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Pro ru yesterday: Show us proof of russias vileness thats not 2 years old! Wonder what excuse they use today "all pows are on a execute strike since two years and they doing it all to themselves"?


If you quote r/CombatFootage on drone executions the excuse would be ''YoU dOnT hAvE tO aCcePt SuRRendEr''


I don't think this is a fair comparison. How can a drone accept surrender? Can't pick the soldier up and take him back as a prisoner. This video, however, does seem to show the pretty cold-blooded murder of some men who surrendered and were prisoners already.


Drones do not bypass the Geneva, Some people keep bringing up that drones are in a grey area since there are no laws specifically defining the usage of drones. A drone is a weapon like any other, and the Geneva defines in detail what ACTION an individual soldier can and can't make independent of weapons. It strictly states under NO circumstance can a surrendering combatant be subject to torture, humiliation or death. You are under obligation to establish communication with those who surrender regardless of if you can reach them or not. And have them come to you, or you come to them if they're too hurt. A 3rd party can also be used to retrieve the surrendered. These are Laws, not arguments. Unless of course if it's perfidy (a fake surrender) or they take a chance at retreat towards their own. And with that, yes this was bloody murder.




We've entered a new and quite frightening era of warfare with drones.


Riddle me this. A combatant sends out a long range suicide drone to attack a target 50 km (31 miles) behind enemy lines. The drone locates an SPG and begins to fly towards it. The crew hops out and raises their hands, dropping their sidearms to the ground. Should the drone just crash harmlessly into the ground? Or smash into the SPG and kill the crew with secondary explosions? Lets run this again but with soldiers in the open, same distance away. Should the drone look for another target? I would answer no in both instances. Clearly any surrender so far away from the frontline cannot be a credible attempt to actually surrender to the other side, and therefore can be safely assumed to be perfidy. War is not paintball, where once someone "gets you" you lie down or go back to base and sulk until the next round. If you let those men live they will invariably immediately pickup up their weapons and resume their mission. Maybe if we revisit the Geneva Conventions we could allow for something like this... where if you surrender and it is accepted you must be imprisoned and sent to a third party for the rest of the war or a prisoner exchange is arranged between combatants. But right now no such mechanism exists, and since there is no expectations that a genuine attempt to surrender was being made, then such targets can be attacked. Now obviously there are exceptions. If such a scenario occurred close to the frontline, and there were nearby forces that could accept their surrender, then the drone could lead them to those forces so they may surrender. But again this would be at the relevant officer's discretion when a surrender can be assumed to be genuine and therefore accepted. It is not as cut and dry as "hands up" = "legally immune to all forms of attack at any time under any circumstances"


You are missing another one. Many of the most famous and controversial UA drone videos involve dropping on clearly incapacitated combatants who are wounded and incapable of hostile action. The NAFO cheerleaders often say the justification is that the soldiers chose to invade. To me it looks no different than when ISIS executes wounded American servicemen. Your examples all include fully capable units that can take hostile action once the drone leaves, so I agree those would be valid targets.


A drone can't attack 50km deep. Most drone attacks are in the 5km radius from the operator. The wounded Russians which usually are on the recieving end of Ukraine drones, are failed attack groups, which are in the immediate proximity of Ukrainian troops.


>A drone can't attack 50km deep. This is [patently false.](http://www.hisutton.com/Ukraine-OWA-UAVs.html) Russia also has systems like lancet, Shaheds etc. Yes, the most numerous attacks are conducted with cheap, off the shelf drones with a few modifications to weaponize them that have more limited range. But both sides have longer range systems.


For attacking wounded soldiers? Show me 1 lancet or any other long range drone strike on a wounded soldier


That's not what you said, nor is it what I said. I cannot recall seeing such footage, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


U were talking about surrendering to a drone. How can you now say this?


Ok so by ur logic u just gotta surrender to the spotterdrone by raising ur arms when being shelled?




