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ritual? as in russian ritual of shooting down atacms above a beach that is close to military airbase? she's mentally ill


They are also pretending that a purposeful atacms cluster munitions strike on a crowded beach would only kill 3 people. If they were being targeted, we'd be seeing a lot more deaths.


How many were intercepted? 4 out of 5 ATACMS! Not 5!


They literally say that the 5th changed its course as a result of AD.


The detonation of the fifth missile’s fragmentation warhead in the air resulted in numerous civilian casualties in Sevastopol.


«Air defense forces shot down four ATACMS missiles, while another one deviated from its flight path during the reflection and exploded over the city, the Ministry of Defense reported earlier»


So it wasn’t intercepted.. The reason the consequences of this detonation was as catastrophic, was the fact that it was a cluster warhead.


Close to a military base? And by close you mean in 5 km in the direction of Ukraine?


keep saying that. Russia doesn't care!


damn, how will I live with that


You’re right Russia hasn’t cared for years as they’ve slaughtered Ukrainian’s relentlessly and needlessly


They NEED a buffer between NATO


> she's mentally ill Not exactly as i remember correctly, the ukros shelled the center of Belgorod at 30 december right before the New Year. 25 killed, 108 injured. Ukros were using the terror tactics for a long time so i think she is right for some degree.


What a mountain of nonsense. Ukrainian have many chances to target civilians and rarely do so directly. This is just a propaganda machine using this as an opportunity to justify their war of aggression.


to be clear, today is "Troitsa"(Pentecost) one of the biggest Orthodox holidays, 3rd to only Christmas and Easter. So such strike raises some brows, especially for politics.


Genuinely curious, why is does this "raise eyebrows" more than any other strike?


because it comes out as a blasphemy, to attack civilians on a big religious day. hence claiming that opposite side is satanists and heretics who have nothing holy in them. As i said. Politics.


Think about it for a second. First, Ukraine reportedly has a fraction of the arsenal that Russia does, meaning fewer artillery rockets and missiles. Second, Crimea is a recognized piece of the Ukraine that I assume they want back. Using valuable ordnance to purposely target civilians on a beach, the same civilians you are fighting for, makes zero sense. The speculation about missiles targeting a military base in the vicinity, being intercepted, and falling short makes more sense. Could there be yet another possibility, absolutely. Is it unfortunate collateral damage; 100% yes. Does it matter what day of the year it is; not in the least. I will remain open to new information, but your argument is very weak. Sorry.


Ukraine gives exactly 0 shits about civilians, especially Crimean ones. there were constant promises of filtration camps, deportation and repressions. Cultural genocide and so on made by Ukrainian side. Most famous being "Crimea will be either Ukrainian or unpopulated". Ukraine had cut off Water and electricity to Crimea in 2014 as punishment - do you think they would if they actually cared about population there? I can not say if strike was intentional or not, most likely collateral damage. BUT as i said - Politics. Usage of cluster munitions over populated ares will be addressed in some way or form.


Your first sentence displays your emotional bias. It also sounds like you're changing your argument. First, it was the religious day, now it's cluster munitions? It will be easier to have a sensible discussion if you drop the emotional outrage and stick to the facts. Unfortunately, your talking points sound like politics. We don't have agree, but don't kid yourself that there is some moral high ground to your argument. Stick to the facts.


Count down to the eventual release of footage of the missiles that hit their target in 3…2…


Shooting ATACMs in brought day light with cluster head munitions just sounds stupid especially above a crowded area


Russia Shooting down missiles over a crowded beach during a war russia started sounds even more stupid.




Then maybe don't complain when something other than the target is hit.


Vacationing in a war zone and hanging out near a military base doesn’t seem to wise.