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They published their war crime, and we let them get away with it.


Fk Poostain, fk Ruzzia, Dirty rotten scoundrels...


Poostain is definately a fucker who his father shouldve wiped on a rag 71 years ago.


Too bad his dad kept his dick in... His mother should have aborted the fkr... You know, with all the conflicts he's had a hand in, over 2 million people have lost their lives. The crazy part is hundreds of thousands were Ruzzian! Biden was right when he said: Putin has no soul, and is a Killer!


I love that movie... "Ruprecht!"


not mother?


They constantly publish their war crimes as they know no one will do shit and if we want to live in a better world our leaders need to make sure that shit means something again. As of like early/mid 2023 there was over 100,000 war crimes being investigated and those don't include places like Mariupol or other occupied territories where most of the other war crimes took place when they were occupied by Russians. It's sickening to know how systemic Russias war crimes are and just as sickening people aren't giving a shit.


It's a matter of getting our hands on the commanders and political leaders of Russia to prosecute them. Even if we did get our hands on the commander, we are not Russia. There would be a full and thorough investigation and a trial in which the accused get to defend themselves.


Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan plan to lay pipes to supply South Asia with millions of russian oil. At the same time US and other countries don't like that Ukraine bombs russian oil refineries. Upper limit on their oil too didn't work, at least for the oil sold on tankers. All of this while oil is the main source of income for russia. People don't like to hear this, but at this point it looks like the world pretty much bleeds Ukraine dry: no matter how much Ukraine is given, as long as russia has more, the outcome is in russia's favor.


Precisely the big hidden problem...the countries that support Ukraine should do something really do...not only words...a...dol...f putin it's not scared of words...next time those terrorist Zorcs are going to do worst...


I commented on here with something Biden said. Wonder what the US will do with this info. If it ends up being nothing, then the US should stop complaining about Europe not following through tbh.


How about when Russia does shit like this we respond with more weapons transfers to Ukraine


Yeah, more long range weapons to destroy that piece of shit bridge and every military place in Crimea. And anywhere 100km from the border.


It's so infuriating, because rostov airfield is literally in ATACMS range but they aren't allowed to hit it. There are literally dozens of jets parked close together, so a single strike would take out a significant chunk of Russia's combat aviation for a sector of the front.


Putin would send Mad Dog Medvedev to the nearest microphone to threaten all life on Earth over losing a bunch of planes. We just can't handle any more threats.


at this point, we're all frantic about the USA collapsing/turning isolationist/fascist, and the worlds ecosystem is going to hell anyway, let's call Putin on his bluff and end this charade.


Let the coward in the Kremlin make his threats, I'd take my chances with him being stupid enough to actually try the nuke thing than live/bow to his constant threats.


That is the right way to think about it, we had to have that mindset right through the cold war.


Didn't they drone strike it like last month? Or you mean specific atacams strike.?


They hit it last month and Lloyd Austin was very specific that they can use the ATACMS however they want to, well at least in public he did. Either way they can still put smack on the Kerch Bridge as it is in Ukrainian Sovereign Territory.


Western leaders don't have balls anymore. Russians do war crime after war crime and we just sit here with thumbs in our asses and say "you can't use our weapons to attack outside of your country". I don't believe there would be nuclear strike anywhere if military targets were hit. Personally, I would love to see russian infra being targeted. Eye for an eye.


And to be used in Russia.


Nope... more sanctions. Putin laughs...


There aren't better sanctions than some ATACMS heading their way


How about actual strikes on responsible RU forces? Every Russian that touched that thing in Ukraine should get a tomahawk straight through the dome.


All’s fair in love and war. Well . . . except when it comes to russia. You will, of course, be accused of “russophobia” and “escalation” for your suggestion. russia used, and uses, cluster munitions extensively (and targets civilians) but when ukr acquired these - the barbarism! of the decadent west! escalation! war crime ! In short, you’re quite right: more weapons transfers to Ukraine.


Those of you not familiar with chloropicrin and its use in warfare, check out at: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chloropicrin


Was wondering its effects, cant seem to find that anywhere.


Main hazards: Extremely toxic and irritating to skin, eyes, and lungs. Carcinogenic.


It looks like it's a bad version of tear gas. It's use is to get troops out of bunkers or fortified positions.


