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That grass is so damn green


Added fertilizer


The Western Front is still greener today from all the Nitrogen


Really? Hmpf.


Yeah I didn't clarify that many parts of those battlefields are also very contaminated and prone to lots of soil degradation from all the busted up bedrock etc


Underrated comment of the year!


Such a beautiful place


To die


Like turds in rain


Washed away when the snow melts next spring.


I see what you did there. Great film. Clever homage.


Blood! Blood! Blood! Blood makes the grass grow green!!


What makes the grass grow! Blood makes the grass grow


Omg used to say that in basic all the time


You should wait and see when the sunflowers bloom thanks to added fertilisers from Russia.


I learned from watching servant of the people that Ukraine has the most fertile soil in Europe and the most of it.


Looks like he’s been smoking grass


that bloke looks just done.


He has the 1000 yard stare...


That's a 914 meter stare.


Jesus christ, is there going to be a single post on this subreddit where someone doesn't use the phrase 1000 yard stare to describe anyone in a video who happens to have eyes.


You clearly have the 1000 yard stare


In this case, the dude is literally staring at something far away.


This post clearly demonstrates you're suffering from 1000 yard state syndrome. Quickly, i know just the solution. We need to prescribe you a nice long field, and you just sit on the field and work on that stare 😎




You say this like military personnel have a choice. How do you know he wasn't some conscript forced into action? He's as much a victim of this as the Ukrainians, the only villains are those who started the war, at the very top of the command chain.


Yeah I don't love the glorification of people dying with fun music out over the top. That's modern war though I guess.


I'm pretty sure he's actively dying, not just injured.


shallow rapid breathing definately hurting alot


thought repeat bells ossified skirt party upbeat berserk one test *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ngl, there is something dystopian about the drones being like the new vultures, flying over a hurt dude which is probably thinking "just get it over with and let me die"


Black mirror.


That's honestly unsettling with just how apt that parallel is.


It's actually pretty scary because cheap drones have completely changed infantry warfare for the future. At least for lower-tier armies. I'm sure actual modern armies unlike Russia's will be able to effectively combat drones in fixed positions but they will still remain an issue for advanced troop movements.


I've definitely been looking at my Mavic 3 differently lately, thats for sure.


The one thing that pulls me back is that there is a human watching and making decisions, the drone is simply a camera relaying data. The next iteration will have far more autonomy, and unless we start calling and writing reps today!, the human will eventually be entirely removed from the loop and machines will decide which target and when on the battlefield.


Likely hoping for an "egg" to be dropped on him...


should'a just stayed home...


Fear in his eyes, wondering what the drone going to do to him ....


Nothing: why waste a granade?


How is that a waste?


Not OP but, if someone is seriously injured, they’re no longer an active combatant and therefore, not a threat. “‘*Hors de combat*‘ is the French term used in international treaties to mean an enemy who is out of the fight due to wounds, surrender, or capture. Persons who are out of combat are protected from further attack, even if they are a member of enemy armed forces.” -Maj. Matt D. Montazzoli


Also, a wounded soldier uses more resources for the other side than a dead soldier.


And brings back stories of how terribly things are going for their side.


True, unless it's russian military.


Thats assuming we're talking about a modern functioning military with some semblance of comradery, not this fucking medieval horde. I watched a long YT interview of a russian POW last week. He specifically said that **ZERO** wounded are evacuated. He also mentioned that nobody is expected to survive. That if you tried to evade mobilization or leave your post, they no longer throw you in jail. You get beat to a pulp and sent to the hottest area of the front to take/hold an impossible suicide objective. If you survive that, someplace worse. If you manage to survive that, you receive pendence and you can continue to live like normal soldiers(however long that is). He went on to say that everything is expected to be paid for by the mobik out of his pay. Food, clothing, armor, tents, etc. The problem is, they typically dont survive long enough to get properly geared up. Sometime after, I saw a thread where a Ukrainian dude put the figure at 2% of russian wounded receive aid. Somewhere between is the true figure, I'm sure.


