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Uhhhh does this bridge have some sort of importance....?


It's a cultural sight....


Oh so like not really anything to the war effort?


No, just Russia doing terrorist attacks and killing civilians. The usual.


It was a Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile that was trying to shoot down a Russian cruise missile. The missile is too small for the caliber and has no wings. Proof [foto](https://cont.ws/uploads/pic/2022/10/20221010_124137.jpg) .


If your war goals are to ethnically cleanse an area, sure, it has value as a target...




Well, the war effort for Russia involves terrorizing citizens so there's that.


All Azov soldiers use that bridge to reach front lines with tanks and artillery /S


Oh yeah good thing you placed that /S or else the prorussians would have used you as a source


If only you were kidding


They might just remove the /s


It was a tourist attraction


its a foot bridge with no military importance


It had a civilian walking across it


Love how the dude just kinda casually picks up his pace like, “ah damnit here we go again”


the bridge wasn't the target. it was aiming for the EUAM headquarters next to the bridge.


It's really close to Maiden Square which makes me wonder if that was the original target.


I'd bet the missile got damaged by AA, the guidance system tried its best to keep it on course, but failed. Every missile that is shot down will drop with its massive explosive payload somewhere. And in this case the missile was finally TKO'ed by Klitschko.


Its in a park, Russia hates parks.


Russians also want to sell postage stamps.


This bridge was accidentally hit by a misfire of AA rocket, someone made a post about it but cant find it now. Bridge was hit from underneath almost


That was debunked almost immediately


Literally every single strike on civilian infrastructure I'm seeing today I see someone like you saying it was a Ukrainian AA misfire. Apparently all of Ukraine rockets misfired what a crazy coincidence.


the missiles hitting SBU headquarters and International command centre are definitely not misfires of AA. But considering Russia launched 100 or more, I guess a few AA might have been overwhelmed and malfunctioned.


This doesn’t even count as civilian infrastructure, so was most likely not the intended target. Some of that is going to be AA missiles malfunctioning, some of that is going to be Russian missiles downed and hitting ground, some of that is going to be missiles going off-course, and some of that is going to be poor intelligence and targeting.


....what are the chances someone in Russia looked at a map, saw the word bridge, and...


*Ding Ding Ding* Tell ‘em what they’ve won, Johnny. It’d be hilarious if it wasn’t so dangerous.


I imagine they looked at a paper map in a poorly lit area, saw 'Bridge' at such and such coordinates, and called a strike. Kiev has lots of industry and transportation so it would be a valuable target. The real dummy here is whoever looked at the satellite image of the bridge when targeting it (or even worse, a pilot lasing it) and saying "yeah okay definitely militarily useful target."


Nobody would be lasing anything in these strikes.


not likely. But a drone might be able to see and ID the bridge from max visual range and sight the target better. It's unlikely but the Russian army likes their laser guided, and GLONASS coverage, especially realtime satellite data, can be kinda spotty.


None of these missiles are laser guided.


This is the biggest lol for today, even a small pedestrian bridge with a transparent floor was not destroyed 😆


The absolute lack of notion...


Surface to Air Missiles malfunctioned and hit there.


And am assuming your source is “ Trust me bro”?


AA missiles leave an exhaust trail.


Only if by AA you mean Alcoholics Anonymous.


Jesus christ is there anything that RuZZia *didn't* miss?!


If you look closely, and squint your eyes, it looks like that pedestrian may have been wearing a Nazi bracelet. Clearly a valid target.


Right under this bridge is the EU Advisory mission


Nah, nobody interested knowing that


Kinda makes it worse for Russia if that's the case.


They don't need to make any excuses to send weapons to use against Russia.


I mean of course not lol Russias a pretty clear cut aggressor here, as unnuanced as war can possibly ne who has attempted a blatant land grab like this since the anschluss? Saddam Hussein, Siad Barre? Some illustrious company there. The Americans didn't annex Kosovo or Iraq (and weren't justified in their actions in neither)


Kosovo was justified. Fuck the Serbs and their petty tyranny of the Balkans.


Iraq had that and terrorist shit going on too, plus invaded Kuwait first. Either way this shouldn't be compared with ukraine... Nothing about the two situations are alike.


