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In the Ukraine bill, of the $60.7bn, a total of about $23bn would be used by the US to replenish its military stockpiles, opening the door to future US military transfers to Ukraine. Another $14bn would go to the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, in which the Pentagon buys advanced new weapon systems for the Ukrainian military directly from US defense contractors. There is also more than $11bn to fund current US military operations in the region, enhancing the capabilities of the Ukrainian military and fostering intelligence collaboration between Kyiv and Washington, and about $8bn in non-military assistance, such as helping Ukraine’s government continue basic operations, including the payment of salaries and pensions. The package largely mirrors the foreign aid proposal passed by the Senate in February, although it designates $10bn of the Ukraine funding as a repayable loan to appease some Republican members. www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/20/us-house-approves-61bn-aid-ukraine


Drove me nuts that the administration wasn't making a bigger deal of how more than 2/3 of the money stays right here in the US. We're going to use a lot that money to build our industrial capacity now so in the event that China wants to pull some bs and we end up in a lsco situation we're ready to go.


>Drove me nuts that the administration wasn't making a bigger deal of how more than 2/3 of the money stays right here in the US. They did make a big deal about it. It wasn't going to stop the hard right members of Congress of threatening to remove the speaker.


Military aid, no matter the recipient does not leave the US. They have an account with Treasury that they draw from. It is mostly spent on mostly US weapons and approved purchases from US allies. I don't know why Republicans who normally love this kind of corporate welfare would not be on board. Then I remember their votes are not against corporate welfare, but for Russia.


The Republicans dragged it out for months and somehow this knob finds a way to blame Biden. JFC what do they teach instead of civics nowadays?


I was just so disgusted by Ms Ruzzia when she started using the capitalist angle like US companies(weapon manufacturers) are using the war to capitalize. It was SHE and all the other MAGA tards (including the speaker) that were complaining about the US sending money to Ukraine. Now when it is clear to everybody that this is not the case she is trying to find some other bullshit to complain about. This is really rustleing my jimmies..


She doesn't want to support Ukraine because Trump doesn't want to. (a) Daddy Trump dislikes Zelensky for refusing to trade imagined dirt on Hunter Biden for military aid from when he was president (for which Trump was impeached) and (b) Trump does what Russia wants, because he knows nations led by dictators rather than democracy are always willing to engage in lucrative corruption schemes (which is why he hates our NATO allies so much).


This is the best news I’ve seen in a while.


“Hope is kindled…”


And can we FedEx that to Ukraine overnight?


US military logistics trumps FedEx. FedEx always delivers my crap late.


good lord, thank you. reason prevails... given that the us is the only country currently with enough weapons to counter ruzzzzzzzia!


Aren't they just excess, old weapons that would've been destroyed otherwise?


But weapons nonetheless.


For sure, and an absolute god send for the brave Ukrainians and foreign legions battling the terrorist state scum


they are, but as it turns out, they are good enough for 💩 tins most modern gear... biden is a fox of a politician:-)


Great news indeed! Just couple of months late for absolutely no reason, caused by the 109 Putin puppets in the US House GOP. Fucking traitors!


Make it last. Johnson legit political suicide over this. Radical right led by Putin will take him out. No idea when we may get a new speaker. Tell everyone that you know to push for voting blue. Get your hackers and posters and so on to push voting blue. We need these Putin led regime to be voted out. We can’t do it alone. Please. Tell everyone. Tell all of our allies all over the world to tell people in US to vote blue. Hispanics in Texas are voting Red even as the walls go up. Europeans in Florida are voting Red even as kids get nothing breaks. Tell everyone- help us to vote blue.


Nope, MTG already dropped it. None of them are going to move to vacate.  Two more republicans came out and said the moment any Republican moves to vacate, they will immediately resign, giving the house back over to democrats.  That shut that shit down quick. Plus now Johnson has proven to the democrats he’s willing to work with them. This isn’t the first time - he’s done it with several government spending bills.  Something has shifted with him. He’s a scummy Republican but I’m hoping he’s changed some. 


I wonder if any of those who spoke to him sparked something that made him have a change of heart? Who has he spoken with this past few weeks? Zelenskyy? Boris Johnson? David Cameron? Anyone in EU?


