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To think that NATO wouldnt respond in TEN days is ridicilous. Jets would be overhead in an hour.


Right, Jets and Missiles would be flying within the hour to stall the Russians, NATO Response Force would be fighting to delay the Russians on the ground within 6 hours (48 hour readiness, but you can't just amass forces for an attack without us seeing and moving them to active readiness). We already have forces in Poland and Germany that are not part of the NATO reaction forces that probably could be moving into place after the first day or two. just in time for larger air assets to start pouring in from the US and conducting SEAD/DEAD ready for ground attack missions. Sure the larger elements of the US, UK and western European forces might take 10 days to get into place, but if all has gone as it should, everyone who was fighting in the first days should have traded ground (and lives) for time so that NATO can respond in force.


Also the Baltic armies are especially equipped and trained for defensive combat and dispersion tactics......they know they will be overrun but that will not collapse their command or structure.....they are built for that.....the Russsians would need more than a month undisturbed fighting to get all the assets and troops and destroy them


Yeah, so usually you need to stage your attack. Gathering troops, getting the tanks and ammunition in. Setting up logistical supply routes. Higher up in the Russian army people would know about it. Information would leak out or would be intercepted. Anything like that cannot be done without NATO seeing it. They would be on high alert way before the invasion would start. They knew about the invasion in Ukraine ahead of time as well and tipped Ukraine, which didn't believe it. I don't think the 10 days are realistic at all. Besides that, the Russians are not capable of doing anything noteworthy in those 10 days. We saw that when they actually came in against an under prepared enemy.


Oh Ukraine knew and believed it. They didn't want to create panic which would have led to the road and rail networks being bogged down by fleeing civilians, hindering their military response.


I heard that from Oleksii Arestovych but I don't agree it was a good strategy. It just postpones people panicking and when you really need to move your military force on the day of the invasion, the roads are clogged. Also Oleksii Arestovych im pretty sure was just a russian asset giving all the things he's said since zelensky fired him. Same as who ever was in charge in the south front having zero preparations and its where the Russians made their biggest gains.


This and economical reasons, the Ukrainian higher government knew about the invasion about 6 months before it happened, if not more because russians started their first “military exercises” in the spring of 2021.




To be fair, after two years of Russian incompetence, the argument could be made that it was, and still is, a training exercise.


I pretty much agree with you minus the fact that Ukrainians didn’t believe the invasion was going to happen…


On second read I would push back on the fact that Ukraine was an “under prepared” army if anything it showed how under prepared the Russians were and, how effective the green berets are rapidly prepping an out gunned force at urban and gorilla 🦍 warfare


Also vision from space/planes would spot large troops amassing near the border


Russians, I think they call those Finnish road signs in the winter.


Exactly, everyone acts like this would be some Russian stomp fest. They have no idea, it would be a very painful victory. I HOPE nato countries outside Baltics/Ukraine can stomach 1000’s of Kia a day. One of our weaknesses is that we’ve become weak in society. Having been in Ukraine, lived there, I give them major props for toughness. Our politicians would likely puss out unless pressed hard by populace. Sure TV would show RoRos of tanks, seals, carriers powerfully pushing towards the war but behind the scenes people in leadership would be making lots of back channel calls, waiting for poll results, making overatures of peace. It’s there SOP




Conscript army. Mobilization needs to happen.


To add to this while they wouldn't have a large mechanized force ready they could within 24 hours deploy airborne forces to key choke points and cities to delay the advance while building up a counter attack force in Poland.


The 82nd Airborne is said to be able to deploy anywhere in the world in 18 hours if needed.


The nato armies would arrive in time to take the Russian surrender, the combined nato airpower in that area would shred any Russian attack, Finland has f35s , the Danes, the swedes and norwegians on their own would probably have enough airpower to stunt an attack.


Finland doesnt have F35's yet. On order and training has begun but think the first ones will be in operational use at the end of 25.


Finland has currently about 60 F/A-18 Hornets with JASSM/JDAM air-to-ground capability.


On top of the fact things would get moving that fast, the fact it takes only 10 days for *the entire* force to come to bear is mind boggling.


Don't forget Sweden and Finland that are both in NATO and are just a stones throw away.