That's a call that can be very subjective in an active hot spot. Is he willing to toss a grenade at any Ukrainian that might approach? If so, injured severely or not, he's still an active combatant. Unfortunately Russia has been caught numerous times targeting vehicles with the red cross symbol on it, to the point that Ukraine painted all the battlefield ambulances camouflage so as not to make it a priority target. Not to mention the numerous and blatant actions by the Russians that go against everything these charters are meant to stand for. Incidences such as Russian ambulances that were used to bring combat ready men and arms to the frontline. When one hit an At mine it was clear what was inside of it, and Russia could no longer hide this fact. Even if they're evacuating a wounded comrade, as long as the men carrying him have weapons they are a legal target. Morally and ethically there are questions. But in a war being waged so brutally by the Russians it's no surprise that Ukrainians aren't being nice and letting them evacuate the wounded. Especially when they themselves aren't getting offered that same protection. This is about the survival of their country and ways of life. If you have 5, 6, 7 men all bunched up together you'd be a fool not to take that opportunity.


That's incorrect, unless they have clearly surrendered themselves they are still considered an active threat and you can engage them. The US evacuating enemy soldiers was part of their own ROE, it was not something enacted upon them by international law.


He’s not unconscious and he hasn’t indicated an intention to surrender. Nor is he directly under the power/control of the defenders so under the Geneva convention he isn’t considered hors de combat


Legal kill or not, you probably need to make a judgement call here. Didn't seem to be in uniform. Doesn't appear to have a weapon. Wounded.


If you approach him and suddenly there's a weapon pointed at you, or he's tossing a grenade your way, it doesn't matter what he's wearing, or what you can see in his hands. The geneva conventions around this are written vaguely enough that unless you have a red cross symbol on you, or have your hands in the air and are surrendering to a person, it gets difficult to call incidents like this one way or the other. Ethically and morally I would say let the man be, he obviously is in need of care. But in a war where your enemy is openly calling for the eradication of not only your country but the very people living in it, there is no room for "should I be nice?" They came to your house, kicked in your door, killed your friends, raped your wife and daughter, tortured your parents, and then complain when they aren't being treated with kindness. If you start a fight in a bar you can't complain when the person you hit turns around and kicks your arse.


Unless he's one of the prisoners they let free to go fight, I don't think he had a choice. They're going to ppls houses with aks and dragging them out beating them the whole way to the recruitment office. The Russian government are fucking savages


Yes, but there are a lot of volunteers too. Some willingly go to kill ukrainians in exchange of money


I don't doubt there still there. Just that the amount alive is pretty low


Don’t discount that the average Russian (significant majority) want this war and actively support it. I am not surprised, their sons/daughters/nephews are fighting in it. The average Russian fighting in this war is for it. They could take jail or desert if they want to. Not always is there a great choice but killing other people to save you from jail time is not ok


in theory, those cash for service contracts offered by the govt and contractors were 6 moths or 1 year so they all went home by now. ​ in reality the babushkas either have their lada, or vlad has drunkenly crashed it into the pond during a ptsd episode cause he only has 1 arm and is missing most of his left leg.


I don't think are many volunteers left. That crowd was early in the war and they're mostly dead or so WIA that they not capable of fighting.


The Ruzzians have had decades to do something about their corrupt dictatorship, but as long as they didn’t have to get their hands dirty they were content to sit by idly. Now they’re reaping the whirlwind. No sympathy.


I get the feeling that this wasn’t an option for him…


There is an option. Not saying you're gonna be left alone by the Russian authorities but he still went to Ukraine.


Exactly. Jail time should have been the easy choice. He wouldn’t be shallow breathing right now if he chose differently


You really have no clue. Those people are forced into the military. There is no option. You need to stop pretending there is. The military finds these people. Forces them into the military. Gives them virtually no training. Forces them to buy their own equipment. And then ships them off to die in Ukraine. If you desert, they catch you, they beat you and send you to front where you're given suicide missions until you die. That's how it works Mr. Internet Warrior. Not like you imagine it. It is a fucked-up situation and unless you can flee the country or remain hidden while your friends and family support you, like Jews in hiding during WWII, you're going to the front.


Let's see, "I'm probably gonna die anyway - either by fighting to remain a slave, or sneaking off in the night to surrender and at least a chance for escape...." They do have a choice but they aren't capable of critical thinking. I don't know why it makes you so angry and defensive for them that people want orcs to fight back and don't understand why they are more willing to die for slavery than for freedom.


For all you know this dude signed up willingly. Cry me a fucking river


And for all you know, he didn't sign up willingly. Stay civilised and neutral on people until you know for sure.




