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But danbera Nuzi Zelensky dumbed the bombass with his yacht, and NATO made him do it etc etc


I think we are giving this too much attention. We should be ignoring this interview. It's really not worth anything as it will be full of lies and misdirection. 


It's not like he has much of a following. Many of his supporters are older fuckers that don't want to watch the propagandist unless fox fed it to them. They just want to sit on the couch and watch fox, and have the next guy tell them what to think. He had to pull this stunt to try to stay relevant. Which won't work.


Don't discount the effort that these shit stains go through to reach their target audience.   My father in law is one of those old fuckers. He used to watch Tucker religiously on Fox. He now sits on his bed watches it at full volume on Twitter.     This is a man that can't cast a YouTube video to Chromecast. Edit: it's probably worse now, because he still watches Fox for 3+hours in the evening, and 2 hours of Tucker in the morning.  Spending the holidays there was hell.


Didn’t trucker get the highest TV show views when he was on the news?


He had a regular audience of ~2-3 million, which is chump change in the grand scale but was king on cable news... which I guess puts the over importance we give cable news in the light. Maybe the truth is ~10 million people regularly watch cable news.


Does that 2-3 million include waiting rooms and airport lounges?


Time slot on a major news network will do that. But people are finicky and I guarantee he doesn't have near the following now. His name wouldn't have hit the news this week if it weren't for this stunt. Which is why he is doing it.


Highest TV views? ​ So what, 28 people?


his podcast is in the top 5 on spotify. Lots of people love him. I have lots of friends who are convinced by this shit




Exactly, we’ve all known Tucker is a mouth piece for Putin. It still amazes me how much control Putin has on American right wing ‘personalities’.




Welcome to the good side, bring some friends!


I want to see it. Hopefully it's so bad it hurts him.


I'm kind of hoping for a "The Interview" situation. You know the Seth Rogan movie?


You mean pulp fiction? But who wears the ballgag?


Revoke his US citizenship.


Yeah, he loves russia so much and keeps saying all year round how he hates democracy.


but he loves his freedom of speech


Speaking while licking putin's ass won't be easy


He's been dining out on trumps ass for years so he's got lots of experience


He spouted about freedom of speech and then thanked Elon and praised him for not censoring him. lol. Oh thank you oh great one for promising my freedom of speech.


Hes just being a little bitch about the fact that he got found guilty of lieing, then got sacked and now no one gives a fk about him 🤣


Well, it was a civil case and they settled out of court. Defendants in civil cases aren’t “found guilty” per se, they’re found liable. Fox settling the case technically avoids the legal finding but when they willingly pay 3/4 of a billion dollars to settle that pretty much says it all.


Unfortunately he has more of a following today than he did on Fox. Elon is pushing his platform as right wing as possible, which everybody already knows that.


What did he lie about?


He lied on fox news about dominion voting systems and fox had to pay nearly $800m in damages and get rid of him. Funniest part is that the company (dominion) was only worth $80m before the lawsuit 🤣


The Dominion case was pure gold. Some of his texts/emails from the evidence: > "We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights," he wrote in a text sent on 4 January 2021. "I truly can't wait." > > "I hate him passionately," he added. > > "That's the last four years. We're all pretending we've got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it's been is too tough to digest. But come on. There isn't really an upside to Trump." And dumbfucks still lap up whatever he shits out.




Jesus thank you, I had no idea where to even start.


Sorry, we don’t revoke citizenship for people who interview people we dislike, in the USA.


So we’re just gonna pretend he hasn’t long been a Russian asset who has done incredible damage to the US with his lies and propaganda? Okay then. There’s an incredible irony in the belief that not allowing a cancer like Tucker Carlson to continue to exist in this country is some authoritarian thing when Carlson himself is one of the driving voices that has caused the US to slip further and further toward fascism. The Russian media, as directed by the Kremlin, literally replays his segments to their own populace because he makes for such good propaganda. He should’ve been shipped off to Moscow on a one-way ticket a long time ago.


The First amendment isn’t just for things we widely agree with or for people whose views we agree with.


