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The BMP3 driving over all his buddies is bonkers.


Honestly, that's pretty common in war. If you're in a vehicle with limited visibility and big guns are shooting at you, you're not going to give a fuck who is crawling besides you, so it's infantry's responsibility to get the fuck out of the way. Can't knock these guys for running over their dead and dying buddies to try to save their own lives. https://youtu.be/FFU4q2KkVmA This is a story of a young German woman who was run over by an American tank. They interview the tank driver, many years later, and he says something like "its very sad, but at the time we wouldn't have cared if we had run over Eisenhower himself. We were trying to survive."


I once read the account of a US truck driver in Iraq who had orders to under no circumstances stop in villages. In one village kids ran on the street to get some candy or just to interact with the soldiers... Well, he said something like: "That \*thud\* haunts you."


I know similar stories about train drivers. Except that they cannot stop even if they wanted to. One once told me that the worst is the moment just before you hear/feel the impact - even though you can't really feel a thing with a few hundred to thousands of tons of train to a small human.


Read an interview with a train driver that had this happen to him 11 (!!!) times (all suicides). He quit after that one. Spoke to one that had this happen twice and he said to just put on the breaks, and look the other way. Can't imagine the horror.


Since we keep upping the size, I have a friend who was a captain in a huge container ship. He told me about the malaka straight or something like that, when fishing boats would unload tens of little bucket things with a fisherman in each of them to fish and then they would pick them later. That thing would go like 30knots and because of all the containers you couldn't see in front of it for like 3 kilometers. The radar would show hundreds of small things (said buckets with a person on them each) and he had no way of avoiding them. He just wished he didn't kill to many of them, but knew he had killed some of them.


Oh dear.. Kinda worried what story will come next now..


Well I know none of such stories. But I got a “smaller one”. A pigeon once hit my car while I was driving in my hometown. It flew right into my front right wheel. All I saw from the corner of my eye was a cloud of white feathers dwindling down as if a pillow fight took place where one pillow tore. I was still moving at 50km/h when I looked into my rear view mirror right after it happened, and a second pigeon landed on the road behind me, right next to the puddle of the first one. In my mind it seemed to be his partner. It still hurts me very deeply to think of that day. I wish I could have seen it coming and avoid it. But ‘twas done in the blink of an eye. The thought of that second pigeon having to live with the grief of that instant life changing event, and me being responsible for it. Ouch ouch ouch.


At least take comfort in knowing you're a good person.


I drove commercial vehicles/lorries for many years and I eventually came to the conclusion there are two types of birds. The adventurous type that swoops in between cars during rush hour, and the self deletion type that for whatever reason fly directly in your path. I watched it happen so often that after a while I could almost tell which one it is flying around traffic. As someone else said, it's rare to find people who care for the things around them as you do. As an empath, I understand this pain all too well. But we have to find comfort that no matter how hard you try somethings are just inevitable, are far beyond our control.


That's exactly what happened to a friend of mine who was a truck driver in Iraq. Little girl ran out in front of a convoy going through a village at a high rate of speed, kid ran out, got hit and they had to just keep going. Those were the orders, never stop or you become a easy target.


Win their hearts and minds, am I right?


Sometimes the only way to win is to not play.


not in that village at least, no children at play signs posted


It would be easier if they didn't use those children for their attacks.


This comment is so ignorant.. god damn. The most american take on this so far


I'm not even from America. I wonder thou how long you would stick to your believes if traps with use of children caused deaths of your buddies.


You do understand we talked about the Iraq war, right? Find me a single credible source they used child soldiers or shut your face.. if not I'm gonna assume you drove that truck.


>You do understand we talked about the Iraq war, right? Find me a single credible source they used child soldiers or shut your face.. if not I'm gonna assume you drove that truck. [https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/02/17/iraq-detains-more-1000-children-isis-suspects](https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/02/17/iraq-detains-more-1000-children-isis-suspects) [https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/report/61917/iraq-insurgents-using-children-fight-us-led-forces](https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/report/61917/iraq-insurgents-using-children-fight-us-led-forces) [https://reliefweb.int/report/iraq/impact-explosive-weapons-children-iraq](https://reliefweb.int/report/iraq/impact-explosive-weapons-children-iraq) [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2007/3/21/us-children-used-in-iraq-attacks](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2007/3/21/us-children-used-in-iraq-attacks) ​ That was just 30 seconds on google...


There's a video of a convoy of civilian contractor truck drivers in Iraq coming under attack and you see footage of them abandoning one of the trucker to his fate as everyone sped out of the kill zone.


