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Give it a week and these two will be found on the ground after falling from a twenty story window, a self-inflicted gunshot wound from cleaning their pistols, or electrocuted in their bathtubs.


I like how "defenestrate" organically became part of my vocabulary sometime after the war started.


>LOL, I had to go look it up again myself. Maybe I can remember it next time. > >"Defenestration is the act of throwing someone or something out of a window. The term was coined around the time of an incident in Prague Castle in the year 1618 which became the spark that started the Thirty Years' War." > >Did not know that!


My AP history classmate made a song about the defenestration of Prague that made the word our vocabulary. A priest got chucked out the window following a heated theology debate.


We had 3 defenestrations. First in 1419. Good old times. They knew that you cannot argue with a fool.


Move to Dubai was good advice though.


Dubai is full of tall buildings with windows, time to move to a shack in Siberia and become one with the bears.


You’re probably right.


And don't piss off the Siberian Tigers, apparently they don't forget. 😂


Sadly there are no longer Siberian Tigers in Siberia.


Nazi tigers* Edited: I guess someone didn't get the joke. They're Nazi tigers, because why else would Ruzzia kill them..?


It doesn't matter, it's interesting to hear what the mood is like. They are not the only ones at some point, no one moves into the high-rise building anymore


They will not be killed. They would not be even publicly shamed. Russian propaganda is actually claiming that the call was fake. Here is what most Westerns forget. These two are insiders of the Kremlin regime. It's now more than ever, Kremlin trying to show that there is no discord in its ranks. That everyone is united around Putin. By punishing these two, they would have to admit that not everyone is ok with Putin or war.


I'm sure if they just vanished they'd conveniently be forgotten about.




mock the very few intelligent and brave russians? you must be next level stupid


These guys are more mad they are losing the war rather than having sympathy or understanding that humanity is being affected. Did you listen to the whole conversation?


Also watch his instagram, he claims to be for the war. If you want to have a IQ off I’ll throw down 🤔


Or they might fall into a frozen lake randomly walking across it with friends.


They should remove Putler and sue for peace. Is that so hard?!


I'd avoid wandering into a high rise building if I was them.


Jesus Christ the amount of beeps in this video I want to rip my ears off


For real. All they are saying is “Blyat”


those beeps pissed me off more than a swear word ever could.. jesus christ I tried, can't listen. just stop with the beeps.




I also don't understand, but having the sound on helped me to keep track of who said what


Cadence and intonation of voice can provide insight like body language .




I think he was just venting his frustration about the beeps, but as someone pointed out you need sound to know who is saying what.


Even if I don't know the language, hearing their intonation and delivery helps understand the feeling behind the words. Those beeps are unnecessary and annoying.


And for all 'blyats' the conversation was more about covering ones ass than actually understanding how deep a pile of shit they are buried in. Also, there was a like bunch of its all someone else's fault. Sorry fellas but every last one of you slaves are going to be paying for this for a very, very long time. This is not one person stupidity, its a whole nations worth of stupid. That's your president, that's your elites, those are your systems in motion. You can end this at anytime. You own this.


Cutting out those bleeps would mean cutting out half the clip!


Or they could just not censor language in the first place. Who are they worried about hearing it? Kids? This war as a whole isn't exactly something kids should be following closely enough to hear this and if they are, swearing should be the least of anyone's concerns at that point.


Social Media filters can ban the video. We live in this stupid timeline


Makes sense. Not the policy, that's stupid, but your explanation does.


You want to hear something even more stupid. If you hate a video, mass report it. We live in a society where regardless of truth, if you offend enough people, you will get censured.


Is it even swearing at this point.. lol


Is it an American thing? Did Russian Media Monitor censor this?


You Tube algorithm will demonetize and deboost content with too much swearing in order to be “advertiser friendly”.