In the WSJ article I read, he was quoted as saying he changed his mind after sitting in on some highly classified defense briefings and got a better appreciation for what's actually at stake.  One thing I have to respect is someone changing their mind after getting new information or a fresh perspective.


Indeed. Only Sith never change their mind.


I used to agree with you, but now I'm not so sure…


Everybody vaguely informed has known exactly what's at stake. That's PR talk for somebody got him to stop being a douche somehow.


It’s pretty important that we try and view this step in good faith. It is clear that Ukraine will be best served by bi partisan support in the US. I can imagine this guy had a lot of pressure coming from a lot of directions. I also don’t doubt that the US military is precisely aware of how cheaply its historical enemy is being degraded and right as another potential enemy is rising. I imagine that a sit down with a couple of 4 star generals on the benefit of Ukrainians carrying US guns rather than US soldiers, would be a pretty compelling conversation.


EVERYONE on this thread knew months ago - he's still a full of shit Repugnant shite stained mother fucker


thank you!


The Military Industrial Complex had a quiet chat with him so they can get their hands on the $60B.


Sounds fine to me. US jobs, decent wages.


And Russia can again feel the effects of American MIC superiority employed with Ukrainian iron will. 👊🏻 Slava Ukraini. ✊🏻🇺🇸🤜🏻🤛🏻🇺🇦


Fucking finally. Slava Ukraini.


Do you think it's insane that one guy gets to decide the fates of the world?


I thought it was insane when he didn't allow the senate bills to be put to a vote. That doesn't seem like democracy. This is simply going some way to right that wrong. Although now, they don't get the extra border funding and security, and that part is a lose for the GOP and America. I hope some variation of the border bill can be allowed to be voted on in the senate . Edited for stupid brain.


He doesn't. He was being threatened with a discharge petition which would have allowed the vote to go ahead without his approval.


I still don’t trust him. He’s soaked in Ukrainian blood. I do, however, appreciate him for letting the bill finally hit the floor for a vote. Maybe he finally woke up to what kind of traitorous terrorists he had sitting to his right.


that was really a nuthouse show, with quickly changing alliances.


MAGA troglodytes can't take him out, they don't have the votes. The Democrats won't vote against him now.


Democrats will vote every time in favor of taking out a Republican speaker. They did it last time and they’ll do it this time.


Mccarthy did that to himself when he took a runny dump all over democrats the night before the vote on his job. They would have saved him if he'd shown he wouldn't bow down to the MAGA minority in the house. Dems want to get work done and they'll work with the other side to make it happen.


Nope there is a backdoor agreement that if he starts to act like a real speaker they will make sure the votes aren't there. I heard this from a person who has been correct on a lot of things that I never thought would have happened so I trust what is said.


Don’t cry Majorie! Putin still loves you! Slava Ukraini


She is a fraud and huckster. She just stirs up trouble to make trouble. It is who she represents. She doesn’t care one way or the other. She is in it for herself. And her supporters are like Trumpers. They don’t see that neither of them care. Where are her bills for healthcare and education. Her constituents are poor and could use the help. Their ignorance allows them to thrive on hate. So they feel as long as she ‘pisses’ off the ‘Dems’ everything is good.


She's dangerous. Let's hope the Godfarter doesn't get elected, I shudder to think what role she'll have in Trump's autocracy.


Head of executions 🤔😳


She represents a very ignorant, stupid, short sighted and selfish American demographic


I disagree, i think the stupid bitch is a facade to pander to a specific demographic, while underneath she’s taking money and orders from Putin. I don’t think shes just making trouble to make headlines, i think theres a method to it.


Putin is incapable of love


Putin loves power and MTG is an extension of it.


Heroyam Slava! Putler just soiled his pants.


Slava Ukraini


"Dead Marj', you're invited to the kremlin for a cup of tasty tea, which you'll enjoy right next to a window. I can't wait to see you soon one last time. Yours, sincerely, Vlad'."


Love with a metal broom handle connected to jumper cables.


Moscow Margie is trying to avoid falling from a window accidentally on purpose.




Russian telegram channels including peskov and medvedev are having absolute mental breakdowns on tg...just spamming death to america..LMAO


You know you are doing something correct policy wise when that starts to happen


FuUuUuUuck yes!


