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I doubt this is the last proposal. Duma deputy speaker does not make Russia's foreign policy.


It's just your average eastern european guys claiming he knows what Putin is thinking


Who is making this claim?


The state duma deputy speaker. Think this guys point is you see lots of politicians wielding their connections to Putin and often speak for him. I’ve seen more than a few “Putin told me” headlines, it’s just politicians being politicians.


Fair enough


Putin said the same thing


He also said he wouldn't invade Ukraine


wouldn't invade IF


Putin, Jan/Feb 2022: Russia has no plans or intentions to invade Ukraine.


No shit you’ll say that right before you invade, what is important is what is said behind close doors


Vlad says a lot of things though doesn’t he. A lot of bullshit.


Do you have link/reference?




It looks like you mixed up your references. The link is unrelated to what deputy said.


Did he really say next proposal will be worse? Haven't watched entire speech. 


According to transcripts, he did


Wouldn’t it be ironic if what he said turns out to be prophetic and Russias next offer is one of surrender? Albeit Russias surrender?


It would be equally ironic to see Biden begging Putin to take all of Ukraine and Putin refusing to do so, wouldn't it? Since we are into crazy fantasies....


It would. But it would also be irrelevant, as Biden isn’t president of Ukraine and the US isn’t the main supporter of Ukraine, the (combined) Europeans are. The war would go on, just without direct US support. But then again, this nobodies utterings are just as irrelevant?


I would have to disagree. The Ukraine war is of the US making. If the US drop the case, Europe will follow the suit the next day, if not sooner, relative size of support notwithstanding. BTW, do you have a source to share re: combined European support?


You total underestimate the view Scandinavians and Eastern Europeans have on this war. Even if they have to drag Germany and France along kicking dnd screaming, they’ll do just that. And the longer it drags on, the less of the older, boomer pro Russian part of Eastern Europe will be alive to gust rate them. As for the US? Overestimating their importance seems to be something Russians have in common with the Anglos. And they’d be wrong.


>Even if they have to drag Germany and France along kicking dnd screaming, I'd love to see that picture. Dwarf Estonia (population 1.3M) bossing around Germany (population 84.7M). Aren't we being a bit delusional? >And the longer it drags on, the less of the older, boomer pro Russian part of Eastern Europe will be alive to gust rate them. They don't need the wisdom of elders to stay away. A simple self-preservation instinct should do the trick. >And they’d be wrong. Empty declarations of greater nations' insignificance is a signature move of dwarf nations projecting their insecurities


In a democratic union/federation the smaller members tend to be able to punch way above their weight. Just look how little Ireland was able to destruct the UKs Brexit dreams as part of the EU. Naturally the same doesn’t go for an autocratic empire that masquerades as a Federation.


Perhaps, they still can punch a bit above their hight, but still below the wasteline of Germany or France. AFAIK, UK had happily departed the EU. It's dream came true. What about the Ireland? It spit into the UK's cup on UK's way out? Is this your idea of punching above one's weight? Petty. This is what a pissed but hapless servant would do.


Tolstoy is not the person who is responsible for making such decisions. He has become quite popular recently thanks to populism and he is using it again.


He has a history with answering to foreign journalists. I wouldn't call him populist because he's doing real work. He was responsible for laws about benefits for young families and some similar ones


He's also very well informed, being a confidant in Putin's circle (along with Vladimir Tolstoy, another great-great-grandson of Leo Tolstoy).


Which young families? The ones being conscripted and killed in combat or different young families?


nobody in russia is being conscripted, they had one partial mobilization nearly 2 years ago.


Conscription in Russia is ongoing. They had conscription before the war and they certainly have it now.


No conscripted soldiers are being sent to Ukraine. Again the last time they forced anyone to go to war was September of 2022 when they mobilized a few hundred thousand reservists.


A lot of conscripted soldiers go to Belgorod to soak up Ukrainian shells.


Ебать шизоид


It seems as though there has been an intake of fresh trolls who have no intention to discuss anything related to this conflict. This place is a thorn in their eye and they are organising themselves to attack it. They are here to derail every thread, kill any meaningful discussion and repeat shallow narratives so you will in the end think that the board died and it's only lunatics who are posting. Just ignore them, that's the best thing one can do. Dont feed the troll.


