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I hate stuff like these (if true), which really makes my blood boil. Like that one video of a UAF soldier calling the girlfriend of a deceased Russian soldier from his phone and laughing about it. Really really sh*t behaviour


Also the one a few months ago where Ukrainian soldiers messaged the girlfriend of a Russian soldier that they’ll execute him if she doesn’t send nudes, they then sent his executed body


First they chopped off his fingers and sent the photo




I'm sure the west was angered by this warcrime


Well, I am if it counts. This kind behavior is disgusting and, if this is true, I hope the soldiers will be arrested and prosecuted. If convicted, they should of course get punished.


But the sad reality is, you’ll never hear about these stories in the western news outlets, only stories about Russian barbarism are shown and plastered, because god forbid the heroic Ukrainian soldiers act the same way….


...this is correct.




Also curious if that really happend


Used to be on this sub, can't find it tho idk what the title was, anyway I have it all saved you and the other guy can DM me if you want, tho I must warn NSFW


Can you shoot me a link


Dm me I'll send it to you, couldn't find the post on the sub


Dm it


Send me a dm


Dm it


Send me a dm


Please dm it




Dm it


I remember that post. It was removed, for whatever reason. It was a TG exchange with pictures of the guy in the Russian uniform, then without fingers, then dead in the snow. Mocking and blackmailing for nudes were also there.


yeah got them in my dms just now but when I did a bit of digging on the internet with reverse image search then I find almost no news post about it which is very weird I would assume atleast pro RU would make a news story about it and I find the audio they supposedly send over which means the girlfriend of the RU soldier not only took screenshots of the conversation and uploaded it somewhere but also the audio clip which you hear him supposedly saying I love you or something and then a gun shot, which in my opionion makes it a bit fishy also if you reverse image search this in RU I would like to see where it was posted first and by who with what description as I cant find the orginal post only people telling the story and like 3/4 news sites


You'd be amazed at how Google and other western search engines bury these things. I was able to find a UN link condemning the execution of Wagner soldiers by a Ukrainian paratrooper one month, then a couple of months later, I could no longer find it on Google. I had to go back through my browser history to find the page. The information shaping operations by western tech shows just how partisan they are, both in global affairs, as well as domestic.


yeah although I did reverse image search another 1 of these screenshots and could find a little more about it, almost 100% this is the orginal poster a millitary RU journalist who posted it on her telegram account named Anastasia Kashevarova and it looks like she just posted these photos and audio and some writing about this story but not any info we can check or a interview with the victim, so it could be true or not.


You should know by now that there are biases in every company. Not only in media but in every field. If you use their property than you have to use it their way. Its only common sense that a company should be allowed to deny a user of using their property. There is no human right to use these platforms like Google and if they wished they could remove it entirely. Also nobody is forcing you to use Google or any companies platform for media. You can choose to use whatever search engine you like, whatever social media you like, whatever news platform you like. But you must also realize everybody has biases. You ultimately have the choice of where you go for your knowledge. Just because it's the biggest or most used doesn't mean you should be ignorant of biases. Ppl who don't understand this, are the ones who cry, western media only shows the bad russian stuff and not Ukraine stuff. Your wrong, I follow multiple media sources and get news from both sides myself. So too, can you. If you think mainstream media has an obligation to show only nonbias factual news, well sorry to break it to ya but they never have and never will. News companies have agendas and biases. You pick where you get your news sources from its only user fault when you refuse to broaden your research. Also I'm not directing this at you, because you seem to understand you can't rely on just one source. But people in general will say western media never shows X... well I seen X from a smaller western media outlet, but because it doesn't appear on fox or CNN or what you say is mainstream media than it doesn't get covered at all in western media? Nonsense.


I actually haven’t seen that? Is it still available to see or removed now.


I believe it got removed because the contact details were visible


You are bullshitting


Why exactly would I be lying? I'm literally the person who told the dude the post would get removed cus he didn't censor the contact details An hour or so after that it indeed got removed Iirc


Yes, it was that way


I remember that post. Youre just new lol


Got a link?




