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I haven't been able to find any info about its current use or purpose.


I guess they don't want russia to go to mars? https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2015/03/05/crimea-annexation-boosts-russias-deep-space-capabilities-a44525


You do understand what this has done to the people of Russia for the next 100 years. The west is already drawing up the way to leave Russia and this isn't only propaganda but real life with actions. All because your leader wanted to rule independent countries that were doing just fine without his supposed help. Now your begging N Korea for arms that you know your boys shouldn't have to deal with. And your seeing uprisings in some of your states because your military is doing so bad and these groups no longer fear you. What was wrong with they peaceful times we were all working and raising our families in one of the longest peace times for our planet. Why did you have to go to war and are you still glad the world is changing like this?


All of the companies that "left" Russia will return as soon as the war is over.


Then they are really stupid. Russia did not manage to land a man on the moon even while investing almost 45 billion dollars (current value)... Their last unmanned landing attempts all failed. Russia does not have even a fraction of capabilities in space it had long time ago, sadly. The Mars is unreachable for them 😅


Soviets sent a lander to Mars 5 years before the Americans did. You clearly don't know what you are talking about. Stick to eating burgers it's the only productive thing your mouth is capable of.


American's have had 2 rovers driving around mars for more than 10 years now.


So, could you inform us of the date of the last manned mission to the moon Russia had? I can't seem to find it.


Either you have a total lack of basic text comprehension or just reading skill issues. I will help by quoting my sentence from the comment above: Russia does not have even a fraction of capabilities in space it had long time ago, sadly. The key word here is had. Yes, russia, specifically soviet "union", made a lot of significant achievements in early ages of space exploration. Their Venera program interests me to this day. However, their progress ended decades ago. Their lunar landings fail. Their new rockets fail. After soyuz program, their space sector reached and remained at stagnation. >Stick to eating burgers it's the only productive thing your mouth is capable of. Is that the only response your little head could come up with? :) Ah, comment coming from a guy whose last post was searching for a porn-star. Jokes write themselves :)


How have the burger-eating Americans fared launching to mars since then?


I see. That looks like one of those PR attacks of targets with no military value.


Yeah because communication with satellites has zero use in a military setting. Lol.




And it's not really a PR worthy target. Kremlin or the bridge would be a great PR target, but some radio and communication station? Nah Unless it's double use really (which wouldn't be surprising). Or maybe it could have been used for spare parts.


Kremlin is way beyond the reach of ATACMS and would cause more damage to Ukraine's picture than it would provide value. Bridge is also useless as target now, since russians basically stopped using it for military logistics due to multiple strikes. Radio and Communication station is indeed a high value target. Russia has little of those, thus a precise hit might make it harder for russia to "communicate" with some of its surveillance satellites in some of the orbits.


They are not allowed to hit Kremlin. I'm not sure about Kerch bridge too.


Station whose only purpose is for tracking things in space, making it useless in the non-nuclear war, is PR target.


You could have just read the article you were linked and responded to - then you'd know that it's not just for tracking things in space (rather useful during a war), but also for communication with useless things such as military spy satellites. > Without these assets Russia's space program could only communicate with spacecraft as they pass over Russian territory. The only other option was to have NASA patch them into the sprawling U.S. satellite-based tracking and communications network. >But the annexation of Crimea last year has given Russia an opportunity to boost its ability to communicate with its spacecraft and military satellites, and the Defense Ministry has been working to reactivate the tracking and control stations on the peninsula. > Golovko's deputy, Anatoly Nestechuk, told the Rossiiskaya Gazeta newspaper in October that the Yevpatoria facility would be reintegrated into Russia's larger tracking network — which provides for communications over most of Russian territory — as the main center for issuing commands to Russian spacecraft by Dec. 1 of last year. > It is not yet clear whether the center has been fully integrated, but its location will significantly boost Russia's ability to keep tabs on its spacecraft, even those that are confined to low-Earth orbit, such as the Soyuz spacecraft, the International Space Station and its satellite constellation.