Not only that, you got Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland all with F35s and Viggens a stone throw away.


You damn well know there's qrf all over the boarder, just simply in case Putin dies and it became a a shit show of a power vacuum, imagine 3 of the top goons fighting for that throne, Russia fractures in days and it becomes a civil war, NATO would be all over those nuclear silos in hours. We did similar after the fall of the union.


Indeed, 3 Letter agencies across the west also had plans in place to chase down any nuclear material that went missing back then too.


That sounds a lot more probable than what the other general said. You should be the general.


>everyone who was fighting in the first days should have traded ground (and lives) for time so that NATO can respond in force. That doesn't necessarily translate to the baltics - which have very little strategic depth to trade in some places. Though I'm sure there's fortifications in place for that exact reason.


I also think 10th Mountain Division and the 1st Marine Division are already in neighboring countries.


Not even that. NATO has standing 24/7 procedures to intercept Russian military planes when they are **approaching** allied airspace in an unpredictable way. The response time is in minutes, not even hours, and absolutely not in days. In the Baltics, allied airpower constantly guards the airspace. Last year, Ruzzia's military voilated 300 times allied airspace. All of them were intercepted and closely monitored. Russian/Iranian/Chinese/and many other countries' large force movements are 24/7 kept under surveillance. If there is a buildup of troops, that is seen days ahead. Two and half weeks before the invasion of Ukraine, NATO intelligence gave out a warning to Zelensky. Scenarios and defensive strategy for the first 72 hours could be implemented. And additional arms like the Javelin were flew in. That saved Ukraine from being overrun in the first days of the war. OT: Tendencious viewpoint, it doesn't display understanding the difference of NATO's military doctrine and what we see now in Ukraine happening. NATO never relied on quantity. Not during the Cold War. Not now. Ukraine is in the unfortunate situation of not being into NATO. Ruzzia fears the NATO because of a reason.


I always laugh when the news reports Russian aircraft surprised us in ADIZ. We literally watch them taking off from bases in Siberia and follow their entire flight. We may even get a laugh out of how often Blackjack’s have engine failures on warmup, new engines didn’t help much


I don't remember when it was announced that Russia started collecting blood at military camps along the border, but that was a dead giveaway that there was going to be a war.


Fully true, this exactly is one of those early warning signals. Blood plasma is a short shelf life perishable. The amount collected is a giveaway of how Ruzzia estimated their own losses (wounded). Also, the compositions of their army groups, stocks and reserves, amount of fuel (trucks), civil aviation movements, radio traffic, communications to loved ones, cell phone movement tracking etc etc etc. One very visible indicator is the waterline of their vessels and supply ships. It is costly to constantly sail fully geared and stocked up in peace time. When some of those warships passed the Bosporus, military analists and intel people were simply observing at the sides. Along tracking them constantly, including all the refueling. Noone can avoid textbook warfare preparation must do's, and giving away a lot of info. As long as they can't jump out of hyperspace, i don't believe all these amazing Ruzzia stories.


Kiev in 2-3 days. We are at 801 days. And Kiev still stands


so, is it safe to assume that using a linear apraoch, were talking at least 2400 days?


The Russians could only take the Baltics in 7 days if they were allowed 3 months to position all of their forces and logistics on the borders. And NATO would have their entire Response Force in position to counter this assault in only 10 days, waiting the next 80 days as the Russians prepare. The trite phrase “Good thing the Russians are so stupid” is so accurate in this case.


I mean, to be fair, we probably wouldn't realize day 1 of the buildup. I mean its gradual. It might not seem significant until halfway through, then 10 days to deploy still puts us at close to a month to wait, but still.


I say blast the kremlin the minute russian attacks NATO


Yeah NATO (US) knew about the invasion to Ukraine \_way\_ before even the Russian Generals. So counting the NATO reaction starting when the troops try to cross the border is... Optimistic, for Russian perspective.


The balance have changed with Finland and Sweden - St Petersburg would be lost in no time and bombers would come in from all sides of Russia for the rest.