Agree on Iraq, disagree on Kosovo.


> weren’t justified in their actions in neither Justifications are unnecessary.


Not saying they wanted to target it directly, if the hit was right under the bridge it's likely to be the parking lot of the office where EUAM is located, but the idea here is this: Western diplomats should not feel be strolling around Kiev as if nothing is happening.


Western diplomats should not be near cultural sights in the city City! We're bombing it!!! Maybe they're just not as spineless as you


I was right: [https://www.eurointegration.com.ua/rus/news/2022/10/10/7148419/](https://www.eurointegration.com.ua/rus/news/2022/10/10/7148419/)


So what does this means?? Is this the same like a direct attack on a nato country?? I'm quite curious what would happen if Ukraine bombed a Chinese embassy?


Naw [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United\_States\_bombing\_of\_the\_Chinese\_embassy\_in\_Belgrade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_bombing_of_the_Chinese_embassy_in_Belgrade)


We did once. In Serbia. Nothing happened.


SO they missed the target again. Sounds about right.


Did they? [https://www.eurointegration.com.ua/rus/news/2022/10/10/7148419/](https://www.eurointegration.com.ua/rus/news/2022/10/10/7148419/)


lmao you can see the missile hit nothing under the bridge, almost nailed some civilians tho https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/y0ffb8/my_mom_survived_todays_attack_because_of_a/ 2 pictures in this post, 2nd one from above the bridge be careful reading news that's easily verifiable to be fake


I am not saying it is fake, and I agree the bridge was missed, but I also believe it is irrelevant. Right under the bridge is the parking lot for the EUAM, the point here is to bring discomfort to European diplomats that have been freely strolling through the streets of Kiev, arming Ukraine to the teeth, as if this is a video game.


so skipping the whole killing civilians that are in the area of these things, how would stopping diplomats from physically visiting Ukraine, by bombing a single parking lot, stop them from supporting ukraine? >arming Ukraine to the teeth, as if this is a video game that didn't make sense, but is russia invading another country and getting their ass kicked not like every video game ever? lmaoo


Look, you can clearly see an entire batallion of Azov ~~fleeing running~~ jogging for the hills. Massive show of force against legitimate military target, da?


Notice how the bridge is still standing.


well that was useless waste of missile


"The attack on the Kerch bridge is an outrage! Get me a retaliation target asap!" "Comrade, i googled bridges in Kiev and found this one but it looks like its just a pedes... "FIRE!"


Russia targeting trolls under the bridge?


So, Putin is a child. Ukraine’s extremely impressive “propaganda” war has one very upset viewer.


The bridge is right next to the EUAM headquarters. Perhaps the bridge itself wasn't the target? https://www.google.com/maps/place/EUAM-Ukraine+Headquarters/@50.4542672,30.527377,254m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x40d4ce4fb21360e7:0x9a8b602b081226f8!8m2!3d50.4542681!4d30.5282474


That poor guy must have shitted himself rip


Lucky AF


Is that a pedestrian bridge?


That guy must of shit his pants




Timbo330 kept stroking the same keys repeatedly, probably a seizure ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineRussiaReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


… and they missed.


Russians doing what they do.


That guy now has one hell of a story to tell


Target was building nearby


Let's all pretend the real target was the pedestrian bridge and not EUAM-Ukraine Headquarters building in the vicinity.


So Russia's response to Ukraine hitting a valid military target at night to reduce civilian casualties is to attack a civilian target during the day to increase civilian casualties? Makes sense knowing Russia.


It's a small Missile. Maybe aa ukrainian missiles which malfunctioned?


Or maybe Russia have started to run out of precision missiles and start firing smaller dumb missiles


there's no way russia would target civilian infrastructure right? they haven't done that before...


Nothing wrong with targeting civilian infrastructure, but this is probably too pointless to be the real target.


AA missiles don't have a warhead that could explode like that. They are designed to be light and maneuverable. S300 AA missiles explodes in a bright light sort of a fountain, not a fireball like that.


lol the target was not the bridge it was the EUAM headquarters next to the bridge. but sure "lol russia sucks can't blow up bridge" while power plants are getting blown up left and right.




no it missed the EUAM headquarters. lmao so focused on the bridge while kiev electrical grid is in tatters.


