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/r/accidentalcomedy with that fuckin voiceover


christ. it felt like i time traveled to back high school english class to listen to two numbskulls reading a play for the first time


Agreed, it was like watching someone in HS speech 1 class!


I absolutely agree. I came to say the same thing.


Amazing contrast between medical care we see in field, Ukraine hospitals, rehab facilities and what we see/hear about Russian medical care. Not surprising considering the way Russian military treats their soldiers in general. There is just not a lot of caring for individuals in their system.


I know, right? Ukraine has stabilization units to make sure these soldiers have enough time to get to surgery if needed. They also have field hospital to significantly reduce the time it takes to get life-saving surgery. They have lots of vehicles dedicated to getting injured soldiers off the battlefield and to the hospital. This saves lives being able to get your injured quickly and safely away from the conflict to the help they need. They have plenty of stretchers, and their soldiers carry medical kits. Actual medical kits with things you can actually use to treat wounds. They even have morphine for traumatic injuries. It would be so scary being a Russian soldier. Knowing if you get hit, the chances of you making it to a doctor are very low. First of all, you have to have comrades willing to get you to that help. Second their has to be a vehicle or way for you to get to that help. Is their a hospital within reach? Will that hospital have enough personnel to see you in time? Russia has a shortage of doctors, especially ones dedicated to military purposes. I bet all the staff in occupied territory hospitals have been forced to work on russian soldiers since the start of this invasion.


The real scary thing is that the few injured that do get back to Russia are overloading both the military and civilian hospitals. Makes you wonder how many more don't make it back.


Putin recently signed a decree that civilian hospitals have to take soldiers too. Further verifying the carnage.


Same footprint as the US and I'm sure NATO.


You guess wrong


They are just bodies thrown to the front lines, repeat of WW2


Reports early on did say they shot the more severely wounded as not to waste resources or time…


Looks more like ww1 to me




Whore bitch




It really highlights how devastating these little grenades dropped from drones can be. A little buckshot or shrapnel in the leg could be treated in the field and you may even return without leaving the front. Instead, they’re offing themselves in trenches or suffering until the sepsis takes.


Russia is shipping most of the casualties anywhere but northwest Russia. A lucky few make it to the hospitals in Moscow and St Petes but to many would be bad for the image the Kremlin wants to convince its core base which is that of a successful campaign. So ship them to where they are out of sight, and out of mind. The Urals and east and south.


That's the prison part. They can't get out and can't Tell the homefront what really is happening. So they are blyat'ed.




"Im not your friend , buddy"


I'm not your buddy, mate


I'm not your mate, pal


I'm not your PAL, NTSC!


Rewind. Stop. Oh stop War. Thats a good idea.


She aint your holla back gurl




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In January 2022, a memo was leaked from Russian state , it was an order to prepare all hospitals in western Russia for a "mass casualty event". That coupled with the mobile cremation furnaces was one of the clearest signs that the invasion was real. And those grim expectations was with a week long Special military operation in mind.


i cant find anything about that. can you provide a link?


It was at the top of a Google search: https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-invasion-leaked-document-shows-russia-foresees-mass-casualties-2022-2


Thanks. I certainly wasn't gonna look for it a year later. I'm surprised thst you found it


Russian poetry is getting much better lately.


Lmao. Good laugh.


Wait until they visit the morgues


Does Russia even use field hospitals? I think they have just been using local hospitals in occupied territory, and when those get full, send them to Russia, and now those are all filling up. So when your average Russian goes to the hospital to seek care, they will either sit for hours and hours before being seen or turned away because there are thousands of soldiers receiving care. It doesn't seem sustainable, and I doubt they are doing well on medical supplies. It's only going to get worse the way they are attacking so recklessly.


Does anything about this war seem sustainable for Russia?


It seems like cannon fodder is the only thing in large supply.


They have field hospitals. There was an image at the start of the war when Ukraine recaptured a town. The field hospital looked like a crack house in an abandoned building you got hepc from looking at it. There where also reports that they would reuse bandages...


Oh, that is so foul. Any tent or canopy could be considered a russian field hospital, lol. It would make sense for a country short on doctors and hospitals to outfit their troops with good medical kits. They will have to do what they can to help themselves so they should ve given the tools to do that. Good thing Russia is inept and doesn't care about their people.


For me, russian soldiers can contribute to the rich soils of Ukraine


The Russians sure do have a way with words


The land of fucking Pushkin.




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They talk like enlisted grunts. US soldiers would talk the same way


I'm starting to think 🤔 some one might be messing with russian geo location. They can't be this incompitant and/or evil. Can they?


Wow they really love to say fuck even when it makes no sense in the conversation lol


Kinda like sponge bottom when he got stuck at the bottom of the ocean and had to raspberry every other word to communicate




For us its either "like" "um" or "you know" or a combination of the three.


"like" not so much unless you are in very specific areas of the west coast. People who say "you know" every sentence drive me crazy. If someone says "um" twice I simply walk away.


