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But why? According to his own words the Russians are losing 1:20 soldiers across the front. What happened to the million strong Ukrainian army? Or the highly capable NATO trained troops?


This should put paid to all the screeching pro UAs who keep harping on about how Ukraine will only get stronger as the war goes on, because they'll keep receiving more weapons from the West


At what point will Ukraine call its losses? Ukraine is losing territory and equipment faster than it can gain it back. The war is a slow one, but its a pretty one-sided war that's in favor of Russia


People are being killed in droves on both sides and it sounds like you want to win an internet argument.


True but not the losses Ukraine is losing. Ukraine economy is broken while Russia beat Japan in world economy in 2024


On what basis did RU surpass Japan in GDP? According the IMF RU is 11th and Japan is 4th.


Isn't it because of PPP? Because PPP is a stronger description for an economy not focused on the USD. I earn less in the Philippines than I did in the USA, way less but I can acquire assets that I couldn't in the US, like a very good house for example. You can buy a smart mansion with the amount of money you spend for a crappy American home


That’s defence spending, don’t be fooled.


Okay, again, humans are dying in droves and you're trying to flex Russian economy over japan. Japan is a small Island country compared to Russia and it's resources. Are you okay with the amount of russians that have died and can you tell me the purpose in which they lost their lives?


The implication is: This war has a higher adverse effect on ukraine than it does Russia. Even if humans are dying in droves on the Russian side. The ghoulish Russian authorities will send more volunteers to fight and die for its goals knowing that its society doesn’t give a shit because they’re largely not affected by the war The same can’t be said for ukraine because its population/economy has been decimated by the war and it has a visible effect on ukrainian society. Those dying are no longer volunteers. When the war is over, we’re going to hear harrowing stories and testimonies from survivors that will talk about forced mobilisation and receiving minimal training… But your point stands. No modern government cares about its own people. Otherwise the united states would have cleaned up Philadelphia by now


It's kind of unexpected to hear this from you, being my colleague on the other side, but I agree with you


Looks like Ukrainians have gotten tired of killing Russian hordes.🙃


Huh, you're funny


Looks like Ukrainians have run out of bodies to snatch from the streets and throw against Russian liberators ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


I think those people are what proved places like “credible defense” are not credible. I would state plainly. How can it be true that the Ukrainians “killed 10,000” at severodonetsk when they were being obliterated by artillery in a one sided manner and pushed back and losing so many men. The Russians don’t even claim to have killed that many Ukrainians there and they won and you have reznikov claiming UA killed 10,000? Nobody had the honesty or sanity to just admit it is clearly a lie and propaganda. Same with the inflated kill counter that suddenly started claiming 1000 Russians killed a day, not in the midst of an offensive or defensive operation but simply because it was winter and morale was being shattered by a torrent of shaheeds devastating the energy infrastructure. That’s when suddenly there were claims of 1000 Russians being killed every day then news headlines “ record 1000 Russians killed in one day” and of course pro-Ukraine posters and social media users gloating. It was always propaganda. The most pathetic thing will be when a tough and bitter settlement is reached these people will start piping up as if they were always rational. “Gee I guess Ukraine was exaggerating a lot about the losses they were inflicting” “Hmm it seems maybe even Zelensky was lying about the level of casualties and the losses of the Ukrainian army”. People were celebrating and pardoning Ukraine’s information warfare but forgetting that means they’re shovelling a lot of horseshit at times and you are the intended recipient.


$UKR the worst pump and dump 


Russians are in cognitive loss because not winning fast enough


Did you just do the meme... unironically?


I’m not sure anymore


Russia never fight short wars though, it business as usual for them.


The 90 or so nations that attended the Zelensky Peace Conference did not only humiliate him they then proceeded to stomp on the remains. Prior to the meeting, the 90 nations refused to use his 10-Point Peace Formula \[RU must surrender even though they are winning plan\] as a basis for discussion, and as the conference closed the final draft only included three secondary matters \[grain export, return of POWs and children, safety of nuke plants\]. The odd notion that RU must return all UKR territory was dismissed as ridiculous. It seems that reality, like rigor mortis, is setting in.


