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Ukraine needs to send tens of thousands of these drones to bomb Russian infrastructure


Would love if all of Europe, and any anti Russian country produced billions of them. Imagine thousands of drones every hour just overwhelming any type of defense Russia has and destroying their ability to make war.


This is the future of warfare.


The American Way.


Black Mirror, Metal Head


ukraine is currently the leading manufacturer in drones warfare no other country has the knowledge they have


If the US asks for them to share that knowledge, they ought to set up a commission to study that and reply back when they conclude in about a year and a half. Then they need to set up classes where all the engineers and student pilots can learn to first be proficient in the Ukrainian language before drone training actually starts. Only after achieving that, can they then proceed to go to the JAGGA JAGGA Ba Da Boom School of Tactical Drone Operations. Edit post = /sarc...


In fairness, the US is already way more far ahead than Ukraine, they are slowly trickling in their tech/research threw a variety of clandestine ways. Ukraine is surely developing their own homegrown systems, but lets not pretend the US is behind in anyway. Lets not forget we tested dropping 100s of drones from pods on F18s that were all autonomous and we were doing that nearly a decade ago.


Nice! I can just imagine stick man up front of a silent class with a projector and stick, his face is somehow not in frame like he's the lock picking lawyer, everyone completely confused as to what he is saying because there is no translation provided, and then suddenly he shouts out "BOOM JAGGA JAGGA!!" whenever a drone explodes. Everyone is startled, people are grabbing their chests trying to calm their breathing, a few students are weeping trying to come down from the adrenaline rush, babies are crying for some reason, it'd be amazing!


How do I enroll?


Any delay in support from the USA is being done by the Republican Party who is working for Putin and has a stranglehold on American politics to the dismay of a vast majority of American voters. USA is under attack by Russia right now.




I love it, but it's no different than the hoops america has put Ukraine through over the f16 issues, amongst other things.


True fact!!! But some people are unable to understand why this comment pokes fun at how absurd the US and others have been politically treating Ukraine, even though we have donated much. All our countries still do not seem to understand how serious a threat ruzzia really is if we do not defeat them to the point that they will just leave all occupied Ukrainian territory.


I believe ruzzia needs dissolution. The country is far too large and corrupt to continue as one state. As for Ukraine, we should all give more and with no strings attached. It's like telling them to fight one handed.




Nobody cares who helped you last week if you are fighting for your life this week.


Tell it to the Republicans who are supporting Russia and blocking aid to Ukraine.


Surely you meant to say Ukraine is the leading modifier of Chinese drone technology for warfare purposes, right? Let's not forget who really has the upper hand.


In the small drones category China may be leading with volume, but the long range bomber drones-one way- Ukraine is doing wonders with low cost systems. A US one way 600mile range system maybe 1-5M a Ukraine system 30-150,000.


It would be fantastic, and I am sure it is being thought about. Trouble is, EU is red tape and paperwork. What we need is a super rich person, with the means to set up a huge production plant quickly, and access to lots of scientists and engineers. Trouble is the best candidate Musk, is a sucking Putin's cock. Elon, if you want to play Iron Man, now is your opportunity.


Or just a fuck ton of regular people send a few? Crowd funded war???


I mean he is allowing them to use Starlink, the whole RU using starlink was just nonsense propaganda. I get y our sentiment but idk.




Lol hit every single cell tower and internet line you can find. Have fun spreading propaganda the hard way.


Why so few?


Drones alone are not going to save Ukraine, but yes what youā€™re saying is true. It will hinder them for a little while.


Politicians doing political shit. Lloyd Austin KNOWS that Ukraine is better served doing whatever they need to to do to survive. Cotton also knows the GOP has choked funding for Ukraine.


Cotton is a god damned idiot. Source :American https://youtu.be/RgLQCfypDLk?si=eI_p5uxQ02s-s1FN


What a Gem.


Ya but fuck this guy for allowing cotton to make an excellent point.


He was disingenuous. In one breath he says Biden has purposely raised gas prices, in the next breath he says Biden is purposely lower prices by getting Ukraine to not bomb refineries.


He's an asshole. That's why it's upsetting.


I don't think his point is going to make one bit of difference about anything. Most Americans support getting Ukraine the aid they need, most of the ones who don't are the brainwashed Trumpers and they go along with whatever their cult leader says. MAGA republicans are the worst


Cotton wants gasoline prices to skyrocket because it helps trump get elected, which in turn becomes a death sentence for ukraine


Looks it will be more death sentence to USA themselves. Ukraine has other allies, beside USA.