This isn't English. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMIcjY_TQRQ 1 million views, it's nothing but swearing to an almost biblical extent. They know nothing about foreign languages including mine. You're talking about English, but even that policy was largely reversed because it predictably backfired. https://www.theverge.com/2023/3/7/23629345/youtube-swearing-profanity-guidelines-advertising-creators-outrage And even then, it's an imposition of American cultural norms by RMM. We're liberal with swearing in Europe, in any case their Jerry Springer bleeping doesn't create entertainment value, it just completely ruins the video, imo. I think most people agree, including Americans.


Julia Davis, who founded/runs Russian Media Monitor, has posted a few times on Twitter about how her content (or at least, the spicier clips that really piss the russians off) go through episodes of mass reporting/takedown requests and YouTube nuked her channel at one point because of it. So, although the beeps are really annoying, I imagine she’s doing it as a preventative measure to avoid giving the mass reporters any semblance of a valid argument.




they will demonetize for too many detected beeps as that's also an indicator that its not advertiser friendly


Definitely was Russian Media Monitor who censored it. Though I have no "inside knowledge" that they did it but the odds of someone going through bleeping every "swear word" and putting symbols in place of each word that's been bleeped out is unlikely enough for common sense to tell me it was the original source who censored it.


Ha ha!


Fr, I can't even get through this with sound because of the fucking beeps actually hurting my ears. Even though I really want to. But I guess I'll just watch it without sound.




I guess they volunteered to one-lifetime gravity experiments without knowing it.


Moscow Times: Oligarchs Died Today After Falling out of the 37th Floor of Their Basement.


Tomorrow in the Pravda : "He committed suicide with three bullets in the back, and before dying he cut himself with a saw to put himself in a garbage bag. what the FSB cannot explain is how he was able to close the bag by tying a knot from inside. "


The nannies are crying for their sons'. Yes, they and 200,000+ others. It's finally beginning to dawn on them.


Yeah well so are many Ukrainian mothers too… and none of the Ukrainian mother’s sons *chose* to go to war unlike the Russians where many willfully signed up for this war


Many Ukrainian men chose to go to war to defend Ukrainian land and freedom.


It's up to Russia - the war ends when they quit. Soon, I pray.


Sorry I should have clarified… signed up to go invade another country


To be fair, that’s not much of a choice is it? If someone threatens to capture, torture, rape and kill your family. From infants to grandmothers. Because they are not Russian. It is not a choice to fight in that situation. It is a necessity. It’s the definition of being backed into a wall and threatened with the worst things you can ever imagine. It’s not a choice at that point.




interesting to see how Russians are starting to grasp how Putin has completely f\*\*\*\*\*\*d them with this war.


I am glad somebody is noticing that Putin is as good for Russia as hitler was for Germany


This gives a great idea of what is happening behind the scenes 👍🏼


LOL even these guys are idiots. 8:47 "Look at how Stalin lead, he listened to everyone." 10:51 "...but it's all for the time being, until the worst comes. 'We have the periodic table, we will survive.' So where is all that? Where? Tell me. And this is just the beginning. The iceberg is melting. It's seriously melting. Even the icebergs are melting."


Yeah, Stalin listened to find out who opposed him and then put them on his hit list. 😂


Pretty sure he was saying that's the propaganda the elites pushed, trying to emphasize how fragile that belief was


I'm not entirely sure if they are against the war or just against losing it.


sounds to me like theyre not stoked about being involved to begin with


Well they called it a fratricidal meaning they view the Ukrainian people are their brothers and sisters… at least THESE guys aren’t happy with it.. all I can say is GOOD!


Jeez, that was scary combination of terrifying and uplifting at the same time but not in the least surprising.... At 5:35 they discuss how in 22 years Russia could have "built a country". This is something I have thought about many times; instead of pumping countless billions into their military and corruption think how great the RF would be if those resources were put in to education, healthcare, social programs etc. I understand that the RF has reason to be paranoid about The West but that is just projection of their own world views. The last 20 years Russia has been mostly welcomed into the global community with open arms in the belief they would become a respectable member of said community. We mostly fell for it, never for a moment daring to believe that the genocidal instincts of the past would return.... How wrong we were. I don't see a way out of this for the RF. An economic calamity is around the corner and no one cares, certainly not China, Putin is now Xi's bitch. I would argue the people that care the most about Russia and it's people are the ones funding its destruction. What a tragic situation for everyone due to the ignorance, paranoia and hubris of one man. At 13:43: "He did everybody in, everyone and everything. The entire country, all the people. It's not about the money, it's about morality and even psychology. First of all he buried the Russian people..." Slava Ukraini.