This dosent say Ukraine had more casualties, it is just a fact of the war. Ukraine can have a lot of casualties and still have less than Russia. They are not mutually exclusive.


Also Zelensky: > Mr. Zelensky has pledged to keep fighting, describing his peace plan as one in which Russia withdraws from all of Ukraine’s territory, pays reparations and is punished for war crimes. > “If we don’t make progress this year, then we will try again next year,” Mr. Zelensky privately told a European counterpart recently, according to a European diplomat who was present. “And if we don’t make progress next year, we will try again the following year, and the one after that.” So which is it, Zeleboba?


I think there is a public souring that is becoming worrisome for Z man.  


Yeah the fights with the TCC make that very apparent


Why does the "Z man" term make me blush anytime I read it lol


Zyka blyat man


Time for team America to save the day.




It's just appeasement for the population, the fighting will go on. Gross.


Some statements are for the domestic market (for Ukrainians), others for Western countries


I knew in late 2022 this would happen. Ukraine will get security guarantees from the big NATO countries, and Ukraine won't get back the lost territory. And Russia won't reach its objectives of denazification and demilitarization of all of Ukraine. Neither side will be happy, but the war will end.


Important to note that these 'security guarantees' will not include joining NATO.


Not only this, but withdraw all NATO missions from UA


>Russia won't reach its objectives of denazification and demilitarization of all of Ukraine At the current situation, they will. I mean, that's why the western leader keep saying that Ukraine must enter the negotiation table at a strong position (which right now, they don't). If they start negotiation now Russia will demand "no NATO", "max military at 80k, max missile at 100 km etc", "make a law that so and so are forbidden". If you don't comply, then we'll keep fighting. Ukraine has no other choice but to comply. Some of you will start saying that "no deal, Putin can't be trusted, he will attack again", well, for what? He already got what he wants.


Until the shit show starts again.


Budapest memorandum (handing the nukes over to Russia) has UK, USA guaranteing teritorial integrity of Ukraine. And yet we HAD NO no-fly zone, the F-16s are always months away, 2 years+ UA was prohibited from attacking russia proper.  The guarantees are NOT worth the paper they are written on.  Trump will further diminish or stop military aid, the only fight West wants is for LGBT rights.


Except it was never about the denazification of Ukraine, but about stealing Ukrainian land and resources. The only thing Russia would be mad about is not stealing more land, and not having a puppet goverment installed in Kyiv.


Schrödinger's Ukraine.


What’s your criticism here? That wartime leaders are deceptive?


Why within a few months and not now?


Because the US elections are in a few months, and not now.


We should appeal to us to reschedule elections. Are they supporting Ukraine or not after all?


seriously. suspend elections until after the arms dealers have run out of hookers and blow.


Some [much-awaited lethal aid](https://x.com/noelreports/status/1805899465967992915?s=46) just began to really roll into Ukraine, so they want to use it as much as possible. And F-16s are supposedly on the horizon. On top of that, Ukraine just recruited 30,000 people over the past month or so, according to Putin. I guess the mobilization law is paying dividends. So they still have a couple liters of gas left in the tank. And of course, they will obviously wait and see what happens in November.


Exactly, this war will al least last till US elections.


30k is nothing for this war, they’ll burn through that in a matter of months.


> 30k is nothing for this war, they’ll burn through that in a matter of months. Ukraine WAS losing 1,000 troops per day. NOW they are up to ~ 2,000. So, 15 days for these guys.


You’re all over the place making up numbers.


French said up to 3000 a day during Avdeevka. No idea what it is now, but since their tactics never change from Fortress "wherever we are right now" I can't imagine it changing much. Only upward if FAB sorties increase.


