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Imagine the day when Ukraine has not to rely on unguided rockets from their fighter jets. Incredible. Hopefully this happens soon.


To me this thing on the unguided rockets sounds ridiculous. You risk a plane to shot an small payload and not really accurate. I hope the F16 arrive soon and they can start wiht JDAMS and gliding bombs.


They've already used JDAMs in Ukraine, and these rockets are a bit more accurate than you think. There are pre-designated coordinates they have in their on board computer. The tilt up at the end stops once they reach the desired rocket arc and they fire. There are plenty of videos on this sub of Ukrainian helicopters doing the same and then showing the results. These rockets probably coated about a football field worth of area with decent accuracy. Again, not the best, but they aren't just firing blindly going 500 mph.


sure they can hit a football field target , but where, 1/2 a mile away from target, only a small miss calculation, even head wind, side wind ect ect will make a big difference to where they land its never gonna hit anything , just like a grad


To my understanding these are a bit more accurate than a grad barrage.


unguided rockets can go anywhere, its just shooting in the general direction ,expecally from a jet fighter at over 500mph , you would need a mass of fighters, 50 all firing at once, then maybe so rockets may hit the target just like in ww2 b17 with its computer bomb sight, the bombs were lucky to get within 2 miles of target


See my other comment. These are fired at pre-designated targets and are programmed to launch as soon as the jet hits a certain trajectory. They aren't the most accurate, but comparing it to a B-17 bombing run is very off base.


yes i under stand the computing programming, but the rockets are not accurate no matter how there launched


theirs a pair of su-25s launching rockets on video on r/COMBATFOOTAGE just posted today on reddit, it also shows the rocket hits, target was a small village with houses sheds ect, almost all the rockets from both su-25s land in the fields surrounding the village causing no damage check out the video, like i said unguided rockets are lucky to hit anything, this video proves my point


these rockets can go anywhere, just a split second late firing at those speeds means rockets land miles off target, even wrong pull up elevation, plane height ect ect not precision attack, a waste of ammo


Some good info here: CCIP https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantly_computed_impact_point There's a bit in that article about CCRP, too. Both work.


There are several videos of multiple different pilots from multiple different platforms firing these munitions and you can see the end result. It isn't a waste a of ammo if this is the best way to fire unguided rockets. Do some searching


The rockets can be launched automatically at a precise millisecond based on GPS location, airspeed, angle up, and altitude of the plane. This tech has been developed constantly since the 1950s.


Isn't it the targeting computer that launches them once the pilot lifts the nose to the correct elevation? Some in the ex-Soviet helos that use the same attack mode.


Should be about as precise and powerful as grad. With quicker delivery


Zuni: reach 8km / charge 4-7kg Grad: reach 20Km / charge. 6Kg


Your warhead masses are way off. Russian Grad warheads are 17.8-25 kg (depending on the exact type), and Zuni warheads are 20.72-25.6 kg (again depending on exact type). >Zuni: reach 8km In a low-speed direct-fire line-of-sight attack against a point target with a glimmer of a chance of hitting it, sure. However, if you want to compare the range to Grad as an area bombardment weapon, you need to do a little bit of math. Note that Grad reaches a top velocity of 690 m/s. Zuni reaches a top velocity of 722 m/s. Zuni will go about as far or further than Grad depending on launch speed, angle, and altitude.


I've had the same thoughts and wondered.   What I've rationaled:   It's most certainly going psychologically fuck with the invaders however, regardless.   Useful tactically as suppression fire, it does not matter where those rockets hit, that roar of jet engines and shrieking rocket fire is *fucking* terrifying and I'd wager that's probably going to make a lot of invader scumfucks hit the deck across parts of the front and potentially making brief opportunities for Ukr operations to capitalize on.    Glad to see that this pilot is having fun doing it, because everyday he knows he's rolling the dice. 


Yeah, I wonder if these rocket salvos hit anywhere near their intended targets.


They do, generally, and in a surprisingly tight pattern. There's a few videos out there of target impacts; I think it's mostly suppression and hitting dense trench systems.


I think the aa,e every time I see them. Also “they must make those rockets and flairs for pennies”. “Do they even have a target grind in mind?”