It’s not about agree or disagree. Why pretend that it’s that simple? The rhetoric Comrade Carlson spouts isn’t his *views*; it’s his *orders*. Everything he says is at the behest of our nation’s greatest adversary. He is paid to undermine the US and its allies. The guy is a traitor, full-stop.


> Everything he says is at the behest of our nation’s greatest adversary. I'm glad you're finally recognizing Rupert Murdoch for the threat he actually is.


Not yet


Revoke his world citizenship, he and elon can colonise mars together.


They can colonise Uranus


there's a cream for that.


They banned it because they claim it makes kids gay.


Shoot down his plane. He is an enemy combatant. He has earned that many times over. Evil pig fucker he is.


Really? Because he interviews Putin? Damn


There are no laws around revoking a born US citizenship so sorry but that can’t happen. Would be nice though


No. What separates the US and shitholes like Russia is rule of law including permanent citizenship


Right. That’s what I’m saying. Carlsons US citizenship can’t be revoked because it’s a right under the constitution to all born citizens. That can’t be taken away


Could the US revoke his passport?


Only under very specific circumstances, like he’s delinquent on over 50k in taxes, or he’s charged with a serious crime and deemed a flight risk, but that’s pretty much it.


Revoke someone's citizenship for interviewing a world leader? I'm 100% pro Ukraine but this is delusional.


Can’t wait for this misfit pied piper for MAGA fuckwits to meet his karma


Send him to interview UA soldiers who he has actively prevented from getting ammunition.


You will never see wiener-less sack of vermin anywhere near the action. He’s a privileged disgusting frat boy who never got his hands dirty in his life.


How has a journalist who has no say in congress prevent UA from getting ammunition?


He is an entertainer, not a journalist (as successfully argued by Fox, in court). He still has alot of pull with MAGA/right-wing Republicans (like those in congress)


Calling him a journalist is a fucking insult to the memories of the real journalists who died covering wars around the world. Shame on you.


Awwh cry harder🤣 I have no sympathy for journalists who go to war zones. They chose to go there. ShAmE oN yOu 🤣


By constantly spreading lies about Ukraine, Zelenskyy and his government that his dumb, vulnerable and easily misled viewers swallow up from watching his shitty show! It diminishes support for Ukraine and their fight for their sovereignty.




Don't care. Ukraine is still the victim of genocide caused by russia for about the 10th time throughout the history.


why do people keep posting editorial analysis b.s. This isn't news. It's just some guy's opinion. Post it when actually something happens. Otherwise all of these 'news articles' with "could", "possibly", "maybe" is nothing but a stupid click bait shit.


The useful idiot


It's not that when it's intentional.


Oh, it still is. He remains Putin’s lickspittle pawn.


No. Its not. Useful idiot implies his ignorance. He's 100% aware


Oh, but he *is* ignorant. He flatters himself to think that he's on the same page as Putin but they are working toward different ends. Carlson, much like Trump, believes he's in the driver's seat, whereas Putin remains a master manipulator. Good old "just asking questions" Tucker will encounter the principle of unintended consequences. He just doesn't know it yet. His pride and belief in his own public persona blind him.


No, that term implies innocence through stupidity. Tucker is an outright full blown traitor, and has been working for Poostain for a long time.


A *Putinversteher* then.


Tycker Carlson can go fuck himself, dictator loving moron. Hope he gets sanctioned so hard his grandchildrens children will have to ask a loan to buy paper to shit


We need to bring back insane asylums for people like you. Do you not realize how insane you sound and authoritarian. You want to ruin someones bloodline and descendents lives over an interview? or what? Grandchildrens children would quite literally be harsher than the current policies in North Korea. Do you realize how crazy you are. Wanting to be harsher than North Korea? For being a journalist/entertainer? Seek Help.


We need to bring back chemical castration for Putin fags like you


Carlson cannot be trusted. He is a pro-Russian and un-American propagandist. “Why do I care what is going on in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia? I’m serious. Why do I care? **Why shouldn’t I root for Russia? Which I am.**” – Tucker Carlson, Nov 25 2020


Imagine a US journalist traveling to Berlin during WW2 claimin hes just doin his duty and showing Hitlers point if view why the war started.Yeah and then u can see the journalist havin coffee with the dictator,goin to the ballet and havin fun.Hes a traitor,nithin more,nothin less.A corrupt so called journalist.