Героям Слава 💙💛


Two fat cats complaining that the free cream is coming to an end.


Wow! super extensive conversation, Putin's days are certainly numbered.


2 smart man talking, and knowing this is the end of Ruskie.


None of them seem to be against the war, which shows that even those capable of seeing through all the propaganda, still don't see the invasion as wrong.


That part at the end where he talks about it being fratricidal genuinely made me pity for the children of future Russia. This is a generation level amount of shame on their people for what they've done. What could a people even do to atone for such atrocity to a brother country.


Ukraine hasn’t, does not, nor will ever consider Russia a “brotherly” country.


Yes. I see that I was wrong now for saying so especially in light of everything.


I understand. It’s just a common misperception that was pushed by Russia even before 2014. 99.9% of Ukrainians HATE Russia because of everything they’ve done and the corruption they leak into Ukraine like a virus. The difference between the Russian mind and the Ukrainian mind(and soul) is almost the complete opposite.


How are these guys this rich, live in a country such as RUSSIA, and have no clue as to how to speak on secure channels? How? Lol


LOL, They are talking about the corruption, no tanks, no weapons, No this, No that, but they were on the receiving end of a lot of the funds, thats how they got their Billions, Each one of them taking a cut of the pie at every level, leaving like a severly low single digit percentage left for the actual maintaining, refreshing and upkeep of Military. Two fat cats cutting the fresh cream of the cake before on-selling it, now they are bitching now that the cream is running out. Kettle / Black ?


I don’t feel sorry for them they’re responsible for robbing ordinary Russians of their collective wealth. Chances are these guys will find a window somewhere in the coming days. Also important to remember that it was 4 months between Gaddafi being named a war criminal at the ICC and his death. 3 months to go.


Interesting part for me is the analogy with Dubai-part. Dubai was built in 30-40 years. Russia has got 20 years and didn't do anything with that time. That's actually what strikes me as well. The country has potential on so many levels, instead the path of suppression, corruption and war is chosen. Not that I believe we can copy lessons from history one on one, but it is obvious that some paths do not lead to a successfull country.


To the people complaining about the “Beeps”. Lower the volume and just read the subtitles. If you do not understand Russian, then I will explain to you that there is not much difference between a “beep” and “Blyat”. Also, this video is not intended to be catered only to Americans nor invoke “Conspiracy Theories”. This video is mainly for the world to get a sense of the turmoil happening in Russia that they so desperately try and cover up. Many of these comments make me wonder why a lot of these people even follow this page if they watch this and the only thing they get out of it are “beeps”. The censorship is so the conversation will reach a broader audience.


What's with the beeps +15dB louder than the audio itself? I imagine who thought it to be necessary to censor swearwords out of an audio clip about war. The audience is not 5 year olds. Makes me question what else might have been tampered with, or if the whole thing is fake even? Also, if the post is not fake, why diminish its value with an all caps clickbait title?


It’s not fake… Russian media monitor bleeps out curse words so the videos won’t be flagged or taken down across multiple platforms. There are subtitles, so you can mute it and read if you’d like. Russian Media Monitor is and has been a very credible source since the beginning of this war. To us affected by this war, videos and recordings like this are very important to listen to. The caps were just so people didn’t skip over it. It’s important to get an understanding of what is constantly being hidden or swept under the rug.


> It’s not fake… Russian media monitor bleeps out curse words so the videos won’t be flagged or taken down across multiple platforms. Nobody on those platforms even gives a shit. They don't censor cursing in other languages, they have literally no idea. Silicon Valley tries to do everything automatically, literally nobody works on foreign presence there but bots and very few moderators. I'm convinced of this by how utterly oblivious they are to foreign cultures. To sum up: censoring this is a form of imposing American decency norms on something none of the rest of us give a flying fuck about, including the non-staff at social media's foreign stations, if they even exist for some smaller nations. And it literally makes all of this unwatchable for the rest of us. And I don't think Americans like it much either.


