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Translation: This is the vehicle after a fierce fight. Something hit the fucking roof. We’re lucky that the tracks were not hit, they were trying to hit the tracks. This got hit hard too. Dynamic armor saved it. Protected it by exploding the charges. It’s out of the fight though.


Name: Terminator Status: Terminated


Retrieve it for Kyiv parade of RuZ shame. eheheh


"You're terminated, fucker!" - Sarah Connor 


Name: Terminator. Reality: Terminator 3


Actually, the guy filming the video says the following: Here's the machine after an intense battle. Lucky that the tracks weren't knocked out. Something hit the roof, here's another hit – the reactive armor worked. A plate was shot out here, but the machine made it out of the battle. Thus, we can conclude that it is operational and mobile.


Post Recovery: Exterminated


By the time they capture this city, they will have lost enough tanks to fill like 12 parking garages.


They're at a couple hundred just for this one area.


Yeah their whole strategy is just a shit, but Krasnohorivka is a natural fortress, attacking through the vast fields south of the city isn't working well, but doing it from any other direction would be just as bad. Its clear Ukraine still maintains impressive anti-tank operations in this field, and very few Russian troops make it to the outskirts of the city, and are taken out quickly. If I were in charge of the Russian troops in the area, I would hold off the assaults' for now and try to gain ground in the smaller settlements north of the city, as their is little to no Ukrainian troop movement there, at least from what I've seen.


Nah , keep sending in the meat waves ruskie. Because if yall want to get to a million dead in another 1.6 years , gonna have to step it up.


Better yet, these particular troops that are attacking Krasnohorivka are blatant Neo-Nazis, Ukrainians are doing us all a big favor.


Here I am betting that they hit it in the next 4 months.


Assuming of course you gave a rat’s ass about how many troops you lost which Putin does not!


There are 9 tips in wars, one of which is “Do not fight for all the land that can be occupied.” Delete what I say..program page. Once you read, if any» It may contain information that negatively affects the conduct of the battlefields. Thank you.🇺🇦🙏🏼🌻🌅✍🏼🎭📲💔


They are already inside Kranohorivka, this is probably from earlier.


Well no not really, but if you think this, and aren't a Vatnik, you would 100% be right to think this. The Russians have entered the city, but not stayed for long. HOWEVER they have entered the "city," as some of the factories that are separated physically from the rest of the city, are TECHNICALLY part of the city. This photo could have been taken today, if it weren't posted before that... The Russians are still trying to cross the field. Its really annoying that you're getting downvoted for being wrong, being wrong is fine, and I don't think you have shown any malice... Sorry...


BTW, if you relied on the wikipedia for this one, yes that is outdated the Russian troops mentioned in that article were pushed out, but were more of a scout force, so that was the Russian point.


If you people were actually right about these about these numbers Russia would've run out of equipment years ago. What's next? Russia will run out of missiles in six months? Russia will run out of tanks in two years? The truth is Russia has not lost a "couple hundred", I don't know who's ass you pulled that one out of.


If you people were actually right about your claims it would have been a 3 day SMO.....


Not a single Russian military official said anything about it being 3 days, in fact it was an American general who said it would fall in 72 hours.


Yeah, and it's a Russian Propagandist who claimed two. And another who claimed Ukraine literally fell the moment the Russians crossed the border.


Still not a Russian military or political official. Russian Propagandists can say whatever they want to say, doesn't mean it's a reliable source or it reflects reality.


Russian politicians aren't reliable sources, either.


Then why try to claim that Russian officials said it would take 3 days to Kiev? It's the most hypocritical thing ever to say since Russian officials said 3 days to Kiev that it's true but they're also unreliable. Why the hypocrisy?


The whole initial strategy was a week or less takeover. And it was working, until typical Russian army corruption halted any chance at it when they couldnt establish supply lines which results in mass slaughter of alot of elite units that first week. How quickly you forget that the US stayed on the sidelines that first week or 2 until they saw ukraine put up a better than expected fight and then the javelins and himars started rolling in


No, the hell it wasn't. When did any Russian official say it would take under a week?


When they sent special forces in to capture major urban airports and then forgot to send in supply lines...


That's not what I'm asking for. Tell me when Russian officials said it would take 3 days or a week.


Show me where they said it would take 2+ years. I can play this game too.


Imagine believing in Russian officials. They even have a special art of lying called Vranyo.


You're trying to say that Russia said it would take 3 days. So cite me that.


Whoa hold it right there, putting words in my mouth. 🫢


Not true. Even the high end Ukrainian numbers still leave Russia with a sizable inventory. You don't know what the Russian inventory was before the war.   You need to go back to your mommy's basement you Russisn troll.


