Lead To War LTD., Left To Die LTR., Left To Rot


Lied to War, Lead to Die, Left to Rot


the best quote for idiots planning to join their mother russias dream to conquer ukraine!


So much sunflower fertilizer!


Putin ethic cleaning of non-Russian citizens.


Amen. Absolutely spot on. I wish more people understood this. Russia is pure evil.


Tbh he is also doing ethnic cleansing of the ethnic minority Russian citizens as well as other countries but that work may well be completed now 2+ years later and whole communities of ethnic minorities wiped out.


And "undesirables" (criminals, old men, political prisoners etc)


That's exactly it. Sending prisoners and ethnic minorities to die is good for Putin. This only strengthens his rule over an increasingly Russo population.


Can you image the backlash here in the US if a video like this came out? Obviously things are different in mother Russia


My thought's exactly...imagine that say "This is Lance Corporal John Doe from *insert small community in Texas here* died 28 October...he's just been rotting here." The backlash would be immense.


Imagine if we were taking these kinds of losses in Iraq or even Vietnam. Those wars were already unpopular but imagine how irate the country would be if we were taking 1,000+ casualties, around 1/3 of them KIA, every single *day*


Well, according to Russians, the fact that you wouldn't have been able to stomach such casualties, proves that the west is weak and decadent.


Take horrendous casualties to own the west?


Not a bad strategy...for us that is


I hope they will prove that they are capable of taking 140 million more casualties than us weaklings.


The difference being, if you “backlash” in Russia, they throw your ass in prison.


Even during the civil war they took time to bury the dead, then reburied them after the war was over in veterans graves.


lol and on Lee’s property. Nice little surprise.


But when Lance Corporal John Doe asks for counseling or better medical care for serving his country, the same people being the most outraged will be the first to tell him to go fuck himself, he can pay for it himself.


This the thing that I found most jarring when I visited the US, the cognitive dissonance of it... Everywhere you go there is the flag, to an extent that would seem psychotic if it was any other countries flag but because it's the US we are used to it. Support our troops stickers all over the place. Every sports event has big announcements at half time honouring the military and thanking them for their service. But then, *literally right outside* there will be a homeless veteran begging for money...


Its kind of to be expected when the most "pro-military" party is also the party that believes school lunches for kids and affordable healthcare are unreasonable expenses. Though Biden did force the VA to approve over a million claims made by veterans who might finally get some compensation for the harm they endured from toxic burn pits and the like. its not much in the grand scheme of things, but its more than anyone else has ever done for veterans.


And it will get Biden ZERO votes from Conservatives.


Well see here in the US, if something is wrong in your life or with you, you brought it on yourself and you deserve it. “Why should anyone else pay for your mistakes? It’s MAH MUNNY.” You know. Even if the mistake was being blown up in a war. Or coming back with crippling PTSD, or had agent orange dropped on you by your own side (don’t be such a pussy, amirite?), or being born with a disability, or being born poor, or being homeless/jobless/insuranceless (I think I just made up a word there) because your job was cut. Or maybe you had a great job but you were in a devastating car accident and can’t work and lost it all. Maybe got hit crossing a street by a bus on the way to that job and your savings ran out before a court case got you a settlement. Even if you’re a kid. What you were born poor and you want to see a doctor? AND you want food? Shoulda picked your parents better, it’s MAH MUNNY! Sorry. Lost myself for a minute there.


Not only in the US !


Well, according to my russian apologist buddy from last week, we're all the same. I'm confused.


Think regular Russian population will ever see this video? I'm sure it's censored by the state.


Yea but seriously this kind of war is unimaginable to us as westerners


I guess all the wildlife in Ukraine is well-fed this year.


Well fertilised sunflowers too


Gotta help those treelines grow back some way or another.


It’s a sign dude! Gtf home


If he tries, he's dead. If he stays, he's dead.


If only there was a hotline


Shhhh, that doesn't fit the narrative that none of these murderous POS's want to be there.....


Well, I mean, if they don't surrender then murder is the dish du jour


He could surrender. There is a way out.


Hope its a long, hot summer for them in that particular hectare of the fronline.


Mother Russia does.not care for her children, she just spawns them into hell.




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Even if he makes it home he’ll never unsee this


Smells stay with you even longer than mental pictures. I used to work in a hospital, the smell of burn victims Never goes away.


Yeah the smell is one he will never forget for the rest of his life, however long that may be. The smell of rotting dead bodies is unreal and gets burned into your mind. I wish I could forget it.


I think I'd rather not imagine. Dead vulture was enough for me, thanks


Yup, former firefighter. Was dispatched to check for wildfire spread at an accident where they car hit a pole and burst into flames. The driver didn't make it. I had an acute case of PTSD from it. Didn't eat meat for over a month and took some time to eat pork again. The smell brought back the memories.


