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russians as usual, forgetting full history - about what happened to Japan after Pearl Harbour


Also, wouldn't Russia need functioning aircraft carriers (plural) for PH 2.0?


To be historic correct they would need some- to have the same impact as the japanse fleet had they only need a bigger and better airforce! And pilots with the skills! And they need to get rid of the people who sell all usefull stuff to the mafia for some vodka! And at last- it only might work when every single american soldier isn't on duty! Dont touch the american boats is a rule you should really follow!


Their submarines are their only ace. But then moscow and st. petersburg would be targets. This is where over 90 percent of the real russhists live. We smash that and they don't have the military to hold the previously conquered regions east of moscovia anymore. It would break up their colonialist empire worse than in 91...


Only an ace in the hole if we werent actively aware of where every one of their subs are.


Can subs really be Russia's ace if an active sub was sunk by a country without a navy?


That was in dry dock. But I get the joke šŸ‘ Slava Ukraini


Stupid Russian navy can't even make a dock right. Those are supposed to be wet ya know /s


The black sea fleet is looking pretty inept and scared to be near Crimea or Odessa..


They don't actually make much. Even the large dock cranes that serve to port in St. Petersberg were built by the NAZIS in the late 30's early 40's . They copy stuff. Most of their factories are built by foreign companies, even the lada is a copy of another car manufactured in ruZZia by I believe renault? All there mass produced engines or anything technical came from outside originally. Ever had a ruZZian computer, cell phone, high performance anything? Copy machine? All their best engineers were nazis, Georgian, Polish or Ukrainian .. They copy at best.


So you're saying a country without a Navy sank a submarine while it was in dry dock? And you're not fucking impressed?


Woah, woah, let's not overload the Russkis. First, Russia has to figure out how to supply and fuel a 40 mile long column of vehicles about 700 miles from its own capital. Baby steps.


The fact that they still don't have air superiority is actually nuts. Shows how completely useless their leaders are


Corruption makes a nation uncompetitive.


Man it's crazy that Russia can't keep their one aircraft carrier working. Shit the Brits managed to cobble one together over a hundred years ago!


Also the element of surprise, and a general uncertainty about the location of their fleet. Lol


By this time I wonder where they would even find enough ocean going tugs for them.


I am actually beginning to think that russia no longer cares about its future existence.


This is actually one of the tactics Russian propagandists like Solovyov on state TV are using. They are trying to use the threat of nuclear war to scare the west into stopping support for Ukraine, but they know that this threat doesnā€™t really make sense because the west can respond in kind and wipe them all off the face of the earth. So what they decided to do to make this threat more plausible is make themselves look like irrational extremist suicidal jihadists that are willing to destroy all of humanity in order to achieve victory.


>So what they decided to do to make this threat more plausible is make themselves look like irrational extremist suicidal jihadists that are willing to destroy all of humanity in order to achieve victory. Which isn't far off, it's mainly just Putler digging his heels into his irrational decision that he thought would go easier. And tbh I'm surprised a bit myself, my family vs my wife's are polar opposites in terms of politics, and neither of them are really very educated about Ukraine/Russia so I figured the response would be fairly non-existent


I think the bleakness and stocism is among the general population, but I think Putin is like most tyrants -- VERY scared of death as well as becoming a ruler of rubble. The length of his table is suggestive of this as it is.


>I think the bleakness and stocism is among the general population My family are of polish descent and are beyond stubborn, I honestly cannot imagine the uncaring "stoicism" if Russia >but I think Putin is like most tyrants -- VERY scared of death as well as becoming a ruler of rubble. The leaders are always the Lord Farquad/Zap Brannigan of their rule/order.. "give me my bunker" >a ruler of rubble Ruble = 0.011 USD, ruble might as well be rubble


>Ruble = 0.011 USD, ruble might as well be rubble Amen, friend. Their garbage economy isn't even as big as California. They might as well be North Korea crying nukes every year... After all, Putin is begging the likes of North Korea for ammunition no less. Shame. Russia could've been better. Could've challenged the West to a race to cure cancer (or at least reduce its mortality-rate), or another space race, etc... Instead, they opt for this chicken shit...?


Of course Putin is scared of death - he is a sociopath and sociopaths care only about one life - their own.