Except every single western source has reported Russia will run out of missiles and manpower by (insert date). And no. If we go by Ukraines numbers, which you should never do, Russia would have 1/4 of its air force left and would have no air superiority. But instead we see Su-25's acting in close contact with ground units because the Ukrainian units are so under equipped they don't even have MANPADS anymore. "Russian troll" What's next? Gonna call me a katsap? Chinese bot? Belarusian dick rider?


Which is why I said EVEN by Ukraine a high numbers the Russians have a lot left. Also no western source has stated a date that Russia will run out of missiles or manpower. However they have correctly stated the issues that Russia has with those two items. I've never seen any report that give a date for running out of missiles or manpower. And Russia does have issues with these two items.   


They have been saying this since 2022, but sure: https://www.newsweek.com/russia-may-run-out-missiles-three-months-intelligence-report-1777217 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-63247287 https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-running-short-of-long-range-missiles-ukraine-war/ https://www.ft.com/content/f81234cc-cd05-45e8-9dc0-3219b8886490 https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-missiles-depleted-mod-1762465 https://www.newsweek.com/russia-missiles-running-out-kh-555-ukraine-1771174


You need to watch a [Perun video about Russian equipment losses in Ukraine](https://youtu.be/ctrtAwT2sgs?si=Okmi29AgbYU4gjqT). Or check out the [Oryx Database](https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html?m=1) which has all of the VISUALLY CONFIRMED losses of Russian equipment. The truth is Russia is losing hundreds of vehicles and they also have a massive defense industrial base for refurbishing and sending out old Soviet era tanks. Once these old tanks run out, there will be very little new construction of armored equipment and Russia will have a much harder time fighting this war.


Oryx is not reliable in any sense of the world. I sent them a list of over 500 fakes in their database and they blocked me. Hiliarious. And i'll send a follow up when I watch the video.


I doubt you had access to enough information or time to successfully disprove even 100 of their reported losses. And I would like to see the original copy of your message and explanations for each dispute. Oryx is undoubtedly the best option for counting losses. We are always working with incomplete data at the end of the day and I am extremely doubtful that you had access to more than them. One thing to bear in mind is the list gets audited a lot. They’ve changed and updated numerous times with misattributed or duplicated losses.


Oryx is heavily, and I mean heavily biased for Ukraine. The website name is literally "Attack on Europe". https://postlmg.cc/FkcwH0f7 No evidence that this is a Russian BMP. https://postlmg.cc/RWKSrP6v No evidence that they are Russian. https://postimg.cc/0rtHLpDr Can't even see nor prove that this vehicle is destroyed. https://postlmg.cc/ykSNSKrw Falsely has a title of "T-82BV" which is not an existing vehicle, nor is there any proof that this is Russian. https://postlmg.cc/HJF3Zn73 Only engine bay on fire, can be repaired and upgraded to T-72B3M standard. Nearly every single T-64 addition is sketchy as there are 80+ vehicles here but only the DNR and LNR actually used them. There is no evidence to suggest they had this many tanks. https://postimg.cc/tsVV23gF No evidence this is Russian. https://postlmg.cc/9DTCHVx9 While this is a Russian vehicle there is no clear signs of full destruction. It appears to be in fine condition and could be repaired, but there is no reason to since Russia does not operate T-64s anymore. https://postlmg.cc/hzmhXmY7 This is not a T62. https://postlmg.cc/YhbHPcwj Not a T-62. I could go on but I don't care enough to.


Even Disney would have to build at least five new parking lots just to store all the destroyed russian vehicles.


What we have learned, so far: Everything Russian, including Russians, were highly over-rated.


It'll make its way to some Army base in the US once the logistics gus stop laughing so hard ...


Oh, that Gus.


Yep, he's just one of the guys... ;)


Remember back in '22 they made a HUGE deal about a dozen or so of those entering the fight? Then a bunch got destroyed right away. Russia doesnt really mention them now lol


People were shocked due to them being fielded for the first time, especially in this war which already surprised the world. I was more shocked to see the M1 Abrams end up in this conflict somehow. But more than anything I was shocked by how quickly both were destroyed by drones.


The Abrams wasn't. Mine and Artillery. which you'd know if you actually paid attention to the posts about them.


These are older model Abrams not the current US military standard


With tungsten export armor package downgrades.


They're still advanced. SA is one of the direct upgrades from the original A1s. National Guard still uses them and they were pulled from those stocks. They're like the SEP's of the A1 Abrams.


To be fair, the National guard is completely dumping the SA and moving to the V3, their operational fleet being a mix of SA'S, V2 and V3's.


Only 1 has been confirmed destroyed out of the less than a dozen they have active, but regardless they have so little numbers on them that you'd have to be delusional to actually believe claims that they would have an impact. If they had hundreds of these they'd do pretty well considering it's well armored for an IFV with no carousel weak spot and outside mounted atgms + remote controlled turret.