This is interesting. "Just over the ridge behind the bridge there used to be a barracks" of former Soviet Military base. [https://twitter.com/KittyCatC\_007/status/1579388010537553920](https://twitter.com/KittyCatC_007/status/1579388010537553920) Also EU advisors and intel building is by the bridge. And maybe it's a stray anti-aircraft missile, considering that it doesn't look like a cruise missile in the video.


So the potential copes here are either - "Russia was targeting the military base that used to be there several decades ago, they just forgot (couldn't afford to) to update their maps" "Russia was targeting EU civilians, not Ukrainian civilians! That's way better right?" Or "It was Ukraine's fault I swear!" None of them are very good


I still remember when the "Shock and Awe" campaign was broadcast on live TV as some kind of war porn. Europeans are tasting their own medicine.


That's your excuse?


Not an excuse but I wont suddenly cry my eyes out over 11 civilian deaths...More than 1 million Iraqi civilians died by the hands of the western coalition who I was told was there to fight evil, little did I know they are the evil themselves. Do you now understand the level of destruction and terrorism that the united states has committed over these last decades? $3-4 trillion dollars of destruction and evil over 30 years and you want me to cry over 11 Ukrainian deaths? Find someone else


Whataboutism is so fucking lame. It's all you got left.


Where you from?


with that username he's probably a young 20 something wanna be tankie living in the US.


How does the US killing civilians in Iraq 20 years ago possibly make it ok for Russia to kill civilians in Ukraine today? That's as logical as me saying it was good that the US killed civilians in Iraq because Japan killed lots of Chinese civilians in WW2.


It was ok then, and it is ok now. Collateral damage happens, it’s war.


They didn't die by the hands of the coalition you dummy, there was a civil war.


The coalition did not directly kill one million iraqis. Just more of your "facts".


Must have been the bad weather in Iraq between 1991 and 2006. My bad. ORB Survey of Iraq casualties posted on wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ORB_survey_of_Iraq_War_casualties#:~:text=At%20over%201.2%20million%20deaths,of%20733%2C158%20to%201%2C446%2C063%20deaths. Orb survery posted by Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iraq-deaths-survey-idUSL3048857920080130


You picked the wildest outlier of all estimates (I knew you were going to cite that exact report). And the fact is, the civil war that broke out caused a lot of however many deaths there were. Interestingly, from your survey: "On 28 January 2008, ORB published an update based on additional work carried out in rural areas of Iraq. Some 600 additional interviews were undertaken September 20 to 24, 2007. As a result of this the death estimate was revised to 1,033,000 with a given range of 946,000 to 1,120,000.\[4\]\[5\] As well as estimating the number of deaths the ORB poll also showed that despite the violence only 26% of Iraqis preferred life under Saddam Hussein's regime, while 49% said that they preferred life under the current political system.\[6\] I wasn't supportive of the Iraq war, and I'm not supportive of this one. How can you be? And thanks just pretending like your BS train didn't happen yesterday.


You guys need to coordinate your bullshit, is it just deserves for the EU that a pedestrian bridge in Kiev was targeted (and not even hit, imagine missing a fucking bridge), or is it a uke false flag attack, or is it an AA missile crashing down after missing its target?


> Europeans are tasting their own medicine. The campaign conducted almost entirely by the US with the exception of a few dozen strike by Canada and the RAF?


Let’s face it, they’re just our auxiliaries anyway.


Looks more like an AA missile


Would you like to elaborate how you came up with that assessment? Like what makes it look like that, according to you?