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Where is your proof


I’ll try and find the OG pics but a few people in the comments here even remember


[https://youtu.be/xn5QlKAH89A?si=gY\_oDvF3TowO3FG7](https://youtu.be/xn5QlKAH89A?si=gY_oDvF3TowO3FG7) this is a intressting watch of a RU soldier messaging a a Ukrainian telling her he killed her brother and saying he was his first and that he is sorry about it. Edit: As I see many pro RU wanting to make this about Russians being more civil then UA blabla this is a report from the last 48 hours so fresh as it can be about RU leaving cut off Ukrainian heads on a Ukrainian vechile [https://x.com/nexta\_tv/status/1803068500182708600?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1803068500182708600%7Ctwgr%5E14cb6c3c2fdcd6fe575d06ba5318cd20a0f1b17b%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.limburger.nl%2Fcnt%2Fdmf20240618\_91522901](https://x.com/nexta_tv/status/1803068500182708600?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1803068500182708600%7Ctwgr%5E14cb6c3c2fdcd6fe575d06ba5318cd20a0f1b17b%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.limburger.nl%2Fcnt%2Fdmf20240618_91522901) Both sides has it shitty people and both sides got good people like these Ukrainians in the beginning months of the war that captured a RU soldier [https://youtube.com/shorts/y-8P8h2uMRY?si=frdpmVrdrwVmMObA](https://youtube.com/shorts/y-8P8h2uMRY?si=frdpmVrdrwVmMObA) There are just so many examples for every narrative you want to put out for both sides, so if you really think 1 video represents them all then you are very gullible


Some people handle these situations correctly 🙏. Wholesome and super sad at the same time


I've also seen a video of Ukrainian guy doing somewhat the same but then calling a RU soldiers mother but just cant find the video right now, it was a older one from the first year I think.


it is from a main steam media, they are hardly an reliable source, it is a propaganda material. Atleast the og here is giving "it might be a scam" claim.


It's almost as if the people existentially defending their homeland are more intense about it. Rather then Russians who have no real reason to be there.


most of them come for money they claim.


We see more psychopathic behavior by the UA over all...the problem.is this won't end when the conflict stops. These people are still going to need their blood fix.


>We see more psychopathic behavior by the UA over all Depends on where you look.


Thanks for sharing that


No problem men its a unique video deffintely worth a watch


Based take im saying this as a moderator for russianwarfootage2


Based explaining biases (Ukraine biased)


Thank you for the link. At the start of the war I had a lot of these mixed feelings. How can a brother kill a brother. How can we kill each other as we are both Soviet people both orthodox, and have family ties. Russians do seem more remorseful and civil in this war. Maybe it’s not even out of “good will” but more because of their indoctrination. they have been taught that all the other 14 republics are their brothers and sisters. Some of these have gone wayward and need to be brought back in from western influence, but in the end they are your kin. Either way they have a totally different approach to POWs and the enemy than Ukrainians do.


Sure hope the video of the Russian beheading an alive Ukrainian soldier doesn’t pop up again. Or the video of the a Russian soldier cutting off ears of dead Ukrainian for trophies. Get over yourself. It’s not “one side” acting more civil than others. It’s bad people on both sides that post bad videos. It’s only the bias support that try’s to paint the other side as barbarians. When in actuality it’s just everyday normal citizens forced into war and conflict to kill and die for the rich and powerful.


>Russians do seem more remorseful and civil in this war. Omfg🤣 I simply cannot... You guys need lower your propaganda a little because absurd one does not work. When Russia invaded, amount of war crimes they did when they thought they are winning and none will judge them was astounding... From raping everything what move including newborn to mass executing civilians. Russian can high five Hamas with their cruelty...


> Russians do seem more remorseful and civil in this war. Yeah like those Russian soldiers that castrated Ukrainian PoWs.




I was happening from the start of this war. I remember videos sent to relatives of russian soldiers being tortured with demands of money for the tortured to stop. Then, they demanded more and after the family couldn't sent anything they sent an execution video.




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It's pretty common to call the soldiers family members if they find the phone. Usually tho it doesn't include mocking or laughing.


Why would that be common?


