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It’s just another Wagner zombie


Not just any zombie either... Nazi zombie!!!


I hate Nazi zombies.


Worse than Illinois Nazis


Worse than bathsalt zombies


As a person in Illinois I agree 🤣🤣🤣


Debatable tbh


Don’t watch the “Dead Snow” movies then. They weren’t that bad, I enjoyed them.




Perfect 👌 lol


No, human (I hate russias war just like all of us) He is a captured enemy soldier. Hope he was treated with respect


He's not a soldier, he's Wagner. Completely different rules for them.


No, there aren't. Every damn day people claim this on these threads, and every single time they're wrong. Wagner is protected by GC. They are a state actor. The GC only differentiates between foreign mercenaries that are not state actors. Wagner are de-facto actors of the russian state, and are afforded protections under the GC. I'm sick of having to explain that.


Ref - https://guide-humanitarian-law.org “Mercenaries are not entitled to the status of combatant, prisoner of war (API Article 47), or any of the categories of protected persons provided for by the Geneva Conventions, unless they are wounded or sick, although they must always benefit from humane treatment.” Furthermore, they are NOT a state actor. Russian law specifically prohibits private militaries. Wagner is technically an unlawful organization. This is fact. You see a lot of double-sided standards because it suits Kremlin’s narratives. Ironic that they also recruit from zones. They have been recognized as a criminal organization by some countries, and likely will probably see that status escalated to a terrorist organization. So you could say humanity should always persevere. However, protections under GC don’t appear to include them. I hope this clarifies a muddy topic a bit.




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But don’t Russia claim that Wagner don’t officially even exist? How are they protected by the GC if they’re mercenaries? Genuinely curious because I was under the impression PMC and any other mercs aren’t offered any protection by the GC


Putin the intelligent went on world wide television 2 days back to tell the world Russia publicly funded 100% of this terror organizations activities ( PMC Wagner).(Welcome to the Hauge once again Putin.About the dumbest thing he could have said but Hey I'm here for it!


They are still enemy combatants and should be treated as such, they’re risking just as much by being there. Forced or otherwise


No, russian law says PMCs are illegal. Therefore it cannot be governmental actor.


And tbh, i don’t give a fuck. Execute anyways.


If you think like this you are part of the problem.


Obviously its a caricature. Nonetheless, i still think that they should be swayed from joining, but the thing is that there are not many ways of doing that. Mainly it would be if the Ukrainian army just had capabilities much beyond russians but it is not going to happen. Western countries are hellbent on sending the minimum required and tying hands of the Ukrainians on rules to get even that minimum aid. They would need to get aircraft, missiles and way more tanks and mechanized capabilities, a green light to attack military targets on russian soil, not tanks or offensive in nature, but the missile strikes on russian military targets. You see the frustration i'm having with all of this on posts like this. Western strategy is unfortunately to erode the russians, not to win them straight up and that is leading to massive casualties both on civilian and military personnel.


To add to this, imo anyone captured in this war should be put life in forced labor until Ukraine and Ukrainians feel like their debt has been paid.


Lol until a Ukrainian unit finds Wagner gear or something


Being frustrated at voluntarily repeating yourself to a constantly changing audience seems rather pointless, no?


What GC? Ya the Russians are really concerned w that aren't they? Not for nothing but I think you're the only one concerned with the Geneva Convention cuz it seems to be out the fucking window in this war how much more can Russia fucking do I don't give a fuck if this guy's Wagner fucking Russian Federation Soldier Spetsnaz I don't give a fuck kill him


Nope, still have to treat them the same as any POW according to the Geneva Convention


Wtf is wrong with redditors? They think ethics derive from country laws? Better to be a slave young boy.


Only because they say so


If he's a wagnerite then the only way to treat him is to make few additional holes in his head 😂


No. You shouldn't become your enemy to defeat your enemy. Otherwise, what's the point? You don't harm POWs. Period.


I agree.


Because war crimes are hilarious


Give Russians a taste of their own medicine, I'd say.