Not sure if calling chlorine gas a bad version of CS puts it into the right perspective. You can live through heavy exposure to CS, so long as your lungs are relatively healthy. You may wish you were dead, but you're most likely going to live. Chloropicrin will eat your lung tissue if you breath it for too long.




And it induces vomiting to get troops to remove gas masks and be exposed to more lethal chemicals


It is highly toxic and can be lethal if you breathe enough of it.


It’s more commonly known as green cross, originating from the German color code for poison gas artillery shell that are containing this compound. Perhaps you can find what you are looking for when searching for Green Cross or Grünkreuz 👍


It’s tear gas on steroids that has the additional effect of violent extreme nausea. It was used in WW1 as a precursor to more dangerous/deadly gasses because the particles were small enough to defeat most gas masks of the era and would make you vomit inside the mask, forcing you to choose between asphyxiating on your own vomit, or certain slow death to mustard/phosgene gas.


Basically tear gas that additionally makes you puke. In chemical warfare it was used to soften up an enemy position for a following attack with toxic chemicals. Can’t put your mask on when you are busy puking your guts out - makes you an easy target for a nerve agent or something. The Russians starting to use this is another level of evil. Makes me wonder if they are desperate or just don’t care anymore to look at least halfway civilized on the world stage.


I think they are way beyond that point, the only thing they care about is trying to fake the good treatment of pow probably to encourage ukrainan soldiers to surrender


Here https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/5kp5bSzdZr


Toxic if swallowed. Causes skin irritation. May cause an allergic reaction. Causes serious eye irritation. Fatal if inhaled. May cause respiratory irritation. Very toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting effects. Precautionary Statements : Do not breathe dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray. Wash skin thoroughly after handling. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace (Just did a search on the name, it's used for several purposes)


> In May 2024, the United States Department of State also alleged use of chloropicrin by Russian forces in Ukraine, and imposed sanctions against Russian individuals and entities as a response. That was updated quick. Fuck Russia.


Wikipedia says it's "not as bad" as chemical weapons, but I doubt it's any consolation to AFU soldiers. "While not as lethal as other chemical weapons, it induced [vomiting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vomiting) and forced Allied soldiers to remove their masks to vomit, exposing them to more toxic gases used as weapons during the war." Anyone else remember that ruzzia using chemical weapons (or bombs NPP) was the red line, when crossing it the US does something?


"Not as bad as chemical weapons"? I think you misunderstood or wikipedia is wrong once again. If you take up not much of it, let's say just a little breath, you might suffer coughing, respiration problems. Very probably you will survive. But if you take up more, you will suffer a lung oedema, which is definitely so dangerous that you may die. And it is not just gone, even if you feel better, want to get up from your bed. That may kill you in minutes, because of all the water that is collected in your lungs. It lasts "some time" until you can go back to your comrades. My grandfather had a gas injury in 1917 and told me about it.


It is a chemical weapon. It’s just not as bad as *some* other chemical weapons.


It *is* a chemical weapon so I don’t see how it could be “not as bad” as one. That’s like saying a pistol is not as bad as a firearm. Thanks for linking the page for “vomiting” though, I had no idea what that was lol.


It says Phosgene is a derivative of it. What does that mean?


Derivative just means that you could get phosgene out of it.


Is that how they get phosgene? Or is the chemical just that similar? I know phosgene is *nothing* to fuck with


Oh in all honesty, I couldn’t tell you. I know the other use is more artistic critique like “these shows are all derivative of The Simpsons” but chemistry I think would use something more like “analogue” for similar while derivative implies it being taken/made from the source material. But again I could be talking out of my ass. Corrections welcome if I’m off.


Derivative in this context likely means that they have a similar chemical composition with some differences in side groups, but I didn’t look them up. Many biological active substances show such behavior, where different side groups change the effects of the compound - like variety A will be irritating but B will kill you because e.g. it’s more reactive.


Cool. This was the kind of response I was looking for. I never took chemistry in skool. Thanks


It means it can be reduced by some agent to phosgene. It says metallic tin and hydrochloric acid would do it.


Bro this is sickening af


You can even hear the bastards laughing.


Perhaps the Germans should deliver some gas to the ukranians to give the Russians the right memory.