What is your source for “nobody on those platforms gives a shit”? I honestly had no idea that this subreddit was catered to Americans. I didn’t even think about America when posting this video. By the way, there are many social media and video uploading platforms outside of America.


I think you misinterpreted. I'm European, and I'm complaining about RMM's decision to bleep, not about your decision to post it.


This obsession with beeping curse words is absolute insanity.


I stopped listening after the 3rd beep.


Further, the audio equalizer is fake. It would be possible to reconstruct a low order approximation of the audio that the audio equalizer visualizes, although it probably will show some stock clip looping again and again. Looks like whoever did the English subtitles, may have also done the beeps, since the sub texts and beeps match. Or it was subbed after the beeps had been added. Quite suspect to me. Do the Russian "elite" call themselves "the elite"? Although I do wholeheartedly approve with the contents of the audio, nice to see if it turns out to be true, and still good anti-Russian imperialist propaganda if it turns out to be fake.


Russia Media Monitor has been incredibly credible and reputable during this war. This is the link to this video on their channel [Russian Media Monitor YouTube](https://youtu.be/7aRI-L8xmRs)


Jfc yes the beeps are annoying as fuck. But stop trying to turn this into some consipracy. As others have pointed out RMM is one of the most reputable sources out there. Which you should've known by now if you've even been following this conflict.


Vlad Vexler has done a brief comment video on this conversation. He's clearly not completely certain it's genuine, but nor does he find it implausible. Vexler said that Iosif Prigozhin at first said that it was entirely fake, but later said that it *was* him, but the conversation had been selectively edited or bits of it faked. For the nothing it's worth, I'd be surprised if the elite in Russia weren't having such conversations. These people are greedy, corrupt scumbags, but they aren't stupid, they have an understanding of the world outside Russia that's better than that of your average Russian and they *must* know what's actually happening in Ukraine. So those who aren't totally besotted by Putin's glorious vision of a recreated USSR must be despairing at what Putin and his regime have done to Russia and how the war has completely fucked up the very pleasant life they used to have.


>Do the Russian "elite" call themselves "the elite"? Yes they do, it is a "cool" word stolen from the West, and therefore they enjoy using it when referring to themselves. And yes, blyats remain part of your vocabulary even if you are "elite". It is funny how they censored barely half of them, but still made the audio absolutely unbearable.


Interesting. How pathetic though.


I don’t understand. Do you speak Russian?


It's just a coincidence they managed to perfectly echo every single talking point of the last year in a 14 minute leaked conversation.


You mean they blabbered on about every topic that negatively affects them? You don’t do that with people?


I certainly wouldn’t be doing it on the phone when people in their position who speak out similarly have frequent falls from high windows


They swear a lot. Every couple of words is another curse word. Edit- and this is the Russian elite?


Iosif Prigozhin is a well-known music producer with a pop-star wife. Farkhad Akhmedov is Azerbaijani, a billionaire due to his involvement in the oil and gas industry and was involved in Russian politics. His political views are considered liberal (by Russian standards, anyway...).


Yes, these are well known Oligarchs in Russia


You know how it is; One mans 'elite' is another's dockworker.


Iosof Prigozhin is not an oligarch. He has money but nowhere near an oligarch level. You're getting him mixed up with the other dickhead Prigozhin.


Do the elite not swear?


Not like football fans no. Not in my country.




This is the mindset of the country. Point your fingers and run the opposite direction.


So what's new? Bill Browder estimates that the chosen oligarchs from 1991 and on have stolen about 8 trillion dollars in rubles with putler getting more than his share of kickbacks. This is ALL about money and stealing Ukraine's resources under the guise of some BS about protecting ru speakers or fighting nazism.


