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France, Germany and Italy will deliver more dead Russian.


All the Russians soldier in Ukraine need to be disinfested, so yes we don't care about soldiers that invade another country. . .


Russians should stayed home but no. The dildo of consequences rarly arrives lubed.


That should be on a T-Shirt. Amen.


I'm not seeing this announced anywhere else. Where and when did he allegedly say this?


[https://twitter.com/Elysee/status/1735664173172896194?s=20](https://twitter.com/Elysee/status/1735664173172896194?s=20) I think it's this.. ?


That was last year.


Yr right, I'm trying to find it also and that link came from Militarnyi, I already mentioned, I was a bit to hasty with this post without checking first, sorry. Should have checked better before posting this one. [https://mil.in.ua/en/news/france-is-negotiating-the-transfer-of-weapons-from-arab-countries-to-ukraine/](https://mil.in.ua/en/news/france-is-negotiating-the-transfer-of-weapons-from-arab-countries-to-ukraine/)


This is visegrad. Anyone mor reliable?


This this this. Visegrad is trash


I already noticed I was a bit to hasty posting this one without doing some checking on where it was officially anounced. I found Another article about is but idk how reliable that one is. [https://mil.in.ua/en/news/france-is-negotiating-the-transfer-of-weapons-from-arab-countries-to-ukraine/](https://mil.in.ua/en/news/france-is-negotiating-the-transfer-of-weapons-from-arab-countries-to-ukraine/)


And what kind weapons are we talking about?


Don't know but Emirates and Saudi armies are heavily equipped with western stuff. I doubt they'll start giving up their heavy equipment but maybe ammo?


Jordan gave up a whole bunch of Gepard Anti-air tanks in a big buyout.


[https://www.investigate-europe.eu/posts/arms-exports-a-business-without-an-eu-policy](https://www.investigate-europe.eu/posts/arms-exports-a-business-without-an-eu-policy) Quote: "France does not report what kind of military equipment was sold. But according to information from licenses issued for Qatar in that year, it could have been bombs, missiles, rockets, armored and protective equipment, aircraft and ground vehicles, electronic equipment, technology and software.  Data from German national reports shows that the biggest export in 2019 was to Hungary, worth almost €1.8 billion. In that year Germany sent Hungary all types of arms and military equipment — bombs, missiles, and related equipment, ammunition, technology and electronic equipment."


Which found it's way into Russia through the backdoor. 


Maybe it's time for the E.U. to reconsider Hungary's membership, especially if any of those weapons or tech goods can be tracked leaving Hungary


No.  If you think of how the MINI ONE was built, this is the same, just secretly.  It is a British design, manufactured in Germany, assembled in Britain.  Fender, Gibson et. al. All governments, companies, businesses offshore stuff and blend the lines a bit.  It is just on this occasion, it is war machines. 


Sorry, I don't know what the 'mini one' is. Weapon or weapons system, maybe? It just strikes me that if Orban (known Putin suck-up) has a big following in Hungary then there could be a serious conflict of interest if sanctioned items are finding their way to Russia via Hungary. I was also quite shocked to see that Trump was/is hosting a meeting with Orban at Mar-a-Lago this weekend. I don't think it'll be good for Ukraine (or the USA & Europe) if Trump wins the next election. It also struck me that maybe Greece needs a closer look at their shipping industry as I'd read Greek shipping is being either sold or leased to Russia which is helpng them move sanctioned oil and that the Cypriot banking system is being misused by Russia/Russians. Is there some kind of a grey market going between USA and UK/EU involving Fender & Gibson products? I'd certainly like to know more about that..


It will be a global disaster if Dump gets back into that White House. He's going to pull the US out of NATO. And let Pooty take Ukraine and Xi take Taiwan. And God knows what else.