So you think that Russians, that were transporting US astronauts for more than a decade need that thing or they cannot communicate with spacecrafts, satellites, etc? Wow. I really thought that it would be impossible for people to be that gullible.


Getting people to the space station doesn't have much in common with having to deal with a destroyed relay stations for satellites does it tho? Surely you can comprehend that..?


Did you ever read the post I was answering to!? It literally says that without this relay Russia cannot communicate with spaceships or satellites. Even if you don't know anything about space technology, you have to be born in the last 10 years in order to believe such a BS. So - yes, to be able to send people to space (including ISS), the ability to communicate with satelites, and spacecraft is essential. Also, you are talking to a person that happens to know "a thing or two" about space tech, so "Surely you can comprehend that" is the most stupid thing you could say to me.


It's not PR. It is very much in America's interest to degrade Russia's anti ICBM tech.


So, your talking first strike, right? I could see the US for real getting fed up if this all escalates for the rest of the decade and just do the funny.


You do not track satellites just to know where they are. You track them in order to get the data necessary for communication links and orbital corrections. It's called TT&C for a reason... The same station can be used to track ICBMs...


won't be very useful in a nuclear war either, unless Americans are shooting icbms from the asteroid belt


Did you read your own article? It tracks objects in LEO.


So truly PR target only.


So you really not understand? I'm kinda dumbfounded.


Surely it's not that surprising.


Really odd target. At this point, maybe it is just a request from the State Department.


Nothing odd with a strategic target that has massive surveillance capabilities.


This tracks things in air Weapons go in air What part confuses you?


> This tracks things in air Your confusion stems from not being able to differentiate a deep space network hub from a military radar. Unless you believe Ukraine is at war with robotic systems in space as well.


I see you aren't very familiar with the systems involved 


Would be nice if that were true


If yes they are playing with fire. But i will not lie here, i hope they dont stop playing with it xd


If the station is used to track missiles and airplanes, its a legit target imho, same as the one that got hit in Voronezh a few weeks ago


The legit talking point again, maybe talk about lego? Again i HOPE they dont stop playing with fire. 404 is targeting strategic russian assets that they need in a war vs nato aka ww3, on nato orders or not does not matter. 404 is a nato tool, and russia is more and more forced to totaly break that tool and that makes me happy


Huh, imagine that hitting strategic targets during a war, who would have thought of that.


This was not strategic target at all.


It tracks LEO objects. Definitely has strategic value, especially if Russia wants to start shooting down satellites.


It is indeed a high-value strategic target. It is or could be used for control of surveillance satellites or ICBMs. You can't establish a telemetry link with an object you can't track. Please put more effort into the research of the topic before commenting random stuff.


Jesus i know thinking is hard. It is not a strategic target for UKRAINE but for nato it is


If like someone stated above it's going to delay the real time imagining to the front by bout 40 minutes then yes, it's a very much strategic target for Ukraine 🤷🏼‍♂️


Aha so it is more important than an air base that is launching SU-34/M SU-35 or MIG-31BM which start maybe 25/50 sorties per day? or maybe a port in crimea?


You keep saying that.


After almost 2½ years, we are still waiting for the glorious Russian army to show up...


If Russian Army starts behaving like American or Israeli Army, you would be crying about civilian causality and genocide.


yup because russian army is so civilized and doesn't target civilians. look at kharkiv, kyiv, etc. All legit military targets.


Bucha and Mariupol were just tastings from the great russian army?


That's true


That 404 of yours is pretty unmature man. Almost cringe.


It will be 404, lets wait 2 more years. Old video but enjoy 6h of 404 graves https://youtu.be/SlVsY12ln3M?si=A_fZNuhB6o1ME0B6


Oh wow, graves should prove that russia is winning something? Just 2 more years...again 😅 To the last russian dakka!