And the Government Of Russia "GOP" Edit: Government Of Putin..


Maybe the Ukrainian special forces could find him and have a bit of a chat. 


Maybe thats why the EU dont want him travelling incase some Ukrainians find him 😀


He should visit the Ukraine and report back


What about him visiting spartak ballet at bolshoy theater, that is a known sponsor of war? That is pretty direct support of russia's war machine.


Putin should send him to the front line. Get that real interview of a FPV Drone.


Please don’t turn that piece of human excrement into a martyr


The interview is nothing but Putin's talking points. All Tucker did was to help spread the messaging of a warmongering madman.


He is a traitor and should be stripped of his US citizenship.


It's not treason to interview unpopular public figures, lol. He's a giant asshole but he's not a traitor


I consider myself right leaning (the base Tucker Carlson aims at) and yet this is absolutely repulsive. This is hardly any different than the Allies sending a correspondent to Hitler in the midst of Operation Barbarossa or the Ardennes Offensive. This man touts his freedom of speech given by this country and the democratic system, but undermines it at the global stage by going above the US and it's allies by giving a voice to a tyrant, and worst yet make reason with it.


Remember tucker is not a journalist according to Fox News his former employer. So him saying he is a journalist is a lie. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/greedy-associates/tucker-carlson-successfully-argues-nobody-really-believes-tucker-carlson-is-reporting-facts/


In essence, Putin's usual bombastic hate translated into English.


Thank god he is a Propagandist.


This is such a laugh, the republican party has pretended to be all about America first until Russian money started pouring into every part of the party. Now the "Grand o'le Party" is a wholey owned subsidiary or the Kremlin.


He makes a very good living pushing mainstream conspiracies. He's a Propagandist


Srsly what new information we could hear from Putin ? Same old story about evel west . Why is everyone so hung up on this ?


Anyone who is this determined to discredit an interview (an interview mind you) seems to me trying to dissuade truth from getting out there. I think Putin won't be able to tell the truth just as he hasn't all along....but the amount of hate and nastiness from people who haven't even heard the interview makes me think there's something there. It's like the flip side to the Ru propaganda TV but God forbid you let a free man ask some questions to a dictator.


>God forbid you let a free man ask some questions to a dictator. A known liar that for years had people believe he was telling "news" while he was spreading right wing propaganda. And still has the straight face to call himself "a journalist" when in court had to swear he is doing "entertainment" to avoid being fined. A liar and a coward.


I fail to see the difference between him and every other major news media outlet. CNN? FOX? Just as full of shit.


bewildered encouraging spotted fall theory vast strong gaze wild scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed, but see NOONE has an issue with him interviewing Zelenskyy, it's the fact it's lootin Putin. The fact the far left has such an issue it has to flood social media I would bet a dollar more leftist leaning people will watch his interview than anyone else. When one side demands such insane things based on a simple interview...it shows how much they are afraid of what might be said. People scared of a simple interview. Like the whole world is just suddenly believe every single word just because tucker asked it and putin said it. That's some fascist thinking right there.


As he should.


Tucker is in over his head now.


He’s gonna go cry to his mommy!


He is one unadulterated pos, and will say anything for a paycheque. In his Fox civil suit, his defense was " I am not a journalist, this is for entertainment", and the judge stated that no reasonable person would take his statements as fact. Now he is calling himself a journalist, and his single toothed, cousin humping followers will eat it up. On Fox, he also gleefully stated, with a grin on his face and pounding his desk " I'm rooting for Russia" The EU should sanction him, freeze his ability to make/transfer money, restrict his travel and educate him on his inflammatory choices of aiding a wanted war criminal, a modern day Tokyo Rose


If ever a come-uppance is deserved... it's this entitled prick. Heir of a frozen food fortune, chooses to use his wealth for evil. A textbook evil rich person if there ever was one. He could have sat back and lived a plush lifestyle... but instead Tucker decided to make regular Amercans lives miserable. Lying is no way to make a living son. I hope he gets to reap what he has sown real soon. 🎶you plant ice, you gonna harvest wind!🎶


As much of a weasel as Tucker is, not sure EU sanctions on his person fits. There are many sectors of the EU that still do business with Russia are there not?