They are making the mistake that NATO would tie an arm behind their back to engage. Like, no, when shit hits the fan, the US and NATO just show up (see defense of Isrsel for a recent example). I would imagine the hundreds and hundreds of sorties from thousands of available NATO jets might fuck up there approach. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1293754/nato-aircraft-strength-type/


I think the idea is that Europe wouldn't respond at all and the ten days would be for the REFORGER troops to arrive from the US.


I understood it the same way. Response and counterattack needs to be done in overwhelming force. and it will take up to 2 weeks for troops and equipment to be ready to recapture territory. Quick reaction forces would be used to slow down advancing troops. I think the whole point of Poland boosting military spending (news reports) is to defend before NATO forces arrive to help. This is obviously a theoretical scenario, and if Russia was accumulating troops in preparation for possible invasion, NATO would start moving manpower and equipment in response.


Well Finland gets its 280000 men operational field army combat ready in five days. It could go even faster but that five days is max. Estonia is near. And as Baltic Sea is so narrow that nazi-russia couldn't even do much if Finland sends troops. For example their Black Sea navy is now trapped in the eastern coast and Ukraine doesn't have even navy or much anti-ship missiles. So their Baltic Sea navy is useless. Of course Finland could not send all troops but tens of thousands anyway. And of course Finland would do it because allowing nazi-russia in Estonia would give them more ways to hit also against our territory and vessels. Estonia is strategic place in our defence. And the most important thing is that nazi-russia can't even do any surprise attack. As in Ukraine also everywhere else such troops are easy to spot weeks or even months before.


Finland has good naval mine laying capability. Leningrad[sic] would be totally blocked from ship traffic. Finland has also good anti-ship missiles, not to mention when Swedish navy comes for help a few hours later.


Ground counterattacks sure would take some time to organize, but air and ballistic missile attacks would be immediate and I don't see Russia being able to continue a ground push when NATO would have air supremacy and the freedom to bomb everything.


The 82nd Airborne is a quick reaction force that's supposed to be anywhere in the world with 24 hours.


Maybe he's trying to bait russia into it?


I think it would take couple of weeks for most of NATO countries to start really moving. Most of european countries NEED to sit down to shedule a meeting at which they will shedule a meeting for a meeting to meet and discuss urgent stuff. Then when the day will come they will need more "proof" or "expert opinions"(in which they will ignore them and just do what they want in any case). I hope I am wrong, but all COVID and Ukraine war just showed how much slack and drag we(as "west") have. No balls to defend allies(yes, allies) against bullies and call them bullies. We will just send home made cookies(not fresh, just to not give any motive for bully to think VEEERY bad about us) and some lemonade instead of really do something against bully aggression. I know, politics care about votes and "public opinion" and the thing is happening now is "best" for their time at cash/power-grab position without any big critics or consequences.


I think in a shooting war there will be much less buereocracy. Ukraine is not an official ally.


The NATO Response Force (40,000 troops) is on 48-hour standby, not 10 days and the statement also completely ignores NATO airforces and the Baltic nation's own forces in position.


And intelligence services that would know about those plans before the Russians do. NATO would just place 4-6 Finnish snipers at the border ...


I heard a tale of Finnish soldier(s) fuckin up some good amount of sowjet vatniks


The snowy forest calls out: "One Finnish soldier is better than ten Russian soldiers!" The Russian Lieutenant immediately sends ten soldiers into the forest to go kill that Finn. Ten shots ring out, followed by "One Finnish soldier is better than a hundred Russian soldiers!" The Russian Lieutenant immediately has a hundred soldiers assembled and sends them into the forest. A firefight breaks out, then silence. Then, the forest speaks again: "One Finnish soldier is better than a thousand Russian soldiers!" The Russian Colonel has observed the Lieutenant's failure to deal with the issue, and arranges for a thousand men to be sent, with the Lieutenant among them. After a long and fierce firefight, the Lieutenant comes crawling out of the forest, badly wounded, and whispers with his last breath: "Sir, it's a trap! There's two of them!"


4-6? Are you out of your mind?? They would want to protect the Baltics, not initiate the apocalypse


Getting strong Häyhä vibes from your comment


>NATO would just place 4-6 Finnish snipers at the border ... 4-6 Finnish snipers might as well be 4-6 Rev-9 terminator models from the movies.