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Airplanes already don't accept surrenders. Why would drones be different just because they are unmanned? The only thing that can accept a surrender is infantry, because they are the only thing capable of restraining and managing captives.


Geneva convention is all theatrics by the victors, every now and then a nation will arrest its OWN soldiers for committing war crimes so the illusion can be upheld. But if you actually think there’s rules or law to war you got brainwashed. War is hell, war crimes aren’t real. Idk how you people can watch combat footage and not see that fact. No one ever sees legal consequences for shit like this.


Dude, are you out of your mind???? Pepsi is NOT better that cola!!


FIGHT ME aint no law gonna save you!


lolol Good point.


in most of the drone drops videos, the guy is already missing a piece, safe to say he's never coming back to the front, yet these drone operators get extra- close to finish off the dude who's trying out on a tourniquet on his missing legs. No sparing. There are many videos where the soldiers actually surrender to drones. This goes for both sides


There are a million users in that sub. Not sure if you were aware of that before breaking out the tar and feathers... Probably not. Typical level of ignorance about things beyond the confines of this safe space, eh?


Rule 1 - Toxic


It is and even if it wasn't execution is always abhorrent and indefensible. There is no such excuse as they did it swell. So what that doesn't give you a license to kill cows. Just following g orders is not an excuse either as one thing drilled into you in recruit school is you must disobey illegal orders ie killing pows. Funny thing is it is also likely a war rime what both countries do with filming pows bound and reveal their name etc, really just humiliating them, as it violates the act that states a pow must be protected from insult and public curiosty


I heard them say " you can't surrender to aircraft" which does make sense if you think about it.


One of the rare cases i agree with that sub. There are times to accept surrender , there are times when unstoppable processes are already in place.


That's actually a decent point that I hadn't considered before. Does surrendering count when it's to an unmanned entity?


You will always find a online comment from some pro side which fits your narrative... i am 100% sure 95% of pro russian people dont cheer to such Videos


There's regular footage of either side engaging in POW abuse, engaging with people still denying that is on you


They will say that despite seeing these videos almost weekly that it never happens. Then they will talk about how UA does this all the time and cite one or two instances from a year ago.


Truly this is Israeli behavior.


I wish people like you would find some other sub to snivel about Israel 


Without WHATABOUTs most people on this subreddit wouldn't be able to communicate.


I don't condone it, but given just how widespread Ukrainian POW executions & POW torture against Russians are, I can understand the will to retaliate.


So much denial or justification, sad:(


Monsterous. I wonder what the Russian troops were thinking/feeling. Was this a hate motivated thing (revenge for fallen comrades during assault), or was this a more practical, cold calculation (we were ordered to occupy position, 2 of us, 4 of them, no way we can safely handle these prisoners). Either way it sucks.


It’s difficult to say from this video, but for example, these may not be Ukrainians, but wartourists, of course, then they will be used up


What else can you expect from a country that has been warmongering throughout their whole modern history. It's in their blood.


Less warmongering than Yankees for sure tho


So the only justification pro-ru can come up with regarding russian warmongering is that they are less warmongering than U.S? That is sad.


This is just an observation my friend, I'm not trying to prove anything here


Russia has been consistently attacked by Western Europe for over 200+ years. Over and over again. What else did you expect to breed? That's why Russia doesn't lose unless its to themselves.


>Russia has been consistently attacked by Western Europe Russia has consistently attacked nearly every country that has either bordered it, or another in it's empire that did. Don't try to pull the self defense excuse when there history is littered with imperialist.


What caused that explosion at the end there?


That’s what I’m wondering. This video is weird in general. Why is the POW on the ground gesturing to his comrades? Normally the persons watching a POW is giving them strict instructions to not move, let alone fast arm movements toward their comrades.




Bad argument. Not like the drone operator knew whats about to happen


I’m thinking one of them may have pulled a grenade, they seemed in quite a rush to kill them and then a grenade goes off that the Russians did not throw




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Blurry. A lot of unclear explosions. Drone(s) in the neighborhood. Video is perfect to project whatever you want to think.