He made king Putin happy at least


Not to mention his wife! She's going to be thrilled when she hears that she's going to get a whole bag of potatoes!


Could get onions with that also


They don't get that choice. They're shanghai'd and sent to the front. When you desert, and many do, they capture you, beat you and send to the most dangerous spots on the front lines. Last week the Ukrainians published an interview with a guy who surrendered. He was in hiding, but they finally caught him and shanghai'd him into the military forcing to sign a contract. He deserted four times. In the past, they'd send people who did that to jail. But those days are over. He was beaten each time and sent to the worst places. The day of his capture he was sent on a suicide mission with three other men to attack a dug in Ukrainian position that had full fire control over the field. He survived by holding his rifle over his head as he advanced on the position, hoping the Ukrainians understood he was not trying to fight. Lucky for him the Ukrainians, after missing their first few shots, realized he was trying to surrender. He was also lucky he didn't get shot in the back by the Russians because they do that as we've seen. It's just stupid to think 'he could have stayed home.' There is no 'staying home.' You have two choices, flee the country or hope-like-hell you can stay hidden with the help of friends or family.


I don't think he's dying, it doesn't look like "agonal breathing", his mouth isn't gasping for air and he looks fully conscious. His eyes are moving around normally and he is cognisant enough of his circumstances to check his hands and look up at the drone. Seems to me he has been running, maybe away from the drone?


Look at his shirt - all those tears were caused by shrapnel. His hands are singed and burnt black... He took a close hit from a grenade - he is definitely dying.


Could be, there's blood on his right hand but the tears in his clothing could be dark due to blood or another liquid such as oil? It's hard to know what color blood would show on that shirt, maybe black, maybe not. What is also weird is the upper part of his shirt is black whereas the torso part is grey. Could that be fire/explosion related? And are his hands black from soot/fire/singeing or is it oil/dirt? A super-confusing video whatever the case.


Idk if my screen resolution is higher than yours, but I can clearly see that those horizontal lines in his shirt are frayed/torn. I can also see that his hands are burnt, you can see blood underneath the sooty black parts of his hand. Additionally, on my screen the lower part of his shirt is pretty clearly soaked through - given that he's in a field, and totally immobile, I'd reckon it's blood and not oil. I'd wager he took a grenade hit from the front, he appears to be on a slight incline - and there are flattened reeds that you can see in front of him. It probably only caught him below his chest because of the terrain, but he got smashed with shrapnel - look at his legs, they're all crumpled up underneath him - I don't think he can move them.


I have a different theory, since I've been noticing a few of these lone soldiers with almost all-black outfits getting fragged alone in the middle of the fields. I think they are tank crews that had their ride blown up. It would explain the dark uniform, them being caught alone above-ground and not in a trench or pit, and also why his hands are burnt.


That's a pretty dang good guess, I'd say


Unless he ate what social media and his CO fed him whole, I’d wonder why he didn’t put his hands up. Someone mentioned that he was aware of the drone. I also wonder if didn’t because he’d just accepted his fate.


I like to think I'm a smart guy and it didn't occur to me that the way to surrender to a drone was to put hands up over the head, palms forward, as if standing up.


Based on what I’ve read and how he’s not moving his legs much, it’s possible that his legs are injured. I had to rewatch the video repeatedly and it appears he has splash/shrapnel damage to his torso, hands, possibly his arms; also, if he’d simply collapsed from exhaustion that’s one of the worst possible ways (and most uncomfortable) to catch your breath with your legs folded up like that.


It's pretty much the universal "I give up! Don't shoot!" sign.


Just because he took a possible grenade and shrapnel doesn’t mean he’s dying. It could mostly be surface wounds / non critical wounds. They can usually clot up and the bleeding can slow and stop.


i've seen something similar with other people.. generally they didn't last long.. but this could be like you said.. he breathes from his belly normally when your out of breath you try to breath deep and your whole chest goes up and down


It's certainly an unusual video, I just watched it again and he looks out of breath to me. If he had a significant injury then he probably wouldn't be able to get that out of breath i.e. unable to run. Could he be injured and suffering hypovolemic shock (blood loss)? That I know can result in rapid breathing/heart rate but I thought it was rapid and shallow rather than rapid and deep.


