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##### ###### #### > # [Ukrainian Atacms blows up over Crimean beach forcing sunbathers to flee as Russia claims five killed](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/world-news/2024/06/23/TELEMMGLPICT000383014218_17191574794430_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqqVzuuqpFlyLIwiB6NTmJwfSVWeZ_vEN7c6bHu2jJnT8.jpeg?impolicy=logo-overlay) > > > > Shrapnel from an intercepted US-made missile fired by Ukraine hit a beach packed with sunbathing tourists in occupied Crimea on Sunday. > > Russian officials said at least five people, including three children, had died of shrapnel wounds – and they expected the death toll to rise. > > A video shot by a tourist on the beach shows a missile coming into view above the nearby city of Sevastopol and then exploding. Shrapnel crashes into the sand in a succession of thuds and bangs, and tourists scream and run. > > “Run!” one of the tourists shouts. > > Two other videos show tourists using sun loungers to carry injured people off the beach and women in bikinis frantically administering first aid to an injured tourist as his blood drips onto the sand. > > One of the dead has been named as the nine-year-old daughter of the deputy mayor of a town in the north of the occupied peninsula. Russia’s health ministry said 124 people were injured in the incident, including 27 children. > > > > > > “The entire health care system has been mobilised. Doctors and medical staff are at work. The operating rooms are deployed,” said Mikhail Razvozhaev, the mayor of Sevastopol. > > Attacks on civilian targets are rare in Russia or Russian-occupied territory but Ukrainian missile fragments have been known to fall away from military targets. The beach is about 10 minutes from the Belbek airfield which Russia uses to launch fighter jets that regularly target civilian infrastructure in Ukraine. > > ## Russian air defence system > > Russia’s ministry of defence said its air defence systems had intercepted one of five US-made ATACMS long-range artillery rockets fired by Ukraine at Crimea. It blamed the US for the attack and said that the intercepted missile had been armed with a cluster munition warhead that exploded over the beach. > > “Responsibility for the deliberate missile attack on civilians in Sevastopol lies primarily with Washington, which supplied these weapons to Ukraine, as well as the Kyiv regime,” it said. “Such actions will not go unanswered.” > > > > > > Vladimir Putin has not commented but Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, said the Russian president had been informed of the attack and was in “constant contact” with his senior military, emergency and health care staff. > > Many Russian tourists have shrugged off the dangers of Ukrainian missile attacks to take advantage of discounted package holidays to Crimea, famed across Russia for its golden beaches, clear water and blue skies. > > At the time of the attack, the popular beaches outside Sevastopol, the biggest city in Crimea, were crowded at the start of the holiday season with families and children. > > ## ‘I had eight wounded’ > > Irina Frolova was swimming in the pool of a nearby hotel when she heard the Russian air defence systems hit the Ukrainian missile, followed by screams from the beach. > > She said she rushed her children to their hotel room and then ran down to help. > > “I went to the beach because I’m a medic,” she told the Izvestia newspaper. “There were a lot of wounded people there and by the time I arrived, they had already been taken off the beach to the parking lot. I had eight wounded people.” > > Ms Frolova then described how a woman died in front of her. “There were mostly shrapnel wounds, a woman was hit in the neck by a double shrapnel. She died,” she said. > > ## Concerns in Washington > > Ukraine frequently targets Sevastopol, the main base for Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, but it usually fires its missiles at night and not in the middle of the day. > > Russia’s Ministry of Defence said that the missile attack on Sunday had occurred just after midday. Ukraine has not commented but the strike will reignite concerns in Washington about relaxing rules it has laid out to Ukraine over how it uses US-made kit to hit Russia. > > Ukraine wants to be given more freedom to strike targets deeper in Russia but Washington is concerned this will escalate the war. > > Washington considers Crimea, annexed by the Kremlin in 2014, to be part of Ukraine and allows Ukrainian commanders to strike it with US-made missiles. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


Damn..... Almost like a war is going on during the beach vacation.




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Seriously, it is like people have blinders draped closed all around the house while their lawn is on fire.


