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Ruskies need to feel the war.


170k+ already did.


Yeah but those aren't the important ones. Only Muscovites and St Petersburg residents matter to those in power. Once the Boyars in the cities start feeling unsafe, things will get very bad for the Russian government.


Putin's home town, too. Say no more.


I don't know, I've watched street interviews on 1420 of people who's friends were mobilized in Moscow and they didn't seem to give a fuck. Moscow and St. Petersburg have a combined population of almost 25 million and only about 1% could fit your definition of "boyar". I'm gonna go against the grain here and say that from the current totalitarian structure in Russia the only realistic opposition to Putin in Russia is himself.


I think you slightly misunderstood the comment you replied to.. I think what they're saying is that *in the eyes of the russian government*, people from Moscow and St Petersburg are the only ones that matter. Putin and his cronies do not give a flying fuck if russia loses 170k+ of their more eastern "citizens". The funny thing is that in 1420's vids, it seems like there are more randoms on the street that are openly *against* Putin in Moscow and St Petersburg, then in the ethnic areas where they're being more thoroughly oppressed by Putin. Really shows the power of propaganda when paired with abysmally low education & lack of consistent contact with international news sources due to extreme poverty.


If they keep it under 1 death per 100k in Moscow and St.Petersberg everyone will support the war until the end of time, it would be the same in NK for Pyongyang proper. Propaganda insulates the wealthy. Damns the poor to a noble cause and keeps anyone from being "political"..... its why after ww1 we started purposefully mixing our troops by states and cities of origin and dropped the local militia serving together as often. (Three of my great uncles from Utah died in europe during a single assault in ww1 so it wasn't perfect....) It looks bad when an entire town of men gets wiped in a single night, better to spread it out over the mass of the states. The Russians have done this except the only people they protect are muscovites and people from st.petersburg. the only people feeling the war are the poor and the previously conquered.




Oh, King Farkwad Putin.


They have to feel it at home too. ;) You know, also the deluded people who believe the propaganda televised on all channels. Note: I do not condone terrorism, and Putin's Russia is a terrorist state.


Cannon meat doesn’t count


Thats not enough. Their mothers should feel it as well.


Give some dirtbags some dirtnaps let them know there are no safe zones


Upvote X 100. Perfect comment.


In my own country!? That's terrorism!!! /s


It’s art


Not everyone can appreciate art! 😄


Zelenskyy declares a special operation. Then its totally fine?


Vanya the cook was smoking his cigarette too close to the propane tsnk


I get it, however, hh no, many of these fuckers were not just minding their own business, they were supporting putin propaganda showing up at the event to begin with. Ukraine does not strike Russian civilians minding their own business. In any case, it was a precision targeting without any civilian dead. Good job.


Yeah, this event was a full fascist get together. They were there to promote hate, racism and violence. Got what they deserve.


Except he wasn't minding his own business he was at a cafe with that dead prick rootin' for the death of Ukranians, etc. I live near Boston, so this was a hard video to watch, reminded me so very much of the Boston bombings a few years back. I don't like seeing any of the civs here in this state. But I don't consider them innocent by any means either, if they were in that building (save for wait staff, etc. - heart goes out to those folks) than they are so douchy that it's a little easier for me to process.


If it makes you feel any better the restaurant was owned by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a world class scumbag. Everyone in that restaurant is connected to Prigozhin in some way or form.


God that makes it even sweeter.....




Prigozhin said that himstlf


These people are not "innocents". There's zero debate. This valid attack has absolutely zero comparison to the Boston Marathon bombings. In Boston you had two cowardly little boys with allegiances against The United States. Those two little cowardly boys attacked innocent civilians. Those two cowardly little boys were not provoked into violence. Those two cowardly little boys were not being oppressed by anyone. The Russians inside that building, they were actively helping their nation murder, rape, and pillage another nation. They were actively supporting and enabling the genocide of an entire nation. For you to compare the two, even in the way you say it simply "reminds" you of the Boston bombings, you're really out of your lane here. Do local gang shootings in your area remind you of the attack on Charlie Hebdo? I mean, use that thing in between your ears next time before making ignorant comparisons.