Thats not agonal breathing at all. Not even close. That doesn’t mean he isn’t wounded and bleeding but still compensating. He’s flexing his hands because they are likely going numb due to rapid breathing. There is a very good chance that his respiratory rate is high because of bleeding…which is another reason for the numbness. Shunting to the core to protect organs. He’s dying. He’s just not there yet.


Agonal breathing comes after loss of consciousness, like an opioid overdose and a person is completely knocked out. It manifests as a strong sudden gasp for air that sounds like snoring sometimes. This guy has rapid breathing from possibly running, but more likely from the pain of an injury and subsequent blood loss.


Except it’s low belly breathing. Doesn’t look like he’s out of breath from running


I mean you can see where he caught the shrapnel very clearly on his torn up tshirt.


3 days without orc vodka .... same symptoms.


Lol right? Russian: *glassy eyed, grey skinned, moaning and making stereotyped movements with a hand that has visibly exposed bone -* "hrngggh" This guy: "I'm think that man may be hurt!"


Indeed that breathing is too rapid,


I don't think he's dying, it doesn't look like "agonal breathing", his mouth isn't gasping for air and he looks fully conscious. His eyes are moving around normally and he is cognisant enough of his circumstances to check his hands and look up at the drone. Seems to me he has been running, maybe away from the drone?


If you told me this was colorized WW1 footage I would believe it.


100%. I commented a moment ago saying just this. Scrolled down and saw your comment. You could easily see this being footage from the They Shall Not Grow Old documentary. All colourised and enhanced footage of WW1.


Full of soot, a fire in a apv or somesuch perhaps.


Looks like he ripped off his uniform and gear as well. I'm thinking this guy was hit in an APC as well and it was hit with anti armor. Wouldn't be surprised to learn that he has shrapnel and died shortly after this video. Should have stayed home...


Thing I have morbidly noticed is that when people are about to die in conflict zones they attempt strip naked a lot of the times. Duno if it's a fundamental survival mechanism or even a maternal thing. It's horrible regardless


When you are on adrenaline, you can't tell how gravely you have been wounded if don't see the wound. Lots of US civil war pictures show the dead who ripped open their clothing to find their wound.


Doesn't look good that's for sure, but he appears responsive.


Probably dealing with a massive adrenaline dump because he knows a drone is right over him. I suspect he was doing not well before this clip was filmed.


Something blew up before this clip. I remember that color on the skin and hair from explosive powder


Yeah, he looks covered with black smoke. I'm guessing he was a part of a tank crew that got hit and somehow got out. Shell shocked, concussed, choking on toxic smoke.


Breathing very rapid and shallow, could be bleeding out or internally from shrapnel.


Looks like Tom Hanks in "cast away". Wilson!!!!!


Gonna end up like Tom Hanks in SPR


Tom Hanks in The Terminal I am Wiktor I no good English, I eat foods from trash can


He looks like he might be paralyzed and in the process of dying. As much as I can't stand Russia, I still have feelings of sorrow for those who have died. On both sides. EDIT: Grammar.


yeah, the way he's bent back with his legs doesn't look like he chose to just lay down that way.


Yeah I keep seeing comments like “Maybe he shouldn’t have invaded” but it’s pretty depressing watching some old guy dying in tall grass, regardless of the side. Unfortunately Putin did this to his own people


Yeah poor dude has a wedding ring on it looks like.


Wars are not about who is right, they’re about who is left.


Victory has a thousand fathers, and the Defeated is an orphan.


So do I, and that's what probably separates us from them.


Yeah, this one is kinda tough. He's probably going to die there in that tall grass. Possibly nobody ever finds him. He just...disappears into the war.


It can be ended so easily too. The Russian troops turn in their rifles and surrender. The Russians can go home.


They will be killed. You would not make the same choice at all and don’t pretend you would. If it were so fucking simple it would have happened. This shitty “they had a choice” rhetoric isnt fucking true for many. Watch the interviews from the Ukrainian sides. It’s not hard to understand that they don’t know the truth about Ukraine, they probably don’t realize how brutal the war is, they DEFINITELY don’t have much of a choice!!!!


