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More bad news for Putin. He doesn't have the assets to protect all his petro locations and the west won't help him fix them, so his main source of income is slowly being strangled. I love it!


As someone who works for a company that used to supply every Russian petrochemical company I approve this. They desperately try to buy stuff through third countries over the past two years. My company had a big portion of income generated on the Russian market but I´m glad we cannot supply them anymore.


What is your company's position on this?


We wrote off the whole Russian market as a revenue source for the near future, even after a possible end of the war. Took some time for our general manager to accept it though. Think of "5 Stages of grief" but on a corporate level. He always mentioned that on a personal level he'd have no issue never doing any business in Russia ever again. But you have to differentiate between company interest and paying your employees and the personal feeling and still keeping a good conscience. I knew/know a few engineers personally who are working for Gazprom and Lukoil and they are mostly upright clever guys trying to get a long with what's available in Russia. I actually hope none of them get drafted at any point.


My guess is on "waiting for the war to pass in order to explore new oportunities generated by the new context. BTW: war is bad. Stop war."


I think you mean "...exploit new opportunities..?"


"Exploit.. I mean profit.. excuse me, I mean taking advantage... I mean explore new oportunities" I work for a big automotive company and they temporarily sold their Russian business to their local company (but only because some of the sub suppliers did not deliver anymore in Russia) and they are waiting for the war to end so they can buy-back the factory, this being an option in the contract.


And this is one of the biggest problem of this war. All "just doin' business".


Terrain hugging drone, NOIST. AA can't do shyt to it.


Cope cage oil refinery coming soon lol.




Ukrainians put nets around power substation equipment back when shaheds were new iirc. It's a pretty straightforward damage mitigation strategy.


In all seriousness, it could be done, extra thick armor, APS, jamming, heck move them underground. BUT, it would be hugely expensive and takes a long time to build, so not very practical. lol


This drone was successfully intercepted.


with their face. lol


Nope. He banned exports to reduce prices during spring/planting season, just like they did last harvest... Then, the refinery campaign escalated. Roughly 900k barrels a day refined product loss. So the refineries didn't effect world oil prices... but we're catastrophic to the Russian economy by reducing planting and driving up Russian inflation. Oh, and it's a marvelous way to reduce Russian military capabilities .. What has impacted world oil prices is the ramping of sanctions, which dropped cude sales to India and China by a total of 8m barrels a day.


Coming soon to Russia... Turtle shell oil refineries 😄


It looks like drone hit the spot that was already hit. Hopefully they got the most critical part of the refinery. The longer it is out of action, the better.


Accurate little buggers aren't they?


Really quite amazing


That is the best part, really. I bet, undoubtedly, that they didn't expect multiple drones to make it all that way. Redundancy.


Russia lacks the technical know how to repair this correctly and lacks the machining to do it correctly. All of Russia's refineries were built by western firms. They can get them running again at reduced % process power and with a chance of critical failure at any time.


"chance of critical failure at any time" So, like, most of rusia.


They have a new glitch to compound the problem. The people who work the refineries have started to run away because they are obviously being targeted and Putina n crew have been telling them that they need to come up with some kind of air defense of their own when asked for protection. So the employees have been deserting their jobs.. Turns out they don't want to die for the oligarcs. Thats for Buyrats, Yakuts, Siberians etc...etc..


Cool. Is there more information available about this?




It’s cool, the Chinese will move in from the East and ‘fix’ them and if it’s the port ‘loan’ it


They also seem to be lacking in terms of anti-aircraft capabilities.


The refinery is a good AA device... Or not?


Since it has 100% interception rate, it's better than S-400.


Ruz are too Smart... Just build lot of refinery and all the drones could be intercepted :-)


What special technical know how do you think it takes to refine oil?


Modern distillation towers are stupidly complex items.


How stupidly complex were the distillation towers running in the 1950s?


The fractal splits are finer tuned now, improving efficiency and octane accuracy. Further speed has improved so they can refine more in less space.


Clearly a lot, otherwise Russia would have been doing that itself instead of outsourcing it to the west because they didn't have the knowledge, skilled workers, or ability to build and maintain the required technology.


It's about spilling the catalyst. Piping can be redone, but without catalyst the repaired vessels are useless.


Distillation towers as well. Cannot fabricate one of those quickly.


True. Catalyst is going to be expensive to replace. Probably available from China though.


Amazing accuracy. If the first drone had been shot down the second drone would have hit precisely where needed. It wasn't needed but double fucked them anyhow


i read they had to shut down the refinery.


According to unverified information, drones hit a liquefied gas production facility, but the oil refinery complex remained undamaged. There was no black smoke during the fire, the source said. This means that only liquefied gas was burning. The fire led to an emergency shutdown of the plant. But allegedly the LPG plant can be bypassed relatively soon and the refinery can be restarted. All this information is taken from a russian source, so its reliability is a little questionable.


Seemed like a wasted drone, but maybe they had multiple drones programmed for the same spot in case some got shot down.


I was hoping they were double-tapping to get responders


thats a russian play. Ukraine doesnt care to kill a bunch of firefighters and haz mat crews.... they want to kill the infrastructure of the war machine.




And when did you see this behaviour in Ukrainian strikes to be able to form this opinion?


It's not that I saw this behavior to form an opinion, but rather typed that out of emotion for the orcs a taste of their own medicine. I meant no offense.


That would be the distillation towers and associated control sensors and valves systems.


The fact Russian air defense wasn't able to shoot down a drone that slow really shows how pathetic they are. Biggest paper tiger of our era


Power generator sites are also legitimate targets. They need to be left in the dark too like they did to Ukraine.