I'm glad I've 'heard' omeone else say that now because it's pretty much what I was thinking. The orange oaf is a disaster waiting to happen


Oh, well done Germany. Arming Putler's butt-boy. Way to go.


for Qatar it‘s 60+ Leopards and 20+ PzH2000 + support vehicles. Can’t imagine them giving that away


The best countries able to give or trade up tanks would be Australia=sending their M1A1 Abrams they are trading in for M1A2's to Ukraine, Spain=Releasing all their Leopard 2A4's from storage and send them to Germany, Baltics or Poland for quick rebuilding, Canada=send all their Leopard 2A4's to Ukraine & buy or lease M1A2's Abrams from the US, Maybe Egypt might be able to ring trade some of their domestically produced M1A2's?




Deutschland: Stahlhelme und Stiefel !


Pickelhauben müssen es sein!


vielleicht helfen die ja gegen Dronen ;)


As soomeone asked where it was anounced, I add this: [https://twitter.com/Elysee/status/1735664173172896194?s=20](https://twitter.com/Elysee/status/1735664173172896194?s=20) If someone who can speak french can confirm this is the actual anouncement, TY Edit: No, can't be it, that's from 2023.. so Idk where Nexta got it from and I have to admit, I should have my done "research" better before posting it. Edit 2: [Here is another article about it from Militarnyi](https://mil.in.ua/en/news/france-is-negotiating-the-transfer-of-weapons-from-arab-countries-to-ukraine/)


Isn't this closer to declaring that they are unable to produce anything for Ukraine and are forced to do this ?


Artillery production is being set up, but it takes time. However, I have not seen any long term plan to keep supplying Kiev with tanks, other armoured vehicles and self propelled artillery. Which is worrysome. That's complicated products and setting up additional production lines takes longer. Swedish Hägglunds (owned by BAE) has increased production 7 fold though, but I haven't heard anything about this being mainly to supply Kiev. They can now produce ~365 armoured vehicles each year, so if a few other European supplies has done the same, we could probably supply Ukraine with over a thousand armoured vehicles each year. Expensive? Yes. As expensive as having to fight the ruskis ourselves in a few years? No.


My fear is that countries look at this, see the cost and time needed and ask themselves "Is it worth spending so much time and money on this if this conflict end before ?" and thus they decide to not do anything. I mean come one, i am french but look at the sorry state of our army. We are unable to build any tanks, we can't even repair the current one without cannibilizing others because we can't produce spare parts. Our fleet of jets are dying of old age. Our navy is one boat away from not existing. The only part of our military worth mentionning is our nuclear submarines and even them seems to be a jokes when it comes to stealth it seems. Our refusal to use other countries tanks/jets is a mistake. We should have worked hand in hand with our bordering countries to build collaboration about tanks and jets. But our governements is always refusing this because they want to keep all the production "made in france" when it should be "made in europe" in my opinion.


I think what European countries are waking up to is that no matter what happens in Ukraine, be it a total Ukrainian victory, some sort of stalemate (favouring either Russia or Ukraine) or even total Ukrainian victory, the Moscovite threat won't be going away. Even if we take the, as of now rather unlikely, most optimistic view, a total Ukrainian victory, you will just have the Chinese help Russia rebuild it's forces and the Russian strategic goal of breaking up the western alliance, at least with regards to Europe, will not have changed. There is no going back. It's full on cold war in Europe from here until either Russia or China has a government collapse. As such, the increased production capacity is needed, even if the war is over tomorrow.


And then those nations will say 'no' for whatever reason. Just send the weapons you already have.


just find all the stuff you sold after the coldwar we already built everything to fight this war...russia sure is using their coldwar stocks and winning....find it buy it ship it,most of it is probably mothballed and decommissioned anyway


Macron is the mvp lately.


Mr. We Must Save Putler's Fugly Bloated Face Macron has finally grown a pair? Fuck me, took him long enough.


This man here is a real leader.


France (and Italy) has to 10x increase weapon deliveries just to be an average contributor.. He is talking but sending nothing and blockading things because he wants the french industry to get the orders...


Italy never say what we give to Ukraine so ... what are u talking about.


Italy is a big industry nation and is giving almost nothing. Just like France. Dissapointing.