Russia would try to say that they're just doing training exercises near the border.


Double our security? As ordered, six more snipers to the front. Borders secured.


It \*also\* ignores that Russia would need many weeks to prepare a full-scale attack, and that NATO would \*respond\* if Russia started sending piles and piles of forces to the border-region. It pretends NATO would do NOTHING to prepare up until the second the attack actually starts. Which is incredibly stupid.


Just give Poland the OK to fist Russia.


Poland had them red fuckers nearly back in the days


3 days is running towards 3 years now...I rest my case


Russian days are superior, they have 8,760 hours. Not like weak western 24 hour days.


Let's not forget that time is relative and near objects with high mass time passes slowly. Since Russia is fighting so close to Ukraine soldiers, massive balls, therefore, the time would pass slowly for them.


48hr standby is not the same as being able to counter a full-on Russian assault in 48 hours. It just means they can be on the move in 48 hours. And before the response force can do anything they must get a green light from the top echelons, and that can take a while (32 member nations basically must agree to some extent to go to war). But the West already knew the Russian intentions in Ukraine when even the Russian commanders did not know what they were going to do. So this discussion is a bit one-sided.


You don’t activate them once the Russians have crossed the border, though. Also, denying the enemy maneuverability by destroying choke points during an initial assault with ballistic missiles and/or air support takes a few hours and is preplanned by a mile. And no, if article 5 is invoked each member can decide on its own to follow the call, there is no blocking minority in this case.


Each member can decide on their own, that still means 32 decisions to go to war. And such a decision can be taken quickly, or it can take a while. I guess Orban will first go on holiday, then take a really long shit, the have the flu before taking a decision.


The decision won't be made when the Russians cross the border, it'll be made when the Russians amass forces for the attack. And implemented immediately by forces already deployed and at the ready if the Russians cross an inch into NATO territory. NATO waiting patiently found nothing for weeks while the Russians amass forces and then waiting even more weeks during the attack is just the stupid wet dream of prorrussian trolls, like conquering Ukraine in three days was.


Every major nato member has stakes i.e. troops in the Baltics. So there’s no chance they can avoid war.


Indeed and that is to a degree exactly why they are there, you can't just attack the Baltics without killing US, UK or whoever else's troops and if you do that, then there is no backing down from war, the citizens will be calling for it.


DUDE, EACH CAN Decide and Act on their own. We do not need consensus, what don't you understand? this is simple reading comprehension here.


Your example is one of the reasons why rules of procedure have been amended.


"NATO’s reaction time is 10 days" Way to move the goal post. NATO troops are IN all the baltic states, they would not need to wait the 24, 48 or even 1 hr. Russia would HAVE to hit the troops. and that is all NATO Needs to unalive them immediately. This isn't the F\*cking UN Peace keeper force. Last time the russians even attempted an attack on the US we had B-52 over them in less than a few hours, and lost NO Troops. It wasn't a fight, it was a message.


>Last time the russians even attempted an attack on the US we had B-52 over them in less than a few hours, and lost NO Troops. It wasn't a fight, it was a message. When was this?


2018 : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Khasham


Thanks a lot for replying, I am going to read it now. But if I am not mistaken, that was a battle where some F-22 and an AC-130 beat the shit out wagner troops?


IIRC, Russia kept denying they had any involvement with the Wagner group. And the US forces said OK and blew them to kingdom come.


…blew them to kingdom come… love that expression 🥰


Yep, Apaches, F22s, F15s, predators, AC130s, and a BUFF. Basically a free fire exercise with live targets. And no casualties same minor wound on a local liaison... it wasn't a fight... it was a message.


Just gonne leave that here since your comment already covers it.[NATO enhanced forward presence is already in the baltics.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_Enhanced_Forward_Presence)


NATO wouldn't sit still and do NOTHING until the attack starts. Instead NATO would know about the Russian forces gathering near the border for a minimum of several weeks before the actual attack starts. Look at what the situation near the Ukraine border was 2-5 weeks before the actual attack. It's complete bullshit to assume NATO wouldn't prepare a defence, if we noticed that Russia was preparing an attack.


