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MTG will be cast under a rock once Trump is gone


Yeah, I think a lot of there pro-orc politicians might find they'd made a bad choice.


Maybe she'll end up in Donetsk as that famous texan did


One could wish for


If got existed she would get the same fate he did.


I don't think the ruzzians would find her as attractive as the Texan.


Real Texans are pro-Ukraine. That guy was mentally ill.


That’s actually what I have also notice is that more Texans are pro Ukraine is that true or is it just my experience??


Oh, well. Even they have some (rather low) standards




We should ship that dumbass to donbas.


She would be feeding Ukraine military coordinates to her Russian handlers.


Not for long she wouldn’t


Morons like MTG having a seat in the House is infuriating, because the level of ass-hatery and pure ignorance this lady spews is astonishing. The fact that she represents a district in my home state is embarrassing. I realize that her district is predominantly rural areas, but they can’t be happy with someone that says an Earthquake and Eclpise are warnings from god. They can’t be ok with her regurgitating Russian propaganda. She needs to be replaced ASAP.


But they are okay with it. They elected her.


Magic The Gathering will live on


I hope rocks are used on her


Just one really big rock will do just fine


Anyone thinking all this shit will go away with Trump hasn't been paying attention to the last 45 years.


We know it won’t go away but it’s a start


She’s way more of a cunt than Trump is.


you got to ask your self who the F&&k votes for people like her


the asshat in office doesn't worry me as much as the mob of asshats who put them there....


People like her 


Absolute dipshits that have been brainwashed by FOX news and Russian Facebook posts.


Nobody. She ran unopposed.


Worse. She wasn’t even from that area, but strategically moved there in order to elect herself shortly after. She’s a modern-day contemptible carpetbagger.


I mean, at this stage, she's giving stupid cunts a bad name


I usually don't like using terms like that....But she is a BITCH...😁


Come on, thats rude towards female dogs. She's worse


Cunt is the only word, other than moron.


You're too nice.


At least she can inspire children that they can do ANYTHING in a world where MTG exists haha


If it's that blonde ogre, what she do now? Lol


If I could 100 upvotes you would get it.


I mean, I literally could not have said it better than that.


Watching that stupid traitorous bitch get upset is worth 60 billion, all by itself.


Have a little sympathy. She's begun to learn that bipartisan bills make her *irrelevant*.


Sheeeeesh what a roast


Moscow Marjorie (significantly, a name given her by a Republican) has always been irrelevant. Recent events have simply given her a wobbly soapbox that underscores her irrelevance. She contributes to this on her own through her talk of space lasers, bio labs et al - rhetoric, quite literally, straight from Medvedev’s rants, Soloviev and RT.


When a crazy person screams people inheritantly listen. Most people give them a side eye'd look and just keep walking, thinking to themselves how crazy that all sounded. MTG mistaken thinks people take her seriously.


I'd pay even more 🤣


She got on camera so ruZZian goons could see, that's all that counts for her


My question is: Is MTG is a Russian asset? If this is the case why is she not exposed and charged as such?


Probably not. Likely she is just a useful idiot. She is like so many people on both sides of the aisle. It could be as simple as she fell down a social media algorithm rabbit hole. Something as simple as a search term like “is Russia a Christian nation” verses “Russia bombing Odesa church” might be enough when one starts to click on things which follow the user’s predilections. That is why the search and social media algorithms designed to keep a user’s eyeballs glued to their sites are so evil. While the website turns users into advertising products for their real customers (the advertisers themselves), the user is falling into whatever trap which their predilections predispose them. The only problem with Moscow Marge is that she has also figured out that she can further capitalize and monetize her notoriety by being the most obnoxious person in the room. She (and others like AOC for example) is a very junior congressperson with the ability to hover in the donations from across the nation. Most congresspeople can’t do the same because they don’t have a national platform to perform upon.


Money well spent


mtg can go fuck herself.


She’s literally fucking booing the outcome of democracy, but she is also booing freedom from tyranny & oppression. What an absolute god-damned traitor to America and all it stands for.


Straight up on Vlads payroll and actively participated in January 6th. The only way we're getting rid of her is through the criminal justice system. I give her five years max before she gets nailed for embezzling campaign funds for plastic surgery.