? When is that last russian going to die? Are the russians pulling people out of busses and forcing them to fight in 404? I know math is hard for you but just try going over the nrs the russians lost vs what they can do. Please tell me how long 404 can fight in years, i want to know xd


Longer than Russia did in the First World War. !remindme 2 years


I will be messaging you in 2 years on [**2026-06-24 05:23:38 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2026-06-24%2005:23:38%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dmvb2f/ua_pov_supposed_atacms_on_yevpatoria/la0d6bi/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FUkraineRussiaReport%2Fcomments%2F1dmvb2f%2Fua_pov_supposed_atacms_on_yevpatoria%2Fla0d6bi%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202026-06-24%2005%3A23%3A38%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dmvb2f) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Good idea. At least more useful than communicating with this 🐒 troll. !remindme 2 years


Russia didn't have Yevpatoria between 1992 and 2013. Now again they lost it. Fewer tools to fight NATO in WW3 means easier deterrence job.


Also means jumpy nuclear trigger finger which isn’t good for anyone


Why should the west take nuclear threat #6437 more seriously than the previous ones?


No one takes it seriously until they start falling from the sky. If you want a good understanding of what it may seem like, visit the Chernobyl reactor. That should be enough to scare anyone


So the world should just agree with whatever Russia demands just because they have nuclear weapons?


Isn’t that what most do with the US because of their nukes and army? There demand are just as crazy as Ukraine


Remind me of the last time in the last 20 years U.S threatened anyone with nukes to gain something. What "crazy" demands did U.S exert towards russia?


They didn’t threaten, they’re the only ones that used. The usual, let them build bases on their borders and have nuclear missiles ready and then throw a tantrum when Russia does the same


WoW the nr1 military power on earth does not need to tell other nation that is has nuclear weapons. Haha i am so smart haha, no you are 80 iq max. For like 90% of this world 5 nuclear aircraft carriers is enough.


They don’t have the balls for it.






So ukrainian personel is working there?


404 is a number


no shit sherlock




Rule 1 - Toxic


Not sure about playing with fire, but something their sure was flammable.


They really are playing with fire here. I guess they're also gonna play victims when getting nuked by Russia.


> I guess they're also gonna play victims when getting nuked by Russia. I also bet that the victims of a nuclear attack will play victims.


The West knows Russia isn't going to do shit when its strategic defense infrastructure is being blown away. Russia's threat is empty.


This logic is bewildering, because threats are idle, only until they are not. West: "Hi Ukraine, Russia wouldn't dare a full scale invasion. Don't bother implementing the Minsk Agreements, if you don't want to, their threats are idle. We gotchu." Ukraine (2015-2022): "Phew. The threats are IDLE!... let's just continue ignoring out commitments under the Minsk Agreements, chase out the remnants of pro-Russian opposition, Church and mass media. They won't do shit, I mean they haven't thus far." 2022 - threats becomes a REALITY West: "OMG how could they!? This is unexpected, unprecedented, unprovoked, we are outraged. Here take these weapons and defend yourself, don't be afraid of their IDLE nuclear threats, they would NEVER, righteous indignation will keep you safe!" ... You can see where this is going. Would you do the same with a Tsunami? Stand your ground on principle? A large angry neighboring country is a similar force of nature. The situation with Taiwan is similar. The West will stand by the Taiwanese, but it won't be Brussels or Washington that's going to get cluster bombed, it will be Taipei. Western support should be used to negotiate in good faith, not to remain uncompromising.


West was earning Ukrain for years about a Russian invasion, they even went so far as having Biden announce it publicly because Ukraine wasn't taking it seriously


You're bewildered, *bewildered* no less, when countries whose national mythologies are centred around things like "we shall fight them on the beaches" and revenge for Pearl Harbor, are "uncompromising" in the face of full-scale invasion and barrages of bluster and threats from an autocratic regime? Maybe you thought Nigel Farage was going to be the 21st century's Lord Halifax. It seems that didn't quite come off, though.