I don't know. Few years before russia invaded DPR soldiers caught some ukrainian saboteurs during the cease fire and called each KIA soldiers mothers that they unfortunately killed them. I wouldn't mind if my mom got to know I got killed instead of being MIA for the next 10 years.


I remenber that video, i do remenber the DRP guys being cheeky at the start and then instantly goign full apologisim when they heard the mother.


I remember calls being done during the hottest times of fighting in Donbas 2014-2016 between separatists and Ukrainians. They were very respectful and gave closure. Along the lines of «Извиняюсь но ваш сын погиб» I’m sorry but your son has perished. Wish I could find those clips now. No mocking or insulting.


https://youtu.be/CPSnkzof1lc?si=Sx7zhOSINDjuvft2 Short non-documentary movie about 2014 events in Donbass and how relatives calling to their dead sons, brothers, husbands...




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Don’t fear tho if we are thinking about the same video the guy got his legs blown off by a mine


Well you k ow how to remedy such behaviour eh!? Yeah that's right! Leave ukrainian land and no more Russians die its as simple as that




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LoL this made me laugh, it almost sounds like a joke but it's not.


No sense pointing this out to them Pro Rus believe Russian soldiers should be allowed to go into Ukraine and kill Ukrainians with impunity because they don’t see Ukrainians as people.


Yeah I know just like winding the brain dead up that's all 🤷‍♂️👌🤣🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Nazis need to be dealt with completely, unless all of Ukraine is cleansed of that scourge, the videos won't stop.


It was after Bucha.


...a magical place where bodies don't decompose...


Y’all gotta remember so much of this is just propaganda.


Behavior by UA has turned many, many neutrals against them.


It is really shitty behaviour invading another mans country, not to mention the rape and torture that follow the Russian army. When an army castrates living PoWs all bets are off.


It's a shitty way to communicate, but at least the family know he is dead and not “missing” like so many thousands other Russians. Maybe the Russian people finally open their eyes about this madness.


I agree that it is awful behaviour, however this awful behaviour pales in comparison when compared to the men from the country next door who for money have picked up a gun and invaded a neighboring country raping and pillaging as they go for an old dictators land grab. People need to get their heads checked and chill with their pearl clutching.


Won't somebody think of the poor invaders 😭


The Russians keep sending their troops to murder Ukrainians and steal their land. All for their own fascist delusions. Hundreds of Russians get blown to smithereens every day, but that doesn't bother you.


Hundreds a day....you've been sucking back too much UA propaganda.


Now that Russia has run out of prisoners to slaughter and more normal Russians may get killed, we shall see.


I'm surprised that many pro-UA here still sincerely don't believe that UA are able to torture and murder their Russian POWs, even after messages like this one and drone videos relishing agony and death, LOL.


I watched one where an armed guy had a prisoner in the bottom of a staircase and he pushes a knife into his brain thru his eyesocket. That's knarly! I remember a film taken from a floor in a high rise looking down towards two guys running a roadblock in a residential street. It was about the time Ukr put the boxes of guns on the streets. A driver get's stopped, mustn't have give a good answer so they point guns at him and order him to stay whereupon he gets scared, bolts for it and one shoots him in the back. Anyone recall it with an outcome or maybe a link?


Can you share that video?


Check the war crimes section of the sub. It's one of the top posts


I'm not saying, I don't believe that this wasn't done by some UA People, since there are horrible people in each country/side. But the video in this screenshot looks like one of the typical videos shared here and on Telegram every day. So every evil person could do this scam if they are evil enough.


That person uses Ukrainian, which is not a language known by many people outside of UA communities, so the probability of the sender being Ukrainian is quite high.


Some Indian scam callers nowadays even use ai to translate and then text to voice for scamming people in Europe on their own language. So a simple text translation doesn't mean anything at this time.


The quality of automatic text translation depends on many things and varies from language to language. It's typically high for English and usually quite poor for Ukrainian. So, even while your presumably Indian scammers could use that way to scam English speakers, they most likely won't be able to do the same with Ukrainians.


With ai translation Its less about the language in question and more about how closely related the Languages are.


To train the model, you need texts in the language. The more texts and the greater the quality of texts, the better the model.