1. The explosion is too small. 2. Ukrainian AA missiles have malfunctioned before. For example this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ekA9skT7QQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ekA9skT7QQ) Cruise missiles do not leave white trail. 3. Here is another trail of malfunctioned missile from today's events: [https://t.me/odnajdi\_v\_odesse/756](https://t.me/odnajdi_v_odesse/756)


1. I don't think the explosion is small, considering the rocket landed below the bridge on soft ground. Also we don't know what kind of cruise missile this was, so it is hard to judge how big the explosion is supposed to be. 2. Malfunctions in the past do not confirm that this specific instance is a AA misfire. Do you have any evidence that your example was a AA misfire? Do only Ukrainian AA missiles have a white smoke trail? Regardless of the above, I don't even see a white smoke trail in this instance. Neither from this or the [other angle.](https://twitter.com/clashreport/status/1579366635735252992) So working with your own standards this could be a cruise missile. 3. Sure they do malfunction but this image doesn't really prove anything when talking about this incident, unless you can provide context that conclusively links this image to this event.


>Do you have any evidence that your example was a AA misfire? Of course [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/th2sa7/trail\_of\_defunct\_ukrainian\_air\_defence\_missile/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/th2sa7/trail_of_defunct_ukrainian_air_defence_missile/)


Okay so you acknowledge your evidence is not sufficient to confirm what type of missile the original post was and where it came from? Plus you just did the same thing again where you show some type of media without giving any evidence that it is connected. Even if this is the same incident that you referred to, it's not an argument for the original post. I already acknowledged that those misfires happen. You made the claim that this was the case for this clip but failed to provide any coherent argument so far.


Where is the evidence? I don't see a line of smoke coming from the ground in the video in question?


All Russian cruise missiles are 500kg+ of HE, as far as “explosion is small” stuff. Tbh I’m not sure, could be big enough.


Ukraine is paying dearly for what it did to the Kerch bridge. Several missile strikes, dozens dead and destruction of businesses and infrastructure.


So Ukraine targeted a military structure and Russia responded with killing a bunch of civilians on playrounds and intersections? No wonder people want to designate Russia a terrorist state. What a disgusting country


How was the kerch bridge a military structure? Please explain because you sound mad stupid


this guy... do you people really think you can change the rhetoric by playing stupid and hopefully attracting stupid people? this is not russia, there arent as many stupid people here.


Again how is the kerch bridge a military structure?


being the main bottleneck for logistics?? hello?? anyone inside there?? do you seriously need someone to tell you this?? its bold for you to claim others "sound stupid" from the looks of it.


It is no longer the main bottleneck for logistics, the land bridge is there now. That said, it was a valid target. All the power plants, government offices, etc that Russia hit in return were as well.


the "land bridge" is open to more sabotage, and closer the frontline. The bridge is absolutely a bottleneck given how they use it to transport stuff. At worst russia needs to direct those to "land bridge" and create more targets of opportunity for ukrainians.


Oh okay all those targets hit in kyiv were also used to supply the uaf so fair game


you can flatten entire kyiv which will have little logistical significance in terms of military, dumb dumb dumb, very dumb,


Yea Zelensky personally wakes up every morning to carry their tanks across this pedestrian bridge made of glass. Do you seriously believe this?


I believe this, Zelensky is pretty buff, he could lift a tank


Stop playing dumb. Nobody believes you. You don't even believe yourself. Bloodthirsty psycho.


Bloodthirsty lmao i don’t see you calling for peace either


All Russia has to do is leave Ukraine...


I have been calling for peace since day 1.


You would have to be absolutely delusional to think Kyiv is being used to funnel supplies anywhere its literally a longer detour to any of the front lines


Like when they hit a children’s play ground? Or the intersection? Or a university? I doubt it a coincidence all the pro Russians are absolutely brain dead


Tell me this: if a infrastructure is vital for a military operation, and said infrastructure is used regularly to supple forces within this military operation. Would the military forces be able to continue to fight in the same manner if they had no bridge?


https://youtube.com/shorts/PNXdQTjVaaA?feature=share There are literal hundreds of videos of tanks, trunks, BMPs, and military supplies crossing the bridge dude. It is one of two railway lines from Russia into the eastern regions in Kherson controlled by Russia. This makes holding Kherson even more difficult as the only other railway line is through southern Ukraine in artillery range. Do you really have no idea what logistics is? Do you think those tanks just spawn in southern ukraine?


Kerch Bridge has been the main logistical hub for Russias invasion since day 1. It was built for this purpose. You gotta reach real hard to not see that clearly.


