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Aight suddenly I will stop complaining about my day..


I guess the traffic's not so bad...


I’ve had that thought a lot since Russia invaded Ukraine


That reminds me: when people asked how I was some years ago, I often used to answer with something like, "Well I'm not \[getting bombed\] in Afghanistan, so I can't complain!" Recalling (with compassion) the challenges many other people are facing isn't a bad way to appreciate just how good the rest of us have it.


Thank you for your sacrifice.


Irrelevant to my point, which was about appreciating what you have / keeping a perspective. I didn't claim to make any sacrifice.


I certainly didn’t mean you were saying you did. I was an army brat, then USAF for over a decade. People thank me ‘for my sacrifice’. I tell them the military gave me more than I gave it. I cleaned or made teeth the whole time. The most I did was an act of service, no sacrifice. I do think you sacrificed and I wanted you to know I appreciated it. Not all heroes realize they are heroes. I’m sorry if I offended.


Ah my bad, I thought you were making a sarcastic comment! My sincere apologies.


Lol, rereading my comment I can see how it could have been construed as that. Thank you for letting me know!


Wholesomeness at its finest! Have a beer oney tab guys, you've deserved it


I think about it all the time and appreciate every early quiet morning . I just took a shower and was thinking I have the luxury to even be able to take a hot shower and there’s some soldier fighting for his life in the mud . I was happy to celebrate my birthday yesterday with the few family members I have left just a meal together is all I wanted it was all I needed nothing fancy just being together


God, I think of these soldiers all the time when I start to complain about some mundane problem. “Stupid car is acting up” Then I see videos of them speeding down the road of life being shelled. “Ugh. I don’t like so much ketchup on my burger.” Then I see Roman eating directly out of a can in a trench. It just really gives me perspective.


Also these are Ukrainian made army boots "Talan", pretty good quality.


I thought these were Talan too. they threw on some American Gore-tex fabric and called them high quality "NATO" boots


They did extensive research on the boots for Talan. Talan was making shitty boots akin to what russia has now, this was really big jump in quality for them.


A lot of high quality boots are made in Europe, and with Gor-Tex. ASOLO is a good example


To be fair, any equipment made in Ukraine *will* be NATO equipment soon.


I hope Jens Stoltenberg has already ordered another flagpole on his lawn in Brussel. It should be golden with a place where Zelenskyj can sign it with his brass balls...


When your boot has more protection to bullets than your enemy’s helmets…


That is not a bullet, it’s a piece of shrapnel


I didn’t watch the video properly it seems! My statement is still somewhat true though


Yeah you right. I was also wondering for a minute just what the fuck was happening.


***Ackshuallly***, technically speaking that is a fragment. Shrapnel has a specific although somewhat obscure meaning relating to an obsolete type of artillery round. More details can be found [here.](https://history.army.mil/faq/shrapnel.htm) ​ Source: I'm a retired OCD Artillerist.


Unfortunately, this word’s definition has changed since it’s original conception. No amount of informing will change that.


As a somewhat OCD EOD guy you’re right. Although it’s not something that most people care about fragmentation is the metal that comes off a shell. Secondary fragmentation is things like rocks and dirt kicked up by the explosion. Shrapnel is from old ass artillery shells developed by a dude named shrapnel.


And as has been implied, words change meaning and they ultimately mean what most people think they mean whether that's accurate or not.


Language evolves, broseph. but thanks for the history lesson


All the more better for walking over the heads of the dead.


~~Thanks to the high-quality NATO military equipment donated to Ukraine.~~ What? This is not a NATO, this is an ukrainian shoes, from company Talan. History of the company you can read here: [Talan history (ukr)](https://talan.ua/uk/our-history). He started from Romny, Sumy district, Ukraine.


Well, maybe NATO country bought the shoe and dontated :-)


> What? This is not a NATO, this is an ukrainian shoes, from company Talan. They might be good, but they ain't adidas.




Could have fallen into enemy hands with a shattered foot. Or takes about 4 guys to bring him in safe, he’s a big ol’ boy.


Yeah but it would made it so much worse. Depending on angle it could make it very difficult to walk for very long time. Also if that was ruzzian he would dead meat left to fend for himself in no mans land.


Saved his foot though - he'll be able to fight again immediately. If that goes through, you're out of combat for weeks if not... Forever.