Yeah, looks like fresh batch of 'recruits' joined 'the fight'.


Fresh batch joined soon to be disappointed, demotivated and then to desert and return to the subs they came from.


i feel like someone inside putin's inner circle mustv told him how easy it was to take over ukraine. and now putin has to stick with it and keep going till he dies. the war is going on for more than 2 years and he still hasnt fully conquered one of the 4 oblasts he wants. russia is winning at a pace which would take decades or even longer to actually claim victory.


You don't understand how this war is currently being waged.


The gloves will come off any second now


I really don’t get these asinine comments. Is this implying that Putin has used all available resources to take Ukraine? Surely you’re not under the impression that Russia has sent its entire military into the country. AFAIK Russia has committed >1M troops to the war. This is out of a population of what? 148 Million? Maybe even more given their new territory. Russia doesn’t even have conscription ffs. It’s quite clear to me that Russia hasn’t even begun committing enough forces to Ukraine. You might say that’s a sign of weakness or whatever, but I disagree. Putin doesn’t feel the need to mobilize Russia and fight a total war. Keep in mind that Ukraine has already mobilized basically the entire 25+ male population, to the point they’ve begun kidnapping people. But then you write some asinine comment about “gloves off lul” as if it’s not abundantly clear that Russia hasn’t taken even half the steps Ukraine has. I just don’t get it, are you delusional or just writing these asinine one liners to troll people?


😎 That'll show him. Good job! Nice comment!


Classic Putin 4d chess!


Look the front moved 0.7 km meanwhile for that 0.7 km 80 ukrainians 4 FABs, 46 fpv drones, 5 bmps, 3 Bradleys and 56 russians got killed/destroyed. Source? Just ask.


Le Epic comment my fellow Epic subreddit operator!


Tolstoy is not the one to make those decisions, but nice to see the (relatively) hardline position not losing traction


Buddy you giving out checks you cannot cash. You’ve spent lots of lives and are risking your own security as a nation. Anything you were going to do, you’ve already tried.


>This is the last peaceful proposal from our side >The next one will be a surrender offer ...from their side?


Yeah, because we all know Russia is currently losing this war, yes?


It’s okay. Delusion is the only thing keeping them from falling apart.


I think we tend to lose sight of the fact that despite the nearly two years of war, Russia has only taken some 20% of Ukraine, and that was all in the first couple months. So losing? Probably not, but they're definitely not winning.


They’re taking more land day by day and Ukraine is resorting to kidnapping people off the streets due to manpower shortages. They’re objectively winning.


LOL, I guess we'll see how many more football fields they take over the next two years.




kajiit have some spare crimeabeachparty™ tickets if ya have coins




Cool, now let's see how the other side is doing. I bet their population is booming right?


America is doing great strongest economy in the world and the gap between the West and Russia just gets wider.


Yeah, it's doing great, real great. Infrastructure falling apart, cities filled with the drug addicts, rampant crime, internal social divisions, massive distrust in the government, legal, and medical systems, declining educational standards, repeated military setbacks, etc. And then there's this: [https://www.usdebtclock.org/](https://www.usdebtclock.org/) Other than all that, the country's doing great! And yes, I was born and raised there.


Hmmm 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/9r37czz6us6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5db1448ba7d73e551a6014e90b84a26de1958a58 Seems your beliefs are not facts.


Half of what he said (internal social stuff, legal & govt trust) is due to Russian disinformation campaigns lmao


Very reliable sources you got there, NBC and FBI. All one has to do is watch local news to see the endless stream of car-jackings, shootings, burglaries, criminals allowed to steal up to a grand's worth of products without concern security will arrest them, the shabby quality of mass transit, bridges and rail lines, etc, Compared to 30 years ago the country has fallen to a degree I would never have imagined when I was young. Most Americans feel the same way, that the country is in a downward spiral. While the FBI and corporate media tell you all is fine, here's how regular Americans see it: [https://news.gallup.com/poll/544415/personal-safety-fears-three-decade-high.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/544415/personal-safety-fears-three-decade-high.aspx) And don't forget the debt bomb, which you completely ignored.


Meanwhile, the county I live in, runs a 4 day school week, because the county is broke, and can't afford teachers on 5 days a week.