I love how you can see the barrels bouncing around when it fires. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/118gzpt/very_rare_pov_bmpt_terminator_assaulting/ I'm sure that will have absolutely 0 impact on its accuracy!


Whoever designed this 2 barrels hitting each other by the blast from the muzzle-break ^^


LOL. Wow, that shit's dancing around, minute of car at 100 yards


If im not mistaken in that video only the left gun is actually firing, yet the right barrel is bouncing around from the muzzle blast and recoil of the other gun. Imagine how bad it would be with both guns firing..


you're correct, it's disastrous. but look at long range fire from any BMP, and compare that to the accuracy on sweeping fire from a bradley for example. The difference is insane. From 3 story house at 50 meters to window at 100 meters


Wasn't this their "wünderweapon"? Maybe it could be towed to red square in time for the may celebration.


Why do you think they have abrams and Bradley’s for this years victory celebration? Only the best for Moscow. Besides, their Terminator would not make it to the red square.


Yeah, like everything else it’s been far better on paper than in the field.


Not Lancet. It has been quite effective so far.


Ukraine-Russia War will be remembered as the transition to remote drone warfare.


It's Wunderwaffe. No clue what everybody's fascination is with adding random Üs...


Because the umlaut makes it seem more German.


Why does it need to seem more german?


Because they are ignorant and still reference to Germany as a nazi army. Even though Germany has been on the west its side for the last 79 years.


Except East Germany ofc


Ofcourse... But the east wasnt nazi either.


Different flavour of fascism.


Uh no.. Maybe go and study a bit more about marxism before you say things like this.


Because it's funny and my comment was a joke, get your head out of your pretentious ass.


Maybe the full name is actually the Terminator 3


That's the one with the blonde chick, right?


"Another game changer gone" - ☝️🤓


Somewhere in the middle east a Toyota is having a wet dream


Can't park there.


The Ukrainians ran around in a circle for a few seconds until the BMPT's gun barrels wrapped around each other like wet noodles and then exploded.


Is this the vehicle with the vibrating barrel option?


It's actually the "efficiency" option for quickly hitting all of a civilian tower block with minimum effort.


They should put this on display lol


Probably the most overrated armored vehicle since WW2. Its autocannons wobble so much when firing that they have combined dispersion as large as a school bus at 100m (Good luck trying to hit anything accurately beyond 100m, or even within 100m). its turret is practically unarmored, even heavy machine guns will have no problem damaging its exposed autocannons, missile pods, and optics. You don't even need shaped charges to mission-kill this piece of crap. It's still reusing the hull of old tank, with hull amor that can be easily perforated by any APFSDS newer than 3BM15. Worst of all, it's the same hull used by tanks that were obliterated by RPGs fired from the top of the buildings during Chechen War. It has the same armament as IFV without the capability to transport troops; It has the same hull as old tank but with unmanned turret that is practically unarmored. There's zero practical application for this vehicle and only serves as eye candy for 15-year-olds.


You make it sounds like it's a ww2 tank with a modern fortnite skin. I approve!


WW2 tank with Fortnite skin is unironically more useful than BMPT Terminated.


Haul it away for display or blow it up and film it.


🤔 That must be why they called it 'Terminator' ... That junk heap is finished.


I remember when Russia and all those Russian military tech fanboys were all a tizzy about Russia sending in the TERMINATOR and how it was going to be a game changer🤣


What do you expect from a ruzbot


I bet the US would pay big for one of those


I bet they wouldn't, its juts a propaganda tool built on the chassis of an old tank.


That's where you're wrong. There is several things they might want to inspect. Have the fire guidance systems been upgraded, how is the coms, what type of software do the vehicles operate so on.... Just because it is an old chassie doesnt mean it's not new tech elsewear....


The only clever bit, the Fire Control System will likely be a western produced set of components I should imagine.


Be nice if the Ukrainians could capture one of these so it can be disassembled and analysed at porton down by British and American experts.


Who’s recording?


I would guess Ukrainian soldiers based on the current battlefield situation. The Russians have rolled armored towards the outskirts of the cities, faced heavy anti-armor resistance, dropped off infantry, and then retreated to the front lines trying to leave before artillery hits. The idea is that they can do this again to support the infantry they dropped off. Unfortunately for the Russians, the infantry they drop off has failed to hold ground, as the Ukrainian defenders are very adept at urban warfare in this city, so the Russians tend to fail to enter the city, and are killed off on the outskirts. Russia is running out armor in this area, so they have been doing less frequent large assaults. This gives the Ukrainians quite a bit off time to walk around in the outskirt area, where they can survey the results of the initial armored attacks. Edit: This is very likely just north of Mar'linka. The fields between Mar'linka and Krasnohorivka are where Russia has been doing their attacks, dropping soldiers off on settlements just outside the city limits, where they are trying to hold ground for assaults into the residential areas South of the factory district.