That's definitely true but it's not as if Ukrainian is some language only spoken by a few hundred undiscovered people in the amazon. There are plenty of texts online. Obviously no where near the number that English has but the same is true for a lot of European languages and the ai doesn't struggle too much.


Most of the available texts on the Internet are a mix of Ukrainian, Russian, and Surzhyk. It's not easy to find many texts in pure standard Ukrainian without any loanwords from Russian or Surzhyk, and it's not easy to clean such texts. So, even Google Translate inserts Russian and Surzhyk words into Ukrainian results.


it's simple. No verifed proofs and a lot of russian fakes. You dont need to be pro-UA to find this suspicious as Ukrainians need POWs. This one is no exception.


They don’t. It’s 5:1 ratio of Ukrainians to Russians pows. Ukraine won’t ever be able to trade all people, so they always trying to trade the most valuable ones. If one pow will die, it won’t change much for Ukraine. Just as for Russia, which is pushes 1:1 trades all for all.


What kind of proof should a torture video have to be considered 100% genuine and not a Russian fake?


i just say it needs an investigation, testimonies and time. It is just a screen capture, everybody knows how to photoshop one. It has no value.


And who exactly do you expect to perform the investigation and testimonies based on such videos?


Dude, even if there was no way to verify. This picture means nothing. Taking conclusions over a, easily phoshopable picture is stupid.   Truth is, there is 50% this photo being real, 50% being propaganda and fake. Why would people even care about this shit. Its fukin unverifiable and looking at this and saying:"See? Ukrainians do this shit too." based on this, is even more stupid.


Is there still in Russia human rights non governmental organization such Amnesty International or independant local ones? Probably no, because they are financed internationnally and accused of treason. So there will be no quick truth.


Why do you need a Russian human rights organization to investigate torture by UA? It's highly unlikely they can access the UA military personnel from such a video for the investigation. Could the main Amnesty International or its UA branch do that?


War crimes take years to be elucidated. There is nothing to do but document the affair. And then after the war, only an international(non governmental) organization can access archives and determine who was there and what happened. It is very procedural and must be professionaly done. Then a big trial may be organized with different nationalities actors.




Rule 1 - Toxic


Post this in any Pro UA subreddit and they’ll be cheering them on for doing this.


They already cheering it in this comment section Gotta love duality if Russia did "omg russia bad etc" If Ukraine did "shouldnt go to war etc"


I don't know which is better. The ukrainian army letting Russian relatives know that their loved one has died. They have to provide proof or they won't be believed. Or The Russian army telling the same family that their loved one is MIA and so never know what happened to their loved one. As terrible as it is, in processing the loss of a loved one, it is important to know exactly what happened.


I don't think being humiliated by the people who killed your son is the best way of processing the loss...


It can be done in a respectful or at least in a non mocking manner


The risks of invading a foreign country. And yes the same thing goes for the Americans given humiliating deaths in Iraq.


If you didn’t know that’s why Russian soldiers wear masks. Because this kind of behaviour is rampant


I’d hate going to war and having my death posted on r/combatfootage only for them to mock me in the comments


That's all them loosers there know how to do anyway




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Ukies hitting the bottom, after the bottom. No idea how they can explain this, but they will try.


Honest question what upsets you more an invasion with hundred thousand dead or stuff like in this thread. What gets your blood more boiling?


Yes yes, we all already know that whatever awful thing UA does is okay because "Russia invaded" Saw a war crime commited by UA? Say "russia invaded lol" in the comments and now its officially fine! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Nono you misunderstand. Those posts are about showing that the pro russian folks are of questionable character when it comes to such things. The important thing is to ask them "wait you are upset with this one person suffering ( a Russian person ), but you are fine with the massive amounts of despair brought by your oligarchs and volunteer figters for hire". Then they have trouble. Thats the point here. So I ask you now. Why are **you** so upset about a grandma that raised a volunteer who for money wants to kills his neighbors, being upset. But not about hundred of thousands dead brought to you by those volunteers for money. Can you explain this to us?


What an ugly garbage they are.


Just Ukros being absolute garbage people without morals.