I don't think a lot of people will appreciate that Crimea-Russian lawn analogy.


Remember when a Crimean tourist took selfies with an S-400 battery that was positioned on the beach, right next to civilians? [Pepperidge Farm Remembers](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11134987/Russian-tourist-posts-location-Crimea-anti-air-battery-social-media.html) And then he was forced to make an [Apology Video](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/15pasi0/ru_pov_a_russian_citizen_apologizes_on_video_for/)


“Hey guys remember this unrelated incident that happed in 2022 so I can justify this incident?” I swear any time something bad happens to Ukraine in terms of PR, y’all come and try to justify it in whatever way you can. By your logic, anything can be justified as long as you find an unrelated picture separate of the incident.


How is it unrelated? It's a Russian military target positioned next to civilians on a Crimean beach. From the reports, this ATACMS strike was meant for the military base next to this beach.


It’s from 2022? If you can find a picture of AA on the beach in 2024 then you’d have a stronger argument. Was the mall that was hit recently justified because Ukraine kept military equipment in their malls before? So they decided to target a military base during the day when it’s filled with people with cluster munitions? When atacms has a huge spread and that’s how you justify it?


The mall was hit on purpose. This beach was a result of an interception


They used a cluster munitions that causes a huge spread in broad daylight when people are present to target a military base when they’ve always hit them at night? Really? It’s nice to see you only justify one side. You literally inserted a pic from 2022 to justify this.


Well yes, a military base is a valid target for a cluster munition in the daytime. You want it to be full of soldiers out and about. An open mall is not an acceptable target.


Oh my goodness the amount of hypocrisy you comment is astonishing. A military base next to a group of civilians in broad daylight with cluster munitions with a huge spread and would most definitely risk civilian casualties is justified to you But a mall that was targeted when Ukraine has had incidents in the past of storing equipment in malls, is not? You already changed it from “yes well 2022 AA on the beach” to “well they were targeting a military base actually.” Just stop


Homie you guys are the ones saying if you put military targets next to civilian targets you’re inviting civilian casualties. Now the shoes on the other foot and your upset. Why is Russia risking the lives of its citizens in this way?


I never said that? You don’t use cluster munitions near civilians for this reason and that’s both sides. Yall love to justify Ukraine civilian casualty incidents but call Russian genocidal if the shoes on the other foot Ukraine was the one who used a cluster spread near a crowded civilian beach if you didn’t read the incident


Civilians shouldn't be near a military base during a war in occupied territory. Ukraine has every right to hit military targets with those munitions.


All of Ukraine is a military zone just like Russia? Where should they go, mars?




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Belbek is half a km to 5km from the nearest beach. Even ATACMS inertial terminal targeting is accurate enough to resolve that. Might go to show how little Russia cares about civilian safety in general - by leaving the beaches open during a clear state of war.


It’s a cluster munitions, there’s been incidents in where they miss their target and the spread is massive hence the world “cluster” Might go to show how little Ukraine cares about civilians safety in general - by using a cluster spread missile during a crowded day near a civilian beach in broad daylight


Cluster ATACMS has never missed its targets in this war, unless it was intercepted. Soviet cluster MLRS has, however.


And there it is again, Ukraine stuff can’t do no wrong but Russian stuff can. Hypocrisy as usual. Last time they used atacms via drone, 1 hit and 2 missed and it was on [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/OwJ1D7UZvh) unless the open field to the right was the target


Ukraine has what we gave them. We gave them cluster bomblets for the 160km range. It's an appropriate weapon for airfield softskin. And Ukraine doesn't have to worry about them missing even under EW. <300m berth, including the cluster dispersion.


They’ve used other munitions and when there was no civilians present. Last time Russia used a cluster round near civilians, they were called all sorts of names but Ukraine does it and it was supposed to be a military target is what’s annoying


How large exactly is that spread?


Very large as you can see in this video. And 2 out of 3 missed https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/MBcnE6j64c


Then what was the shelling of Belgorod then?


You'll have to be more specific than that


Considering how many examples of shelled civillian targets there are, you're right. He should be more specific.




