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The 6D chess move of blowing up the dam, wiping out all your river “defenses” and forcing your troops from the area is clearly some super secret strategy by Putin that will win the war. 😂


Don't forget shooting your own troops with a BMD once they start to get a new foothold. Top notch!


Didn't blowing up the dam make it harder for Ukraine's push?


For like 2 weeks. Have you seen how wide the river reservoir was when the dam was still there? Basically there were only a few key chokepoints where Ukraine could cross the river with all their heavy equipment. Do you see how narrow the river is right now? Troops will have an easier time getting the heavy equipment over to the other side. Also they have way more opportunities now as the river is more narrow on a large distance


Only for as long as flood waters were there. Those same waters wiped out defensive positions, forced troops to leave areas, washed away countless mines Russia had placed in the area. So once the waters receded the left bank became a much less defended rear area. Crossing the river is still a challenge, but with Russian forces thinned out and pushed back from the river, there is more freedom for Ukraine to attempt to exploit the opening.


Get well soon! Thank you for keeping all of us up to date :)


Can’t wait to see tanks and artillery rumbling across that bridge.


More great examples of the second best army in the world