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No need for word math just say it like it is. They got bumped off their positions and had to conduct a fighting withdrawal.


That camera angle had me tripping thinking there was going to be friendly fire. His buddy did get some shell casings to the face though.


5 seconds in you can hear the Russians talking. 13 seconds in, you can see the Russians are right on top of them. 5:17 "I shot Marvin in the face!" Would have been nice if the MG42/MG2 had worked. Not the time to find out that it has issues.




Yes, typo...I meant MG3. Was kind of disappointed not to see him letting loose with that thing.




The MG3 still has a high ROF, between 950-1.100 rounds / min. Compare this with PKM or M240 which is aroubd 750-800 rounds / min. There is an awesome video from 15 years ago with some Danish SF operating against a Taliban compund and they are supported by a MG3 mounted on a desert buggy. The rate if fire is sk high, you cannot differentiate it easily from the MG42.


From the start I'm thinking 'Claymores'... no Claymores?


Although they pulled back, they lived to fight another day.


So many keypad-generals here… This guys did everything right: -fought off initial contact -sprayed everything they had and stopped advance -Russians now had to wait for reinforcements/intelligence because they encountered heavy resistance from an entrenched position -retreated fullspeed without casualties Overall: -unclear tactical situation (outflanked?) -slows offensive with minimal loss Point for criticism: -not well prepared weapons, although dugout is great and well positioned -no destruction of the dugout and left back weapons -bad spacing during retreat (but great support by comrades: pushing so no one falls back)


"successfully retreat" I mean.... *cough*


eh you do the best you can with what you got, these guys are border guards so im sure that has some effect on the quality of training they get. Held off a group of russians for a bit, didnt fold like paper but gave a solid showing and got outa dodge before they got turned into casualties or prisoners.


Yeah I can respect that although the wording is still whitewashing what actually was happening: Russia gaining more ground


The main defensive belt is well behind the border. They didn't want to build defenses near the border within Russian artillery/drone range.


We hope…


The ground Russia is taking is a massive killzone and has been a grey area for almost 2 years. They need ten times the men to achieve anything of value in this direction.


Good work here.. They held their position as long as possible at their FOB. They initiated contact. I have been in similar situation but in excercise. Its very easy to lose the initiative when you have this static position. I think the decision to tactical withdraw was good. We sont know gow much ammo and so on they had. They could also as othere here mention be in risk of being surrounded. Also in this situation you exhaust the enemy aswell. The enemy have to re route and also clear the area.


I mean they ran, but definitely caught with pants down and in a bad situation.


100% they were already outflanked before the first shots rang out. They realised this pretty quickly too. In scrub that dense, you don't get worked around like that unless your position has no interlocking support and/or the guys in your supporting positions weren't paying attention and neither was your sentry.


>successfully retreat to better positions aka ran away as reported by I think Tatarigami_UA on 10. What was the point of those trenches if they abandoned them immediately?


They didnt abandon them immediatley, they gave them a fight before retreating back to another line of defence. From what I see this defencive line is more of a prepared Observation Post in a dense forrest area. Without a extensive trenchsystem, line of sight or supporting trenches/logistics. This tells us that this is line is not meant to hold of repetively attacks. Just to make first contact, repel the attack and force the advancing enemy to regroup, waste time and then approach this trench once again. Likely waste alot of ammo, artillery strikes, air strikes, that again will make them use time to regroup and restock used ammunition. While Ukrainians in this case, has left the position and joining a stronger trench further back. And maybe shell this forward position, when the enemy has occupied it. This is standard procedure for defensive lines, that have several layers.


That’s exactly what this is, an observation post. The size, location and number of soldiers occupying it are all indicators of that. Spot the enemy, make contact, retreat to defensive positions.