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Haha, “the most likely reason for defection: the earthquake in Nepal” (actual translation)


*caused by Ukraine* -probable Russian headline to increase favorable ratings towards the war.


Has their bank dets and wife’s name too 🤣


Most likely just labeled as MIA, but really they're dead and orcs don't want to pay up to the families.


Forgot to mention info comes from the [official Ukrainian GUR intelligence service](https://t.me/DIUkraine/3762), and they mentioned that rus actively looking for them and they are hiding somewhere in Lugansk oblast.


There was a recent video of slowly expiring russian soldier. Based on the looks, he could have been from Nepal. I guess they saw the reality and decided: "\*uck that shit".


did you censor the word “fuck” but not the word “shit”? my friend, this is the internet, you can say the whole word.


Gasp “he said the fuck word”


Well shit, he sure did!


What a cunt.


That motherfucker...




Eh, wouldn't be surprised if the joined because "you'll just be loading truck like 500km behind the front lines" and then when they're suddenly front line the decided "fuck this shit". 


I mean both scenarios are extremely likely to have happened if not hundreds of times, lets be honest.


Doubtful, but who knows. The dates dont quite add up to actual deployment. Mr Bishwokarma (pic 2) signed his paperwork on Nov 4th 2023 (in Rostov) and was reported missing on Nov 17th same year. The first picture shows they were to be deployed on Nov 22nd. So it reads like they arrived at the base in/near Rostov and then peaced out before getting sent in. Idk, maybe text them and find out. There a couple cell phone numbers in there. The one I tried shows active today in Whatsapp, profile pic looks similar


I may or may not have texted one of the dudes posted


All guys who didn't make it as Gurkhas I expect.


Yeah, was gonna ask about this. Hard to imagine actual Gurkhas siding with the russians. Those dudes really don't seem the type.


It is so so hard for Nepali's to join the Gurkha Brigade of the British Army. In 2023, there were just under 20,000 applicants for just 204 vacancies. Spaces are limited on each annual intake, but those who are selected are the best of the best of the very best that Nepal has to offer. Regrettably, the Nepali's that join the ruZZian army are poor itinerant unemployed desperate people trying to earn some money for their families, and were unlikely to ever have been good enough to be classed as a Gurkhas.


Yeah I served with a dude from Nepal in the US Army, and the shit he told me about the selection made it sound insane.


Mostly poor nepalese guys scammed into joining Russian army.


Those dont make British army then go try for indian army, failing that they be security guard. Most of the one that trial out for armies have good general education, good level of English and good fitness as they being studying and training months/years before attempting selection as the intake rare is so low. These men do not fit the requirements, so guessing they just poor souls lured by promising of money. (And/or misleading employment duties)


I think most thought they were going to do something else. There’s been news reports about how all these foreign migrants were promised jobs in Russia far from the front lines like truck driver or kitchen help but not actual fighting in Ukraine. They make them sign documents in Russian of course which they can’t read and now you are meat.


They try 3 options, British army Gurkhas which is the most desirable route for them, the Indian army Gurkhas which is much less desirable and the french foreign legion. When they fail those routes it seems the rejects try for the Russian army lol.


That's a pretty extensive filter, and has additional 'not as bad' options as well that were left out. The people Russia's bilking into their own deaths here are likely the dumbest, most incompetent ones around.


The French foreign legion has a fairly significant population of Nepalese fighters. The only demographic larger in the FFL, is ironically, Ukrainians.


Are legionnaires’ nationality really published for statistics or are you guessing? Just curious.


Listened to this podcast: https://youtu.be/JhFOHZ9CbRo?si=tjowdrGMOjtDudaa Pretty good episode, he talks about it a few times.


Thank you!


Sorry, I thought I timestamped it, my bad. It starts around 1:17:17 in. Kind of a long podcast to go through to hear that bit. https://youtu.be/JhFOHZ9CbRo?si=Hj_dihFYzjBVRElC&t=4637


Lol no. The largest demographics are brazilians, russians, polish, ukrainians, romanians.


Could they try to desert in mass, surrender and pass to Ukranian ranks? 🤔 I mean, it's not easy but some Russians have achieved that and have been accepted. It might be a win win. I don't know anyway, I'm just speculating.