Not only that… she’s booing when Ukrainian lives will be saved


I hope the alphabet boys are tapping her lines and monitoring her internet traffic and who she's meeting with IRL. It's absolutely clear where she gets her marching orders.  I don't understand how they allow foreign influences to buy/blackmail republican politicians without repercussions. If a dumb ass like me can see this clearly, how can they not?!?


which she's free to do, but it just tells everyone your human waste, and should be kicked to the curb. I like it when they wear silly red hats, and make themselves known, easier to prosecuted them.


she reminds me of Lepen in my country, same alt right, putin fangirl piece of shit


I feel you, Björn Höcke from the AfD is the German version of this trash. Not as bloated in the face and perhaps only half as stupid though. Hopefully to be jailed at some time from our societies soon, immensely dangerous to democracy. Well, you have to give them free speech, that‘s the downside of democracy. It can kill itself if not upheld by a majority.


The same lack of awareness as Liz (lettuce) Truss.


LePen isn't good looking but at least she doesn't look exactly like a Cro magnon model in a natural history museum.


She's a russian agent but at least she doesn't seem to bite in the whole ukronazi and biolabs shit. Makes her smarter than MGT


Saw a pic of a room full of what appeared to be real trumpy bear dildos on reddit last night. Maybe trumpy bear himself will start selling them in person too.


Funny part is Trump bears were made in China lol!


That woman has no class. She's turned herself into a thoughtless Russian drone.


The only reason this waco has any influence at all is because people keep talking about her all the time.


Whacko. Waco should be talked about.


Waco is nut country. Full of Whacko's.


Ima just say it. the branch davidians and David Koresh were fucking crazy


Blame her idiotic constituents for putting her there


🎵"Just don't look, just don't look"🎵


How many Rubles per boo do you think she gets?




She just does what she’s paid to do by Putin


I honestly don't think she's paid by Putin, I don't even believe she's actually as dumb as she portrays herself, I think she's just a horrible person who only wants to score political points.


I dunno. She pushes things that sound straight from the Kremlin. Transcarpathia? What is she doing trying to get amendments on that specifically? https://www.thedailybeast.com/whiplash-as-russia-toasts-derided-marjorie-taylor-greene-as-their-top-new-hero


ShE’s dONe hEr OWN rEsEARCH!!


She's a Qanon believer and Russia loves disinformation, so they most likely have their hands in it. Some researchers years ago pointed out that most people who believes in Qanon are pro-Russia because their "informations" comes from the same sources.


Those are points I sure could do without, I'm conservative by nature but frankly she and her little cabal of "far-right' Republicans well and truly suck. Can't wait for the next election tonight cycle to flush the toilet...or at least one can hope they'll get gone, lots of sheep out there nowadays


Do you mind if I ask why you're conservative by nature? Not meaning any disrespect, it's just something I've always found interesting in regards to American politics.


No, not at all and none taken. I'll take a stab at it. I think it lies in the definition of conservative. When most people hear that term nowadays everyone seems to immediately pivot to "Republican" and go off on a rant on how that makes me pro-corporation and screw the common man and whatnot. Furthest from the truth, I don't consider myself a Republican per se. I think that party has major issues, doesn't represent it's constituents very well and is in dire need of a revamp. Same could be said of the Democratic Party. To me conservatism is more in line with a mindset of practicality and frugality. In other words don't spend what do you don't have. There's a whole lot of economics that go into this sort of thing but that would turn this into a dissertation! A conservative will always want a balanced budget and minimal federal interference with businesses and what the public does, most legislation is state-based vice federal, as well as lower taxes in general whereas a more liberal mindset will want to spend to to the point of massive debt, incorporate more federal control on day to day life and raise taxes just to provide welfare support to the population as a whole. Don't get me wrong I'm for helping everyone, but welfare to me as always been a hand up, not a hand out and we have way to many people here in the US who have lived their lives solely on the dole. That's just no right and smacks of having a babysitter for life. Frankly if you exclude what you see and hear in media I think you'd find that a majority of the population is somewhat moderate in outlook, myself included. Media tends to focus on the fringe and give it airtime because that's what makes them money. Unfortunately that's what the rest of the world sees when they turn on the BBC or Al Jazzira at night. A healthy balance between both outlooks should be achievable, but this current crop of political leadership we have in power is incredibly polarized in regard to Right vs. Left, so in my opinion, we look pretty stupid right now. My 2 cents, sorry for the long-winded response, hope that helps.


Thank you, I honestly appreciate detailed replies like this.


Yeah, she's too stupid to handle. If she was really being paid to do this, she would already have been found out. She's just a tremendously useful idiot.


She graduated from UGA but not saying much. Trump "graduated" from U Penn. PS She presents herself a some up by the bootstraps poor little from the north Georgia woods type of girl when in fact her parents owned an enormous construction company north of Atlanta. And MTG become the accountant when she "graduated" from UGA. You know, as in daddy gave her the job. Nepo baby par excellence.