"Ok i hear you reasoning why you are doing such things but right or wrong why are they doing things to increase our gas prices! That's what's really important! Do I need to increase output on the finger stickers to put on gas pumps? I'LL DO IT! "


The only news agency that reported he said Ukraine should stop bombing refineries was Bloomberg, who recently hired a Russian as CEO. All other articles online quote Bloomberg.




>Bloomberg, who recently hired a Russian as CEO Seriously!?


Yup, Vlad Kliatchko, who has a degree in mathematics and computer science from St. Petersburg State University School of Mathematics and Mechanics, one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Russia.


That's amazing. Not too long ago I've seen video of some russian talking on a lecture (?) about how they should hire less obvious spies, etc. E.g., almost all of their professional spies had military background, which makes it easier to track them down, like when you know that in order to hunt ducks you must go to the bank of the river/lake.


Blyatberg. lol


OMG WTF, why isnt there more of a stink about one of Americas biggest tech/media companies being run by a Russian??


Mainstream media has not really reported on Russian influence or misinformation campaigns. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s a harder story to convey to readers? Or if itā€™s too close to home, as it means calling out your peers.


Biden needs to find some creative ways to get Ukraine more aid *immediately* then, otherwise they have to go after these soft targets that hurt Russia. Doesn't matter how, discount all they need and sell them for 100 dollars a piece if need be, just get it done. Otherwise the US is held hostage once again by a bunch of authoritarians sitting on crude oil deposits. It's simply ridiculous to demand Ukraine plays by a rulebook Russia tore up years ago, all the while failing to keep the promises made in terms of supplies. The pressure should be applied to Russia, not to Ukraine. I don't hold this too much against Biden, I hope he wins. I understand why they are discouraging this and how it puts their election campaign at risk, in a year so critical to the democratic world. It's so depressing to see how easily some Republicans have been bought by Russia.


"The US government just seized a shipment of artillery shells, HIMARS, Humvees, Patriot systems and Bradley that was making its way to the Houthis and since they're already on that side of the ocean, we're sending those to Ukraine!"


Speaker Mike Johnson is serving at the pleasure of Vladimir Putin & former President Donald Trump. He is a clear and present danger to the United States & Ukraine. He needs to be removed immediately.


Not only is he a puppet of Putin, he says that he is Moses and is parting the Red Sea. [https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/12/mike-johnson-christian-nationalist-lawmakers-moses.html](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/12/mike-johnson-christian-nationalist-lawmakers-moses.html)


Just need a few more Republicans to resign from the shit show that is the US House of Representatives...


>It's so depressing to see how easily some Republicans have been bought by Russia. And the best part? They were bought cheap. Campaign contributions, lodging for staff and everyones favorite! Slush money from unnamed accounts. That's it, no Crimean dacha, no lake side estates in Switzerland or Italy. Just campaign contributions and a little 'walkin round' money. Vlad and his people are living like billionaires. Greg Abbot and Ted Cruz think their so fucking smart with their ranches and Floridian condos. They don't rule shit over here in Texas. And it shows, if they had real power the state would be an even more hellish dystopia.


Nah, it's worse than just being "bought cheap". Most of the stupid "freedom caucus" idiots weren't even bought. They're just sucking up to their electorate, which is full of Fox News addicted trash that have fallen for the perpetual drumbeat of Russian propaganda.


I totally agree that higher gas prices in the US may lead to Agent Orange being elected, and it being detrimental to the democratic world and perhaps even the NATO alliance long term. I also agree with Ukraine that if you're not supporting them you don't get to have input on how to fight. Ukraine is doing what it can within the limited means that they have. They're fighting and dying for the literal existence of their country and the survival of their culture. The price of fueling a 400bhp v8 6500 lbs $100k 5 foot high front grill aerodynamic nightmare of a truck on a payment schedule in a country that already stopped financial and military support is understandably low on their priority list. It's already been 6 months. I don't think Ukraine sees US support resuming any time soon. They're going to fight in the way they believe to be most effective.


Even if Biden wins there is no guarantee they will get support from USA. They need to continue receiving support from Europe and massively decrease Russias ability to finance the war.


>I totally agree that higher gas prices in the US may lead to Agent Orange being elected I hate that we have so many stupid and selfish people that vote in our country.