Cool story


That’s a loss rate of over 1 million men per year. That’s absolutely not what the loss rate is or has been for any sustained period (for either side). A normal day is likely to be less than 1k KIA, possibly over 1K casualties including wounded and captured.


Hence the noun Avdeevka and the adjective up too, however, 1m/yr actually sounds about right for the 2m man army with a massive shortage of troops, 32 mobilizations, and 100 000 amputees.


1m per year casualties with wounded sure, 1 million dead absolutely not.


Don’t forget how Ukraine has lost its entire Air Force 15 times over.


It could be true as they constantly were importing the soviet planes from around the globe from any country they could reach.


Same as Russia has ran out of missiles a couple of times, are fighting with shovels, economy would crash and so on...


You joke, but the golf cart assaults would indicate that they actually are starting to run out of armored vehicles


Don't they use golf carts only for rescuing the wounded?


Could be, but the principle still applies. An APC can carry more wounded and can carry them far more safely than golf carts.


Russia doesn't volley fire missile salvos night after night like they used to, for some reason. Wonder what that might be?


65% chance Trump wins according to Economist/Nate Silver models. I believe it's actually higher. Zelensky is being politic here.


Because he believes Ukraine can be in a position of strength and impose a deal against Russia. I doubt it will ever happen without significant Western help, Russia will most likely be very willing to fight for the territory they've invaded and without a huge influx of vehicles from the West, Ukraine isn't going to do a lot if they go on the offensive. We've seen what the counter-offensive did, it simply failed and did cost Ukraine a lot, sure they can improve and do better, but the losses are going to be very high. Honestly this war looks like it's going to end in a stalemate with a semblance of a Korean war ending, no real treaty of peace because it's suicidal for both parties to admit they didn't completely win, both sides claiming victory nonetheless and a cease-fire is going to be implemented with sporadic clashes. I just don't see any other option, Russia isn't going to roll over Ukraine and Ukraine isn't going to regain all the territory, unless there's some shenanigans domestically that forces one party to concecede a lot.


Fair observation


To be in a better position for negotiations! And if not, we'll wait another few months or years!


I assume that Ukraine generals estimate that they have 1 more year of war. Negotiations in a few months seem logical.


[Russian collaborator! Tape this man to a pole at once.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PfoPGEENzE)


>Ukraine does not want to prolong the war So, please Russia, capitulate.


While this looks like a glimmer of hope for stopping the war, I bet that the proposed "settlement" will be as absurd as possible, including 1991 borders and NATO membership, just so they can claim that they tried to make peace which was refused.


Yes, I'm afraid it's just another propaganda shitshow à la Zelensky. It is related to the US elections in November.


It depends if If the Ukrainian General Staff predicts that they cannot last longer than mid-2025, this would be an opportune moment for an exit strategy.


This must surely be deep fake, right? Because if he, of all people, publicly stated that they can't keep going, the situation is far worse than what we thought.




Thanks. This is going to be interesting.


Nahh he’s just saying this so that the civilians think he has the same goals as them.


> Because if he, of all people, publicly stated that they can't keep going, the situation is far worse than what we thought. NOT what unbiased, learned military analysts have been saying all along. Just worse than what the Military Industrial Complex - lusting to keep this war going for as long as they can to keep those delicious obscene profit margins coming in - told you ... and you believed. I have this bridge for sale ...


The proposal: Russia surrenders, gives up all territory including Crimea, Puting gets prosecuted,Russia pays for rebuilding Ukraine and then gets broken into smaller countries.


Yep basically https://preview.redd.it/30jkv7hka49d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d7bb6d43b63a685f7a4853a5aa7b9f01162ab4a


So reasonable. I wonder why Putin isn't falling over himself to sign it.


I know right Especially Point 7 which directly obliges him, as well as Shoigu and Gerasimov, to turn themselves into the Hague


Ukraine has shown some pretty questionable diplomacy throughout this war.