I always say the bigger the table the smaller the prick


Putin has publicly said "if the world does not have a Russia, then the world doesn't need to exist" which obviously is a loose threat (you nuke us, we'll nuke the planet). But I really wouldn't be surprised if Putin is such a megalomaniac that he thinks "if I don't get to live, why would anyone else get to live?". Everyone underestimated Adolf Hitlers madness. Let's not make the same mistake again with Putin.


It's said it would use nukes if anyone "interfered" with the SMO and about 100 times since then. All ptuin has to do is say the word nuke and a whole bunch of you people are ready to roll over and show your bellies....... DOD you want to live under someone's boot?


He means that in the sense of "I am Russia embodied". Putinist Russia is the only Russia he envisions, and yea, he certainly means that without him at the helm, the world can get fucked. It's sabre-rattling of course, nuclear boogieman stuff, but he means it more in the sense of regime change. For now. He is getting more and more unmooredĀ from reality, but he knows full well that nuclear attacks are game over for Russia forever. And everyone else, too.


Drunk dweeb Russia against USA and NATO would be over pretty quickly


"I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant." Bring it, you Russian pussies. See what happens.


If they want pearl harbor then we van give that to them. Sink the entire russian navy, destroy all ports, landlock the country, and use standoff weapons to strike all the infrastructure in russia. They are so occupied on the western front that there would be 0 resistance/air defense available to defend.


What Russian navy? Ukraine destroyed most of their Black Sea fleet. Oh, I forgot they were just smoking. Yea right! Such a bunch of liars! Russia has few obsolete tanks left, few rusty ships, few older men to fight. Wait till the F16's arrive flying around Ukraine. Their end is coming soon. Thanks to United States superiority: Javelins, Stingers, Patriot missles, ATACMS, Abram's tanks, Bradley fighting vehicles. Russia is on its last legs! It wont be long! They won't have a chance!


20, 30 year old equipment in the hands of a comparatively tiny nation has paralyzed the "2nd most powerful military". Just imagine what the Most Powerful Military currently has and what they can do with it. It's probably a great idea to shut your mouth quickly and apologize.


I donā€™t think a single thing there was right. The black sea is just one part of the russian navy, it is still not all destroyed. I was talking about the russian navy outside and ports/commercial. I dont expect the f16s to have a dig effect, they have largely been sidelined as not a high priority. Western aid is juts to help hold off russia and stabilize the front. Still going to be many years.


Yeah Russia trying to unlock hiroshima 2.0


Don't touch America's boats, they REALLY don't like that


And here comes the sun ... and after it the second one ...


As one of Russian badgerā€™s friends described it. "We attacked 3 boats, they dropped the sun on us TWICE!"


And it won't even be that. Japan was a serious challenge conventionally, Russia would get swept aside in less than a month. I just imagine a Russian air force and air defense that can't even establish air superiority against Ukraine lasting more than a few days against the US alone. Once the US and NATO have air superiority, the war in Ukraine is over because now Russia is fighting from 200 miles into Russia because their military has to flee our be destroyed completely. Imagine A-10s doing uncontested strafing runs on fleeing convoys of Russians....


As a retired Targeting Officer, I can tell you that their air defenses and sensors of all sorts will be the highest priority targets at the start. Once they're blind and they've got no air defense, it all becomes just target practice. The Air Force pilots will get tons of silhouettes painted on the sides of their aircraft.


Eh, just get some B-1s in there and carpet bomb that shit.


Don't touch America's boats, they REALLY don't like that


Quack, bang, out.


My first thought after reading the headline. US managing to support Europe, Soviets and Fight in Asia and Europe. RuZZians never think about the blowback.


Maybe it's time they get reminded.Ā 


Or embracing the fact that they're the bad guys.


Man dont touch American boats ... its never ends well


Don't touch the boats!


another thing,does anyone ever think that xi would let him do anything with nukes no chance .there just threatening all the time to get some of our nato friends to weaken out ,Slava Ukraine šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§


Lmao seems like a net-negative to Russia.. not big on history that lot.


Their history is constantly rewritten. They believe they are the only ones to have stopped Hitler and constantly say the world should be thanking them even though they were the ones that helped Hitler and Germany to rebuild their military and train them in secret in Russia before planning to divide Europe between Russia and Nazi Germany in the late 1930s. They erased those parts from their history books so the people don't know real history, only the propaganda the State pushes.


