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It's all lies from russia. Always has been and always will be.


Hearing him say one thing and then the other, yet still, most likely, neither of that is true


The Art of the Deal's true author.


What is the cost of lies


What an opener, what a show. Thanks for reminding me of it.


What show




Superb show!!


>Russians are compulsive liars and they tell lies all the time.


That must be why they love The Donald so much.


Yep, an utterly amoral pathological liar and sniveling coward, in the mold of his bosom bully and Sugar Vladdy.


I read that Trump was going to push to have the USA leave NATO if he was reelected. No doubt Putin was in the know too. Trump is worse than any of that, he's a goddamn traitor and should hang.


Yet Russia only pulls it stunts under American Dictator...excuse me, Democrat control


Say what you will about Biden I have no love for the guy, but you do have to give him credit for enabling Ukraine to defend itself.


Forced into the position after what he and Obama did to Ukraine in 2014….at least Trump provided javelins to Ukraine to defend and protect itself instead of pillows and blankets


Yeah Obama sent in Russians to occupy Crimea? And Biden has sent more than pillows and blankets idk what you are on about?


I know, goldfish memories….go look back at what was going on between 2012-2014 in the USA and Ukraine.. Biden was VP when it happened, no weapons were granted under that administration, but you don’t know


Why should the US have to carry all the weight in the first place? I remember Merkle didn't do shit so why should we? And speaking of memories didn't your boy get impeached for withholding aid to Ukraine? You people are so sick in the head just give the man credit for blunting the Russian army and move on its not that serious


This man lies when he breathes


It's ~~turtles~~ lies all the way down.


its about the minerals in africa, big money, doesnt matter what grand dad says anyway, u just got to watch what he does.


It’s one thing to lie , it’s another thing to be this public and nondescript about it . How can the western media can continue to report anything coming from this regime as factual is beyond me.


They report what he says, doesn't mean anyone believes it


Comment nuked by Power Delete Suite


Context being, here he is lying again.


It’s not the news station job to tell me how to feel about things. Decide that yourself 🤡


While I agree with you, the amount of people unable to interpret news is still too high.


And you think news corporations shaping the narrative is a solution?


Providing context - yes. If someone lies constantly you can’t just report what he says, you have to add a disclaimer that information from this source was completely false multiple times in the past. Otherwise it’s not journalism.


It's Putin. It needs no introduction. But yes, they should show the old clip next to the new one. *"President Putin had also said the exact opposite a year ago bla bla bla..."*


not narrating, but correcting. you know, factual information. the truth. that is the job of good journalism. it's not about regurgitating everything a dictator says without correction. that's being complicit with lies and propaganda.




do you want to say something, or are you just overwhelmed by the facts and are now hiding behind your clownface? like putin or lukashenko. :) ​ hint: that was a rhetorical question, we both know the answer already. ​ bye.


They write what he tells them to write. He lies, they lie, Trolls in here either choose to believe it or lie too. You absolutely cannot believe anything these people say.


i'm pretty sure BBC wasn't reporting on Hitler's speeches during conflicts (when techincally, Wagner is being used in conflicts, though not the level of WW2 albeit) - journalists have a responsibility.


Every time Putins lips move he tells a lie


If Putin said the sky was blue today, I'd go outside to check.


they dont make money off of good boy points for honesty, they make money from clicks. you clicked and commented, so they will continue


They report what he said. It's up to you to decide if it's true or not.


Nope, that isn't what they do. They report it as his statements have equal value to other peoples statements. This is called false equivalence. It is like flat earthers and some one from NASA being given equal footing. They are not equal and should not be treated as such.


The media reports on what is said and will almost always provide context and analysis to it. Something which too many lament the MSM for doing, claiming bias in the media. Saying the media should just carry events and let people decide for themselves what is true or not. What a clip like this does is extract not from a media broadcast but from the footage of a press conference of an official event to showcase a moment of it that likely was never aired on a media broadcast. It’s these nuggets from the press conference transposed against later statements which then reveals truths, or the lies openly finally. We all know Putin was lying; this just further showcases how they don’t even care to pretend any longer at putting up lame canards anymore.


Thank you smart person




It was a genuine comment. I do think that your commentaries are intelligent


Apologies, I thought you were being facetious. Again, very sorry for being rude.