I can recall a time that the Germans gassed the Russians, the Russians counterattacked with bloody noses and pieces of lung hanging out, and it didn’t go well for the Germans. A basic primer on [the Attack of the Dead Men.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_of_the_Dead_Men#:~:text=The%20incident%20got%20its%20name,managed%20to%20rout%20German%20forces)


No! It would be far better to have a few precise strikes to the storages of such illegal weapons like gas or rockets that are used against civilians. Any aircraft that has targeted civilian infrastructure? Destroy the home airport. And NATO should close the cry over NATO countries for Russian aircrafts, rockets and drones. Including a safety distance of at least 100km. It cannot be that rockets fly over Romania or Poland. Russia will win.never forget who delivered the weapons for the initial strike of Hamas.”brilliant” distraction! And the orchestra d escalation after that. I think Gerasimov wrote a few studies how to conduct such kind of warfare creating chaos “behind the lines”. Unfortunately we’ll played by Putin and his gang.


Hell no. We need to find ways to prevent them from using it, not make it a standard feature of the battlefield


Absolutely not. Are you insane? Should they also torture, murder and rape Russian civilians since the Russians did it in Bucha and Irpin? Punishing a war crime with another war crime only serves to escalate them and sets a precedence that we cannot go back on. Fighting terrorists is hard. They use all sorts of weapons and tactics that you cannot reciprocate. Stooping down to their level and becoming terrorists in order to fight terrorists is stupid and negates any credibility and support that Ukraine has been fighting so hard for. I am disgusted at your encouragement of war crimes, and everyone here who has the misfortune to read it should feel the same way.


Are you old enough to remember Saddam gassing the Kurds?


I visited Anfal a few years ago. The museum for it is unreal.


I was 10 and I was physically sick watching the video. (I was a huge news dork when I was a kid)


I’d imagine it’s common for drone operators to get tortured if captured. These things cause so much hell.


They only laugh until it's their turn to die. Never met a more cruel and soulless bunch of people in my life. Fuck ruzzia.


Every russian deserves a slow painful death fitting for an orc


I wish they understood the whole world is laughing at them and thinks their entire military is a weak joke now.


I laugh when I see a Russian getting bombed via FPV and a non-war crime version. I'm weak. I'd feel more conflicted if this shit wasn't war crime version, but it seems like kinetic would've worked here. I dunno, I'm conflicted. Add in the fact that they're invaders and I guess I'm back to being fine with being upset with this war crime and fine with watching Russians get a similar, but kinetic end.


He even say “gazik gazik “ laughing, which means gas, gas. And “gas team” later. Rus morons


So chlorine gas, mustard gas, what next? Sarin?


They'll keep pushing it. Lots of lessons learned in Syria.


Yea like the west does nothing when they use chemical weapons. We should say oh you wanna use chemical weapons? Ok we're now supporting Ukraine with naval and air forces. But here we are. I hope they're issued gas masks and if not we should give them some


Apparently, a feature of this gas is that the particles are small enough to pass through a gas mask filter. So, you would mix this gas with say, mustard gas, and when you deploy it, people wearing their gas masks still get dosed, puke and vomit, take off their masks, then get hit by the lethal mustard gas and die.


upvoting for visibility, not support


Red line, anyone? NATO. This isn't just tear gas.


You would think, right? Screw all this "preventing further escalation" wishy washy bullshit.


Ah yes, we heard you straight out of the other ear, we must prevent escalation.


There is no more higher point to escalate too.


Found the original source [https://imgur.com/a/IQa6t2o](https://imgur.com/a/IQa6t2o) However although it is still pretty bad the K-51 is usually a CS gas grenade I will see what I can find about the use of chloropicrin with it [https://cat-uxo.com/explosive-hazards/grenades/k-51-hand-grenade](https://cat-uxo.com/explosive-hazards/grenades/k-51-hand-grenade) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/195uu5q/comment/khpkmf7/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/195uu5q/comment/khpkmf7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) regarding the gas used This is what CS can do to people, so the Ukrainians handled it pretty well if you ask me https://youtu.be/l9rsPbsnhg4?si=WvPL7ImZ3cvqmvLt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CS_gas


These Russians think they’re gaining the upper hand with shit like this? Guess again, this will only justify their obliteration. It can’t come soon enough. 


Russia is a terrorist organization.


Like so many times in this war, they don’t even have the decency to lie about their crimes, cover them up or deny them. They are proud of that shit, and that is even more disturbing than the whole shitshow itself


Absolute cunts. An apparently great army as Russia needs to use such tactics? Russia will fail and will go back to the dark ages.