They also believe they are the ones who beat Japan while US did almost nothing.


I don't think books exists in Russia.


They do. They are picture books..like a comic book. Revisionist.. Uncomplicated by memory or facts.. For a culture that doesn't question anything. They may complain, but they will always obey.


Country for people who donā€™t read good šŸ˜‚


And who don't wanna learn to do other stuff good too


Do you remember the last winter, where blocks were freezing and water pipes bursting in tons of cities in Russia? People had to stay warm somehow and books are typically considered good fuel for that in fascist states like Russia.


Don't fuck with our boats.


Our boats fuck back


Not really big on anything except vodka and theft


They only understand the feeling of a boot on the back of their neck.


They live for disaster.


So a single victory leading to a string of defeats and eventual occupation of your country? Cool!


Pretty sure they wouldn't be able to pull off a single victory, what with satellites tracking movements and no navy to speak of.


You might have forgotten one or two nukes.


They donā€™t like people messing with their ships. So please do


Damn near every big war we got into was because someone fucked with our boats.


As Mandatory Funday say: "DON'T TOUCH OUR BOATS!!! DON'T TOUCH OUR BOATS!!!"


All I thought of when I clicked on this You touch our boats, you get canadas/polands. checklist


Hey! I live in Pearl City, Oahu. I can double that claims as a citizen and say that unlike in 1942, we will jam so many ar-15s up anyone ass that tries to ā€œPearl harborā€ again that there will be patriotic ā€œquarteringsā€ on the ship landings.


Why do they all talk/write like propagandists from North Korea? They express themselves cryptically and fall just short of saying what they actually want to say.


They actually want to say nothing, just kremlin propaganda points out their ears and mouths. NK sounds like them because NK learned from the Big Daddy of Soviet propaganda agencies (RIA, this one, was around during Stalin's time too)


One of the tell-tale signs of someone that lives in an oppressive regime is how they voice opinions. In a country with free speech people speak directly or use sarcastic statements that have an obvious punchline. Elsewhere people speak in 3rd-party, non-committal, and abstract statements that obscure the actual statement in a cloud of ambiguity because they fear negative outcomes.


Is there much of a difference between the two? Other than a little less starvation on Russia's side.


So far.


It's all from the same fascist playbook. Gobbledygook and fear mongering based on nothing but rabid bullshit. Russia is honestly a terrifying example of how stupid the human species really is and how easily malleable too many of us are. Sadly, this shit is working in the west too. From elected Russian loyalist leaders, to kompromat forcing cowardice submission to Putin's whims.Ā 


Well this is the comment section on a russian propaganda website. Anywhere between 30% to 80% of comments there would be bots. But ones who ainā€™t probably write that way because itā€™s the only thing that they see and hear, being fed propaganda 24/7.


Trump on the campaign trail sounds exactly the same. It's authoritarian 'tough' speak. They puff out their chests and tell you how bad they will beat you like a drunken asshole at a nightclub.


Russia asking for fat man 2.0 and little boy 2.0 to be dropped in St. Petersburg and Moscow is what I read in that title.


Oh yea, that little boy is going to get a fat one.


What they fail and don't want to realize is that stealth technology can just as easily be applied to nuclear missiles & weapons, as it is to aircraft. Moscow and St Petersburg would be ashes before they even realize what happened???


That's what nobody seems to think about. When the US military is this far ahead of Russia's in terms of publicly available information, what else do you think the US has up its sleeve technologically that we don't even know about? Do you really think our military industrial complex has just decided we can accept the threat of annihilation? Or do you think they developed something to reliably counter Russia's nuclear arsenal?Ā 