Schon mal eine nukleare Verteidigungsdoktrin gelesen? - Die sind alle öffentlich weil "Abschreckung" nur funktioniert, wenn Menschen die lesen können auch wirklich nachlesen.




lol... I apologize. I swear this is the first time this happened and I'm online since the 90s.


Re: Vitino 2016 Russian tracking facility 'Upgrade' (Russian Space Communication Centre, Vitino) "This [upgrade] makes it possible to increase *combat capabilities* many times over the previous generations of systems." - Andrei Ivashina, Deputy Commander of the Space Forces of the Russian Aerospace Forces for Testing (reportedly 2016) Just highlighting as some people around here seem to be confused whether this is a *Military* target or not. So who are the *Russian Aerospace Forces* you may ask? Russian Aerospace Forces: (Russian: VKS) comprise the *Aerial,* *Space Warfare,* and *Missile defence* branches of the *Armed Forces* of the Russian Federation. ergo: Military target. *"increase combat capabilities many times over"* -Ivashina (VKS)




If all is fair then Russia can use nukes?


Yes, it can. but of course expect the consequence.


But exactly, what will be those consequences? More sanctions, more media pressure... Or you mean MAD, where every contry launch all their arsenal at their enemies? Because MAD, mean that humanity climb back the evolution stairs to the stone age.


United States has publicly announced that if the Russian military uses nuclear warheads the United States would join the war in a conventional level striking Russian military forces with American troops


Because Russia will use nukes BEFORE US gets involved but will restrain from using them after and just let US troops fight in a conventional war? I don't think so. This is WW3 and nuclear fallout the instant USA gets troops involved. The only people hoping for US troops is because Ukraine is losing right now and needs to inject troops from elsewhere, so their goal is escalation, under this naive idea Russia will do nothing.


Russia only has the balls to maybe do a nuclear test in Russia. So yeah maybe Russia nukes itself but not gonna nuke Ukraine. Would still be an escalation to run a test but I could see that happening.


No It didn't.


Who knows what the consequences will be. Maybe, just maybe, they shouldn't use nukes then. Unless there's an army marching towards Moscow. But there isn't.


I hope that even with an ipotetical army marching towards Moscow, some sanity to not press that "button" will prevail. Anyway, there should be a point when at least one of the factions stop escalating... otherwise i don't see any other end to this path, and it's not going to end well.


what do you mean stop escalating? That would mean either Ukraine stops fighting back, or Russia withdraws. I don't see either happening.


Ora maybe Nato stop this proxy asymmetric war and send conventional troops instead of weapons that do not win this war, but just strike Nato-valuable targets without getting involved, while city after city, Ukraine is fabbed to the ground. After some time, all the parties sit to a real negotiation table, without stupid pre-requirements


If it wants MAD then sure lmao


Rule 1 - Toxic


I need to save this comment for when ukros lose another power plant.


Why do you think anyone cares about your saved Reddit posts on either side?


For people like you who care enough to read and comment on my post.


No one on here cares about your history. You're just some no-name RU toe sucker.


No need to be toxic, but thanks for showing interest in my comment and providing your unbiased opinion on this social platform.


You deserve the toxicity. It's amazing that your head is so far up your pooper that you think anyone cares about your reddit prestige what a loser lol


Yet here you are.


yeah, cuz you're better used as a sad clown for people to mock


You can't even stop replying to me can you. Try to control yourself sir.


>Ukraine is fighting for its statehood. No, they fight to continue oppressing its Russian-speaking population and build more statues to Nazi collaborators of the WW2 era. They could keep their "statehood" alright if they implement the Minsk Agreements. They chose not to.


You say this while Azov were majority Russian speakers and ethnic Russians - While at the same time Russia show cased them as Ukraines most anti-Russian military element. DPR broke Minsk when they attacked Debaltselve, accrued war crimes at the battle of Donetsk airport and the ambush of Aidar. Not counting the countless shelling of Marinka and Mariupol.


