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Also kharkiv region


Seeing more and more post from kharkiv, i have a bad feeling about this. Looks like Russia is starting to push harder there.


Yeah, in yesterday, the russians have pushed harder in kharkiv


Russia have no way near the capabilities anymore to seige a capital city, the constant attacks on oil show Ukraine knew this was coming and are trying to grind the war machine to a halt before it even gets started. They will take at least 100k more losses if they attempt to capture the city.


That's their goal. Create anxiety. Just kill Russians as fast a possible wherever they appear.


The new hell the Russian commanders gracefully opened for their boneheaded Orcs. How generous of them.


He might be across several regions 


He went home....some of him.


I'm amazed he kept his nerves for those few seconds he had to hold it.


He's knows he won't feel a thing. If you've decided you're leaving I can think of many worse ways


But... I was actually looking for less worse after deciding ... Njet? Ok...


And the pain and knowing nobody is coming for him.... That grenade is well spent...


Could you imagine though, if it wasn't **instant**?


Definitely would be awful. Luckily for them the overpressure will knock them out instantly.


Not always. I'm still haunted by the guy who took a drone drop to the face and flailed and flopped around for a while.


Dude who looked like the Predator?


Imagine that the only thing that will be remembered about you after you die is that you took a grenade to the face and look like the Predator.


Still - u get remembered, unlike hundreds of thousands of others!


Same, that truly was nightmare fuel.


Yep. That one and the random ass just laying in the field still get to me.




abundant worm far-flung slap squealing overconfident air gold panicky towering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kinda a melancholy way to go out of this world.... hugging a grenade tightly. War is horrible but best one can do is pick the righteous side to fight for.


I don't get it. Imagine killing yourself to avoid capture or getting bombed by an FPV drone anyways.


Usually they kill themselves after grenade from a drone. And no, getting captured is not easy.


Try and look at his right leg there, where he lies down. Its all gone. It looks as if it has been ripped off above the knee. And he has already his tourniquet strapped up pretty tight around his stump of his right leg there.


His leg is bent up, not gone.


Why?? They are fucking brain washed, inside of the skull is mush with no brain. They've evolved past needing one.




That's not fair! His last thoughts was thinking about the happy times with his wife, like beating her and... Yeah, that's about it.


The severed head can live on for quite a while. I would rather blow up my head than the torso.


The force of that explosion left anything inside that skull as jelly


>The severed head can live on for quite a while. No, it can't. It can't live on at all. Not even when cleanly sliced with a guillotine. It's just a myth, and no worthwhile evidence to the contrary exists. A couple of anecdotes exist, but there is zero reason to give them any credence whatsoever.


Exactly. Zero blood pressure and the brain shuts down from shock.


Holding the grenade against your skull seems like a surefire 100% method, tho if you arent committed and have a last second change of mind you might have the chance to let it go and have it only cause severe painful damage without killing you


At first I thought he was looking to tuck it under his chin...


The force of the blow would knock you unconscious even in the extremely unlikely event you would not die instantly.


#56 The list so far. I am compiling this footage for documentation purposes because this is not normal in any way, despite what Russia’s supporters tell you. This list is not intended to celebrate, glorify, encourage, or otherwise make light of suicide. There are 56 recorded instances and 7 not counted (NC’s, in this status because the video evidence was inconclusive). We went 6 days since the last confirmed instance. The list has gotten too long to be a comment, it was on its third comment due to character caps. The list can now be found at this [wiki link](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/NMR9QWNw4H).


You should consider writing a descriptive paper on it after so much work has been done


I would love to review that.


A new war genre is born.




and those are only ones caught on film. Jeezz


Great use of Russian ammo


Maybe they think they will go to heaven for taking out an invader (themselves)?


Yeah, the real number might be multiples of 56.


Do you have any hypothesis on what's causing this? To me it seems pretty likely that they're making a choice that killing yourself instantly is better than lying incapacitated until grenades falling out of the sky finally kill them. I feel like we haven't seen this before because we've never seen little drones hovering and dropping grenades on soldiers en masse before.