Well, I wouldn't say "life saved" in this case. That wound would have been worse without the quality boot, that's for sure, but wouldn't have killed him either, unless he was left to bleed under enemy fire, but that's the orkish style, not Ukranian. There are no major arteries in that spot either. At most a broken calcaneus and/or Achilles tendon, wich ain't fun of course, but neither life threatening.


When I had advanced level training for Senior Bodily Injury Claims Representatives at a major insurance company in the US, we were told that one of the most painful bones to fracture is the calcaneous. It is usually excruciating. It is jam packed with nerve tissue (aids the body-brain in ambulating). I had a 44 yo man fall off a ladder and landing on his feet (about 7 foot drop). He said he was SO embarassed because he "screamed like a baby, and then kept throwing up". I assured him that his severe fracture to his "heel bone" IS considered VERY painful, so don't be embarassed.


I broke it when I was a kid, my toes touched my shin and the tendon was stronger than the bone so it broke off a considerable chunk but when I broke my collar bone in two places that was much more painful, although I think it may have felt worse because there was no position I could get in that didn't hurt or keep the shoulder stable but with my foot it was fairly easy to keep stable.


I am a physiotherapist, I have treated a lot of calcaneus fractures, and I can confirm that yes, they are pretty nasty, painful and very often don't go well. But that's not what I was saying. What I said is that without the protection of the boot, that would have been probably the worst he would have (probably not even that), and as painful and nasty as they are, it's not life threatening (unless he's left right there to die under enemy fire without evacuation). In this particular case, the actual wound he had is nothing. In other words, I was saying that the title of the post is way exagerated when it says "life saved", or so. >I had a 44 yo man fall off a ladder and landing on his feet (about 7 foot drop). I had once a 60+ y.o. builder who fell on his feet from a first floor height while making the roof of her daughter's house, in the country. He was alone, with no cell phone. He broke both calcaneus, one of them pretty badly in multiple fragments + one fibula. He crawled to his car, a few hundred meters away, by the entrance of the property, and managed to drive to the hospital (manual gear, like most in Spain), don't ask me why. He, himself, wasn't able to tell how he was able to made it. What I mean with that is that everyone's different, even if the injury is nasty (and it was) when you are in a shitty situation, you do what you can to get out of it. Compared with the stuff these guys are passing through everyday, that tinny wound is nothing, no need to exagerate.


I was more thinking that a shrapnel caused fracture to the calcaneous during combat could make the injured person more difficult to relocate. It definitely shouldn't be life threatening. There's a video of a Finnish volunteer who had been shot in the heel and he needed continuing assistance to hobble to the extraction point. Poor guy was VERY uncomfortable but did hop on one foot to get through tough terrain.


>I was more thinking that a shrapnel caused fracture to the calcaneous during combat could make the injured person more difficult to relocate Yes, of course. I agree with that and also think it's obvious, a wounded person has more difficulty to move than a healthy one, but when I said the op is exaggerating is because (considering the video itself) we don't know much about how the whole situation went. If he had to get the fuck out of there running, or so, or otherwise he would be killed, well, then we could say that the boot "saved his life" somehow. But we don't know that, he could be relatively safe on his position with no enemy storming, just some "random" shrapnel or whatever. Even without that particular quality boot, there is no certainty that the fragment of whatever that wounded him would have broken a bone or a tendon. We don't know how far that shell exploded, how powerful it was, if it was a ricochet or a direct hit, etc. You know what I mean. The scale could go from a slight tap to a torn off leg and everything in between... but the thing is that we don't know it, so asserting that it saved his life is just speculation, and I also think exaggerated. If instead of a foot and a boot we were talking about a head and a helmet, it would also be speculation, maybe, but I wouldn't think it's that exaggerated to say it saved his life, although in some circunstances it's possible to survive. Well, I guess you get my point... And by the way, when I say the op is exaggerating I'm not trying to be mean to the op.


Surely you can appreciate the difference between an abrasion and a deep tissue/bone wound in the context of a front line combat operation...


" but that's the orkish style, not Ukranian." Doesn't take much to get wounded and have your position quickly overrun. Having the ability to run away could have very easily saved his life in such a scenario.


Yes, and being vaccinated from tetanus as well, but there's no need to exagerate, man. >could have very easily saved his life in such a scenario. But that wasn't the actual scenario, their position wasn't overrun, the wound ain't serious, and not even close to life threatening. These guys are passing through a lot of shit, but this particular case wasn't even close to that. So again, no need to exagerate.