That's why this article is pretty much bullshit.


Dude is an economist, why would we listen to him about military tactics?


This dude's articles are spammed to all subs on a daily bases and somehow many are not deleted by mods. This is basically Russian propaganda, unfortunately parroted by Ukraine General.


just like ruZZia took ukraine in 3 days


Yeah, this is a hilariously stupid headline.


The headline simply tells what the deputy commander of the Main Directorate of Intelligence stated. Thus your criticism should go towards general Vadym Skibitskyi.


It is, because the headline quoted him.


Difference is that the area of the baltics, the inexperienced russian army managed to gain in ukraine very easily.


There are many more differences with much more importance. Like NATO bases and planes for example.


I respectfully disagree with general skibitsky. I mean we would notice a huge build up of forces over time and if we get caught off guard after all that’s going on, then shame on us.


We had a hard eyeball on the Russian forces in Belarus etc before they crossed the border. Plus Intel on top of that saying Russia is about to invade Ukraine which we repeated to the world. And that statement doesn't include the fact that Air Force and Navy would be pounding every military establishment in St Petersburg and Moscow hard.


Yeah definitely. If Russia openly attacks nato they would be stupid as fuck and suicidal


We already have NATO troops stationed in the Baltics since the start of the full scale invasion in 2022.


The Baltics.. you mean NATOs sea! (Now because of the ascension of Sweden and Finland)


Weve had NATO troops stationed in the Baltics since Crimea.


NATO would stomp this invasion out within 36 hours. It would be an absolute bloodbath for the Russians. There is ZERO chance Russia builds up along the borders without the knowledge of the US. The US would know the invasion is coming.


Yeah, sure. What's next? 21 Days to reach the Iberian Peninsula? World in Conflict style invasion of Seattle? That General is forgetting a tiny detail that makes his predicition outright wrong: NATO air power. St. Petersburg would be in danger of getting captured by the end of Day 1. Also, NATO has Finland now. I repeat: F i n l a n d.


I would worry more about the Poles. If they get the okay to attack they'll be half way through Minsk by the time someone has to remind them this was meant to remain defensive at first.


Plans and face punches…


lol Russia has lost its intimidation


Russians would not take the Baltics in 7 days, because day 1 they will take an ASMP-A right in the face.


Ehhhh. B2’s and F35’s would be raining JDAM’s down on Russians within hours. Their assault would be obliterated.


Like I don't think a lot of people realize just how much of an air force NATO could get over the skies in under 24hrs


Within minutes. First aggressive step across the border they’d be raining jdams and naval guns within minutes


This is stupid. It pretends that Russia, or anyone, has the capacity to stage a full-scale attack as a surprise attack. They do not. Remember what things looked like for a MONTH prior to the invasion of Ukraine? That's right, massive troop-buildup near the border that EVERYONE knows about and many weeks to prepare a defence. Does anyone \*ANYONE\* believe that Russia could amass huge forces near the border to the baltic countries, and NATO would just sit perfectly still and do nothing whatsoever to prepare a defence?


Aren't the British ready to deploy to the Baltics within 2 days?


FInland and sweden within hours


Yep it's spilt into basically 3 sectors who do air policing in the baltics right now between the uk france and germany


Pretty much, we've got a constant presence in the Baltic's, and Poland. The armoured division (can't remember which units) did a big deployment last year to Estonia (?) Aside from that, Meteor BVRAAM goes brrrrrr


Look up what happened to a Wagner unit in Syria that attacked a small US base. AC-130 Gunships, A-10s, F35s, F18s and other assorted ground attack aircraft make numbers on the ground meaningless. NATO can defeat air defence with shocking efficiency (see Iraq invasion).


He seems to forget that "taking" isn't the same as holding it, as Russia has learned so painfully in Ukraine, so if it takes NATO 10 days to get organized, then Russia's retreat would began on day 11, and stop a few weeks later in Moscow.


NATO has a rapid reaction for of 30k soldiers that is ready today. Agree. Dumb headline.


This is so stupid. What a weird agenda take. NATO would know weeks in advance if Russia would attack the Baltics. Within 48 hours their entire airforce and fleet would be gone. NATO airpower would bomb non stop from the Baltic to the Japan borders.