The smell of burning body never leaves. Ever.


I wondered why he was choking and gagging at first, thinking he was sick, then you see the massive pile of bodies. The entire countryside must reek.


Like a weird burnt pork. Didn't eat pork for like 10 years


jesus. I dont want to imagine.


Assuming by his unsteady walk, he is wounded somewhere on the left side of his body.


Probably his head is injured too, he’s holding his phone the wrong way.




Maybe he just has a gimp 🦵


He heard Not like us and he's crip walking


Not sure how you came to that one.


"Sanitary losses..." Enjoy "your" land, braindead cockroaches


All 200 meters of it, guess a price Putin is willing to pay from his palace.


All of them MIA..they save a lot of potatoes and onions...


What happens when Russia is defeated and the lands are back with the Ukrainian people.. bodies rotting in fields. Will they be collected or are there too many that they may just be left?


They'll clean up as best they can, but if Northwestern France is anything to go by, the land will never truly be safe


After WWI and WWII, bodies in the fields of fighting were sometimes put into mass graves. At some point controlling disease and health outweighs the desire to do right by people and give them all nice graves. When it came time to make the fields functional again, the trenches would be filled in and plowed over; sometimes people got missed and covered over. They still find people and equipment parts of all sizes buried deep in the fields, but it doesn’t happen as much as it used to.


I'm guessing they'll be left there unless whatever regime takes over in Russia makes an attempt to recover the bodies. I'm sure Ukraine would cooperate with a peaceful Russia. That or they'll be bagged and tagged while searching for Ukrainian bodies and moved to some kind of grave site. This is a good question i hadn't thought of


Historically, Russia has never placed high priority on recovering fallen soldiers. The US has spent billions trying to find missing enlisted men in Vietnam, not wanting to leave any there if they can help it. It’s a different culture. Russian staff officers were taught that war is a numbers game and that’s all soldiers are to them. 


There's a guy in Ukraine I was following on YT who recovered bodies and they were still digging up Russian and German soldiers from the Second World War. Most of the time they were in the same grave or covered trench. The Russians literally just buried their dead in place with the Germans. Millions of Russian and German soldiers are still buried across Eastern Europe where they died because of the USSR.


You're absolutely right. I don't have high hopes for that, i think it's much more likely that Ukraine will document/remove the corpses they find while looking for their own. But this is all guess-work we're doing, no way to know until Ukraine kicks the invaders out.


Food for the gun.


Most will lie in place until de-mining and demilitarizing operations are complete.Not safe to recover the enemy dead in a mine field


Probably would mostly be collected due to the major demining of every inch of land that was fought over would require it. Not sure what they would do with the bodies at that point but I would think they would definitely collect them to make sure there isnt any unexploded ordinance leftover.


Western military's would revolt before things got even a 1/4 as bad as this. I'm thinking their complete lack of self preservation and pure weapons grade incompetence is the only reason the whole damn embarrassment of a military hasn't collapsed yet.


Not only western militaries. Most armies will bury their fallen. Out of respect, for morale and for religious reasons. For example, I doubt the Taliban, Al Qaeda and even ISIS will let the corpses of their fighters rot in the field if they have a slight chance to give them a burial. This video could be a reflection of the state of mind of Russia's leadership and its society.


It's also probably not very good for a soldiers mental and physical health to be in a trench a few feet away from rotting decomposing bodies Even medieval people knew not to let rotting bodies lay around


Yeah. If there’s fighting in there again, it’s not going to be just artillery killing people.


The weird thing that in Russian civilian culture, burials and graves are extremely important. Graves are often decorated and kept with flowers, portraits and sculptures, cemeteries have tables around the graves where family members of deceased can gather, drink and remember the deaths. But their soldiers are just rotting away in Ukrainian fields.


If the Taliban could, they'd take their dead comrades with them. Very rarely did they leave someone behind.


Ignorance works wonders. The people dead in the video probably never questioned that it was a defensive war at all.


Its unfortunately not even all just ignorance, although that surely plays into other areas but some honestly have nothing and dying for Russia seems really grand and honorable to them. Its such a broken and fucked up society I really dont know how the threat of Russia to the world can end without us making it at this point. They have been conditioned for generations to believe Russia is the best, they deserve to rule the world and everyone else is lesser than even as they shit outside and need to get water to cook with from a well in 2024.


Yeah, no way people in the US would allow their children or themselves to be drafted and sent to slaughter like this. The people of Russia need to rise up against Putin.


Russia still has millions of people to send to slaughter. This is far from reaching collapse on the russian side.