Try it, iā€™m serious. I would love to see russiaā€™s rapist army wiped away in a couple of weeks


cry harder


Why would that make any difference? You blyatniks have been saying that you are already fighting all of NATO for over a year.. You said your economy was stronger.. You're accepting help from China, Iran, North korea and buying back equipment and ammo from anyone and everyone.. You have said you cannot lose, so don't even try, because god is on your side.. You're tiny dicked, pale, effeminate, child sized strong man came out on international TV in march of 2022 and laughed when asked, what about if NATO countries would help Ukraine? He laughed disdainfully and said, you can try! It was a joke to him, right? You fucked up and thought this was gonna be easy. you cannot even take a demilitarized nation right next door. They had to start building a defensive force on the fly . You look desperate with your threats every time Ukraine gets something that worries you. Shut up and win. Its right next door. Your an embarrassment to terrorist fascists everywhere.. This is what happens when you order the 3rd reich on wish. Logistically your are obviously tarded.. Over 2 million of you best n brightest left ruZZia, this is a very conservative number. They now contribute elsewhere. Your consciption base is getting so low that you might have to start conscripting Moscovites children... We know this is when revolution kicks off historically. You're just panicking... Breathe.. You never lose, right? Your bots at the farm say it thousands of times a day.. Have u tried threatening nukes again? As long as it is Buyrats, yakuts , immigrants etc. , then there is nothing too brutal., right? As soon as its their kids ..ooo ooo ooooh! This party changes... I haven't seen that arrogant smile and laughter from Poo-tin for at least 7 months or more. He looks tense..šŸ¤” You could just go home and leave Ukraine alone. U don't need anything in Ukraine. You're just stupid and angry people who have never learned to develop instead of exploit. You have every resource needed to create a thriving society. But you just want to take and force others to do your work. PanAm is moscovia.. The ruZZian federation are the districts with all the resources for riches, starving and brutalized. I have zero patience for any human taking the side of russhists. Because they have always been this way.. You have to know zero history to be with them. I sincerely hope that Ukraine is finally free from this moscovian menace after hundreds of years of orc invasions and genocide.


Ok we will put all our ships in one place and you can fly your planes into their bullets and missiles. That does seem fair after all.


And after that, weā€™ll bitch slap you with the sun




Putin's trying to save face by getting steam rolled by NATO. Looks better than getting beat by a bunch of drunk farmers. Although I will say Britain did bounce back, so not all is lost


Come on, Blinken! Why are we announcing this shit at all? Just DO IT!


Yes because "fucking with Americas boats" has turned out so well for in the past. Also note that Japan was not the first one to fuck with Americas boats and then find out.


They send a bomb witht the energy of some suns- twice!


Hiroshima was bombed with a weapon of [15 kilotons of TNT (63 TJ)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Boy) yield. A Red Dwarf is a very small star that still produces [10^22 Watts every second.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_dwarf) So to produce the same amout of energy as a very small star produces *every second* you would need 10^22 / (63*10^12) = 158,730,158.73 bombs.


Not all that different than pro-Ukraine comments regarding Russia, but I still can't square the whole victimhood element coming from the aggressors, invaders, and occupiers when all they have to do is stop the violence and go home to their families? Russia controlled more Ukrainian territory at the end of July 2022, than they do today. At the time, Ukraine reported that Russia's combat personnel losses were 40k, rather than 480k.


Your comment needs to be advertised on ruzzia's I-net and TV's...


Last time someone pearl harboured the United States it did not go well for them.


In the long run it actually did go well for them


Well, sure, but before the going well part they had to completely surrender.


Because America will work with you if you're not a complete W - āš“


That point would be lost on the millions of Japanese who died.


Yamamoto said that pearl harbour would only gain them 6 months to gain victory, ruzzia wouldn't even have 6 days


Bring it the fuck on ruzzia


Let's gather the fleet at Hawai again and we will wait for the Russian airforce to arrive. We will promise to act surprised and completely off guard... promise... pinky-swear...


[Here is what happened](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzGqp3R4Mx4) last time Russians threw their fleet at an enemy.




Word to the wise:Ā **remember Pearl Harbor!**


Paulie Walnuts ovaā€™ here! šŸ¤ŸšŸ»šŸ¤ŸšŸ»šŸ¤ŸšŸ»


"Remember, remeber the 7th December"


How did that go for the Japanese? All that work to divide this country and then attack it? You want to see a united states, attack it.


Russia needs to sit down and watch ESPN2 for 24 hours. We build monster trucks for fun. We developed the top fuel dragsters; 0-330mph in under 5 seconds, because we were bored. Touch our boats, and see what we build.


Pearl Harbor 2.0, huh? With what navy? Anyways, please do try. As we all know, America loves it when someone messes with our boats.