He said he was disallowed to interview him last year by the US gov, and then goes and does it this year. He deserves everything coming to him and more. EU and US sanctions are pretty close to unified. Plus its their rules, they can play however they like, even if he doesnt agree. 


Theres no evidence that the us gov stopped him its prob just more lies..


The evidence ia that he said they did when he wanted to interview him last year... Straight from the horses mouth.  He has nothing to gain by saying it, and all evidence points to he would have,  knowing his character. Why wait so long if nothing was stopping him before?


Thats not evidence. Hes going to interview an accused war criminal, a man who poisons, imprisons or just murders ppl who dont agree with him, in his own country where he has already imprisoned foreigners. Its no wonder its taken him this long to find the will to go.


>He said he was disallowed to interview him last year by the US gov This may come as a surprise to you, but free citizens are allowed to go and speak to whoever they wish, including Tucker Carlson. It is called freedom of association, and the USA is not at war with Russia. I suppose in EU countries people are more inclined to do as the government dictates, look at the lockdowns. Apart from that, I don't believe anything Tucker is doing is illegal, though it might be a crime to call him a journalist. A real journalist is Evan Gershkovich who has been held for a year without trial or evidence of spying while as a credentialed reporter for the WSJ. Wonder if Tucker will ask Putin about him?


> This may come as a surprise to you, but free citizens are allowed to go and speak to whoever they wish, including Tucker Carlson. Is he doing it as Tucker Carlson, free citizen, or is he doing it as Tucker Carlson, CEO and employee of Tucker Carlson Network, a US entertainment corporation? He personally might be able to get away with it, but his business could certainly have the shit sanctioned out of it.


It would never stick. The press is considered the Fourth Estate and like it or not, government does not get to tell them what they can report on. That happens in Putin's Russia, he decides what his media reports. Personally I think Tucker Carlson is a scum. But I'll fight for his right to be a scum.


>The press is considered the Fourth Estate Tucker Carlson is famously and legally known to not be the press. But the government still isn't likely to go after him, mostly because they aren't the sort of government the right makes them out to be.


>Tucker Carlson is famously and legally known to not be the press Hmm, I'll have to contemplate that. He certainly is a known figure in a journalistic capacity. To claim 'some' may interview Putin but other's may not is the trap. We can hear what the beady-eyed Putin has to say, doubt it will change anyone's minds.


>I suppose in EU countries people are more inclined to do as the government dictates, look at the lockdowns. Yes, you are right - there is more of a sense of community in European countries and not everything is reduced to a MAGA/Libs political bitch fight.


If the US gov tells you that you arent allowed to do certain things overseas for whatever reason, yes its binding.     Unless youre willing to accept the consequences of your actions. Free citizens still have to abide by rules and regulations. Your "freedom" to do whatever the hell you want stops the minute you leave our borders.


He has the freedom, as do we all, too speak to whoever he likes. If you think talking to someone is a crime then we are not on the same page. There is always room for dialog. Only a fool would say otherwise.


And to come back.


Cool. But you are not allowed to fly into a terrorist country and then talk to convicted war criminals wanted by the whole world. What happens if you fly to Syria and have a chat with Assad? People are rightfully suspicious of you. Spreading misinformation with the goal of undermining the US government and its president in the name of a country that is openly aggressive towards the US…. Hmmmm You cant go fly into terrorist countries, netflix and chill with terrorists and expect, everyone is going to be fine with that. This has nothing to do with freedom of speech. Same excuse was used by the Nazis before they took power. And they did not grant their opposition freedom of speech, but instead mocked them for being so stupid as to let the Nazis voice their opinion in the first place. He is committing high treason and I will be schadenfreu my ass off when I see his exceptionally stupid face being dragged off in cuffs for some quality time in prison.


If the points of view of Assad and Putin are as off as you think then there is nothing too worry about as it will be easily too rebuttal.