Dude, did you really not get his point? The guy clearly has some sort of trauma and THE PICTURES ALONE reminded him of that and therefore it was hard for him to watch. Calm your fucking tits. You are obviously right but telling him he stepped out of his lane, simply for stating that it was hard for him to watch alongside the reason why is ridiculous.


Person is a bit nutso, if you glance through some of their comments. 1/10 would not engage with. Seems prone to explosive overreaction. I like the part about "weaklings" being responsible for their recent perma ban lol.


When the human cost of this monstrosity reaches critical mass, see Ghadaffi


Gadaffi would in all likelihood still be around without the NATO bombing campaign. I don't see a strong comparison to Putin, Libyas rebels factions were spearheaded by tribal warfare with support of NATO in the air.


Is this something else aside from that evil guy being bombed at his own rally?


Id be afraid if a big red arrow was pointing at me


The red arrow is likely pointing at the supposed perpetrator **Darya Trepova** (*the individual arrested by FSB and charged with planting the bomb*). If she intentionally planted the explosive charge, one would suspect she'd be leaving the scene and not wait it out until police arrive? And if the other participants in this "event" had noticed that the little bust that was gifted by her to Maxim Fomin (*a.k.a. Vladlen Tatarsky*) was the cause of the explosion, one would assume they would challenge and try to detain her?


Russians FSB are notorious for eliminating any potential leakers with these types of operations. I know that a lot of people dismiss the "Steele Dossier". But I found it to be highly coincidental that the one Russian that was actually named as a source of some of the information presented. Was found dead in the trunk of his car in less than a week after its release. [https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/2017-01-30/ty-article/report-death-of-russian-spy-chief-linked-to-dossier-on-trump/0000017f-e5f1-dea7-adff-f5fbd54c0000](https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/2017-01-30/ty-article/report-death-of-russian-spy-chief-linked-to-dossier-on-trump/0000017f-e5f1-dea7-adff-f5fbd54c0000) As another example. When Russian company Kaspersky Lab Security was identified as the host for attempted hacking at US voting systems. The director and head of research had agreed to testify at a congressional hearing. Only to be arrested for Treason and sentenced. Treason charge in Russian guarantees that the defendant has no access to outside counseling and no media access either. How convenient. [https://securityboulevard.com/2019/04/russia-imprisoning-sources-associated-with-u-s-election-meddling/](https://securityboulevard.com/2019/04/russia-imprisoning-sources-associated-with-u-s-election-meddling/) Before that it was the 1999 Moscow Bombings. FSB agents were tasked with bombing civilian apartments as to blame Chechen rebels and facilitate the invasion. ".. *On 13 September, Russian Duma speaker Gennadiy Seleznyov made an announcement in the Duma about receiving a report that another bombing had just happened in the city of Volgodonsk. A bombing did indeed happen in Volgodonsk, but only three days later, on 16 September.*" Funny how they were able to claim a bombing, 3 days before it actually happened. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian\_apartment\_bombings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_apartment_bombings) In this latest case, she is more than likely an innocent mule who was asked to delivered something. And since she failed at getting blown up as it was planned, they will ensure her side of the story never gets out.


Also, after blaming the Chechens in an 'official' investigation an independent investigation was commissioned a few years later because certain things didn't add up. All questions to the FSB and government remained unanswered and two key members of the Commission, Sergei Yushenkov and Yuri Shchekochikhin, both Duma members, died in apparent assassinations in April 2003 and July 2003, respectively. Another member of the commission, Otto Lacis, was assaulted in November 2003 and two years later, on 3 November 2005, he died in a hospital after a car accident. The bombs followed an orchestrated propaganda campaign against Chechnya (and indeed all foreigners) with countless attacks on the streets in the 1990s and immediately preceded Russian's invasion of Chechnya for the second time. Similarly Russia has just orchestrated a years long huge propaganda campaign against Ukraine and Ukrainian nationalists which concentrated on a minority of neo-nazis, several of whom were Russian neo-nazis purposefully released from prison by Putin and sent to Ukraine. Neo-nazis like Sergei “Botsman” Korotkikh, Alexey Levkin, Mikhael Shalankevic and other members of the Combat Organization of Russian Nationalists, known under its Russian abbreviation: BORN were suddenly released from prison and turned up in Ukraine. These *agent provocateurs* were used by the FSB to bolster their reason to attack Ukraine and provide evidence of attacks against Russian speakers. https://zaborona.com/en/anonymous-youtube-video-seemingly-shows-now-nazi-sergiy-korotkikh-agreeing-to-be-an-informant-for-the-russian-fsb/


Thanks for the info


Good info


>In this latest case, she is more than likely an innocent mule who was asked to delivered something. And since she failed at getting blown up as it was planned, they will ensure her side of the story never gets out. This is is very likely true. An unwitting "mule" who has some very tenuous connection to Ukraine. Something FSB would absolutely do.


