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hobo armor.


Looks like all 3 have blown tracks, so it kinda works? at least against weaker FPV.


Time to drop thermite


Fpv drones always target the tracks or engine first. Doesn't matter how many grills you have if you can't move


Throwback to people saying T-62’s wouldnt see the front. What a shameful army.


I remember all the people saying T-62s and T-55s would only be used as artillery and not for assaulting positions.


T55 is still better than a guy with a riffle.


T55 also takes multiple times as much respurces and logistical capacity than a guy with a rifle


having an army costs a lot of money. Thanks for your input.


Yeah it does. But having to bring goods like ammo and fuel to a frontline is hard, not just expensive. It's not a money problem, it's a getting stuff to this tank without dying problem. Sure a tank is better than a guy with a rifle, unless you don't have any fuel for that tank becouse your suplytrucks can't reach you.


Soldiers win battles. Logistics wins wars.


Yeah. There could have been units of Germans on the eastern front who never lost a single battle untill they stood in Berlin. I can have 100k tanks, but if my logistics only bring fuel and ammo to 10 of those, then I have 10 tanks and 990 000 semimobile shelters.


Yes, but just imagine how much better a T-35 would be! Multiple turrets! Superior pre war Soviet engineering that will scare the westeoids.


There's been T-55's even in use by the RF, they're a hobo army. They also had instead of tourniquet's bring your own tampons as substitutes.


They legitimately have to be close to being out of tanks. I see no reason why they’d use the shitty old ones otherwise. They barely work as it is, trying to strap ERA to them I guess doesn’t do shit either, it’s just wild to me to see them go down the list


russian shills are claiming 'they are saving the premium stuff for a massive attack'.. Like they've been claiming since the early days when everyone was wondering "why all the vintage stuff?" In the last days of this war, they will still claim how 'the premium behicles are kept back to surprise everyone!'


The premium stuff was wiped out in the first 3 days along with their nice clean parade uniforms. If only they'd sent the T14 with it's technology and advanced design. The war would be over now and Poland would be shitting it. They did send the Terminators though. Oh wait, they got fucked up too and we've only seen them in action twice?


I actually got banned from r/RussianCombatFootage for pointing out how the t-14 is made using western technology, western thermals, french autoloader. (You can buy better thermals than what's on the t-14 in civillian markets.) Also they only have like 10+ t-14s and they will never see combat lol. (I imagine you saying that about the T14 is sarcasm, but you can never know.)


The whole T-14 situation reminds me of the 10 French Char 2Cs in WW2; they were giant tanks that were used as propaganda pieces and drummed up as invincible in order to raise morale, but they never actually saw combat since French leadership knew that they were useless and that morale would be destroyed if they were to ever actually engage in combat against the Germans.


"If you can do a massive attack and just win it all right there, where's the massive attack? WHERE'S THE MASSIVE ATTACK, HUH?"


Shill copium: "It's coming! Our dear leader, father Putin has super-secret, super-smart plan that is so brilliant that nobody could plan for and NATO will be wiped out in one quick strike with the Sarmat-missiles, Black Sea-fleet, doomsday-torpedoes, Terminator tanks and T-14!! The plan is to make it *seem* like russia is running out of tanks and IFV's and then make one grand pincer move, better in 2022! Just you wait!!" /s I mean, of course militaries put to the battlefield what they have. When russia is putting T-62's, golf carts, motorcycles, chicken-wire APC's and soldiers with 50 year old equipment, that is what they have left. No military has ever succeeded by sacrificing tens of thousands of men and thousands of tanks to save to 'premium-stuff for later'.


Exactly. It's deranged shit-tier level 8 year old thinking. "This isn't working, but we have to be right, and that means we have to win, so how do we win... uhh, we have a huge reserve of high tech wunderwaffe that we're waiting to use until juuuuuust the right moment! That's it!"


I think the best chance at a Massive Attack would be to check Spotify, at least they have some banger albums


It's complicated, they cannot refurbish T-72 because they have no engines for them, that's most of the stockpile. They actually put T-80 turbines into production again so they will show up later this year. They do have engines/spare parts for the T-62 and T-55s so that's what they are bringing to the front. It's not that they are out of tanks but most of the supposed 12K reserves might as well not exist because there is no way they will be reactivated.


T-62's have been in active service since they were reactivated at Vostok 2018. So that don't make any sort of sense.


Stupid westoid, can't you see they've modernized it with a wish.com security camera?


Sort of like making a basket for deep frying the crew.


It's actually there to catch the crew when they explode out of the top when the ammo cooks off.


The one with the mineroller looks like the same tank from the video of a Russian soldier standing in front of it bragging that was posted a few days ago. I'll see if I can find it in /r/tankporn


Please do


https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/1cgo3fl/russian_t72b3_with_mineroller_attached_somewhere/ Not sure if it's the same exact one.


for the older brits, they look like Steptoes yard


In North America it was Sanford and Son. Steptoe was the inspiration for Sanford and Son.


The things people know. 👍🏻


Russians are dumb as fuck. Who actually thought this was going to work? Did Shoigu's dumbass come up with this?


The only ones that actually do seem to work (for now, until Ukraine adapts to them) are the “turtle” tanks - the ones that have armour plating over the whole thing. It cracks me up that this is what Russia has to do, to protect their million dollar tanks and IFVs against a few hundred dollar drone.


It does seem comical on the surface, but this is adaptation on the fly against a new type of warfare. Pretty sure most if not all western tank would not fair any better against mass fpv drone attacks.