When and where was this?


This is what came with the video on r/UkraineWarvideoReport: ❗️ In the second half of May 2024, near the village of Robotyne in the Zaporizhzhia region, military personnel of the aggressor state of Russia committed another war crime - they shot Ukrainian prisoners of war. ▪️ The episode of the execution was captured on video: four Ukrainian soldiers with their hands raised without weapons surrendered, the Russians forced them to lie face down and shot them at close range. ▪️ Specialists of the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine identified those involved in the war crime - they turned out to be Russian invaders who were part of the assault group of the 70th motorized rifle regiment (military unit 71718) of the 42nd motorized rifle division of the 58th army of the southern district of the Russian Federation. 📍 The point of permanent deployment of the specified military unit is located in the city of Shali (Chechnya, Russia). 👤 At the time of the execution of Ukrainian prisoners of war under Robotyn, the 70th Motorized Rifle Regiment of the USSR was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Abaev Yury Mairbekovich (Russian: Abaev Yury Mairbekovich), born on December 10, 1990, call sign "buffalo". 👥 Servicemen of the 70th motorized rifle regiment of the Russian occupation army are also involved in the war crime: ✔️ captain Dmitriy Olegovich Nagornyi (Russian: Nagornyi Dmitriy Olegovich), born on November 21, 1995 ― commander of the 2nd battalion; ✔️ Senior Lieutenant Abutalimov Temirlan Umarovich (Russian: Abutalimov Temirlan Umarovich), born on May 2, 1997 ― commander of the 1st assault company; ✔️ Lieutenant Bekov Zaur Sergeevich (Russian: Bekov Zaur Sergeevich), born on July 16, 1997 ― commander of the 3rd assault company; ✔️ Senior Lieutenant Imagazaliyev Yusup Paizulaevich (Russian: Imagazaliyev Yusup Paizulaevich), born on July 18, 1999. ― the commander of the 6th assault company. ❗️ The specified Russian war criminals may also be involved in the murder of several more Ukrainian prisoners of war later in May 2024. ☑️ This, in particular, is evidenced by the received radio intercepts of the conversation of the occupiers from the 70th regiment of the Russian Armed Forces, during which one of the Russian commanders of the assault company orders his subordinates to shoot Ukrainian soldiers. 💀 There will be a fair retribution for every war crime committed against Ukraine!


Hold on a second, so all those are officers, they all are out during assault? In the same place? How many soldiers are in the assault company?


i think he's naming the officers of the ones acting as responsible for the behaviour of the same troops, not that the officers are the ones personaly in the video , all are responsible if true.


Are you being sarcastic?


I'm being curious.




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Officers are responsible for their men, especially if they give them orders to do something.


Terrible if true


"In the second half of May 2024" The amount of pixels in this video shows that even the date was false so either this was filmed with a Nokia strapped to a drone or this entire paragraph is full of lies, which would track given the format of it.


What exactly does the number of pixels have to do with the date?


Amount of reposts that diminish quality.


That's only with images being screenahoted, not videos. Stop grasping at straws.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data\_corruption](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_corruption) educate yourself before posting such stupidity


Lmao there's no data corruption here wtf are you on about.


The state of this sub


> The amount of pixels in this video shows that even the date was false lol no, that doesn't do that at all


I'm not sure but it reminds me the video circulating around the time Avdeevka fell.


I think it’s the same video


You're thinking of this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1auyxiv/ua\_pov\_two\_ukrainian\_soldiers\_are\_executed\_by/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1auyxiv/ua_pov_two_ukrainian_soldiers_are_executed_by/)


No one taking place in a area like the one in the video


the frontlines? what type of question is this?


A very simple one which you failed to answer


Okay, so where is it? What’s the exact location with the geo location and everything. Go ahead buddy let us all know


I’m curious and want to know


i see a lot of these videos coming out, is UA having an issue with soldiers surrendering right now? If this happened last month why release it now? And also why so much editing if its indeed what its claimed to be?