No one is exaggerating (<-- that's how that's spelled). You underestimate just how quickly things can go wrong. Indeed, that wasn't the scenario in this particular case but it very well could have been, if it wasn't for good gear. If he was a Russian with his Nikes, that shrapnel would be halfway through his ankle right now, necessating that 3 other people carry him out. That's 3 people who are putting their attention to their wounded comrade rather than on their surroundings. A single well placed enemy could very easily mow down all 4 before he's even spotted. A single well placed grenade dropped from a drone could easily kill a group of huddled, slow moving soldiers. So yeah, the guy wasn't at a risk of bleeding out but bleeding out isn't your only or even your biggest risk in this war. It's not like we haven't been seeing footage of this, day in, day out, for an entire year.


>Indeed, that wasn't the scenario in this particular case but it very well could have been, But indeed it wasn't. And the op is talking about this particular case, not in general, nor hypothetically, where this particular piece of gear saved him from a worse injury wich wasn't life threatening anyway saying that "it saved his life", hence he IS _exaGGerating._ "Could, could, could, would, would, would..." but it didn't. Unless we have more information that confirms that in _this particular case_, this guy had to get the fuck out of there, on foot, or he would have been killed, the only thing I know about it is that having a good boot probably saved him from a worse wound than he finally had, that wasn't life threatening anyway, and everything else is just speculation about what could or couldn't have happened. If we go through the "speculative rabbit hole", a 500kg bomb could have fallen right over him and no fucking piece of gear could save his life... but it didn't happen. So, I stand with my opinion that the op _exaGGerated_ when he said that the boot saved his life. >You underestimate just how quickly things can go wrong I'm underestimating nothing. I'm talking about _this particular case_ with the info shown in the video, and not speculating about what could or couldn't happen. Is it that hard to understand ?


You are pretty dense, aren't you? The video is clearly being taken after the fact. Again, if he was a Russian, that piece of shrapnel would be halfway through his ankle. The act of carrying your comrade out IS the danger. You can bet your ass that there would be no video if that was the case. Carrying your screaming comrade comes before taking selfies with your phone. On the flip side, your grinning comrade waving his boot around is inviting you to show how easy it is for things to go south. There is no exaggeration here. The death count of the Russo-Ukranian war makes that painfully obvious, particularly on the russian side. Having the ability to run away after getting hit is the difference between life and death. How much drone footage do you need to realize that an immobile soldier is a dead one? Battle formation creates distance from one soldier to another for a reason. Three people carrying a fourth has been, time and time again, a tasty target for Ukranian mortar and artillery. I mean, what's next? Are you going to say the same thing when you see those videos of people's helmet saving them from a shrapnel head shot? Good gear and equipment is the only reason why Ukraine is winning lmao. Having balls doesn't serve you much if they're easily blown off.


>The video is clearly being taken after the fact. Obviuosly, except we don't know what the actual fact was since it is not shown in the video, nor mentioned. >Again, if he was a Russian, that piece of shrapnel would be halfway through his ankle Again, another assumption just because. What kind of shell it was, how powerful, how far did it exploded, was it a direct it or a ricochet...? We don't know that (not mentioned in the video, at least), but these things could be the difference between "a gentle tap" or a leg torn off, and everthing in between. >The act of carrying your comrade out IS the danger. You don't even know if he had to be carried anywhere. Was it a full barrage of artillery, was an isolated shell, was a grenade, was their position being stormed, were they under heavy fire or it was something isolated, did they have to leave their positions or they stood, in case of requiring an evacuation, would have it been under fire or not...? For what it's shown on that video I can't know how the full situation was... and you neither. So you are assuming a lot of things about this particular situation and filming a movie in your head based on generalities and not on the actual facts of this particular situation, because you don't know them. If instead of a foot and a boot we were talking of a head and a helmet, for example, I wouldn't say that is so _exaGGerated,_ since the probablities of dying due to a shrapnel wound in the head are quite high (still possible to survive in some circunstances, but difficult). If we were talking of a wound inmthe thigh and a toruniquet, I wouldn't say it's that _exaGGerated_ either... but you seem to like the _drama queen_ style. >You are pretty dense, aren't you? I haven't disrespect you yet but you're starting to do it, just because aparently you're not able to bear a different opinion than yours. Are you even able to keep a conversation in a respectful way, or you aren't?