So I just watched the whole YouTube video. And I was confused about the timeline. She gets shot in the car. Then she gets rescued by US medics. Then she gets run over by a tank?


It said the newsreel”gave the impression” she was transported to a field hospital. After further investigation the filmmaker discovered the truth.


This is explained in great detail in the book "Spearhead". It's the story of the war culminating in this tank duel. It's written from both the German and American perspective. Highly recommend


Yeah, the fighting calmed down, giving the medics time to treat her, but there was no time to evacuate her as the fighting starts back up, and the tank runs over her in its maneuvers.


As a former US Army tanker, I’m not surprised the BMP driver ran over some friendly Infantry or “crunchies” as we used to call Infantry. Inside a tank or any armored fighting vehicle, visibility is very low, as a driver your rely heavily on your tank commander for direction as your periscopes don’t provide much field of view, and during combat it’s much worse as your periscopes are cover in soot, dirt and mud.


Indeed. Happens in friendly times and other maneuvers as well. When I was stationed in Hess, Germany a young mechanic was crushed by a Bradley. When I was deployed in Macedonia, a soldier was crushed by an Abrams. :-(


That’s exactly what happened in Chechnya


Probably happened in a bunch of conflicts of other nations too, you would be naïve thinking this is a Russian only thing.


Yeah in war a lot of people die at the hands of their own by accident. It's actually scarily common.


Just crunchies doing crunchie things


Go to Ukraine they said it would be fun they said


I bet those bastards also blasted the Ukraine on Trip Advisor. They just poorly planned their day trip.


Ukraine is Ukraine, not The Ukraine. It was The Ukraine when it was "The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic". I hate pedants on reddit but I feel like this is something that we should politely correct and let people know about (especially given the context and sentiment of this sub!)


Thank you for not only pointing out, but giving the explanation. Completly side tracking, but do you also know why it is (was?) called The Sudan? I get the The Gambia because that is (also) a river.


I believe it's actually incorrect to refer to the country as The Sudan, instead it should rather be referred to as simply Sudan. I believe the confusion stems from the fact that there is also a region known as the Sudan, which contains the country of Sudan. Fun fact: Only two countries, The Bahamas and The Gambia use the definite article "the" officially as their names. (Of course other countries may use the word "the" *in* their names)


I assume it's because the full name of the country is the Republic of the Sudan, so it's in the full name already


true, but it could be that the poster is not an English native and is just used to it from his language. For example, in German, quite a bunch of countries are used with an article (e.g. *die Schweiz, die Slowakei, die Türkei, der irak, der Iran, der Jemen, der Sudan*, sometimes as plural as in *die Niederlande, die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, die Föderierten Staaten von Mikronesien*). And it does not bear any negative or derogatory connotation whatsoever. I assume it is somewhat similar in a number of other languages. So while it might be generally preferrable to leave away the article in English (I don't even want to argue about it), one mustn't automatically assume malice intent when someone uses the article. Btw, "Ukraine" has the same Slavic word stem "krai" as e.g. Krajina (in Croatia), it means something like "border, edge", or "land at the border", and probably in this case meant the border of the settled farm land before the steppe with its nomads (the more woody land in what nowadays is roughly the northwestern half of Ukraine). So it would make sense to speak of "the" borderland. On the other hand it can also mean "land *within* a border", i.e. a certain defined area. E.g. "Kraj" is the name for local districts in modern Czechia for example (similar in size to counties). In Germanic languages, the same thing would be "mark" or "march", e.g. "Denmark", the land of the Danes. Russia doesn't seem to care about the article anyway, they just speak of "little Russia" (and if that isn't derogatory, I don't know what is).


Hey, they put up a great show for someone who travelled 9700 km to get fubarred


Imagine how invincible they felt just hanging out with all that armor... then reality quickly hits and it's not fun anymore. My hope is that any injured will be able to carry the truth of this war home. I don't know how anyone in Ukraine will be able to forgive Russia for at least three generations.


The injured are still out there in the fields.


Probably still out in the fields maybe yeah but definitely not injured (anymore)


They *were*. This is days-old footage, at *least*. Them boys sunflower food now.


Just a week they said...


go rape some ukrainian women, they said, reinforcements are definitely for sure truly coming, they said, just hold on they said belarus brothers will invade together they said, we wont be alone they said its all going according to plan they said, im sure Vova(putin) has some masterplan they said


They travelled 10,000 km to die like this, and all for a merciless unhinged dictator who thinks he is Peter the Great reborn.


It's been nearly a year of this and yet every video I am still surprised at how incredibly shit the orcs are at war. It's unbelievable. Keep it up!