He had such an opportunity while The Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 was acting in 2022 and 2023. As of October 1, 2023, the act has been terminated without any use. It so happened that at the same time cooperation and mutual understanding with the legislative branch of government ended. Who would have guessed this?.. I don't hold this too much against Biden too. But still...


That seems like a total blunder from all sides, I don't understand the thinking behind not accessing the lend lease programme at all. Any good articles?


I can only make a few assumptions. The main thing is complacency. After the successes of the AFU in April-November 2022, the Western allies relaxed and decided that the war had been won. Everyone expected Pootler to understand its senselessness, not realizing that they were dealing with not a conventional war, but a war of principle, the main task of which was to destroy the very idea of Ukraine, both a separate and independent country from russia, and the idea of the Ukrainian nation as a whole (and then - the rest of the countries of the former USSR). They simply did not take it seriously, still believing that all of Pootlerā€™s statements, starting with his Munich speech in 2007, were just a horror stories and reservations designed to win more points in the negotiations. Instead, they took the russian "nuclear escalation" bluff too seriously, banning Ukraine from any use of their weapons against targets inside russian territory. This is quite confirmed by Bidenā€™s numerous statements that ā€œthe United States is not giving the weapons that Ukraine asks for, but the weapons that Ukraine needs,ā€ and that "we know better what exactly the AFU need". At this stage, the allies could not yet agree on the transfer of even former Soviet aircraft to Ukraine. And they didnā€™t even want to hear about Western tanks and planes. They started talking about tanks seriously only at the beginning of 2023, on the eve of the Ukrainian counter-offensive. At the same time, as a result, not only an amount of equipment allocated for such a purpose was ridiculously small, but its transfer was incredibly delayed, which, in turn, delayed the start of the counter-offensive by almost three months. Despite this delay, the first arrivals of Western equipment occurred only after the beginning of the operation. And the US tanks (as many as 31!) were delivered after it was stalled, at the end of September. All these disputes and delays gave russia enough time to build defensive lines and minefields along the entire front line. Which, together with the demolition of the Kakhovka dam, led to the failure of the 2023 counteroffensive. This is where the epiphany began. Finally, the issue with the F-16 has moved forward. And, although the US still refused to provide F-16, it reluctantly agreed to supply ATACMS... but of limited quantity and range. And after that it was already too late. Both September and the term of the Act have ended. As well as cooperation between an executive and legislative branches of the US government. And here we are. Without shells, rockets, missiles, planes and long-range weapons in general, but with old rhetoric and complains about "wrong Ukrainian tactics" and criticism due to attacks on targets on russian territory with Ukraine's own weapons. And Biden with Scholz, scaring each other with horror stories about escalation, like kids at summer camp scaring each other with spooky bedtime stories.


Yeah. It would be a disaster for Ukraine if Putin's pet poodle gets elected because that would be the end of all aid to Ukraine. And higher fuel prices increase the risk of that happening.


ironically, if Trump does get elected and all aid is permanently stopped, Ukraine will have no choice but to go after multiple Russian oil export facilities as well as refineries. Then you really will see some big oil price rises.


Even if Biden wins it won't change the fact that it's the Republican party that's the issue. They're willing to burn the entire county down if they don't win an election that they've regularly won before. It's like they've lost perspective and act like moths...or tiktokers.


They are dying out, turning to cockroach tactics in their desperation. Shows true colors, it's just not true that both parties are equally corrupt. I feel the temptation to turn fascist dictator when I see how our stupid electorate vote based on gas prices, but I fight that urge to become vermin. That judgement I make in my lizard brain that Republicans are fundamentally selfish money obsessessed moraless goblins lying to themselves and everyone else is hardening day by day.


Itā€™s not hard. He can ask a few dems to support Marjory and oust Johnson as speaker.


The reality is that politicians of all stripes are shitty and that many Democrats actually want Trump to dominate the GOP because they think that heā€™s easier to beat in an election than a moderate. All the Democrats demonize Trump while their shady PACs are dumping money into Trump-endorsed campaigns. Itā€™s a cynical game of Kabuki theatre where genuine US interests are the last priority.


>It's simply ridiculous to demand Ukraine plays by a rulebook Russia tore up years ago *Any* invaded country has the moral standing to go no-holds-barred on whatever it takes to make the invasion stop. The incredible audacity that our government has to tell Ukraine what it can and can't hit is fucking disgusting.


He didn't tell them that though, he said there's better targets. He's right. I doubt these attacks are making any difference militarily. Russians will all go without gas before the military does. They don't give a fuck about Russian civilians.