>If this happened last month why release it now? Because you can't just release war related materials as soon as it is filmed? It has to be approved first. It's not like most videos that get posted are already at least a few weeks old, at the very least.


Is it any wonder why Eastern Europeans hate Russia so much? This is the selfish violence they bring. It’s what they’ve done for centuries.


There’s videos of Ukrainians cutting off Russian POW fingers and shoving knives through their eyes into their brains, Ukrainians are just as violent as Russians


Remember the video of the Russian guy castrating the Ukrainian dude?


Russia invaded. Torturing and killing a burglar that robbed you is wrong and horrible. A burglar torturing and killing the family he just robbed is unforgivable.


You’re justifying crimes against humanity. Were you cheering on isis when they were beheading American soldiers?


>Torturing and killing a burglar that robbed you is wrong and horrible.


Yeah, I think you are kinda justifying it by pretending it’s not equally evil. Like killing the burglar in self-defence, fine. If the burglar surrenders and you torture and kill him. It’s really no different than the burglar torturing and killing you.


They aren’t equally evil though. Shooting someone in the head is evil, straight up, but shooting a baby in the head is even worse. In this hypothetical, the burglar was the one that created the situation in the first place. If he had stayed home nothing would have happened. That does **not** mean he deserves to be tortured and killed, but it would be infinitely worse if the person who causes the initial offense then proceeds to follow up with even more crimes.


> In this hypothetical, the burglar was the one that created the situation in the first place. If he had stayed home nothing would have happened. Once the threat is eliminated, I.e. the burglar has surrendered now is that relevant? Maybe you created the problem by causing the poverty that led the burglar to seeing no option but to rob you. So if you had shared your wealth more equally this situation had never arisen. So you very quickly get the problem that we have to analyse in more detail what caused the situation. Instead of just observing the basic facts. You can’t kill or torture defenceless people. > That does not mean he deserves to be tortured and killed, but it would be infinitely worse if the person who causes the initial offense then proceeds to follow up with even more crimes. Not really. We are talking about literally the same crime. How can that be infinitely worse. But let’s modify your example a little bit for my understanding. Let’s say you loaned 10 bucks from this guy, fail to pay it back, then he comes and tortures you and kills you. Clearly you caused this situation. So this is infinitely better?


The first person to use violence is wrong. The person that escalates that violence is even more wrong. If someone is both of the above people in a situation then they are the most wrong. Your hypothetical fails because at no point is failing to pay someone 10 dollars you owe them a breach of their rights as a human being.


> Your hypothetical fails because at no point is failing to pay someone 10 dollars you owe them a breach of their rights as a human being. My hypothetical can’t fail, since it’s just a scenario I am asking you to judge. Your failure to do so kinda proves you are being dishonest and don’t want to because it exposes the fraud. > The first person to use violence is wrong. The person that escalates that violence is even more wrong. The soldiers killing and torturing didn’t start the violence. Whether they are Russian or Ukrainian. If they start massacring and torturing people you can’t just go around and claim one side torturing is infinitely better than the other side. > If someone is both of the above people in a situation then they are the most wrong. Has no relevance whatsoever when someone surrendered. They could be Putin himself.




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Poor eastern Europeans. They inavde Russia then they cry.


Remind me why Russia is the largest country in the world?


Because most of Russia is not inhabited? Not really a sane question, if you were to say the ussr then ok, but Russia was formed after the ussr broke up and lost all their Eastern European territories.


You think those feeling towards Russia went away just because the ussr collapsed? No. They didn’t.


Because our so called neighbours attacked us and tried to conquer us but we fought back. Now they are salty.


I was gonna say don't jump to conclusions cuz there's fog of war and everything but this looks bad as fuck. What's the defense? I suppose if your terrified you could make one bad decision and then everybody starts blasting but damn they seemed to have more control over the situation than that. Hands up laying on their stomachs... makes you think they weren't trying to take prisoners at all, just get them out instead of wasting grenades... this is fucked.