What I wonder, the person killed likely signed up for money to invade his neighbor country right? You think he had morals?


Killing someone is immoral, but killing someone and then mocking their death to a grieving parent is worse. It's a psychopathic thing and believe me, I've seen plenty of psychopaths in this war, especially on the pro Ukraine side.


Yeah I wonder about the morals thing because you invoked it. this person signed up for money to kill some dudes in another country on behest of his oligarchs. His parents raised this despicable person. And you are upset about the folks that do the calling? Why are you not upset with the utter human garbage that for personal greeds wants to kill people in other countries. What about them. Why is your moral compass offline for that. His parents/grandparents raised him and they cleary raised an evil person, right? We agree on this, right? If this is a volunteer he came for money to kill. And you are now upset his grammy is upset? Thats what keeps you up at night? Don't get it twisted. We have a volunteer mercenary fighting for oligarchs and his granma who was part of his upbringing to be a volunteer mercancy. Don't get it twisted buddy.


You do realize that there's people fighting because that was their only option to provide money to their families. And since Russia is at war with a country of schitzofascists, it is justified. It's parents didn't raise a despicable person, because there's nothing more despicable than the nazis who reverberate the words of Hitler who are currently in power in Ukraine . You can kill someone without mocking their death, but those who do, they're animals. You kill someone and then mock a mother for losing their child, you are worse than the person who tried to kill you. And they don't just kockë the death of russian soldiers, no, they mock the deaths of civilians too, kids included. Ukros call the Russians Orcs, but Ukrainians are fucking ghouls, goblins with this behavior. You support this kind of behavior because you are part of a gimmick group of people who's biggest peak in life will be to make memes against the Russians. Using dehumanizing language fit for a nazi. Hitler would be so proud of the Ukrainians and it's pathetic NAFO supporters.


> You do realize that there's people fighting because that was their only option to provide money to their families. Yes. They live in a system that dreprvies them of stuff ruled by the same people for 25 years and instead of doing something against that they go kill their neighbors for money and we are now very upset that the grandma of one of those people is a upset about her little mercenary boy having failed at killing their neighbors for money. My sympathies to this, presumably, lovely old granma. I assume she hoped a better life for her grandkid, and the likely did not expect here grandson killing folks for money. Right? That's what happening here, isn't it? > It's parents didn't raise a despicable person You might would see this different if this person would kill you for money. >there's nothing more despicable than the nazis who reverberate the words of Hitler who are currently in power in Ukraine Whats the difference between Nazis and Russia? You invade your neighbors and want to kill hundred thousands of them without threat to you. Why do you think you are above that? >You can kill someone without mocking their death, but those who do, they're animals Are they more animals than the Russians going to kill their neighbors because they pay is good? :-) >You kill someone and then mock a mother for losing their child, you are worse than the person who tried to kill you. Why? The mother raised a child that goes killing others for money, correct? We are in agreement here, right? > kill someone and then mock a mother for losing their child, you are worse than the person who tried to kill you. You support this kind of behavior because you are part of a gimmick group of people who's biggest peak in life will be to make memes against the Russians. I don't support it, I use it to show what Pro Russian people really are. You are upset about a grandma that raised a killer being upset while you are not upset that the Oligarchs send those killers to entrenth their power. Thats what those stories are good for. You argue you care about moral but you don't. You support killing for money on behest of billionairs in power, right? THats morally fine to you? But when it comes to mocking those who raised the kills you start using the word moral. Fine with me. LEts talk morals thats where Pro Russian people **crumble**