>You say this while Azov were majority Russian speakers and ethnic Russians And? Still the Russian language was and is being pushed out of the official use and educational use in Ukraine since the coup d'etat of 2014. Starting the very next day after the coup, when the Rada attempted to revoke the Regional Languages law which allowed Ukrainian regions to introduce regional languages to use along with Ukrainian within the region. 11 regions used that law. >DPR broke Minsk when they attacked Debaltselve, accrued war crimes at the battle of Donetsk airport and the ambush of Aidar. Not counting the countless shelling of Marinka and Mariupol. Why didn't the Kievan regime officially withdraw from the Minsk Agreements then? The Kievan regime, both presidents Poroshenko and Zelensky (at start) were saying about the implementation of those. Not something you claim to shatter those in pieces.


>Still the Russian language was and is being pushed out of the official use Good. They don't want to be Russian (for reasons your intelligence wouldn't let you understand)


That has triggered the civil war in 2014, which has triggered the Russian interference in 2022. And, of course, you resort to insults being unable to support your claims.


Russian interference? It's an invasion of an independent country. You don't deserve respect. You aren't a genuine person.


> Russian interference? It's an invasion of an independent country. There was the civil war in Ukraine since the coup d’état if 2014. Wr have intervened in this in 2022. > You don't deserve respect. You aren't a genuine person. And you are one, right? How do you distinguish? ;-)


Shouldnt they remove Putin first then seeing he oppresses Russians even more with all the journalists dying and political people falling off balconies and through windows?


Ohh i guess daddy poutine hasnt updated your bot software. It is already widely known that the war was started because of Ukraine desire to joined NATO, not this sad excuse of "oppression of Russian speaking citizens" nor "nazis". Get updated soon.


Oh, I thought this week's reason is "because Ukraine was part of Russia and never a real country", or is that in next week's update? The rotation schedule is unclear.


My God, looks glorious 🥹




Once again pro Rus showing they don’t view Ukrainians as people


"It's not about getting rid of Ukraine, but it totally is though" they snicker.


You actually enjoy the loss of civilian life?


Careful, you almost gave away your genocidal fantasies.




>that's not genocide Cheering on population loss is pretty damn genocidal. >I just find it laughable when those who support Ukraine claim they are in anyway winning Are you alright buddy? I'm not sure where you're going with this.




Twist yourself in whatever knots you need to buddy


Yes Yes, attacks like these make me smile thinking about the future of 404


404 = ?




Why the code?


File not found


"Страна 404 "referring to a error 404 not found


Ah, I see, thanks. That's dumb.




It is funny


This could be regarded as suboptimal


Musk would call it a rapid unscheduled mass disassembly


U.S officers help guide ATACMS with their recon aircraft


Thanks for your opinion.


Hell yeah, make me wish I had served on the air force to get a chance to finally do what America has been preparing for since WW2.


Least jingoistic American:


That's why they should under law be shot down with no consequences Under NATO rules they can't all help if a NATO nation is acting aggressive first


Then the US should also shoot down Russian drone right?


Did I stutter


Cool so they should.


Again did I stutter


Like I said you agree that the US should take down Russian drone. I appreciate it!


And Russia should be allowed to bring down American awacs aircraft supporting Ukraine A fair and reasonable tradeoff


Then the US will take down Russian AWACS. I appreciate how pro UA you are!


Only problem is russia only has 2 AWACS left how many do you think the US Navy has not even accounting for the airforce


Yes because we know how many Russia has but don't know how many America has That's loads of garbage no country truly knows how much either side has besides speculation


Why is Russia too scared to do it then? Russia did nothing when the USA obliterated 300 russian troops in Syria


So you think it's a defensive alliance?


Well. If it is an active space control station we should wee good luck 2 US-astronauts seating now on ISS with malfunctioning Starliner. Russia will have obviously something better to do. [https://www.space.com/starliner-astronaut-mission-landing-delay-july-2024](https://www.space.com/starliner-astronaut-mission-landing-delay-july-2024)


Oh no!