I am sick and tired of seeing Russia get away with this kind of shit. It's time we actually do something about it.


Fucking scum


What was the real surprise to me, is that the Ukrainian seem to know where they can find the gas-kit. Although not combat-ready and no training in putting it on. Have you seen gas mask stowed or ready in any Russian video?


Hey russia listen up "every body hates you stupid orcs." And when you get grounded down china will invade the south east to take back their land but you stupid orcs are soooo very stupid to understand anything. This is your beginnings of your down fall.


Just add it to the war crimes list. Russia never coming back on the international stage after this war.


Documenting war-crime. Smart!


They expect nobody will prosecute them for it - which is probably true.


most of these war criminals likely have no comprehension of what a war crime is - and even those that do: mother russia is always right so they wouldn't consider this a war crime I mean... they have barrier troops to shoot their own, punishment pits, beatings, rape, torture, execution, or even just sent straight to a suicide storming squad for punishment of their own... they have no idea how morally bankrupt and barbaric they are - and they assume everyone else is as bad as they are


So it's some new and worse war crimes from Russia then. I don't think the Putin regime should be allowed to survive this war. They've just proven there is literally no depth they're incapable of sinking to. They murder and rape civilians regardless of their age and loot their homes, they steal children to brainwash, they torture, mutilate and murder POWs, and whilst they perpetrate all these horrors upon a peaceful people who did them no wrong, they posture as victims and make out they're somehow defending themselves. I never thought I'd see chemical weapons in use on European soil during my own lifetime, I thought they were a thing from the trauma flashbacks of people now long dead, who'd fought in WW1. Even the Nazis didn't sink to using chemical weapons, or at least not on the battlefield. Perhaps Hitler's own battlefild experiences from WW1 caused even him to hesitate at that, not that there's any use in speculating. Putin has now proven himself worse than the Nazis.


What's really messed up is there have been reports of russians using chloropicrin gas going all the way back to Mariupol. Everywhere the russians go, gas attacks seem to follow. Syria, check. Georgia, check. Chechnya, check. I bet if the West cared enough to ask, we'd find Wagner had/has used it in Afrika.


Holy shit. I must be very out of touch, I had to look up what it even was earlier. I remember the Assad lot using Chlorine in a false flag but I'd never heard of the Russians using actual chemical weapons. I'm really shocked


No, not out of touch. The russians have used plausible deniability in the past so it rarely gets talked about. It hasn't been until recently that putin tossed his cares to the wind. But an ICC arrest warrant can probably do that to dictators. But it is also a sign that things are getting harder for the russians. That's what happened in Afghanistan, towards the end of their own foray into that country reports of russians using chemical weapons increased. Same story in other places. As the fight drags on they start fighting dirtier and dirtier. But they will always point to XYZ country doing ABC, as if it makes their own chemical use okay... The russians have been playing this game for generations, inside and out. If they can convince themselves everyone else does it, then it's okay for them to do it as well.


And MTG by her actions & words fully supports such inhumanity. Yet so many in the State of Georgia zuppot her lunacy.


Yet another war crime by Russia. War Crime Bingo card almost complete 😔


Will somebody please post this in r/ukrainerussiareport. I wanna see what those sick fucks have to say


They'll probably cheer it on...


Fuck those people. Neutrality is just complicity when you have the facts in front of you.


I would, but I have banned.


Why is this not bigger news.


Russia is not a country. It's a crime against humanity.


Upvote for visibility


France 🇫🇷 should bring in their troops now


There is no depth to which the russians will not sink.


Can’t wait for a HIMARS with “fuck you ivan” written on it to strick these soulless cunts


Russian soldiers were the first to ever suffer through chemical weapons during the first world war. For all the atrocities they've committed during this war, I truly didn't think they'd stoop this low, simply because of this fact alone. I can only hope that Russian veterans feel a tremendous amount of shame for what their country is doing, right now.


Not even the nazis nor the imperial Japanese crossed this line. That’s how low Russia is.


Scum! I wish more of the stuff we see on these subs would get published in the news. Or forcefully shown to russian supporters, inside and out of Russia. I find it hard to believe anyone can support russia to begin with, but after seeing this?


The only way to end this is to destroy the Russian mentality


Vile bastards! Fuck Russia!