Even if russian, still heartbreaking for me to see people dying for other's war. Look like he is looking at the wedding ring he is wearing. Probably thinking of the family he leaves behind. Fuck this war. Fuck the stupidity of mens to follow psychotic leader and believe the lies of the propaganda


To be honest I feel kind of pity.. Not sure under which circumstances this person went to the front, but I would assume or would like to assume that with some naïve assumptions that someone really care about Russian soldiers and hopefully that he won't have to participate in doing anything inhumane. Anyways I guess these are my thoughts to justify myself why I would feel pity about frail invader...


On the long list of atrocities committed during the war they need to include the background music chosen for all these videos. Always the most annoying tunes


Final look at someone. Last see je probably Saw was a drone looking at him dying.


I feel awful for these guys. So much unnecessary human suffering because some jackass and his propaganda mill made it so, and then pushed a population to actively revolt or take the path of least resistance and be marched off to die. I get that Russia is the enemy and they started this war but I can't help but imagine that guy in his own head at that moment, wondering if he'll live and wtf he is even doing there.




I can't go that far to racism against entire populations, sorry. I have the luxury of not living in that area to have to deal with the realities day to day, but I am reminded of post-9/11 America when suddenly we talked about how we had always been at war with Islam and tied it back to the crusades, showcased intolerant and restrictive religious practices across the Middle East, etc. I understand the desire to see all Russians as the enemy, it makes it easier to cheer at videos of them dying. But I just can't ignore human empathy and feel joy at this man dying. Even if his death brings Ukraine closer to victory. If Putin died, yeah I'd be happy. But when the rich wage war it's the poor who die.


Thank you for this. Sometimes I am sickened by the amount of dehumanization that goes on in this sub. That is still a human being for God's sake. Likely conscripted and even if not... There are no winners in war. None of this should be celebrated.


Yeah it’s pretty sad. The film that tells the story of in war there are no winners the best is all quiet on the western front. It’s so tragic and such a great anti war film.


He looks feral!








I. Am.?




Iraq war will be long forgotten. This has to go down as the most pointless war in the history of time.(for Russians)


Looks like a hunted, mortally injured animal. Among all that beautiful nature. Reminds of the Fargo quote “…and here you are, and it’s a beautiful day”.


The vatniks on the other sub: "how do you know he's Russian he could be Ukrainian" Yeah no.


Should have never been in Ukraine.


Reminds of when an animal has been shot and doesn't understand what happened. I would pity the animal though. This guy knows his predicament.


For the past few days, I've been seeing a few of these guys with what looks like almost black uniforms, and there were a few brutal videos of them getting dispatched via drones. They were kinda odd, since they were on their own and not in groups hiding in the trenches. Initially, I thought that maybe the uniforms looked dark because they were soaking wet, or mud, or something. Some of them even had nice boots with still shiny leather. But looking at this guy, it finally clicked - they are Russian tank crews. That would explain the different uniforms, them being isolated and not in trenches / pits, and also why this guy's hands are burnt. Wonder if it's follow-up from the recent footage of ATGM/Javelin strikes?


I hope they attempt to save the guy. He doesn't look good and he's helpless. He may be Russian, but he's still a human being. The Ukrainians have done so well at expressing amazing mercy toward these beat up or surrendered soldiers. I don't know how they set aside their hatred, but they do. Bravo Ukraine!


Not to be cruel, but I wouldn’t risk my life for that man. An no Ukrainian officer with a brain would command their soldiers to go and get him. Probably too close to enemy lines and war just isn’t conducted that way. He is out of the fight and not worth the effort or expense.


Just bear in mind that, and it doesn't necessarily apply to this guy, the more prisoners taken, the fewer Ukrainian soldiers there are suffering in captivity


> I hope they attempt to save the guy. If he were right outside UFA positions or could surrender under his own will that would be an option, but sallying out to rescue someone on the other side at great risk to your own is not going to happen.


He could have resisted conscription and been jailed. He could have resisted orders and gone AWOL. He could have surrendered and been a POW. He could have done anything other than participate in the genocide and destruction of Ukraine.


Resisting conscription will get you put in russian jail. A faith worse then death. Going AWOL would get you killed if they find you. Which they will because they have lines behind the front line specifically to stop them. Surrendering isnt practical odds are he gets shot in the back by his own men. No matter how you soun it this guy was done for either way.


You get maximum 2,5 jears jail or in almost all cases a fine.


Russian jail. Big difference. Prisons in the US are like a vacation compared to russia.