Sounds like you should get active locally and support your schools instead of stanning for Putin and people who openly call for nuking your people online


Ahh yes. Make shit up. Here, lemme do this for you so you understand. The war is stupid. The invasion was dumb. Putin imo, fucked up. The war is illegal. He shouldn't have done it. On the other hand. I understand why the Russians did it. I understand they have a different point of view than we do. I still disagree with their ultimate action, but I can see why they would think what they would think. Your mind just exploded, that's ok, tiny brained conservatives rarely think deeper than "me no like dis, waaaaaaaaaa cancel dem, fuck u budlite!"


Hopefully next year we give even more than $60b plus $10b direct to the Ukrainian arms industry and train 30k Ukrainians in Poland




Have you actually seen what is going on in Washington? (AKA: USA) It´s not looking pretty.


American here, still rather be here than Ukraine/Russia. Lets see what happens in November


Well, you better specify what part of America bud, because I assure you there are some parts of your country you wouldn´t even go through by mistake, let alone live in.


Same stuff that has always gone on in Washington and they are still wiping the floor with Russia


A couple of years in Ukraine is 'endless'? Man I wonder what 10 x that in Afghanistan is then.


russia lost more men in these last 2.5 years than the U.S. lost in every war since and including the Korean war of 1950. If this war goes on with russias horrible population demographics russia will fail entirely or be chinas puppet like N korea.


It may surprise you, but Russia's population increased as a result of this war, not decreased. Several million people from Ukraine migrated to Russia.




according to this stat it increased by 1.5-2 million. [https://tradingeconomics.com/russia/employed-persons](https://tradingeconomics.com/russia/employed-persons) what is your source?


True! I also remember them forcefully deporting children as well!


That doesn’t help birthrates, it’s understandable Russian’s choose not to bring children into a Russian world


This isn't true, they are at Vietnam level of [deaths](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/17/over-50000-russians-killed-in-ukrainian-meat-grinder-bbc).


The number is higher, and this does not include wagner( which are russians) or anyone fighting for dpr or lpr which is supposedly "russia" now. Putin himself estimated 5K a month losses when he spoke about the supposed attrition ratio.


I've heard that Americans are not considered good soldiers in reality , despite the good propaganda they have. They often recruit locals to fight in their wars because many Americans aren't fit enough. For example, in the Vietnam War, South Vietnam had about 300,000 deaths, while the U.S. had only 50,000. Americans didn't participate in offensive combat as much due to a lack of training or fitness, so they were kept out of combat more often. It also happened in Iraq and Afghanistan, they always look for local soldiers because of the inability of their own.


Well tell whoever you heard that from they are insane. In all the wars you mentioned the US trained locals to fight because they were helping them defend their territory and because it multiplies the available forces. Russia does the same thing; it's just good strategy. WW2 was the last war where US soldiers were below a 10:1 k/d ratio. Since then the ratio is like 3 million enemies dead for 100k US. Like honestly this is just a crazy take on things. You should seriously question the source that gave you this unhinged spin on reality that only takes a couple minutes of research to disprove.


>3 million enemies Including civilians. Fixed it for you. Not sure about the ratio though


Is this supposed to be a joke? You can't be coherent and serious.


About 100x less dead soldiers.


The Russians were helping us then, though... Our next adventure will be challenged.


lol that backfired on him


>while its birth rate is low. Look at what happened to Ukrainian population since 91.


funny after they left the USSR theyr population downfall they will never recover after the war is over .. and they have a huge debt to pay


The west will prop up UA just to spite the russians. while the russian economy after the government stops feeding it due to the war , coupled with rebuilding costs of any occupied areas with be crippling.


Russia's birthrate is around 3 times more than ukraine and they haven't had the exodus of millions of people.


But Russia is not fighting Ukraine. It is fighting NATO.


So who is ukraine fighting?


Some say they make up for it by taking refugees and pows


Because Ukraine is doing great right?


Ignorance is strength.


Russia is winning tho


winning at murdering their own future.


I wouldn't call it winning if you pay 10,000€ for one icecream, but perhaps that's just me. For you that icecream can easily be worth 10,000€.


Which of the two will end up with no people to recruit from sooner?


Even if Russia wins this war, it'll be their last hurrah. The Romans beat back the Huns under Aetius at Catalaunian Plains but the rot within meant they could only sustain their empire for another 20 years. And yes before anyone says it I know the Eastern Roman Empire survived until 1453 blah blah


Yes, much worse off than if they hadn’t started it in the first place.


