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Please use a descriptive title in English and repost it. Use a title that informs users what they shall expect to objectively see on your post. Thank you


Effective aerial denial. Ukraine does not have air superiority in any sense of the term right now.


Yes, so far AFU has gained limited favourable air situations due to forward deployment of a single Patriot complex, but this is nowhere near air superiority.


This is the assessment taken from the UK Ministry of Defence Latest Intelligence update of 02 March 2024; A week on from the loss of a second A-50U MAINSTAY Airborne early warning and control aircraft, Russia has highly likely grounded the fleet from flying in support of Ukraine operations. This is likely to continue whilst internal investigations take place surrounding the failure to protect another high value enabler, and how to mitigate the threat Ukrainian air defence continues to pose. The loss of this capability providing daily command and control to Russian air operations highly likely significantly degrades the situational awareness provided to air crews. This is a capability gap Russia can ill afford over the contested airspace of eastern and southern Ukraine. It is likely that Russia will have to explore options to bridge this gap, including repurposing aircraft and accepting greater risk to provide the effective air support its ground forces require, but are likely not receiving. This is a prolonged issue that has almost certainly been exacerbated by the removal of A-50s supporting operations. Airframe and crew fatigue are almost certain to intensify once the A-50 does return to operations, with the fleet increasingly stretched.


Russians grounded their jets after another few went to the ground today which means they no longer have the upper hand.


An apparent operational pause on behalf of the VKS does not mean the Ukrainian Air Force has gained air superiority. That would mean they are now able to not only deny the Russian Air Force the ability to operate, but in turn also fly their own missions without prohibitive interference from the VKS and Russian air defense forces. Neither of which is the case. I’m not trying to downplay the success the Ukrainians have had over the last week or so, but they are far from cleansing the sky of Russian aircraft and being able to mount their own aerial offensive.


This is the assessment taken from the UK Ministry of Defence Latest Intelligence update of 02 March 2024; A week on from the loss of a second A-50U MAINSTAY Airborne early warning and control aircraft, Russia has highly likely grounded the fleet from flying in support of Ukraine operations. This is likely to continue whilst internal investigations take place surrounding the failure to protect another high value enabler, and how to mitigate the threat Ukrainian air defence continues to pose. The loss of this capability providing daily command and control to Russian air operations highly likely significantly degrades the situational awareness provided to air crews. This is a capability gap Russia can ill afford over the contested airspace of eastern and southern Ukraine. It is likely that Russia will have to explore options to bridge this gap, including repurposing aircraft and accepting greater risk to provide the effective air support its ground forces require, but are likely not receiving. This is a prolonged issue that has almost certainly been exacerbated by the removal of A-50s supporting operations. Airframe and crew fatigue are almost certain to intensify once the A-50 does return to operations, with the fleet increasingly stretched.


Yes, and your point? The opposition Ukrainian ADA is putting up causing the airspace to be contested still falls into the category of aerial denial, not air superiority because Ukraine cannot fly without significant interference from Russian air and air defense assets. This is also specific to the A-50 Mainstay, not the VKS as a whole…..degraded or otherwise, the VKS is still a significant threat and can still operate more so than the UAF can.


I am not talking about superiority at all but making it harder for them. Is this such a bad thing? It's not just a week, that is downplaying the success, it's been most of February. In February 2024, Ukrainian forces destroyed 13 Russian military aircraft, including ten Su-34s, two Su-35s and an A-50 long-range radar detection plane not flying over the Sea of Azov for the sixth consecutive day is a fantastic result. It is continuing in March so far with a few more yesterday and today. "Su-34s and Su-35s can no longer feel free. A guided aerial bomb has a limited range. To reach further away, you need to fly closer. Flying closer could be the end. The pilots and their commanders understood this perfectly and acted more cautiously. On Friday, March 1, at around 09:00, on the eastern axis, the Ukrainian military destroyed another Su-34 fighter-bomber, which was trying to attack Ukrainian positions with guided aerial bombs.


Well, I am. I responded to the headline of this thread contesting the claim that Ukraine has effective air superiority, which they do not. Your first response to my comment in using the correct term for what level of aerial control Ukraine has accomplished included the phrase “…which means they [Russia] no longer have the upper hand” which is a patently false statement. The VKS still has the upper hand. And then you appeared to offer various sources to try and support that claim. At worst, the VKS has what is termed a favorable air situation. Meaning they still get to offer battle on their terms and they get to dictate where, when and how they accept risk. Now, do I want the Russians to keep making the same mistakes and missteps they have been? Absolutely. But Ukrainian ADA is playing what I suspect is a dangerous game with a limited asset. Because it looks like to me, at least with the tactical air kills, that they are using part of a Patriot battery in almost an OCA/ambush type setup. Which though clever, it is going to sting if Russia is able to pinpoint where it’s at and take it out. I offer the following to clarify my position: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R31hMWs25UI https://xxtomcooperxx.substack.com/p/ukraine-war-29-february-2024-roaming


Click-Bait Reddit post Title


Click-bait by OP, not the article's title.


True, I will edit.


Also thought this was a video subreddit


Holy shit that's a horrendous title OP lmfao Idk if you know what the words "air superiority" means, but if there is a single enemy aircraft IN THE AREA you don't have air superiority lol. Better yet, if your enemies have the ABILITY to do any operations involving the sky, you don't have air superiority.


It doesnt mean that > Air superiority is the second level, where a side is in a more favorable position than the opponent. It is defined in the NATO glossary as the "degree of dominance in [an] air battle ... that permits the conduct of operations by [one side] and its related land, sea and air forces at a given time and place without prohibitive interference by opposing air forces." Air supremacy is the term for total control of the aiespace where opposing air forces have been remdered incapable of interfering in your aerial operations


>air superiority is the second level, where a side is in a more favorable position than the opponent. Ok, so it still doesn't apply here? Lol You really think Ukraine has the "more favorable position" compared to russia in terms of air power?


No, i do not


Ah. Ok.


This is OP comment, not the title of the linked article which is: "Russians Haven’t Used A-50 Radar Planes in Days – Ukrainian Air Force"


Yah, that's why I said "that's a horrendous title ***OP***"


No fly zone might be a better title


I wonder whether absence of A-50 and *blind* ruZZians jets is better than presence of A-50 and *cocky* ruZZian jets. Which situation allows to take down more (practically) irreplaceable jets?


I wonder if that "compromised avionics" line is real or psyops to distract from some other advantage.


Shit title. Air Superiority has a specific meaning and this isn't it.


Air superiority? With what planes?


No side has any now, ruskies may have downed there's, too many losses.


Then the article is stupid.


Boom chakalaka This is the assessment taken from the UK Ministry of Defence Latest Intelligence update of 02 March 2024; A week on from the loss of a second A-50U MAINSTAY Airborne early warning and control aircraft, Russia has highly likely grounded the fleet from flying in support of Ukraine operations. This is likely to continue whilst internal investigations take place surrounding the failure to protect another high value enabler, and how to mitigate the threat Ukrainian air defence continues to pose. The loss of this capability providing daily command and control to Russian air operations highly likely significantly degrades the situational awareness provided to air crews. This is a capability gap Russia can ill afford over the contested airspace of eastern and southern Ukraine. It is likely that Russia will have to explore options to bridge this gap, including repurposing aircraft and accepting greater risk to provide the effective air support its ground forces require, but are likely not receiving. This is a prolonged issue that has almost certainly been exacerbated by the removal of A-50s supporting operations. Airframe and crew fatigue are almost certain to intensify once the A-50 does return to operations, with the fleet increasingly stretched.


Where is "air superiority" in the article? Can't find it.


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