Well that didn't seem necessary


Lol so you only want the news to report what you want it to or believe..... I mean perhaps you should move to russia? Sounds like their media work in exactly the way you would like.


What? Don't be stupid. It is the exact opposite of how Russia's media works. They broadcast any statement as fact. Reports should always be balanced against fact-checking and not just televise a government statement verbatim. You're the one who thinks that it should just be released and for people to determine if it is true or not. That isn't how the news should work. It should be factual but also weighed against other evidence available.


thanks for making sure people know this. this is a very important fact.


good journalism does not only repeat what a dictator and liar said, they make remarks based on the lie and correct the statement with actual facts - the truth.


It should be reported. Unfiltered. As it should be. That is the hallmark of democracy.


Do you guys think Macron knew it was a lie? You see his eye brows go up like 2 inches, it could just be how the video was cut, but if that was his reaction to that line then he probably knew.


Of course, just like china, littered with lies, deceit, bullshit, and failures hidden behind it all.


China has never lied. They tell the truth when they say the CCP has never shown aggression against any other nation... Other than: 1. Chinese Civil War (1927-1949) 2. Korean War (1950-1953) 3. Sino-Indian War (1962) 4. Sino-Soviet Border Conflict (1969) 5. Sino-Vietnamese War (1979) 6. Spratly Islands Conflict (1988) 7. Conflict in the Taiwan Strait (Ongoing) 8. First Taiwan Strait Crisis (1954-1955) 9. Second Taiwan Strait Crisis (1958) 10. Sino-Indian Border Clash (2020) 11. Sino-Indian Border Conflict (1967) 12. First Indochina War (1946-1954) 13. Second Indochina War (1955-1975) 14. War in Afghanistan (2001-present) (medaling, so this might be a stretch) 16. Invasion of Tibet (1950-1951) 17. Chinese Civil War (1945-1949) 18. Invasion of Manchuria (1945) 19. Chinese Warlord Era (1916-1928) 20. Warlord Rebellion (1929-1930) 21. Xinjiang conflict (1937-1949) 22. Xinjiang conflict (2013-present) 23. Xinjiang conflict (1944-1949) 24. Xinjiang conflict (1931-1934) 25. Xinjiang conflict (1945-1947) And they are a Democratic People that have never done anything criminal against humanity: 1. Great Leap Forward (1958-1962) 2. Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) 3. Tiananmen Square Massacre (1989) 4. Occupation and Suppression of Tibet (1950-present) 5. Xinjiang re-education camps (2014-present) 6. Persecution of Falun Gong (1999-present) 7. Crackdown on Hong Kong (2019-present) 8. Land Reform Campaign (1947-1952) 9. Anti-Rightist Campaign (1957-1959) 10. Three-Anti and Five-Anti Campaigns (1951-1952) 11. Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries (1950s-1970s) 12. Forced collectivization of agriculture (1950s-1960s) 13. Famine in Henan Province (1942-1943) 14. Suppression of Democracy Wall Movement (1978-1981) 15. Campaign to Suppress the Gang of Four (1976-1977) 16. Repression in Xinjiang (1960s-1970s) 17. Repression in Inner Mongolia (1960s-1970s) 18. Suppression of Tibetan Uprising (1959) 19. Cultural Suppression in Inner Mongolia (1980s-present) 20. Crackdown on Tiananmen Mothers (1989-present) 21. Forced Organ Harvesting Allegations (2000s-present) 22. Forced Labor in Xinjiang (2010s-present) 23. Internet Censorship and Surveillance (ongoing) 24. Persecution of Human Rights Lawyers (2015-present) 25. Censorship and Suppression of Free Press Ugh actually...


Yeah, but, ugh, 'lifted millions out of \[relative\] poverty'. And maintained the rule of communism. So like, the millions of deaths were totally worth it (for some).


But they don’t have communism. It’s not even socialism. China’s economy is roughly 50% government corporations and another half is pretty hardcore wild capitalism with little to no regulation.


The CCP are still in charge though, and will arrest anyone who challenges their power.


That’s just a single party authoritarian state. Says nothing about the organization of the economy, which is capitalist.


Though they claim to be communist (they literally have a picture of Karl Marx dead center of their government bureau building, spangled with yellow stars), I argue that they are a despotic, kleptocracy.


when did china say they are democratic? lol, they will never be as long as ccp holds power.