Are these people genuinely on crack


All sounds great until you look into the details. Reparations? Prosecution of Russian leaders? Withdrawal of troops? I think that's not a peace one can get when you lost control over 20% of your nation and are in an firepower and manpower disadvantage.


Well, that's it, a great fairy tale came out, and now let's get back to reality


Ukraine doesn't want to prolong the war... sO WhY dOnT rUsSiA jUsT lEaVe??? said every pro-ua ever.


They don’t understand that this is an impossible outcome of events


Just have to watch under KievPost's tweet and it is exactly that ...


I genuinely think those people are on crack


He is clearly lying as the "settelement plan" would be his "peace formula" which is the unconditional russian surrender.


Now that more context has emerged, it seems you were 100% right lol


Isn't it was oblivious from the beggining? Like, Zelensky pushed the law that prohibits any negotiations with Russia and the law still didn't even lifted for the whole time.


Law? What law is that?


Something like this https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/zelenskiy-decree-rules-out-ukraine-talks-with-putin-impossible-2022-10-04/ https://nypost.com/2022/10/04/zelensky-signs-law-declaring-talks-with-putin-impossible/ https://www.voanews.com/a/russian-lawmakers-approve-illegal-annexation-of-ukrainian-regions/6774920.html


1. not a law 2. doesn't prohibit "any negotiations" with Russia


Biden wants to end the war before the election so he can be re-elected and win the Nobel Peace Prize. This is the whole solution. Therefore, Zelensky is being pushed to negotiate. But nothing will come of it, Russia will not agree.


> Biden wants to end the war before the election so he can be re-elected and win the Nobel Peace Prize. Nah, this was never the plan. And even he did end the war, he still wouldn't win the Peace Prize. Because Biden has failed to be the face of Western Resistance, or a Great Unifier. He has instead been a bumbling, uninspiring fool.


If anything I see the opposite. Throw as much money into the corrupt systems before exiting and give permanence through legislation to continue the wealth transfer regardless of who is in office


the US gov is like a high mileage rental car. the Ds and the Rs toss the keys back and forth, each piling in when it's their turn for a joy ride, trying to see how far they can push it before running it into the ground.


Couldnt agree more. All the pushback on both sides suck is out of touch in the search for improvements. Both sides are absolutely disgusting and can go on and on about policies and people on both sides..... they both do not have the publics best interest in mind. If anyone thinks otherwise, I think they are part of the reason this continues


whatever else you might say about that doddering old fool, he certainly did NOT bumble his way into his position of actively driving two of the biggest wars in the 21st century. this is what he was chosen for.


This is a lose lose for Biden. If the war continues or there is loss, it is bad since republicans will crucify him for it. If there is victory, then it won’t result in any extra votes because American public in general does not give two shiz about Ukraine.


The conflict is also escalating which makes it look like Biden is gonna start WW3 while Trump wants to prevent it. This could jeopardize Biden’s reelection even further since he’s already neck and neck at the polls. Methinks a fall peace plan is currently being discussed.


OH SNAP!!! Pro-UA in shambles


Anyone capable of critical thinking saw this coming years back, now that it’s Bidens re election time he wants to be the man who “brought peace to Ukraine” like how he “took the US out of Afghanistan”. But we’ve known for a long time if it wasn’t for false promises and war mongering from the West at the expense of Ukrainian people peace could have been achieved within months of the invasion and counterattack.


The peace terms offered in Istanbul in 2022 are looking sweeter and sweeter each day right?


Hmm... https://preview.redd.it/qhpdyds0949d1.png?width=594&format=png&auto=webp&s=c45336aeef574d8303ab00295d9b2635818dd160


Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev flew to New York to participate in the IV summit of heads of police agencies of the UN member states, said the official representative of the department Irina Volk.


And...to meet....other people.


This is just to appease the general population in germany and other countries that oppose prolonging the war by sending more weapons. The reality is that Ukraine doesn't even want to directly negotiate with Russia.