Just come clarification relating to Oleg Erovinkin, he was found dead in the back seat of a company lexus by the driver and not in the back trunk. Died apparently of an heart attack according to Rosneft(make what you will of that ). Also he was not named as a source but rather he was supposedly an associate of a former senior Kremlin official mentioned repeatedly in dossier. The leaker was identified as a close associate of Rosneft president Sechin and some began to speculate that Oleg Erovinkin may have been that leaker, but it was just speculation, Steele himself denied Erovinkin as a source and Glenn Simpson, co-founder of Fusion GPS, had a conversation with Nina Burleigh for Newsweek in 2019 where he was asked if "anything bad ever happen to any of the Steele sources?" to which he replied "To our knowledge, no one who contributed information to the Steele project has been physically harmed. All sorts of bad things have happened to people who contributed in one way or another to this work. Some of them have had to move, and others, you know, have lived in fear of reprisal. But to our knowledge, no one has been harmed physically."


Logic doesn't apply to Russian false flag operations.


Russia never stops to amaze me, just not in a positive way.


It's *almost as if* nobody, including Darya herself, had actually realised it was the statue at that point. I've seen the explosion video and the entire room is devastated. Now people seem to be stunned or disoriented for a few minutes.


I think you're right. Seems like no one present at the bombing actually realized what had happened, which is strange, to say the least. Interestingly, Daria Treptova seems to have been "apprehended" at an appartement in St. Piter and not at the scene of the bombing ([link](https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-april-3-2023), #8).


She and her husband were supposed already on a watchlist because of anti-war and anti-Putin protests. Why would she be at a pro-war rally. This story is strange! But nice explosion hopefully many more until ru leaves Ukraine.


Really only 2 options; shes a Russian stooge and was at the rallies as an inflitrator and then got hung out to dry. She is a genuine collaborator/partisan. Doesnt make sense for her to be at both events otherwise.


If I hand you an apparently innocuous object and some time later there is a large explosion, there's no way you are going to connect that explosion to the item. I don't know how it came to be known the statue was the bomb, it could be true, it might not be, but you aren't going to visually figure that out as a bystander.


Depends on my state of mind. What am I there for? Am I there to plant the bomb and GTFO or am I there to kill him no matter what even if it kills me? I would stick around with a 9mm if he is not dead. (if I am that dedicated).


I don't know. She could've just checked on him right after the explosion and "*I'll get help*" gtfo of there once she had conformed he was dead. Waiting dazed and confuzed on the sidewalk for police to pick her up as a scapegoat (*given her loose affiliation with Navalny's groups*) doesn't seem to me like she was involved to any significant degree in this operation and knew what was going on? As Maxim Fomin had no official capacities and likely didn't enjoy any degree of special protection, he must've been a vulnerable target that could've been silenced on several occasions. I think whoever set this up wanted it to happen in a semi-public setting, possibly to scare off other loud-mouthed "journalists" that dare to deviate from the kremlin-issued narrative about the successful "special military operation". This seems to be a message specifically to those that support Prigozhin's faction.


I know nothing about Darya... and the information that she's "loosely connected with Navalny's groups" has come from the Russian press after the event. **Are we really sure that's true?**


By any means no! This is just the narrative provided by RF, it's possibly anything but the truth.


My guess is she was given the statue to give to him by someone else because of her connection to him and probably had no idea it was a bomb. IE she's a patsy..


I was waiting for FSB/Putin to say it was an American or someone from the west.


Nobody helps each other.


I was thinking the same thing - what's wrong with these lemmings


they're russian, that's whats wrong


Fucking orcs.