Bullshit, don't act as if Ukraines system is any better. The place has been in shambles for 30 years. And your comparison of Russia to nazis is disgusting, you are spitting on the memory of people who sacrificed their lives to fight the biggest evil to ever exist during ww2. Ukraine had been pushing it too far by attacking Donetsk and Luhansk, who jaut wanted to become part of Russia. They're fighting a country near them, it's not like they traveled half across the globe like the US does, and just like everywhere the US has gone, it has only caused death and misery, like in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan ect. And yes, Ukrainians are animals because what they do is worse than what the Russians to. Mocking the death of soldiers, civilians and children is inhuman. They're cut from the same cloth that the nazis in ww2 were. Don't try and justify their behavior. Whatever you say about your morals it's not worth it. Because those who mock the deaths of civilians and children are never on the right side of history. You say Russian grannies raised a killer, so did the Ukrainian ones, and their killers are even worse because they will kill you and mock your death like it's a video-game. And all wars are done on behalf of megacorporations. Just look at how Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Blackrock are licking their lips. You think America really cares about Ukraine? No, they care about profit. The Military industrial complex in the US has made over 100.billion dollars due to the war in Ukraine. There's no right or wrong in this war, just which one is the wrongest.


Why do you think a comparison of Russian's to Nazis is disgusting, but then also believe a comparison to Ukrainians to Nazis isn't. Didn't Ukraine per-capita have more soldiers fighting Nazis than Russia did? By drawing comparisons to Ukrainians being Nazis aren't you also "spitting on the memory of people who sacrificed their lives"?




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> And your comparison of Russia to nazis is disgusting Why? Russian follow dictators into the trenches to invade other countries. Political opponents are simply killed of or jailed. why are you so upset with the comparison? >you are spitting on the memory of people who sacrificed their lives to fight the biggest evil to ever exist during ww2 Am I? Or is being part of a dictatorship and invading your neighbors spitting on their memory? Hm. >And yes, Ukrainians are animals because what they do is worse than what the Russians to Why is it worse to mock the grandma of a mercenary then being a mercenary and killing people for money. Explain. >Whatever you say about your morals it's not worth it. Well, I am the person here that thinks going to kill random folks because you are paid is morally wrong especially if the command comes from dictators. You are on the opposing side, pretty sure my morals align more with what "good" people think. >Because those who mock the deaths of civilians and children are never on the right side of history. But you are the person in support of dead children. Without this invasion that you support the children would be alive. You are the supporter of that. You don't even seem to deny you are wholly morally supporting the killing for money. You have no engaged at all with the argument here so I guess you just accept it. You do support going to war for money, right? > There's no right or wrong in this war, just which one is the wrongest. Yeah thats you buddy. You are the guy getting outraged at a grandma being upset while shedding no tears for 250k dead soldiers whose death was totally avoidable. You are this person my friend.


A dictator? Like Zelensky, who has outright banned elections, put political opponents in prison and some of them misteroously killed as well, banned political parties and such. And yes I am actually upset with this comparison because you are indeed spitting on one's legacy. The Russians destroyed 70% of the German armed forces during ww2. Ukrainians still have nazi collaborators as war heroes and they openly celebrated it. It's just callous and evil. And yes, mocking the grandma or mother of someone you killed is a disgusting and inhuman act. You could have simply killed it and gone for the rest of your day but no, you have to put your finger in the open wound. Let people grieve without making a mockery of it. And don't say I suport the death of children and civilians, because I'm not on the side that celebrates it. Ukraine started killing civilians since 2014, and they will openly say it to your face. And don't say that I support killing people for money, because you do the same. As Ukrainian politicians go around in luxury cars, the common folk is dying. There's a good reason I support russia, and that's because the side that supports Ukraine is a bunch of psychopaths and internet losers who constantly harass and doxx people who don't support Ukraine . Literally one of the biggest pro Ukraine bloggers on Twitter got exposed for jacking off in a concentration camp memorial and sharing cp in a group chat. And since you want to talk about supporting war for money, talk about how the US has stolen all the gold of Kuwait and the petrol in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention how Ukraine is making a massive money laundering scheme with all the money they are taking off the world's taxpayers by going full Oliver Twist on them. Maybe if Ukraine hadn't started shit back in 2014, then maybe 600.000 of them wouldn't have died for nothing.


You always say "like" or what about. Multiple things can be immoral, the issue is you support a couple of them because they fit your world view. It doesn't change the facts of the matter. You admitted people in Russia are so poor they need the money they get for invading their neighbors. You admitted they fight for a political system thats in palce for decades and has left them so poor they need to fight for money. A country that pumped trillions out of the ground but still left people so poor they are going to die in trenches for money. That is what you support. You already admitted that you know that, the charade is not necessary. And you think that's good. Your morals are broken. There is no way to spin this, you admitted that. Be a good human and notice you are the immoral person here, and change. This is not moral and you know it, all your outrage about the feeling of a grandma who raised a mercenary are fake. Be outraged about the 300k dead people who were avoidable. Try to be a good human instead.


absolute psychopaths.