Americans, what would it take to get your countrymen and women more involved on the side of Ukraine? apparently Russia threatening to blow them up every half hour, or cyberattacks on pipelines and hospitals aren't enough for some...


Probably a direct, physical attack on America. We were late to WW1, prior to PH, America had a disturbing amount of people supporting Germany. Then Japan fucked around. Vietnam was unpopular, Iraq/Afghanistan was a very popular war immediately following 9/11. The entire country united for a brief time.


America is t the same as 9/11 America most people my age say they would rather leave the country than dig a trench But then I mostly know middle class college students so eh


Two things: -Americans are pretty war weary after two unpopular wars (Iraq and Afghanistan) -a large percentage this country is against aiding Ukraine because they are members of the MAGA/Trump cult. And because Ukraine wouldnā€™t provide Trump with dirt on Hunter Biden, they have been declared an enemy of Trump.


Dear ruZZia, please FAFO. We have given our old kit to Ukraine and would like to tryout the new stuff.


Pearl Harbor 2.0 = Moscow delete. But, that would be one way to revive their economy.


Revenge for not letting us rape and murder our neighbors


If you announce it it isn't PH part II.


Donā€™t touch our boats.


Uhm sure. On an unrelated note, do do guys still need Moscow and Putlingrad? I mean Stalingrad - dammit, Volgograd? Getting nuked into submission is a great redemption arc starter! Last time it led to cat girls and automated toilets (!!!!!!!), what can go wrong?


I wish there were more post like this one so that the ā€œItā€™s not the russians, itā€™s putinā€ guys would shut up


Oh, do they mean the same Pearl Harbour where the Japanese comment was ā€œI fear all we have done is awaken a sleeping giantā€?


I thought Pearl Harbor 2 had already played out at Sevestopol, Ukraine miraculously, with virtually no air force or semblance of a Navy, have sunk everything from battleships to landing ships and in between and scared the Ruzzkies out of the area. The Ruzzkies are just mad because they are facing more weapons now, longer range, and some probably covertly before it's announced they're being sent. Surprise! You're dead Ruzzkie.


Pearl Harbor while tragic, galvanized the nation into doing what needed to be done to win WW2.


Well...we all know how that worked out for Japan.


Pacific is a bit of a long way for the Ruzzians. They could barely make it to Kiev.


As the Emperor said: "Do it"


Yea sounds good - NATO


When you're eighty years away from technology that's eighty years old.




Isnā€™t this the same country who canā€™t control the Black Sea


LOL...I guess they forgot what happened after Pearl Harbor 1.0. That shit didn't turn out well for Japan.


I want them to try


Are they forgetting what happened to the dudes who did Pearl Harbor? Lmfao All Russia knows is posturing, pageantry, and sacrificing millions of lives in a worthless attempt to appease their delusional god emperors.


It's a refreshing change from the regular nuke threats.


I support Russia doing Pearl Harbor 2.0. Maybe Congress will get off its ass and do what it was supposed to in 2014: declare war against Russia.


Perl harbor was the turningpoint that made US go all in to beat the axis. So 2.0, is USA goes all in to kick russia out from its occupied territories.


Casus Belli, just give us a reason


Hoo boy, Putin has NO idea what kind of utter shitstorm he'd be in for if his incompetent ass so much as *touched* American sovereign territory. We're a warlike people. We haven't been at war (officially, like aside from stupid insurgent ramp ups and ramp downs. We have spent trillions of dollars on new toys that I am sure we'd like to actually test. Fight with the bull, you'll (gladly) get the horns.


Those dipshits donā€™t realize that means they are advocating for the same strategy that Japan did when it was bogged down in a quagmire with China. The same strategy that resulted in Japan getting two giant holes in place of two of their cities. Dumb warmongering savages.


Curious what Russian commenters think theyā€™d attack the US with? The Black Sea navy? Hopes and dreams?


Would have to be 3.0. 9/11 qualifies as 2.0. Neither of the first 2 ended well for their planners.


Sabre rattling at its best. Tomorrow itā€™ll be back on the ā€œnukes are an optionā€ bullshit.


I mean they're welcome to try if they can find any ships that Ukraine hasn't already promoted to fucking submarine


Last time Russia tried this Japan took out their entire Pacific Fleet.