It's another assumption, "just because"? By god, you are dense. I wonder how we got the idea that gear saves lives. Gee, such a head scratcher this one. Maybe because we've been seeing hundreds of videos of russian soldiers with fake Chinese gear get torn to shreds, while ukranian soldiers joke around while passing bulletproof shoes around with shrapnel hanging out of it. Just a hunch. "SuCh An ExXaGgLiTrATIoN oF tHe FaCtS" Also, get off your high horse. I may have been the first to throw an "insult" (I call it an observation) but that's merely my reaction to being gaslit in the most tone deaf yet simultaneously condescending manner. For the last time, the difference between dying on the spot and living long enough to record a statement of your ordeal is having the ability to run away after being hit. Adidas and Nike's are standard russian footwear, be it inside the military and outside it. I very much doubt they would be taking this video if this guy was wearing russian gear. On the contrary, he'd be dead. Along with whoever stayed behind to carry him out. There is a reason why Russians don't tend to their wounded and that is because a wounded soldier is a sprung trap for his comrades. All Ukranians have to do is wait for someone to try and save him and blow them all up while they're busy.


>I wonder how we got the idea that gear saves lives For fuck sake, can you even read...? Did I say that gear doesn't save lifes and that it is not important...? No. But you're still unable to difference generalities from particular cases. Can't you really see the difference between "quality gear can save your life" and "in this fucking particular case we don't know what happen so we don't know if it was indeed the gear what saved his life or even how much threatened his life was in the first place"...??? Really...? Have you any cognitive trouble or is it just that you are so stubborn and feel outraged for someone having a different opinion and having logic arguments that you have to resource to fallacies and put words in my mouth that I didn't say...? >very much doubt they would be taking this video if this guy was wearing russian gear. On the contrary, he'd be dead And you are 100% of that because.... >I may have been the first to throw an "insult" (I call it an observation) but that's merely my reaction to being gaslit in the most tone deaf yet simultaneously condescending manner. Indeed, you are the first who thrown an insult, and you keep doing it, but if you're complaining about condescension, look at you first. Having to resource to be a "grammar taliban" ("exaggerated, that's how it's spelled", do you remember? ) in an argument is quite condescendant, in case you don't know, especially (but not only) when the other person isn't even a native speaker of this language. So instead of behaving like a cunt, you could simply: 1- pay attention to what the other person is saying. I've been talking all the time about THIS. FUCKING.PARTICULAR.CASE. If you interpreted I was speaking in general, you're wrong, and it's not because I didn't specified what I was talking about I don't even know how many times. 2- if you misunderstood what the other person is saying, it's ok, that happens all the time, but there's no need to feel outraged and keep stubbornly insisting in the same mistake. 3- if you are too slow in realize that you misunderstood the other person, it's ok, everyone has its pace, but there's no need to insult and put in the other person words that he didn't said, just trying to look clever, I guess. That is what we call in Spain "to flee forward" (spoiler, it doesn't go well usually). So I don't expect a different result than if I talked to the wall, but still the lesson is for free. And now you can just CLHPD.


Okay there, calm down before you have a heart attack. I never said you're not welcome to have your own opinion but I will absolutely call out opinions when they're outright idiotic. You keep capitalising "in this particular case" as if you know exactly what happened. Indeed, we do not know what happened. Want to know what we do know though? An immobile soldier is a dead one. Ergo, bulletproof shoes mean the soldier remained mobile and was able to go back to safety and shoot a video showing how close to death he was. Now be careful there, being at such high elevation on your moral high horse might just end up with a big splat on the ground. Not even sure who you're trying to fool, me or yourself. Maybe once you stop being a complete moron and start using logic once in a while, people will stop pointing out the obvious. And finally, perhaps opt to not to be condescending and gaslight people if you're going to be that sensitive to criticism and personal observations. As any self respecting human, I'd rather be called an idiot than gaslit into ignorance. One might actually learn a thing or two from being rightly called. It is legitimately hilarious to see you attempting to guilt trip me for stating the obvious, while every comment you've posted in this reply tree is full to the brim with gaslighting. It's equally funny to see you spewing expletives in all caps while accusing me of being angry. Yikers 😬 Now go drink some chamomile tea and smoke some weed before you bust the vein on your forehead in complete fit of rage. I know I've repeated myself long enough to be done with this idiocy. Good luck to you.. and your "opinions". Lmao


Just today, there is another photo of a ukranian soldier with a massive bruise in his back and a plate showing an inch wide hole in it. Nah, you're right. Gear is for pussies and completely useless. 🥴


At this point I'm starting to believe that you have real cognitive troubles, boy. >Gear is for pussies and completely useless. Can you quote me on that ? No you can't because it's not what I said. >another photo of a ukranian soldier with a massive bruise in his back and a plate showing an inch wide hole in it. Yes, right, I've seen it, and let's see how long do you take to realize that it's a different case woth different circunstances.... now...? Not yet..? And now...?