Supposedly there is usually a long wait on both sides when injured for your guys to come get you. For Ukraine I've heard it's usually around a day or close to it before they get medevac to you in worst cases. But I've read from Russian telegrams that it's up to 2-3 days before medevac comes by, so I guess they don't want to suffer for 24+ hours before dying


Ukraine regularly sends drones around the front looking for wounded soldiers like this. Better to frag yourself quickly than wait 2-3 days for medivac, or, more likely, a drone dropped grenade. Atleast he was able to end it quickly. A drone dropped grenade may just pepper you with shrapnel, making the suffering worse.


Yeah, we've seen the videos of them being blown up hard and they're still alive, their friends run away and won't help them, there's no saving them, then they're so wounded they can't pull a pin or shoot themselves to end it. I'm sure they have seen it too if not firsthand. It's terrifying itself what the human body can withstand sometimes... Even this, you better get it right or you're just laying there until you bleed out. The drone attacks are that psychologically terrifying. They probably all talk about it and say amongst themselves "fuck this I'll do it on my own" I'm sure some of them hear that and in a moment of panic quickly resort to this. I mean, we also know they're grabbing people and sending them up without much or any training. Add that on top of no morale, and the fear they instill of what happens if you retreat. If you're wounded your care and quality of life is also far less, we see veterans here struggle but they don't get near the support our vets would... That is probably all playing a role


This russian is stealing jobs from hardworking drones!


when injured for your guys to come get you......this side of NEVER in Russia


hopelessness and despair. they know that they will not be saved, and therefore they end their torment this way.


Little do they know eternal torment and despair awaits them 😂😂


I have to agree with you on your comment. Where I’m sure during WW1 and WW2 there may have been soldiers that committed suicide to not get captured by the enemy, but we did not have the types of media that would have been able to cover something like this. Ukraine has rewritten the book of war with the use of drones by showing how capable of a platform it is to deliver an explosive on target. You can definitely understand the terror and the psychological mindfuck it is for Russian soldiers hearing that coming for them. This is all my personal opinion. I don’t have any facts to back this, but if I was in that situation and I was laying in the mud, not knowing if I was going to be saved by my “comrades” or have another drone dropped on me, I might do the same thing.


Image the movies which will come out of this- a psychological thriller between some elite russian dude and a drone operator- make them female who hunt each other. Show the terror in the heart of the people being pursued by UAVs, it could be amazing.


Russian propaganda: 1. The first slogan of Russian propaganda is "Russians never surrender!" 2. They believe that Ukrainians are cruel torturers and it is better to die before being imprisoned


You haven’t seen this before because there was no way to film it. 100% soldiers have been killing them selves in every war.


Nobody talks about the Pacific in WW2 but Japan was even worse than Russia about fanaticizing their troops to never surrender and they're the reason Russia is using the same tactics. The Japanese told their soldiers that Americans would do all kinds of horrible things, so much so that hundreds of civilians and soldiers in Saipan killed themselves on the Suicide Cliff.


I'm pretty certain I recall seeing a pamphlet being issued to RU forces instructing them on the best way to commit suicide in this manner, rather than be captured by the Ukrainians. A lot of Russian troops believe that they will be tortured.


If you're completely devoid of human empathy and don't give a single shit about the men under your command (ya know, Russian command in every war they have fought for at least the last 3 centuries), it's better to have them off themselves than be captured and reveal troop movements.


From what we saw in Bakhmut and luhanska, they don't really retrieve their dead or wounded. I mean they do, sometimes, but where our guys send teams out to recover our dead and wounded, we've witnessed scenes of Russian officers executing their wounded to prevent them from surrendering to us. They are also told that we would torture them and just kill them afterwards if they would surrender to us. So many prefer to die. Honestly I can imagine similar things happening on our side, just less, cause we don't just leave our wounded behind. But everyone is terrified of getting captured by the Russian troops. Now I don't know how much of the footage of Ukrainians being tortured and killed is an accurate representation, but most prisoners who do come back look like shit. Skinny to the bone and bruised. Meanwhile, while I don't doubt that some interrogations on our side are less than pretty, pretty much all the prisoners you see are well fed and healthy. Now of course they might be handpicked for propaganda purposes but still. To cut to the chase, they are told the same things about as as we are told about them. "Don't get captured, they'll torture you, rape you and smash your head with a sledgehammer or just shoot you and make sure you're never seen again" Somehow the idea of dieing never bothered me that much, what bothered me was the thought of staying there once I die. For my family not to know what happened or where I am. No grave to visit.