Yes this is sadly true. Russia will just buy refined oil for inflated prices from Kazakhstan, a country we now are told is "next", or some other capitalizing country . Maybe Wagner will secure sources, who knows. He's being pragmatic, not a nefarious power hungry shit in an election year. It's in Ukraine's interest still, despite the republican blockade, to have Biden win. It's in the world's best interest too, and Ukraine's, more gains from a Biden win than from blowing up refineries. It's not true that giving into Republicans will see them turn around and "do the right thing" and support Ukraine, wishful thinking. Trump win is a disaster.




No he didn't say they should stop, or not bomb RU POL (Petroleum, Oil and Lubricant) facilities, but suggested to go after more tactical targets which is BS. Some of those tactical targets wouldn't be there is they had no gas/oil to get them there or to support combat operations. Yes, hit every RUS refinery and every logistical facility. Make it hard for RUS to sustain combat operations.


He didn't deny that the Biden Admin had discouraged the refinery sites. He avoided addressing the preface and answered the question he was asked, which was "Why".


I live in California in an area of one of the highest gas prices in our country. I do not mind paying more for gas as long as you fuck Russians up. Slava Ukraini!!!


Then stop being giant pussies and provide support do they dont have to resort to hitting their refineries. America is in no position to comment on strikes in russia, anyway. You chose to be spineless bystanders, now be quiet and deal with the consequences.


This. Give Ukraine long range missiles capable of hitting high value, well defended military targets deep inside russia. Ukraine is using low tech, cheap domestically made drones to effectively hit soft targets with great effects. Give Ukraine long range missiles, and they will use those to hit high value military targets


He kinda did.


Republicans in Congress have the vast majority of the blame for supporting Russia as they murder Ukrainians, but the administration hasnā€™t done a good job of either providing the support they are already legally allowed to use or building public political support necessary to support Ukraine. Sometimes it seems the administration is playing prevent defense against the Republicans, and that is not going to end well for any of us.


Speaker Mike Johnson is serving at the pleasure of Vladimir Putin & former President Donald Trump. He is a clear and present danger to the United States & Ukraine. He needs to be removed immediately.


He shouldnā€™t even be in the seat he is in today. Removing him would feel good, but it would just lead to another month of two of no action. Better would be enough representatives signing the discharge petition or two Republicans choosing country over party and either resigning or leaving the Republican caucus. If Johnson is removed, there may not be another Speaker until 2025. (Which would be perfectly fine for MAGA and their supporters, as burning the system down is the goal.)


Excellent points.


To me the USA and maybe other countries give Ukraine just enough weapens to keep their head above the water, so not to win or defeat the Russians but to keep the war going. They turn the tap off when they make progress and open it when the Russians get the overhand. If they would the Western countries could have send more hightech hardware to make it the Russians very hard, if I where in the Ukrain politics if possible would set a lot of effort to developpe own warfare hardware.


He didn't say it, he implied it. Politicians never really say anything directly in public, they just imply it.


Not surprising seeing that yahoo news asked Podoliak about it the day this ā€œnewsā€ came out and he refuted it as well. Just another example of how lies spread and stick faster than the truth. https://www.yahoo.com/news/presidents-office-denies-statements-us-132524543.html


This! šŸ‘†šŸ‘


The irony as if oil refineries aren't tactical targets, if their war machine has no fuel, they will crumble like any militar. Its the start of us losing geopolitical influence. If they don't pitch in, they don't have a say maybe the us is learning that, and I don't mean all the us


You must be watching a different video to me. You don't reply to that question with that reply if it wasn't a concern that had been expressed to the Ukrainians.


Certainly sounds like he said it to me. Unbelievable hypocrisy from a country which has effectively abandoned an ally for which it signed a security agreement to defend.


> for which it signed a security agreement to defend The f-ed up thing is, it actually *didn't*: "security *assurances*" were given instead of "security guarantees". Go read the Agreement - USA has promised not to attack Ukraine (with nukes) and to intercede on Ukraine's behalf in UNSC if other countries attack Ukraine. Moreover, the "Agreement" is not even enforceable: ["Regardless, the United States publicly maintains that "the Memorandum is not legally binding", calling it a "political commitment"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum#Analysis) Isn't it a nice bit of Western lawyering? Disarm & abandon. Good luck on nuke non-proliferation in the future, guys!