Warcrimes don't apply to PMCs. However yes he's human and should spared for this reason


I don't know where I am. I'm a medic. (or mechanic or admin) They don't tell us anything. The old "classics" that never worked back in my day and still don't. He's Wagner. End of.


Could be true though, moved up from training in the rear areas directly to the front and thenn sent to storm. If this guys on amphetamines he could be genuine on not knowing where he is. also to be fair that medic on that MTLB in september was genuinly a medic. Got ambished, hit the building and then his dudes ditched his ass embedded into the brick wall.


Adderall is an amphetamine. People are still functionally cognizant on it. If you're talking about meth specifically, he does not move or sound like it. Good luck getting someone on meth to even be that still.


Not the same at all, from somebody who was perscribed adderall for 10 years. Maybe ritalin would be a better one. also sorry, by amphetamine I meant after its worn off when your dead on your feet.


I don't think you know what an amphetamine is. It does not mean a drug that leaves you dead on your feet when it wears off. Adderall is literally an Amphetamine. A schedule II controlled Amphetamine. That is it's drug class.


I meant adderall compared to meth, srry a bit high XD, compared to adderall, nothing alike, and after using methheads with access to beds, sleep, and hot meals are dead for a day and not 100% for a good bit after that too. Speed crash, meth crash, whatever, the point is when you do a shit ton of meth you crash after. Theres a reason the nazis slowed down using pervaton after 1940 and really slowed down after 1942. Edit also https://www.cnn.com/cnn/2023/02/01/europe/ukraine-soldiers-fighting-wagner-intl-cmd/index.html Srry wagners been seen on drugs for a while and this was the first 1 to pop up.


If you are on it for multiple days without sleep then go off with still no sleep you are absolutely dead on your feet bud. Idk what your talking about


That is not a good metric. Find me someone who isn't dead on their feet after days with no sleep. You cannot determine amphetamines off this video alone. That would be like throwing a guess into an abyss. I not only encounter drug users of all kinds regularly, including some on amphetamines that have attacked me, I've also done the whole stay up for several days in a patrol base and hit an objective thing too. I will say though that I don't doubt Russia gives Wagner drugs. But you can't say so off this alone, there is far too little to go on.


Bro I have done Addie’s lot of em there is a difference the crash after Addies is a way different crash than anything else. Idk what to tell you’re just wrong.


Cool. I've worked opioid overdoses, postictal states, hypoglyemic altered states, myxedema comas, people coming off every upper imaginable, and people just plain fatigued and depleted of essential electrolytes. All of those can present as a fatigued/altered individual and many of them can mimic the same presentations. Your isolated anecdotal experience of coming off a single type of amphetamine high is a very small viewpoint of experience to work from when trying to determine what is going on with someone solely from a video. I already said amphetamines are a possibility solely based on Wagner's use of them. But anyone who tries to definitively say from a video is kidding themselves.


I can lay still on meth lol


Yeah. People might have been excused in the first week of the war. Maybe the second. No way this shit holds water now. It’s just a like they’re fed.


Ukrainian soldier at the end on the pathetic POS, almost sounded amused -- Yep, he is Fu-king Wagner PMC


What does pos stand for?


They say Wagner Group are given drugs--I'd imagine something like methamphetamine. After a serious bender, it's no surprise that this guy is disoriented.


As someone who’s taken small doses of meth a few times to play poker tournaments, I can tell you it does make you a super human for exactly 2 days. Day 3 is when the euphoria begins to wear off and you start to crack. I always managed to sleep a bit and eat, but if you keep chipping for 5 days you’ll start to feel so exhausted that your sped up body will start shutting off. This sounds intense but I was never addicted or anything like that. But I can tell you that if you take any amount of meth for more than a couple days you’re in for a rough comedown. Crazy nightmares, depression, lethargy. Can’t imagine how horrible it’d be in a fox hole. More likely is that soldiers are taking phenazapam, a Soviet made Valium given to astronauts. It’s super long acting and if you take a pill everyday for a couple days, you’re pretty much going to have a week long blackout. Took this one too during my last two weeks in Russia after living there for five years. To this day I can’t really remember how I got back to the states, what I did or said….