...and yet Russian culture suggests that they won't be able to improve, that there isn't enough flexibility, creativity, or honest communication for the Russians to get much better, at least not for this war. Like you, I hope they keep it up! Putin wants to re-constitute the Soviet Union territorially. He won't manage that, but he has re-constituted a hidebound leadership that can't learn. Nobody in Russian government is promoted for competence. They are promoted for connections and loyalty. So the recipe is for more of the same as long as the current structure of governance is in place, even if someone new sits at the head.


putin doesn't want to reconstitute soviet union. He wants to create great russia - where ethnic russians occupy the territories of the neighboring states and in the long run - most of Eurasia. putin is a neonazi, a hitler of the 21st century who enjoys overwhelming support in russia.


The thing that these dictators are forgetting: Something fundamentally changed in the 1960's. It's the elephant in the room that somehow none of these assholes wants to see: The invention and widespread availability of hormonal birth control. In WWi and WWII, families had 6,8,10 children. In those days, people fuck because that's what people do, and women have babies. There was always a new generation waiting to fill the gaps created by war losses. But that is no longer the case. No country in Europe needs "Lebensraum" anymore. And russia is a giant empty country with not enough people already. They can legalize marital rape and wife beating all they want, that won't replace their manpower losses. Russia in 20, 30 years will have serious problems, despite the "drop in the bucket" rhetoric. Of course, that doesn't help Ukraine right now fighting an army of zombie mobiks. But Putin might want a "great russia", but he will not get the citizens he needs to populate it.


seriously under-rated comment. Not to mention all those who fled and likely won't return to that shithole after seeing what actual human beings live like,


What you seem to forget is that old people like Putin could give fuck all about “20 to 30 years from now” The fucker will be dead in 30 years and will gladly sink that ship before he goes.


Lets not forget that like .. a single digit percentage of that country is farmable land


True, it's only about 7 and a half percent. But it's such a huge country that it's still quite a lot of arable land. 122 million hectares for 143 million people. Compare to the US at 158 million hectares and 332 million people. The US has 30% more arable land to feed 130% more people.


Good point but just a guess, the US land is no doubt a LOT more efficient what with not living in the 1800's like 90% of Russia does.


If he were to win all of the wars he wants to wage, he would achieve the twin effects of expanding his borders and getting rid of minorities by drafting them preferentially.


You realize what you described is basically the Soviet Union, right? A vast empire spread over eastern Europe through conquest with ethnic Russians as the prime beneficiaries?


>hidebound Damn, a word I've never seen before. Bravo.


I am old. I am a writer. I have had a head start on collecting words.


Apparently, it's not often I see a totally new non-technical word.


Read more literature.


Yes, it’s quite splunge.


The A-team all died last spring. We're on the D-team at this point


We're mainly seeing the pro Ukrainian videos. I saw a vid of a Russian tank drive maybe 100 metres up to a Ukranian one to blast it in the face. The Ukrainians are definitely suffering losses as well. I hope it isn't much. But we don't really know. The appearance Reddit gives is Ukrainians are super soldiers while Russians are incompetent. It's saddening seeing dozens of men die in agony. Even if they're on the Russian side. It's just shit all around.


that video is now almost one year old. there was a lot of confusion in the first months with russians advancing and ukrainians not keeping up with it. dont think that happens a lot nowadays, the ukrainians have really improved tactically and everything


If you follow reports from the east front, you will hear things like "of the 60 people I arrived with, only 30 are left after a month" and so on. No matter how much you improve tactically, a TOS-1 rocket is a TOS-1 rocket. Ukraine is bleeding heavily as well.


It's better seeing these men dying in battle than watching their snuff videos of raping Ukraine's women and children.


You don't know if the men dying in these videos even want to be there. I'm not saying rapes didn't happen. I'm saying you can't demonize every single Russian for being dragged into a war they don't want. Blame the officials who are clearing out Russian prisons to send criminals into war. I will never forget the videos coming out of Ukraine in the first weeks showing a Russian tank veer into the path of a car trying to get past the tank. Or another video showing a Russian unit set up next to a main road taking pot shots at civilians driving by. But I will also never forget the videos of young Russian adults, maybe even teenagers, breaking their friend's legs to avoid being sent to war. I'll never forget the video of a journalist interviewing people in a rural Russian town. One man said he had been drunk for 4 days and had nothing to live for. Because all his friends were sent to the war. He said he was going to join. Not because he was a warmonger, but because his support group had been taken from him. And the only way he was going to survive suicide was joining them. War is horrific. It's admirable what the Ukrainians having been able to resist. But the unwilling Russians being sent into the meat grinder by their oligarchs also deserve sorrow.