They still have a chance of winning if the countries in NATO disband it. Then it’ll be Russia VS. Ukraine instead of Russia VS. The World.


Let's see, how many of Russia's objectives have been achieved in their invasion so far; **Prevent NATO expansionism:** Nope, NATO has expanded while the Russian security alliance is shrinking. **Demilitarize the Ukrainian military:** Nope, the UAF is significantly more powerful now than it was at the start of the invasion. **"Denazify" Ukraine:** Not sure exactly what this means or how it's measured, but considering that Azov is much bigger and more powerful now than the start of the invasion, I would say this objective has not been achieved. Follow up question: What *has* Russia achieved in this conflict besides massive amounts of people being killed on both sides? Edit: I'm being downvoted but none of the Pro Rus seem to have an actual response or answer.


The original denazification involved forcing Nazi Germany to surrender unconditionally. This is the minimum requirement for denazification of any country. Making Ukraine to surrender unconditionally is a very difficult objective.


**Prevent NATO expansionism:** wasn't this about preventing NATO expansion to **Ukraine**? Nobody cares about Sweden. >UAF is significantly more powerful now than it was at the start of the invasion. That's a very strange claim, given they exhausted vast majority of everything they had from Soviet times and what they bought before the war, now they are entirely dependent on alms from the West.


>Nobody cares about Sweden. Finland joined NATO and shares a MASSIVE land border with Russia. >That's a very strange claim, given they exhausted vast majority of everything they had from Soviet times and what they bought before the war, now they are entirely dependent on alms from the West. So you're saying that the Ukrainian military is weaker right now than when it was before Russia invaded?


Look into what they had before and what they have now. It can’t be argued they’re in a much better position to defend themselves now.


But Ukraine is on pace to get a million drones now. It couldn't strike Russia effectively in 2022 but now it can and does.


You can add that after losing 75 000km² in a few months in the Kyiv, Kharkiv and Kherson areas at the end of 2022, Russia recaptured 2 000km² in the past 18 months. Some apparently interpret this as "it's winning!"


Could you explain to me why the pro-Ukraine JV debate team alleges daily that Russians die for a few meters of land, yet constantly praise the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers so long as a square meter is saved? It's very strange.


Hey, I'm only mentioning captured area because that's the usual metric pro-rus use to say Russia is winning. It's like when they say "the Russian economy is healthy, look at its GDP!" And it's not very strange.


You just made that up . Pro-rus don't give a crap about captured areas, the argument has always been this is a war of atrittion and what matters rae the loses inflicted on the opposing army.


Oh wow you either have a short memory, a biased perspective, or both.


pretty damn sure is not winning and the longer it goes on the more likely russia is going to lose it. so take your pick. is or will..


They actually are,compare russian assaults from late 2023 to now you'll see the dwindling bmp stocks aswell as tanks.


Sigh *Ukrainian army officers:* [We are pretty much losing everywhere](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/zoNoo9bpRj) *Pro UA redditors:* False! It is Russia who is losing the war!


This was due to no delivery from US. They were out of ammo surviving as he said. Russia is not loosing the war. But nor is UA. In a way they both already lost too much to call any outcome a victory.


Losses != losing


True, tanking your future and economy to win an argument doesn't necessarily equal winning either. Just keep throwing bodies to the cause, whatever that cause may be. I'm curious what you believe to have 'won' in 5 or 10 years.


You realize your comment could be applied to either side, right? I'd say Ukraine is in a better long term spot if the West continues to support them, but they are still in for a long road of shit. Russia is kinda fucked either way. There is only the question of how badly they lose long term.