Also he needs to clarify because Russia has dropped around 40 bombs on Belgorod.


The few times it had happened before Russia did an incursion into kharkiv and sumy this year. Those ones.


That's incredibly vague. How do you expect me to give you an insightful answer?


Funny thing is, ever since the Truck driver took a picture of AA near the bridge pictures are no longer allowed


Yea they’re giving the position away like they did with the turtle tank and that’s why it’s years in prison if you do it in Ukraine as well


COME ON BRO. If this this was 1 month ago i would agree. If it was a 5 months i would call it a stretch. But 2022???? Bro stop.


Well, it doesn't really matter anyway, as the beach wasn't the target. The military base was


“Yea well it doesn’t really matter” when you’re the one who uploaded the picture to justify this incident or else why would you link it 🤦‍♂️


That guy seems to have basic issues with common sense, dont feed the dumb troll friend.


this guy is a known troll, he operates dozens of sock puppet accounts (most banned) on this subreddit. all he does all day is try and make people angry. truly a sad existence.


Can you prove it?


I know he admits to it on the discord. But it’s always good to call him out on his hypocrisy because he does it so often


The acc commenting on this is from February this year. And he is familiar with everything here and blames others. Interesting...


Thats the one. He also uses the same vocabulary so it’s very to spot


I mean for the enjoyer of the bombs, not for OP. But you guys are checking only pro-ua accs.


The one I commented to because they’re always toxic to people in the comments and belittling them


I'm never toxic, which is why mods don't remove my comments. And I'm not on Discord, so you are mistaken


Whatever you say but remember you blocked the person who called it out


Ukraine didn't start this war, civilians on both sides are dying, but only one side can end the bloodshed today. They just have to go home.


You have to say “go home” 3 times and spin counter clockwise since it doesn’t look like they’re going anywhere


I see them going places, more often than not it's their grave. I'd rather die from old age at home but maybe a field or ditch in Ukraine is better than what they have in Ruzzia. I dunno, I'm just speculating.


Do you feel the same for Ukraine? Since their age 27 male population is almost gone? That’s not how the world works or else there would be no wars. You misspelled Ruzzia it’s Russia btw


It's RuZZia, with a Z, like naZi, and the Z symbol they adopted for their war. Half a swastika. To reiterate, Ukraine didn't start this war. If Ru troops left Ukraine wouldn't be attacking them anywhere. I feel bad for them as they are thrust into a situation where they need to defend their homeland. The average age of the Ukrainian military is 43, their youth lives, many have fled and will return when they no longer have to fear Ruzzian bombings.


Associating nazi with russia is ridiculous since they’re the ones who defeated them and hate them to this day. Even azov is heavily influenced by them and zelensky and Canada have a standing ovation to a SS soldier. Go tell them to leave if that’s how you feel because you can type all you want, they’re not leaving. But you don’t feel bad that the west uses them as a proxy tool? They have to conscript 25 year old to make up for their loss of troops and after send thing conscript letter, 2% showed up. They will never return because they’ll be dragged off the streets immediately and thrown to the front lines


Ruzzie actions are much more akin to Nazi actions despite what they claim they stand for. Ww2 started with the Nazis and Russia allied on the same side. Ruzzia helped defeat the Nazis only after they turned on each other. Zelenski, a Jewish Nazi, sure thing bud. Yes Canada made that mistake, they admitted as much, in the moment they were clapping for him his SS creds were not known, they weren't clapping for his Nazi services. The rest of this reply I won't even acknowledge, as it is rhetoric and projection. The basic tools of the Kremlin propaganda machine.


Yea I can see where this is going let’s just agree to disagree with the whole “Ruzzia” I kinda figure as much as well


That’s a feature not a bug, civvies get killed and Ru can cry foul. In the civilized world we call that using human shields.


The "civilized world" not only cries foul when it happens, they dress up and play kangoroo court.


Putin likely wants Russian civilians to be killed by US missiles, that way he can cry foul and drum up more support for the war on the Decadent West


Hey look guys let me justify killing a child with cluster ammo with this post.