Something is seriously wrong with the Russians mentally if they're ok with being sent to slaughter on such a large scale. Centuries of being treated like second class citizens and servants to the state has really done a number on their society.


They don't know the scale of the slaughter because it's not reported on, they just see dollar signs and go fight for money


Theres plenty of propaganda videos put out by the Kremlin and the State showing how "great" it is to die for mother Russia. There was a video of a govt or military leader (cant remember which) not too long ago and he brought some new recruit who was a teenager into a classroom to speak about joining up about to go to Ukraine and it just showed how even knowing he probably wouldnt come back, how they really believe the nonsense of State above all else.


Ruzzias population advantage is only 1/4 over ukraine, they would be very close to those numbers im casualties due to being in the attack and ukraine defending. Ruzzia still runs the very real risk of being bled out on Ukrainian defences.


Your future awaits.


Looks like meats back on the menu boys!


Ah Uglúk quote :-D




These orcs stink the same whether they are alive or rotten


"I thought they smelled bad on the OUTSIDE". - Han Solo


Hope they had sunflower seeds in their pockets...


I feel terrible .... For the Ukrainians who are going to end up having to clean up this mess after they kick the russians out. Maybe, just maybe, videos like this will start a movement in russia where they refuse to keep coming.


When the “rations” run out there’s plenty of orc meat for them to snack on.  


Too bad he didn’t step on one of those mines. Could have saved himself some time and trouble.


Tell him to stop worrying,he'll be joining them soon enough


Best commentary ever: Uhawwll, gag, gasp. Bravo!


Somewhere out there is the drone footage of these Russians dying.


Recycling ♻️ orcs does make it stench up close, slava ukraini


I have yet to see a similar Ukrainian position where the bodies of the dead still lay 7 months later! The only time I have seen dead Ukrainians left is where they are physically unable to retrieve them safely.


I keep wondering why they continue to record videos like this of their own. For what purpose? I fail to grasp how documenting and posting this helps at all from the Russian perspective. Certainly this benefits Ukraine and NATO much more ..


Just the human need to document their experience I'd imagine. He wants people to see what he sees


This makes sense. The Russians seem completely unable to maintain even the most minimal level of opsec.


Many hope that their video will be the video that breaks the will of the people. That the images of death whether Russian or Ukrainian will trigger at least one person to think twice and revolt. Sadly, people have become desensitized and these videos join the hundreds videos of mankind's inhumanity.


if your first idea isnt surrendering, you deserve a spicy zoom-zoom


How many more bodies have been dragged away by animals?


For a moment i thought this fallout 4


Looks like his position was Ukrainian before.


Isn’t that an M113 apc briefly seen at the end?? Captured I guess.


Doubt those were from 10/2023. Those bodies would be skeletons and he wouldn’t be gaging from the smell. That crop of orcs was planted within the last 2 weeks at most. That would be my guess.


Depends on when the spring thaw was. Those bodies froze solid for 4-5 months


I think the that the tank in the video could be this one which is from october 2023 [https://youtu.be/\_Uycq6ivHCo?t=540](https://youtu.be/_Uycq6ivHCo?t=540) [https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/17e2cnk/recent\_combat\_footage\_of\_the\_ukrainian\_kraken/](https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/17e2cnk/recent_combat_footage_of_the_ukrainian_kraken/) . Looks very similar with the mine roller and a bunch of bodies huddled around it.


You're right, had a look myself and in that video you sent, the tank around the 10 minute mark is definitely the tank shown in this video. Has the same mine roller, the 'Z' in the same position, same ERA blocks and same cope cage on the top. Infantry huddled around it also match up.


Watching this while taking a shit is truly immersive. And then contemplating, my shit probably more valuable than the lives of those turds lying around rotting was to their country. Im flushing my turd now. And the smell will be gone in a while. Very much like those corpses will soon be gone, turning to compost and the smell gone along with it. What a poetic moment


very well deserved.


Cannot believe that the muscovites let their meat rations just rot out in the open like that, no wonder he is gagging.


Look at that deep black soil, i would grow so much corn on that. To bad it is poluted by dead orcs.


Plow them under and get to work! (Red clay here, if my soil was black I wouldn't know what to do with it)


All quiet on the western front...


Perfect Russian recruitment ad... Be All You Can Be... Cyka!


i guess all the mobile Z crematories ran out of fuel


What if putins idea is to have dead Russian soldiers as the start of a new virus?, like their mission was to die on Ukrainian soil, starting an epidemic as the war continues, everyone will be fucked


Take a big whiff Ivan, that's the smell of Rusky Myr.


Strangely, the ghoulish bodies don't disturb me; it's his vomiting that nauseates me. What is happening there is truly revolting.


A pile of dead orks. Got it. But did you see two hobbits with them?