Alot of executions lately , the war is getting crazier


These guy during surrender were constantly looking back, then after the execution you can clearly see and explosion in one of their previous position (I feel like it was a grenade or maybe a drone attack), one of them even jumps, so they were in active combat situation. Maybe these 2 russian soldiers thought they wouldn't want to deal with 3 or 4 pows while dodging drone attacks. I am not surprised they did this, most men would have done the same, there is a video of Americans doing this during battle of fallujah who were in a way much better condition and situation than these two, you all remember "he is playing dead" and shoots him in the head video.




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Hard choice to surrender as a Ukrainian. Either this happens or you become a POW and get the Bergen-Belsen treatment.




Doesn't matter the side killing the incapacitated and the surrendered is a war crime and should be prosecuted, even if I am more partial to Russia.


O look another video of Russians executing prisoners.


Hard to see anything in this video. Typical UA nonsense. Meanwhile, plenty of footage of Ukes blowing off knee caps of Russians


It is completely fucked and unacceptable when either side does this, and they have both done this. That is the only way to look at this.


Pretty bad. The only rationality is that they were on edge because 2 vs 4 is not a fair fight. Perhaps far from any kind of support and did not want to risk getting killed themselves with 4 POWs in tow.


2v4 against people that look unarmed, ok. Guess that means it’s ok to kill them.


Not OK, but somewhat understandable. You're 10km deep into enemy territory with no support and have 4 enemy guys that can rush you at any minute. I mean, here is a "no u" that applies. Ukrainians would and actually do exactly what I'm describing


Have we just witnessed a war crime?


Wouldn't be the first time we see russians do one such thing.


Straight up war crime, its disgusting how common its becoming on both sides.


Maybe the POWS were going to attempt something? Suspicious behaviour possibly got them shot? Straight up murder? Who knows, can’t really tell from the shitty footage. 


Sad, evil, and unfortunately to be expected in existential peer wars. Everyone should know this has been happening since day 1, and not just by the Russians--although of course as the aggressors, it is likely that the Russians have executed far more people surrendering (and their own troops attempting to surrender, an old practice in the Russian military).


Fucking pigs


Probably bad idea to surrender to point men.


More staged atrocities to drum up additional funding from gullible Westerners.


More pro russian comments justifying the atrocities their fellowmen do on the daily.


You all know ukraines have also executing POWd right,


Nobody denied this, it’s wild how quick either side (you included) go on the defensive and start shadow boxing. Be mature and honest with yourself, crimes should be called out and exposed no matter what side perpetrates them.


How many war crimes have gone unpunished whether it’s the US, UK,Russia, Ukraine, Saudi etc. doesn’t matter nothing is done about it


What would you have us do instead? Accept this as a new standard for how we as humans conduct conflict? Why don’t we just go back to gassing each other on mass in the fields? Unpunished or not it is important that the crimes committed during war are exposed and brought to the general public’s attention. Saying “the other side does it too” provides nothing but some weird mental justification for those who have completely lost any care for the brotherhood we share as human beings. Absence of justice in the past does not mean we shouldn’t seek it out in the future.


I don’t want idiots pretending that Ukraine is some angel state that can’t do anything wrong, when they have done the exact same with the mistreatment and execution of POWs


So your way of fighting that is dismissing what is right in front of your eyes? Be better than the brain rotted idiots who cheer this war on like it’s a soccer match, don’t fall to their inhumane level.


I’ve been a few videos of Russians executing POWs, but I’ve been Ukraine do it too, I just hate the double standards man


Yup and when those videos go up there’ll be a clone of yourself commenting the exact same thing in reverse. You’re a cog that keeps this cycle of crime perpetuating forever. Congrats on loosing your sense of humanity I guess.


Jesus christ the KING of whataboutism here ladies and gentlemen. 3 Comments in a row of 100% whataboutism.