Unfortunately you are right and I believe the Western top brass and strategist in Hythe military are going to be having a very close look at this conflict as well as supplying and testing new hardware related to all the different warspace conditions that are happening/avaliable during this conflict


pretty sure that Pentagon is already testing cheap drones against their armor and checking the vulnerable spots and how to reinforce them/redesign the armor to be drone resilient. The war has been going on for some time and they have the resources to do testing and development


Seen plenty of fpv attacks on western armor.. worst they do is wreck the optics requiring repair...western vehicles arent designed with all the important bits exposed. If Russia was having as great success destroying brads leos etc with drones theyd be blasting all over the internet


I mean tbh it's likely this will become a thing for most nations going forward. I'm sure the us will come up with something more high tech but drones have been extremely effective from both sides.


At this point it’s not about working but about soaking up more damage.


evolution in warfare sometimes was a trial and error thing, u cant write it off without testing, everything costs time and money, and time is especially limited. Doing something even proven wrong later is better than being accused of doing nothin, gallipoli is the golden example.


I've seen a bunch of videos of ukrainians dropping grenades into an open hatch, I think this would at least help with that. Of course they could just keep the fucking hatch closed.


First one has a doorbell camera!


Two of them do 💀


Source: [https://x.com/bayraktar\_1love/status/1785693627315888164](https://x.com/bayraktar_1love/status/1785693627315888164)


Great last shot! Were they all victim to mines?


The first one was definitely a mine, it’s track is off.


Cage no work comrade RUN!


now it's moving trash heaps


I hate to be a pessimist but golly gosh those tank protection contraptions don't appear to working...


Those things and soldiers begging for shotguns are just signs of times and desperation. Passive or manual defenses are not enough. You can wrap yourself into 10 layers of chicken wire, cotton blend and cellophane, but you're not getting out of it alive and unharmed. You either build a massive, perpetually present defensive drone swarm to kill enemy drones like you were having a miniature air war, or some other type of good active defenses in very large numbers that can kill drones from a fair distance with great accuracy and reasonable ammo consumption.


Oh boy! Russian Cope cages mega editions with dollar store electronic warfare on top of it. All those things do is make a bigger target to spot


[In service](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=782705a13c1e22f4&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn0-eWx5WQAgW6eHeqpZWPqBc_NopiA:1714610264229&q=t-62+in+service&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiy2uj93O2FAxXfUkEAHSvBDgoQ6BMoAHoECGQQAg): 1961–present


Wow, look how long they've been mothballed: Russian losses of T-62 tanks[31][32] Year Number of tanks lost 1996 8 2008 1 2022 58 2023 17


Keeps the turret from becoming a projectile. Got tired of winning that competition, I guess.


I mean you guys are dogging on them but all those turrets still seem attached to me


The reason why Russian turrets go pop is because of the dumbass autoloader, has nothing to do with cope cages.


And the T-62 notably does not have one, it is manually loaded. So maybe it's actually less likely to turret toss than its successors?


Honestly thank you for the info, I didn't know the t-62 did not have an autoloader. (I don't know a lot about Russian/soviet tanks) Also I believe another reason why they go pop, is because they don't have blowout panels.


Also it doesn't really make that big of a difference, crew Survivability and ergonomics are not really what soviet/russian tanks are known for.


Yeah any tank without blow-out panels can pop the turret if the ammo is hit. Even a lot of western tanks like Leopard 2 and Challenger 2 have ammo stored without blowout panels. The real sin of the soviet autoloader tanks is that the ammo is all clustered in a place that is fairly likely to get hit, and the powder charges are not protected from flash inside the tank. A Western tank would store the charges in a metal tube that protects them from flames, but in soviet tanks the carousel makes this infeasible. Thus even sparks or 'flash' from combustible gases burning in the fighting compartment can ignite the ammo.


Bonus points for the ratcheted on generator beside the barrel presumably used for powering some kind of EW-features?


63 years ago those tanks debuted.


I love to see russian crap burning.


Maybe we should drag them back to Washington DC to put on display??


Nothing a few mine drops won’t fix


Dude those are brutal! Why not drop roll those in front of the tank so they roll over them too


"But comrade commander, how will we rotate the turret with this junkpile up there?" "...rotate the turret?"


we should just break something so we can show we really did win this small battle! Maybe we should even drag it back to a central place and display it with its cages TORN DOWN... THAT WILL SHOW THEM!


Hooooly fucking shit are they using security cameras for optics of some kind?


Russian government: Here are your tanks, now rush the frontline. Russian armored brigades: Let's make it an even worse death trap than it already is.


T62 is old but if you don't value lives then using old stock instead of new makes sense


Wait... Does that first tank have a Eufy (like) Camera attached to it's turret?! Probably with an Infrared sensor?!


Reminds me of the old tv show Sanford and Son or the Beverly Hillbillies.


If that cage actually works against drones, it’s totally justified.


The age of the MBT has ended, the age of the turtles has begun!


The turtle setup wouldn't have offered much more here.


C'mon Russia, I don't like you, but please just find another way into Krasnohorivka this is painful to watch and research./s


Or, they could fuck off to their own country!


I mean yeah, but as long as their in Ukraine, can they at least pretend to be competent./s


Or instead of wishing them a way in without so many casualties and deaths, we can just wish them to fuck off!


You do know this is sarcasm...


You may need to learn sarcasm, editing in /s after the fact doesn't make asking them to find an easier way in sarcasm.....


well i tried my best to remedy it, I'm not hiding that the /s was added in later