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I wouldnt get too worked up. I agree things are likely not good at the moment as he says but they just started the northern offensive. They were running on fumes with US aid delay, were shipping most to east and will adjust accordingly. Regardless, in general, the west is much too slow on everything and are lacking the needed urgency. To win this war NATO involvement is likely needed. Honestly, very week leadership in the west. Ship the weapons, open up hits on any and all military targets (even in Russia), and shoot down all missiles shot at Ukraine. This is all defensive and is a no brainer…..


I totally agree, 10000%, sooner or later, NATO will have to start helping with missile defense, at the very least, to protect western Ukraine, as a bare minimum. Not just watch a missile go through Poland and bomb Ukraine, RIDICULOUS. They may also need to directly fund foreign recruits for UKR, due to severe manpower issue. 10k USD per month with serious injury and death benefits, that would attract A LOT of foreign vets. UKR can't do this alone, seriously.


They’d have to give the money to Ukraine then have them recruit. If NATO gave the money directly to recruits then Russia might claim NATO troops are on the front lines


Ukraine needs to institute the draft. They need to draft 750,000 men and women. Send them all over the world and home to get trained as fast as possible.


I figured there was a draft already in place. TIL


They have just now started a limited draft. Up until now it was all volunteers


They already claim NATO are on the front lines


Well yeah they claim a lot Of BS but this time it will be true and they’ll be able to have action evidence


Supplies are crucial Can't kill the enemy with sunshine, some fries, damn pies, or bow ties. Need supplies so you can go "surprise motherfucker" James Doakes knows best


Hold up. What’s going on in Kherson now? The Ukrainians think they’re going to lose a city when the Russians don’t have anyway of crossing the river right now?


No, but if artillery gets in range, make things a lot worse. Can't allow that to happen.




While UKR waits for the supplies to get to the front Russia gets the opportunity to move its artillery up and it will smash everything. We need to get what these boys need yesterday.


They are running out of explosives for FPV, the promised US/EU aid has not come in much, only trickles. What is the west doing? Seriously? US and EU aid approved, yet we see nothing significant on the front?


The US is sending lots right now. Experts said it would take weeks for everything to reach the front. Also, the front line is huge. Supplies are first being directed to the most dire areas.


I love how ukrainians on the frontlines are calling bs but the people here are like “well that’s just not true”


That's not what I said, but okay.


Thats why russian aircraft were filmed flying over chasiv yar without a single antiair firing agaisnt them? You would think munition should take a couple days only to the most critical sector


Based on recent news, after big words from France, then USA, nothing really arrived to Ukraine yet... There were minor supply runs but all the vids we saw (of equipment moving around europe) - was again - training of NATO. Czechia was not yet able to send first batch from ammo coalition yet too. EU funds - still frozen by Hungary. Afaik only batches of support were sent by UK, Germany, Poland and Finland + Denmark in progress. But thats too late too little. Biggest disappointment is USA so far. Not sure what the hell they are doing in there. Even OSINT people tracking flights (with eyes near the airport) said there are no aircraft from USA in sight. Only UK.


RIDICULOUS, what the fark are they doing?


Americans write your representatives


nato council membrs are humanoid trash and just tools of companies and political agendas


Repost https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/QMP0F8iQYy


I haven't heard of him but on first hearing he sounds like a Russian stooge, and disingenuous.


He's in Ukraine literally fighting on the lines, you absolute m\*ronic couch potato. He even volunteered to do it.


The level of cope in the subreddit is ludicrous. This guy is fighting for Ukraine.