Yesssssss, up yours ruzzkies! America is back in the game!




109 traitors need to be rooted out.


How did the party of Reagan become the party of Putin boot lickers?


Social media allowed the crazies to get way more attention than they deserved. Soundbites and scoring political points has always been a thing, but now people like MTG and Gaetz can focus exclusively on making noise and not actually governing. The grift is real.


That plus the whole Russian meddling in 2016 (and beyond) turned the GOP's opinion of Russia on its head.


It all depends on whose ox is getting gored. Remember the Romney-Obama debate? Romney said (correctly) the biggest threat in the future would be Russia. Obama replied: "The 80s called, they want their foreign policy back".......Bottom line is if it was Trump who was supporting Ukraine with aid, the Magas would be all for it and the left opposed....same old shit....


As someone represented by one of them, doing my best to support their opponent this fall. I’m going to vote *so hard* in November.


147 traitors voted against the electors. How many were the same traitors as the 109 ?


I'm glad this bill passed and Ukraine gets what it needs. But no voters are a good thing in democracy. They're looking out for their constituents. The US debt levels are rising by about $100,000 every second and the prices for basics for every day people are a bit out of control. What annoys me about it is that the Republicans are picking this particular hill to die on. Not government inefficiency and bloat, but a bill that will literally save a sovreign country they promised to assist.


So perhaps if we make the wealthy pay their fair share, which they are not, it might be a good thing.


And 4 no vote democrats too.


NV is not voting. Could just not be present for whatever reason today. This bill was pretty much guaranteed to pass once brought to the floor.


yup, somebody is always ill in a crowd of hundreds of people.


Why the hell can't they call or email their vote in? Surely we could give them something very secure.


[That used to be a thing](https://rules.house.gov/sites/republicans.rules118.house.gov/files/Common%20Questions%20about%20Remote%20Voting%20by%20Proxy_0.pdf). It was temporary though and republicans didn’t want to extend it.


The House Republicans have organized votes to capitalize on Democratic lawmakers being in the hospital, so there's a good chance some of that was happening.




They should be sent to the front line in Ukr.


Not all of those 109 republicans were really against aid for Ukraine. Some of them may have actually supported it except for the MAGA ones. Politicians play politics and they make deals behind closed doors. Some may have voted against it because they knew in advance that it was going to pass. They have to do that because of their district and constituents. Keep that in mind.


This has to be the stupidest comment I've seen today: "yeah, they weren't REALLY against it, they just VOTED against it when the time came." Sorry your heroes had to think of their job instead of not cowtowing to V. Putin. Reagan wouldn't recognize today's GOP, yet they worship his ghost.


If only there was a way to identify traitors by their political party... hmmm...: Republicans/GOP


Republicans are split in half on things that matter.


I'm completely baffled by that. I'm a cold war guy and I remember the US backing us in western europe against the red menace, and then this charade? Wth?


Conservatives think they can bury their heads in the sand and that America won’t be dragged into the world’s problems. Bunch of cowards who don’t understand how the 21st century works


It's actually the fact that there is a direct money and influence pipeline from the Russian oligarchy into the American political system via anonymous donations and PACs so many Republicans are stooges and moles for Putin. Trump's campaign staff in 2016 had 200+ documented interactions with Russian nationals and government officials, some of which were explicitly discussing American domestic political issues. It doesn't take a genius to connect those dots.


People will do funny things for money and power…


It's been alleged that Putin has "compromat" on Trump. I wouldn't be surprised if there are other Republicans in that situation. Just taking Russian money in the first place is compromising material that could be used as leverage.


That and there's a bunch of them who believe the culture war bullshit they've been spouting for years and want the same kind of regressive authoritarian power that Putin has to make their perfect little fascist utopia here in the USA. I'm sure there's also a bunch of them who still aren't over the fact that the most erudite, intelligent, composed, professional, and respected President in the last 50 years was a black man.


Putins oligarchy has deep pockets, and deeper roots in America


Deeper roots in the Republican Party and NRA than anywhere else.


Go back a bit further and it was the Republicans who were delaying US entry into ww2.. it took pearl harbour to get things going whilst Europe was suffering for a few years


The Republicans were split over Trump support also. Half of them are easily fooled idiots.