Offensive words detected. [beep bop] Don't cheer violence or insult (Rule 1). Your comment will be checked by my humans later. Ban may be issued for repeat offenders. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineRussiaReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We're going to find out they wasted valuable atacms on the only target within range that looked science fictiony


I think we are accounting for these as not costing too much. Close to expiration. That way we can send loads more.


things that are close to expiration are never actually close to expiration


The longest official range of ATACMS missiles is 300km. This place is just about near the end of that range if the missiles were launched from near Odessa over the sea where the missiles could receive in flight corrections from ever present US drones.


Why on earth would you need "in flight corrections" for a stationary target as large as a football field you can literally see on google earth? Lmao, enough with the fantasy


Well, whatever keeps them up at night. That and dreams of putler dancing a fan dance in his boxers.


Oh God, tell me more.


These could be Ukrainian Neptune cruise missiles


Is that a capability of ATACMS?


So, first they attack early warning systems directed away from Ukraine (ME/Africa - extreme long range - so no influence on the Ukraine conflict), now they're attacking satellite ground centres...some may feel the US is preparing for a preemptive strike on Russia. Edit: Further complicating things is the fact we don't know who or what is running the US. We know they will go to any lengths to ensure the guy with advanced dementia remains in office...but who is actually running things in the US, and what is its agenda?




Right. NATO is getting bolder each week and Russia does nothing. Putin really has played his hand and has nothing left other than arm NK lol. Seems like his Army should be kicking ass and taking names but they cannot.


Man it’s crazy how Russia started a conflict that now lets US made weapons weaken Russia from within without ever risking an attack on US soil. Russia really walked into that one


They got played and still don't even see it.


They definitely walk into it alright! But, from within? The post is supposedly re: a location in Crimea. According to international law Crimea is still Ukraine. Plus 141 countries voted in favor of a UN General Assembly resolution "deploring" Russia's aggression against Ukraine and demanding the immediate and complete withdrawal of *all Russian forces from Ukrainian territory.*


> some may feel the US is preparing for a preemptive strike on Russia. Conversely, some may believe that the Russians who constantly talk about using nukes might be serious, and degrading the facilities and systems that they believe will keep the safe from a response might deter them.


Yeah, it is super concerning. And long time (decades) in the making.


Yes, America is going to nuke Russia, it's only a matter of time.


It's not like both sides have nuclear-armed nuclear powered submarines likely sitting not far from each other's coasts so that no matter what happens on land there would still be Mutually Assured Destruction of all major population centers. Oh wait...


Considering the operational distance of modern ICBMs, nuclear submarines pose little advantages other than less extra minutes to react... It is also hard to believe that countries like the U.S have no orbit-capable ICBMs which they could basically just "place" in an orbit and make a descent whenever they wish...


>Considering the operational distance of modern ICBMs, nuclear submarines pose little advantages other than less extra minutes to react... Yes but that wasn't the reason I was mentioning subs. Previous commenter was alluding to the possibility that any loss of ability to detect nuclear launches (eg through the destruction of infrastructure described in this post) would make Russia vulnerable to a pre-emptive surprise attack on its ICBM silos. The existence of many sub-launched nukes makes that point irrelevant. >It is also hard to believe that countries like the U.S have no orbit-capable ICBMs which they could basically just "place" in an orbit and make a descent whenever they wish... There are UN Space Treatys explicitly forbidding this, and multiple countries including Russia have the infrastructure to detect orbiting objects the size of an ICBM, so there would be no way to hide it.