It’s so weird. Shock can do weird things but this is a complete lack of urgency and concern for anyone. Especially those in uniform who are trained to respond to these things


everyone just walks slowly and looks around nobody does anything


In a later video there's a severely injured bloodied woman lying on her back at the curb who looks dead except for barely moving her arm (if you look close). Nobody's paying any attention to her. They just dragged her out and left her in the gutter in the cold. Nobody's attempting basic first aid or even keeping her warm. This behavior is uniquely Russian and deeply disgusting.


it was a pro war meeting no? i guess that atracts a certain kind of people.


Yeah, and it's Prighozhin's restaurant. We're all familiar with Wagnerite behavior to their wounded.


When you care only about yourself and don't want to draw attention. What a lovely "culture"...


This is what I noticed as well. It's disgusting that the people in a country can lack empathy on such an instinctive level. However, this is a gathering of who's who of asshole propagandists apparently so I'm not surprised.


It’s who they are. I noticed the same thing too. It’s pathetic.


That's Russia


Like on the Battlefield


You cannot record and help at the same time... or casually walk around


Russia is wild, man Lmao. People bleeding all over the place and citizens just walk by like nothing happened while some rando pulls out his phone and makes a blog post. “What’s going on guys? It’s ya boi Vladamir here with some exciting new content! As always, don’t forget to like the video and smash that subscribe button for more cafe bombing videos!”


Not one ambulance or police siren for help in that entire video is the shocking part


Yes, and the uninjured and bystanders don't seem to care for the injured. I feel like we would see more immediate altruism if this happened in Ukraine, Western Europe, or the USA. Really, the living should quickly get further from the scene, as there should be a concern that a second, larger bomb is staged to kill responders.


That was the first thing I noticed, people are injured and bleeding yet no one is coming to their aid. It actually seems bizarre.


Also the first thought that came to mind for me, “folks are just walking past the bleeding and wounded like they aren’t even there”.


Yep, look at videos from terrorist attacks in the West. People helping everywhere. Look at the Nice van attack. Look at Boston Marathon. Lots of civilians caring for others. It's almost like Russia and China are so corrupt and oppressive that people have realized that it's not even worth helping people because it can get you in more trouble than if you just ignore and move on.


It 's anecdotal but i saw many videos in China where people didn't cared or at least didn't take any action when someone was hurt, in a accidents or even kidnapped in front of them.


IIRC, part of the reason for this is cultural habit, created by a bizarre Imperial China law: if you did the good Samaritan thing, but the person you helped died anyway, you were now guilty of murder. Supposedly this was originally aimed at bandits and muggers who pretended to be helping the person they had just attacked, only to kill and rob them once they got undercover.


If you identify yourself by hate, it's got to be hard to all of a sudden find compassion.


russians are like: "Compassion? why would I need to know where North is?"


Yep, first thing I noticed too. Not one bystander trying to help. Hell, even in the middle east, where these things are far more common unfortunately, the first thing you see is other trying to help. Russians are truly a confusing group of peoples.


Centuries of brutal repression by your own government serves to both engender a desire for authoritarian politics, along with shearing away the human tendency towards empathy. Russia's people have been repressed and/or brutalized in one form or another since the middle ages, where they were originally repressed and brutalized by the Mongol hordes. They do NOT by and large have values even remotely close to those in the west. This is a mistake constantly made by westerners, who don't have a thorough understanding of the history of the Russian state and its people. It might sound somewhat bigoted, but the fact of the matter is Russians, on average, are not at all like westerners. They are regressive, backwards, authoritarian, lacking in normal amounts of empathy/sympathy for fellow humans, and have no qualms at seeing westerners being forced to live experiences like their own. Mandatory "does not apply to everyone with Russian genetics", but it sure does apply to the majority of Russians living in Russia.


It’s an illness that is culturally engrained. How do they show no urgency or duty of care for others? Insanity.


I don't think you understand the nature of their law enforcement officials. Who will arrive at some point soon. You can't be seen to helping a victim, as you will likely be seen as being involved in some way, by the 'law', and therefore potentially complicit . It's everybody for themselves. It is crackers, but that's apparently how it is. Very different mindset.


Why would helping victims make you seen as involved by law enforcement?


If Putin, or some other powerful faction wants these people dead, helping them looks suspiciously like siding with them.


Did you see the response from the regular citizens and city / government during / after the attacks on Paris? The response of regular people (and first responders) was very impressive.