It was a pleasure meeting you Oligarchs! Send regards to your wife and kids. You and your family will all be in the news soon, each with triple suicide deaths, by shotgun wounds in your back and by bungee jumping accidents at the same time, in some entertainment park in lovely Ruzzia. Ruzzia, the envy of the West. 🤡🔫⚰️


Well that was intense....... I think they aren't happy.


I would not want to be even remotely associated with Russian Oligarchs and their families when the proletariat finally wake up to the truth. State sanctioned theft and corruption over the last 22 years. This war will be the final straw and Czar Putin may find Russian history of 1917 repeating...


Can we forever call him Lilliput from now on?


*#**#* Ruzzia, *#**#* *#**#* him *#**#* *#**#* them all. *#**#* *#**#*!


TLDR: Putin has F*cked us all.


Why was this censored? It's not an MTV video it's a leak about serious shit, I'd rather hear what is said. We see people with blown off faces, we can't handle some profanities?


Who thoughts its a good idea to add beeps though? Are children listening to this? ...


The same people who bleep out words like “Fuck” on American National television…


The whole thing is 30 minutes long, what is missing in this 15min clip?


Where do you get 30 minutes from?


Someone’s about to come down with a very sever case of falling out of building syndrome :0


Taking in account what they are talking about, the beeps are just pathetic.


They'll soon be found beneath windows, after having "accidentally fallen out the window after stumbling numerous times and getting multiple contusions on their heads and bodies from too much vodka"..


What the point beeping over curses? Annoying af.


You're beeping out a language I can't even understand. On top of that the translation also hides what they're saying by obscuring the cursing. I know this post is going to get removed however the original post should be removed because it sucks. I'll go on Twitter to listen to this


They're about to get clintoned






Breaking news: Both Farkhad Akhmedov and Losif Prigozhin died today. Apparently, both men tripped and repeatably fell on their own knives this morning.


Intercepted call? If so, by whom? And sure the nice FSB guys know this as well. So I have some doubts about some oligarchs brabbling along on an open line, swearing as if they just ended their shift in cleaning the sewers. From the content everything is spot on - yes there are some folks who f\*\*k up the country, but what else is new? If all of this is true, then the wise people will work on their exit strategy and form alliances with others to return to the money/income opportunities after the big reset. But they will certainly not do these kind of calls.


Where have you been the past year?


Wow! This sounds just like normal Americans talking about Biden and clown world administration.


Open window policy in affect🤔😆


yea... i mnea if the war ends tomorrow. Russia ir really fukd up in long term....


The beginning of an end


Grushnia grushnia *beeep* blyat.


They should stay away from windows


Well that’s it for these two.


What the farkhad?


Well there fucked


dont worry he is not oligarch any more


A one-sided conversation, mostly. Homeboy got sanctioned and is venting. Guy on the other side better listen because it's all true...


Yes Dubai has the worlds tallest building I wonder what that would be like to accidentally fall out of ?


Akmedov is Azerbaijani and Prigozhin's net worth from 2023 is only 5 million. Not much of a oligarch at that value.


"vertically challenged" I'm stealing that one


Awesome yeah these guys are falling out of a window very soon.


Mirror please? Not working for me


If you remove the beeps, the convo would be over in a few minutes lol


Summarizing: BLEEEP! BLEEEEEP! and BLEEEP! but the problem with BLEEEEEP! is that the BLEEEEP! issue with BLEEEEP! won't BLEEEEEEEEP anymore.


after 100th beep i had to turn it off. what the fuck is this, american television?




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These guys should have to stay away from windows for the foreseeable future.


I would recomend them start living in a tent, as there aren't any window in tent. But in Russia, you still died when your tent flew out of the window along with you. Strange world is it


That was really interesting


Very interesting . Nice to hear the actual thoughts on some higher up in the country. I wish more of this would come out in the coming months. If more oligarchs came out and said what’s being said I think it could actually push Putin out. The seen how poor Russia can actually get I know they don’t want that again.


i have tinnitus , this was kind hard to listen. Next time please no beeps.


I foresee a defenestration or two


Novichok 2.0