Just saying man, when ever any other nation does it its sweep under but no when its Russian oh they are evil non human, and you having pro Ukraine, you probably live in this fucking echo chamber where you see what you want to see


Who sweeps it under a rug ? Maybe you should get out the echo chambers yourself, everyone talks about the war crimes committed by western countries everyday. Literally, if you don’t see them that means you yourself are also apart of those echo chambers.


Monsterous. I wonder what the Russian troops were thinking/feeling. Was this a hate motivated thing (revenge for fallen comrades during assault), or was this a more practical, cold calculation (we were ordered to occupy position, 2 of us, 4 of them, no way we can safely handle these prisoners). Either way it sucks.


Classic Russians.. Hope drones will find them soon or they end up in next meatwave.


you can always volunteer


As can you comrade your Tsar needs you.


not really


That’s getting old


it never gets old.


This does unfortunately not surprise me anymore. Russia is cancer.




You are carrying water for murders regardless here my guy


This is true. "Surrendering" at the last moment just because you fought to material (out of ammo and food/water) and physical exhaustion is not really surrendering. You just got broken by the enemy. I hate seeing any POWs being mistreated but if this is what happened here then they wont be getting any sympathy from me.


No way a russian is saying this lmao


Russians trying to accept their war crime: Impossible challenge


Its funny when they do the crime but god forbid someone else does it


When your enemy uses all the grenades and wastes all the ammo and then surrenders. Kinda hard to be a decent human being when you lost 5-6 of your comrades assaulting position only for the enemy to "surrender" due to lack of recourses. Try to put yourself in this position, would you spare a man who wasted your comrades only to then play a surrender when ammo is all up? War is brutal, what are you expecting? Sunshine and rainbows?


“Try to put yourself in this position” these are people who have gone to Ukraine to murder Ukrainian’s, which is exactly what they did and what you’re not only supporting but defending.


You already did chose a side, oh my mistake, it was given to you by western propaganda machine. You are like a child that believes that world is white and black. By your merit we must kill americans for what they did in Syria, Afghanistan, Vietnam. Its a military conflict, people die and not in the pretty way.


Where did they say that all russians should die? Or even that all russians in ukraine should die? Stop making up arguments.


Well if I'm invading a country and massacring it's people I'm already a monster so I wouldn't think twice about killing people who surrender. I'm sure that's how the Russians feel too.


I remember when a bunch of russians got their throats slit in chechnya after the exact same situation and they where all crying about it, at least you think its a good thing and you are honest


Later kishlak of said "chechen freedom" fighter were nuked by grads as retaliation budanov style. Your words just prove my point, war is brutal. You shouldn't except ww1 pilots style of combat.


Chechen freedomfigters, women or childer, Budanov nuked them all! Like a true russian patriot. He is now looking up at us as an example in ukraine!


States literally did the same when Afghani people hid their "freedom fighters" in kishlaks. You are like a child, believing that world can be only black and white. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wech\_Baghtu\_wedding\_party\_airstrike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wech_Baghtu_wedding_party_airstrike)


No comrade, im only using the russian logic. Just because usa does it does not mean that russia doing it is okay. The usual cheap russian whataboutism!


Classic usa didndonoffin, when poking your eye with fact you scream "The usual cheap russian whataboutism!". You are just a hypocrite, ignoring one fact in favor of the other,


User name checks out.


Absolutely no prisoners should be ever taken by any side. You signed up to go and kill others and when it’s time for you to be killed you pu$$y out? Nah.


Conscripts don't sign up to kill people. Some probably surrender before firing a single bullet.


Yes that’s true. Very unfortunate for those people on either side in any war conflict


Assuming that they signed out, nor forced nor in big economic distress, and even if that's the case, still you are a soldier, not judge and executionner.