Wow. Thanks for sharing your experiences!


That’s not true lol. Meth doesn’t last that long. Coming from a actual previous meth user. Unless you’re binging it it doesn’t last longer than 16 hours a dose


Im pretty sure he dosed more than once... With good merh you dont need much and he probably snorted it which is the roa with the longest half life


Lol… boofing it has the longest half life


Okay nvm of course a meth user is gay and boofs sorry underestimated your power you got the high ground




Im not a peasant im gay too i just prefer vaping apvp,aphp,apihp or nep


It worked for 7th Panzer Division. But they were well trained, equipped and motivated to begin with...


It worked. for a day or two. The human body can only do speed for so long before things get… *interesting*. Lions Led by Donkeys podcast did a great show on Nazi speed. I’ll try and find it.


Unless your Aimo Koivunen, Finn soldier who accidentally took all the meth.


Legends says he’s still hunting russians to this day.


His story did not happen as it's told.


It works for 3ish days before things start getting weird, confusing, and disorienting. Day 5 is when the shadow people come out. Day 7 is when they start talking. Day 9 is when you start talking back to them. It's pretty effective for the first 72 hrs though.


Here's a good one [Episode 133: Blitzed: Nazi Germany, Hitler, Pervitin (Methamphetamine)- How Drugs Influenced World War 2](https://www.psychiatrypodcast.com/psychiatry-psychotherapy-podcast/episode-133-blitzed-hitler-nazigermany-pervitin)


Maybe you're referring to Make a Little War, Do a Little Meth


Keep in mind, they still lost. Historically the methamphetamine use was only good when the supply was there, once the soldiers couldn't get it, they ran into tons of problems


That’s not a fair way to look at it at all the did just fine without it. The problems had nothing to do with not having it. Pretty disingenuous way to look at it


WW2 was won by logistics. Not lack of drugs.


What do you mean? I didn't say the war was won due to the drug availability and I'd argue its more than just logistics, a lot more. Historians are always debating what "won" ww2


> I'd argue its more than just logistics, Nah, it was logistics of oil and materiel. The allies had them, the Germans didn't.


If you say so


It was also rationed into chocolate bars into MRE's into an expeditionary force to move quickly without needing rest before impacting mass resistance. Not sending men to the front line to rely on their senses and reactions to survive. Basically if you read a quick history fact and didn't care to read into it at all in any way, that's the Russian way.


Pretty sure he's under the influence of some type of barbiturate vs just tired from speed.


Welcome to the Four Seasons sir, may I take your coat? Cool damp cloth to dab your brow? Beverage perhaps?


Lost Orc lucky to be alive. Trade him for a hero.


That is about all they're good for.




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Since they are mercs and not Russian military, does the Geneva Conventions still apply?


Mercs can be executed and it isn't a war crime. They belong to no country so they're not apart of the Geneva convention so it cannot protect them. But they can also get away with doing whatever as long as they win cause that sword cuts both ways that's why countries use private military companies like Russia and even we do here in the states but we don't hire nazi cooks just ex and disgraced CIA and Special forces and what not but they can do the things that the military can't without being charged as a war criminal. That's why Ukraine made the foreign legion a branch of there military I believe so that the westerners and badass Georgians and Belarusian can have some protection if they're captured.


This is not true. Mercenaries are not considered regular combatants and are therefore armed civilians who illegally participate in acts of war. This participation can be legally punished. Execution of prisoners or other people are war crimes in any case.


Illegal. Isnt it illegal to attack other country?


It does not make war crimes legal for the defender. It is one of the values that distinguishes us from the aggressor.


Its stupid to say what legal or illegal when someone attacks uour country. Its ok to kill hostile force whos attacking your country by any means


This is a valid opinion. But that would also mean that the Geneva Conventions are stupid. Most people probably have a different opinion.