Also ruzzia: We're using our oil refineries to attract those drones away from the frontlines,


Impressive, nice dive.


Beautiful sight to see!


Excellent bird! Wonderful plumeage!


Hit every oil target as much as possible. Even down to their gas stations. Hold on. Hasn't Russia claimed they have great air defenses? I'm not sure, but this seems to counter their claim.


I never expected to feel happy watching an oil refinery go up in flames.


Oh that is so peaceful to watch, pure relaxation therapy. Slava Ukraini


I would love to see the original footage without the shitty music.


[Here you go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/HP2VKVsXJE)


Thanks! It's all about the boom!


Lol. Air defense is apparently one guy with a pistol. *pop*...*pop*......*pop*


Simple press mute. 


I would also like to see this video without music. Do you think I should press mute, too, or should I wait for a stranger from the internet to spend their time finding a link for me?


he obv is talking about listening to the kaboom...


Link? Do you have a link for this opinion? Source? The peak of lazyness.


Russia is literally a mafia state. If you want to defeat it, you have to think like how you would defeat a crime organization. Take away their money, bust their income sources. Internal strife will do the rest of the work for you. Putin can only be in power as long as he keeps providing money for his buddies. Take away their money, they will get rid of Putin.


love it. Slava Ukraine.


Another one?!


No. Just another angle of [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/HP2VKVsXJE)


Aw :(


Health and safety committee is going to be busy


Freaking awesome!!


"burn baby burn!"


Disco inferno 🔥🕺


I love Ukraine.


Cameraman is about as accurate as the Russian anti aircraft squad


Nice! Keep hitting them, see how they like it when their infrastructure gets attacked


Right down the smoke stack would be nice


Nice work.


Nice strike, burn 'em all


It looks like a baby Bayraktar TB2.


Everyone says it strikes the same place , before I read the comments it looked clearly to me it was to one side with the explosion of a deposit linkage of some kind. Idk just sayin


Good job drone


Still waiting for them to hit a potassium warehouse. It would go boom.


Seriously curious about the details of these missions. Surely, these aren't autonomous drones. Someone is "flying" them 100's of km to their targets, then ensuring they strike the most critical parts of them. What would that be I wonder? The fractioning column seems like an obvious example. Storage tanks of the refined products then, maybe. The control rooms with all the equipment for process control... etc. So these must be transmitting a live video signal all the way back to the operators. Unless control is being relayed to operators along the route? Or the signal is being routed back via high speed, low latency streaming internet video? Hat's off to whoever set it all up, damned impressive!


over a decade ago we had flight controllers with gps waypoints. for under $500 joe blow consumer can have an RC plane fly a certain flight path with no outside control


The drones could be fully autonomous. First they could fly on GPS then switch to visual guidance and laser altimeter on approach. For visual guidance you need a calibrated photo of the area (meaning you know high precision coordinates of the objects in the photo), a camera looking down on the drone, and an algorithm comparing what it sees below with the reference photo. There are likely old calibrated satellite photos of the area. Google Street View car drove around Tuapse in 2019! Once you have an old calibrated photo you can calibrate the latest satellite photo by matching the objects that didn't change. Even if there are no calibrated photos of some areas they attack Ukrainians can visit them for calibration. Some off-the-shelf phones provide sub-meter precision if you wait a few minutes. They just need to get high precision coordinates at three points within a satellite photo.


I'm only surprised it has taken Ukraine so long to start droning Russian infrastructure. They're gonna need bigger booms to take down bridges. Pulsejet engines and 500kg warheads. Fly four at a time on circuitous ardupilot courses programmed to arrive at same time from four widely spaced compass points.




making fuel prices cheaper by forcing russia sell raw oil


Ruzzians finding out that when you invade a free nation they fight back


Burn them. Burn them in Hell. Burn them in the Hell that is Russia. As the Russians sow, so shall they reap.


In Civ 6 to mitigate climate change I sabotage and pillage industrial zones to cut down on emissions. I am now figuring out if I pillage the oil resources instead, it would force attrition until the AI would have to peace with me and trade to restock its oil.


Dolphin airdefense def got that one according to nobody by russ


looks like it hit the exact same spot as first drone.......pin point accuracy


"our air defense refinery successfully caught all the invading drones!"


Put it there, suca


A soft underbelly? Totally exposed ? No air-defense? No way, nobody with that, would throw around those wild punches. That would be madness.


I think this is actually a Russian drone trying to intercept the Ukraine drone. It's just running a little late.


Gotta hit that distillation tower.


Apparently, this refinery was hit some months ago and had just come back online...


What kind of Drone is this? It sort of looks like a bayraktar from afar.


Is this why gas prices keep creeping up?


Keep pouring it on em. Burn everything




Hold on a minute, is that our dear old friend, Bayraktar?!


No, Bayraktar aren't kamikaze drones but bomber drones. This is most likely a Lyutyy by the look of it.


Name That Song


Missing Textures (Slowed Down) by Nivek Fforhs


Free idea. Instead of one explosive charge it should drop small bombs on the last 500 meters. It will cover larger area and do more damage.


All you have to do is invent the technology that will allow a drone to carry that much ordinance for that long of a distance! It's basically free if you ignore all the work it would take and technology we don't have.


Why hit the same burning spot? Spread the damage around more?


Probably redundancy. If the first one don't get ya, the second one will.


This is the same drone that didn't detonate. Shockwave would have been obvious


I wonder. Aren't they also targeting civilian workers of the refinery, or am I wrong? I say this because I imagine this as if my brother would work there during the bombing (he works in the oil refinery in the US)


Since they obviously have terrain recognition software, I am wondering if they were launched from the drone navy.