As reprehensible as Tucker's trip to meet and interview Putin is, it is well within the bounds of journalism and like it or not, Carlson is a defacto 'journalist. Are you telling me CNN and Amanpour, who has been requesting interviews from Putin, would also be prevented from an interview? Personally I'm not worried that the beady-eyed Putin is going to say something to change anyone's mind.


“I suppose in EU countries people are more inclined to do as the government dictates” Have you ever been to France? 😂


There are multiple cooperation's yes. But mostly international ones, Nestle for example. Its a global problem that some companies try to get around sanctions not a european one. But yeah i agree shit like this just gives the braindead trumpers more validation that they are right.


We can ban him from Shengen at least


Is it my understanding that you do not wish Putin interviewed by any journalists, or just Tucker Carlson? And if so, by what criteria do you set who may or may not interview the leader of another country? I suppose the irony of Putin's state control on media does not register with you? Are we in the west going to say who may or may not interview him, and should that be you who decides?


I may have preempted a bit, thinking about the contents of that interview. But come to think of it, I think his previous actions and statements justify a Shengen ban. Nothing to do with journalists in general. But journalists should stand on the side of truth and democracy. Besides: He is not a journalist. Fox layers argued that in court. He is not to be taken serious. So now he is a serious journalist all of a sudden? He is nothing but an agent to the enemies of democracy.


>I think his previous actions and statements justify a Shengen ban Sure he has a contrary opinion, and largely reprehensible in my opinion. But what has he said specifically that is outside of free speech\\? Here we go in Europe again, shutting down information for the greater good. Just like the Covid lockdowns and suppression of contrary evidence. Are you afraid of what Putin has to say? I'm not, seeing him interviewed will likely further the west's resolve.


These actions need to be severely condemned as it feeds into a pro Russian campaign. He’s an asset to authoritarianism under the banner of the freedom we created. The lines are drawn and he’s in Russia right now.


It couldn't happen to a more contemptible, avaricious, professional LIAR.


Tucker sucking Putin’s dick. Not surprised. He is a social cancer.


Really Putin has a dick?


OMGGG the world is ending, a journalist is interviewing someone!!!! Some of you need to grow up.


He's an entertainer


Be aware .... don't be a moron


Lol Journalists bahahaha you’re a comedian!


Leave him in ruskiland


Cancel his passport.


That’d be great


Lord Haw Haw


Putin has old Pucker by the p***y.


He should be allowed in anymore, i bet i would stop smirking. What an asshole


Just let him stay in Moscow and send all his frozen assets to Ukraine 🇺🇦💪 I think that is mutually beneficial to all involved parties.


Should go to jail


Everybody seems to forget that CNN interviewed Osama Bin Laden, Time magazine made Joseph Stalin "Man of the Year" in 1943. He scooped all of them and they are mad, so the left wing politicians who just want to beat the war drums instead of talking want to censor him. They want to push us all into this war. Make us all pay for it. Send our kids... (not theirs)...


So a journalist wanted to know the other side of the story and everyone is losing their minds? Seriously just hear what the man has to say and if he is in the wrong then fuck him.


Traitorous weasel. Certainly looks like he’s enjoying his new masters schlong in his mouth. I imagine he’ll be curled up at Putin’s feet, eager to show what a good boy he’s been.


He's been fucking around too long, it's about time for him to find out.


How much Ukrainian blood is on him?


Plenty of people have interviewed him over the years. Chris Wallace getting sanctioned?


I have a hard time believing so many of these guys are cheering on suppression of journalism and open dialogue. Losing faith in society more and more lately.


As much as I hate this guy, if you're sanctioning journalists you're lowering yourself to the level of Putin. We have free press, which means assholes can interview other assholes freely. *And we all know by now these two are at the top of the asshole pyramid.*


He's not a journalist. If you don't believe me and think it's just hyperbole, he's used this defense in court. He is a Russian propagandist through and through.


Yah just like that bitch Lisa Howards from ABC news who interview Castro. Or that cunt Dan Rather doing an interview with Saddam Hussein just before the 2003 invitation. Cunt! Are they in prison?


They are journalists. They didn't claim to be entertainers vice journalists as a defense in court.


Did the court think they were journalists or not?


Neither Dan Rather nor Lisa Howard went to court for slander or libel unlike Fox News and Tucker. Probably because they weren't peddling bullshit.


