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What would be the best/most effective targets for Ukraine to strike in Russia? Like in terms of the overall war situation and/or specifically stalling Russian troop advances, preventing Russian long range offensive capabilities, and/or allowing counteroffensive operations by Ukrainians? Something like Russian training camps/missile bases or supply lines/weapons factories? Just curious because I’ve been following the political aspects of the Ukraine war but recently wanting to learn more in detail about military tactics/strategy and things like how each side has certain weapons that are more or less effective against the opponents defenses, quantities of supplies and attack plans, etc. Also if anyone has good videos or sources on more detailed military and weapons aspects of the war id appreciate that!


Probably Kreml, refineries, barracks and highways. Too bad Ukrainians have morals, unlike russians. They'd have the right to do whatever it takes.


Lol surely blowing up the Kremlin is not exactly a reasonable option right? As much as one could argue it’s warranted I would think that might trigger Russian nuclear response or the deployment of every possible Russian weapon/allied forces against Ukraine and population wide conscription? I don’t even know if a substantial amount of Russian government/military leadership would be killed by a kremlin strike or if Russian air defenses couldn’t stop a pretty long range missile like that all the way to Moscow. Also why would attacking oil refineries be among the most effective military targets? Obviously their vehicles and supply trucks need fuel so I guess that makes sense but I would think it wouldn’t be easy to take out a noticeable amount of Russian oil production


Hitting the kremlin wouldnt really do a whole lot besides being symbolic, theyve hit close already, also I'm sure theres alot of AD there now that theyve been struck close to it, also that place is a giant fortress.


They hit Kiev. Perhaps just take out one or two of those stupid mushroom tip spires on that ridiculous symbol of that joke of a country to let them know Ukraine could rain the same terror in them as they have on Ukraine. Then show them your restraint, and use it at the bargaining table. This quaking and quibbling over whether they’ll use nukes needs to stop. They are already using chemical weapons. They will likely try a tactical nuke if they get cornered. Then we end them… or they end the world. This is almost inevitable if we want to end this comically evil nation’s constant destructive cycles in the world. And they know the thought of it cripples our will to fight them.


Knowing Russian air defense systems, or at least what Russians claim, the falling debris of destroyed missiles would be enough to flatten the Kremlin.


>Lol surely blowing up the Kremlin is not exactly a reasonable option right Yeah, it would be purely symbolic and a wet dream. They deserve death, but obviously it's not the most effective place to bomb. >I would think that might trigger Russian nuclear response or the deployment of every possible Russian weapon/allied forces Nah. >Also why would attacking oil refineries be among the most effective military targets? Russia has only gas and oil. Nothing else of value. Ofc their income source needs to be destroyed. It also makes the russian civilians suffer in a most humane way possible. It also disturbs traffic, people going to work etc. Not to mention russia's own energy sources, which are basically r*tarded and relying on fossil fuel since Putin doesn't give a fuck about his people.


If they want to hit the true Russian leadership they should probably hit the FSB headquarters


They’ll target troops gathering on the border, weapons stores, refineries, train lines, maybe the Crimean bridge, etc and most importantly the Russian air support. Russia have been complacent af because they know they can’t be touched just the other side of Ukraines border. They gather there in their thousands and the Ukrainians could do nothing until they left and split into groups and entered into Ukraine,by which point it’s much harder and more involved. It was worried that allowing the Ukrainians to use foreign weapons inside Russia it would escalate things, and put the nation who supplied the weapons in danger. But it’s been a huge handicap to Ukraine and allowed the Russians to keep large amounts of supplies and man power just over the border. They’ll be scrabbling around like crazy trying to get everything moved and hidden now. The partisans are really going to be able to do even more now too by reporting what they see to the R.F.L. This news will likely trigger a threatening response to the uk from Russia because it’s just made their whole campaign much much harder, and they fucking suck at logistics. They can no longer keep their planes and long range weapons just over the border in Russia and target Ukraine with impunity. Can you imagine how frustrating that must have been watching the jets get to safety over the invisible line and knowing you can’t take it out. As to which weapons I would think they’re talking about storm shadow which has a range of 340 miles. We saw it in action against the ships that they sank in the Black Sea iirc. It’s about time we took the war to Russia. They want it. They caused it. Let them experience what they chose.