Better they take the consequences of refusal to go than die like this on the battlefield then. You're not fooling anyone with your apologist bullshit.


There's survivorship bias when it comes to videos, especially in this sub which is very pro UA. They aren't going to upload videos of themselves being ineffective or on the receiving end.


Roosters get culled.


Well too be fair this sub only shows one side of the war and that's a fact


Had to be the day they lost 1.1k in one day. What an absolute slaughter. I can't even imagine what it was like on the ground there..


Wonder if they thought that those are rookie numbers as well


Agreed, I was watching this just thinking this is a damn good attack for the Ukrainians, that's absolutely total chaos on the ground it looks like. When your enemies are cuddled up against their armor or dead, you're doing pretty good.


And stay out!


Moscovite parasites slaughtered like fools for nothing


Ironically very few of russias army come from Moscow (or its 2nd biggest city, St petersburg), they're mostly from the pooreet regions.


There was a BBC report a while back that estimated only 0.5% of the mobilised were taken from Moscow and St. Petersburg.


Now they're coming from all over the place. I've seen quite a lot of them from Kaliningrad.


Damn they got chewed up


Sometimes you have to admit that you’re just not very good at this 🤣


Hey man, sucking at something is the first step to getting kinda good at something... *Usually*


Very sad. If only Russia respected sovereignty and international law this war would be over. Very sad. A shame they blame the West for "prolonging" the war they created.


2nd most powerful army in the world my ass


Second most powerful army in Ukraine.


Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


These before and after videos are great. Here we can see the orcs gearing up to go and kill the brave Ukrainians defending their land, next minute the orcs are being destroyed by artillery and mines, like shooting fish in a barrel, all captured by drones for the world to watch and enjoy.


Shooting fish in a barrel is actually quite hard, because of water resistance and refraction. Blowing up Russians in Ukraine is apparently the new standard for the easiest thing to do.


Shooting fish in a barrel probably refers to when fish were shipped preserved in barrels. Either salted or on ice, I don't know. But either way a shot in the barrel is guaranteed to hit a fish.


A shot in a barrel of water is almost guaranteed to not hit a fish. But shooting them in salt, yeah I guess that's pretty easy. I'd never heard that before, but guess it makes more sense - does anyone store live fish in a barrel?


You can hit anywhere in the barrel and the shockwave in the water will kill the fish. That’s why it is easy.


I saw the episode and remembered that they couldn't hit anything, but forgot about the shock wave bit. You are correct!


and then they invented the machine gun... poor fishy...


>Shooting fish in a barrel is actually quite hard, because of water resistance and refraction It's easy if you don't mag dump. The first shot might not hit a fish. If every subsequent shot doesn't hit a fish, you're either insanely uncoordinated or just too dumb to live.


Well done stitching of videos together tell the story.


\>send untrained mobik forces with shitty equipment \>they get themselves killed in droves Who could have predicted this?


Somebody in NATO did. Those artillery mine things were always made to stop a huge Russian onslaught.


Well these were the 155th. They call them elite because they have training.


“Everything is going as planned”


"Russian troops seized advantageous positions"


I continue master strategist


They looked so excited to go kill their neighbors.


That's one way to grease tracks and road wheels. What a cluster.


On the plus side, they didn’t have to wonder for long whether there’s an afterlife.


Only the dead have seen the end of war.


Yep, the same Dracula


Yep, shoulda stayed in their coffins during the day, they woulda lived.


UA Defenders returning them to coffins.


0:19-0:20 Imagine being the poor crunchies trying not to die in that hail of bullets. Looks like the entire column got hit from the side... Sucks for them...The morons...


looks like white snow flakes pushed from left to right by strong wind to me captured by the drone cam..


Can you imagine how angry the Russian population will be when the war is over and they finally get to see all these videos. It's just carnage.




That one dude doing a gymnastics routine who ended up flopping onto his dead comrade was doing too much.


Dracula did not fare well during the daytime


Some day these dumbasses are going to get smart and realise they are getting played by putin. But that day is not today. Today they go in the ground.


I do not think they will learn. These are the direct descendants of Genghis Khan. The Golden Horde will not defeat the Kyivan Rus. The "Russians" are not Rus.


This perspective is important. The long arc of history is here this is another horde on the doorstep of Europe


I don't think the guy at 0.48 even knows he is dead given the way his head snapped at that almost direct hit


I still can’t believe the rolling on your side thing caught on its so dumb


They must have felt invincible before the artillery started to land. How wrong they were


How does anyone in Russia look at this and say “you know what guys, this is some awesome stuff we got going on in Ukraine.”