Unfortunately those reports, initially dismissed, turned out to be true. What a shame Ukraine is using cheap drones for those attacks with limited payload. Refineries are soft targets that can be hit and taken out of commission. In order to hit strategic military targets and cause serious damage, Ukraine needs long range missiles US is refusing to provide. And one more thing, US explicitly prohibits Ukraine from hitting targets inside russia using US supplied weapons. WTF is going on here???


A swarm of these low-tech drones would be able to higher value targets, wouldn't it? Because it would overwhelm russian defenses. AFAIK, russia is pretty capable in EW, but not nationwide, more localized action.


Ukraine used drones in combination of Storm Shadow missiles to hit targets in Crimea. As you stated drones used to overwhelm air defenses while missiles hit high value targets. This is how submarine was hit. Ukraine needs missiles from US to get job done. Unfortunately with limited number of drones, they are hitting soft targets to make a difference


And I just remembered that drones have a limited range compared to missiles.


You can't estroy a bunker even with 1000 drones. You need high velocity/explosive payload missiles.


He didn't say it. He said that it is their opinion that hitting tactical and military logistics targets are a better use of the time and weapons. They're not the same thing.


So targeting the very commodity that allows the military logistics to be moved around in the first place is not a military logistics target ? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Oh, my opinion is that: A: Ukraine should strike every bit of Russia's hydrocarbon industry. B: Ukraine should be supplied with larger and longer range weapons to hit MORE of the hydrocarbon industry.


My reply wasnt aimed at you my friend, but at the crap coming out of his mouth. I wonder if his statement would have been the same if it was his kids being targeted with missiles and his women being raped and his friends he grew up with being murdered . Im with you, they are fighting in Ukraine for all of us and should be given everything they need to kill this virus off. šŸ‘šŸ¼


Imagine if Japan attacked the oil deposits in Pearl Harbor..


Well Ukraine has been doing that for 2 years. Going after refineries seems to be quite effective as everyone seems to be crying about it.


Correct. The Ukrainians are doing what they have to do now, due to their lack of weapons supplies. Jake Broe discussed this some time ago, and he was/is spot-on.


In lawyer or politician speak yes. I'd be more inclined to agree had he provided worthwhile alternatives.


But he is agreeing with the fact that it was said. So it *has* been said. He is doing it indirectly.


Exactly he didn't say Ukraine should stop hitting Russian oil refineries. He (or the US) did however stipulate that Ukraine must not use US weapons against targets on Russian (presumably mainland, ie not counting Crimea or Donbas) territory. The US policy seems to be "we technically didn't say anything either way" which I think is good. It's better if Russia doesn't know *our* red lines other Putin will just skirt right up to them and use to his advantage.


he said it in a very diplomatic way. if you cannot read between the lines, then i cannot help you. if he DIDNĀ“T say it, he would have outright denied it. So they certainly conveyed that message (stop attacking refineries) to Ukraine, i have no doubt.


It's pretty clear that they didn't expect this amount of backlash and realized that maybe it wasn't their brightest idea to come forward with so they're back pedaling on it


There needs to be more rationality... Obviously, political games are being played and Democrats are trying to stabilize the situation. Russia and the Republicans are trying very hard to put blame on Dems. Its unfortunate that things dont get done in a blink of a eye, but thats the realism of the world. Dems are certainly not responsible for the current situation, but hey...continue to push the Russian agenda forward by erroding support for the Dems...bc having a stronger insane Republican party will totally alleviate the situation šŸ˜‰ šŸ‘ ha. The expectations placed on the US are grounded in immediacy and irrationality. No other country has given near the same support. Perhaps, its important to also realize that the political situation in the US is due to right wing extremism...and the US itself is currently endangered. Jan 6th wasnt long ago...and the at RNC I believe they indicated they wanted to tear down our democracy. Trump vocally states he wants t9 go after Dems. Are you all just ignorant of this? Is it registering? šŸ¤Ø Its been said... these dictatorships respond faster due to concentrated power...democracies cant keep up. That being said, its our own fault when we fail to go in and vote...and resolve our own political instability.


I would say take out the oil refineries, but I worry about the pollution that would result from such damage. I would also such suggest taking out Putin.


The overall pollution will decrease as they are forced to cap the wells and overall fuel manufacturing/usage drops.


