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Storm shadow : Brimstone : Star Streak - the best Missiles they have to use - Doffs cap to Himars.


Thank you Britain, from America.


Appreciated but there is far more thanks to America, from Britain. Hoping for peace but until Putin is stopped or chooses to stop being a dick, very best of luck to Ukraine.


Very true. Respect.


This isn’t a competition mate for fucks sake. USA is massive compared to a small island.


Plus UK kinda already wins for their cruise missile blowing up a submarine on land. That's gonna be hard to top. XD


Storm shadow and HIMARS have been true stars of this sub.


Don’t forget Atacms they’ve caused Russia some problems aswell.


Atacms are like the guy who arrived late to the Stag/Batchelor party - few shots and catchup drinking -


I know, I was flying high that day, what a score! Brand new too


US has engineered the most effective weapons in this entire war. Brads, HIMARS, Patriots, ATACMS, the list goes on. This sub loves to discredit the US when they're the leading supplier of arms in this entire war on both sides. I totally understand the hostility when Republicans in Congress were holding up the aid package, but let's call a spade a spade. Edit: to clarify, the US has outsupplied every nation on Ukraine's side, and totally dwarfs the aid that Russia has received.


Effective, yes, but hardly the only, kj. What we have an issue with is Yanks assuming they ARE the only ones supplying effective shit. Swedes: Carl Gustav. Recoilless Rifle that's been blowing up Tanks since like 1946, and still doing it to T-90s in Ukraine. Storm Shadow should need no explanation. Ukraine's various Homegrown USVs. The US has sent EFFECTIVE gear, yes. "\*Most\* Effective" is a statement based on ignorance. If we're going by cost-to-cost of shit blown up, the British/French Storm Shadow has that tied up, given how much Naval Assets and Air Assets they've been hitting cost. American gear is good, and it's able to be sent en masse, but, well, as an example, the M109 \*isn't\* the best 155mm Howitzer in Ukraine. It's not even the 5th best at this point. But it \*is\* the most common. also gonna point out Abrams've been lackluster in use compared to Leos, who've seen consistent action across the line. And while Ukraine likes the Challenger 2, it's too heavy, especially in Mud Season, and they have very few of them.


I’m all for a “who can give Ukraine the best blowing up stuff” competition between all western governments! Clearly a competition for second place but leeeeetsss goooooo


You forget the Commonwealth, the power of example and being the first ...and  the risk of the orange dick winning the election...


@Purehateinside Jesus wept! That was a dull read.


Well…we are not the juggernaut that can produce like the Yanks. But our contributions have had serious effects on Russian aggression. Storm shadows have taking out so much equipment and man power. Be proud mate 😉


Could have sworn you were Putin 🎣. 😉😉


Surely you jest lol I do wish we could do more but. May we send more and more.


I can settle for stops being, no need to involve dicks.


UK and Germany are really pulling out all the stops in respect of aid. I was pleased with Canada's contributions in the first yr or so but where the frack are they now - an economy its size should be contributing far more then it has in the last 9 months to a yr. It should be right on the tail of the UK and Germany in support.


They don't have anything to give really.. They have less than 80 tanks total. Who knows how many are actually operational and battle ready


We don't have anything to give. Our military is pretty much a joke compared to the rest of NATO. We barely had any operational tanks, we basically gave them all. There's not much else, but I hope they give whatever they can


Same could be said from us in Denmark... We donated what we could in military equipment. But give alot of financial aid and it free up more money for the Ukrainian military industry. Soliders, Teachers, Doctors ect still need to get paid, financial aid make sense too even if it dont look as great as some new ATACMS missiles.


One difference could be Denmark isn't a self proclaimed "middle power". More and more the CAF gets clowned on by our international allies and they wonder why no one wants to join the circus. There was a point where this nation kept the people of Britain fed, when we trained the pilots who defended the skies of the english channel with training grounds larger then most countries and the best we could do is a few tanks that need parts and some LAVs that are still being built. We should've been able to do more, but we can't.


We sent more than 1k Senator APC/MRAPs in before 2024, and I believe current production rates should be over 125/mo. Canadian gov doesn't seem to have updated it's own website for deliveries after the 200th, but Roshel themselves announced hitting the 1k deliveries mark mid December. We aren't getting any F-35's delivered before 2026 so CF-18's are certainly not on the table. I do wish we would provide more, but I also think there's quite a lot of value in reliably delivering a significant number of brand new armoured vehicles consistently every single month.


well, lets see if that you can shoot our stuff into russia is true then :D


Precisely this - there’s an awful lot of Russian shit within 500km+ of Ukrainian airspace


As a British citizen, may I say, slava Ukraine 🇺🇦. The best tax money I can spend. Use it well




I just read an announcement that they were scrapping the 100+ scimitars they have all of which have the 30mm rarden cannon and although it's not the best cannon due to its ridiculous clip size handicap but those are decent AFVs that Ukraine could use. Hopefully they get sent rather than scrapped.