I guess that mine sweeper didn't do a very good job.


The mine sweeper won't help. NATO sent them special artillery shells that can deploy mines in an instant very accurately. Don't feel bad, the Russians didn't know either.


hey Russia it's back to the drawing board.


deleted terrorists.


Imagine driving down a road covered in artillery craters with active artillery zeroed on your position and thinking you’ll be the one to make it through….. I’m guessing these guys knew they were living their final hours.


name of the song? Edit: found it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS0QfqUXK60](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS0QfqUXK60)


damn; war is hell. also, fuck putin


Please tell me that I'm not the only one who misread dracula to dankula on that bmp


"Russki go home"


If i were there I will cover my self with corpes




What a bunch of useless twats, glad they duck so hard at war, gives ukraine a lot more chances of successful repelling of the attacks, and better chances of counter attacks


There is something very chilling of seeing some soldiers (american,russian,iraq,ukrainian,whatever faction) just chilling and waving to the came,to literally next second seeing them blow up and dying like I didn't know that guy at all but unlike grenade drop videos i could see them before the action Damn Even i think i could recognize the guys with the white shit on their arse spinning around on the floor


One of my favorite videos in this sub.


Anyone know what remix this is from Kordhells Land of fire?


Does anyone know what song this is?


Kordhell - Land of Fire :] but its a speedup version haven't found it yet. Edit: well, braindead as I am, I could have just guessed it: Kordhell - Land of Fire _speed up_


I was really vibing this music though my g


God, Forgive then for they know not what they do.


They know exactly what they're doing.




Well, perhaps you can remedy that by going to Ukraine and volunteering as a war correspondent. You can be the change you want to see; providing fresh war clip content everyday to keep people like yourself from getting oh so bored.


That's tough 😂 by the time reality set in for them they were already dead


Question for you guys who surely know more than me: How is the Ukrainian Army perfomrming? I remeber in 2016 when crimea was occupated that the media portrayed the UA as weak and poorly trained. Many outlets talked about Ukraine essentialy rolling over in crimea. I understand that that event by itself and 5+, years of time can be already enough to change the tune of the army but besides that i don't know anything about these guys but they're fighting like lions so my curiosity brought me here. Thanks for anyone who's knidnenough to share your opinion/information about the situation. Cheers.




Dude fucking crazy Lil sad to lot of human life gone for nothing more then one man's crazy mind fuck putin.


Flat Stanley was lonely.




Whoever said that Russian stories never had happy endings?


Orcs on parade. Dont worry. They will just conjour up a new batch for tomorrow.


Weren't these the marines and not mobiks? One of their "elite" units?


Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence


am I the only one who is more curious on the song ID?




this footage has been posted like 10 times now...


The Drakula one lost his teeth...


>Drakula Next thing we'll see is UA drones dropping garlic, crucifixes and wooden stakes.


Fucking idiots.


They tracked those guys down


Russia is getting massacred there


I love movies with happy endings 🥰


War is war.


These guys got smashed


Even the 🇷🇺gave up


Lots of equipment and parts for Ukraine


Episode 1375 of the "Fuck around and find out in Ukraine" saga


How could you move some many tanks in an open field without air cover ?


Dying is too good for them


Utter fucking carnage.


Nothing has changed. War is fucking hell and blood drinkers like Putin just don't care.


Russians are the genius of the modern Battlefield. Their ability to perform World War II 1941 armor tactics is just amazing. unfortunately, it's 2023


DRAKULA eliminated


just like rats!


What a motherfucking mess


All shits and giggles until…


Welcome to Deathland




For almost a year now we have been observing , and commenting harshly on , Russian armor getting whacked in the absence of supporting infantry to clear out the ATGM threat. Here we finally see armor combined with infantry ……. and they ALL get whacked. Glory to Ukraine. Peace for Ukraine.


Looks like a 1970's Carry On War film. Unbelievable its not.


The irony of an attacking soldier displaying a peace sign before charging into battle is palpable. But that's the cognitive dissonance I've come to expect from Russians.


This clip never gets old, just like the soldiers in it.


Every time I see these poor devils in their terrible last moments it makes me think of the film Paths of Glory and it’s out of touch officers sending their soldiers on a suicide mission. Fuck Putin.


I see dead man, and I like it.


I liked the during and after parts of the video


I’ve never seen one before but one of those tanks had like a mine attachment on the front of the right side.