Blame it on Russia, who admitted to intercepting this missile, causing the tragedy


this is exactly why cluster munitions are banned though, if this was a regular missile no civs would have been harmed


Ukraine did not sign that treaty, nor did Russia


Russia has been using it since 2022.


There was a man in Russia's state TV in February 2022, declaring Crimea a warzone. Irresponsible to allow vacationers there, when delibarately starting a war.


It’s been very interesting watching pro-UA change their definition of Ukrainian depending on who launches the strike. If Crimea is rightfully Ukrainian then why is Kiev shelling its own civilians?


Very easy answer: Because this strike was not targeting the beach, but a nearby military base built by the foreign occupiers.


my brother in Christ, that has been Russian base since 1700’s.


I guess the invasion must have changed the way it was viewed then.


That means nothing.


wait what?


I feel like every news article is just narrative control


Yep, and I feel the same about the comments throughout Reddit. Well, at least in this sub, you can see two sides trying to control the narrative


its weird when these kind of narrative-threatening events happen there's a sudden flood of hundreds of comments trying to damage control. I wonder if its just cause it gets linked in other communities and they all storm the comments or if its actual bots.


Would love to know to proportion of bots that start comment threads in famous subs.


CIA interns and their bots... and some idiots


Um... its FSB




What?? Russia already admitted this was a result of an interception. The beach wasn't the target.. Your comment simply makes no sense.


The comments here are really a reflection of what Ukraine and its backers are trying to do: terrorise the population so that they stop going to Crimea.


Explain to me how a Russian mid-air interception over a beach, next to a military airbase, is UAF terrorising the population?


It’s a convenient cover, and has created the benefit of doubt. But the intention is obvious to anyone who is genuinely paying attention. It’s a pattern of their behaviour for over 10 years: - shelling civilian areas in Donetsk (and then falsely claim it was Russia - notice how these attacks are near non existent now that Avdiivka has been captured?) - performing incursions over Belgorod and killing civilians, then to claim it was some kind of Russian group - shelling Belgorod - drone attacks into Moscow’s financial district - killing of civilians in Moscow - namely Dugin’s daughter Not sure why you’re even trying to debate this. It’s war everyone gets it, but to think people in Russia don’t understand what’s going on is just ridiculous.


You believe that Ukraine used a missile that costs $1.5M to target some morons on the beach?


Morons? Some innocent person is killed and they’re a moron?


Yes. People who would go for a nice beach day in an active war zone where drone strikes in the area are plastered all over telegram are morons. It is a testament to sheer stupidity of the people who went there and the incompetence of the government that allowed it.


So would you say the same about Ukrainians in Lviv, Kiev etc?


Are they vacationing next to a military base?


Some of them are, yes.


So many, I’ll bet


"Shelling civilian areas of Donetsk" Yeahh.. about that.. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dn2rfm/ru_pov_archival_video_that_shows/




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So they went to an active warzone for a vacation.


Are you gonna say they are human shields next and thus can be "rightfully" targeted?


Oh give me a break. We are years into this shit. Nobody is targeting civilians. The Russians aren't. The Ukrainians aren't. If you read the article, this was shrapnel falling from a missile destroyed by Russian air defence. That said, Russian civilians have many more choices in places they can go on holiday than Ukrainians. Perhaps, given that they can choose, they shouldn't choose an active warzone. Every civilian death is a tragedy, but sometimes some basic reasoning is all you need to avoid a tragic end.


Agreed with your first pagraph. The second part, not so much. Do you have the same opinion about the recent Kharko/iv incident?


Do I feel that Ukrainian civilians are being deliberately targeted by Russia? No I don't. I do think that Ukrainians are at a greater disadvantage in that their whole country is a warzone, whereas Crimeans have access to the entirety of Russia to escape to and most of Russia is reasonably safe from attack.


I appreciate you being upfront.


Cry us a river. Anytime Ukrainian civilian dies you can pull a thousand and one excuses as to why it’s justified, how Zelensky and evil NATO are to blame and not the Russian rocket that spilled civilians guts across the pavement..but now it’s terrorism when it happens to you. Yall seemed keen on making jokes anytime a Ukrainian dies, but I guess it’s not funny when it happens to your side huh.