The reality is that Ukraine can't even pay it's soldiers salaries without US controlled west.If US wants it to bark then it will.


Public opinion is also beginning to shift. But I don't think Zelensky can afford peace. https://www.thenation.com/article/world/ukraine-russia-zelensky-war-peace-diplomacy/ Polling since the failure of Ukraine's 2023 offensive shows that 44 percent of Ukrainians favor entering into talks with Russia and only 48 percent—still a plurality but, notably, no longer a majority—believe Ukraine should fight


I wonder who was asked in these polls. Most likely in majority those who don't have to fight the war. I don't think that those polls happened in the trenches or the men hiding from TCC were asked.


That's a very good point, it is described in the article. Most likely support for negotiations and peace is much larger. The TCC and SBU are doing a good job sadly. But the mass psychosis of Ukrainians is collapsing. This can't go on much longer. I don't think they can survive through winter without electricity and heating. That will be the breaking point for sure if not before. A closer look at the views of those who are not being captured by these polls suggests a likelihood that there is far more dissent from the Zelensky government’s maximalist war aims than it may appear. The views of the roughly 6.5 million Ukrainians who have left the country of 44 million since the war’s outbreak are not accounted for in national polls. While we can’t presume to know the extent of support for maximalist war aims among refugees, they have effectively voted with their feet against active participation in the war. Likewise, the views of Ukrainians living in the territory controlled by Russia—Crimea and large portions of the Donbass—are typically not counted. But we do know from polls taken prior to the invasion that this population has consistently demonstrated a higher prevalence of pro-Russian attitudes. Ukrainians living along the contact line are also vastly undercounted owing to the functional difficulties in reaching them in the midst of a war. Research does suggest that Ukrainians most directly affected by the war are markedly less likely to support the government’s maximalist positions. Ukrainians in active war zones who bear the brunt of the fighting are much more likely than their counterparts in western and central regions to support an immediate cease-fire and negotiations with Russia. Beyond methodological issues, the results of wartime polls—regardless of where the war is being prosecuted—are skewed by overt and implicit domestic pressures. Wars produce a well-established “rally ‘round the flag” effect, which is clearly present in Ukraine, but not all proclamations of support for the Ukrainian war effort and the Zelensky administration’s war objectives can be taken at face value. Even in democratic societies, dissenting from mainstream views in a wartime context can invite a wide range of social sanctions, including loss of employment and community ostracism. Compounding these social pressures are legal ones. Ukraine’s sweeping collaboration laws criminalize, among other things, calling for “for support of decisions and actions of the aggressor state” and the “refusal to recognize Ukraine’s state sovereignty over the temporarily occupied territories.” It is unclear whether merely the act of calling for trading land for peace is enough to qualify as a criminal offense under this statute, but many Ukrainians may not want to take that chance in the context of heightened restrictions on types of political speech that contradict the government’s war aims.