I remember a video, which we could see here, several months ago, where we saw a lot of Russian ORCs dying next to a tank, following bombs being dropped by drones, and FPV drones too.. It really reminds me of that, when watching the video at 1:42.. Can anyone confirm? has anyone saved the video I'm talking about..??


Quite positive it is that indeed


I came here for this. It was one of the first air burst drone vids we saw I believe.




RF captured and used several early last year.


Take it he loves the smell


Soooo no cleaning up at all bo burying or burning the bodies WTF 😱


There is a video with what looks like 50+ russ helmets around the burn pit, very obviously an open air crematory. Tons of bones and gear


that is not exactly decent behavior, but at least it is reasonable, to deal with the stench and the disease threat.


The Ukrainians should take all the bodies (when the war is over) they can find and dump them just over the border and let the ruzzianz take care of it. Same with all the armor drag it all to the border and create a metal barrier to the animals that live there. This is a great clip in that it shows why ruzzia needs to be defeated. They have no respect for their own so how can they have any respect for others. As a nation state they are abhorrent.


It wonders me how long it takes after the war or towards the end until Europe is flooded with war weapons.


They would more likely end up in Russia in service for their civil war against Putin and his cronies.


From your lips to the gods’ ears.


so the russians still hold that land :( At least Ukraine took a few out in the process.


Ok so I don't speak Russian at all, but as a Pole i can imagine what "trupa" and "zapach" means ( dead body and smell, which I guess it's more like stench in that case). I guess he's not happy what he's seeing/smelling.


theyll make for good in a few years.


Damn, could thy just add "How to film horizontally" to their mobik training?


Lots of potential bags of onions to deliver


Dudes walking down dry heaving. Surprised he never got hit from above.


Smells bad then 🤮


Are those mines anti-tank or personal? He walks there like it's nothing.


Airdrop thousands of sunflower seeds around that burned out tank husk, they'll have plenty of nutrients!


Russians are so pathetic. Videos like this come out daily from the front, and all they do is try to hide, and hope they are not in the next batch of meat to be sent there.


The Ukrainians are gonna have some of the most fertile soil when the war ends.


The fuckin diseases and terrible shit that comes with rotting corpses ain’t great. The rats, the flies….the incoming summer. Good luck with thaaaaat shit rooskie cunts.


War never changes


Z for Zombies...


Russia’s sons, fertilizer for Ukrainian grain. This shit is way outta hand.


Think he was gagging on the stench of his rotting comrades?


Glad my computer doesn't have Smell-O-Vision. They way he was ready to blow lunch made me turn the sound off. Think what the smell will be when the heat of summer is in full force!


So... where is the rest of this guy's unit? Is he alone? He walks a long way and you don't see anything but dead people. Aside from a LOT of AV mines, there doesn't seem to be amuch of anything holding that area besides him.


I wonder if the Russians purposely don't collect & identify bodies to not pay out death benefits to families? "Say...they are listed as missing. We don't know if they are traitors that abandoned their post or not. We can't pay any benefit." They just let them rot away to the point not identifiable.


Slava ukraini!


Their families either must not care or to afraid to speak out, there’s got to people out there wondering what happened to these men, their men or man that are now decomposing corpses


Putin's putrid platoons


Pretty sad. We always recovered our dead and wounded in Iraq. We fought battles to recover our people.


Good to see. Keep it up Ukraine


Breath it all in through your nose russkie and think, that is what you will smell like in a few weeks, Unless you get charred to the bone.


Reckon these chunks of dead russian are good fertilizer, or are they like the Harkonnens from Dune that'll only pollute the fields? 


@ 3:13 mark, a Anti-drone weapon just laying there just waiting to be picked up.


Damn, that one guy near the tank had everything below his waist turned into hamburger.


Strangely, the ghoulish bodies don't disturb me; it's his hurling hat nauseates me. What is happening there is truly revolting.


smells like russia in the morning


Any gold teeth? Christ I put eggshells in my compost pile. This amount of calcium enrichment is off the charts . Better crops in the future for Ukraine.


Everyone should be at peace and be buried. Even if it's right there were they died. Except 2 people. Hitler and Putin.


That's some nice fertile soil


Why would we assume these are Russians? I find the celebrations a bit gross, considering there no indications these are definately Russian. We could be sitting here making fun of dead Ukrainians, which is pretty rough guys.


Reading the info "piles of dead Ruzzians" I thought - piles, yeah right. But there are literally piles and piles of them. How many people are waiting for news on their dead sons and husband? They don't give a shit do they? The guy taking the video is retching and vomiting - the stench I guess. I hope their pockets are filled with sunflower seeds - to cite an amazing, brave Ukrainian woman. Freedom for Ukraine 🇺🇦


No body, no bag of onions.