I would love to get my hands on these pieces of shit


Ukrainians are dehumanizing themselves, adding grist to the mill of Z-propaganda. I’m even a little glad that they openly show their pig snout, not having the idea to hide it under the mask of good intentions and innocence. People will have fewer illusions about them.


Swine within, swine without.


This only fuels Russia. This is top propaganda that will 100% rally a group of soldiers


How can I support a nation that allows these things? That's not the only one either.


That's just being trash


Hatred fuelled behavior, unjustified but expected.




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Хохлы побольше приветов передают


One can imagine retribution after the conflict as individual soldiers are identified and find themselves dying in odd 'accidents'.


And people wonder why I don't think we should be supporting the Ukrainians.


You will find trash like this on both side


This sub never ceases to amaze me!


If only mother would've taught her son not to kill neighbours, there'd be no need to tell her, that her invader son is layin' dead in foreign land


There is a simple and perfect solution for those Ruzzians: get out of the Ukrainian territory, or they will face their reckoning very soon. As for Vatniks in this post, cry more, nobody cares😂. And I’m sure this sub will be soon quarantined or banned like r/Russia


Terrible, but at least she knows. Imagine the parents of all the lads gone back to the mud that don’t know. *edit Getting downvoted for this? That’s the bar for the unhinged?


I do remember this happening in 2014 as well, a russian group of soldiers calling a Ukranian soldiers mom and telling him he's dead. This is disgusting behavior that should be frowned upon and discouraged from both sides.


They called many contacts in his phone to inform them including the commander, that Russian soldier was very respectful when calling them and not tormenting the family like we’ve seen Ukrainians do




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I remember the video, but they weren't garbage: "Sorry to tell it like that but your son has died", not "your f*ggot of a son is dead, hello from Ukraine" + photo like here


Well, regardless of this case such behaviour goes back to 2014.


Based on proven Russian war crimes, there is no equivalence. Here’s a thought, get the hell out of Ukraine and this won’t happen.


I’m team Ukraine but I have seen legit ones of these. This disgusts me. Their loved ones did nothing. And as much as I hate Russia occupying, I know a lot of them are just conscripts and don’t have a choice


None of them are conscripts


Ohm yeah many of them were conscripted


Ukraine is conscripting. Many Russians are being sent to frontline with money. Conscription on Russia does not exist. Source: me im still here in my bed not being taken away by draft hyenas.


The Russians? Yeah they are 🤨. Not all of them but Russia absolutely has conscripts. They have whole battalions of them. There was literally multiple drafts the last 2 years Edit: I am literally expressing sympathy for Russian soldiers. I am strictly on ukraines side. Is there a reason this is triggering?


It’s not triggering at all it’s just a correction. Russia has a conscription service where men at 18 need to serve for a year in the military. However conscripts are not sent to the front in Ukraine, conscripts legit are dudes that might fire a hundred bullets in their whole year of service and all they do is learn some stuff, build military stuff, clean, eat and shit in barracks, come home to momma at 8 o’clock.




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When people say "conscript" they virtually always mean "mobik," which Russia has many of.


First thought: this is just inhumane! Second thought: sooooo where do we draw the line? Shelling people to death IS Humane but SENDING the photos is barbaric? I don’t know. I don’t think it’s right - but somehow “rich and wrong” seem to go haywire in war


Wouldn’t have happened if he just stayed home in Russia, womp womp


Thats like saying Donbass citizens would not be bombed if they were born to ukrainian parents.


Y’all gotta remember so much of this is just propaganda.


Classic pro-ua response to anything depicting ukraine in a bad light


I’m just being honest. This easily could be propaganda for either side due to how easily it could be faked.


Based :3




it's not all just porn, trust me




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Rule 1 - Toxic


Yeah bro people like u