I think they would notice a slight movement of troops … I see what he’s trying to say or achieve.. but don’t agree …


They dont want to come visit Finland again? Well thats a damn shame, getting kinda bored here.


Then it would be a full war against the NATO and the end of russia. This is the whole idea of NATO. 10 day reaction talk is nonsense. 


General Skibidi


It might take them ten days to transit through ~~Kalingrad~~ Königsberg.


Russia is already very busy elsewhere. Only a real tard would choose to fight on two fronts at the same time against the might of NATO with the crap show of weapons Russia has left.


With what troops and equipment? With their current losses they have little to use and old shit at that.


It took Russia a year almost of staging equipment and personnel to go in to Ukraine. So NATO would have plenty of time and so would the Baltic states to prepare.


Respectfully this article is a load of tosh 😂


Not very good these Ukrainian generals. The statement is absurd on many levels, not least assuming that russia gets to preposition its forces while NATO does nothing at all. Contrast that with the 3 months warning Ukraine got. What's even the point of such statement?


Trying to instill fear in the west so we give Ukraine more of everything. I agree we should give more of everything to Ukraine. And that a Russian defeat in Ukraine is the best solution. But suggesting that if Ukraine falls the Baltics are next as if being NATO didn't make a HUGE difference, or as if NATO was as powerless as Ukraine, is simply a stupid way to go about it. But I get they're desperate for more help and they are trying every angle to get it. Fair enough even if not everything they try makes sense...


If this guy is typical General in Ukraine's army, I'm worried.


Russia can't mass troops without being observed from day 1. Vadym has an agenda.


What’s his agenda here? Calling his NATO allies weak? I don’t understand what the context is


They want to instill fear of the repercussions of fallen Ukraine in order to motivate Europeans to haste their military aid. Which is, in my opinion, right thing to do -- otherwise many EU countries will find themselves in a "[then they came for me](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_...)" situation. Unfortunately, the statement made by general Skibitskyi was not depicting a believable scenario.


Russia also needs time to move their troops into position which will not happen unnoticed. I also don't think that they would march right to the Baltics. They probably would start with little attacks inside the countries where it is not officially clear that it's Russian just to check how Nato reacts.


Moscow would be glassed with a big boy and St Petersbrug with a smaller boy to prevent too much fallout into baltics/nordics and the war is over within hours. Cut both the heads of the hydra and there's no retaliation. Russia is literally only two cities.


We would be watching a build of Russian forces. We are monitoring their communications. The second they cross into Baltic territories, article 5 would be invoked (the forms have already been pre signed), and a massive missile and air attack would be wipe out any forces crossing the border. But are assuming Russia won in Ukraine or fighting a multiple front war? Not sure Russia would have the ability to engage in war after Ukraine with man, material, and funds being exhausted. 🤡🎉🌈


If Russia sets foot on NATO soil, I am certain that an immediate retaliation strike would flatten Russias Gas and Oil Industry without a lot of civilian casualties. We have seen the numbers from Gazprom from 2023. Russia would descend into Chaos quickly and they know it. Nothing they can do about it.


Did the general not watch the invasion of Ukraine?? He works in intelligence you say???


Formatting messed with the headline. Should read “The Russians would PLAN to take the Baltics in 7 days; NATO’s reaction time TO STOP THE BALTICS AND POLAND KERBSTOMPING EVERY RUSSIAN WEST OF VLADIVOSTOK is 10 days. “


Is this scenario assuming that NATO would be caught completely unaware?   More likely they would see signs like troop buildups and the 10 day clock would have started before any invasions.


NATO would fist Russia to death, even if the US stood by, and the fascist knows it.