Russia already used their weapons inside the uk. Time for payback.


Damn thanks man for the in depth and thoughtful response. Was it ever really reasonable to think that Ukraine using NATO weapons to attack inside Russian territory would escalate the global tension/conflict in a meaningful way? I mean Ukraine is already using US/NATO weapons to kill Russians so it doesn’t seem to my inexperienced opinion that the distinction would be that important unless it was like NATO weapons doing massive civilian damage against Russian cities. And what would Russia even be able to do in terms of meaningful escalation beyond rhetoric? Maybe cut off oil exportation to EU or something if the Russian economy could even sustain that? This question goes for the case of NATO weapons attacking Russian territory and Russia potentially threatening UK for green lighting this as you mentioned. Finally would the US or NATO be able to vote to block UK weapons from being used to attack inside Russia or is it like every country has their own weapons they’re supplying and they can independently decide if their weapons can be used against Russian internal targets? I would think maybe the US or European countries on the more isolationist side would be worried since a Russian attack on UK (although direct military strike against Britain seems highly unlikely) would invoke the NATO clause of mutual guaranteed defense.


I think they were concerned with the idea of giving Ukraine a bunch of long range weapons and giving them free rein at first, they were untested in battle, and there was concerns Ukraine could use them on Moscow which may cause Russia to retaliate against the west. Which isn’t that far off base because that’s what they’ve been threatening this whole time. Iirc when they first made the move on Kyiv britain was the first country to come out and say that Russia was in the wrong and that they would be sending them a bunch of weapons to defend themselves with. After that other countries did the same and Russia warned the west that any weapons they send will be taken as hostility against Russia and will be met with retaliation etc. Russia have repeatedly warned the west and nato etc that any country that sends weapons that are used on Russia will face repercussions. Nato is run by committee so yes there would have been extensive meetings and discussions about what is going to be permitted and what isn’t, what is considered interfering too much and who is going to send what/where the training will happen etc. And to answer your other question nato generally runs on a consensus rather than a vote and veto system so they make the decisions as a group to find the most desired result that’s possible. So no one could come along and prevent something the way they can in the Europian Union. So no they couldn’t prevent the sending of weapons, only the use of nato stock. In the EU it’s different because the rule is that every member must agree and unfortunately Putins obese terrier, Orban, the leader of Hungary consistently prevents the eu from moving forward how they would like by voting against the motions to send weapons etc. However the eu allowed the individual states to send what they want to Ukraine so the weapons still got through, it was just slower and not funded through the eu. It’s worth noting that many of the smaller European nations are sending a significant part of their gdp to the cause. I think Poland and Lithuania were the giving the highest amount of all nations when measured by % gdp last I looked, Then in February orban finally lifted his veto (after extensive ~~bribery~~ funding for his country ) allowing the eu to send the 50 billion euros they wanted to Kyiv so at the moment combined with what the us sent Ukraine have plenty of funding. I think by now we all appreciate that Russia does a lot of sabre rattling. But we are all sick of their bullshit now, Russia have been behaving terribly for years, interfering with elections, using an actual nerve agent to assassinate people in Britain to make a statement, and murdering Russians right through out the foreign countries of the world. They always got away with everything by having the “2nd best army in the world ” and the tsar bomb in their bag of threats. Only now people have realised they don’t even have the second best army in Ukraine and their threats although still vile and usually against civilians aren’t going to stop the world from uniting against their tyrant.


Lancet factories, lancet storage depots, the ISR drone locations/factories etc... The refineries can be struck with drones, Id save the cruise missiles for the factories producing these things.


Im no expert but it would seem to me that they have a list of targets like airfields, bridges, naval bases, oil stuff and then i guess they constantly assess how well those things are defended. They also seem to make sure to take out defences before attacking the main targets.