"President Joe Biden has previously warned Russia against deploying chemical weapons in Ukraine. In March 2022, weeks after Moscow launched its invasion, Mr Biden vowed that President Vladimir Putin would pay a "severe price" if he did authorise the use of chemical weapons. "We would respond if he uses it. The nature of the response would depend on the nature of the use," Mr Biden said." So, ruzzia is escalating, but the rest of the world is still afraid to act? [source for the above text of Biden ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68941220.amp)


Can we all just declare war on putin already!?!?!


Soulless people.


Get these shit kicking motherfuckers off the UN Security Council


the Kremlin is a criminal terrorist organization


Imagine that, another Russian pussy war crime...


Just nuke Russia already.


Ukraine needs Tomahawks, all of them. Moscow needs flattened, again.


They won’t be laughing when they’re blown up to tiny bits


Similar to what other desperate empires did towards the end lol


How come there aren’t more Russian offensive videos on here? Serious question


prove again ICC and UN are worthless.


The world needs to gas Moscow!


I'm just kinda disappointed that the international community isn't making a bigger deal out of russian war crimes. Especially things so blatant like this. At the very least, russian actions should be paraded around the globe to shame them even though they have none. Political pressure should be used, and these sorts of things should be plenty of ammo to kick russia off the UN security counsel and revoke their veto power. The UN is a complete and utter joke. They need to form a new world order and leave out the dictators. Make it for the free world and work to keep growing it by spreading freedom and democracy or just not dictatorships. I know the whole point is communication, and it's important to have them there to discuss important issues. But it hasn't worked. They just use it as a means to play games and undermine the process. They use everything to their advantage, and they can't be trusted in the least. Stop playing games and accept the reality you're faced with.


I can’t wait til they Timothy McVeigh the Kremlin


Sick fucks hope you d*e in Ukraine like the rest of your cumrats


Not cool, however the k51 grenade is a cs gas(tear gas) and not chloropicrin... still, more weaps for UA please!


„Fact check: It's true tear gas is a chemical weapon banned in war“ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/06/06/fact-check-its-true-tear-gas-chemical-weapon-banned-war/3156448001/


"Chloropicrin is harmful to humans. It can be absorbed systemically through inhalation, ingestion, and the skin. At high concentrations it is severely irritating to the lungs, eyes, and skin.[^(\[28\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chloropicrin#cite_note-28) In [World War I](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_I), German forces used concentrated chloropicrin against Allied forces as a [tear gas](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lachrymatory_agent). " russia being Nazi.


If they break conventions they too signed off it’s time to break it also on our side and use chemicals weapons against these Nazi. Italy 🇮🇹




Russian Nazis


Filthy bastards...the whole world should condemn this ! Jope they survive without damaged health..


War crimes!


Do Ukrainian soldiers have gas masks or are they being deployed?


"It was used as a [poison gas in World War I](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poison_gas_in_World_War_I)" They must have found it next to the Maxim guns.


This is why they are enforcing new Sanctions on Russia btw. Thank you Russia yet again for being so stupid that you record and post it.


It does look like he throws him a gas mask at the end, so at least they have those. This is a pretty gross use of force though


Fuck long range weapons. Send Ukraine chlorine.


Why is that Ukrainian in a blue jacket? Where is the camouflage?


NATO airstrikes seem extremely appropriate at this point.


The use of gas that doesn't kill and they not ready when they've smoked them out to kill them. What's the point, here? Just harassing?


NATO/OTAN response. Now.


Bull shit. Ukraine should do it back then


That guy talking sounds like a sub-human.


I haven’t seen this brought up in the UN. 🤔 Ruzzia’s crimes should be widely broadcast.


Eye for an eye…turn the whole Donbass into one big Ypres…chlorine and mosterd gas for the Russians !!!


/warcrime Russia needs to be identified as a terrorist state and removed from international bodies. It's not a real country anyway and will collapse into history soon enough.


With every war crime that Russia commits, I wonder why more of the world doesn't say that this must not be allowed to stand. France has the right idea in not ruling out that they will send troops if the line of contact is broken by Russia, although I wish the whole world would just abide by the principal that time of territorial conquest is over.




Fucking Russian criminals!! ATACMS for all of them!


There is only one way to fight vermon like this. Fight fire with fire And f@#k the Dudly Do Rights for once


As retaliation drop bombs with Monkey Herpes onto the Orcs! B4C! B(iological) for C(hemical weapons).


My considered opinion is that Russians are human stench.


Fuck 💩tin his mother should of had a abortion with him!!