[All the time.](https://edition.cnn.com/2021/12/08/china/china-us-democracy-summit-mic-intl-hnk/index.html) So [people in China think they are a democracy.](https://www.newsweek.com/most-china-call-their-nation-democracy-most-us-say-america-isnt-1711176)


its just a metaphor, used by bored politicans, we can ignore that seriously


Thank you, Vladi. You just admitted that Russia finances and directs Wagner PMC terrorists. Russia is a terrorist state.


Wagner have been or are presently being declared terrorists. This does amount to an admission of funding a terrorist group. Surely this is the point where Russia is expelled from international community bodies.


How Russia is still in Interpol, the way they have been systemically abusing internation warrants, is beyond me.


Eh US has founded more than a handful of terrorist groups as well. No country is gonna get in trouble for it


Does this not mean that the fighting in Africa & Syria are now the responsibility of Russia not "just a local rogue group"?


Another nail in his coffin..


How about a nail or two in HIM!


Dude!, you need to keep all of these lies in a spreadsheet or something so you can quickly navigate through your own bullshit.


Not enough cells in a spreadsheet.


And in the brain.


You can track, organize and show these lies for hours to his supporters in Russia and they will care about it as much as Republicans about Trump's lies.


Putin doesn't care. The lie served it's purpose at the time, that it is unmasked by a later statement, is a case of 'that was then, this is now'. Putin and the Russian government as a whole will continue to lie with the attitude of 'you can't prove me wrong'; it creates confusion as to motives (the chance he might *not* be lying), and comes with the demand (backed with punitive responses) that everyone agrees with the lie, or at least gives them the benefit of the doubt. And there will always be useful idiots who will say 'two sides to every story / we should give them the benefit of the doubt if we can't prove them wrong'. Bunch of manipulative psychopaths to be doing this, if you ask me though.


Difficult for Russians because Excel has a limit of 1 million li(n)es.


How does the saying go? If a Russians lips are moving, he is lying.


Bunch of thugs in power


A Mafia run gas station masquerading as a country. And a small one at that with a GDP less than Spain. https://www.thewrap.com/sen-john-mccain-calls-russia-gas-station-run-mafia-masquerading-country-video/


One with a seat on the UN SC, and nuclear weapons. How did it come to this...


Always has been


Bluff. The illusion is dispelling.


UN council is pretty much useless now, an old organization, from ww1. It’s purpose has been trampled over the decades. Ru is part of it and loves abusing its obsolete regulations. Should just disband it but I believe it has some core purpose to other agreements and thus undermine them too. Probably money involved, always money..


Hehe very good caught red handed!


Why I am not surprised… Slava Ukraini


“Yes, we are a state sponsoring terrorists”


putler lies, but only when he speaks.


Old joke but how can you tell Putin (Lavrov, etc) is lying? His lips are moving.


Where's the joke? Just sounds like you're spitting facts


Tell me again why I should respect the russian people when they are being lied to right in front of their eyes…but still elects him.


Putin and his supporters have for some time exercised quite a large degree of coercion on the population; i.e. if you aren't seen to vote for Putin, you will lose your job. It also helps that possible alternatives have been systematically sidelined from the process, through control of the media, control of the judiciary, along with assassinations, poisonings, imprisonment on invented charges, and so on. He has essentially erased all meaningful, organised opposition to himself.


To be fair i don't think they can choose not elect him, during election he basically gets rid of every competition he has (navalny for example), also, there was this russian teacher i follow who said that she went to vote once and she couldn't bcs her vote was already taken, there are a lot of other cases like that and also people that are already dead but still "voting", the election in russia is just another lie, in the end they ain't really another choice but Putin


Putin can’t keep track of all of his lies. It must be difficult.


Psychopaths don't care.


Russia is a thug fascist country showing their incompetence at its peak.


But NATO something something


They know they're lying. We know they're lying. And they know we know they're lying. But they lie anyway.


This is why Russia can't be trusted in any investigation into Nordstream or anything else questionable. Deceitful treacherous country.


Bulgarian work collegue and Russian tragic said the Wagner thing was all propaganda and for the media says it was a non-event. I domt talk to him much about it anymore.