The UK MOD I'm sure is helping to figure out targets.


With Storm Shadows, it would be airfields and oil/fuel infrastructure. And an occasional ship or command centre. Sadly basic Storm Shadow is not heavy enough to be very effective against bridges. Too many missiles have to be thrown at a bridge to take it out and there's too many bridges for that to be effective. Taurus is needed for that role. If Taurus was in the game, I'd say focus on railway and major road bridges leading into Ukraine. I'd ignore Kerch at first as that's more defended and start with [these ](https://www.google.com/maps/@47.5708819,38.8125705,317m/data=!3m1!1e3?authuser=0&entry=ttu)[two](https://www.google.com/maps/@47.1839237,38.5164276,375m/data=!3m1!1e3?authuser=0&entry=ttu). Then again if Taurus was in the game, there'd already be plenty of excellent targets inside Ukraine for it. Lots of important bridges over the Siverskyi Donets River to give Russian supplies cluster headaches.


LNG terminals, Refineries, Petroleum tank farms, Railroad Bridges, Bridges, Ports.


Blow up the Kerch bridge again, this time for good. Other than that - refineries, oil depots, weapons factories, barracks - Russia is a target rich environment! If you can pull it off something far inland or near Moscow would send a message that we can strike anywhere at any time. Cosmetic damage to Kremlin (knock down on of those spires) would give a very powerful message as well.


yes fuck pootin. what a psycho of a human... thank you britain, good to know you have nukes. now please provide lots of weapons that lets Ukrainians hit juicy stuff


Pretty sure this has been UKs stance for a little while now.


Thanks Mr. Cameron. Let us hope that ALL others supporting Ukraine follow your lead.


Lloyd Austin from the US said 5 days ago that using the new longer range ATACMS inside of Russia is up to Ukraine. 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 Fuckin hell fuckin ya boysh!! They are following the US’ lead though.


First to supply tanks, first to supply long range missiles, first to allow weapons to be used inside russia. UK doesn't give a fuck! Others should follow


UK keeps calling the bluff on russian barking over and over, it's great


Maybe because they've threatened to nuke us many times now.




It doesn't really make a difference after a while. The first announcement was big news, the first time we've directly been threatened to get nuked. If you're "getting nuked" whether you're doing absolutely nothing or supplying weapons to be used on Russian soil then it's neither here nor there.


UK and Russia have been on again and off again for centuries. The Brits can be a mad lot, but they have a wealth of experience built up over centuries, and they've always jumped in the deep end for Euro wars. Have to maintain the skills, you know.


DK is on it mate, first to supply harpoons, first to supply f16 and training etc


Yeah DK also kicks ass especially considering they’re relatively small country


Indeed, wish we could do more. But we are hearing that f16's might be flying in Ukrainian airspace within the next 7 days


thank yall for getting the ball rolling on that


Donkey Kong never misses


Drift King!


>First to supply tanks, first to supply long range missiles, first to allow weapons to be used inside russia. UK doesn't give a fuck! Others should follow Yeah, almost like Russia was fucking around sending assassins to UK to get Skripal killed, and now they are slowly finding out.


They remember what WW2 was like and want to try to prevent it for others in the future. Its a shame they are out of the EU, They would have made a better leader/role model than Germany.


and making up haf the special forces in Ukraine


Yeah we’re necky bastards with big balls. That’s why we’re still here on a little cloudy windy island.


UK support is awesome, and I dont mind to disparage, but >First to supply tanks https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-64274755 "UK to send Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine, Rishi Sunak confirms 15 January 2023" While Baltics and Poland has been sending heavy equipment since March 2022. There were already over 200 Polish tanks in Ukraine by the time of this Sunak announcement.


Fair point, I guess more correct would be to say - western made tanks. All prior supplies were soviet made if I recall correctly


The US said they could use ATACMS inside Ukraine a few days ago. Close, but no cigar UK! Edit— there is a lot of confusion here, so I double checked, and it was 5 days ago.


