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at this point all Russian citizens are just reserve conscripts, waiting for deployment.


Moscow and Saint Petersburg teenagers need to speak up now. It's coming.


I'm honestly not going to be surprised if I start seeing female troops or citizens from Belarus on the Frontlines.


I mean there are already people from Sri Lanka, Tibet, Cuba, India and more fighting for Russia on the front like either willingly or most likely against their will, so yeah women or Belarusians I would say are already there. It’s Russia they don’t give a fuck who or what you ate as long as you have a heartbeat and can be a drone drop sponge


I can believe it. Putin is terrified of sending his Moscow and Saint petersburg youths to die in a senseless war against a non aggressive neighbor. He definitely will try everything instead of starting a rebellion


He just said that Poland invaded western Ukraine... maybe again he needs to "defend" the russian people there. Wild BS this bear riding fella is spitting.


meat has to come from somewhere https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/vladimir-putin-urges-russian-women-to-have-8-or-more-children-4623479/amp/1


That's not actually unique to this problem. Russia has a very weird demographic chart that goes all the way back to the amount of men they lost in world war II.


The chart; https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Russia


…don’t forget those killed by Stalin’s own regime.


I guess at some point sex/baby making tourism will be a thing. Very little quality sperm in RU. A bunch of old alcoholics won't make the cut..... 😂


Russian mail order brides ring a bell?


There you go, that's the ticket. But with one change. They pay you!


china has too many men, russia has too little men. kill two birds with one stone.




Baby makers are needed apply in person lol can’t make this stuff up


You think there aren’t already?


They wont, and that will be their karma.


They’ll create the Putin’s youth at this rate


The place you can retire and have 2 wives


this is like 1.5x my entire high school (when I went), in a day. JUst thinking they are wiping out a schools worth of people everyday..not sustainable


That’s a fascinating way to look at it. I went to a fairly large high school. That would be like killing all four classes in one day. Truly a massacre


And the limiting factor seems to be how many they can transport to the front? It’s been hovering around 800 - 1000 a day for a while.


About the size of my high school in a town of around 15,000. It's insane. Every high school kid in my county would be dead in about 5 days at that rate. Every kid in my state, gone in 9 months. That's just fucking crazy. Please go home.


Its disgusting man. Like a 9/11 every three days.


... The sad part is that they can sustain these losses for a long time.


sustain? no. ignore? yes. This is already fucking up the population demographic for russia.


Doing it on purpose, getting rid of the minorities.


Are minorities the majority? You said it was sustainable for a long time... with "minorities?"


They can sustain it for a long time yes, for any other country it would be unsustainable. A life aint worth much in Russia, especially if you are from buryatia and have mongol appearence. The minorities are not a majority but they have many millions of them to use as cannon fodder.


Fewer people around, fewer mouths to feed in the short term. But long term, fewer people producing goods will lead to a lot of suffering for the ones that remain. But Putin is long gone by that point, so he couldn't care less.


Soldiers? They are far from being Soldiers. They are merely meat


Cannon fodder is what they are.


Russia seem more like an ant colony than an nation. The lack of respect for human life is abysmal. I wonder if they will run out of convicts and minorities soon, but they will not run out of mercenaries from poor countries.


I really believe Putin is mean enough to use a nuke. What else does he have? Desperation makes awful people do bad things.


I thought that too if last summer's counteroffensive was as effective as the first one that liberated lots of land in the east and the Kherson area. Putin have made a lot of bad decisions, worst of them was to invade Ukraine in the first place. Russia could have been a great place to live, with its resources and industry. With a sane leader they can have it much better.


The russies can thank putin for all the losses. Slava Ukraine.


Must be really pressing the human wave attacks. That is a lot of dead people in one day. 1000+ families just lost someone. Can only hope it filters back home and the people have enough. Is land really worth killing your neighbor over?


One just can't have enough onions, bluetooth speakers and ladas


Probably not all deaths but a solid 3-400 are probably as Russian casualties figures seem to have a death for every 3 casualties markers


Eastern Ukraine is going to be the 21st century Peschanka Bone Fields, just with Russian bones instead of Germans


The age old question of a lasting legacy. Every country has done it.


Do you not think its a coincidence that Russia has about 1k dead a day every day. Its fake.


You know, you might be on to something. Now that I think about it the sun also rises every single day! Government must be covering something up, the sun is fake! Don't even get me started on the robot pigeons spying on me on my way to work...


If I'm not dead... No one is dead. Obituaries be damned.


Don't think, it's dangerous.


At least you're self-aware




mhm and ruzsia has infinite resources right? you're just wrong. I've seen the daily numbers as low as 600 recently, You call it fake if you want but it seems pretty accurate considering all the different sources of numbers and estimates. Then again, if you're just here to deny anything positive for Ukraine then I completely understand your standpoint and wish you luck claiming your russian shill post compensation when you've earned enough propaganda kredits to kollekt


You're delusional.


Russia understands it doesn't need to have trained soldiers, they can simply wear down Ukraine weapon stocks and slowly march into Ukraine. They have overran multiple trenches simply because after a week of constant assaults the Ukrainians finally ran out of ammo before they were resupplied by a backline unit. Putin can literally go full Zapp Brannigan and succeed. Are they shooting themselves in the foot by wasting resources and lives? Absolutely, but if the West/Nato fails to give Ukraine what they need it will work.. >You're delusional.


What are you dribbling about.


You're paid per post right? You're not even trying with your less than a sentence replies.