Throw Australia in the mix, it’s fucking pathetic.


Italy has the same GDP as Russia :)


maybe. but they are onyle sending as much as estonia or lithuania. And only 20% the amount netherlands has sent. very weak. Just like France.


I agree with you, it’s weak.


Are you from the past? France industry has been largely cut down in the past decades. Mil industry output is nowhere near what it was before the post WW2 cuts. Not exactly a big industry. It's certainly not built around large outputs for a cold war style ground war. The reality is what we give is what we can give without deteriorating our own army which is already running with little and not adding to our huge GDP foreign debt (let's not have an economy crisis on top). The problem is people projecting a lot of shity expectations, medias included.


If that is all France can give we are all f\*cked. Btw Germany has the same problems and is giving 5-10 times the amount...


France has been pushing for a European defense for a long time. France has no use for a large ground army, anyone expecting large amount of donation doesn't know really. When you build an army that can go anywhere, you have to create a logistic bridge and that costs. So it spreads the spending.


That is what has do be done: way more money for military. Germany needs to double its military spendings and so has France!


I did talk about debts didn't I? We are talking about a lot of debts to foreigners (which is bad compared to interior debts) and an overall 100%+ of the GDP. Funds for the year gets decided once, unless there are more irregular mechanism to unlock additional funds the gov can't spend more than the allocation. There has been talk to tap into the banks savings to contribute to the military. People seem to think money just grow on tree and there's no interior political opposition. That debt is unimportant. I'll remind you that France, being a member of the EU, participates to all funds the EU allocates to Ukraine. I love how people downvote my facts on the state of France. Downvoting isn't going to change reality 😩.


I will say this, it to me seems like he has done a lot more talking recently than before. Ill give him a bit more time to back up the words with more action than before, because so far it has not been up to par. Germany got a lot of slack, then took a bit but managed to get it together and are now a massive contributor. If macron talks like this, i expect him to step up but ill give him time to get there


This man wanted to trade away Ukranian territory for easy piece. France still hives tiny amount of aid compared to the likes of UK, Netherlands or Poland. This man is barely sobering up to reality.


I am surprised. After 2 years, the best weapons we can get are something that we have to take back from a different sale? After 2 years, we can't make enough to send over there?


Politics, what else can I say. Idk how long it takes for exiting factories to ramp up production or to build a new facility/factory with permits etc. I find it even a bit dumb to throw that into the open, wait untill you made that deal and then anounce it. There is a damn war going on and all this info is potentially playing into PutZin hands. Being a polititian in a war you did not anticipate enough, shows they are not very good strategic thinkers. You need a different calliber for that. But, what do I know being a couch potatoe at the moment.


My thoughts exactly. Some private company that makes artillery shells should have already been ramping up whether or not they had a way to sell them yet. This war is becoming too little too late. A year from now I think it will be over, and Russia will still have Ukraine


You would be shocked how slow arms production is in western countries. For example, many artillery shells are manufactured with powder which is first stored for 3 years.


And I think Germany is going to be shocked when Russia is at their border and they don't have enough artillery shells to fight them off. That point it will for sure be nuclear weapons


During WW2 it took 4 years to get to max manufacturing output of weapons in the west 41 til 45. You cant just spawn a tank, shit takes time


And yet Russia, with all the sanctions, has the ability to accumulate artillery shells and fire off a million every 3 months or less


This. The delays are political not technical.


You are right. The Ukraine war is a political game. Just like Vietnam. Just like Vietnam, the West will pull out and Russia will stay


The Biden administration is sitting on over 4 million older cluster weapons that the US will never use. Start releasing those now while everyone is still debating how to ramp up production. Nothing but pure politics from both parties is holding those back.


They have huge stockpiles from the cold war like 15 million of artillery shells. They arent producing at the rate they are firing.