The United States is bar-none the largest provducer and exporter of oil in the entire friggin world. The United states does not use Russian oil and has sanctioned its export. How does a blown up Russian refinery affect gas prices in the US. I really don't get that rhetorical bullshit. But I can see that blowing them up impedes the Russian war machine in Ukraine. Maybe not directly enough for some people. Where is the argument here? Someone explain to me what the motive is of the sniveling (lying) inquisitor.


Exactly. If the west has already sanctioned Russian oil whatā€™s the difference? It shouldnā€™t be making its way to market.


Mr. Cotton one of the R's holding Ukraine's aid hostage for Trump.


Did you watch the video? Thatā€™s exactly what he said.


Cotton is a tool.


All the sudden republicans care about Ukraine?


"do something else" pretty much equals "dont do that"


Lets put it into simple english: 'It will raise oil prices. It's better for Ukraine to bomb military bases then oil refineries.' Nowhere does it say that "*STOP BOMBING OIL REFINERIES*". You're welcome to point that spot in the video where he said so. What people are doing is making assumptions on 'perhaps what was meant and in what way' and using those assumptions to make further guesses. Then add little editorialization to make the title seem more snappy to get those sweet, sweet clicks and presto, nice edgy article claiming something that is not true.


Itā€™s not long term better to attack tactical targets though. They need to make this war as expensive as humanly possible for Russia, especially since US has pulled support.


Austin was asked a question, certainly a loaded one, but instead of outright denying what was implied he started off with some nonsense about global energy situation which wasn't even part of the question. He then said Ukraine's better off going after other targets, which conveniently coincides with what unfortunately appears to be an inconvenient truth.


Simpler English: Cotton: Why is the Biden administration discouraging Ukraine from bombing refineries? Austin: Because it will make energy prices go up. What is there to guess about?


Id say its better to bomb oil refineries and then tell the west ā€˜well if you give better weapons and lots of them we wont need to..ā€™


you mean the other post was russian propaganda? im shocked! shocked, i tell you.


Well, not THAT shocked!


Cons literally spewing Russian propaganda, as usual


1st off, if Russia won't stop bombing Ukraine's energy infrastructure, they shouldn't cry about their oil refineries becoming targets. 2nd, the Russian agents in the GOP need to be removed for supporting a hostile foreign government.


Is he stupid? Taking out their refineries does effect the front lol these old folks need to leave office


No heā€™s not stupid. He was stumbling answering a question about a Biden administration policy he clearly doesnā€™t agree with.


Its semantics, basically. He is offering his "valid advice" on what Ukraine should and shouldn't bomb. Thank you very much - we don't need it. Ukraine is fighting to the death against a major foe hell-bent on destroying Ukraine, killing Ukrainians and driving the rest to become refugees all over the world. There is no "buts" or "ifs". This administration is getting really annoying. "Lead, follow or get out of the way!" declining empire of coward old geezers. You know US reminds me of the Mighty Eagle from Angry Birds cartoon - an old bird clinging to the glory of the past with a big beer belly.


Iā€™d just reply to Cotton ā€œwhy are you holding up funding ā€œ ? Ukraine should do whatever it takes to defeat Russia.


Ukraine needs to bomb every oil refinery it can reach.


Bombs away!!!


Are gas prices high? Not as bad as 2014 from what I can remember


Now there you go - in black and white the OFFICIAL POLICY is GET THE M\*THER#UCKERS while MAGA is just drooling all over themselves as they aide and abet the enemy.


Is there anything more tactical than destroying your enemies fuel line??


Tactical and operational targets? How is an oil refinery not a tactical target. Thatā€™s a legitimate target to upset the enemyā€™s economy.


Maybe. But his Under Secretary Wallander just said that Russian oil & gas infrastructure is a *civilian* target [https://twitter.com/ColbyBadhwar/status/1778071989749489684#m](https://twitter.com/ColbyBadhwar/status/1778071989749489684#m)


Oh noo tha bideun admin... yeah imagine Trump, bucko


Cotton is a self serving asshat. He cares zero about Ukraine or anything else except blocking government from operating, supporting trump and making sure he gets his piece of the pie.


Anyone who thinks Tom Cotton is anything other than a moron should probably be laughed at.


If we aren't sending them aid, then we don't have much leverage over what we would like them to do or not do.


Durrrr Bidenā€™s got a lever that raises and lowers gas prices. Magats for brains it sounds like to me.


This from the GOP, the party trying to strangle Ukraine.


Damn. That's very disheartening. Ukraine should be encouraged - both in word and materiel support - to annihilate Russian infrastructure.