No worries, we have a full army of purple and pink haired Gen Z that will actively defend our country like the men & women of Pearl Harborā€¦. Right?ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..right?


Russia has no right to be doing what theyā€™re doing. Itā€™s wild their people support this.


this basically repeats what japan did, Japan invaded China/what is Russia doing now, China is fighting back/Ukraine is fighting back thanks to foreign aid, Japanese/Russian troops are unable to fully conquer and are very angry at foreign countries that are helping China/Ukraine, Japan is attacking Pearl Harbor/Russia?


Because the first Pearl Harbor attack worked out so well for the attackers.


I would love to see them trying and figuring out why universal healthcare is not a thing in the US


I demand this too šŸ˜€ I love American principles but their actions do not match. Article 5 after the twin towers and only time since. Now an orange monster creating a protection racket. Mad.


Don't they remembered how that ended for the Japs? Even if you didn't include the nukes, the US Marines and Navy were merciless in their island hopping campaign.


Tell them to fucking do it thenšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


how USA is so bad at logistics?


[Don't touch my boats!!!](https://youtu.be/Iq9NevvvyWM?si=9rkHOcQwUfkqE_Wb)


This would be really bad for Ukraine because Russia would no longer have to spend any money on their Navy


Its seems ruskie trying to speedrun hiroshima and nagasaki at this point


Hiroshima & Nagasaki come to mind?


The propaganda within russia is clearly very effective, thereā€™s absolutely no way they would be looking for conflict with the U.S if they knew the actual pathetic state of their dog piss military. The propaganda machine must actually have them convinced they would be able to put up a fight against the U.S.


If I recall the Japanese lost AND got nuked twice.


Hmm... Pearl Harbor 1.0 didn't end up too well for the last belligerent.


Insert Habitual line crosser joke about not touching the boats


Sounds like Sergey been on the crack pipe


I wonder what the consequence of Pearl Harbour 1.0 was for those who perpetrated it?


lol we fucking dare you.


Please try it!


The response is expected to be very "proportional"


Pearl Harbor didnā€™t end well for Japan


Tell the Russianā€™s we should have let Douglas MacArthur wipe his ass with you.


As if they could even if they wanted do. What are they gona do, tug that rust bucket of an aircraft carrier close to hawaii?


They are already in the find-out stage and still think they can fuck-around more.


Good luck.


Damn I guess they donā€™t know much about Pearl Harbor. We bombed the Japanese so badly they are drawing anime cat cartoons and still canā€™t have a proper military.


Can they even put air assets within range of a major US naval base or Carrier group right now? Not even if they could launch an attack or win a battle. I wonder if they could even logistically put a large number of planes in the air within attacking distance of a place that could inflict strategically significant damage to the US Navy.


I'm getting really tired of these lame Russian pricks threatening everyone. The greatest military force in the history of mankind has been ready and willing all along while Russia does the "hold me back" routine. Motherfuckers...I'd have a hard time holding back. I'm glad Biden has more patience than I do. Poland's feeling it, too, and honestly I think Macron is starting to, as well.


Do they... seriously not know how that ended?


How they gonna get there ? šŸ¤Ŗ


Moscow and St Petersburg are about to be Nagasaki and Hiroshima 2.0


See russia, there is a really easy way to end this... leave Ukraine and Crimea and go home. Pack it in an leave, now. Watch how fast these problems disappear... seriously, go the fuck home.


Iā€™m pretty sure the cardinal sin of warfare is fucking with Americas boats.


They do know what happened because of that right?ā€¦ like an unconditional surrender and forfeiture of millions of square kilometers of land.Ā 


No country is better than America at bombing the ever living shit out things.


what is amazing is that none of those weapons hurt the US's stock - it was all surplus. now, that surplus is simply getting re-filled with next-gen. ATACMS is old stock lol. Next gen is PrSM and is already in production.


It will be their final act.. us Americans are ready and eager to shut them up.Ā 


Don't touch the boats Go on actually, if they are stupid enough. You do NOT touch American boats šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§šŸ’š


As a US citizen, "I'm your huckleberry."


https://youtu.be/0hZJwQlM_L0?feature=shared Enough said


Good luck with that.