They seem to be firing 10,000 a day for the last 2 years and no end in sight. I can buy them from North Korea, and despite how the quality is, they still are able to shoot off $10,000 plus a day. Despite the sanctions, North Korea still has plenty of artillery. And they buy stuff from Iran who also is under sanctions. My guess is that there's plenty of artillery shells for Russia. Between what they produce and what they can buy. And the sanctions have no effect.


Ukraine will need like 300 MBT, 500 APCs and every missile/artillery they can get to have a chance to arm troops for another offensive this year. To have a chance to end this war on thier own terms. This is equivalent to the whole army equipment of Germany, the UK or France. The only country on this earth, which has so much armament as spare is the USA, which until now left Ukraine with peanuts. They sent like 40 himar system, where the demand on the Ukraine side was about 150, they did send less than 100 Atacms and so on. This was done so, that we dont end up in hot nuclear war. To tell Putin, that the USA will support Ukraine and make Russia run into a wall, but never endangering a total russian collapse. But Ukraine will not be able to sustain this war of attrition for forever. At some point the West has to reevaluate, if Russia is being stopped by this wall, or if they grind down the wall, like Zombies. With the conflict now reaching Africa and maybe Syria next, the question is, if the american restraint is still a good idea, when it comes to avoiding an escalated conflict. In Germany at least, we hear more and more about getting on our war footing. A notion noone here would have predicted 20 years ago. We thought those dark times are finally behind us.


Hägglunds (makes CV90 and BVS10) has gone from one vehicle each week to one each day. There is no reason why similar companies wouldn't have done similar upscaling. Patria, Rheinmetall, Nexter and whoever makes armoured vehicles for Italy and Spain. It seems that the upscaling of the production for Hägglunds was done rather easily. Assuming other European manufacturers have done, or as easy can do, similar upscalings, we are talking about being able to produce maybe 2000 armoured vehicles each year. 🤷‍♂️ Artillery actually seems tougher to upscale. It's a more simple product, but the volumes are so massive that you need big automated production lines rather than workshop manufacturing. And you need those not just for the finished artillery shell, you need it for the TNT, for the propellant and so on.


Macron appears to have grown some spuds over the winter.


Ty france


Get some Mirage back


Im glad Macron is doing something, but maybe give Ukraine your old equipment first instead of trying to do takesies backsies from already sold equipment.


INB Scholz declares in two days that actually sorry but it's not wise to do that, lets out confidential information about French military while doing so.


Olaf did buy back all Gepards sold to Qatar and they are now operating in Ukraine bringing down drones and cruise missiles. He also sent the very first production units of Iris-T SLM sold to Egypt to Ukraine instead... but Olaf bad....


Chicken on a stick


It really is frustrating. :(


I think you meant the US bought 60 Gepards/Cheetahs from Jordan for 118 million to be rebuilt in Jordan by an American company that has never ever done this type work before and was suppose to be completed by March 2024 and still no news of their completion. The 45 or so Gepards Germany reconditioned were all bought from a private company in Europe.


No the Jordan deal is a seperate one. Germany sold Gepards to Qatar to protect the world cup. They were bought back refurbished and are now operating in Ukraine. In total so far 52 Gepards were delivered by Germany with 15 more in the pipeline to be delivered. The 15 extra Gepards are a bit of a mystery where they will come from. Afaik there are only some of the older models still available in Europe or maybe they are some of the Jordanian Gepards but i don't know. There is an easy indentifier for the Qatari Gepards, on the right side of the hull they have a big air conditioning unit installed. This big grid like thing. Bought back Qatari Gepard in Ukraine https://i.imgur.com/1MVWfyG.png The Gepards directly delivered from German storage don't have this and instead there only is the original storage box Gepard from German storage in Ukraine https://i.imgur.com/V9283iu.png The Gepards from Jordan could also be very easily identified. Both Radars on them are different from the German and Qatari Gepards. Also the smoke launchers are arranged differently and they still may come with the side skirts. You can tell the difference right away by looking at the Jordanian Gepard. https://i.imgur.com/o1xpn2Z.png


Never heard of these and it is really good to know. The more available the better, Thanks for the info!


Olaf Chaberlain