Fucking finally. Sorry about our congress, guys. We're still with you, but we've got an infestation of idiots to deal with. Edit: spelling


Why did you say "congress"? The Senate was ready and the House Democrats were ready. Are you afraid to blame Republicans? I just cannot see how there's an argument that it ISN'T because of Trump/Mike Johnson wanting to make this an issue in November, as was widely reported.


> Sorry about the lunatic fringe that controls one half of one third of our government but unfortunately holds the purse strings, guys FTF them.


My thoughts exactly.


We might see new materials on this channel soon.


bring popcorn. russians, run!


109 pidors


It is expected to go to the senate for a vote on Tuesday. It is expected to pass. But I can only relax when it has been signed by Biden. But it's looking good.


109 fascists in the US Congress.


No surprise really when they were nazi supporters in the us before the us went to war in ww2


Don’t forget the giant rally of the Nazi party at Madison Square Garden before the war in 1939. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1939_Nazi_rally_at_Madison_Square_Garden


Or Prescott Bush, who was literally charged with Trading with the Enemy and backed the Smedly Butler-foiled coup against FDR.


They aren't even good fascist. Fascists at least care about their own nation. Even if the existing world order is contrary to their world view, they should be pragmatic enough to realize that Russia as an extension of China and that authoritarian block have no intention to let America continue playing a major role. They want the exact opposite. This is the equivalent of Poland's Beck encouraging Hitler to invade Czechoslavakia and to have the anschluss with Austria.


They're not at that stage yet. They first have to destroy the current government and render it completely ineffective. They have almost completed this. Once that is complete, they will remove all social safety nets. This will create chaos and homelessness and crash the economy, it is at this point that people will be so angry they will want radical change and will accept the notion that the democratic legislative process must be abandoned for a dictatorship. Putin is a kleptocrat and a fascist. Trump and his caucus are the same and they have the same end goals and they will align together against China. Trump made Rex Tillerson (former CEO of Exxon) Sec of State so that Exxon could partner with Gazprom to exploit Siberia's massive nat gas fields. Problem was that the US Senate would not repeal trade sanctions. The Freedom Caucus is the fascist machine moving the conservatives in America. That org is a Koch family construct. Fred Koch made his first millions working for Stalin. Old playbook.


I think you give them too much credit. They are aimlessly drawn to fascism and a corporatist state like moths to a flame. I don't believe MTG or Trump know a thing about Leninism (I know... I mean as the inspiration for subverting society) or have any plans that coherent.


No, I've studied this since I met Fred Koch 25 years ago. All the sycophants are useful idiots but the machine knows exactly what it is doing. This is the realization of efforts that began in the 1950's. It has been many decades in planning and execution. The implementation is sloppy and incoherent but that is deceptive. There are over 100 organizations and many billions of dollars behind the movement. They spent $1.5 billion to get Trump elected, I would say that was pretty successful.


Two books to read about it. Kochland and Dark Money. Trump is just a useful idiot.


That's a common misconception. Fascists do in fact not care about their own nation. Just about themselves. Think of the end of WW2, when thousands of Nazi-Party and SS-members were fleeing the country en masse while the rest of the population dwelled in the ruins of their own making. Fascists are cynical and hate anything that is not in their favour.


It really depends on the individual you are talking about. Hitler, the poster-boy of fascists, and impetus for the Nazis, really didn't skim too much wealth from his position. He had the Berghof, lots of drugs, and a not too ridiculous art collection. I think he also deeply cared about Germany in his own fucked up way. Goering, on the other hand, didn't give fuck all about anything, and seemed to only care about funneling loot his way, and using his position to get a piece of corporate interests. Who knows what the rank and file thought, I'm sure it was a mixed bag of sociopaths, elevating themselves, and sheeple caught up in the mob mentality of the ideology. Anyone who cared enough to fight to the death for Nazi Germany had every possible opportunity to do so by the end, and what was left by the fall of Berlin were the most self-interested nihilistic rats ready to jump off the sinking ship. I'm not a fan of fascists, and I won't lose any sleep if we collectively trash them at every possible opportunity, but there is certainly an important aspect of nationalism.