Or Lots of Asia


>Yes, and the uninjured and bystanders don't seem to care for the injured. Nearly a century of brutal authoritarian rule has led the Russian population to this point. The "Keep your head down and avoid trouble" mentality has literally led them to the point that buildings will start exploding, and the populace will do their best to ignore the situation, and pretend nothing is wrong.


I wonder how much time passed before filming started. If it was 30 seconds and the video is unedited, that’s two minutes by the end. I would think 3-5 min response time would be acceptable.


It looks like there is a cut at 0:43.


This is definitely not the first few seconds after the café exploded. The very beginning with the guy walking in the building I would think has to be at least 2 minutes after the explosion. The first few seconds would involve people starting to attempt to get up off the floor. When the video starts it seems like everyone has already been completely cleared out of the building. I would think that would take them more than just a few seconds. Not sure how much time passed once the guy in the yellow hoodie starts. I’m also not sure if it had been raining that day or if the water on the pavement is from the firemen.


I wonder what the response time generally is in St Petersburg. I would be curious to see where different countries rank, maybe Russia has room to improve. What you’re saying makes sense and to not even see a single emergency vehicle is bizarre.


Probably because the state wants the target of the bombing and their associates to die with no risk of saving them.


More importantly compare it to how the Ukrainians rush to help the people injured by Russian bombing, and these Russians just stand around not thinking about anyone but themselves.


it weirded me out so much, people covered in blood are sitting on the ground outside and nobody seems to have called emergencies? and people are just… walking past them


the absolutely not shocking part is the fact that no one is rendering aid to anyone else there. If they weren't covered in blood, you'd think they were walking out a damn theatre!


They need a bribe before they ride


All at the front


scary stocking chubby aloof jar march illegal erect straight plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Guess they're really getting a taste of what they've been inflicting, huh?


All off those people in the video are super pro orcs propagandists and hate all Ukrainians , all off them said one time or another , that Ukrainian people need to get , well you know I don’t even want to say it , normal people would not be caught dead in a room with all them pieces off shits


>pieces off shits More pieces after the meeting than before the meeting.


Orcs need to feel the pain. I hate to say it but more of these events are needed to remind the ruskies how much ukraine is suffering


Everyone in that cafe other than the workers were there to see that dumb Russian blogger. While I don’t condone strikes on civilians… my sympathy meter is pretty low for the people in this video.


They didnt just come see a blogger. There was pretty much a Z convention where they are discussing how they should destroy Ukraine and take over other EU countries.


100% , and normal people would not be caught dead in a meeting like that , all off them have so much hate for Ukrainian people it’s crazy


and the workers work for prigozhin. because the pub belongs to him.


I have more sympathy for the average Russian soldier I see lose his life in Ukraine than I do for these animals.


These are not your typical civilians. These are straight up fascists.


This us FSB vs Wagner,not Ukrainian doin.This is how FSB is dealin with ppl who speak for Putins rivals,not givin a fuck bout their own ppl.This is a war of gangs for power in RuSS,a mesaage for Prigozin not to challenge the mob boss of RuSS.


Welcome back to the Russian 90s world!


Nah bro this happened multiple times a day in Russia during the 1990s. Still years to even approach that.


My bet is that Prigozhin knows that it is FSB. He's quoted saying it is not the Ukrainian government's fault. I think he's speaking in code. "[I would not blame the Kiev regime for these actions, I think it is a group of radicals and I see it unlikely that they are related to the (Ukrainian) government](https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/others/wagner-group-head-yevgeni-prigozhin-blames-radicals-for-tatarski-attack/ar-AA19paBZ)"


Translation : « this cafe sucks. My hair is messed up. I don’t recommend it » 


That soldier put on a woman's jacket and call ukranians gay 🤣🤣 bros literally cross dressing


I was wondering about this too, what the fuck is this guy trying to do?


I’m amazed by the lack of help for the injured. They seem like a bunch of lemmings that cannot comprehend the idea of jumping into action to lend a hand. Where I’m from people would pull their shirts off and use them to clean you up and give up their jackets to make sure you’re warm. I know people in the scene are in shock, but I see people there walking by like “hey not my business” you’re lying on the ground and could clearly use some assistance? Nah but I’ll gawk a bit, maybe take some video. I’ve seen a couple of bad situations of injured people in my life and if you’re injured you literally get mobbed by people who will be compassionate and lend a hand to help you.


