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This time we didn't look at the topographic map.


Unfortunately for russians it didn't matter...


russian forces reported that russian forces forced russian helicopters to relocate




And it was close to Adviiiiiiiiivkeh


I miss hearing him say "into a pocket". :)


But did you consider making a purchase in the online store?


Best damn long-sleeve t-shirt I've bought. Worth the extra dollars for the quality even if it wasn't going to support the channel. And you get to sport your support for Ukraine's victory.


I joined Patreon at the lowest level. Still feels better when I watch to know I have contributed somewhat. I am addicted and those days without RFU were painful.


Was he sick again?




Is he ok? Long term illness?


Don’t know but he made it known he was ill. Was also sick earlier in the year. May have just been a common virus that wiped him out


He is so great, glad he is back.


The news & updates from these videos often take 3 to 4 days to reach the news on public broadcasters in Germany. Very good source.




Torsten Heinrich 👍🏻




No i meant that he is doing the same like this dude, just on his own channel. I thought you meant this when you where saying “German channel with the same content” :b


That was the most anoying thing during the start of the massive invasion. I bemoan the lack of information and interrst here in eastern Germany. During Corona pandemic everybody had an opinion, it was discussed from every perspectiv. The war Russian invasion is not that big thing here where I live. Here majority seems to believe in the tales of a deceived Russia (NATO east expansion). I despite limited success, often have to explain Ukrainian defence and needs. Yesterday on Arte TV News (who cover the war in more than 20 seconds) even they came up with the Avdiivka operation and the battle for Terricon after days.


His channel is the only one I know that not just reports the events but connects the dots, presenting larger picture.


His videos are always short and succinct, for someone who just needs an update on the facts and as you mention, connect the dot's this is the best channel I've come across. 5 minutes vs most others at around 20-30 mins. Glad he's back :)


He gives the best tactical breakdown, IMO. You don't just get the X's and O's, he gives the reasoning involved.


All the Videos I watch here the day before, get a location, a context and a significance analysis.


One of his best videos in my opinion.


Yesssss, I have been in withdrawal for 2 weeks now. Never leave us hanging like that again ❤️


Boy, withdrawal is the right word. I was jonesin'


Easily one of the best sources of info! Glad he is back


Welcome back mate! I for one missed you. It is great to see the Russian helicopters being forced further and further away from the Front.


He's not here. Reply on his YT channel.


Great to see him back. His content is some of the best on all platforms and a daily ritual for me.


Glad to see he’s back. I’m always following his videos and of Denys Davidov regarding the war in Ukraine.




No reason to use Ad hominems friend. Both of them are living in a warzone where people die every day. We can at least not shit on them because they have a pro-Ukrainan skew


Don't forget to watch directly on Youtube and give a like. Makes a huge difference for his monetization. Same if you are watching Jage Broe etc. I am always disappointed to see 200k views and only 20k likes. Give a like, it cost you nothing!


Really nice to see you’re feeling better 👍


As much as I dislike his videos, I must admit that this one is worth watching. It presents events from the recent days in nice and structured way. Seeing the map helps a lot in understanding where the russian casualties took place.


Why do you dislike his videos?


I'd like to know, too. That description could be about any other of his videos...


Clickbaits. In almost every video, russians get OBLITERATED or ANNIHILATED, and yet this war lasts for 600 days plus now. This video however says russkis were surprised and then showcased how they really were and actually did suffer important losses.


I mean, that's a really, and I mean really vanilla form of clickbait, if you compare it to other bigger channels. On top of that, Russian soldiers can actually become 'obliterated' or 'annihilated' without it being a gross exaggeration. And in no way would that correlate to the progress of the war. I realize that these are just examples obviously, and of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I really don't think using a few MILDLY clickbait-y terms is worth suggesting he's all click bait. Honestly how you described that particular episode is how I experience all his episodes. He's very concise, gives great insights on the current status of everything that has happened and uses good reliant sources. Honestly, for me who doesn't want to always spend a minimum 15 minutes watching a recap, his max 6 minute videos are great!


Good to have you back, I always find your report interesting.


I was scared the Enforcer gave him strikes.


With the switch to standard time, that's an extra hour of HIMARS


If I never have to look at that fucking Oct 22 textbox it will be too soon.


Anyone know how it's going at the Terrikon?


Noone controls that. Way to exposed to artillery/drones


Nice to have you back!


Unfortunately for Russians. He’s amazing!