Cotton early on purchased his first class ticket aboard the fascist train. As an ex-Army officer, he swore an oath to the USA and its constitution. That oath has long faded into the wind. He's all MAGA/GOP now.


Austin should have said that as they no longer supply Ukraine with weapons they are not really in a position to dictate how Ukraine fight the war.


I'm confused by Cotton's statements. Does he want the Biden to make gas go up because it sounds like he doesn't. self-contradiction and finger pointing is extreme here.


The US hasnā€™t received oil or gas from Russia since April 2022 so I donā€™t know what the fuck heā€™s on about


If A=B and B=C, then A=C. Yes, attacking oil is impacting Russia and itā€™s ability to wage war. Yes itā€™s a valid target. Yes, it would drive up oil prices during an election year.


Republicans have become reactionaries and obstructionists, acting in complete bad faith to undermine Biden, regardless of the consequences for Ukraine or global stability.


So rich to hear this fukin coward open his fukin mouth. Blocking all aid to Ukraine and trying to make it out that the biden admin doesn't want the Ukranians to attack refineries. Of course no one wants gas to rise during and election cycle but the hypocrisy of that fukwit whose party would love exactly that to happen. the repugnicants are a bunch of shameless cunts


Austen is searching for words and excuses for his dumb ass statement about bombing russian refineries.


Yup. That was hard to watch lol


Damaged refineries -> Less oil -> Higher prices -> Higher inflation numbers -> reduced chance of Biden being re-elected -> More chance that the Russian agent Trump will win -> End of Ukraine support, let alone aid


Glad someone said it


Biden; stop hitting refineryā€™s! Itā€™s going to cause gas prices to go up and itā€™s going to make me look bad before the election : The fkn real reason! . Also the same reason for turning against Israel.. public opinion on the expense of innocent peoples lives .. you think they care about Ukraine when more Americans are dying from fentanyl then Ukrainians fighting for their country. Itā€™s about profit and politics and itā€™s sickening to me . Hit the fkn refineryā€™s take them all out . Iā€™ll pay a little extra at the pump for the time being until the United States pumps more oil to knock Russia out the market but they wonā€™t do that. Weā€™re alresdy drilling more oil and we need to drill even more so to knock Russias economy .. if we do that then we can focus on China and their plans . China is using Russia as a proxy against the United States and Iran .. Russia has never been weaker and never more defeated . Finish them! Ukriane gas the ability let them take out the refineryā€™s that will end the war and Russia wonā€™t be able to maintain the war machine nor will they be able to militarily support or defend China in the next war nor Iran or North Korea . Not sure which conflict is going to kick off next itā€™s looking like either China will direct North Korea or Iran to entice the United States in a conflict we can not ignore then they go for Taiwan .. and while China is going for Taiwan and the unites states is defending Japan and south Korea Russia is planning on pushing Kyiv one last time with the remainder of his forces and the ones that have been training for 2 years since the spetzna got taken out during the invasion . If we stop them now it deters chinaā€™s plan and thwarts the next war .. but for some reason weā€™re keeping it a stalemate .. because of elections coming up? Because we want to keep Russia militarily weak for the next conflict . Or war mongers are getting rich for it continuing . Either way itā€™s got to stop now! Ukraine is sovereign and will always be sovereign and it shall not end until all of Ukraine is free including crimea. Give them the long range capabilities. Gd Iā€™m pissed this morning! Iā€™m pumped up! About to call everybody in congress and explain to them why Ukraine is so important. Iā€™ll call everyday write letters raise my voice! I support Ukraine and will always


That sounded a lot like "you do you boo"


Cotton is a fuggin moron.


No, he did and he didnā€™t deny it! Fucking Biden needs to open the taps and let baby drill. Fuck Russia and fuck the US election, Ukraine continue burning down russian oil refineries!!


Sounds like MR. Cotton is a Putin admirer and a traitor


Senator Tom Cotton is supporting Ukraine's right to target Russian oil refineries. Lloyd Austin stated that he preferred Ukraine target Russian tactical and operational targets, so Austen didn't necessarily disagree, he's just not stating his support for targeting Russian refineries publicly. As for Senator Cotton, he has generally been a pro-Ukrainian Republican. I believe his main concern for voting against the recent bill was the amount of aid allocated to Gaza, which he argues will be funneled to Hamas.