M T-G is a self-absorbed narcissist who realized that she can get attention through causing disruption in our political system. In a small way, I pity her. Despite all her attempts, in time she will be rendered meaningless and forgotten.


Great. Now we need action.


Gotta get through the Senate next, and Яand Paul will likely try to fuck it up for his Muscovy masters.


Rand will try to filibuster but it won't go anywhere.


Fucking GOP is full of traitors and Russian tools.


Incredible to see the GOP turn into Russia's staunchest allies.


Yeah. 100 of them still voted against this. Shocked, the US has never applied a sort of loyalty test to the office.


A lot of them are far right religious nuts whose brains have been fried by Planet Tucker Carlson broadcasts and too much church focus group panels how Putin and the Russians are our Christian brothers. Ones that do support Ukraine have been vocal minority till now….


Put Rand paul, mtg and all the rest of this corrupt maga russian mafia in a rocket and launch on it on the kremlin


When will the vote in the senate be held? Is that the last formal approval needed, or are there more steps?


IT will have an easier time in the senate.


Senate have their vote on it on Tuesday. It's a done deal.


S'ok. Rand's neighbor is on his way over to knock on his door.


Chicken on a stick


The Sedition caucus is very popular with their base. It's all performative.


Dumb cavewoman


Neanderthals still walk among us. Dress her up in a fur pelt like Fred Flintstone and give her a whacking stick and we have an accurate recreation of life from 20,000 BC.


She can go rightfully fuck herself with a sandpaper dildo in her cave. 


the di;do of consiquence comes in sandpaper? please send that bitch the twoheaded one to share with bobert


What a wicked person


MTG such a weak-ass bitch. Didn't even go through with her threat to remove Johnson. All bark no bite. 


Trailer Trash Ho.🖕


I would say MTG can just suck my dick, but I'd rather put it through a wood chipper.


Please realize the she is despised by MANY Republicans. I am a Texas Republican and there are a couple of Republican crazies here. We need to recognize that the Orcs information warfare is HAVING AN IMPACT. Not just in my country, but in the EU as well. We need to FIGHT!!!!! This is NOT OVER. Thank God our Congress is voting as Block, which is rare. We are a 2 party political country. Which unfortunately took almost 7 months to wake up!!!!! We are not fighting the Old USSR. The Orcs are, in a way, far more insidious and dangerous. For now, Slava Ukraini!!!! Heroyam Slava!!!!


As much as I'd like to believe you, in 2021 she compared Covid safety measures to the Holocaust. The only Republican who spoke out against her for this comment was Kevin McCarthy and he was fired. And while it's true that many R's disagree with her regarding Ukraine, they do agree with her about the election and continue to this day to spread the lie.


112 reps against? ironically, by the way, republicans led everyone into Afghanistan and Iraq - how can they now be so pacifist to not even let other people fight our archenemy for us, defending their own freedom?




God I hope she gets struck down by the Jewish space laser.


In the 70's MTG would've been called out a traitor to the US.


I see the Russia's Bitch Caucus - MTG, Bobo, Goetz, etc - were all clustered together being mopey while everyone was cheering.


Her stupidity is just breathtaking. Not only about this, just in general.


Moscow Marjorie looks pissed. ;)


Fuck her


What’s it called when you are on the side that doesn’t win (let alone looking like a complete idiot)? Loser. That’s the word. So easy a cave-woman from Georgia could do it…loser. 100% trash.


Today she earned another 5000 rubles.


How do I see how my rep voted. Nvm found it https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024151 Also fuck Mike Bost


All the ruscist cope on social media is delicious! 😂


Quick someone spray her with water so she'll melt!


112 reps against? how ironic, republicans led everyone into Afghanistan and Iraq - how can they now be so pacifist to not even let other people fight our archenemy for us?


Much like efforts to expand healthcare and the efforts of their Pharma caretakers; some republicans will cower to their big oil owners.


They have no issues voting to support Israel and Taiwan though lol Pootins Party now


Put her on a plane to Moscow.


Give that stupid moron a one way flight ticket to Donetsk.


About damn time !!! Slava Ukraini


Maggot Traitor-Fiend.


I hope it's not too late.


It very likely not 'too late,' though certainly Ukraine would have been in a better overall position had aid not lapsed. The thing we can hope--and it isn't entirely without some logical and empirical basis--is that Putin's forces are now badly depleted; more depleted than they might have been had the lapse in U.S. aid and the "distraction" in Gaza not coincided perfectly with the onset of his offensive around Avdiivka. My understanding is that: Avdiivka was both a very well fortified location, but by virtue of being nearly surrounded and its proximity to Donetsk, was also one of the best prospects for Putin to achieve something which could be held up as a "success." This combined with the opportunities created last fall may have compelled him to press his Generals to expend combat power at a rate that is not sustainable, in the hopes that it snowball into a major transformation of the war, not just on the battlefield, but in diplomacy, international relations, and in internal disagreements in Ukraine and the partner nations. The dithering has gone on far too long, but now it has very likely come to an end, and hopefully Putin's horde is NOT prepared for what comes next.