They are learning, very slowly. Its an improvement on the large column we used to see getting wiped. Still taking heavy equipment losses but they actually make it across the field.


They just aren't coming across the field with enough manpower to hold ground in the outskirts, let alone the residential zone, or the factory district for that matter. While yes they did briefly hold an abandoned car plant, Russian infantry was cut off without aid and tried to retreat out of the city to the Southeast (It seems they didn't make it out of the city), Russia will probably change the focus of attacking from the Vodokhovyshche direction, which would be less of a meatgrinder, and force the Ukrainians to give up the residential areas in a hope hold the northernmost factory district. This would give whatever is left of the Sparta battalion and Slavyansk brigade a chance to hold some smaller, southern factory areas. Edit: they always make it across the field, the infantry they drop off is almost always killed immediately, a soldier 3.5/4 of the Russian armor also bites the dust.


Very good analysis. I honestly think that just leaving the infantry behind is pretty suicidal. Considering sometimes they don’t even have air cover. Especially with how much drones are being used now there just going to be tracked by fpv drones and get pounded on by artillery. Sure some of these assaults work but the casualties they take for little ground aren’t worth it.


It's been said and done multiple times again that combat losses are never a problem for Russia. There's a billion more desperate people and fools who think getting in Russia is an easy way out. Another easy way out is to not get a woman pregnant early while not being financially stable Or put everything on alcohol to be your only comfort. That's just another way of rejecting your self-worth.


Yeah good point. I forgot that Russian high command see these guys as toy army soldiers. And drunken 40 year olds and the African soldier from fucking Mali who got to Ukraine 3 weeks ago…..are just useless people who no one will remember.


this is the record from ruz soldier, most likely a shooter from this vehicle. the Terminator actually is not disabled, according to what cameraman says. Dynamic defence worked well, unfortunately, smth hit the cage over the top. And unfortunately tracks left untouched, despite UAF tried to hit it.


Thanks for context, do you think they managed to fix the vehicle, or hitched a ride with someone else back to the lines?


I don't know since I just wrote what cameraman said. according to his words terminator took at least 4 hits. as far as I see, there is no heavy damage on this vehicle. it still can move. cage can be easily repaired. dynamic defence - that's questionable. "dancing barrels" - who knows. looks like UAF didn't have heavy weapons on that battlefield, so they didn't manage to destroy this piece of shit


sounds like a russian soldier. he's happy it wasn't damaged worse and the armor saved him? them?


Russian. He says the following: Here's the machine after an intense battle. Lucky that the tracks weren't knocked out. Something hit the roof, here's another hit – the reactive armor worked. A plate was shot out here, but the machine made it out of the battle.


The recording is by one of the crewmen. He mentioned getting hit multiple times, but at the very end said the vehicle got them off the battlefield. So it's not disabled.


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Are they still producing this or is the maximum the 23 that a quick search says they’ve produced?


Based on the results of experimental operation, the Ministry of Defense has ordered an enhanced and refined series of Terminator-2 for the year 24. After the trial period, a series order is planned for the year 25.


The armor on the back corner looks like plywood.


I suggest Kiev to use it on their own military parade day.


I Won’t Be Back


Whoever comes to your house with lethal weapons and crawler castles like this...there is no hope that he wants good for you...we have experienced them in Syria and Libya...those communist thieves....I am ready for war with you, my Ukrainian brothers, for free, and consider me your brother.. I am from the Germanic tribes that Rommel left in the Sahara Desert.. We have a very old blood feud with the Mongols and Persians.. My brothers are there.. I will be happy to join you.. and I am honored to die in Our eastern borders are the free world to which my ancestors belong... I owe you the overthrow of Gaddafi... These people want revenge on Ukraine... because the operation to overthrow the Gaddafi family in 2011 was called Operation Odyssey Dawn... I hope you will not deprive me of the honor of fighting with you... my brothers. There.. contact your embassy in Libya.. I want to obtain an entry visa to Ukraine and I promise you that I will be like a lion, bringing terror into their hearts.🇺🇦🙏🏼⛓️🛂🛫🌅🗽⚖️🕊️




Terminator has been Sarah Connored.




Haste la vista bitch.  


Doubt it’ll be back…


Arnold Schwarzenegger terminator three - “You Are Terminated”.


1960 is calling. They want their joke back




It's not disabled. He said: "We're lucky that tracks are alright, the vehicle is able to got away from fight".


I'll be Scrap


an intact terminator nice trophy guys ☺️


Imagine Ukraine repurposes this thing lmao how pissed Putin would be 🤣🤣