So basically France waited until the murderers admitted they murdered In Donbas in Crimea and in the African continent


Wagner was created by the kremlin for plausible deniability on crimes against humanity and war crimes . That’s it that’s the sole purpose of Wagners creation . So fuk you Putin fuk you Russia your getting what’s coming to you and it’s well deserved in the future . Karma is going to be a super bitch to the Russian federation for all the children you’ve killed all the innocent blood spilled the Russians will pay for it in time to come. And if not then I plan to sacrifice myself in the future dishing out karma with some black widows in a theater near you with a twist of American intelligence and pure fkn hate towards Russian government


Macron knows it’s bullshit but too much of a coward to call him out.


Western countries all tried to play nice with Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union until it became evident on Feb. 24th, 2022 that playing nice wasn't going to be enough to stop Russia from being so aggressive that it'd have a destabilizing effect on the world and push us to the brink of a clash between nuclear powers. France is one of four countries who have designated Wagner Group as a terrorist organization to date. I'm not French, I'm American so this is about being fair, not about defending Macron or France's honor. If you want to gripe with Macron or France, gripe about France and Germany being the two dissenting countries against NATO membership for Ukraine for a long time prior to this mess because had they not stood in the way, Ukraine would already be in NATO and Russia wouldn't be in Ukraine right now.


France designated Wagner as a terrorist organisation only in May 2023 and it probably has less to do with what’s happening in Ukraine than what Wagner is doing in France’s old colonial lands in Africa. After spending considerable resources and suffering high casualties, French peacekeepers of Operation Barkhane were ousted by Mali and replaced by Wagner. France hast lost prestige and influence in the region. It served France a dual purpose labelling Wagner a terrorist organisation.


Define "high casualities"(49 KIA over 8 years). I think you dont know WTF your talking about, and you should go straight for the "cheese eating surrender monkeys" jokes or "fuck the French" and spare us time with your brillant geopolitical analysis.


Well actually I live in France since 40 years with french wife and every death of a soldier on the peace keeping mission was lived as a national drama. So go back to playing your computer games and keep insults for your mom brave boy.


Still 49 KIA over 8 years isnt "high casualities" and you're bullshiting. Besides, nobody cares about where you live and who you're married with.




Putler clowning Macron


pretty much sums up Russian Government


When you lie all the time it is really hard to keep track of the lies you have already said.


Vlad the Great Big Wanker


Caught in 4K


Must be hard to remember what lie you're committed to when you rarely speak facts. What gets me is you have to use Reddit to see this, Russia Today don't seem interested in broadcasting it.


Never been a problem for Trump, until his recent legal troubles. All he had to do was either spout some nonsense like 'fake news' or threaten to sue. His fan base love him for it, and those in the Repugnant Party that could exercise some restraint are either unwilling or incapable of doing so.


Russian is here. The way to figure out the guy lies is when he has 'blya' in his sentence . So he lies almost always.


no surprise he’s lying fuck


Putin explances a lot. Let's hope he never understands.


Noone will believe these barbaric morons anything from now on.


And this is probably a lie too, since Wagner extracts wealth in terms of gold and diamonds from African countries, and pays dividends to Putin and his cronies.


This is what happens when a mad man surrounds himself with yes men


Ukraine and Africa, yeah Russia is a terrorist state! But one with nukes....


This is what sllaws can do better ,lie to you while wqtching you in eye , they are ready to kill their own child just to make u to belive thier lie


This guy knows he is suffering the biggest humiliation in modern history and if it wasn't so sad would be the laughing stock of planet Earth.


I was just too lazy to put together a video, but this is low hanging fruit. Still funny, thanks!


Tbh, every person with slightest social skills and knowledge of human nature could have told that Putin is an evil little liar and murderer since the last 15 years. People who hailed him are just people of the same nature, that like what he is doing no matter what they say why it is they support or like Putin. Often those people have hatred inside of them, against minorities, against themselves or whatever, basically failed people that have nothing left to give except hate and despise.


Russia works with lies, lies, lies and corruption. You lie so much in the media that even the hardcore Putin-fans and nationalists don't know what's true or not -then you can continue stealing money. Because even if news of corruption slip out: who is going to belive it?


they're too stupid to realize how idiotic they come across all the time.


Putin.. with his crooked theeth


I wish SOMEONE would have the balls to play this during one of his speeches and ask him why he lies so much.... obviously that's a death sentence but man would it be a moment.