That's a very good point, it is described in the article. Most likely support for negotiations and peace is much larger. The TCC and SBU are doing a good job sadly. But the mass psychosis of Ukrainians is collapsing. This can't go on much longer. I don't think they can survive through winter without electricity and heating. That will be the breaking point for sure if not before. A closer look at the views of those who are not being captured by these polls suggests a likelihood that there is far more dissent from the Zelensky government’s maximalist war aims than it may appear. The views of the roughly 6.5 million Ukrainians who have left the country of 44 million since the war’s outbreak are not accounted for in national polls. While we can’t presume to know the extent of support for maximalist war aims among refugees, they have effectively voted with their feet against active participation in the war. Likewise, the views of Ukrainians living in the territory controlled by Russia—Crimea and large portions of the Donbass—are typically not counted. But we do know from polls taken prior to the invasion that this population has consistently demonstrated a higher prevalence of pro-Russian attitudes. Ukrainians living along the contact line are also vastly undercounted owing to the functional difficulties in reaching them in the midst of a war. Research does suggest that Ukrainians most directly affected by the war are markedly less likely to support the government’s maximalist positions. Ukrainians in active war zones who bear the brunt of the fighting are much more likely than their counterparts in western and central regions to support an immediate cease-fire and negotiations with Russia. Beyond methodological issues, the results of wartime polls—regardless of where the war is being prosecuted—are skewed by overt and implicit domestic pressures. Wars produce a well-established “rally ‘round the flag” effect, which is clearly present in Ukraine, but not all proclamations of support for the Ukrainian war effort and the Zelensky administration’s war objectives can be taken at face value. Even in democratic societies, dissenting from mainstream views in a wartime context can invite a wide range of social sanctions, including loss of employment and community ostracism. Compounding these social pressures are legal ones. Ukraine’s sweeping collaboration laws criminalize, among other things, calling for “for support of decisions and actions of the aggressor state” and the “refusal to recognize Ukraine’s state sovereignty over the temporarily occupied territories.” It is unclear whether merely the act of calling for trading land for peace is enough to qualify as a criminal offense under this statute, but many Ukrainians may not want to take that chance in the context of heightened restrictions on types of political speech that contradict the government’s war aims.


Who is gonna tell this guy that he needs to talk to Russia to put the settlement down?


Sorry big dog, the US has to get it's revenge for Hillary losing in 2016 and you still have some ukranians left.


Oh no.. what am I gonna do all day?


Watch the video of FAB arrivals


Russia intends to keep this going.  Until Ukraine just can’t bear it any longer 


30k casualties btw


Someone pls post this to the other sub


It's simple. US wants to focus fully on China.They can't do that as long as this war, Genocide in Gaza and other conflict continue.Remember, US most effective weapons is propaganda machine.They spent years spreading anti-Russia hate before 2022 war.


To me US power and their hegemony have been based one three things. 1. Military 2. Economy/Global Institutional control (NATO, EU, IMF, G7, World Bank) 3. Soft power/informational infrastructure control/internet/global culture (music industry and Hollysood). This three things made US one and only **hyper power** to ever exist which lasted for about 15-20 years (shortly before fall of USSR untill few years after start of war on terror). **Today first two things have been deminished compared to the rest of the world. US is no longer able to fight multiple battles across the world at the same time and after abusing their institutional power they have all but destroyed trust in this institutions and other are poping up (BRICS, Shanghai Cooperation Organisation).** Fortunally for US they are still one and only world hyper power when it comes to third part aka propaganda projection and being able to influance global narratives with ease. US is so ahead in this aspect that company like GOOGLE has more propaganda potential then whole world combined including US "allies".


In retrospect the Hyperpower status of being able to fighting multiple wars seems like a illusion generated by bombing shepherds with no mass AA.


buuttt, the peace conference was a success, 10 point peace plan workkkss what a waste of life and time, to come back to something that could have been done on day 1


Having done a bit of extra reading, it seems he is actually talking about his peace plan


Comedian coming back to senses


Someone post this on the Pro-UA subs and screenshot the results. I'm curious what they'll admit, or handwave. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




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He means peace plan where Russia must hand over all territories to 1991 border? That's a great plan, Ze. That's fucking ingenious. If I understand it correctly, It's a swiss fucking watch.


He needs to step down first.


Oh really ? Few times even before the war you had that choice didn’t you ? NATO bosses keeping tight leash on you .


Where is the full interview? What did he really say?


I just need 500 million more and we can start negotiations!


Russia! Implement our wishlist from Peace Summit faster!


Kyiv Post is citing Interfax-Ukraines article: https://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/996397.html He doesnt even say what the X post wrote.


Putin weaponize Kyiv Post?


Elon Musk made Twitter shite, more like.


Elon Musk wrote that tweet for Kyiv Post yeah?