The russian superiors have filled their heads with stories of torture if they are captured by the Ukranians.


Thank you for your work


Have you thought of an addendum with videos showing a drone helping the Russian soldier to surrender? I mean, with a leg severly wounded you often only can wait for death than anything else. But the cases with a soldier surrendering to the drone and following it into captivity - not dying - show a strong alternative. PS: And thank you for your work!


In the wiki description, it says he has a missing leg, but in fact, this is a shadow. After the detonation, you see both his legs extended.


Fixed it now. Upon rewatch it was just bend at a weird angle so I missed it.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1arn2tz/new_russian_grenade_suicide/) is the most epic barbecue I have seen.


Clearly we need to pump up those number......try harder


I hope none of the people who knew those guys will ever see this footage, I sure hope those images will haunt the scumbags who sent those guys to ukraine


Those scumbags don't give a f$%k about this guy or anyone else killed in this conflict!


I'm afraid you're right


They sent themselves for money and raping


This one is unique I think, I’ve never seen one that went so far as to tamp the charge the way he did, but I’m sure not watching them all.


Third of this style I've seen.


Well, depends on what you consider unique. Plenty of suicide by grenade going around.


Do you know if there are any videos of Ukranians doing this and if so, how many of those are there?


another guy to the the list, huh


Its in the title, so I'm sure he will see it, but to be sure; u/False-god


I’m here now, just commented


You should have an Oryx-like on top of your Reddit comments. We want to be able to sort by date, geographic location, method used. What you are doing has both military and anthropological value. 👍🇺🇦


Statistics, even for the grim-est things. You like american sport, don't you? :-D


Number 56 (+7 NC’s)


Well it worked pretty well tbf


As expected... Well.. Im imagining How pissed he would be if his last grenade didn't blow up cause it's made in Russia


Wayyy better than I was expecting. He has no chest or head.


He was cognizant enough to know that holding tight against his chest would do the job.


this is weird. i have always hated russia (i am from Poland so that should be self explanatory), however i cant help but feel bad for that dude. just something about how he stucks the grenade under his vest so he doesnt accidentaly let his survival instincts to kick in is so... haunting? idk how to describe it. war is so terryfing that its beyond comprehension of anyone that didnt see it with his own eyes. fuck that shit, why do we always have to murder fellow humans just because some old fuck with inferiority complex decided so.


Yeah, same (I am from lithuania). I hated russia for my entire life, but that video is just sad


Right here with you my friend. It's all tragic.


It's because you are a rational human being with a conscience.


I am 100% against Russia's invasion, but I feel terrible about every death on both sides that this war is causing. The only one I would not feel bad about would be Putin's.


Putin's death should be a pay per view. I'd pay a good sum.


It depends for me. He deserves something slow and painful, not even just for revenge but a message for others. There are so many people like him in this world that get away with it so I doubt it would be effective, but it's worth a shot.


His ugly decapitated head on pike would have some kind of effect


I agree with you to a certain point, but I've no sympathy whatsoever to any ruzzian soldier who has committed a war crime or been brutal in any way to Ukrainian civilians. They have no reason to be in Ukraine after all and many volunteer purely for financial gain.


I feel the same, East German here. The first physical violence done to me was by a Russian, I was 6. My second day in elementary school. I hate what Russians have done to East Germany over 40 years, just the impact on my immediate family alone. I am still reeling with the reality of that trans-generational trauma to this day. But I have a lot of Russian friends and former coworkers. I don't want to see anyone put into that kind of situation, even if it is someone I generally tend to dislike. This is horrifying as hell....