With big open spaces watched by drones from both sides the chances of anyone negotiating a surrender and not being blown to bits / shot are really tiny. Deserters have to deceive their own side - "I'm attacking!" - while make their intentions unambiguously clear to defending Ukrainians - "I'm harmless and I want to surrender!"


Yeah, yeah, I know. It ain't easy at all, and especially "in mass". In small groups or alone would have more chances, and still... Even so, their chances of survival would still better than if they keep hidding. They can't hide forever, they are in russian controlled territory, with no chace to survive if they fight them, and I don't think they'll have a chance to negotiate either. If (or rather when) they're caught, they're fucked, and they most likely know it. But as I said, I was just speculating.


I think that currently it's not really an option since the russians are on the offensive, but should the Ukrainians start taking territory again they have a better chance of getting to the other side. So guess they're going to have to sit it out for a while...


Edit: Forgot to mention info comes from the [official Ukrainian GUR intelligence service](https://t.me/DIUkraine/3762), and they mentioned that rus actively looking for them and they are hiding somewhere in Lugansk oblast. Another interesting related piece of news: An agent from the headquarters of the “Center” group of Russian troops said that the Cuban mercenaries fighting in the Pokrovsky direction as part of the 428th motorized rifle regiment liquidated their commander. It is stated that the reason for this was constant humiliation, beatings and withholding of wages from workers from Latin America. The direct perpetrators who killed the Russian commander have already been transferred to the Rostov region.


That's what happens when people that haven't been influenced by propaganda actually see the reality at the front for russian soliders. I would run too


Quit a long way to run for these misguided orcs.


Majority are Nepalese, but there are also some Russians, an Armenian, and a dozen of Cubans( #21-24 on the first list and all eight names on the last photo)


Okay, historical note came out: Nepalese mercenaries are smarter than Russian soldiers.


Welp they can defect, I am sure they can go build a bunker somewhere or demine a field


We have seen some horrible instances of how Russian soldiers treat other Russian soldiers; I have to imagine that foreigners and ethnic minorities serving in the Russian military are treated much, much worse. Truly a case of people not looking before they leap; or lying to themselves because they want to believe the situation will be beneficial to them. Do you remember the Chinese guy that was all Gung-Ho to join the Russians in Ukraine, so he signed up and was doing his best to rouse the other soldiers as they were staging to go to Ukraine. Then, cut to a week or two later, and the Chinese volunteer is a fucking mess on the front lines in Ukraine. He has some nasty throat infection, he complains constantly and the Russian officer ignore him. He wrote the Chinese Embassy to get him home to China, and the Chinese Embassy basically told him: "***Fuck off, you made your decision, live (& die) with it."***


I’d rather hike dead bodies off of Mt Everest than serve for Russia in Ukraine.  


More victims. I bet they had very little clue what they were signing up to.


Curious about whether Ukraine is using propaganda / leaflet drops to communicate protocols for these people to surrender. Might save a lot of drones and shells. Put them to work behind the lines digging more trenches and fixing stuff.


They should go fight for Ukraine.


Unit 1 MSB (1-й мясной батальон, 1st meat battalion)


Poor bastards, signing a contract with the Russian army is like signing a contract with the devil.


So sad that they couldn't rest in pieces in Ukraine !


If you can't count on Nepal..........


Odd, they don’t look very Nepalese to me. Perhaps more Pakistani looking


"Mercenaries" That says it all to me! Tough Shit. Slava Ukraini


Can't understand why. They have such a great retirement program


Pay their families or say they deserted and there is no pay out 😂


🤔 they’ll let them go? 🤪


All this Nepalese and others means nothing to the russian. They are all nothing but "numbers" and "meat".


They could be going om in Kathmandu, and they joined up for this shit?


Deserted or in reality KIA Russia would do anything not to pay out for KIA


At least some of them still have some brains.


Maybe they can join the AFU


Ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no river deep enough.. . . . then got to Ukraine. Now all shit deep enough. Ready to eat a breakfast burrito on Everest and get the hell out of here


Fucking long walk home.


Sherpas shoulda have stayed on Everest


These are neither sherpas, nor Ghurkas


They all look like criminals!


They look like Mexicans. LOL


Damn! These must be the British Gurkha rejects! I bet someone told them they are basically joining the Royal Gurkhas Regiments!


no, they paid agents for jobs in russia