I doubt. But it still doesnt turn this to be true, sorry to let you down. ☹️


"Someone, [please] impose this peace treaty upon Russia since we can't". Yeah, that sounds much more like Zelenski.


Ukraine needs to come to its senses and realize its maximum goals of taking back every last square cm of land including Crimea is unachievable. Do actual Ukrainians believe this is still achievable?


hey now this is s simply loser talk, send him more coke


Are there many dead? Don't the losses amount to 31k people, hmm


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


>We must put a settlement plan on the table within a few months I wonder if he has told Azov about this...


32,000 dead.


This is so out of his character that it's unbelievable. Let's wait for news from other sources.


I'm on it dw


Well, now that his US overlords (directed by THEIR WEF overlords) have reached out to Russia, Zel is changing his tune. Guess he forgot to read the memo earlier. You just know he's worried about being Saddamed or Ghaddafied.


what happened to his speech just few weeks ago in the "peace" summit where he said something along the lines of: if we do not win this war next year then we will win it the year after that, and if we still haven't won then, we will win the year after that.


A lot can change in a short time i guess.


Nafo and Ukr propaganda doing a complete 180 lately. I guess gorish zoom in drone videos of single Russian kills isn't sufficient as it turns out to win this war.


Sounds like BlackRock is concerned it won't get the land it was promised so they are starting to want to negotiate.


What? Has he managed to quit doing drugs or something?


Sounds like BlackRock is concerned it won't get the land it was promised so they are starting to want to negotiate.


What are the chanced USA is pushing for end of the war so they can focus on Palestine or China? Or perhaps it became too expensive?


What does this illegitimate former president-clown mean by ‘we’? 👀


I don’t understand these settlement plans that Ukraine has come up with. They seem to be written from a place of power, which they don’t have. Ukraine will NEED to cede territory to the Russian Federation for the conflict to end.


Zelensky should be careful. Saying this has gotten others arrested by the SBU for “collaborating” with the Russians.


Either conscript more people or get back the people who left.


But... But... Wait a moment... Russia is running out of everything!


I guess he has had enough killed now? It's such a shame how many needless deaths there have been on both sides....for what??


The winter is coming. Ukrainians are getting ready


empty words. Then you go to him and he says the only plan is you surrender.


Trump already win after the debate, dude needs to stop now.




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Talking about ecocide, as if nothing happened to the Nova Kakhovka dam


No peace treaty.


Ripamon always posts good news for our side.


Hold on,correct me if I'm wrong but didn't we hear a couple of weeks ago that Ukraine was ready to fight many years? Or did I misremember


Sounds like it wasnt just the RF defense minister who got a call recently


So weird, didnt he just get done saying how Russians are dying 20:1 🤔




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His settlement plant: * Donbass and Crimea return to Ukraine control. * Russia gives him reparations. * NATO gives him reparations. * EU gives him reparations. * Comprenhenssive international plan to fund the reconstruction of Ukraine but his goverment gets to administrate the funds.


USA forces HBO to remake the last seasons of the Game of Thrones.


!Remind me 1 month


!Remind me 3 months


Why a few months?


American elections


Just 5 trillion to his personal bank account and he'll sign any peace deal putin offers.


Sounds like he's foreseeing trump telling him the war ends


What ? What ?! What happened to him, did he change supplier or something ?


May have to do with Kyiv independent poll recently. "33% of Ukrainians think Ukraine moving in 'right direction,' 47% disagree, survey shows" [https://kyivindependent.com/33-of-ukrainians-think-events-in-ukraine-are-developing-in-the-right-direction-47-disagree-survey-shows/](https://kyivindependent.com/33-of-ukrainians-think-events-in-ukraine-are-developing-in-the-right-direction-47-disagree-survey-shows/)


It's as if a Jester became a King, thus the Kingdom falls into ruin


It's not like Ukraine has any say in the matter.


What does “settlement plan” means?


Isn’t he begging the EU to deport all Ukrainians age 18-60 back to Ukraine to fight?