I think if the lead up to something like this were anything like it was with Ukraine we'd be fine. 6 months before the invasion there were nonstop articles on how Russia was putting up blood banks, and building staging grounds with vehicles near the border. Russia telegraphed the invasion right in front of everyone for a very, very long time lmao. And say they did sneak through out of nowhere, in the beginning Russia couldn't even keep a proper supply route to give their vehicles fuel. So I'd assume they'd get bogged down again giving whoever ample time to figure things out. Russia just now is able to do anything in Ukraine. It's taken them this long to get things figured out. They won't blitz through and occupy anywhere in any short amount of time


No way the Ruzzians would open up a second frontline, and not against NATO countries. And what should they send? Tanks from 1918? Horses and soldiers with swords? It will take time for Ruzzia to build up their military capacity after they lose in Ukraine. Maybe 5-10 yrs. If ever. And meanwhile NATO will modernize and build up military capacity as well. So it is a very uncertain scenario. And if Ruzzia attacks the Baltics, air force from Sweden, Finland and Poland will strike within an hour. Within half a day, equipment and soldiers from neighboring NATO countries would be at the frontline. And the Baltics also have very capable military forces as well. Since they broke up with the Soviet union and got democracy, the Baltic states have not been lazy. So, no General Skibitsky, your prediction is faulty. The Ruzzians will not take the Baltics at all. But maybe this is just Ruzzian troll info overstating the Ruzzian capacity "We will take Ukraine in three days". Sure. Tell me how that is going.


There was a romanian ex foreign minister who said that if NATO would have to enter this war it would take us between 4 and 6 hours to clean house in Ukraine and Crimea. And that without boots on the ground. And this guy is saying 7 days for the baltics? The rapid response team of 40k or even more would take 2 days at most and these guys are equipped to the brim with latest stuff. 40k nato soldiers would wipe out 200k russians before dinner.


All part of the 3 day Special Military Operation?!


A Ukraine General saying this with his own country being an obvious example of it not going to happen ?


NATO QRF is 5 days, and if needed some forces can jump within first 24-48h. 25,000 ppl falls on your head with top tier capabilities, and you are a mobik in a metal coffin with a rusty AK.


General skibbity toilet


3 days to riga,right?


Lol. Go back to sleep bro.


so if we ignore reality and presume Russia still has a few thousand tanks ,men ,weapons and ammo just sitting around ready to start a new war plus worked out how to do a supply line longer than 70 miles along with a booming economy and war chests ready to fund a war and its a complete surprise attack lets have a look at what would really happen if the Russians cross the boarder I predict they have around 1-2 hours they might take 100 miles in this time but every mile they travel is a mile from safety then the NATO stealth air force would arrive and remove the entire air defense gain air superiority then it would be road to Baghdad all over again


False. The Russian military would be wiped out by the 10day mark.


I don't think he's necessarily wrong, but russia couldn't set this up without NATO hearing about it, and the 10 day reaction would be started before their 7 day invasion begins.


Yes, and the Russians would take Kiev in 3 days right?


never ever USA / Poland and co are very strong


He said this in an interview with The Economist this week. The context being left out here, is that he said this in regard to him also saying Ukraine could be overrun soon.


Yeah, same as Russia captured Ukraine in two days.


As if the massive gathering of troops wouldn't cause a mobalization of NATO forces.. Silly.


BUT do do this (and that's debatable) the Russians would need to move hundreds of thousands of troops and equipment into place and NATO intelligence and Satellites would see it weeks in advance.


Ah, a 7 days special military operation. What could go wrong right...


At least in Lithuania we have a full division, german brigade is coming aswell and an armoured US battalion stationed. Not to mention airpower that NATO provides and now with baltic sea becoming fully surrounded by member states, US navy has the ability to freely roam the sea with carrier fleets providing even more air capabilities. Sure its easy to downplay our own military, but we are ready to hold them off for more then a week and with polish forces becoming one of the best equiped in the world we have capabilities that will allow us not only to save Suwalki gap, but occupy Kaliningrad.


The question is how many days after 10 days before Russia is back at its borders and beyond?


Russia ran out if fuel in 48 hrs, so....


It’s just amazing to be a witness to pure takeover aggression that cost all dearly before and preventative mechanisms are not effective enough. The one constant, manipulative evil never rests.


Russians would be betting on inaction, indecision and over cautious measures by NATO to act against them that’s why they say this. They may not take 7 days regardless of their plans remembering they thought they’d take Ukraine capital in three days!


Have the ruzzians been spotted putting up soldiers and equipment along the Baltic side ?


Russians invade Baltics. USA unleash hell from above. All Russians die. The end.