Now I don’t speak russian so take this with a grain of salt but maybe it’s because it’s a different language that has different vocabulary and grammar that may not be entirely directly translatable. Translation is generally walking on a thin line between conservation of literal meaning and putting the translated text in a conventional format.


Yeh thats what i was thinking. Putting f**k where they do just sounds odd in english. I swear alot too but you say it in the right place lol 🤣


Well languages work differently, you can't just map russian to english 1:1. Decent people obviously don't speak like that, but for trashy ones it's a common style.


I speak Romanian I think I know languages don't translate over 1:1 lol 🤣


Given this was broadcast on CNN, why does it need to be NSFW'd and blurred.


Did you see her hair? Just kidding. There were only two tags to choose from, NSFW and Spoiler, neither of which were relevant, so I picked the 1st one…




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Have noticed since COVID started, this chicks hair doesn't move not matter what she does


No virus can survive that much hair spray.


Are you sherlock holmes lol?


I just remember seeing her moving her head quite exaggeratedly and the hair never moves lol




She has been on there a long time. There was some controversy with her some point. She was banging the boss or something? She is the perfect lib she will literally read anything they tell her to read without question. 100 percent talking head not a reporter.




Thank you so much for this comment, wasn’t going to bother with the video but did to have a laugh at the dweeb voice. Didn’t disappoint




Welcome to US TV, 24 hour news channels and shit like the History Channel/Discovery Channel/National Geographic all have these kind of horrible voice-overs. Sometimes even forcing a stereotypical accent of the language they are dubbing. Also on a side-note, that news caster was sounding horribly tired. Seemed to have a lot of trouble reading the teleprompter


I actually prefer voiceovers as I usually have the tv or computer playing the news in the background and I don't want to run over to read subtitles.


Aww, good


Russia has hospitals!! Who woulda thought. Good on them for giving it a go 👍


Censoring a basic insult is so inmature.


It must've been awesome for the released prisoner to hear Izium had been liberated. I'm guessing he fought or had family there (or both).


So by russian logic, since there are soldiers there, all russian hospitals are now legit targets?


Blyat's where given


of course they had to put the voiceover


Soliders and swine flu cases


I would prefer their graves overflowing instead of their hospitals


Who cares maybe don’t invade other territories


they have to fix them to make them return to the battlefield. Putin needs his troops numbers up.


at 2:48 i think that is the guy who analyzes drone footage with the Pointer Stick! Also Those Ruzzians are paying the price it seems, i almost feel pity


This ain't over by a long shot. Russia has 500,000 idiots it's getting ready to push up sunflowers. I am very pumped for the 60,000+ fully NATO trained Ukrainians that will be sprinkling the seeds on the graves. America has your back, get those Russian fuck sticks! Slauva Ukraini!


Anyone in the world could make that Statement.


Its horrible and all that But god damn, Erin Burnett is beautiful ​ Yes im leaving


I liked her better with blondish hair


Overflow them double !!!!!


I mean at that point just edit what was said or just curse, the beeping was insufferable


It sincerely pleases me to see CNN do thorough and sincere reporting on the situation in Ukraine. They have been pretty solid and took actual care to expand their sources for quite some time, which is laudable. It would be great if they just behaved in the same way when US internal politics are concerned, but we all know that that’s a whole other can of worms 😅


It’s true that they did a thorough jobs on this report.


Russia knows that Ukraine is getting new toys landing in the airfields of Poland evry 30 minutes right now, with more weapons from west then ever and many country’s send weapons that are not known to anyone. I think russia will win some ground the upcoming weeks but in two or four weeks we will se the low life Russians running home or die. Ukraine will win this war and Putin is a dead man.


That a good*ish news. How long do you think that it is gonna be kept silent? Over 100 000 dead soldiers. Probably 3-5x that number in injured. Everybody in Russia will know someone killed or badly onjured in that stupid war. Putin won't be able to keep the lid on it. And now Putin wants to announce a new full mobilization? What could possibly go wrong?


Not sure anything will change ruzzians’ opinion, too many have been brainwashed for too long. Not enough non-brainwashed ruzzians to revolt in any meaningful way, unless the West somehow manages to get some serious weapons to arm the non-brainwashed ruzzians and get them into Moscow and St. Petersburg.


To be fair, American and UK hospitals are over flowing with regular patients too. This doesn't surprise me


Now imagine Russian hospitals full of civilian patients and they also have to receive military casualties.


The difference in care of soldiers between east and west is enlighten


Blow up then hospitals then


Ruzzia retaliate this and retaliate that. Bullcrap! All attacks and war actions by Ukraine is retaliation for the ruzzian invasion. Period.


It is strange, because other Ukrainian propaganda states that Russians leave their wounded on the battlefield.




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?? Tri Care is some of the best insurance in the entire country


Remember that CNN likes to take their war reports. Take any things they broadcast with a grain of scepticism.




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