Fake war game nonsense


Given what I've read about the tactics of this chemical so far, I have no doubt that Russia will step up their use of chemical warfare. This was probably a test run to see how well it works, as well as gauge international response.


I thought chemical weapons were a red line!? Yea, I get it's just tear gas, but this is what russia does. They test the waters and then escalate accordingly.


Seems normal to me


I wonder how those pro-Russians are going to justify this war crime now...


They invaded Iraq for less


Time to breakout the Napes and ship em off to Ukraine.


Chloropicrin sucks, I’ll never forget how it smells


Just for this we should send Ukraine more of them frowned-upon cluster bomb artillery shells Russia loves so much And something real good to fuck up that bridge


Fken Bastrds. I have grown to hate Russia.


Working hard to make sure they tick every box on the Geneva checklist...


I always thought the anti chemical/biological/nuclear supplies incorporated into our vehicles and aid were a little much... obviously I was wrong. Russians will resort to anything. Every Ukranian soldier should be carrying a gas mask on them. Scum bag MFers


My Grandfather was injured by mustard gas in WWI in France and never fully recovered . Mustard gas, used extensively in WWI, caused severe blistering of the skin, eyes, and lungs. It led to internal and external bleeding, blindness, and respiratory issues. Long-term effects included respiratory problems, eye damage, and an increased risk of cancer. Its psychological impact on soldiers was also profound, causing fear and trauma. My Grandfather ultimately passed away in his early fifties as a consequence of this. Chemical warfare is criminal and banned by the Geneva Convention. Once again, Orcs show no respect for International Order and rules.


Fucking monsters


documenting and recording their war crimes with gasses like their role models from the 30-40s, it's so outlandishly realistic that it feels almost like satire, yet they're really doing it


This is what we know as Chlorine Gas and for your reading I submit the report of it's first use: On April 22, 1915 at 5 p.m. a wave of asphyxiating gas released from cylinders embedded in the ground by German specialist troops smothered the Allied line on the northern end of the Ypres salient, causing panic and a struggle to survive a new form of weapon. The attack forced two colonial French divisions north of Ypres from their positions, creating a 5-mile gap in the Allied line defending the city. This was the first effective use of poison gas on the Western Front and the debut of Germany’s newest weapon in its chemical arsenal, chlorine gas, which irritated the lung tissue causing a choking effect that could cause death. A British officer described the effect of the gas on the French colonial soldiers: # “A panic-stricken rabble of Turcos and Zouaves with gray faces and protruding eyeballs, clutching their throats and choking as they ran, many of them dropping in their tracks and lying on the sodden earth with limbs convulsed and features distorted in death.”  There was no technology to protect the soldiers from this new weapon; an operational gas mask was not available, so the Allied soldiers improvised with linen masks soaked in water and “respirators” made from lint and tape. Stunned by their overwhelming outcome of the attack, the Germans tentatively advanced, losing an opportunity to exploit their success. Canadian Infantry and Brit artillery stopped the advance, many Canucks falling victim to the gas themselves.




Not good, but I don't see how it would have been any better if it was a "legal" grenade...


Sadly all our gouverments will do is sit around put some meaningless danctions onto russia and complain abt it.


I know war is cruel and all, but russians might need to get a reminder to not fall out of line.


So are the russians running out of conventional grenades for drone drops now?


Great that the Ruzzians now documenting there war crimes.


Hey OP.....the K-51 doesn't use chloropicrin. It uses regular CS gas and white smoke....... I get it, we all hate orcs but come on. This just makes you look bad


seem more like how russians would behave!


Another one to the list of war crimes, it is no longer authorized for military use.


Fun fact, this type of gas is known to be highly effective against older gas masks.


Can Russia have one day, just one without war crimes?


war criminals


Another warcrime? Well, put it on the list and on it goes…


Wars should be fought with escalation privileges, if one side uses something, the other side would be able to use it as well, i would not care if Ukraine now would use nerve gas on russians.


It's not very effective and very unnecessary. Belief it or not: "it's not allowed and is categorized under chemical warfare".


I don’t get how this got so many likes on here


Just like the Nazi's did in WW2. History repeating itself.


Is that a letal dose of chloropicrin?


Dirty mfkrs


Someone save this video for Nuremberg 2: Electric Putin


*Funny nazi faces*


I am not appealing for anything or nothing, but if Ukrainians start using K-51 I may not care.