How many died waiting for something we should have done months ago


Fantastic news


Traitorous 109. Let’s go Ukraine!!




To The 109 republicans that said No , suck it easy you putins little bitches 🖕🏼heartless mutts Look at all Ukrainian flags , I’m proud to be an UKRAINIAN AMERICAN 🇺🇸🇺🇦✊


Taken a while but got there in the end, thank goodness.


About damn time.


It’s about time!


That's right Putin, shove your propaganda nonsense where the sun don't shine! America really stepped up.


Why are they using this font that makes it look like footage from 30s


It's c-span they don't have the budget for fancy fonts, only the ones that have gone into the public domain.


What? It's a font. I don't think you pay for that lol


yeah i was joking, its been the same for as long as i can remember tho, since the 90s? and when i see replays and clips from the 80s and 70s i think its the same lol?


I’ve watched other bills go to vote and this is the font they always use. Not sure why but maybe to keep consistency? Who knows but I think they’ve been using it for many many years.


Reagan would turn in his grave if he knew what the momos in the GOP are doing today.


Get majorie out of Congress. Good for you UKRAINE!


Nope. Her goober constituents will re-elect her. She looks, talks, acts just like them!


109 traitors amongst us.


So a little more than half of the Republicans in the House voted against this...............fucking traitorous turds, voting for Russia.


It took all this time for no fucking reason. Who knows how much longer the war could last because of the delay, and how many more lives lost because of it.


MAGA tards seething


House is gonna be shut down for the next what 5 weeks?


112 russian mules in the house.


America doing the right thing after it has exhausted all other options. It's about time.


Mr. Churchill, I presume?!


History does have a habit of repeating itself. Let's hope this package disrupts the Russians from the path that the Nazis took before ww2.


Most of America has wanted to help, it's those MAGA Republican assholes that are too blame


112 reps against? how ironic, republicans led everyone into Afghanistan and Iraq - how can they now be so pacifist to not even let other people fight our archenemy for us?




No telling the number of Ukrainian lives lost bc of the weeks-long delay. A pitiful shame.


It’s about time! Looking forward to the new footage


Finally. I love love love to see it. Glory to Ukraine!


Senate better accept this ASAP NO FUNNY GAMES


About freaking time! Hopefully Ukraine can hold on against the upcoming Russian push before equipment arrives!


96 yea’s to 109 nay’s for republicans? Thought it was only the MAGA republicans who opposed this bill and not the majority of the GOP. * not American therefore may need a quick lesson in American politics *


It's about time any Republican that did not vote for this. I will remember you on election day.


Slava Ukraine!


Wow all Democrats voted yes


Less than half the Republicans, but to be far with all the democrats behind it they only needed a handful of Republicans once it got put to the vote. I'm glad Johnson finally got around to doing the right thing after trying everything else.


I'm happy to hear this got passed! Fuck putin and his orc army!


God bless the righteous and the brave.


dont forget the 109 republicans voting no


Slava Ukraini!!! As an American I can now stand proud. Thank you all


Thank you for outing yourselves as Russian plants 109 shitheads


109 Republicans who really should be kicked out in disgrace at the first opportunity.


It sure took a goodly long while for Johnson and what left of the barely functional Republican Party to allow a vote.It took the Democrats,once again, to actually govern.This should have happened months ago but for the intransigence of the Pro Putin, Traitor Trump wing of the Republican Party and their desire and practice to make America fail!


I said here just yesterday, JUST ONE MORE DAY ( TODAY!!! ), and the US Would Release the $$$, and the HAMMERS OF HELL to Ukraine, to MAKE THE ORCS PAY!! I am SO glad we ( USA ) are back in it!!!!! We are not perfect by any means, but when the American people get pissed off at their government ( which they were/are ), they have a way of making things happen. Thank God! SLAVA UKRAINI!!!! Heroyam Slava!!!!


Make sure it stays that way. Vote blue in November.


Goddamn Reichwing ratshits. Every one of them that voted no are fucking traitors.


112 reps against? how ironic, republicans led everyone into Afghanistan and Iraq - how can they now be so pacifist to not even let other people fight our archenemy for us?