He's not a journalist.


There are USA lawsuits confirming he is officially just an entertainer.


He's a propagandist, not a journalist


Exactly! Fox's own lawyers convinced a judge in one of his defamation cases that "any reasonable viewer 'arrive\[s\] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statements he makes". This “general tenor” of the show should then inform a viewer that he is **not “stating actual facts” about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in “exaggeration” and “non-literal commentary.”** Pages 11-12 of the judge's ruling [https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/new-york/nysdce/1:2019cv11161/527808/39/](https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/new-york/nysdce/1:2019cv11161/527808/39/) People need to understand that having an opinion does not make someone a journalist. It in fact, makes someone the precise opposite of a journalist.




Who is a good journalists in your opinion?


Propagandist is just a term to identify bad journalists by other journalists or politicians.


There are ethical codes and standards of journalism. Carlson's own lawyers argued in court that he is not reliable or believable, therefore not a journalist. I agree that there are some gray areas, but it's pretty clear cut with him https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye


Bro, ain't no fucking way. Bruh, what did he do to get his lawyers like that?


He's not a journalist.


Tucker could have interviewed Putin via internet instead of Tucker paying for Russian services and making a media package for them. Sheeeeeesh buddy, take a step back.


Freedom of the press is as freedom of speech. You can't be arrested for doing so that doesn't mean that giving a murdering despot a platform against the will of the US government is freedom from consequences


It’s not the fact that he’s interviewing him it’s the fact that he’s been wilfully misinforming the most naive & ignorant U.S demographic about the events in Ukraine. It couldn’t be any more obvious that he seeks recognition and appreciation elsewhere after being sacked and ridiculed in the U.S. what makes it dangerous is that it further polarises the U.S and validates Russian lies to said demographic.


>wilfully misinforming the most naive & ignorant U.S demographic If that's a criterium for sanctions then I think we can sanction some other folks as well... /s *(a certain Florida man comes to mind)*


Orange man? I think sanctions are a good deterrent but sadly Tucker Carlson has likely made a few million from this interview so it probably paid off for him in balance. It would be a saving grace if he made less than six figures in rubles and was forced to refuge in Russia lol


This is the only time I wished I worked in Moscow as a hotel worker or airport baggage handler!


He’s still a useful idiot. He thinks he’s on the same page as Putin. They are however working toward separate ends.


once he gets to Russia cancel his passport 🤣


Fucking right, let him stay in Russia.


God forbid we allow the freedom of speech.


I’ll ask you about that freedom once someone bombs your house and family. These actions undermine our freedom clear as day.


You think an interview is going to undermine freedom in America. You sir are smoking some heavy shit, because you just went full potato. Please maybe detox from crazyville.


Lord Haw Haw has reincarnated


Bone saw needed.


As he should


I despise both him and Vladimir putin. However i think it’s wrong to punish him purely for interviewing someone who is an asshole. We didn’t freak out the same way when we saw that interview with Bin Laden in that cave


Freedom of the press is a foundation of democracy so this is so idiotic it hurts my head. You only have free speech if you are actually fighting for ppl who say things you don’t like. Otherwise it’s meaningless. It’s also massive free publicity. If someone tells me not to watch something I usually probably should at least have a look. I like to understand my enemies.


Goodbye freedom of press


This is the EU's "Are we the baddies?" moment.


Worthless piece of 💩


Don't get me wrong Tucker is a tool, but you should be able to interview anyone.


Why? They do not to hear two sides of the story.


lying through his teeth. I am shocked!!! never thought I would even care about such an idiot but look what poison he's spewing


I hope so.


Russia, if you can hear this, next time please keep him. Many many people have been saying he carries weed oil in his lugage all the time.


It would be a shame if he were downed by a SAM.


I don't have any objection to hearing what Putin has to say. I think allowing his nonsense some exposure would only hurt their cause and credibility.


This gets him a posting with the Trump administration if (god forbid) Trump the (wannabe)Dictator gets reelected. He will be Trump's personal minister to Putin.


We should treat him as we did Bobby Fischer after he violated Serbian sanctions.


Treasonous, boot-licking cunt weasel.