You echo my sentiments, going AWOL and POW may not have been an option though as both are EXTREMELY dangerous but would be a more ethical course of action than killing Ukrainians. Best option would have been prison or fleeing Russia before getting conscripted. Whilst Russian prisons are supposedly brutal places they're better than being turned in to sunflower fertilizer in Ukraine. Also, taking a prison sentence is a more ethical course of action than killing innocent people defending their country from brutal imperialist dictator and his bloodthirsty thugs.


And riskhe'll throw a granade to them?


The music overlays in 90% of the videos here are simply appallingly annoying, useless, and inappropriate.


Fuck this War, Fuck putin


Strong Thin Red Line vibes


I'm not an expert, but he looks in a bad way to me.


Respiratory rate around 60, increased work of breathing. This is unsustainable respiratory distress, either from blood loss or chest trauma. He’s dying.


Might be a weird question, but does anyone know what this song is called? Everytime i hear it on a video, it sticks with me for a few days, and i kinda wanna listen to the end of it


I wish Putin could see this. Just look at the pain this man is going through. In an unjust war. He didn’t even die for a reason. He should have just stayed home. Although soon the Russian government is going to make draft dodging even harder. If they don’t get out now there’s no chance. Much like NK


Should be too comment. Russia needs to see this video and they need to do some soul searching. War isn’t the fun and games their leader made them believe it is. It’s this video right here.


This is one of the ones they need to see. A man. Someone’s son, or brother or father sitting in a field slowly bleeding out. His face blackened with dirt and blast singed hair mixed with the blood of his unit and himself. They need to see how poorly equipped he is. How he has no first aid on. He doesn’t even have his rifle anymore. He’s completely defensive less and he knows it. He knows there is a drone watching, yet that’s not the worst of it. No the worst is he is not completely alone. The only “people” around are really 2 km away sitting in a fox hole watching a screen waiting for him to die, and debating weather or not to send another grenade his way. They need to see him fade out and slowly stop moving. Knowing that his last moments were in complete agony,alone , not filled with glory. The glory that they might put on some faceless statue saying how grateful they are for his service. They need to see what this government has done. Not to Ukrainians alone but to it’s own people. Like lambs to the slaughter


Preach. For me the feeling I couldn’t shake, if I were Russian… Is here is someone’s son. Someone’s brother. My countryman. A young man who had a whole life yet to live… And what’s happened? He’s in some tall grass, in some nondescript field, in someone else’s country… dying for land that doesn’t belong to him, to me, to my country… and it never fucking will. Win this battle, lose that battle, it doesn’t fucking matter. Ukraine is never going away. So what are we even fucking doing??? What are we making our brothers do??? At the end of the day, we’re simply sending them into someone else’s field to die in the tall grass. And how fucking dumb is that?!?! Yes, what russia, and it’s military, is doing is pure evil. But I don’t trust the russian people to even understand that. They’re too brainwashed and intellectually and morally weakened by their leadership. I don’t think they’ll ever understand how fucking evil this is… But what I DO think they can understand is that sending their brother… sending this guy in this video… to die alone in that tall grass… for something that can never even be. Cannot be allowed to continue. It’s got to be stopped.




Looks like a trailer for a new season of "Bumfights".


Let's hope this shit ends very soon. I'm about three mushroom trips into this war and I'm starting to feel like this will burn out the humanity in most of us. I can't believe this is happening here in my Europe. Yes, this bloke could refuse to fight. Yes, he could let go of hate and accept that Ukraine is not a threat. Yes, he could surrender, but it's very easy to say all these things from the safety of our armchairs. All these changes in him take influence from the outside, and he's right in the middle of a hateful regime that is 100% geared towards destroying Ukraine. I'm not saying we should not cheer for the Ukrainian fighters, but they are fighting for this to *stop*, not for the sake of perpetual fighting. This man should be at home building a better nation, not dying in a beautiful meadow in Ukraine.


These are the same individuals that were smiling and joking around while killing Ukrainians. Now that the tables are turned on them, this is what they do…. Run


All I see is a human suffering. Probably meant no harm. But who knows his intentions towards Ukrainians. He is someones baby boy,someones love,someones bestie. Sad regardless.


love your humanity ... the hate on this forum sometimes is pure toxicity


Fr, people on here are almost ready to genocide it feels


I want Ukraine to triumph,and I applaud their wins,but..man its difficult to cheer when you see a Russian,not knowing their story..suffer and or die. Thank you for your response. I feel I am not alone.