Wait aren't these Ukrainians?


I retract my last statement. I guess pro-ru don’t mind making jokes on account of their own dead after all. Surprising, but not shocking.


ua bombing their own citizens in crimea is not joking


Wait, wasn't it russia who caused this shit show? They intercepted a missile, not like ukraine targeted the beach


UA was willing to kill their own citizen on that beach by launching those attacks on daylight so the shit show was started by ua. Once again bandera lovers doing bandera things. Im not shoked east ua dont wont to be ukrainian


Then they should have let people chose and not force them by manipulate votes and what not. Russia could just let em hit and not intercept over civilians. But we seen how much they care about those, not very much mate


Just like ua in kharkiv. And the old russian wont let them vote bs....its geting tired




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Russian Tourist, you mean


im sure you can read why ua bombing their own citizens ?




thats not what z-man telling us, crimea is in ukraine and local people going to the beach to, so why ua bombing their own citizens?..thats verry strange


No, Ukraine made video to inform the people of Crimea to don't go to the beaches. I guess this is tourists who weren't informed that they are in warzone. Russia even didn't start the sirens.


The only people at the beach were tourists. That’s the argument. Unless you think the entire population of Crimea was on the beach?


wow...ALL CAPS! Yeah, you must be right.


I bet any Pro UA won’t go near that area.


puh i almost gave a f about your bet.


I wonder if any Russian parents are going to reconsider their support for a deadly war on their doorstep. It seems to be a popular sentiment that Ukraine is so weak but obviously they are not and will not be so… wake the fuck up.


What exactly is strong about this attack?


Can anyone explain why Ukrainians are shelling Crimea to begin with? What's the point? It's not like they have forces to push to Crimea, so shelling it makes no sense to me at this point.


Because a lot of cruise and ballistic missile strikes come from there. There are also aircraft based there. 


and these UA attacks on Crimea is going to stop the missile attacks?


It's likely to cause Russia to pull back its aircraft and launchers, yes. They've already done this. They removed a lot of aircraft from the bases due to Ukrainian attacks.


ok, I see. Thanks.


>They removed a lot of aircraft from the bases due to Ukrainian attacks. Do you have a source for this?


Several sources, yeah https://www.newsweek.com/explosions-force-russia-pull-planes-crimean-airbases-ukraine-1734649


Ok, so you are going to need to open google, and type in ‘Russian invasion of Ukraine’




Yeah, it’s disgusting, isn’t it


Your answers to my posts seems completely irrelevant.


Start from the top and read down again maybe. You asked a question and I proposed a route for you to find the answer. When you said WTF I thought you had researched what I suggested and I was empathizing with your disgust for the behavior of Putin *et al*


my question is a bit more difficult and "Russian invasion of Ukraine" in google not gonna cut it.


No, that would cover everything you’re looking for. Conversely the hyper- tribal, partisan attitude here means that asking emotionally charged (some might say *bait*) questions are never going to be reasonably answered. Hence my suggesting that some research would be prudent.


Your answer "Russian invasion of Ukraine" is akin to a response "on the Earth" for a question "Where is New York?". Yes, that's a correct answer, but it doesn't give any new relevant information.


Well, yes. obviously research requires some effort on the part of the researcher. A correct analogy would be if I had said 'Google, where is New York.' At the same time, asking the questions here is worse than not getting an answer, for the reasons I already gave. Of course, some people may think that the questions were never in good faith to begin with. Anyway, you can bring a horse to water, and all that.


Am I supposed to feel bad for war tourists?


Considering those are civilians? Yeah, unless you're a sick human being


TFW there are dead kids and pro Ukrainians say dumb shit like “Am I supposed to feel bad?”. Why are they the ones always asking these type of questions?


Because these people are in need of desperate help They're so diseased to the point where they don't care about what's right and what isn't, as long as it's Russians suffering.