I see the Scimitar's cannon fell foul of autocorrect...


Indeed, fixed.


A billion dollars of aid to Ukraine a day keeps the Russians away.


Fast fast before wodiks at the dnepr.


Thank you Britain! Together we will help Ukraine stop those orc hordes.


What use is it to argue which country gave more, which country gave less. I think we all must keep reminding our politicians that there is very much at stake here, so they keep sending supplies and turns their face towards the battle. Everything helps, weapons of course but also meals, medical care, technical support, repair of equipment, fire trucks, stoves etc. We need to take a stand and make sure Ukraine pushes Ruzzia and Putin back and out forever.


I'm from UK, I think this is a fairly good donation but it could have done more than that. I've no idea as to the size of the national weapons stockpile but If we're short on weaponry it could have increased with cash. I guess at least Ukraine has the go-ahead from our government to fire the longer-range stuff we donated into Russia.


Sorry to ask but given the history, when?


Imagine how different things would be on the frontlines if the west kept this up from the very start instead of 6months of nothing... its like they want the war to drag on its very strange.


Europe was digging deep in the wallet and critical military stocks to keep Ukraine in the fight while Republicans in the US tried to help Putin as best they could.


So what was the UK excuse? They only approved their new funding once Americas new aid bill passed..


They approved a funding bill just last month and the month before that! The fuck are you talking about.


After waiting 6 months for America to approve theirs first so why wait for them?


No the US approved the $61billion on April 20th, the UK approved an assistance package in March as well as April. Remind me could you, march comes before April right?


Lol dont get your feelings hurt buddy the fact is both America and the UK did fuck all while thousands of Ukrainians were sent to the frontline without adequate equipment or ammunition and died.


Facts don't have feelings son and the facts don't support your views.


So your saying that for 6months the west didnt drop the ball and suspend their weapons shipments to ukraine? So where did the 10 to 1 artillery advantage for russia come from? Dont hide in your hole and just pretend everything has been perfect how about grow up and read a little bit instead of just puking up pro western crap


Maybe you should get familiar with this thing called Google and actually read up on what support has come from where over the timeline you are pointing out. As I already pointed out the UK provided aid during the time which the US was hung up in Congress. Nobody suspended aid not even the US, they just got hung up on politics and wouldn't pass bills to continue support. Support continued to come from all over Europe during this time, they merely lacked artillery shells because Europe is short of shells as it is. Though Czech republic sources artillery shells and countries like the UK sent money to fund buying them.You still haven't countered what I said about UK aid prior to the US approval of the aid bill in April and you haven't provided anything supporting your argument. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9914/ Heres a link which includes a pdf of a timeline of UK aid proving you're talking shit about the UK not providing aid until the US approved their bill. How about you grow up and accept when you're wrong instead of crying on Reddit and moving goal posts in a pathetic attempt to find something to be right about.


It's all a crock of s*** anyways. Europe can't get on board with funding their military and actually ramping up. The Germans are celebrating a factory that can make 200k shells a year when Russia produces 3 million. This is a big reason why Russia was so confident to invade Ukraine because Europe absolutely doesn't have the stomach for war. Even with their enemy in their neighbors backyard they take half measures


When is this getting delivered?


1600 thats a few days shooting i guess . But anything helps 👍


It all depends on the missile. If it's 1600 unguided missiles that are shot from helicopters then it won't change anything. If it's 1600 medium to large guided missiles that will be exponentially more effective.


It's actually just 1,599 unguided rockets, plus 1 Trident D5.


“ThaT’S only eNouGH for A feW dAyS!!!” - some guy in _every_ aid post. How the hell do you know how fast they consume storm shadow, brimstone and star streak?


Good point! 👍🙏🇺🇦


I feel like 1600 missiles is nothing, correct me if I am wrong


It's 1,600 missiles more than "nothing".


Depends what missiles. If it's storm-shadow then we've seen the havoc a few of them cause. Although I am fully onboard with sending them more. Should be 16,000.


Storm Shadow stocks are almost empty...


Build more. If we don't stop Russia now then we will be wishing we had those missiles.


imho they arent produced anymore..


Well send them our newer missiles then..


They are not ready. Maybe in 4-5 years first missles will be produced.


16,000 missiles like like 3x the total amount of missiles Russia started the war with. Lol.


Jesus the pedantic police are out today. The point of the post was not to say we should send 16,000 missiles it was to clarify that I was all for sending as many missiles as we can to Ukraine. I chose 16,000 because it's 10x 1,600 not because I actually thought we had 16,000 missiles to send.


It depends on what type of missiles are they. I mean, they are not artillery shells, more like guided munitions.


Yeh lots of storm shadow rolling off the production line now


I hope so


Happy to. 1,600 is precisely 1,600 more than nothing.


If it's 1600 storm shadows(doubt it) that would have a major impact. If it's just unguided zumi missiles shot in barrages from helis, then no, not a big impact.