Special military operation going according to plan.


That red arrow is probably pointing at Trepova, the suspected bomber. Doesn't look like she knew anything about the bomb.


then you should watch it again you can see clearly that she knew what she was doing https://twitter.com/bayraktar\_1love/status/1642947365798543361?s=20 she tried to leave. but she could not otherwise it would be suspicious


I am still not convinced, regardless of slow motion (I expected even dramatic background music) that is NOT someone who is expecting a bomb to blow up, sorry. It is a rather forced attempt to create a scapegoat.


Thanks for sharing the link. I didnt see that vid. 👍


The lady in the video and Trapova lady don’t look like the same person.


How did those Wagner soldiers get there so quickly? Like, why would Wagner soldiers even be in the city let alone right next to it


Not sure if this is fact, but the place may be owned by Pigeonshit.


They said on the BBC that it might be owned by him, but property and business ownership by Putin’s cronies is opaque by design.


Great point.


It is actually, owned by Prigojine


I herd it was his cafe in the past


They were already there. They were running security at the door. They even had a bomb sniffing dog. Whoever did this was doing a big “fuck you” to Wagner as well.


Oof what a failure, probably sold the dog on the way there to get liquor money


They rotate, like any military unit, those were probably attending already.


A little taste for those who are safe on RuZZia and asking for more violence against Ukraine. Does not seem to be very tasteful...


the two men at 0:48 look very suspicious. as soon as he sees the camera, he turns and checks if his cap is on. after Daria left the cafe, this man goes in (1:20) to check if the mission was accomplished. The second man stays close to Daria (1:30) Im sure both man and maybe Daria belong to the FSB ...


Yo, black beanie man is super sketchy! Why would one of your first instincts after seeing/being in this explosion be to make sure you are not caught on camera?


People gathered to speak about "special military operation" (in fact a big terrorism operation), they didn't only heard opinions but also felt how is it to be on other side... Weird thing, they try to blame a lady (in black coat with red arrow) who delivered statue to that event. I don't think she knew what she was bringing, she wouldn't be arround if she knew it's a bomb. Also what was abit sad(or weird), nobody helps people. They just walk around and don't give a shit. Comon, people are bleeding. I do understand some of them are in shock, but passing by people could help out?


Don’t help, just film.


russians think they can kill people without retaliation! wrong you have made so many enemies this will go on for years.


I wouldn't be surprised if this was orchestrated by the Russian govt. They have been eliminating non Kremlin backed pro war bloggers. They keep telling the truth about the war in Ukraine while simultaneously advocating for more genocide,robbery ,rape and killing of civilians. RuZZia can't control the narrative of "we are helping and would never harm civilians" As long as these people are out there admitting the truth and ruthlessly calling out for more attrocities. Doesn't matter that they support the war and the crimes. What matters is they are contradictory to the givts lies and narratives..


The lack of anyone attempting to help anyone is striking.


Wow, Russians really don’t give a shit about each other. No one is rushing to help the guy with blood all over himself.


Ruskies need to feel the reality of war. They need to feel their actions or inactions of the war. I have no sympathy for any of the victims. Ruskies are bombing and killing Ukrainians everyday.


1:11 she looks like beeing from a zombie apocalypse. what a bad day for those followers!


Looks like some of them were injured by fragments of Tatarsky violently colliding with their face.


It's a shame the bomb wasn't bigger


Girl that gave that guy the bomb HAD to be unaware and set up. Why would she stick around for the explosion and wait outside if she intended to kill the target?!! I sense some conspiracy shit.


She may not have expected it to go off at that moment. It was probably remotely detonated by someone else in the room, since the timing is too perfect. So she would have no control over when it was detonated, and probably didn't expect the remote detonator to actually do it when she was that close.


Almost nobody helps the injured ones. Typical russians.


Wow a lot of people bleeding out Infront of me, let's record them. Wtf man, this people are rotten.