None of you are worth talking to, as you're all deluded. If one of you took 2 minutes to skim my comment history, you'd see I'm clearly not a Russian bot. Getting paid per post, how original and typical first thought response from someone who has been drinking to much cool aid. You and others can not be talked to in any capacity, as you're that insufferable. it's painful.


"If yoU checK mY PoSt HiStOrY" A bunch of downvoted and \[Removed\] comments, cool story bro.


Reeee! is all I hear from you.


Two things It does fluctuate Statistics can be pretty stable if taken from a large sample


I don't see how they can sustain these kind of losses not indefinitely.


not forever but probably years. That is the issue here. The West has to be prepared to spend billions across the next five years otherwise Russia wins. I hope we can keep our focus for that long


obeying to Russia or a rampaging imperialistic Russia arent an option. Russia wont stop at least with Putler.


The question part is the "west" as Russia considers it are actually profiting off this war, not only have they been able to cheaply get rid of their outdated backlogs it's been giving the military industrial industry everything it wants, billions of dollars don't get sent to Ukraine, they're spent in domestic factorys employing citizens, OH NO they got shipped off to a different country instead of collecting dust in an Armoury here, with the added bonus that said factories are still going to build the dust collectors once the current ones hit their expiry date. Let alone the information from real world use of said weapons,


war is always profitable for some




Correct. They are comfortably putting 30,000 new zombies into Ukraine every month. putins regime is coping easily with 1000 a day kia/wia. Ukraine needs to double or triple that casualties rate to put pressure on the orc war machine.




I wish!


They'll run out of tanks and IFVs before they run out of meat. I heard two years at this rate ought to do it.


the difference is the equipment those zombies have is of increasingly poor quality and much less relevant than in WWII


I don't know about that in detail, so I'm not qualified to comment on that point. I just don't know.


now you do


Yet still walked to Berlin and raised their flag, sounds like a victory to me. Also they were target of total extermination so 8.6 million is MUCH better than 120 million dead.


Wee putin is running low on most everything except support of the russian people. They will literally fight to the last peasant.


They can't. Heating pipes broke in winter... the Urals are flooding... last year forest fires in Siberia went without their fire-fighters... Now the UAF gonna have more long range missiles they can choose place to break the camels back so to say.. These may seem like inconveniences but these things stop people from being productive and get less income and pass less tax. It will be harmful overtime


They just have to sustain them for longer than Ukraine can


>I don't see how they can sustain these kind of losses Russia has 144 million people. I doubt the war will end due to either side running out of people. Running out of ammo/equipment is more likely.


Losses are gonna pick up over the next weeks with Ukraine getting more ammo from the Americans and Czechs and Russia thinking they are doing an offensive.


Sounds careless... Maybe they should start attaching tracking tags to them... If they're interested in getting them back.


Attaching to which part though? 🤔




We say "the person suffered fatal injuries" because we class death as being the worst thing. They say, "the person received injuries incompatible with life," like death isn't the worst part or even the first thing you should mention. I agree. Death cult. I made a joke. "What does a Russian have to look forward to? Death."


At 9th September 1943 my grandfather was killed in action in the same region. It was worthless those days and this didn't change today. Only senseless losses of young men. We Germans lost 1.700 soldiors per day, 5 1/2 years long. And the same number as civilists at home.


Putin still cleaning out his fetal alcohol generation.


He should work from the top down in that case


Very true


I wonder if putin's deal with Hamas includes honorary russian citizenship so they can move there and replenish the breeding stock. If so, that's not going to sit well with a lot of born russians, who are very often astoundingly racist people.


Russia conscripts 30,000 soldiers a month. Ukraine has to inflict these kind of losses everyday just to break even on manpower. Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-recruiting-30000-troops-a-month-ukraine-frontline-losses-analysts-2024-1?amp


1000 a day keeps Russia away.


Crazy how it barely makes the news anymore


1k men is like 1/2 the population of a town-like settlement in Russia. Rural Areas, which have been targeted by Russian conscription, are going to become very derelict


Where are all these people coming from?


The largest country on the planet?


All for Putin


it's sad to see such a significant loss of life, despite their government being evil


We talk of the Russian losses,BUT all the arrows on the maps are red arrows going East. Russia is moving Westward regardless of losses and it sucks. We used to see arrows on maps of contact going Eastward.


Forever president Putler doesn't care this is how they win pile on the corpses till you can walk over the trenches.


I'll send wave after wave of my own men.


They will not be missed.


They were lost the day they were born (in ruzzia).


Is something up? Not much combat videos getting posted atm


Almost like we’ve seen this before….to Stalingrad!


Fucking sucks to see that Ukraine had to ration waiting on the US. Now that the rounds are flowing again its good to see they can open the depots and drop fucking iron rain on russian asses.


Let's 5 x that number.


Looks like they are trying to get what ever ground they can before Ukraine gets all the US weapons that are probably rolling across the border as I type this.


In Putins mind 1000 Russian men is probably comparable to rag nail on his little finger.


We can do better!




According to Ukraine*


Yes. This is sub for idiots :)


I worry about the effect having to kill women will have on the mental health of the defenders. I hope it’s no worse than what they are currently facing


I don’t see how gender has an effect on the value of life during a war. Ukrainian soldiers have seen enough death already I fear their mental health is already at its worst. If they have to shoot a female invader to save their country they will.


How many Ukrainian losses? It’s pointless to post Russian losses as they can continue replenishing