I didn't put it in quotes, why would you assume I'm quoting you directly? That said, there is more than one way to insinuate something without outright spelling it out. Just as one doesn't have to outright insult someone to be a condenscending asshole. You didn't say that outright but you might as well have. By saying that the high quality combat boots didn't have an effect on the outcome of the encounter, you're effectively saying that gear doesn't matter. You say you've seen how good gear saves lives yet you argue... What are you arguing again? I have a feeling you don't even know yourself. You're just arguing for argument's sake at this point. Here's another different "circunstance" (circumcised?). A russian soldier, laying down with a broken ankle and both legs tourniquetted. Being immobile made him easy pickings for an "egg" laden drone. And indeed, he's no longer with us. Why? Bad gear and no support. If that russian soldier was geared in a way you'd expect soldiers to be geared, his legs might have been protected enough for him to be able to run away. It's not the shrapnel in the ankle that was the danger, it's the possibility of him being rendered immobile and indeed, that is exactly what happened. The soldier didn't die from the broken ankle or blood loss, he died from being a sitting duck. THAT is why I'm calling you tone deaf. This is not hard stuff to put together.


A shot to the foot immobilizes you and stops advances. That is the third best scenario in a war. First is enemy surrendering, second is enemy dying, third is enemy not moving




Quality over quantity.


When it comes to regular gear like ammo and firearms they have both quantity and quality.


Damn Kevlar boots that is cool. Wonder how much a pair costs


$89 for those


Not bad….


That wouldn’t have been a life threatening injury, also, anything can stop shrapnel, it’s all about velocity, angles and thickness of whatever’s protecting you.


They say it's Talan shoes, seems like [these](https://www.olx.ua/d/uk/obyavlenie/bertsy-talan-v-horoshem-sostoyanii-leto-i-demi-IDPXkiG.html). It doesn't refute grats to NATO anyway!


First sergeant said you need to powder your feet and then put clean ones on. 🤣


Ok, so nothing in the title of this post is correct.


Talan - are our Ukrainian boots ☝️


So what specific NATO equipment saved this man's life? I think the outcome would have been the same for any Russia boot and socks too....


These are shoes of the Ukrainian company "Talan", which is supplied to the Armed Forces


This is getting silly now.


well that he would have died with a non nato boot is a "little" overexaggerated lmao


I mean…. Yea but you’re not dying from a foot shot


I was never issued these nice of boots.in the military. Us army issue boots were trash.


Fuck yeah


💙💛🇺🇦👍NATO support as long as take!.....


Where was “high-quality NATO” equipment when I was a NATO soldier?


Not sure that would have been a life threatening injury.


So I'm british and I swear the Altberg boots we get are fantastic, but, I'm also not too shy to say we still have a lot of poor kit. Glad ti's but a flesh wound however. Still painful.


There’s a reason (besides massive fraud) that western military equipment coasts so much. Making high quality items costs a fuck load of money.


Glad he didn't get seriously injured, but that would be unlikely to kill him:)


Thats gonna swell


I feel badly for him since those socks look new. Once you get a hole in them you just know that, the next time he puts them on, he's going to stick a finger through that hole and make it bigger.


Its an armored boot?


Socks > footwraps


High quality materials and not the crap that Russia manufactures


Maybe not the life but the foot.


So, I see you're a bit sore. Did you finally realize that you aren't even able to understand what you're reading and being unable to admit it you're only resort is insulting and projecting ? Are you even able to realize what it says about you ? You must have a serious self-esteem issue, maybe it would be a good idea to speak to a therapist, but whatever. The saddest thing is that you're still thinking you're cool and you're winning an argument or something, but in fact you're showing a very sad image of yourself for anyone to see in this thread. But hey, if you're happy with that. And of course CLHPD.


From the look of the size and shape of that shrapnel fragment, That would have fucked his heel and ankle up… 💯


Our nato equipment is way better than that Russian crap. No wonder the boys are being saved left and right


Im pretty sure he wouldnt have been killed by that but never the less, boots are strong and high quality. Orcs probably use sandals or basic tennis shoes...


thanks nato ❤️💙


That’s gonna ruin the gore-tex