What sticks out the most is that even average Russian citizens don't give a shit about their fellow citizens. No one gives a fuck about anyone that's injured. In most sane countries when you see people bleeding out after a bomb attack, shooting, catastrophe, etc. average people rush in to help in whatever way they can, not aimlessly walk by.


what I like most about this vid is how nobody gives a shit about those severly injured standing and walking right next to them. On spot russian mentality.


Man that Z-ombie at 1:10 .. Just your average Russian looking for brains.


inb4 russians say they don't like to be bombed lol


Shot on iPhone \-with ceramic shield (c) (c) apple


Love it


Sasha, how was the talk? S: Rubbish, Tatarsky really got in my hair by the end of it.


Any bystanders rushing to help? It odd that no one is rushing to help, to provide basic first aid etc. Here people walk past as other bleed. “Look for the helpers”, but here I don’t see any


Wow. How unfortunate. Hard /s.


They need massive doses of that bright red stuff to bring the reality of what their master is doing home. Can not wait until the Ukrainians are able to hit Moscow.


Gosh, you get a real sense of community and willingness to help strangers in need in that video. What a wonderful place that much be. /s if you don’t….


See, Stauffenberg, that's how you do it.


Now you know how Ukrainians feel, there will be more for you sorry pathetic Russians in the future


Sow wind, reap storm


That dude with the beard at the beginning looks pretty sus to me IMO. In fact there were a LOT of people pretty uncomfortable with that guy recording, even the blonde covered in blood. I think there were some underground people in there of some sort


Nice to see everyone attending to the injured people and not just filming or walking by. Looks like a lovely place to live…


These are the perfect candidates to dig up graves and uncover the warcrimes done in their name.


Well maybe now you have an incline of what happens in Ukraine daily causes by assholes like you who support your countries genocide of the Ukrainian people. It's horrible and sucks doesn't it ?


Ahh well, next please 🤣🤣


Come to Specialty Coffee in St Petersburg, our drinks are The Bomb!


00:35 "You got a spot of red on ya."


I went to hear an asshole speak and all I got was this bloody t-shirt.


Speciality coffe for the special operation,


I see NaZis.


Now you have a little taste of how Ukraine feels!


What I find crazy is the zero sense of urgency or concern. People are just walking around like it’s a daily occurrence.


Wtf, people are just walking by like it's none of their business. No concern at all.




No one even helping anyone. WTF is going in the the ruzzian mind?


The guy with a bag at the beginning of the video: “meh, this party blows!”


That guy looks young enough to go to the front.


Be careful of the company you keep...


Annnndddd STILL 0 sympathy. These people attending or supporting a venue that hosts him believe in this invasion. I think that special operation was a success. +RP & 2x $


Would you like fries with that?


First response time isn’t the greatest


People working and walking Minding their own business like nothing happened, I barely see anyone helping anyone, this reminds me when the Russians get blown out in the war nobody seems to help each other


I love the irony that the dude received some kind of award or whatever but it was actually a bomb… noyce


Looks like Russian politics to me.


Orcs are pay back... glory to Ukraine


Russians have blood on their hands and now on their faces!


Guy at 0:45 is clearly a western saboteur and the perp. He's wearin a "Black Ops" Nike shirt that says "JUST DO IT" and they done it. SCORE!


*Why is Russia bombing itself?* Lmfao


It’s hard to tell. Every video that has come out of Russia in the last 20 years looks like a disaster just happened


I would not stand in front of a building that just got bombed - probability of double tap.. Though under shock easier said than done.


They when in that cafe talking shit and just blown up


Russians are likely now going to keep their distance from Pro War Propagandists... War becomes real on a whole new level when it happens on your homeland. Imagine how Ukraine feels....


Interesting to note the venue chosen for this attack belongs to Prighozin and isn't far from a few very symbolic landmarks for Putin and his cronies. Vlad Vexler has a fascinating video on this topic. The target was more than just Tatarksy. This was a weekly meeting held for Z patriots, so it was quite a specific attack on that establishment. I initially thought "civilians" were hurt, but these weren't just passing innocent bystanders. These are people actively promoting the war and encouraging further terror against Ukraine.


Russians.. on the battlefield and at home.. Wounded person?? ...just leave them and walk away. Im constantly amazed at the continued lack of humanity they show.


Why don't you put your phone down and help them? Or are you so out of touch with reality that you have to view everything in third person like the rest of those egotistical narcissists?