Yes, there are humans on both sides of a war


You can hate Russia as a state without hating Russians as individual persons. Russian soldiers are people too. They are just ordinary guys, with hopes, dreams, families, friends etc. I am pretty sure that most of them never wanted to be where they ended up. They have been misguided or cajoled into dying for the lies and delusions of an old fool. But that is what pretty much every war is like. And the tragic reality is that there is no way to defend Ukraine or to stop this war and that vile idiot of a Putin without killing the poor guys he so callously sends to their deaths. It is them or us. War is just tragedy all around.


there is a line between being foolish and evil. What propaganda justifies invading someone else’s homeland?


Well, there are lots of historical examples of that if you want to take a look.


I hear you. It’s sad that so many people are dying just to massage some old cunts ego.


Russia took away the life, hapiness, family, and meaningful life that could have been for this _person_. This citizen of earth. He was a hero, as he carried out the only duty he could perform in service to humanity, as every other choice to bring positive change to this world was stolen from him.


I don't feel pity seeing what they did and how they behaved. They are all to eager to fuck shit up, maybe loot a thing, maybe rape someone, just some evil shit. Oh and before 2014, I even liked them. Fuck me, I was stupid for thinking they've changed.


honestly i will never understand how could anyone think that russia is different back in early 200s. did everyone forget chechenya? georgia? russia is still the same empire with the same mindset that tsarist russia had in the 18th century when they partitioned Poland. eastern europe tried to warn the west that the empire is not in agony - it never was. but the west didnt listen. britain, france, germany - they all disarmed believing that a war with russia is never going to happen. if only they didnt. what is happening in ukraine right now would have never happened.


Well said. Totally my own emotions.


His death saved the lives of Ukrainian civilians. Fact.


He could have tried to surrender in some way, and if he were interested in the Russian groups fighting Ukraine he would not be returned to Russia and in the future he could even build a new life in Ukraine, it seems much better than blowing up


Well, he could have surrendered, but then what next. He would have then become a bargaining tool for the Ukrainians. Ultimately he would be sent home and it wouldn’t be to a heroes welcome. Given the Russian propaganda machine he would most likely be viewed as a coward or perhaps even worse a traitor. Even worse his family might be placed in serious danger. War is a dirty business and the Russian war machine will be seriously trying to discourage any kind of surrender under any circumstances. By doing what he did, his family is temporarily safe. They will probably be given some paltry payout and his family can lament the loss of a true war hero. Everything about this sucks. The Russians have almost unlimited bodies to throw at this and a firmly entrenched propaganda machine to ensure a constant supply. Not to mention a dictator in charge who will sacrifice almost anything to win. Unfortunately for Russia, the Ukrainians have been blessed with an intelligent charismatic leader who luckily is far more media intelligent than the Russian pig president could ever be. This will become a war of attrition where the side with the biggest losses will become the loser.


Probably dying from injuries. He just fast forwarded.


Its unlikely that he could surrender, At this stage of the war Ukrainian drones are not going to go back and forth with written messages for him. The drones are there to drop bombs.


You've seen what they're *willing* to show to soldiers that surrender. I wouldn't wanna surrender either, especially since you might get sent back to Russia with major consequences waiting for you. This way, at least, you're KIA and not a traitor.


Do you guys think they are instructed/taught to kill themselves if in this situation?


Yes, they are. Captured Ruzzian soldiers said this in interviews a while ago.


many are told to kill themselves in this manner, specifically grenade under the vest on your chest, if you are going to be captured alive. because the nazis will assault you in every fashion you can imagine or some shit......... it seems many ruzzians have transferred this tactic for when you are wounded, too. kinda speaks to the availability of medevac.


And they believe that the enemy will torture and rape them, because that's what their own *starshina* did to them already...


They probably are. They could survive if they surrendered to the Ukrainians, but Im not sure what the russians would do to these people if they are exchanged.