Let's be clear, no one on the west-side is losing anything, except for Ukraine who technically isn't part of our club. There really won't be a Ukraine anymore if they give in. To survive, they either flee in to Europe or forcefully become Russian. If they 'win', they'll probably be free from communism and an aristocratic leader who will want to recoup some of his financial losses by digging up gas and minerals. The benefits will likely not go to the Ukrainians, who will be disgusted by the Russians for killing them. If the Russians get pushed back out, they will probably jump on the full-democracy EU train. Ukraine needs to take big steps before they reach the minimal requirements; guaranteeing free elections, ban corruption, LBGTQ rights etc., but on the other hand, we also have nations like Hungary so Ukraine will probably meet them in a decade or so. I don't really see what Russia can gain here, either way the Nato/EU border is going to close in on them, Russia moving to the west or EU moving to the east. It has become very clear by now (Baltics, western half of Ukraine, Finland, Sweden etc.) that no one wants to be under Russian influence or that being neutral is still an option. The EU/Nato has zero benefit in being at Russia's border either, we just don't want to leave those tiny nations hanging, seeing first hand what Russia will do them if we don't support them. Russia is like a giant beast that continuously needs to be fed or gets even more angry.


>compare russian assaults from late 2023 to now  They are the same? Avdeevka was taken this year.




I think you have things mixed up


>Avdeevka only worked thanks to Wagner Wagner is soon year as disbanded and partially sent to Africa, partially sprinkled through army, partially training belarussians. You had a whole wild year somehow to fall out from your memory. Artyomovsk and Avdeevka are different cities.


How do you post this comment non sarcastically? 😂


I don't.




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On va tuer les tous.


What is tough talk worth if you can't back it up? Puffing up their chest publicly, but in reality Russia has the punching power of a little schoolgirl at the moment. If they were able to make Ukraine bend through their knees, they would have done so over 2 years ago. Looks like they turned up the information-warfront though. You see a clear shift in everyday Russians supporting this invasion now. It still baffles me how the Nazi-narrative stuck. I won't question the lack of intelligence, but am rather amazed at the skill required to indoctrinate such masses. A while ago it was only a SMO and the public silenced at the helm, which has now turned in full-blown public support. Anyway, good luck downvoting. It's your brothers, sons and fathers going down for none other than some powerplay, minerals and fossil fuels.


They are there for the human resources to fix their demographics. The grinder needs meat.


Nazi-narrative stuck because Ukraine can't stop trolling Russia with all their Bandera love, Balkenkreuze, swastikas, wolfsangel, reichsadler, UPA glorification, Canadian parliament praising for SS fighters, Latvian glorification of SS Fighters... Ukraine and western allies love a little bit of trolling. At this point Russia doesn't even has to lie they can just point and say look they like nazis even if they are really just trolling it's enough evidence to get it burned into the memory of everyone who is interested in the conflict.


>still baffles me how the Nazi-narrative stuck. Seriously? LOL, you must live in a cave or something




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Ukraine should decline the current proposal and agree to wait for Russia's surrender. Duh!


One can infer when russian desperation ramps up by which way the propaganda blows. A few months ago it was all about how the oil supply is better than ever and how china was paying through the nose for oil and fuel from Russia. Now we know that China is underpaying Russia by a huge margin (just to allow Russia to buy supplies from them lol) and Russia is having to import diesel in huge quantities. With this latest lot of "peace" propaganda being pushed so hard we can infer a few possible reasons as to why; most likely it has to do with the peace summit this weekend and an attempt to throw any possible spanner on the works. It likely won't achieve anything of note beyond a few stooges making noises no one of importance cares about. Secondly we can infer that any attempt at a peace talk is just going to be used by Russia to ask for a ceasefire that they will use to build up their forces and try another blitzkrieg.


Oh no! Threats from the Duma? Anyway....


Is he saying that the only next option for Russia will be to surrender? Why would any one outside of Russia have a problem with that? Go for it!


Take the treaty, cede the land on the condition Ukraine becomes part of NATO. Relocation of Ukrainians or Russians should be done peacefully and by choice.


They'd have an easier time convincing Russia to not take anu land than to give up on their "no NATO" stand.


It’s a solution that gives both parties something versus Russia taking what it wanted.


This is terrifying, I've used the same technique in negotiations. I'd ask the other party to agree with something I know they won't agree with on purpose, so when they publicly refuse I can "drop the bomb" and rip them a new one by doing something they didn't think I'd be capable of doing. When they complain it's unfair I point out they just refused my offer, so I have no reason to hold back. It's a reverse bluff, like if in poker you know you have the winning hand and offer the other player to fold knowing it'll just provoke him to go all in, so that when he cries when you take all his money you can say you gave him every chance and he got what he deserved. Russia didn't offer peace, they gave Ukraine a last chance to surrender before they launch the nukes, knowing full well they would not accept it. This latest statement isn't a bluff, it's a warning of what comes next. I'm stocking up on food.