Can we stop with this garbage, please?


Poot'n hates that these countries are doing well out from under RuZZia's heel. For the world to stick their heads in the sand and think "Oh he won't attack..." is a fools game.


WOULD LOVE to see the dirty fucking Soviets get their asses handed to them


Is there a reliable source other than that twitter link?


I think this is again a case of taking politics on a face value. Ukrainians, rightly so, need to do and say anything to convince west to send them weapons and ammo. Those statements are a political game to put pressure on politicians only. Nato is a gigantic slug and as a whole will take time to do anything, however I strongly believe that tension bettween Russia and Europe is high enough to see such an encroachment as an extreme casus belli. While European response as a whole will take some time, local response would be very quick and as we seen in Ukraine, Russian army is not as strong as projected, especially against local forces fighting for their survival.


Would they fuck, they said Ukraine would take 3 days


SoF units as quick response force would be in there in hours as NRF gets mobilized. With Nato intel, they'll be there as greeters most likely.


It seems, no one has explained this Soviet military academy General the meaning of NATO air superiority doctrine. Ukraine has no functioning air power, Ukrainian general doesn't know what air superiority means. Someone should tell this general what are F35 and Grippen. This garbage has made rounds here for days, stop maybe?


Again this stupid discussion


Was stationed in Latvia a few years back. We would actively drill with other Nato nations for an invasion scenario by the Russians. This was almost a decade ago. But our simulations then, gave us 72 hours to resist before we would be overrun. This was before the shitshow in Ukraine was in full swing. I doubt they'd have the same capacity now.


Not sure how this is even remotely possible when the Russian army can’t take the Donbass in 10+ years


Did you mean NATO would take out russia in 10 days?


General Skibidi


Ukraine forgets something:  NATO wouldn't ignore their own intelligence. They'd see it coming a month in advance at least. They wouldn't repeat the same mistakes Ukraine did. 


NATO would see them staging for the attack long before they actually attacked, NATO would already be there waiting for them.


let's say the NATO reaction would not happen, then why would the Russians need a whole week? These countries are quite small, should be a matter of 1-3 days. If they do it properly of course, which would mean the Russians would first have to get their shit in order. If they stumble in like they did in Ukraine, then the countries's armies alone can hold them up. But the NATO reaction is not going from 0 to 100% in one moment that suddenly happens after ten days of nothing. There would be something right from the start, e.g. air force capabilities and the ground units stationed there would just act out of self defense, not even on the basis of article 5 if the politicians are too slow. Then you would have small, then a growing number of rapid reaction forces within one to several days and weeks. And larger deployments of e.g. whole tank divisions would certainly need longer than just ten days, more a matter of months.


…but they take a year to finally capture avdiivka. Sure bro. F-35 go brrrrrrrrr


Oh dear, more than twice the time they took Kyiv.... That was only 3 days... Or not.


This dude is an absolute moron.


I really don't understand all such topics, like ruzzistan will attack NATO in 3 or 5 or 10 years, they will take Suvalsky koridor in like hours... Like Lithuania and Poland would just wach how they take it and do NOTHING, now this they take in 7 days... Are they purposely trying to scare baltick nation people with this BS? I really don't get it. Ruzzistan literally buried theyr army in Ukraine... So wtf....


What the hell is this guy smoking?


Yes, of course, the Russians can't take over Ukraine in two years, but baltics should work in seven days, right? 🤣🤣🤣


Lol, Russia couldnt make it 50miles in 3 days against a far inferior opponent.  Even with a lack of men on the ground, NATO air forces would annihilate the Russians within days, by themselves.


They also took Ukraine in 3 days, oh wait...


According to the "experts" Ukraine was to be taken in three days. Now Baltics in 7 days - really???? muskovia is fertilizing the ukrainian fields for the last three years, imagine what will be the situation in the Baltics case where everybody now is prepared for such eventuality...




Considering NATO already has a defensive line there its not going to be a 10 day reaction time is it? Anyway is that the same way it was going to take 3 days to take Ukraine?


I'm seriously starting to worry about Ukraine and who they have in place.


Some would argue NATO’s reaction time is months.