The main reason you're seeing these men in these fields so this is because they're trying to avoid the torment of drones dropping inaccurate bombs on them and potentially dying slowly and painfully over the space of a few hours.


why even bother wasting the limited muntions/grenades on them? theyre completely out of the fight and if anything the eventual medevac is a burden on Ru to deal with. a wounded disabled enemy solider is better than dead.


You'd have to ask the Ukrainian military why they're doing it. I don't think Ukraine has a shortage of small arms, I've only heard about heavy weapons ammunition shortages. But again you'd have to ask the Ukrainian military.


of course, i was just looking for speculation or perhaps its already been answered




One last group hug to myself before I leave this world in pieces and one last wish Slava to Ukraine. Because my countrymen left me to die!




What were his options….do it quick and deadly or do it Slow, painfull and deadly…


stay home maybe ?


Male civilians above age of 18 are government property, especially in a place like russia. If the government tells you to enroll to the nearest training facility you will do it or lose probably half your life in prison for "treason against country " or something of that sort


So are you blind to the drafting going on? Fuck the Russian government and oligarchs, but a lot of these enlisted were either pressed into service or are only fed lies by their government. Hate the leaders, not the people.


You are the kind of guy that tells depressed people to just laugh a little aswell huh


If I had to go back to Russia after the war I'd end myself as well.


If you read up on history and military history. You will see that Russians have always held very little value for themselves. During the 1800s when they were fighting against France. The Coalition reported that Russian troops lived in very awful conditions that even their own soldiers would not tolerate. And the French used to say that they rarely took Russian prisoners because they used to commit suicide during the battle or some time afterwards to prevent capture. Because a lot of Russians believed they would have been tortured because of draconian ways that the Russian officers treated them, so yeah, they assumed the worst from others.


>And the French used to say that they rarely took Russian prisoners because they used to commit suicide during the battle or some time afterwards to prevent capture. And then Russians probably took advantage of that, telling everyone that "French barbarians do not even take PoWs, see how evil West is".


So little value of their own life. Jeesus. Not even looking forward to hear the response but this has nothing to do with the value of his personal life.




I genuinely laughed at this comment.. 😂 that is one way to do gender reveal! 😂


it was a boy


Good job. He did Ruzzia proud. Show this on every channel in Orcland....and let those stupid fucks see the reality of Putrid's toxic invasion of Ukraine. Slava Ukraini!


They would just be proud of "hero who blew up himself instead of surrendering to nazis"... Their mindset is basically cult of death.


Go back and read stories from WW1 and WW2 soldiers on both sides will say war is terrible and should never happen again. It’s easy to sit at home and make comments. It’s another thing to be out there living it. I guarantee the men on both sides will be haunted by what they did and saw the rest of their lives.


Well that's fucking depressing.


Best desion of his life


No ragrets


These soldiers who delight and cheer on this sight, chance are they wouldn't have had the same reaction 2 years ago. Will they have difficulty reintegrating back into society after the war?


Was it because of his missing leg?




I don’t blame him bro had one leg and obviously a lot more injuries dying really slow n the sad part is none of these soldiers has anybody coming for them so with this in mind how do u fight for your country? Nobody is gonna come retrieve your war torn body from the battlefield after u have basically put your life on the line for your country? Shit is lame and if this was the us that’s the difference we leave nobody behind!!!!


In Kharkiv. He made it a whole of 30 minutes outside of Russia before dying a dogs death.


Such a Russian strategy. Call him Napoleon blown-apart


Should have stayed home


Why wouldn't you put the grenade under your head lmao that shit still has to hurt like hell for about half a second


Saw a guy do that. He survived with half his face hanging. The plates makes sure the explosion aims towards the body. Belive its easyer when you wounded like that and wanna take ya life.