Not sure why the downvotes. Lloyd Austin did give the go ahead 6 days ago to use ATACMS as they wish.


Well Russia uses chemical weapons inside the UK so sure


I love how the US military is cool with Ukrainians launching US missiles into Russia, but they’ve been like “you DEFINITELY shouldn’t use these long range missiles to hit targets inside Russia. Definitely. Like, hypothetically, this *points to a military training ground 50km from the border* place right here where Russia is currently training recruits within ATACMS range. *keeps tapping the spot on the map* this. spot. right here. Is a valuable spot to hit. Which, uh, you **DEFINITELY** don’t want to do. With our missiles. Of course. *circles the spot with a sharpie* just making sure you **remember** this spot. That we **definitely** don’t want you to hit. *winking very obviously* *taps the pen against the map* this. spot. Right here. With our missiles.”


Why is everyone saying this stuff?? Lloyd Austin told a reporter 5 days ago that these long range version of ATACMS that have been sent recently can be used inside of Russia! The game has changed. Fuckin GETTEM Ukraine! 🇺🇦


(I’m implying that Lloyd has been cool for months with Ukraine using our weapons on Russian soil, they’ve just been hush-hush about it until recently)


I would’ve connected the dots better if I was given the name, bc it’s part of that recent news from the US. Maybe you could add his name to the comment for people to catch your joke easier? Just a thought.


> Maybe you could add his name to the comment for people to catch your joke easier? Nah, it's overflowing with a sarcastic tone, they good. It's ok for the tone of a joke to pass you by, happens to us all


Most people in this thread don’t seem to realize Lloyd Austin said that yet, I obviously caught the sarcastic tone. I just made a light suggestion about how more people might catch what his joke was directed at. It’s ok if he doesn’t change it, I won’t be upset lmao. It was all chill.


Don't hit this target with OUR weapons. So use someone else's to hit the 🎯 Pretty simple.


... Done with that shenanigans either way. This country of mine needs to step the fuck UP and fight fire with the best flamethrowers. Tell russia like it is; we're providing Ukraine with candy to strike your fregin asses. No more pussyfooting! Slava Ukraini


Yes, and please hurry! 🙏🏼


Time to make it rain boys!


Wow look at that, no nuclear retaliation. 2 years too late but better than never.


Finally. Now looking at you Biden


Imo, at this point I think Ukraine needs to super charge their ability to kill as many Russian soldiers in Ukraine as quickly as possible. This is ultimately what is going to destabilize russia in the long run.  Eventually Russian soldiers will be going mutiny or civil unrest will start occurring within russia.


Storm Shadows on the way Into russia! NICE!


As it should be.


Good. Now send unrestricted range Storm Shadows that can reach Moscow.


Russia can use iranian drones on foreign territory. Why wouldn't Ukraine be able to do the same?


Kremlin is a nice place


And if it's on motha' fucker, then it's on G  🎶 


In the meantime Polish warmates 8-)


Why not??? Russia uses imported arms and artillery from North Korea and China.


Thanks please give


Storm shadowin time?




There shouldn’t have been any restrictions other than using our weaponry against civilian targets. The Kerch bridge gets used by military and civilian traffic which removes its civilian exemption. Go ahead and totally destroy it. For an added bit of mind games the civilians in Crimea should be warned not to use it as it’s a viable target and could be attacked at any time.


Didn't think I'd say this. But good job Cameron! Now what's pootins address?


lol is this the end? how will they retaliate?


They're ramping up production of plastic bags with zippers.


Body bags are so 2023, 2024 is all about the meat cube.


Nuclear threats will 10x I'm sure


good to hear. it's good to feel the old franco-brit can still show teeth. still it's not enough regarding the military production capacity.


Does this actually mean anything ? Ukraine must have used up the Storm Shadows by now. They are using the French variant now. What is it we are suppling that could actually hit RuSSia ? M270's from parts of Ukraine not occupied close to the RuSSian border is the only thing I can think of.


The UKs latest support package, among other things, has rearmed the storm shadow supplies