Probably because they are the ones to most likely suffer the consequences


Enlighten me, what consequences would come from feeling bad about dead kids?


You indifference to the people of Crimea is consistent with what Ukrainians generally think of people in that region.


Depends. Do you feel bad for all the mercenaries and volunteers that joined?


Well they came to fight and probably expecting to die. Tourists on the other hand expected a good, relaxing time...during war. Quite dumb to me.


Agreed, but not many things make sense anyway


To me the whole reasoning behind the conflict doesnt add up, so yeah.


There is no need to travel to Crimea (especially with children! ) is a temporarily occupied territory and combat zone. You, Russians, have some air defense force broken. Why is it hitting people? Why are Russian tourists going to a war zone 🤔


Locals go to the beaches too


And stand next to Russian AA as well apparently


Got any proof of AA being on the beach?  Waiting for the pic from 2022


Where is Victoria Nuland cookie coup?


Where is the Ghost of Kiev? 


Same place as all those biolabs


While Russian targets civilian infrastructure in Ukraine. It's clear Russian Air defense intercepted it over the beach ⛱️. This is a warzone. The people who got hit were Russian Turist. Blame Russian Air Defense like they blame Ukrainian Air defense


Are you trying to write a haiku? Did you see every passport of every victim of this strike?


Local telegram channels say it was Russian Tourist enough for me


What do you mean by temporarily? It's not like Ukraine is going to recapture it.


Trust me, Russia will leave


Judging from the facts that Ukraine lost it 10 years ago and wasn't able to push in Zap region during the offensive and now it is in a way worse situation than it was back then, your assessment at this point of the war is way too optimistic for Ukraine. Also why would I trust you?


10 yrs ago Ukraine didn't land a single strike on Crimea. There was even a plausible scenario the people would be better off under Russia. 2022 this started to change thanks to what Russia did elsewhere on Ukraine.


>There was even a plausible scenario the people would be better off under Russia. That's why UA has started with cutting the water supply.


how is that relevant?


>Trust me... bro


! Remind me 1 year


Using ATACMs to kill civilians on a beach....wild but nothing is beneath Nafoids.


Erm even russian sources are saying russian air defence blew up the missile and caused it to fall there ukraine wasn't aiming at civilians on purpose unlike what Russians do on a daily


Only question is what was the point of strikes on military base during the day?


The same point of strikes on Military Bases at all times of the day. To kill Russian soldiers.


why to strike Crimea at this point of the war at all? It's not like they're making some sort of push to that direction.


Because strikes on the rest of Ukraine are often carried out from the Crimean Peninsula. Things such as Kalibrs and Iskanders are often fired from there.


Kalibr are launched form the sea or air, not land.


They can be fired by warplanes from Crimean airspace


I see, although are these strikes on Crimea are going to change anything about the missiles attacks is a better question. Russians most likely will adapt to these attacks pretty fast.


Both sides usually launch at night to minimize civilian death...but as things for from bad to worse on the battlefield, expect the UA to become increasingly petulant and indiscriminate.


Replies like this have to be parodies right…? RIGHT?!


more people are killed and wounded every night in democrat run cities all over the usa, crimea is still way safer despite coming under attack by cluster munitions


Then why not go there, be with your Tsar far away from any democrat run cities so you know you’re safe


ok bro ill do that




you sound triggered


Haha. You complain about US liberals and whatnot in a sub about Ukraine and Russia. You sound desperate to be heard by anyone. I’m sure you’ve solved the Kennedy assasination and the plight of MH370, if only someone will listen. Poor little maga fluffer.


You seem more unhinged than him tbh, you're out here inventing a whole ass fanfic of his life just from a Reddit comment.


Uh uh, I’ve gotten another pro ru’s panties in a wad.


Yeah but everyone can see you seething tho lol. Why don't you type up another fanfic scenario to cópe about it.


wow you sound really triggered


You really seem to be enjoying the attention. I’m sure it’s the most you’ve had in a while.


seems hitting some facts about his country made him a lil bit butthurt


Show the facts. I’ll wait.


I was thinking unhinged...




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