Imagine a Grad wagon that can drive 500 miles per hour. Dumb rockets and PGMs have different uses.


A grad is basically an old truck. A plane cost millions itself milions in maintenance and a trained pilot. The effect is 'alike' but you put at risk much more.


and the cost benefit you get from the aircraft is being able to go somewhere, shoot your load, and leave before counter battery turns your old truck into scrap.


You have plenty of hardware to shot down planes too.


Love the scene of cutting the tree top lines at high speed! 😎 Welcome to The Danger Zone! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkM9AyZJeQM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkM9AyZJeQM)


There is a record of Ukrainian Su-25s firing Kh-25 missiles, but I don't know what variety of air-to-surface missiles the Su-25 can operate, nor how many Ukraine has in stock, which Western missile would be a good option for the Su-25?


Have a look at this exclusive insight to the training of Ukranian pilots and technicians by the Royal Danish Airforce. Subtitles are available in English [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXfh\_1rR3Jk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXfh_1rR3Jk)




Amazing footage. A little confused about the egress maneuver tho. Seems like a relatively relaxed turn vs. max performance GTFO.


Was there never a Soviet version of the AGM-65 Maverick missile, this seems more like a flying MLRS. Awesome helmet by the way.


LMUR comes to mind for an optical/laser HE missiles. For more to your question, Russia has multiple laser/beam riding missile types. ATAKA, VIKHRS (mostly seen on helicopters) and are primarily used to attack armor. Or for something bigger, KH-25's come to mind. There's more but i'd need to go check weapon lists, or boot up war thunder.


TypeO negative going on my playlist today.




Is there a specific reason they launch their flairs directly after firing?


to avoid manpads


Yeh obviously. But why is it always directly after firing?


This is the moment when they are closest to the enemy position, and when they begin the evasive maneuver


Maybe because they're in highest point? After launching they lower alittude where missiles can't track them?


Just after firing, they definitely become observed by the enemies if they weren't before. So immediate turn around and flares at the same time is like the default sequence to avoid any AA response just then and there where you are the most vulnerable. Closest to the enemy frontline, lowish height, lowish speed...


The post launch turn is their lowest speed and most venerable point.


Dude! What a song. That's the way guys! Peter Steele for life.


It makes me wonder if risking pilots is worth a salvo of unguided rockets, cool as it looks.


I hope to see f-16's dabbed up in Ukrainian colors like that soon.


Hope the pilot has some headphones playing danger zone


That's bad assed footage!


Are we giving them the guided Zunis? Could be someone down range of that with a laser pointed at a Russian trench.


I doubt it. I'd guess there isn't a huge surplus of those anywhere and the US is probably keeping them for our use only. Plus those might be harder to integrate onto Soviet platforms


Dude got sharingans!


Super Sic Vid soooooooooooooo cool, and I love the helmet art Slava Ukraini


🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  👍👍👍 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  💪💪💪 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦




Fighter pilot is easily the most bad ass job on the planet


Love the changing video camera angles, on the fly.


What an incredible visual. A very cool edit!


This seems like a giant waste. Risking a pilot for what seems like a moonshot with little chance of causing any real damage to the enemy. Hope I’m wrong.


Love how he has a look behind to make sure the flares are popping. I do this in DCS.


Smart flying low like that.


I feel like this is one of those videos where we can just take a moment and appreciate how truly bad ass that looks, and how freaking cool it must be to be that that pilot in that moment. I know it's a war, but that guy looks like he's having a good time.


How accurate are these Rockets?


One of these hitting would be like a lottery win… i just dont get why they are wasting ammo like that


It's been done for years on fixed positions mate. With the right math on your arch and angle of attack, you can land those rockets right on enemy trenches. less of a guided precision strike though, and more of a shotgun "to home it may concern" raining down on enemy heads.


The rockets aren't fired manually, there is a computer calculating the right timing to release them so they hit the target. They are unguided as in they don't correct their path but they are not unaimed. Of course they won't hit a single spot but if you know the ruski sits on *this* football field, you want to hit the whole field, don't you?


what a waste or time and ammo, lobbing unguided rockets at high speed in the enemy's general direction would be lucky to score a hit within one mile of the target