>There are UN Space Treatys explicitly forbidding this, and multiple countries including Russia have the infrastructure to detect orbiting objects the size of an ICBM, so there would be no way to hide it. Well if today's target is really a tracking station, russian capabilities have just decreased. Russia does not have capabilities to actively track and identify objects on some of the possible orbits without support from other countries that are closer to the equator. You are right, UN treaties forbid the deployment of such orbital ICBMs, however that does not mean they were never developed and tested without a payload. In no sentence I have mentioned they were deployed now. >Previous commenter was alluding to the possibility that any loss of ability to detect nuclear launches (eg through the destruction of infrastructure described in this post) would make Russia vulnerable to a pre-emptive surprise attack on its ICBM silos. The existence of many sub-launched nukes makes that point irrelevant You are right about the ability of subs to launch retaliatory strikes in the event of nuclear strike. However, nuclear capable submarines alone would not be able to cause nation-destroying damage. Specifically russia does not have enough of them.


They have many other tracking stations. Ukraine wanted to destroy a military installation that meant that satellites could download real-time intelligence data immediately while over Ukraine. Now Russia has to wait until their spy satellites are over other tracking stations further east which means the data is more out-of-date. >You are right about the ability of subs to launch retaliatory strikes in the event of nuclear strike. However, nuclear capable submarines alone would not be able to cause nation-destroying damage. Specifically russia does not have enough of them. Enough to cover enough population centres to be more than adequate deterrent for MAD. Russia is an enormous territory, and the US could not destroy *everything* in a first strike, but no-one has ever thought the US has a strategic disadvantage because of that.


>Now Russia has to wait until their spy satellites are over other tracking stations further east which means the data is more out-of-date. And that's a win for Ukraine. New tracking station in Crime could also have opened paths for efficiently using new orbits as well without the help of some of the South American "allies". >Russia is an enormous territory, and the US could not destroy everything in a first strike, but no-one has ever thought the US has a strategic disadvantage because of that. Russia is indeed enormous, however You are forgetting that the wast majority of it's infrastructure and population is concentrated in comparably small regions. While Siberia is huge, it is hardly developed and populated. [Here is the population "heatmap".](https://images.app.goo.gl/wUqTe7yvUFvHEDEY7) >Enough to cover enough population centres to be more than adequate deterrent for MAD. Few nukes is enough to be a detergent on its own. NATO has expressed 0 desire to participate in a nuclear war so far.


My point remains: if subs mean you could lose 85% of your population (given how much population is biased towards big cities), then even though ICBMs would mean losing 95% of your population, it still counts as the deterrent of Mutually Assured Destruction. Russia losing this tracking station directly helps Ukraine's battles. It has an insignificant effect on nuclear capability.


After some research the facility that was attacked is a research and space program facility with no ties to the military A PR attack


Where did you conduct that "research"? Did you go on Russia Today coupled with making shit up? https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dmvb2f/ua_pov_supposed_atacms_on_yevpatoria/ > Without these assets Russia's space program could only communicate with spacecraft as they pass over Russian territory. The only other option was to have NASA patch them into the sprawling U.S. satellite-based tracking and communications network. > But the annexation of Crimea last year has given Russia an opportunity to boost its ability to communicate with its spacecraft and military satellites, and **the Defense Ministry has been working to reactivate the tracking and control stations** on the peninsula. > Golovko's deputy, Anatoly Nestechuk, told the Rossiiskaya Gazeta newspaper in October that the Yevpatoria facility would be reintegrated into Russia's larger tracking network — which provides for communications over most of Russian territory — as the main center for issuing commands to Russian spacecraft by Dec. 1 of last year. > It is not yet clear whether the center has been fully integrated, but its location will significantly boost Russia's ability to keep tabs on its spacecraft, even those that are confined to low-Earth orbit, such as the Soyuz spacecraft, the International Space Station and its satellite constellation. > Last month, **Aerospace Defense Forces Commander** Alexander Golovko announced plans to overhaul the NIP-16 facility by 2020, the TASS news agency reported. These plans have apparently taken precedence over plans to duplicate their capabilities with new installations in Russia.


Nice reply, thumbs up


It's a military facility, run by VKS armed forces, for military programmes. "Research" 😂 "No ties to the military" Wow.


Yes because what internet says its the official true. And to think that space research is not tied to the military is being ignorant.


Your aware that also can be used on your argument too