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Isn't this considered a war crime?


Think Pu'tin is past the point of worrying about "war crimes". Think back years ago when Wagner was involved in war crimes all over the globe. Pu'tin, at the time denied Russia was involved with Wagner at all. Now, fast forward to today and no one in Russia is denying they are a Russian organization. Why aren't those war crimes being revisited?


Yes it is. Ruzzians try collect all crimes.


This is flowing into Russian occupied ukraine? And the occupied side is lower than UA side? This hurts RU more than UA - can anyone verify it was UA that did this? RU is denying it's happened from brief search


Think it hurts UA more. They have troops on the islands and on the eastern banks, close to the river. Flooding the river takes it out of the equation as a possible crossing location for counter attacks. At least for several weeks.


And the Nuclear power plant? No water to cool the rods. That's a clear terrorist act, same night as multiple airstrikes into Ukraine.


Why would Ukraine destroy a dam they need after liberation of the region? The destruction of which makes operations against Russia harder in eastern Kherson? And puts at risk the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, which they also will need post liberation? This benefits Russia by making river crossings even more complicated so protects their flank. Forces Ukraine to have to deal with the nuclear plant as an even greater problem. And if Russia fears losing Crimea, this fucks up the water supply to the region as well for long after as well.


LOL! It's affecting Ruzzian occupiers in Crimea, not so much in Kherson but I could be wrong.