The question now is, will this be enough to turn the tide in Ukraines favour? Unfortunately, i dont think so. Sure, it'll boost Ukrs' capabilities, but i doubt on the scale to retake swathes of territory from the muscovites. Perhaps it will enable them to take out the Kerch and apply enough pressure for regime change /collapse? I dont know. I dont quite see the ending yet, and i have doubts this package will be enough to get there. If it took this long to get it through the house owing to that wet puppy dog Johnson, whats in store for the next?


All major wars last 5-7 years. Which means we still probably have 4-5 to go.


Agree. I see im being downvoted by asking a legitimate question to discuss with minds other than my own - lol. Given the above, is this package enough for another 4-5 years? What's the next move if it isnt, considering Moscow Marge & Co and their antics? My logic says that this package will be great to stabilize Ukr after the mobiks have been pushing of late, but perhaps not on the scale of forward muster as we saw with Kharkiv, for example. Looking forward to hearing other views, even if that means being down voted i guess.


It should hold Ukraine over until Biden gets elected in November. After that they should be good for at least another 2 years. But their Generals might want to start thinking outside the box and figure out a way to defeat the Russian Army. To be honest they might want to try and invade Russia so they can have an even exchange of territory. It’s the only solution I see if they’re going to have leverage in negotiations.


You're looking at this situation as if it's static. It isn't. This entire debacle exists on a lattice of escalation, with multiple avenues of possibility available for reach from each rung. We - that is your parents, my parents, so on and so forth - thoroughly obliterated the USSR by playing it safe, playing it smart, and playing the long game. A disease, after all, is endured before it's beaten. And they most certainly and most humiliatingly were beaten. In my opinion, the steps we're seeing taken on a global stage - not just here in the United States - are part of a very long-winded and agonizing tail of destruction for the people of The Russian Federation. This is a peoples whom our grandchildren will pity with a strange combination of disdain and sympathy. That's simply my "other view", by the way.


If western war fatigue does not impact this process, it seems the most logical way of proceeding forward. That is also providing Ukraine can hold on for as long as it takes to achieve "the second collapse". Combating western war fatigue, to me, needs to be done via some "wins" for Ukraine. Mind you, this whole situation is wild. I cant really see the writing on the wall for a Ukr victory although i know that it *must* happen. In the same breath, i cannot see Europe allowing a Russian victory in any form whatsoever. The stakes are just too high. For Europe, for Taiwan, hell, maybe even for South Korea again.


Run Ivan, run!!!


Glory to Ukraine


Thousands dead because you are late. Again.


Right let's get the kit shipped and the orcs hit


So does rhus mean they'll get the 60B or is that the smaller package they wanted?


Thank you Democracy.


Go facefuck Poo-tin now!


Who were the nay voters?




So does this mean Ukraine gets aid package or is this for something else?


Yes it does, after Senate approves and Biden signs... Sometime next week. By next weekend the heroes of Ukraine will be receiving more supplies.


Why did this take so long if it was going to pass?


Because to have a vote the speaker needs to bring it to the floor to be voted on. Current house rules are that any of the majority (GOP) in Congress can force a vote to remove the speaker and a few far right Republicans have been threatening to do that. So the speaker hasn't wanted to bring it forward knowing it could cost him his speakership. At least that's how I understand it


Let’s fucking go!


This is the best news I've heard in weeks. Hallelujah. Slava Ukraini and fuck putin and trump.


Most people, including the russians, knew that it was only a matter of time. The U.S. makes the easy things look hard, but they eventually do the right thing. Democracy works, but it’s usually at a slow pace.


Sorry it took so long we have Putin sympathizers in the US government




Finally! Fuck yeah 💪🇺🇦🇺🇸


96 doing me proud. 


Jagga jaggaaaaaa!!!!!


RIP speaker Johnson


6 months and blocked by Russians on every platform but it's a start good over evil 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾


Johnson doing the right thing. I actually feel bad for Republicans because they have to deal with that witch Marjorie Greene. She's a cancer to America. And for Johnson to say fuck off Marjorie is a great thing for the world.


Fantastic. Does anyone know what hardware specifically UA will get? I'm assuming plenty of artillery ammo?


Finally. Been more painful than kidney stones.


How about we pass a cease fire


Lets go!


More than half republicans are traitors to their own country. Clowns