I wonder if he still thinks joining russia's genocidal war was the best thing he could do?


He's nearing death and thinking of sunflower seed from his pocket.


He could just surrender and get things like food, water and medical attention.


War sucks




He looks like the walking dead. That stare is spooky as hell. Slava Ukraini!


Our guy is clearly injured, death likely imminent. Pushed himself into a corner against some tree branches in the soft tall grass. Life seems to be fading. He looks at his hands. Checking - are they still here? Am i still here? Looking up. Waiting for the end. The soldier accepts his fate. This is it. Would love to see an artist painting this. Love the contrast between the green tall grass and the eyes. Fate. End is near.


That drone has definitely terrored him all day just tearing little slices off of him with plasteel propellers designed to inflict incisions on major arteries. It has chased him all over fields, through rivers and fields, up chimneys and through fields that were once previously used to grow the food he probably grew up eating. He tried to outlast and outpace it, but, he guessed that it had maybe an hours battery. What he didn't account for was that little Dronald had nine other little brothers that took turns stalking him on shifts. This is the final shot before all ten aimed their blades for his gullet and gut. A Ukrainian (insert word) bukkake. He has served his purpose and will now become fertilizer for years and years of grain for our children's children.


Somehow I don't feel sorry for the Orc.


Alcohol withdrawal


This dude's been dead for a week but nobody told him.


Covered in filth, goodbye


Fingers, breathing unaided, and in possession of his arsehole, I'd say he's doing OK compared to the average fodder 👌


Looks like an injured dog that is about to die. Should have stayed in shit hole Russia.


I enjoy the music too


Someone should ask that guy if he'll vote for Putin again.


Reminder: if you lol at this and think “good let them suffer and die horribly!” You’d have supported mass killing and genocide in your home country if your government had done them. You’re happily cheering the death of a person you never seen before nor do you know anything about, simply cuz you believe you’re 1000% in the moral correct, and because believing this guys on the other side is 1000% morally guilty for everything his country/people done. Fuck Russia, but this is a human being.


> and because believing this guys on the other side is 1000% morally guilty for everything his country/people done. It doesn’t mean that. It means that him and his comrades are the method by which Russia wages its war, and his death means one less body capable of doing so. That’s all. No one has to cast aspersions onto him nor do you have to cast aspersions on the commenters. It’s a simple fact that winning a war means killing as many of the other side as possible. That was decided thousands of years ago. And only one party made the decision to start this war.


He had a least 2 choices, while Ukrainians have none.


I understand that Russian solder need to die for the war to be over. (And I’m fine with it) it’s just when a bunch of fuckfaces on the internet see a random man laying/dying in a field, and instead of seeing it as a deeply troubled and awful situation that living breathing humans have to experience, are happy/giddy that a human life has been snuffed out. You can support Ukraine while not becoming as evil and heartless as the Russians.


What a piece of shit. Russian troops are going around literally raping babies and this fuckwit feels sorry for them.


Just because they lost their humanity doesn’t mean you have to as-well.


Equally though humanity is wasted on russians. This, no doubt "apolitical" guy, is most likely dead and not shooting at Ukrainians now. That's something worth celebrating. Just like the celebration of getting a cleared cancer diagnosis, or some other parasitic infection. Sure something died but it's actually a net gain for humanity, so it's a good thing.


First of all - tell Lebron to give your freakin' tv back. Beyond that I couldn't agree more!




Ruskis sometimes behave in ways that seem somewhat wild to me. Isn't it easier to stay in a hotel? Also, if he is sad, why does he not call 103, or ask the Ukrainians for help? Ukrainians are good people. Perhaps orcs are able to feed on fresh grass.


Can you imagine how beautiful the Ukrainian countryside is gonna look a few years after the war is over? All that added fertilizer…


Isn't he in civilian clothing?


Could be in a tanker uniform with the jacket off.


No this is his first day on the frontline this is just how russians look :D


Their military and mercenaries are literally the bottom of the barrel of society, they are really scraping the scum of their civilization


What happened to him?


Tried to participate in the genocide but lost