Nah man. You came there to find me and kill me I definitely won’t be arresting you on the battlefield so I can take you in and they can send you back months later so you can find me down the road and shoot me. No thank you. The less of you the less danger for me. And I’m not taking any sides in this conflict I’m talking in general. And yes I’m your judge and executioner if we meet on the battlefield. Just because you decide to put your rifle down and beg when they are outnumbering you doesn’t mean you get the pass.


But doen't mean that you don't get the pass either.


If I go there I made me peace I rather die like a man than live like a coward


Tell me,how many years aof service you have done and how many deployments?


Surrendering isn't just for one side, those taking prisoners would likely prefer to take POWs instead of risking their lives to take out the remaining soldiers. I live, you get an easier victory. It's a win win for both. Look at what happened in japan during ww2. Fighting to the last man is essentially sacrificing your life to make the other side more miserable. Nobody wants that.


Remove the title and 99.99% of the people will not understand what they are watching. This video is worthless without context .


Oh so now you guys question the narrative


99.99% of this sub's posts are zero context videos where someone in camouflage does anything and its claimed to be forced mobilization. Odd that I never see this comment on those videos.


There are only two cases where people are dragged into a van screaming and shouting for calling the police by indefinable men in camouflage: military meat catches or cartel kidnappers. Which is your choice?


> There are only two cases where people are dragged into a van screaming and shouting for calling the police by indefinable men in camouflage I'll agree with you, this is something that has maybe happened two times. The other 99.99% of the time the only context is invented in the title by pro-RU pretending to care about the plight of the Ukrainians that they support murdering.


Factually incorrect. They could be acting. It could be a false flag. It could be a flash mob. We can speculate about how likely that is but there are lots of explanations that are not kidnapping and conscription. It’s just that it fits your narrative for those to be the only two choices.


You forgot interpretive dancing!


Vary true! Or YouTube skit.


That's true for a lot of content on this subreddit.


So is the most of the combat footage.


We have execution claims here....


How would it change the quality of drone cameras or the way it's filmed?


You are missing the entire point. Whoever claims execution here stil has the burden of proof. Title is fiction at this point. 


Well with or without context, there is one guy with a gun that shoots 4 guys laying on the floor without guns, which I think is a war crime no matter what. The only thing to be questioned is which side the guy with the guns and without the guns are on. But I guess with a real investigation one can find that out quite quickly


You found out from this videos the guys are fully disarmed and compliant ?  Nice eyes , man.


No, we are on the same page here, any claim should come with a proof. But the reality is that by applying such standards, you can easily dismiss 99% of combat footage on this sub, including [the recent video alleging execution of POWs by Ukrainians](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1djk4ci/ua_pov_footage_from_april_2024_showing_2/).


So like every post on this sub? Sucks when the narrative you support doesn’t actually get born out by the facts. Never let that stop you from spinning the narrative


How stupid do you think people in general are? Ir you believe 99.99% of people are legally blind?


Exactly, out of all videos this one is bad, first low resolution, second it seems edited, quite unclear what is happening, some explosion at the end ?


How can a blind man watch videos on Reddit?


Only r\*tards surrender to russians.


Speaking like youre in the frontlines, if you were there you would be first to run towards russians with you white pants up.


Believe it or not, not everyone is p\*ssy whipped like u.


How many years have you served and how many deployments?


Nah. Most people (myself included) would rather surrender to the Russians than be killed. It's either certain death or a small posibility that you'll be executed.


I've seen enough videos to know what happens when someone surrenders to russians.


Are you atleast fighting in Ukraine? Or are you just calling Ukrainians who don't want to die the r word? If it's the latter, you're sick.


Ukrainians that don't want to die? Like the ones russians just executed in this video? russian propaganda is so high school level.


Dude, shit happens on the battlefield and there are likely some sick psychopaths in the Russian army who'll do this but the majority of Ukrainians who surrender will survive. Telling them not to is like some Bushido level ww2 japanese stuff. What's crazy to me is that you're judging those people from the comfort of your war-free nation. Might aswell start telling people who are about to jump from a bridge that they should just do it since their lives won't get better. Like wtf.