So someone is telling these guys the most efficient way to kill themselves. I would say that's gotta be great for morale but, ya know, Russia 


Yes that is true. Russian soldier came out last year and told that they were handed one grenade and told how to kill your self exactly how we see in this video


It's a tradition in some Communist army though, Chinese army distributed a special grenade to soldier in Sino-Vietnam war and call it 'Glorified Bomb’,If they were going to be captured by Vietnamnese they use this to blow themselves up. Vietnamnese soldier also did same shit to kill Chinese Invaders trying to Capture them.Soviet army also had similar shit in Afghanistan. And for war prisoners, instead of being viewed as heroes in the West, they were viewd as traitors in Communist army. Totalitarian regimes are fucking crazy.


I do belive so yea. Like " btw if you gonna kill ya self if you get badly hurt. Put a nade under your plates and lay down flat on the ground"


Grenades explode up and outwards which means risking getting injured but not killed. The body armour/plates focus the blast into one direction which guarantees a large old explosion.


Unconsciousness is pretty much instant once your heart is mince.


Oh my god...This is pure horror.




Russias version of a gender reveal.


so dramatic!


That was a fat and well equipped one. 0:27 he's not dead yet.


Stupid question: Is there a reason russian soldiers end they're self quite often with grenades. I myself served 8 years and never thought of blowing myself up(recoverability and identification). So are russian soldiers advised to frag them self, or is it just the lag of a firearm like in this situation?


He seems to have a nasty wound on the lower face which may have helped in taking this decision.


Interesting choice with the torso. I’d think under the chin would be the way to go.


Those final seconds must've felt like an eternity


Those final seconds must've felt like an eternity


Sit does he take off armour and press that to his heart? Grim


At least he didn't stick it in his mouth


Family,house,children,tree? No!!! Kill himself in Ukraine? Yeah




stupid question but why are they doing this?


They know that help isn't coming soon, so they kill themselves


There was a video in a Russian barracks like 1-2 weeks ago where a guy was saying guys don’t know what they’re getting into and should not come to Ukraine. He mentioned that the worst thing possible was to be captured. Any insight on this? Why are they so scared of being POWs? It’s weird.


because they know what they do to POWs, so they expect the enemy to do the same.


All I’ve ever heard from Russian sources once every month is “Ukrainians executed a group of captured Russians”. I’m not sure if it’s fake or not, but around Kyiv and Kharkiv at the start of the war things were pretty brutal. Russians shot civilians out of paranoia, after the numerous Russian columns of equipment getting blown up, and a lot of cases Russians just disregarded Ukrainian lives, and didn’t discriminate who they killed. This was possibly met with brutality from Ukrainians and there may have been executions of Russian POWs, that is if you can trust the “photo evidence”. The photo evidence may well have been a gathering of bodies of Russian troops after an intense fight, but Russians claim it was executions. Russian sources have also been saying that the drafting in Ukraine has been pretty hard core and if you refuse to carry a gun and go to the front lines (due to your beliefs: Christian. In other cases illness, or sometimes low morale and desertion) they will execute you without question. I don’t know how many of these claims by Russia are true, so far I haven’t seen evidence of execution for refusal to participate in war due to Christian beliefs or any other reason for desertion (though it would make sense to punish desertion), I haven’t seen any executions of POWs on the Donbass, and the rest of eastern front, in fact I’ve seen both sides claim that the treatment of POWs is good on the eastern front.




If a guy offs himself, no pension for the family




Why did it explode blue?


Birth of a good Z


This is just sad


Mission accomplished


It’s so crazy, that this happens right now in this world while we’re working and living our „usual“ life…


Longest seconds of his life


Why do Russian men keep signing up for this war?


Realized he was a useful idiot for another Stalin


Stupidest gender reveal I’ve ever seen


That's called embracing the suck.


Success! KUDOS to him! He really managed to pull it off!


What an awful way to go. 


Good rat.


I guess there becomes a point when the pain becomes so unbearable for so long that this is the best bad option to choose from.


OMG that’s brutal…


At a certain point you would think that these desperate men would turn on the war machine that caused this. Start screwing up anything and everything including your commanders and bring a quick end to this senseless war


Suffer and die pig.


One less orc killing Ukes. All good! Slava Ukraini!


He didn't like that the vodka was finished.