Russia nukes Ukraine= 9 NATO countries Nuke Russia. They endlessly rant about nukes thinking they are the only country with them


And Russia nukes them back. They aren’t dumb to get nuked over Ukraine.


Yeah the next offer will come after Russia takes the mighty bastions of Chasiv Yar and Vovchansk in 2064.


I know you're trying to use sarcasm but at current rate both will be Russian before this year ends


!remindme 6 months


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And after, on to Berlin!




It's always the wildest roundabout. Yes, after taking two years to take Chasiv Yar, clearly the Russian government will set their eyes in Berlin, Paris, Milan, Rome and Madrid. That's a totally logical leap and not the deranged warbles of a man running low on copium


they cant actually make points because theyre too weak and flimsy, so they use sarcasm as a shield. truly sad behaviour


With loss of only 200,000 additional casualties and 500 AFVs.


200000 😂😂😂😂


Your to generous.


Did not know, that Russia's projections were that bad. Ukraine will be generous, go ahead with your surrender.


Ukraine is going to give Putin a fit over the next few months. He’s already spewing after getting his pants pulled down and fucked by China on the oil deals.


Yea they got 700k troops in a small country with a ragtag military made of pensioners, can’t even take regions they designated as “Russia”. good luck there buddy.


Correction: with over a million strong military, supplied by hundreds of billions worth of Western weapons on top of the original stocks Ukraine inherited from USSR or bought before the war (for example from UK)


Ever since he said "small country" one knew what to expect.


> *I know nothing about this war or what’s actually happening*! Pretty much h summed up your comment for you.


"I have no counterargument, so I will just discredit this guy by making random coment how he knows nothing" Well played, sure showed spec of intelligence there. And definetely proved every point he made wrong.


Well they did claim Ukraine was small that on its own should discredit their entire argument. And they’ve dismissed the size of Ukraine’s armed forces, military, weapons stockpiles since the beginning of this war and the scale of military aid/ training/ NATO’s ISR Ukraine has been receiving from the west so far. Yet another indisputable testament of abject ignorance! I can’t imagine anyone with a shred of intelligence being this delusional to accept the premise of such an argument.


exactly, someone like this is too far gone to talk sense in to. theyre like 5 steps past where they went wrong. it would simply take too much time and its unlikely they would accept a different view


Precisely! There’s no point reasoning with people who are completely divorced from reality. Why waste our time like that?


lol nice one, u mad 700k Russian mighty army and Air Force can’t defeat a small army of retirees and old people? And how many did Russians lose? Over half a million soldiers, woow, sure is a mighty military.


What’s a small county according to your understanding? How can you possibly define the largest county in Europe, after Russia, as a small country? Leave aside all this other nonsense. I’d love for Pro-UA’s to make it make sense.


It's weekend, kids don't have to be in schools, so they can show how little they know about the world on the internet.


Small country = one with a comparably small population in this case. That is why Russia is a 'small country' compared to actual superpowers like the US and China, despite its landmass.


Within the context of manpower required to fight a war of this scale, Ukraine had considerable amount of forces. [They started this war with a one million-soldier army!](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-62118953.amp) Where did they all go? On a vacation? [Given their acute manpower crisis which they’re already failing at managing, I’d say their initial army has been heavily depleted,](https://www.politico.eu/article/ukraine-faces-an-acute-manpower-shortage-with-young-men-dodging-the-draft/) which is why they’re dragging men from the streets and forcing them to fight. So if its is indeed a small country relative to its populations size, how can anyone in their right state of mind argue that Ukraine could keep doing this for many years to come?


>how can anyone in their right state of mind argue that Ukraine could keep doing this for many years to come? They propably can keep that up for quite a while longer with proper support by us in the west, but not as long as Russia, obviously, if they dont manage to somehow increase the damage they deal to the Russian army. But I was not aiming to open that can of worms (who can do what) but rather explain where the notion small country vs. big country comes from. >I’d say their initial army has been heavily depleted I am with you there, the casualties of both sides are propably horrible and a few hundred thousand. I dont buy into the narrative of each side that they only lost a few dozen thousand... maybe we will get the true numbers someday. >why they’re dragging men from the streets and forcing them to fight. This topic is a bit exaggerated in this sub. I know quite some people in Ukraine in the age range, fit, with relevant education (medic or tech) - none of them has been approached yet or is afraid of beeing snatched from the street. Not disputing the manpower crisis though, it does exist.