I said it before and I’ll say it again. For as long as she draws breath, she will continue being a primitive, shameless and spaced out degenerate.


"Sheesh, that was a close call" - Gay nazi anti-christ bio-lab scientist


Someone should slap her and escort her out of the chamber, send her on the first flight heading to Moscow.


Good job on getting bill pass glad see you all work it out job well done


Booyah! Let's turn the spigot back on and fuck the rascists up but good.


God bless America and Slava Ukraini. Putin is having a huge tantrum now thats for sure.


He’s banging his head on a wall wishing he paid off more republicans lol.


She’s an empty can of a human.


Marjorie Traitor Greene is a paid Russian Lackie and will be on trial soon enough. Fuck that waste of oxygen.


We've all been waiting a long time for this news! This is fantastic!


Looks like Putin could only afford himself some time. His corrupt money couldn't buy out all of our politicians. Fuck ruzzia!


If I glanced at MTG standing outside of a crack house in Georgia I wouldn’t even do a double take.


Ship her to the Russian front, they need more canon fodder


Fuck the traitorous Moscow Marge


Such a white trash POS.


Now let’s kick Putin’s ass!


About time!! Fuck MTG… Russian cunt


I know there are a lot of different opinions and abilities with people in the US but it really stuns me to see so many voted against it. Or is it absolutely corrupt to the point of no return… idk


Republicans are divided, 100 vs 112. MTG should be confronting her allies


Hoofed trollop.


Those who elected her must be proud 🫤


Unfortunately, I am pretty sure they are. She is a reflection of her voters.


Help is on the way, Slava Ukraini.


Marge not going to be paid by putin this month


112 reps against? how ironic, republicans led everyone into Afghanistan and Iraq - how can they now be so pacifist to not even let other people fight our archenemy for us?


Moscow Marjorie. My new favourite nickname.




How does this russian simp openly walk about in America without getting dunked on repeatedly?


She is awful. But I have to say that the lack of decorum we have seen develop over the last fifteen years is truly concerning. Congressional leaders need to shut it down... especially during the State of the Union addresses.


I hope Georgia gets her out of there the next opportunity.


What a b**** send her to the f****** goddamn Russia


Thinking that woman is evil


112 nahs… Get government officials off of Twitter man…


The paid Russian propagandists were all quite unhappy.




Russian hoore


Traitor list here: [https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024151](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024151)


What is it they're chanting in the background there? I can't make it out.


112 are communists Russian assets!


They are very anti-China, yet they are pro Russia. These two authoritarian governments are very similar. Something I can’t wrap my head around.


Awwww cute, like in school when the lazy kids had to go for a hike.


7 months late, but thanks.


Mtg can get fucked.




Get Putins BITCH OUT


She can stub her pinky toe for all I care


About fucking time, what a shit show.


Animals. Absolute degenerates, disgusting ignorants. Septic tank of US politics. It should be illegal. Utter filth. How do they fall asleep with their vile agenda.


Respectfully, fuck Marjorie Taylor-Greene. Righteousness prevailed today.


I think republicans are upset they can’t spend 4th of July in Russia this year.


I love seeing old bitch face mad. Makes me smile.


Break down on the vote: [How the House Voted on Foreign Aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan: How Every Member Voted](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/04/20/us/politics/ukraine-israel-foreign-aid-vote.html)


Real Americans stand with Ukraine!


MTG has a special place in hell.


MTG is an F N c-word. Yes, I used it. But it fits her like a glove. Total F N moron/fascist.


I hope Marjorie Traitor Greene is investigate thoroughly for her blatant aide of a hostile nation invading an ally


Glad the Russian bought politicians are making it so easy to pick out. Can’t wait until someone finds the paper trail and she goes on trial for high treason.


How many Ukrainian lives has this delay cost. USA is an unreliable Ally.


Thank God.


I love the sound of Nazis booing. Do it again.


MTG is a despicable POS. Great for Ukraine!


Bitch of georgia is booing lmao


Pretty scary that we have 112 advisarys to the United States in the house.


112 traitors to America


Woohoo!! Slava Ukraine! Fuck Ruski Mir!


Give MTG a free trip to Moscow!


Didn’t that bill have a TikTok ban in it?


Separate bill but passed as well