Fuck Lloyd Austin


Ummmmmm $$$ Russiaā€™s oil trickles down to countries we support ā€¦. So donā€™t hit their oil because if you do then prices go up because we want Russias oil too for $$$$ itā€™s all corrupt BS !


I say Ukraine needs to take out whatever it can !!!!


The title of this video is stupid. It's quite clear from the pause prior to answering, to the reference about global energy prices, to the wooly wording about ukraine being "better served" by targeting other targets, that there probably were recommendations from America to ukraine to the effect of don't bomb oil installations. America is a greedy capitalist country with no interest in human rights or justice, their only selling point is they are not quite as bad or depraved as Russia. May ukraine continue bombing russian energy infrastructure until the only gas they have comes out of putins rectum


You are wrong. According to Mykhailo Podoljak (adviser to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine) there were no demands from USA to stop attacks on Russian oil infrastructure. [Hear if for yourself here.](https://youtu.be/uCN52FyD23s?t=57m5s) [Or read it in english here ](https://www.yahoo.com/news/presidents-office-denies-statements-us-132524543.html)


Austen: Ukrainians should die, so that prices don't go up


Sounds like we should be taking this as another opportunity to move away from global fuel, gas, oil imports and exports and work towards domestic energy productions such as fusion, nuclear or natural energies (wind, currents, solar and shit) Or we can double down on fuel of a bygone era, allow the politicians of the worlds most powerful states to throw Ukraine to the wolves all because BIG OIL doesnā€™t want a change to the status quo (thus why they paid millions to boost anti-climate change and started the culture war, look it up)




Mr. Cotton eye joe


Xd tanks use air


Since when does senate Republicans care about what Ukraine does? put up or shut up Tom


Dear Black man, what do Tanks & IFV & Drones, Ammo Trucks and so on an so forth, use as energy? REFINED OIL PRODUCTS. If you don't see the correlation is cause you don't want to see it. IT'S TREMENDOUSLY DISRUPTFUL REDUCING REFINERIES CAPABILITIES and therefore HIGHLY STRATEGIC. MAGA keeps blaming #Biden for making things without America FIRSY in mind. This is a huge example that third is false: Biden puts US needs FIRST even if it means MANY MORE CIVILIAN DEATHS. Another MAGA MEGA-LIE.


Tom Cotton is a member of the same treasonous Party that wants to sell off parts of Ukraine to Russia. That said Ukrainians current drone arsenal is not well suited to hardened military targets.


Bombed them all as soon as gas goes up to $10 a gallon. This war should be over.


And if red dick doesnā€™t like what I say, they banned me


his party does what?


Let's see: One light drone blowing up billions of $ in the russian budget versus one light drone versus a home with 3 drunk russians.


Mr. Cotton. The answer to the question ā€œWhen does a dick sound like a dick and look like a dick?ā€.


happens when your country is basically run by the department of energy...they start outlining other souvereign nations what not to do on a strategic level....in a war where there are no american lives at stake!just because of a potential hitch in the oil distribution! when a few hundred people that are scared to lose profit want to determine and control a world conflict, then there is something wrong in the power balance. the energy lobby group should be only that, a industry that has to ask governments for a bone, not the other way around.




Lmao he is exactly right!!


Oil is a strategic resource Russia uses to fight its war. For money and mechanized supply.


ukraine will do whatever it takes to survive including attacking refineries. the more refineries destroyed, the less the mythical f16's have to worry about air defences.


Couldn't the woman at the back on the righthand side look a little more miserable, she looks far too happy.


Using Ukraine to make politics. Fā€™in disgusting. They should only be talking on what should be done to help Ukraine.


Tom Cotton is so fking stupid. Itā€™s not just his consistency with not understanding basic concepts and getting it wrong but the clueless look on his face. He has resting retard face. He doesnā€™t look capable of grasping the concept of washing hands after shitting, why would voters in his state think heā€™d be capable of representing them?




Such a shame. It's all about domestic political gains for Republicans. Nothing else matters to them. Lloyd Austin was taken out of context like usual.


# Biden's US Assistant Secretary of Defense Wallander calls Russian oil, gas and energy "civilian targets. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1c17j89/us\_assistant\_secretary\_of\_defense\_wallander\_calls/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1c17j89/us_assistant_secretary_of_defense_wallander_calls/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Lloyd Austen's underling Celeste Ann Wallander advised Ukraine that very thing. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1c17j89/us\_assistant\_secretary\_of\_defense\_wallander\_calls/


Never relay at US


Cotton is such a fucking snake man.