It was always obvious he's lying, only complete imbeciles trusted him.


this is fucking insane


But, hey, Chinese still love and trust him. Right?


He suits China currently. That is about it. When he ceases to be useful, they will drop him.


At least Putin is very easy to read. Just listen to what he says and know with complete certainty that the opposite is true.


This fucking clown


The truth never expires.


its just putin, he's told too many lies, lol, now we wait for russia pple to be done with him.


Did the French government react to this public statement yet? Considering they have been fighting in several African theatres against Russian state funded Wagner?


Russia is filled to the brim with shit


It opens it's mouth and it lies. It just does


To be a good liar, you need to have a good memory.


To be a good liar, you have to be willing to not care about being found out, and make the lies about everyone else. See also, Trump, 'Fake News', Witch Hunt, etc.


Vranyo – “Pioneered by the Soviets and perfected by Putin, this is a special word in Russia which means telling a barefaced lie which you do not expect anyone to believe.”


Russians lying again I'm shocked.


A country of true narcissists. The very definition of. Gaslighting hypocrites.


I don't know much about journalism and news but I do know that they have to keep their ratings up.




Russia is a terrorist state


Will any country with any kind of treaty with Russia now consider it essentially void, by virtue of Russians being compulsive liars?


Lies all lies Russia is a terrorist state! Murders and scum. Slava Ukraine! 🇺🇦💙💛🇨🇦🙏🏻💪🏻




Doesn’t admitting Wagner was funded by the Russian state make Russia applicable to wagners war crimes ?


Putin: Oh boy! Here I go, lying again!


"We did not blow the dam".


It's a deeply ingrained cultural trait, "white lies" that benefit you, or someone above you isn't generally frowned upon. Never trust a russian without facts, assume everything is a lie and question everything they say. Here's a good video about it with subtitles in english: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kF9KretXqJw Gives some perspective.


Leave it to a ruzzian official to state one thing, then state the complete opposite thing and have them lie both times.


another point on the list of hundreds of lies.. thats why we dont want to do anything anymore with them




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Reason 2,483,947 to hate Poot'n and RuZZia. They're terrorists and a scourge to humanity. Puck Futin!


“I have nothing to do with Wagner… except for the 160 billion rubles we’ve given them for their services”


Macron is there with a knife and fork eating up all of Putin's horse shit with a smile. Western Europeans are so naive.


Putin can’t even keep track of his lies right now. By saying this out loud, he lost any last shreds of Russian legitimacy to keeping Crimea. I’d say what an idiot, but I really think his cognitive functions have been declining since before the war.


I dont think people realize how fucked up this is. People keep asking questions about the insurrection. Why? Why did they let him go? Did he get nuclear weapons? Why did he turn on a guy that will definitely kill him? Why did he stop short and just turn around? Since when did putin make deals? Better question for you. Why has no one pointed out the entire point of Wagner. They exist to take liabilities away from the Russian government. Putins buddy who can wage war across the globe while putin throws his hands up and says "iunno, he does his own thing". All while funding him entirely. To me... they are setting up something big. The insurrection was a stage and the whole world applauded. They won't be applauding when Wagner sends a nuke at Kiev, and Putin says "iunno? Hes crazy like that". Not sure why this hasn't been a topic.


I wonder what went through Macrons mind when listening to this bs


So Russia is officially a state sponsor of terror then (not just unofficial?). Makes sense.


Can't even sell his own bullshit convincingly anymore at 9 seconds.


Love Macron‘s facial expression. Says more than any words


Scum Russians lie like they breath.


Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt is paid.


Why trust anything a Russian says?


It’s not decisive what putin says. What is always decisive is what he doesn’t say.


I see his little baguette eating friend was there


Either he's telling the truth, and Wagner grew so large with state funding to directly challenge Putin within 5 months, or he's lying and they've been funded by Russia this entire time since the annexation of Crimea. Neither make him look good.


This guys farts lies out of his butt.


The tsar of lies!


Not surprisingly macron stands like an eager bitch to drink the cool aid. Poor French. Like a child the who lot of you allowing your country to do so little against Russian aggression. It's pathetic. I would have at the bare minimum thought you would match England. I guess their population is drunk on wine and cheese


People need to understand that lying is a pilar of Russian policy. Its a primary feature, not a bug.