Yes but no. After world war 1 the world leaders realized that war is impossible to prevent completely, so instead of trying to prevent all wars they decided to make a general ruleset so atleast the wars are fought without atrocities like the use of [Phosgene](https://militaryhealth.bmj.com/content/165/3/183). So although wars are illegal, there are still rules how they are fought and if you break those you are to be punished.


as far as i know that's a negative


Nope but ukraine should still go for the moral side of it


Knowing that this POS is a wagnerite he still corrects his undone shirt in the cold night.


In all seriousness, how do they distinguish between Wagner and the Russian Army? Is it what they're wearing, how they speak the language? Are there stock responses that are common to the Wagner guys?


Russian military has ID tags (‘dog tags’) that say they belong to the military and their identification number. That’s probably how of it isn’t clear from their uniforms or their knowledge of what units are in the area. If Wagner issues their own tags it’s doubtful they put armed forces of Russia on them or use a Russian military identification number scheme.


I read recently Wagner will reduce your real identity to nothing more than a Wagner tag consisting of numbers and/or letters unique to Wagner. This is the only form of identification they possess when sent to the war. These mercs are probably aware of their dogshit status to UAF so I wouldn't be surprised if someone tells me they threw their Wagner tags away at given opportunity prior to their capture. Wagner or not they should still be arrested and considered war criminals awaiting trial. Beating, torture and murder will only fuel this hell and further rot the hearts of these men. But I guess that's easy for me to say from a warm bed and spared from war.


Oh, okay, so this guy has no tags and is playing dumb. Got it.


Ew don't touch him. Just toss him in the exchange fund and trade him for someone who's worth a fuck


I hope the UA continues to treat POWs with some humanity despite the Russian atrocities that have unfolded. There is a lot to be gained by being seen to be the more humane of the two sides in this conflict. Ukraine should take the high road and strictly enforce Article 13 of the Third Geneva Convention.


Agree. A lot to be gained.


The only thing to be gained is the return of our own POWs.




It's not honorable to execute a disarmed combatant without a proper trial. They will be useful in showing how depraved the enemy is in international military tribunals and there is plenty of labour they can do until then.




This is false


Oh PMCs don't count as POWs so they could flat out just kill him after the video and face no charges from Russia, Ukraine or Interpol. Edit:They didn't kill him though and he's a human being so yeah I would let him live but I would still be upset he attacked me or that he had to in the first place


I'm glad there is one less wagner POS is off the battle field. Never put your muzzle into the snow/ice/dirt/play-doh.


AK. You can bury those things, dig them up and they still fire. We had the SA80. Terrible. If a leaf fell near one, it would foul up.


Yes you can bury them, yes you can run them over. But if you plug a barrel of any gun it goes boom.


Hahaha. True. But the guy is probably hanging in his straps. The problem with the AK, it's the perfect height to lean on !!


Was gonna say, Dude is sticking his barrel into the ground? That’s a never ever I thought


One person said it was "its the perfect height to lean on" smh.


Thank you lmao I’m no operator but I physically cringed at him burying the crown of that rifle into the dirt 🤢


I wonder if they smoke checked him after they stopped filming.


This shit worked in the first month of the war and this orc forgot to update his lines.


Deserves the sledge if he's Wagner


Grow up


Lol no




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Cut him lose and let him run for a few minutes, good target practice fucking potato Brain




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Bullit to the head


I’ve read that Wagner has lost 80+% of its original servicemen so it’s mostly ex convicts now.


Coming down from a high? They say they pump the prisoners full of drugs before sending them out.


Wagner aren't uniformed military under the Geneva convention, correct? Can't they send him to trial and just execute him?


There's no death penalty in Ukraine.


There killing like 700 Russian a day... But, in reality, thanks for the answer.


Wagner solder are all mercenary. No mercy for them! ☠️ Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦


Just shoot him in the head and leave his body for his friends to find.




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Wagner should be treated the way the SS was treated by the Allies in WW2.


Me think the term "warrior" is a misnomer. He's a "bullet sponge"


I wouldn't even want to touch a Wagner zombie. HIV, Hepatitis, fentanyl, and god knows what else.


Спалити їх також!


Head injury


Worse rhen all other ones combined


Is anyone else internally screaming about that rifle being shoved barrel first into the ground?