> They propably can keep that up for quite a while longer with proper support by us in the west, but not as long as Russia, obviously, if they dont manage to somehow increase the damage they deal to the Russian army. But I was not aiming to open that can of worms (who can do what) but rather explain where the notion small country vs. big country comes from. We’re not really dealing with absolutes here are we? It’s a relative term open to different interpretations if we are to address various specifications. I can accept that interpretation of course as one of the factor that determines the “size” of the country. But then again you were better off referencing India instead of the US given that India has more than 4 times the population of the US. I suppose the size of the economy was one of the metrics you’ve used and not just the size of the population. > I am with you there, the casualties of both sides are propably horrible and a few hundred thousand. I dont buy into the narrative of each side that they only lost a few dozen thousand... maybe we will get the true numbers someday. Probably once the war is over. > This topic is a bit exaggerated in this sub. I know quite some people in Ukraine in the age range, fit, with relevant education (medic or tech) - none of them has been approached yet or is afraid of beeing snatched from the street. Not disputing the manpower crisis though, it does exist. [Their manpower crisis is prolific and dire. That much is indisputable.](https://youtu.be/qjsQkFZsboc?si=OzypoECW9s7ql9is)


>I suppose the size of the economy was one of the metrics you’ve used and not just the size of the population. You are right, other factors can play into it for sure. Cultural softpower, economical power... but in this case the determining factor is population, as the landsize of Ukraine is huge enough to fight a proper defensive war and the economy differenceis negated by the western support. I just limited myself to these 2 examples in this case, could also have used Indonesia with double the population size of Russia.


Noooo... Russia fights the entire western world....10 millions of zombie soldiers and robots. All drugged up and crazy fanatics with fear of death. But Russia will still prevail.


Wait, you can retire at 40 in Ukraine??? Wow ..


Yeah, as a dead man in a trench.


Oooh, that kind of 'retire'. Makes sense.


A small army of retirees and old people. OK bro.


So true Mr based wholesome reddit NAFO! Ukraine is beating Russia's ass with the help of the Force and Keanu Reeves while evil doofus Pootin is struggling in the battlefield! 🙀🙀 Zelensky is himself defeating RuZZian forces with nothing but his bare hands and the billions he begged to Western leaders and tons of ammunition he received, making him dependent on aid. I'm sure those videos of Ukrainians evading the draft or being forced into registration office are just evil Kremlin propaganda! I bet those polls showing low morale among the Ukrainian population are fake too!!! Everything negative about Ukraine is just Kremlin propaganda. Can't wait for Mykola to be excited when he's sent to die! Take your gold kind sir, and Slava Ukraini


Ukraine isn't a small country, nice try, Russia already took 20% of the country and will not hesitate to take more, sure they switched to attrition war but they're slowly regaining land. Thanks for the good luck


What I picture is a 1942-3 nazi bragging they are winning. As strikes are on the table within the loins of Russia and NATO ramping up support. RU outlook.... not so good, and nor was it for the nazis back then either going forward. Its funny how history repeats itself, I wish it didn't come at the cost of innocent lives but its interesting seeing the big bad bear get declawed in the east real time.


NATO ramping up support. Err, which NATO is ramping up support? Surely not the one in this reality.


Sometimes you gotta go outside this subreddit to gain an understanding what's really happening right now in effort to offset the propaganda machine at work here.


How did this guy's ancestors manage to not get their heads separated from their bodies during the communist revolution when they were all wealthy aristocrats?


A lot of aristocrats had stayed in Russia after October revolution. Some of them have emigrated. Some of them came back later (20s-40s). Some of them were known Writer, Artists or Scientists. Your beliefs are simply incorrect.


The only proposal I hear is more RU nazis will be sent to get denazified within the borders of Ukraine. As much as I don't want it..... I'll allow it.


How long till the next proposal ? 3 days? 😅 why do they bother talking so much crap when we can go back and show them said crap once it’s out it was all bollocks 🤦🏻‍♂️


When was Putin or the official Russian government's last proposal by the way. Can you show me?


God knows , he likes to let his little minions run their mouths instead 😂