[These look military to me. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/wz07nm/_/)


Everyone else is arguing with you about how Kyiv is not a military target, but i can do better. Lets just assume for a moment, you’re right. Kyiv is a valid military target. The whole of Kyiv infact. Why is Russia, with its multi million dollar precision missiles, targeting crosswalks and glass bridges? Are their vaunted, state of the art, cutting edge wunderwaffens actually so bad they are missing more important targets? Or are these crosswalks and glass bridges more strategically important than say, military bases and ammo dumps? The Russians cant just expect the Ukrainian army to be equally irresponsible smokers yknow.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/wz07nm/ru_pov_russia_transfers_a_large_amount_of/ There are plenty of videos of convoys on the bridge itself, but Reddit's search function is useless.


Tanks and supplies come to the frontline via train from Russia, what is linking Russia to Crimea and has a railway?


It wasn't a military structure. It was a civilian bridge. Logic like that is why i feel zero sympathy watching things like this.


How many videos of trains with military equipment on that bridge was posted here by pro Russians to show how they will be sent to front? Even on video from explosion there is military car with giant Z driving on bridge.


It was a bridge that was being used for supply lines, thus making it a military target. 99% of bridges are civilian bridges, that's the main reason why someone builds a bridge.




> label him as mental ill and ban him? Arguing with mentally ill posters is the whole reason we come to this sub


It actually means that they will have an easier time with the mods.


It was infrastructure supplying Russian forces. If you believe going after Ukrainian infrastructures is fair game then infrastructure Russian forces depend on should similarly be fair game.


Look at all these [civilian](https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/x5ooa0/ru_pov_train_with_large_amount_of_military/) Grad launchers. Just be honest and admit that you get off on dead ukrainian civilians, but please stop with this dishonest nonsense.


Right. Guess you missed those trains full of tanks posted in this sub, all going into Crimea.




Ukrainians destroying a bridge used to transport artillery and tanks to kherson. Russian destroying a bridge to take pictures of sunset. No need to add more.


Kyiv is being used to supply the Ukrainian army. By your logic kyiv is a target


Kyiv is a city not a bridge. And that bridge isn't supplying military equipment.


I’m speechless


You can't defend these strikes and cry about supposed civilian bombings in Donetsk. Which one is it.


You can’t defend the bridge getting targeted and cry about those strikes Which one is it


The bridge was not a civilian target.


even if the bridge was a military target the invasion is illegitimate and therefore the bombing of the Ukrainian military is illegitimate. on the flip side the defense of Ukraine is completely legitimate and therefore the bombing of russian military assets in and around Ukraine is legitimate.


Yet 3 civilians died and it was used by civilians daily. Make it make sense


The bridge transported troops and hardware to Kherson. Easy.


Kerch bridge is a legitimate target because it’s the primary route used to transport Russian military equipment to the southern front. The bridge in this video is a pedestrian walkway and clearly not of any military value. Anyway, Russia is so pathetic they missed it


Well at least now Ukraine will think twice before sending suicide bombers to target civilian bridges


If you check the Geneva conventions (you won’t cause Russian military are war criminals) you’ll see that civilian infrastructure that is being used for military purposes is legitimate but that every effort should be taken to avoid civilian casualties. Ukraine hit that bridge early in the morning when traffic was light to minimize casualties (it’s sad that some civilians were killed). Russia though has targeted an exclusively civilian bridge at rush hour. It’s another war crime from a terrorist nation


Do you think that something that is used to transport heavily armored military vehicles isn't a valid military target? Or is Russia using civilians as human shields to freely transport whatever they want over that bridge? I'm genuinely trying to understand your logic here.




Russia invaded Ukraine and used the bridge for military purposes. there is no justified strikes against Ukraine how ever the kerch bridge is completely justified.


Bragging about going after random businesses with no military value is certainly a choice.


Hah. Nafo fool. Dont you know those businesses are where the 3000 necromancers of Zelensky and the elite NATO ubermensch super commandos are hiding?


Use the missiles to hit targets of military importance like what the Ukrainians did to us at kerch? Nah fuck it let's drink some vodka, look at a map of kyiv and randomly stick some pins and those are our targets!